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How many parts of speech are there? What are the parts of speech?

A noun is a part of speech that denotes an object and answers the questions: who? What? (person, book). They differ by gender and vary by cases and numbers. There are animate (worker) and inanimate (TVs).


An adjective is a part of speech that denotes an attribute of an object and answers the questions: which one? which? which? which? Changes by gender, number and case. It differs from the sacrament in that it has no signs of voice, aspect or tense.

  • Qualitative adjectives denote an unrelated property of the object itself, which can manifest itself with different intensities: white, fast, old. They have short forms and degrees of comparison: white, faster, oldest, oldest.
  • Relative adjectives denote a property of an object through its relationship to another object or action: door, iron, inflatable, measuring.
  • Possessive adjectives indicate who owns the object they define: fathers, sisters, foxes.


Numeral is a part of speech that means:

  • number of items; answers the question how much? (Cardinal numbers): two, fourteen, one hundred twenty-five;
  • order of objects when counting; answers the question which? (ordinals): second, fourteenth, one hundred and twenty-fifth;
  • Among the cardinal numerals, a group of collective numerals stands out, denoting the number of objects as one whole: two, three, four, five, six, seven, nine, ten, both, both.


A pronoun is a part of speech that indicates a person, object or sign, but does not name them. Pronouns are divided into:

  • Personal: I, we, you, you, he, she, it, they.
  • Reflexive: yourself.
  • Possessives: mine, ours, yours, yours, yours.
  • Interrogative-relative: who, what, which, which, which, whose, how many.
  • Demonstratives: this, that, such, such, so much.
  • Determinatives: himself, most, all (all, everything, all), everyone, each, any, other.
  • Negative: no one, nothing, no, no one's, no one, no one, nothing.
  • Indefinite: someone, something, some, some, several, someone, something, some, any, something, etc.


A verb is a part of speech that denotes an action or state and answers the questions: what to do? what is he doing? what did you do? what will it do? It has signs of aspect, voice, person, number, tense, mood and gender (in the past tense, in the subjunctive mood).

Verb forms:

  • An infinitive is an indefinite form of a verb without signs of person, number, tense, voice, mood or gender: run, sleep, read.
  • A participle is an unconjugated verb form that denotes an action or state as a sign of an object that can change over time. Changes by gender, number and case; has signs of voice, aspect and tense - this differs from an adjective.
  • The active participle denotes an action that is performed by the bearer of the attribute: a reading student, a blossoming garden.
  • The passive participle denotes a sign that arose as a result of the influence of someone (something) on ​​the bearer of the sign: a thrown stone, wind-driven leaves.
  • A gerund is an unchangeable form of a verb that denotes an action as a sign of another action, for example: spoke, looking into the eyes; exhausted, sat down on the bench. It differs from the sacrament in that it does not change; has signs of type and voice.


An adverb is an independent part of Russian speech, denoting a sign of an action, a sign of an object or a sign of another sign: gradually, competently, childishly, joyfully. The question that an adverb answers depends on what meaning it has. Most often, adverbs answer the questions: how? Where? Where? to what extent? where? When? For what? Why?

An adverb is an unchangeable part of speech. It cannot be declined, conjugated or otherwise coordinated with other words. Based on this, the adverb does not and cannot have an ending.


A preposition is an auxiliary part of our speech that expresses semantic connections between nouns, numerals and pronouns and other words in sentences or phrases: went to school, climbed a mountain, ran down the street, approached my father.

Prepositions in the Russian language, like other auxiliary parts of speech, do not change and always remain in the form in which they exist: in the middle, in half, on, with. Also, prepositions are not members of a sentence, but when parsing a sentence syntactically, prepositions are emphasized together with the member of the sentence to which they relate: After a short hesitation, the animal came up to me (after hesitation - circumstance, to me - circumstance).

Prepositions, conjunctions and particles are auxiliary (non-independent) parts of speech. Despite this, they have their own classification and are divided into certain types.


A conjunction is an auxiliary unchangeable part of speech that connects members of a sentence and/or parts of a complex sentence (to be distinguished from prepositions that connect not syntactic units, but words).

  1. Coordinating conjunctions: and, yes, a, but, or, either, too, also.
  2. Subordinating conjunctions: when, before, while, that, so that, how, since, because, thanks to that, so, as if, as if, if, once, although, despite the fact that, in order to, not only ... but also..., not so much... as... etc.


Particles are function words that add additional semantic or emotional nuances to sentences and individual words: no, not, any, -something, -that, -those, -sya (s), -ka, -de, but, whether, would, happened, yes, let, let, even, really, only , almost, only, at least, really, really, give, know, come on, well, they say, after all, well, as if, as if, exactly, as if, like, supposedly, tea, perhaps, maybe, just, exactly, almost, almost, or something, etc.


A connective is a function word torn away from the paradigm of a pronoun or verb. Its functions include indicating the syntactic relationships between the components of a sentence. Connectives include the words this, the phrase this is, there are (and other forms of the verb to be), conjugated forms of the verbs to appear, to appear, to mean, to mean, to be called. Connectives are often omitted, and a dash is placed in their place in the sentence: Automobile– [is] not a luxury, but a means of transportation.

A connective is also considered a component of the universal logical structure of a sentence-judgment, expressing a predicative relationship between the subject and the attribute that characterizes it and forming a predicate together with the attribute; 2) a component of a compound nominal predicate expressing it grammatical meanings(tense, person, modality, etc.) and usually represented by the verb “to be” or its lexicalized equivalents - semi-linked verbs.

Modern classification parts of speech in Russian is fundamentally traditional and is based on the doctrine of the eight parts of speech in ancient grammars.

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    In the “Russian Grammar” of 1755, Mikhail Lomonosov identified two main, or significant parts of speech: noun and verb, and six auxiliary parts of speech: pronoun, participle, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection.

    The course “Comparative Linguistics” by Philip Fortunatov (1901-1902) did not have the traditional division of words into parts of speech, and grammatical categories are distinguished there according to formal characteristics:

    • full words: verbs, nouns, adjectives, infinitive, adverb, which are divided into conjugated, inflected and indeclinable;
    • partial words;
    • Interjections stand alone.

    Alexander Peshkovsky’s scheme is close to Fortunatov’s: the verb, noun, adjective, participle, adverb, gerund and infinitive are distinguished. Peshkovsky does not distinguish pronouns and numerals into independent parts of speech; function words are considered only in syntactic terms.

    Alexey Shakhmatov connected the doctrine of parts of speech with syntax and identified 14 parts of speech:

    • nominative: noun, adjective, verb and non-pronominal and non-numeral adverbs;
    • non-nominal: numeral, pronominal nouns, pronominal adjectives, pronominal adverbs;
    • auxiliary: preposition, connective, conjunction, prefix, particle;
    • separate interjection.

    In Vasily Bogoroditsky's classification, semantic and syntactic features prevail over morphological ones. Words with an independent meaning are highlighted: noun, verb, personal pronoun; words with a lesser degree of independence: adjectives, numerals, demonstrative pronouns, participles, adverbs, gerunds; words without their own meaning: prepositions and conjunctions; Interjections are highlighted separately.

    Lev Shcherba distinguished significant words: nouns, adjectives, adverbs, quantitative words, state category, verb; function words: connectives, prepositions, conjunctions; and interjections.

    In the works of Viktor Vinogradov, parts of speech are highlighted as follows: noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun - in a state of decomposition, verb, adverb, category of state. In addition to them, Vinogradov defined particles of speech: particles in the proper sense, connective particles, prepositions, conjunctions; modal words; interjections.

    The article “On parts of speech in the Russian language” by Mikhail Panov (1960) contained a division into:

    • nouns, verb, gerund, adjectives and adverbs;
    • numerals and pronouns are distributed among other parts of speech;
    • particles of speech and interjections that are outside the system of parts of speech.

    Considered as a type of adjective.

    “The Experience of Historical Grammar” by F. I. Buslaev (1858)

    The same number of parts of speech and their division into:

    • significant (independent): noun, adjective and verb, with the exception of the auxiliary, which is classified as function words;
    • auxiliary: pronoun, numeral, preposition, conjunction and adverb. An interjection has also been added to them.
    “From notes on Russian grammar” by A. A. Potebnya (1874)
    • To the significant parts (“ lexical words"") the author includes a verb, a noun, an adjective and an adverb;
    • to service (“formal words”): conjunctions, prepositions, particles and auxiliary verbs;
    • pronouns are considered separately.
    Course “Comparative Linguistics” by F. F. Fortunatov (1901-1902)

    There is no traditional division of words into parts of speech and grammatical categories are distinguished according to formal characteristics:

    • full words: verbs, nouns, adjectives, infinitive, adverb, which are divided into conjugated, inflected and indeclinable;
    • partial words;
    • Interjections stand alone.
    Scheme of A. M. Peshkovsky

    Close to Fortunatovskaya:

    • the verb, noun, adjective, participle, adverb, gerund and infinitive are distinguished.
    • Peshkovsky does not distinguish pronouns and numerals into independent parts of speech,
    • function words are considered only in syntactic terms.
    Scheme by A. A. Shakhmatov

    Shakhmatov connected the doctrine of parts of speech with syntax and identified 14 parts of speech:

    • nominative: noun, adjective, verb and non-pronominal and non-numeral adverbs;
    • non-nominal: numeral, pronominal nouns, pronominal adjectives, pronominal adverbs;
    • auxiliary: preposition, connective, conjunction, prefix, particle;
    • separate interjection.
    Classification by V. A. Bogoroditsky

    Semantic and syntactic features prevail over morphological ones. Stand out:

    • words with an independent meaning: noun, verb, personal pronoun;
    • words with a lesser degree of independence: adjectives, numerals, demonstrative pronouns, participles, adverbs, gerunds;
    • words without their own meaning: prepositions and conjunctions;
    • interjections.
    Scheme by L.V. Shcherba
    • Significant words: nouns, adjectives, adverbs, quantitative words, state category, verb;
    • function words: connectives, prepositions, conjunctions;
    • interjections.
    Classification by V.V. Vinogradov
    • Parts of speech: noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun - in a state of decomposition, verb, adverb, category of state;
    • particles of speech: particles in the proper sense, connective particles, prepositions, conjunctions;
    • modal words;
    • interjections.
    Article “On parts of speech in the Russian language” by M. V. Panov (1960)
    • nouns, verb, gerund, adjectives and adverbs;
    • numerals and pronouns are distributed among other parts of speech;
    • Outside the parts of speech system there are particles of speech and interjections.

    Parts of speech distinguished in modern Russian language

    • Independent parts of speech
    • Functional parts of speech


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      See what “Parts of speech in Russian” are in other dictionaries: Parts of speech in Thai

      - are distinguished by non-morphological criteria and the term “parts of speech” itself is understood as the functions of words in a sentence (thai. nathikongkham). The main criteria are the presence of a paradigm of forms inherent in words of a certain part of speech, grammatical ... ... Wikipedia Parts of speech

      - Part of speech (calque from Latin pars orationis) is a category of words in a language, determined by morphological and syntactic features. In the languages ​​of the world, first of all, the name is contrasted (which can be further divided into a noun, adjective, etc.... Wikipedia parts of speech - Basic lexical and grammatical categories into which the words of the language are distributed based on the following characteristics: a) semantic (generalized meaning of an object, action or state, quality, etc.), b) morphological (morphological categories... ...

      Dictionary of linguistic terms PARTS OF SPEECH - the main classes of words in grammar, distinguished by the presence of a common categorical meaning, a unified system of grammatical categories, special types of inflection, form and word formation, and common syntactic functions. In russian language… …

      - are distinguished by non-morphological criteria and the term “parts of speech” itself is understood as the functions of words in a sentence (thai. nathikongkham). The main criteria are the presence of a paradigm of forms inherent in words of a certain part of speech, grammatical ... ... Wikipedia Big Encyclopedic Dictionary - PARTS OF SPEECH, classes of words in a language, distinguished by the presence of a common categorical meaning (for example, objectivity in a noun, process in a verb), a unified system of grammatical categories, special types of inflection, form and... ...

      - are distinguished by non-morphological criteria and the term “parts of speech” itself is understood as the functions of words in a sentence (thai. nathikongkham). The main criteria are the presence of a paradigm of forms inherent in words of a certain part of speech, grammatical ... ... Wikipedia Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary - Parts of speech are classes of words in a language, distinguished on the basis of the commonality of their syntactic (see Syntax), morphological (see Morphology) and semantic (see Semantics) properties. Significant Ch. r. differ. (noun, verb, adjective...

      - Part of speech (calque from Latin pars orationis) is a category of words in a language, determined by morphological and syntactic features. In the languages ​​of the world, first of all, the name is contrasted (which can be further divided into a noun, adjective, etc.... Wikipedia Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary - the main classes of words in a language, distinguished by the presence of a common categorical meaning, a unified system of grammatical categories, special types of inflection, form and word formation, and common syntactic functions. In the Russian language they distinguish... ...

      - are distinguished by non-morphological criteria and the term “parts of speech” itself is understood as the functions of words in a sentence (thai. nathikongkham). The main criteria are the presence of a paradigm of forms inherent in words of a certain part of speech, grammatical ... ... Wikipedia- the main classes of words in a language, distinguished on the basis of the similarity of their syntactic (see Syntax), morphological (see Morphology) and logical-semantic (see Semantics) properties. Significant Ch. r. differ. (noun, verb,... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

      - Part of speech (calque from Latin pars orationis) is a category of words in a language, determined by morphological and syntactic features. In the languages ​​of the world, first of all, the name is contrasted (which can be further divided into a noun, adjective, etc.... Wikipedia- Central morphological category, according to which all words are distributed into grammatical classes (parts of speech). Words belonging to the same part of speech have: 1) the same general categorical (part-particular) meaning -... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

      Noun in Russian- is a separate part of speech, denoting an object and having a developed morphology, inherited mainly from the Proto-Slavic language. Contents 1 Categories 1.1 Number 1.2 Pa ... Wikipedia


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    Parts of speech are groups of words united on the basis of common features. The features on the basis of which words are divided into parts of speech are not uniform for different groups of words.

    According to their role in language, parts of speech are divided into independent and auxiliary.

    Independent words can be divided into significant and pronominal. Significant words name objects, signs, actions, relationships, quantity, and pronominal words indicate objects, signs, actions, relationships, quantity, without naming them and being substitutes for significant words in a sentence (cf.: table - he, convenient - like that, easy - like that, five - how many). Pronominal words form a separate part of speech - a pronoun.

    Significant words are divided into parts of speech taking into account the following characteristics:

    1) generalized meaning;

    2) morphological characteristics;

    3) syntactic behavior (syntactic functions and syntactic connections).

    There are at least five significant parts of speech: noun, adjective, numeral (group of nouns), adverb and verb.

    Thus, parts of speech are lexico-grammatical classes of words, i.e. classes of words identified taking into account their generalized meaning, morphological characteristics and syntactic behavior.

    There are 10 parts of speech, combined into three groups:

    1. Independent parts of speech: noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun, verb, adverb.

    2. Functional parts of speech: preposition, conjunction, particle.

    3. Interjection.

    Modern Russian language has a large number of morphological variant forms. Some of them have established themselves in literary language, are recognized as normative, while others are perceived as speech errors. Form variations may be related to different meanings words. Also, variant forms may differ in stylistic coloring. Variants of forms associated with the categories of gender and number can also be stylistically colored.

    Morphology - (Greek “morphe” - form, “logos” - science, word) - a section of grammar in which words are studied as parts of speech. This means learning the common meanings and variations of words. Words can change by gender, number, case, person, etc. For example, a noun denotes an object and changes according to numbers and cases, an adjective denotes a characteristic of an object and changes according to gender, number and cases. But, there are words that do not change, for example, prepositions, conjunctions and adverbs.

    In speech, independent and function words perform different jobs. In a sentence, independent words, naming objects, their characteristics, actions, etc., act as members of the sentence, and auxiliary words most often serve to communicate independent words.


    A noun is an independent significant part of speech, combining words that:

    1) have a generalized meaning of objectivity and answer the questions who? or what?;

    2) are proper or common nouns, animate or inanimate, have a constant gender sign and inconsistent (for most nouns) number and case signs;

    3) in a sentence they most often act as subjects or objects, but can be any other members of the sentence.

    A noun is a part of speech, when highlighted, the grammatical features of words come to the fore. As for the meaning of nouns, this is the only part of speech that can mean anything: an object (table), a person (boy), an animal (cow), a sign (depth), an abstract concept (conscience), an action (singing) , relation (equality). From the point of view of meaning, these words are united by the fact that they can be asked the question who? or what?; This, in fact, is their objectivity.


    An adjective is an independent significant part of speech that combines words that:

    1) indicate a non-procedural feature of the subject and answer the questions which?, whose?;

    2) change according to gender, number and cases, and some - according to completeness/brevity and degrees of comparison;

    3) in a sentence they are definitions or the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.

    Adjectives depend on nouns, so questions on adjectives are asked from nouns. Adjectives help us select the desired item from many identical items. Our speech without adjectives would be like a picture painted with gray paint. Adjectives make our speech more precise and figurative, as they allow us to show various characteristics of an object.


    A numeral is an independent significant part of speech that combines words that denote numbers, the number of objects or the order of objects when counting and answer the question how many? or which one?.

    The numeral is a part of speech into which words are combined based on the commonality of their meaning - their relationship to number. The grammatical features of numerals are heterogeneous and depend on which category of meaning the numeral belongs to.

    Words with number meanings play an important role in people's lives. Numbers measure the number of objects, distance, time, size of objects, their weight, cost. In writing, number words are often replaced by numbers. In the documents, it is necessary that the amount be written in words, and not just in numbers.

    Pronoun as part of speech

    A pronoun is an independent non-nominal part of speech that indicates objects, signs or quantities, but does not name them.

    The grammatical features of pronouns are different and depend on which part of speech the pronoun is a substitute for in the text.

    Pronouns are classified according to meaning and grammatical characteristics.

    Pronouns are used in speech instead of nouns, adjectives, numerals and adverbs. Pronouns help to combine sentences into a coherent text and avoid repetition of the same words in speech.

    An adverb is an independent part of speech that denotes a sign of an action, attribute, state, or rarely an object. Adverbs are unchangeable (with the exception of qualitative adverbs in -о/-е) and are adjacent to a verb, adjective, or another adverb (run quickly, very fast, very quickly). In a sentence, an adverb is usually an adverb.

    In rare cases, an adverb can be adjacent to a noun: running a race (the noun has the meaning of action), a soft-boiled egg, Warsaw-style coffee. In these cases, the adverb acts as an inconsistent definition.

    The classification of adverbs is carried out on two grounds - by function and by meaning.

    A verb is an independent significant part of speech, denoting an action (read), a state (to be sick), a property (to limp), an attitude (to be equal), a sign (to turn white).

    The grammatical features of the verb are heterogeneous among different groups of verb forms. The verb word combines: an indefinite form (infinitive), conjugated (personal and impersonal) forms, inconjugated forms - participles and participles.

    Speech verbs are very important because they allow us to name various actions.


    The participle as a morphological phenomenon is interpreted ambiguously in linguistics. In some linguistic descriptions, the participle is considered independent part speech, in others - a special form of the verb.

    A participle denotes an attribute of an object by action and combines the properties of an adjective and a verb. IN oral speech participles are used less frequently than in writing.


    Like the participle, the gerund can be considered as an independent part of speech or as special shape verb.

    A gerund is a special form of a verb that has the following characteristics:

    1. Denotes an additional action, answers the questions: what are you doing? or having done what?

    2. Has the grammatical features of a verb and an adverb.

    Functional parts of speech

    Functional parts of speech are those that, without independent parts of speech, cannot form a sentence and serve to connect independent units or to express additional shades of meaning.

    A preposition is an auxiliary part of speech that serves to connect a noun, pronoun and numeral with other words in a phrase. Prepositions can denote the relationship between an action and an object (look at the sky), an object and an object (a boat with a sail), a sign and an object (ready to sacrifice).

    Prepositions do not change and are not independent parts of a sentence.

    By connecting independent words with each other, prepositions express, together with the endings of independent words, different semantic meanings.

    A conjunction is a service part of speech that serves to connect homogeneous members of a sentence, parts of a complex sentence, as well as individual sentences in the text.

    Unions do not change and are not members of the sentence.

    A particle is an auxiliary part of speech that serves to express shades of meaning of words, phrases, sentences and to form word forms.

    In accordance with this, particles are usually divided into two categories - semantic and formative.

    Particles do not change and are not members of the sentence.


    An interjection is a special part of speech that does not belong to either the independent group or the auxiliary group.

    An interjection is a part of speech that combines words that express feelings, encourage action, or are formulas for verbal communication (speech etiquette).

    In modern Russian there are 12 parts of speech: noun, adjective, numeral, pronoun, adverb, verb, participle, gerund, preposition, conjunction, particle, interjection. Participle and gerund are special forms of the verb.

    Parts of speech are divided into independent, auxiliary, and interjections. In the Russian language there are also words that do not belong to any part of speech: the words “yes” and “no”, modal words, onomatopoeic words. Modal words express the attitude of a statement to reality: undoubtedly, true, fact, certainly, perhaps, probably, maybe, perhaps, tea, it seems, probably and others. They usually act as introductory words. These are unchangeable words, are not connected with other words in the sentence, and therefore are not members of the sentence.

    Note. Many scientists do not consider the participle and the gerund as separate parts of speech and refer them to the verb group. According to such scientists, there are 10 parts of speech in the Russian language. In a number school programs(for example, in the textbook by T.A. Ladyzhenskaya) another part of speech is distinguished: the category of state. Use the material in this article taking into account your school curriculum.

    Parts of speech diagram

    Independent parts of speech are divided into changeable (inflected or conjugated) and unchangeable. Let's show the parts of speech of the Russian language in the diagram:

    Parts of speech table

    Part of speech is characterized by: 1) general meaning, 2) morphological features, 3) syntactic role. Morphological characteristics can be constant or variable. Unchangeable independent parts of speech, auxiliary parts of speech, and interjections have only constant morphological characteristics. Independent parts of speech are members of sentences, auxiliary parts of speech and interjections are not. From the point of view of these characteristics, consider the parts of speech of the Russian language:

    The pages of independent and auxiliary parts of speech contain tables with a detailed and comparative description of meanings, morphological features and syntactic role parts of speech. We will show a generalized table of meanings and morphological features of all parts of speech of the Russian language.

    Morphological characteristicsSyntactic role
    Noun - object (primary meaning)

    Constant signs: proper or common noun, animate or inanimate, gender, declension.
    Inconstant signs: case, number.
    Subject, object, inconsistent definition, circumstance, application, nominal part of a compound predicate.
    Adjective - a sign of an object
    The initial form is the nominative case, singular, masculine
    Constant signs: qualitative, relative or possessive.
    Variable signs: comparative and superlative(for qualitative), full or short (for qualitative), case, number, gender (singular).
    Definition, nominal part of a compound predicate, predicate (in short form).
    Numeral - the number or order of objects when counting
    The initial form is the nominative case.
    Constant features: simple or composite, quantitative or ordinal, whole, fractional or collective.
    Non-constant features: case, number (if any), gender (if any)
    Quantitative - any member of a sentence. Ordinal - definition, nominal part of a compound predicate.
    Pronoun - indicates objects, signs or quantities, but does not name them
    The initial form is nominative case, singular.
    Constant features: category (personal, reflexive, interrogative, relative, indefinite, negative, possessive, demonstrative, attributive), person (for personal pronouns).
    Non-constant features: case, number (if any), gender (if any).
    Subject, definition, complement, circumstance.
    Verb - action or state of an object
    The initial form is the indefinite form (infinitive).
    Constant features: aspect, conjugation, transitivity.
    Variable signs: mood, number, tense, person, gender.
    An infinitive is any part of a sentence. Personal forms - predicate.
    Participle - a sign of an object by action
    The initial form is nominative case, singular, masculine.
    Constant signs: active or passive, tense, aspect.
    Variable signs: complete or short form(for passives), case (in full form), number, gender.
    Short passives are the nominal part of a compound predicate.
    Participle - an additional action with the main action expressed by a verb
    The initial form is the indefinite form of the verb.
    Constant features: unchangeable form, perfect and imperfect form, transitivity*, recurrence*.
    * In a number of school programs, signs of transition and return are not considered.
    Adverb - a sign of the action of an object or other sign
    Groups by meaning: adverbs of place, time, manner of action, measure and degree, reason, purpose.
    Degrees of comparison: comparative and superlative (if any).
    Preposition - expresses the dependence of a noun, numeral and pronoun on other words
    Union - connects homogeneous members as part of a simple sentence and simple sentences as part of a complex
    Immutability. Coordinating and subordinating. They are not members of the proposal.
    Particle - adds different shades of meaning to a sentence or serves to form word forms
    Immutability. Formative, negative and modal. They are not members of the proposal.
    Interjection - expresses, but does not name, various feelings and motives
    Immutability. Derivatives and non-derivatives. They are not members of the proposal.

    Presentation materials

    Materials on parts of speech for preparing presentations for students in grades 5-7. Click on the desired picture - it will open in a separate tab, press CTRL+S on your computer or select the save icon on mobile device to save the picture.
    Pictures with the diagram.



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