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Lesson in Russian on the topic “The purpose of unions in speech. The use of unions in sentences with homogeneous members, in complex sentences and for linking parts of the text. All the most valuable: the most expensive and rare substances on Earth Pollution of waterways in

Genzel Olga, 2nd grade student, Secondary School No. 164, Yekaterinburg.

Our land is rich. People found in it deposits of iron, copper, gold, coal, oil. They have no price. And yet the most valuable thing on Earth is the earth, the soil.

The land is said to be fertile. She will give birth to fruits - rye, wheat, potatoes, berries, fruits.

Everything that grows and lives on Earth must soil- a thin layer that covers barren soil. Green sprouts are born in it from seeds, it feeds and waters the whole vast plant world.



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Our land is rich. People extract iron, copper, gold, coal, oil in it. They have no price. And yet the most valuable thing on Earth is the earth, the soil. Everything that grows and lives on Earth is due to the soil - a thin layer that covers barren soil. Green sprouts are born in it from seeds, it feeds and waters the whole vast plant world.

The relevance of the work lies in finding interesting and unusual nearby, in what is available for observation and study, does not require much effort and cost. For example, earth or otherwise soil. Object of study: soils of different composition. The purpose of the study: to study the influence of soil composition on plant growth. The practical significance of the research is that it can be used in the lessons of the surrounding world, in extracurricular activities, it will draw attention to the need to respect the soil of the native land.

Soil is the top fertile layer of the earth. It takes 300 years until 1 cm of such a layer appears. How long, carefully, nature works to create the soil! Why is the soil fertile? Probably, it contains what plants need for life. How do plants perform in different soil compositions? Under what conditions do plants develop better, more actively? To follow the growth of plants, I conducted experiments. Prepared for the experiment the soil of different types and seeds of beans, oats, peas, wheat, three bulbs.

Beans, oats, wheat and onions were planted in the soil with mineral fertilizers. Peas and wheat were planted in soil with a high sand content. The bulb was placed in water and in clay soil. Peas and oats were planted in the soil collected in the yard near the house.

The results of the experiment in a week Ogorodik grows up. In the soil rich in fertilizers, the shoots are thicker and higher than in the soil from the yard. Bean seeds germinated well in soil rich in mineral fertilizers, but only one bean seed germinated in clay and it grows more slowly than in the ground.

In the soil, the onion sprouted faster than the rest, the feathers are strong, juicy. And the bow feels good in the water. But in clay soil, the onion lies, does not germinate at all. Peas gave friendly shoots in sandy soil. The soil from the yard is unfavorable for pea seeds.

Wheat preferred soil with a high content of sand, loose, porous. It is good for plant roots. Shoots are friendly, juicy stems. In soil rich in mineral salts, wheat grows worse. In heavy clay soil, oats pull stunted shoots towards the sun.

11 days from the beginning of the experiment Peas grow together in sandy soil, in the soil collected in the yard, it grows poorly, barely sprouts. The bulb in the soil continues to lead. The onion feels good in the water. The third bulb does not want to accept clay soil at all. Oats grow equally actively in soil of different composition. The stems of the shoots are slightly longer, the overgrown root system in the soil with fertilizer. Wheat grows well in soil with a high sand content.

Experimental results after 30 days Oats in fertilized soil still "overtook" by 2 cm their counterparts growing in soil without fertilizers. But the ends of the shoots turned yellow, which means that the plants lacked moisture and nutrients. The beans, which grew in fertilized loose soil, already have 4-5 true leaves. Stem length 55cm. The beans that grew in the clay had only 1 true leaf. The second seed has just sprouted. Peas grow well in sandy soil after a month. In the ground from the yard - stunted stems of plants. An onion in the ground, compared to a plant in water, has denser, stronger leaves. A bulb has sprouted in clay soil, but grows very slowly. The oats dried up and disappeared.

results of experiments With a closer study of the soil with the help of observations and experiments, I came to the following conclusions: - the composition of the soil includes: air, water, mineral salts, humus, sand and clay; - the composition of the soil affects the growth of plants; - under favorable conditions, plants give friendly shoots, grow well and quickly; - plants need soil of different composition: some grow well in chernozem soil, others in sandy; - all plants need water and air contained in the soil; - under adverse conditions, improper selection of soil, conditions of detention, plants weaken, and sometimes die. As a result of the research work, I consider that observations were made of the growth of plants in soils of different composition.


Everyone knows that diamonds are precious creations of nature and women love them. Many people know that platinum is more expensive than gold. But what about painite, taaffeite, which are a million times rarer than diamond, what about tritium?
We offer you a list of the most expensive substances, both natural and synthetic.


$45 per gram

Rhodium is one of the rarest metals of the Earth, the platinum group. It does not occur in minerals in nature, only in the form of a simple compound in nickel and platinum ores. In Russia, there is a unique ore discovered near Nevyansk - nevyanskite - it has the highest content of rhodium - up to 11 percent or more. The price of rhodium is highly dependent on the state of the automotive industry - this is where it is most used in catalytic filters - exhaust converters, so now it is relatively low. Peak values ​​reached 200 dollars per gram. Rhodium is also used to make mirrors for high power lasers, gratings for spectrometers, and in other unique and rare processes and industries.


$48 per gram

This metal was brought to Europe by the conquistadors, and in its name there is the root of the word "silver" (plata). It had been known to the Incas for hundreds of years before. The metal is very rare, and even in its purest form it is always mined with 20-30% impurities. Interestingly, at the beginning, platinum was much cheaper than gold, and was used for jewelry fakes as an alloy with gold. And now, due to its high density and unique chemical properties, it is in great demand in high-tech production as a catalyst, as a compound in cancer drugs, as a laboratory metal, etc., so its price is invariably high. By the way, 90% of platinum is mined by five countries of the world: Russia, the USA, China, South Africa and Zimbabwe.


$4,000 per gram

Plutonium is the main radioactive metal used in the nuclear industry: military, space, energy. With the help of plutonium, the next more active radionuclides are synthesized. Most industrial plutonium is synthesized. This metal was named in 1940 after the planet Pluto, which was discovered 10 years earlier. The logic of Glenn Seaborg, one of the discoverers of plutonium, was such that the 92nd element of the chemical table is uranium, the 93rd was named neptunium, so let the 94th be named after the third planet from Uranus - Pluto.


From 2500 to 20,000 per gram, depending on the quality of the stone

Gemologist with Austrian-Irish roots, Count Richard Taaffe in November 1945 discovered an unusual stone in the surveyed batch of cut stones. He sent it to a laboratory in London, and so a new mineral was discovered - an intermediate between spinel and chrysoberyl. The first finds were all fiery, and in nature the stone was found later in Sri Lanka and China. This stone is a million times rarer than a diamond and is only used as a gem.


$30,000 per gram

It is a superheavy radioactive isotope of hydrogen. In nature, it appears in the upper atmosphere when the nuclei of atoms are exposed to cosmic radiation. In Russia, tritium is produced at the Mayak plant. Tritium is used for the purposes of nuclear energy and military atom, but not only. It is especially in demand in the USA. They make self-luminous "Exit" signs in movie theaters and other public buildings using tritium. There are over two million of these.


A pure carat diamond can cost $65,000 per gram.

This cubic allotropic form of carbon, whose name translates from Greek as "indestructible", has the highest density among minerals, and therefore is used in a huge number of industrial processes. There is no need to talk about the use of a diamond as an ornament.


$300,000 per gram

The rarest mineral in the world, listed for this in the Guinness Book of Records and nowhere for the same reason is not used. All known crystals found, and there are no more than 30 of them, are in private collections, as well as in the British Museum of Natural History, the California Institute of Technology and the Gemstone Research Laboratory in Lucerne. Recently, another painite was found in Myanmar, but it is no longer pure. There are hopes that other crystals will be in that deposit.


252 $27,000,000 per gram

This radioactive volatile chemical element was obtained at the University of California, which is why it was called so. It is used in radiation therapy of tumors. And also for various complex chemical tasks, such as neutron activation analysis, which determines the concentration of elements in a sample.


$100 trillion per gram

It has not yet been properly received, but experts have already calculated its price. Physicists have discovered the existence of antimatter, but they will not understand why it is nowhere to be found. The absence of antimatter in nature is one of the philosophical problems of physics. Scientists say that the interaction of a kilogram of matter and a kilogram of antimatter will release approximately the same amount of energy as the explosion of a 26.5-ton, the largest nuclear bomb tested on the planet, and then the super-tasks of physics, which are now studied only in theory, can be solved. due to lack of energy. Now antimatter is produced only in primary experiments. The production of a milligram of positrons at NASA in 2006 cost US$25 million.

Lesson Objectives: 1) systematize knowledge about the union; the formation of the skill of distinguishing between complex sentences and sentences with homogeneous members and the correct spelling of punctuation marks between them; repeat homogeneous parts of the sentence and punctuation marks with them.

2) to help prevent errors in the use of unions,

3) to promote the education of moral qualities: justice, diligence, patriotism.

Lesson type: lesson learning new material.

Equipment: educational complex “Russian language. Theory. 5 - 9 cells. ". V.V. Babaitseva, L.D. Chesnokov; "Russian language. Practice. Grade 7 "/ ed. S.N. Pimenova, Russian language. 7th grade". M.T. Baranov.

Lesson plan

Introductory speech of the teacher

Support repetition (homogeneous members of a sentence, punctuation marks with them, union, homework check)

Communication of new material (conversation, work with a textbook)

Consolidation of the material (exercises Nos. 323, 325)


Lesson summary (summary and conclusions)

During the classes:

Teacher: Guys, today we have a new topic: “The purpose of unions in speech. The use of conjunctions in sentences with homogeneous members, in complex sentences and for linking parts of a text. Write the subject and number in your notebook.

Students write the subject and number in a notebook.

Teacher guys, let's check your homework.

Exercise 335.

The earth must be protected

The most valuable thing on Earth is the earth, the soil. They say about the land - fertile, because it will give birth to fruits: grain of bread and potatoes, apples and bananas. Nothing grows on coal, nor does it grow on iron. Even on a piece of gold, on the most expensive nugget 2, burdock will not grow. Thousands of different plants grow on the earth to give people food, clothing, shelter 1. We cannot live without plants, and plants cannot live without land, that is, without fertile soil. The soil in a thin layer of only a few tens of centimeters covers the 2nd globe. It is this fertile layer on which we walk that gave life to our planet. Therefore, the earth must be protected.

Nugget, covers.

Housing, [residential]

[zh] - consonant, voiced, solid, indicated by the letter zh

[s] - the first vowel sound is close to [s], in an unstressed syllable it is marked with the letter and. the sound does not correspond to "its" letter.

[l] - consonant, voiced, soft, denoted by the letter l.

[j] - consonant, voiced, soft, denoted by the letter ё.

[o] - a vowel sound close to [o], under stress, is indicated by the letter ё.

Students"along the chain" are called simple and compound unions.

Teacher: Guys, let's remember what a union is and what it serves for?

Students: 1. Union is a service part of speech that connects homogeneous members of a sentence, simple sentences in a complex one, as well as sentences in a text. 2. Unions are simple and compound, coordinating and subordinating. Unions are not members of the proposal.

Teacher: And now tell me, please, what are homogeneous members of a sentence and how do they stand out in a letter?

Students: Homogeneous members of a sentence are members of a sentence that answer the same question and are associated with the same word. In writing, homogeneous members of a sentence are separated by commas. Teacher: Right. Guys, homogeneous members of a sentence connected by single connecting or separating unions are not separated by a comma:

ü In Kuskovo, they admired the count's palace, the museum of ceramics, the grotto and numerous sculptures in the park.

ü In the hospital, Lidia Dmitrievna was bored and was always glad when her neighbors, relatives or colleagues visited her.

In the presence of an adversative union, a comma is placed:

ü He recognized Georgy Ivanovich, but did not show it and passed by.

A comma is placed between homogeneous members connected by repeating unions (and-and, no-no, yes-yes, or - or, either, this, not that, not that);

ü And at work, and at home, and at a party, Lyudmila attracted the attention of others.

ü Maria failed to convince her parents, teachers, or friends of her innocence.

If two (but no more) homogeneous members, connected by a repeating union and (but not by any other union), form a close semantic unity and do not have dependent words, then a comma is not placed between them:

ü And day and night, the scientist cat keeps walking around the chain. (A. Pushkin)

A comma is not used in phraseological phrases with repeated conjunctions: this and that, this and that, neither fish nor meat, etc.

ü Ivan Nikiforovich was neither alive nor dead. (N. Gogol)

If there are more than two homogeneous members in the sentence, and the union and (yes, or) is not before each of them, but at least only before two, then a comma is placed between all homogeneous members, including before the first and (yes, or) :

ü Townspeople, merchants, and officials, and gentlemen gathered to watch the solar eclipse.

When combining homogeneous members of a sentence in pairs, a comma is placed between pairs (here the union is not repeated, since it connects words within a pair):

ü The store has a large selection of books on physics and mathematics, geography and biology, literature and art.

If homogeneous members of the sentence are connected by double unions, then a comma is placed only before the second part of such unions.

ü The mother managed to quickly buy not only products for the New Year's table, but also gifts for all the children.

Conjunctions connect simple sentences as part of a complex one, and a comma is placed between simple sentences.

ü It is necessary to get bread, that is, you need to plow, sow, mow, thresh. (A.Chekhov)

ü Try to live in such a way that your hands are clean and your conscience is clear. (N. Chernyshevsky)

Conjunctions also serve to link parts of a text.

ü Mother bear found wild bees in the hollow And fed the cubs with sweet honey. And the cubs also learned to rake ant heaps. They will put their paw into the anthill, lick the ants and launch them again ...

Students write these positions in a notebook.

Teacher: Guys, let's do exercise 323 (according to the textbook by M.T. Baranov).

Students do the exercise: put the missing punctuation marks. Emphasize homogeneous members connected by a union And, and stems of complex sentences, in which simple sentences are connected by a union And. Build schemes of sentences connected by coordinating unions.

Exercise 323.

  1. And all the winds come to me, and spring stands at the window, and all the stars in the night sky, as if your best views.
  2. The moon shone from the high sky, and every blade of grass was visible in the steppe.
  1. Mother stroked the cold skin of the suitcase with her hand, leaned on it and, pleased, began to examine the audience.
  2. In every room, even a very comfortable and ridiculously small one, there is an uninhabited corner.
  3. The door slammed and opened again. People came in and steam rushed in.

Teacher: guys, let's turn to exercise 325. (according to the textbook by M.T. Baranov).

Students perform exercise 325. First, write out complex sentences with coordinating conjunctions, then with subordinating ones. Emphasize the basics of complex sentences, make up their schemes.

Exercise 325.

  1. A great man is only loud in his deeds, and he thinks his thoughts without noise.
  2. I drove to the shore of the flood, and a hut, covered with straw, with a porch, walked towards me, blinking at me with a timidly solitary light.
  3. And the platoons walked, walked and sang, and the dream flew away, and the fatigue disappeared.
  1. I had to spend the night in stacks and in October, when the grass at dawn is covered with hoarfrost, like salt.
  2. While mother was setting the table, father went with us to the sea.

Homework: § 148, exercise 340.

Summing up the lesson: today we remembered what homogeneous members of a sentence are, got acquainted with complex sentences and sentences with homogeneous members, the rules for punctuation between them.

It's no secret that the human body consists of about 70% water and this supply needs to be replenished daily. Life-giving moisture is the basis not only of fluids in our body, but even of bones and internal organs.

Dehydration leads to fatigue, hair and nails become faded and brittle, and the skin becomes thinner.

And in order for the body to continue to function normally, it needs water, not gold or oil, which humanity considers more important and expensive resources.

But if most of us are used to the fact that clean drinking water is always available free of charge or at a low price, then a tenth of the world's population (and this is more than 650 million people) is deprived of access to such an essential liquid.

According to WHO, infections caused by unsanitary conditions and lack of drinking water take the life of one baby every minute.

Take a look at these photographs. They remind everyone how important it is to use water carefully, because it is the only resource without which humanity cannot survive.

1. Dry well in Zimbabwe. And they are still trying to extract at least a little water from it.

2. Water from a lake in Myanmar.

3. Even from the muddy swamps, Kenyan children fetch water so as not to die of thirst.

4. Mexico also has problems with water. These residents have to use dirty water, because there is no clean water nearby.

5. To draw water, any source is suitable. Even on railroad tracks.

6. The quality of water in this Indian village is out of the question.

7. In Nepal, they are trying to use even almost dry wells.

8. Collecting rainwater for drinking in Venezuela.

9. Trying to get water out of a puddle. But this is far from poor South Africa ...

10. Water for washing vegetables and fruits is extracted directly from a dirty river, Bangladesh.

11. Syrian children draw water into the canister directly from the puddle.

12. Attempts to get water from a dry river, Somalia.

13. And such queues line up for water in Nigeria.

14. A dry lake in Paraguay, along with its dead inhabitant.

15. Pollution of waterways in Pakistan.

16. One of the littered rivers in Zhejiang province in China.

17. Dried pond in Cambodia. It will be difficult for this little girl's family to survive without a source of water...

18. Drought in Nicaragua.

19. Canal with water used for industrial purposes, in the slums near Jakarta, Indonesia.

20. Collecting plastic bottles in the Philippines for sale.

21. Large laundry on the Yalu River in North Korea.

22. Campaign for water in Yemen.

23. This is how barrels of drinking water are filled in Peru.

24. Collection of water by refugees in South Sudan.

25. Ethiopian boy drinks water from a polluted pond.

26. An Iraqi girl collects water from a dirty pit.

27. Queue to the only water pipe in Sierra Leone.

28. One of the dirty Chinese rivers in Luoyang County.

29. A thirsty mother with a child, the Republic of Niger.

30. Drought near the capital of Somaliland, the city of Hargeisa.

Photos like this are chilling. These people face a daily lack of drinking water and are forced to suffer from thirst. Moreover, the problem concerns not only residents of underdeveloped countries, after all.

At the same time, we have water in abundance, but we use it uneconomically. We pollute rivers, lakes and ponds. We do not worry about the fact that there are fewer and fewer reservoirs with clean water. How long will we be so careless?

Our land is rich. In the earth's crust, people found huge deposits of iron, copper, coal, and oil. They have no price, these treasures. For example, coal is a fuel, electricity, millions of working machine tools, chemists have learned how to get paints and rubber, explosives and medicine, perfumes and plastics from it. It is impossible to imagine life without coal.

And all the most valuable things on Earth are still land, soil. The land is said to be fertile. She will bear fruit. All that is, grain and potatoes, apples and bananas. Plants give people clothes, housing, that is, everything necessary for life. (M. Lyashenko.)

I will not believe anyone that there are boring places on our Earth that do not give any food to either the eye, or the ear, or the imagination. Only by exploring some piece of our country, you can understand how good it is and how our hearts are attached to every path, even to the timid squeaking of a forest bird (K. Paustovsky.) (133 words)

Instruction. Underline heterogeneous definitions.


1. On the reddish grass, on blades of grass, on straws - countless light threads of autumn cobwebs shone and waved everywhere. (T.) 2. The golden grove dissuaded with a cheerful birch tongue. (Ec.) 3. I prefer to go to the forest, on quiet, cloudy days, even if at times it starts to sow a fine, quiet rain.

It is even more pleasant to go into the forest on an autumn day with a piercing cold wind.

There is nothing to do either on the river or in the field at this time. . . On such a day, you enter the forest as from the street into a warm, cozy house. . . But actually there would be mushrooms. . .

It is joyful in the rain, and in the cold, sharp wind, and in a thunderstorm to return home with a full basket.

But how embarrassing to walk through the whole village, carrying an empty box!

Whenever a hunter, fisherman or mushroom picker returns empty, he is annoyed to meet people who will look into a bucket, bag, basket.

In mid-autumn, at the end of September, in October, sometimes amazing clear weather sets in. Windless. In the morning, cold, burning dew falls on the grass ... (Sol.) (151 words)

I. Rus' has been famous for its skillful builders since ancient times. Russian people skillfully smashed houses and outbuildings, built fortresses and temples. Look at the old wooden houses that have been preserved in our cities and villages. How everything in them is reasonable, durable and beautiful. How much ingenuity, skill and imagination the masters showed when creating them.

Even greater skill was required from the builders in order to build stone structures; in many Russian cities, stone buildings have survived that are worthy of our surprise and admiration. These are fortress walls and towers, and commercial buildings. (D. Likhachev.)

II. Sometimes at night Tchaikovsky heard how, crackling, one floorboard, then another would sing. It was reminiscent of an orchestra before an overture, when the musicians tune their instruments, here and there - either in the attic, or in a small hall, or in a glassed-in hallway - someone touched a string.

Tchaikovsky caught the melody through his sleep, but in the morning he forgot it. He strained his memory and sighed: what a pity that it is impossible now to listen to the uncomplicated song of a dried up tree, windowpanes with crumbled putty, the wind that tapped a branch on the roof. (K. Paustovsky.) (156 words)

Exercise. Name the musical works of P. I. Tchaikovsky. In which city is the composer's museum located?

Starting to work on a sculptural portrait of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, I purchased a series of photographic cards on which the great writer was captured in different years of his life. I was amazed at how different Chekhov the student was from Chekhov the doctor and writer in the period of creative maturity.

For ten years, the face of Anton Chekhov has turned into something so beautiful that any discerning artist will think for a long time before deciding to tell people about this smartest and kindest person in a painting or sculptural portrait. . . Yes, the developing inner world of a person is most decisively reflected in the features of a person, in the expression of his eyes, in his whole appearance, including gait and posture. Studying the same photographs, I fully realized that Chekhov's words: "Everything in a person should be beautiful - face, clothes, soul, and thoughts" is not a common wish for contemporaries and descendants. The ideal was not only outlined in words, it existed in Chekhov himself. (S. Konenkov.) (148 words)

Tasks. 1. Tell us what you know about the sculptor S. Konenkov (see). 2. Pick up photographs of your favorite writer at different periods of his life and tell us how his inner world was reflected in them.

Three hundred years ago, in the small Italian town of Cremona, on Saint Dominic Square, there was an old two-story house. The pavement in front of him was always covered with straw to drown out the sound of passing carriages. In the window of the second floor in the morning, afternoon and evening one could see a tall, thin man in a white leather apron, immersed in work, with a compass or a knife in his hands.

From time to time this man put a violin on his shoulder, ran his bow along the strings, and then amazing sounds poured out of the window: sometimes gentle, sometimes plaintive, sometimes passionate. . . Passers-by respectfully stopped in front of the house and whispered to each other: "Listen, Stradivari has built a new violin."

It was Antonio Stradivari, the greatest violin maker. Raphael of violin skill, as his descendants will call him. He devoted his whole life to violins. He made the first at the age of 13, and the last is dated 1737, the year of Stradivari's death. He was then 93 years old.

About three thousand instruments came out of his workshop, but not two of them were the same. . .

Many masters tried to penetrate the "mystery of Stradivari". They exactly copied his violins, but did not achieve success. Then the legend about "the soul of Stradivari, enclosed in his violins" was born. (According to L. Kafanova.) (178 words)

Tasks. 1. Tell us why Stradivari was called the Raphael of violin craftsmanship. 2. Name the outstanding violinists of our time.


The first day after Pushkin's death was coming to an end, the crowd in front of the Volkonskys' house (the poet's last apartment) noticeably thinned out.

It was this hour that Turgenev was waiting for. A relentless, secret thought took possession of him.

He quickly entered the apartment. There was no one at the poet's coffin, only the old valet Nikita Kozlov stood at the feet of the late master and looked at him intently.

Pushkin, covered up to his chest with funeral brocade, lay lightly and calmly. Curly hair and sideburns sharply set off his pale, haggard face, and especially his lips, on which the last burning resentment seemed to freeze.

Turgenev stood at the coffin for a long time, weeping soundlessly, not wiping his tears.

". . . Here's what, my dear, cut me a lock of Alexander Sergeevich as a keepsake, ”he said in a barely audible voice.

Turgenev carefully hid the precious memory in his pocket and went out into the street.

The blizzard broke out. She howled, moaned, circled around the house, along the embankment, over the frozen Moika ... (According to Y. Gaetsky.) (152 words)

Tasks. 1. Determine how old Turgenev was at that time. 2. Tell us why the author introduced a description of a snowstorm into this story.



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