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How old are you in English translation. How to spell and pronounce in English How old are you? How old are you in English: translation

How to ask how old are you in English?

    I know this phrase back in school, when we talked about ourselves and used it in dialogues. How old are you sounds like Ha old a u. It is written like this: How old are you? Literally - what age are you? How old are you?

    HOW old are you? - How old are you, in my opinion, in English..

    Happy New Year!

    How old are you?

    On English language this phrase will sound like this: How old are you?. Approximately it will look like this: How old and yu?

    It is very easy to remember, in contrast to pure pronunciation, not like that of Vitaly Mutko in his famous speech in English.

    From the school English course we know that the question is: How old are you? will sound in English like How old are you?. There is another way to pronounce this simple question, such as: What is your age?. Either of these two translations of this question would be correct.

    In English, you can ask about age as follows: How old are you?

    You can also use the expression: what is your age? Using these expressions, you can ask about the age of any interlocutor in English.

    How old are you????))))))))))))))) in my opinion

    Learning English begins with this phrase

    You just need to remember this phrase and then you definitely won’t forget it

    How old are you in English? how old are you

    The phrase is not so complicated - write it a couple of times and remember it for sure

    English is an interesting language, and there are a lot of unforeseen difficulties in it; here you cannot construct a question as in traditional Russian, you need to adhere to the standards of this language. That's why in English how old are you will be translated approximately How old are you? How old are you?

    It all depends on the situation. Besides the traditional How old are you, there are other options. After all, this school phrase literally translates to how old you are, and it’s better not to please women of Balzac’s age with such formulations, right? Therefore, if your level of language proficiency allows, you can stun your wonderful interlocutor with the following tirade: Pardon, Miss! Could You be so kind to open a secret of Your age?

    If you ask in English then - How old are you? It will roughly sound like this: How old and yu? If in Russian. Answers are given in this type - I am 16 (sixteen) years old (I am sixteen years old). It will sound something like this: I'm sixty years old. Or it could be simpler: I am 16 (I’m 16, that is, don’t say the word YEARS). Statements are given in this type - You are 15 years old! (You are 15 years old) Yu ar fifty years old! Negations are given according to this type - Im not 15 years old! (I'm not 15 years old) Aim not fiftin years old.

    P.S Sorry for so much text that is not relevant, I just thought it would be useful to you.

    I admit, I myself considered the phrase How old are you? almost the only one of its kind to satisfy curiosity about age. Because that’s what we learned in school, and that’s how we continue to think. But English, like any other language, is very rich and multifaceted.

    Not everyone will have the opportunity to visit an English-speaking country in their entire life, but knowing English is still very useful. ask a person how old he is like this: How old are you? (how old and you)

How many  - How many,How many would be, how many, which of you, how many, how many
how many of you? - how many strong are you?
How many do you need? - how many can you do with?
how many people are there? - how many people are here?

How many people died? - How many lives were lost?
how many people were there? - how many people were there?
how many other brothers do you have? - how many other brothers have you?
how many days was he at school? - how many attendances has he made?
how many stitches are you casting on? - how many stitches do you cast on?
how many windows are there in (this) room? - how many windows has the room?
How many times a day do you feed a dog? - how many feeds a day does a dog get?
how many people came to the meeting? - how many people turned out for the meeting?
how many houses were built this year? - how many houses have gone up this year?
How many days will we have enough food? - how many days will our food last?
How many times has your stomach acted? - how many times did your bowels open?
How many questions need to be answered? - how many questions does one have to answer?
How many pints are there in one gallon? - how many pints go into a gallon?
How many mistakes did the teacher mark (with a bird)? - how many mistakes did the teacher check?
how many people can you seat in this room? - how many people can you seat in this room?
how many guys came/appeared/ for baseball training? - how many boys came out for baseball?
How many subjects did you /did you take/ this semester? - how many subjects did you carry this term?

17 more examplescollapse - how |haʊ| - how, in what way, How many, What
How many? - how much
no matter how much
what is the price? - how much do you charge for?

how much time
how old is he? - how old is he?
how much for a pair? - how much is it per pair?
How much does it cost? - how much is it?
for how long
what percentage? - how much p.c.?
how much did you lose? - how much did you drop?
how much is a pound? - how much is it a pound?
how much should I give you? - how much of it do you want?
how much water do you need? - how much water do you want?
how much does this box weigh? - how heavy is this box?
how much did it cost you? - how much did that knock you back?
how much did you get for the house? - how much did you realize on the house?
how much is still owed to you
how much did you pay for it? - how much did it set you back?
how much did you get for the painting? - how much did the picture fetch?
how much did you pay for me? - how much did you pay on my behalf?
how much will it be in dollars? - how much is it dollarwise?
how long did you travel? - how long were you on the road?
how much did you pay for this item? - how what did you give for the thing?
how much do you charge per package? - how much do you charge for packing?
How old do you think he is? - how old do you take him to be?
how much did they charge you for this? - how much did they rush you for this?
how long will it take you? - how much time do you need?
how much do we cost at this station? - how long do we stop at this station?
it’s not known how long it will last - there’s no knowing how long it will last
a) how much do you bet?; b) how much are you arguing? - how much do you go?

27 more examplescollapse - what |wɑːt| - How many
how many of you are - what is your strength
How old are you? - what is your age?
how much does it cost - what is it worth

so much ado about nothing! - what a fuss about nothing!
how much do these boots cost? - what are these shoes?
how much did they charge you for this? - what were you set back for it?
How much will you charge me? - What will you tax me?
I know what money he paid
What time do you think it is? - What time do you make it?
how much will the repair cost? - what does the cost of repairs run out at?
how much does the travel /ticket/ cost? - what is the fare?
what time is it?, what time is it? - what is the time?, what time is it?
how much do you pay for the apartment? - what do you pay for your apartment?
what part/how much/ do you want? - what quantity do you want?
how much do they charge you for lunch? - what do they stick you for a meal?
how many miles has your car traveled? - what mileage has your car done?
I’ll ask him what he paid
How much do they charge here for full board? - what do they charge for room and board?
what time is it?, what time is it now? - what is the time?
what are your terms?, how much do you charge? - what are your terms?
what salary?, how much (here) do they pay? - what is the pay?
What's the fare; how much is a ticket - what is the fare
how much will shipping and delivery cost? - what will be the charges for freight and delivery?
How far do you think it is from here to the village? - what distance do you make it from here to the village?
What do you think /what do you think/ what time is it? - what time do you take it to be?
How much will it be if twelve is divided in half /by two/? - what is half of twelve?
How long does your German lesson last? - what hour does your German class meet?

24 more examplesexpand - as much as  - How many, because the
- as much as is needful
as much as possible - as much as possible
as much as one can

as much as you like; please - as much as you like
take as much as you want; take as much as one desires
do as much as possible; do as much as one can

3 more examples expand - how long  - how long, how long, how long ago, how long, how long, How many,How many time, what time, what period, until what time, what length, what period

how much is needed - quantum sufficit
in the least measure / bit
eat as much as you like - eat ad lib
as much as you like; quite a few - any number of
how much have you done so far? - where are you in your work?
as much booze as you like - a skinful of drink
how many heads; so many minds - many minds
some months from - month after date
as much food as you can fit - a skinful of food

what the hell?, as much as possible! - for crying out loud!
as much as you like; any amount
until you get bored; as much as you like - until hell freezes over
did you get any sleep? - Did you sleep any?
I've been waiting for God knows how long - I have been waiting a confounded long time
How much do you think it weighs? - can you guess his weight?
did you earn any money? -Have you got any brass on you?
we waited God knows how long (time) - we waited a dreadful time
keep the book for a month  - to keep the book for a month
he was less hurt than frightened
how much do I owe you?, how much does it cost? - what’s the figure?
he got no more than his due
if you doubt at all - if you hesitate at all
Well, go ahead, shout as much as you want, I won’t come - go on, call away!

Translation of "how old are you" in Spanish

I shall not come
he is a man more sinned against than sinning
to one’s heart’s content
in an hour did not increase any noticeably - not visibly larger than it was an hour ago
eat as many strawberries and cream as you like - to wallow in strawberries and cream
no matter how much grief they might give you
feed the baby as many times as he asks - to feed the baby on demand

20 more examplescollapse

Related words or rarely used in this meaning

As much  - as much as, as very, so much, no less, just as strongly, so strongly, just as strongly, as much, as often, as much, as much, as much, to that extent, to a lesser extent degrees

it is as much your fault as mine

As |ˌeɪ ˈes| - as, according to, as for example
not so much… as
take as much as you like - take as many as you like
(as far as the eye can see) - as far as the eye can see

I know as much about this as you do - your guess is as good as mine
you may take as many as you need
you may stay there as long as you like
as much as you like; stay for as long as you like
sailors received the same pay as soldiers
as much as; as much as; as many as - as many as
oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it
they showed not so much their loyalty as their ability to navigate the situation - it was not so much then loyalty as their perspicacity that was on display

8 more examplescollapse

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How to respond to “How are you”?

In the English-speaking world, the culture of “small talks” is very developed - short, non-committal conversations, including with strangers, for example, in an elevator or in queues. To start a conversation, people ask familiar questions like “How’re you?” or “How’s going.”

Do you know how to answer them? Of course, “I’m fine” - after all, it’s not customary to complain, and no one is interested in your affairs and concerns. But you can come up with something else, add variety to the standard answer.

How are you?

  • Fine. Brevity is the soul of wit. By limiting yourself to one “fine”, you are sending a clear signal that you do not intend to continue the conversation.
  • Not bad. Sounds a little friendlier.
  • Fine, thanks. This is a formal answer - just right for answering a stranger like a waiter in a restaurant.
  • Very well, thanks. An ideally correct answer from a grammatical point of view, because the question “how” requires an adverb answer. Although, in general, few people worry about this, except that the English “grammar Nazis” may insist on observing this rule.
  • Pretty good. Let's forget about grammar, long live the living language and everyday “good” and “pretty good”.
  • Great! How are you doing? A full positive answer and mirroring the question to the interlocutor - now let him answer himself, and then, lo and behold, the conversation will begin.
  • I'm hanging in there.

    Too many connections

    This is what you can say if the day turned out to be difficult.

  • I've been better. Yes, the answers are not always positive; there are also dark periods in life. If the answer sounds sad, it implies that you want to tell your sad story, so the next question will probably be “What’s wrong?” - and your time will come to complain to the whole world.

How's it going?

It’s no different from “how’re you”, so you can safely use everything listed above. But there is one exception answer that works only for this case:

  • It's going well. Friendly and polite, suitable for colleagues, clients and distant acquaintances.

What's up?

This question in expanded form sounds like “What’s happening in your life?” Naturally, an honest account of the recent events of your life is not required - a short question still requires a short answer, perhaps one of these:

  • Nothing much. The most popular answer, because most of the time nothing interesting happens. Although you can answer like this: “Nothing much.” Just preparing for a great weekend party.”
  • Not a lot. Same “nothing special”, just a little different.
  • Nothing. This answer sounds a little annoyed, perhaps rude.
  • Oh, just the usual. It can be used if everything is absolutely the same and there is nowhere to expect variety.
  • Just the same old same old. The same routine without a glimmer of novelty. What's different about this answer is that it shows that you're a little bored with it all.
  • Oh gosh, all kinds of stuff! If quantity interesting events in your life is off the charts, answer like this.

Question " How old are you?” literally translated into Russian is “how old are you,” but in our language we don’t say that, so we translate it like this: “how old are you?” Let's talk about how to talk about age, how to correctly ask a question with different pronouns and answer it. In English the age will be age .

You can quickly and easily learn the count by singing it to this video:

And from the following table you will learn how to correctly write and pronounce ages from 20 to 100 years.

20 twenty [ˈtwɛnti]30 thirty [ˈθɜːti]40 forty [ˈfɔːti]
21 twenty-one [ˈtwɛnti-wʌn]34 thirty-four [ˈθɜːti-fɔː]50 fifty [ˈfɪfti]
22 twenty-two [ˈtwɛnti-tuː]35 thirty-five [ˈθɜːti-faɪv]60 sixty [ˈsɪksti]
23 twenty-three [ˈtwɛnti-θriː]36 thirty-six [ˈθɜːti-sɪks]70 seventy [ˈsɛvnti]
24 twenty-four [ˈtwɛnti-fɔː]37 thirty-seven [ˈθɜːti-ˈsɛvn]80 eighty [ˈeɪti]
25 twenty-five [ˈtwɛnti-faɪv]38 thirty-eight [ˈθɜːti-eɪt]90 ninety [ˈnaɪnti]
26 twenty-six [ˈtwɛnti-sɪks]39 thirty-nine [ˈθɜːti-naɪn]100 a hundred [ə ˈhʌndrəd]

Age question with different pronouns:

Transcription of the question " How old are you?» —

Watch this video and repeat after the heroes. You will have no trouble asking and answering the age question.

In addition to this question, questions of this kind are also possible:

Are you twelfe years old?(Are you 12 years old?)
Is your father sixty years old?(Is your father sixty years old?)

Possible answers to the question “How old are you?”

The easiest way to answer this question is to simply state your age, e.g.


This is the shortest form of response and, of course, it is more suitable for informal conversation. You can also say:

— I'm twenty-nine or
— I’m forty-five years old.

It is also worth mentioning here that it would be incorrect to say: I'm fifteen years old. This is ungrammatical, so practice your pronunciation so that the phrase " years old"At the end, as they say, it flew off your teeth."

If you don't want to give your exact age, you can nicely avoid answering by saying one of the following phrases:

I'm about 20. (I'm about 20)
I'm not twenty yet. (I'm not yet twenty)
I'm over 20.(I'm over twenty)

Exercise on the topic: “How old are you?”

How are you? I eighteen years old.

Is your mother fifty old? No she isn't. She forty-one years old.

How old your brothers? They are 13 years old.

are you seventeen years old? , I am.

The article will “teach” you to ask “How old are you?” in English and will offer conversational forms where you can use this question.

Knowledge of the English language will definitely come in handy in cases where you start conversations with a foreigner or an English-speaking person. In addition to the fact that knowledge of grammatical tenses is important in this language, vocabulary is also of great importance. Having mastered the vocabulary (dictionary), you can easily write a letter on social networks or start a live conversation.

In addition to asking a person “How are you?”, you can ask him about his age, his hobbies and type of activity. In particular, the question “How old are you?” can be set in different ways. Remember a few catchphrases in English and use them on occasion.

Vocabulary for communication in English:

"How are you?" in English. How to start a conversation?

How to ask “How old are you in English?”

“How old are you at heart?” - question in English

The question “How old are you?” in English in dialogue

How to say, ask, pronounce “How old are you” in English: the phrase “How old are you in English” with transcription

It’s not enough to know the question in English “How old are you?”, it should also be pronounced correctly so that your speech is beautiful and clear. This is the only way your interlocutor will understand you flawlessly.



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