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Essay “Characteristics of Princess Trubetskoy. Characteristics of Princess Trubetskoy - a real Russian woman Description of Princess Trubetskoy

In almost all Russian works there are characters who are mentioned only once per novel. I always have a special view of them, because the author will not insert episodic characters just like that, he gives them some kind of task, sets before them the goal of conveying something to the reader. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time” was no exception, and we will talk about the secondary, if not tertiary, hero of this novel - Princess Ligovskaya.

Ligovskaya is the mother of Mary, as she calls her in English fashion. The princess is very rich and is in fairly high circles of society; the reader first meets her in the company of her daughter. Both of them dress strictly and, according to the laws of the times that existed then, wear hats. Outwardly, Princess Ligovskaya is not very beautiful; she lived in Moscow for more than twenty years, resting and doing nothing, and therefore gained weight. In a conversation with Pechorin, Werner says that the princess has an excellent stomach, but bad blood. And her age is about forty-five years.

Ligovskaya loves to have fun, and most of all, perhaps, with jokes, which she listens to with great pleasure, even the most seductive and vulgar jokes, and she herself loves to tell them if her daughter is not with her, so as not to desecrate her bright feelings for her mother with such not the most decent things. In relation to Mary, she does not seem like a tyrant parent at all, but just loves her daughter, respects her and wishes her a better future, protecting her in every possible way.

The princess is also kind to her guests who visit her, so her house is known as one of the best, the most hospitable house. There is only one thing that constantly torments the princess - her eternal rheumatism, which gives her enormous pain.

Ligovskaya is connected with Pechorin, the main character of the novel, firstly, by the fact that she has already seen him in social circles in St. Petersburg and even remembered his name, and secondly, her beloved and only daughter Mary falls in love with Pechorin, she is even ready to take him as a husband. Princess Ligovskaya is not opposed to this idea; she allows this marriage. But, in addition to her consent, it is necessary that the groom also wants to get married, but he just did not want this. When Ligovskaya asks Grigory Pechorin to think that he could be a good match for his daughter, the reader can see sincere love and concern for Mary’s happiness. However, Pechorin simply leaves for another city, thus solving all the problems with the marriage, which was already in the dreams of Mary and Princess Ligovskaya.

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Characteristics of Princess Olga

Made by: 1st year student,
Design: Graph. Design,

Novosibirsk, 2016

1.Olga’s personality
1.1 Olga's image
1.2 Revenge on the Drevlyans.
1.3 Acceptance of the peasantry
1.4 Last years life and death of Princess Olga.
2. Princess Olga as ruler
2.1. Domestic policy
2.2. Foreign policy
List of used literature

I want to talk about a time that left an indelible mark on the history of Russian states, about the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, the first Russian Christian.
This image of the character immediately catches the eye, because she is considered a multifaceted figure, the first female ruler in Rus'; before her there was no Slavic empress. I became interested in the image of such a strong woman.
The origin of Princess Olga is controversial issue in modern historical science, so this question is especially relevant.
The object of the study is the sources and literature covering the life and work of Olga, the subject of the study will be her image, illuminated in the sources, and fiction.
The study of the life and work of Princess Olga is closely connected with the emergence and spread of Christianity in Rus', around which there is a lot of controversy and how it influenced all this.
The analysis of Olga’s life and work is very interesting from the point of view of the problem of how a woman is the head of state, how the rule of a woman differs from the rule of a man.

1. Olga's personality
1.1 Olga's image
Olga wasn't there Grand Duchess, since in the 10th century there was no such title. In all of Kievan Rus there was only one ruler who was called simply prince and any other impostures were not permissible. Grand dukes will appear in the 12th century with the beginning of the feudal fragmentation of Rus'. Each land will have its own prince at the head.
Olga is called Princess for convention and brevity. As some sources say, she was regent for her son, Prince Svyatoslav. To emphasize this, she took him on a campaign against the Drevlyans who killed his father Igor. He even "participated" in the battle against them. In Rus', before Olga, a woman had never ruled.
It’s hard to even imagine how hard it was for her to take on this unfeminine task. She felt awkward and emphasized in every possible way that she was ruling forcedly and temporarily in order to be able to raise her son.
Its origins are shrouded in mystery, but it is increasingly believed that it is of Slavic origin.
“The Tale of Bygone Years” is the oldest (surviving) chronicle of our people and the ancient Russian state. Historians of subsequent times consider it the most objective: it was based on more ancient chronicles, and 200 years after Olga there was no need to change or add anything to it. Therefore, in this document Olga appears before readers and researchers, so to speak, in her original form, without myths, legends and traditions.
The first time we meet Olga in the story is when she was brought from Pskov to Igor as his wife. The chronicle does not report her age, but according to the traditions of that time, people were married at the age of 13-15. The presence of Igor's other wives only complicated Olga's situation. But she apparently had some kind of advantage, perhaps she was from another Varangian princely family, and his other wives were of simpler origin. In addition, the head of Igor’s squad, Sveneld, was also a Varangian, so he supported the Varangian Olga.
1.2 Revenge on the Drevlyans.
The Tale of Bygone Years reports on Olga for the second time, when her husband was killed
Having learned about the martyrdom of her husband, all this year she takes revenge on the Drevlyans who killed him. The Old Russian chronicler describes in detail Olga’s revenge for the death of her husband:
1st revenge of Princess Olga: the matchmakers, 20 Drevlyans, arrived in a boat, which the Kievans carried and threw into a deep hole in the courtyard of Olga’s tower. The matchmaker-ambassadors were buried alive along with the boat...

In every era there are outstanding figures of their time who leave an indelible imprint on the history of the state. All rulers acted in the interests of their state and brought something new to its development and prosperity. They fought against nomads, expanded the territory of the state, capturing and uniting various tribes and peoples. The adoption of Christianity strengthened power and territorial unity Kievan Rus, which became equal to other Christian countries, which helped expand communication between countries.
We owe the emergence and spread of Christianity in Rus' great woman. This is Saint Olga of Russia, the great ruler who transformed pagan Rus' into a developed Christian country, in no way inferior to the European states of that time. Image of Princess Olga perfect example strong woman, ruler.


1. “The Tale of Bygone Years.” (XII century) translated by D. S. Likhachev.
2. Website of the Alexander Nevsky Temple >3. Website of the regional reading center >4. Orthodoxy and peace. The feat of the holy missus Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga and the historical fate of Russia. >5. “The history of Russia in the faces of the V-XX centuries.” M., " Russian word", 1997

Perhaps one of characteristic features Russia has always had strong women. It’s not for nothing that they say that women “will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut.” In some situations, this strength of character and strength of will are especially strong. One of these high-profile actions was the wives of their Decembrist husbands accompanying them to distant Siberia.

Poem "Russian Women"

The poem "Russian Women" was created in 1872 by the great Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. This is an ode to Russian wives who followed their husbands to hard labor. The poet was inspired by these events, which he wrote at the end of his work that this " captivating images"that people should remember.

ON THE. Nekrasov in his work was really able to perpetuate the feat of women, because his poem evokes strong emotions that are difficult to forget.

The fate of the Decembrists

On December 14, 1825, there was an uprising of the Decembrists who disagreed with the power of the Tsar. They wanted to destroy the monarchy and serfdom, but the uprising could not be carried out according to plan, and the Decembrists were simply dispersed. Tsar Nicholas found out who took part in the uprising and punished everyone. He sent the nobles to hard labor in Siberia, and this was an unprecedented punishment for the upper strata of society.

By the way, the first woman, so to speak, in this uprising was Princess Trubetskoy. The characterization of the heroine will be incomplete without mentioning her husband, who was the leader of the entire uprising.

Brief plot of the poem

The story about the wives of the Decembrists begins with the departure of Princess Trubetskoy from her father's house. A heartbreaking scene of her farewell to her family is shown. Then we see how the princess travels across half the country in difficult conditions, and this is interspersed with her bright and happy memories, creating a strong contrast. Perhaps the main point where the characterization of Princess Trubetskoy is manifested in full force is her meeting with the governor, who is trying to stop the princess by any means. But she nevertheless continues to follow her husband in spite of everything.

Later on the way, another woman catches up with her - Princess Volkonskaya, whose husband also ended up in hard labor. The poem ends with her meeting with her husband, which Nekrasov described with amazing force.

Characteristics of Princess Trubetskoy

Nekrasov created a wonderful, vivid and understandable characterization in his poem. Princess Trubetskaya (Russian women are represented precisely by her) calls the most important duty of a woman the sacred duty to her husband. She places it even higher than her duty to her father.

A quotation description of Princess Trubetskoy can take several pages, so we will give a description only in general terms.

Princess Trubetskoy is ready to overcome any adversity and obstacles. The heroine's characteristics are revealed in a conversation with the governor. He frightens her with the deprivation of her title, the hardships of life in hard labor, even the death of her father, but nothing can stop her. The governor even told her that she would have to walk along with the convicts all the way, and she agreed to this too. True, when he saw such determination, he did not interfere any longer and allocated transport. Princess Trubetskoy proved not only in words, but also in deeds that she was ready to go anywhere for her beloved husband.

Perhaps now this does not seem to be such a terrible punishment as before. But if you imagine that a woman from high society, for whom servants have always done everything, agrees to the life of a peasant woman, then the sensations turn out to be strong.

Characteristics of Russian women through Princess Trubetskoy

In order to better understand the work and the spirit of the times, at least one characteristic of the hero is necessary. Princess Trubetskoy, her character in the poem, is ideal for painting the image of not only one woman, but also conveying the mood of all women in Russia.

Reading the poem, you can immediately say that the princess sincerely loves her husband. For the sake of love, she is ready to overcome any obstacles, and this is one of the main features of all Russian women. They do not need either high society or position in society if the husband is somewhere in hard labor. Princess Trubetskoy was not alone in her decision and her fidelity; nine other Russian women followed their husbands.

As they described the living conditions in their notes, it was very difficult. Mostly they could only look at the prison, but this also gave enormous strength to their husbands.

Such dedication can truly be considered a great feat of Russian women.

The real story of Princess Trubetskoy

The life and characteristics of Princess Trubetskoy are historical facts, and even more than that, they are written down from the words of her son, I.S. Trubetskoy, using the memoirs of the wives of the Decembrists themselves. Trubetskoy was the first woman to follow her husband, challenging the entire secular society. Since she was the first, it was the hardest for her, which is why in the poem we're talking about about Princess Trubetskoy. Yes, the princess really expected incredible torment and hardships of a harsh life in Siberia, but her fate turned out to be not too bad. At first, she and her husband actually lived in hard labor, and only 15 years later they were given permission to leave there. They settled in their own house and were engaged in farming.

Over time, the exile expired and they moved to Irkutsk. Here the family was able to buy a house. The historical description of Princess Trubetskoy requires an indication that this woman not only accomplished a feat once, but was a strong personality all her life. Everyone in the city knew her, because in the princess’s house they were always ready to feed and warm travelers, convicts and all the unfortunate. Thus, Princess Trubetskoy earned respect and honor, so escort her to last way in 1854 almost the entire city came.

April 14, 2015

Perhaps one of the characteristic features of Russia has always been strong women. It’s not for nothing that they say that women “will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut.” In some situations, this strength of character and strength of will are especially strong. One of these high-profile actions was the wives of their Decembrist husbands accompanying them to distant Siberia.

Poem "Russian Women"

The poem "Russian Women" was created in 1872 by the great Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. This is an ode to Russian wives who followed their husbands to hard labor. The poet was inspired by these events and wrote at the end of his work that these are “captivating images” that people should remember.

ON THE. Nekrasov in his work was really able to perpetuate the feat of women, because his poem evokes strong emotions that are difficult to forget.

The fate of the Decembrists

On December 14, 1825, there was an uprising of the Decembrists who disagreed with the power of the Tsar. They wanted to destroy the monarchy and serfdom, however, the uprising could not be carried out according to plan, and the Decembrists were simply dispersed. Tsar Nicholas found out who took part in the uprising and punished everyone. He sent the nobles to hard labor in Siberia, and this was an unprecedented punishment for the upper strata of society.

By the way, the first woman, so to speak, in this uprising was Princess Trubetskoy. The characterization of the heroine will be incomplete without mentioning her husband, who was the leader of the entire uprising.

Brief plot of the poem

The story about the wives of the Decembrists begins with the departure of Princess Trubetskoy from her father's house. A heartbreaking scene of her farewell to her family is shown. Then we see how the princess travels across half the country in difficult conditions, and this is interspersed with her bright and happy memories, creating a strong contrast. Perhaps the main point where the characterization of Princess Trubetskoy is manifested in full force is her meeting with the governor, who is trying to stop the princess by any means. But she nevertheless continues to follow her husband in spite of everything.

Later on the way, another woman catches up with her - Princess Volkonskaya, whose husband also ended up in hard labor. The poem ends with her meeting with her husband, which Nekrasov described with amazing force.

Characteristics of Princess Trubetskoy

Nekrasov created a wonderful, vivid and understandable characterization in his poem. Princess Trubetskaya (Russian women are represented precisely by her) calls the most important duty of a woman the sacred duty to her husband. She places it even higher than her duty to her father.

A quotation description of Princess Trubetskoy can take several pages, so we will give a description only in general terms.

Princess Trubetskoy is ready to overcome any adversity and obstacles. The heroine's characteristics are revealed in a conversation with the governor. He frightens her with the deprivation of her title, the hardships of life in hard labor, even the death of her father, but nothing can stop her. The governor even told her that she would have to walk along with the convicts all the way, and she agreed to this too. True, when he saw such determination, he did not interfere any longer and allocated transport. Princess Trubetskoy proved not only in words, but also in deeds that she was ready to go anywhere for her beloved husband.

Perhaps now this does not seem to be such a terrible punishment as before. But if you imagine that a woman from high society, for whom servants have always done everything, agrees to the life of a peasant woman, then the sensations turn out to be strong.

Characteristics of Russian women through Princess Trubetskoy

In order to better understand the work and the spirit of the times, at least one characteristic of the hero is necessary. Princess Trubetskoy, her character in the poem, is ideal for painting the image of not only one woman, but also conveying the mood of all women in Russia.

Reading the poem, you can immediately say that the princess sincerely loves her husband. For the sake of love, she is ready to overcome any obstacles, and this is one of the main features of all Russian women. They do not need either high society or position in society if the husband is somewhere in hard labor. Princess Trubetskoy was not alone in her decision and her fidelity; nine other Russian women followed their husbands.

As they described the living conditions in their notes, it was very difficult. Mostly they could only look at the prison, but this also gave enormous strength to their husbands.

Such dedication can truly be considered a great feat of Russian women.

The real story of Princess Trubetskoy

The life and characteristics of Princess Trubetskoy are historical facts, and even more than that, they are written down from the words of her son, I.S. Trubetskoy, using the memoirs of the wives of the Decembrists themselves. Trubetskoy was the first woman to follow her husband, defying everything secular society. Since she was the first, it was the hardest for her, which is why the poem is about Princess Trubetskoy. Yes, the princess really expected incredible torment and hardships of a harsh life in Siberia, but her fate turned out to be not too bad. At first, she and her husband actually lived in hard labor, and only 15 years later they were given permission to leave there. They settled in their own house and were engaged in farming.

Over time, the exile expired and they moved to Irkutsk. Here the family was able to buy a house. The historical description of Princess Trubetskoy requires an indication that this woman not only accomplished a feat once, but was strong personality. Everyone in the city knew her, because in the princess’s house they were always ready to feed and warm travelers, convicts and all the unfortunate. Thus, Princess Trubetskoy earned respect and honor, so almost the entire city came to see her off on her last journey in 1854.

He keeps the diaries of his mother, who went to Siberia for her husband, and he began to ask him for permission to get acquainted with the papers. For three evenings, Mikhail Sergeevich and Nikolai Alekseevich read the notes. While reading, the poet repeatedly jumped up, grabbed his head and began to cry. These documentary evidence formed the basis of the poem “Russian Women”. Description of Princess Trubetskoy (part 1) and Princess Volkonskaya (part 2) - plot basis famous work, first read by the poet in the summer of 1871.

Historical reference

Ekaterina Ivanovna Laval married Sergei Trubetskoy for love. She became his faithful friend and like-minded person, was aware of political views husband Having learned about the events at twenty-five, Catherine immediately decided for herself that she would share his fate with her husband, no matter how terrible it was. The princess became the first of eleven women to follow the verdict announced on July 23, and the very next day she set off on the road. She was accompanied by her father's secretary, Karl Vaucher (along the way he would get sick and return back, as Nekrasov writes about in his poem). “Russian Women” is a poem that tells about a difficult journey from St. Petersburg to Irkutsk, showing the heroine’s perseverance, tolerance, devotion to her husband and readiness for self-sacrifice.

Description of the road

The sobs of a father seeing off his daughter, who is “going somewhere that night.” Farewell words of the heroine, who understands that she will never see her family again. The princess is completely confident that her duty is to be close to her husband. Memories of serene youth and the man who became the culprit of her misfortunes (meaning a dance at a ball in 1818 with the future Emperor Nicholas I). This is how the poem begins (it was given great importance in his work Nekrasov) “Russian Women”.

Princess Trubetskoy - central image first part. The author does not give a heroine, because something else is important to him - to show her inner world, trace the formation of essential character traits. From the very beginning of the poem, Ekaterina Ivanovna is full of determination and does not doubt her action at all. She knows how terrible her future fate will be. To obtain permission to travel, she deliberately renounced her title, the opportunity to communicate with her family, and her well-being - her father’s house was the best in St. Petersburg. “I dressed my chest with steel,” she admits when saying goodbye to her father, and in these words one can hear the readiness to follow her beloved at all costs, the ability to overcome any obstacles for the sake of the opportunity to fulfill her sacred duty and be close to her husband.

The role of memories and dreams

The road to Siberia is very long and difficult, but there is no time to rest. Approaching the station, the princess demands to change horses as quickly as possible and sets off further. The author uses a very successful technique, describing the pictures that her imagination draws along this endless path. Either dreams, or just memories arising in her head - this best characteristic Princess Trubetskoy from the poem “Russian Women”. First she sees the gorgeous social life with fun and balls, a trip abroad with her young husband, all that has now become insignificant and unimportant for her. These bright pictures suddenly give way to a painful sight: working men in the field, barge haulers groaning by the river. Her husband drew her attention to this side of Russian life.

Along the way, there is a party of exiles, which reminds of the plight of the Decembrists. The heroine's consciousness returns her to the tragic events of six months ago. A concise but accurate picture of the uprising. Ekaterina Ivanovna not only knew about his preparation, but also kept a printing press. And then there was a meeting with her husband in prison, during which he gave her complete freedom. However loving woman Even at the moment of Sergei Petrovich’s arrest, she decided that she would support him in everything. It is from such details that the poem “Russian Women” is composed. The author shows the heroine's sympathy for the common people, hatred for the tsar and his regime. And also the desire to fight and prove their right to independence.

Meeting with the Governor

The second chapter is a dialogue. It is he who helps to fully understand the character of the heroine, her determination and confidence in the correctness of her choice. It must be said that the scene described by Nekrasov actually took place, and Zeidler actually received an order from the emperor to stop Ekaterina Ivanovna at any cost. The heroine’s arguments during the conversation can also be perceived as a characteristic of Princess Trubetskoy from the poem “Russian Women”. She is not afraid of the details of how convicts live, nor the harsh climate where the sun shines only three months a year, nor the fact that the princess and her children will be equated with simple peasants. Ekaterina Ivanovna, who signed a waiver of all her rights, is ready to move forward even as part of a party of convicts. Trubetskoy’s strong character, enormous willpower, and incomparable courage and fortitude forced the governor to retreat. “I did everything I could...” - these words of Zeidler became a recognition of the moral victory won by a determined woman, ready for anything.

Instead of an afterword

“She attracted others to the feat,” N. Nekrasov said about Ekaterina Ivanovna. Russian women, Princess Trubetskoy in particular, who wished to share the fate of their husbands, to fully fulfill their duty to God and themselves, forever became a symbol of inexhaustible heroism, self-sacrifice, great human love and devotion.

Ekaterina Ivanovna fully experienced hunger, prison life, and the debilitating Siberian cold. The first of the Decembrists did not live to see the amnesty for only two years and died in Irkutsk. But although she never saw her family or the capital again, according to contemporaries, she never regretted what she had done.

This is the characterization of Princess Trubetskoy from the poem “Russian Women” by N. Nekrasov.



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