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Essay on the topic “Honor and dishonor. Dishonor is what makes people destroy the world around them. How do you understand honor and dishonor?

Many people like to use the word honor, but not everyone is ready to defend it in our time. Cowardice causes dishonor, disrespect, indifference and laziness, forcing us not to defend our interests and the interests of people close to us.
Sometimes it seems to me that men who defend their honor and the honor of their lovers have sunk along with the times of the Middle Ages. It was at this time that men defended the concept of honor and were ready to give their lives for it.
But, to my great happiness, I can still observe men who will never allow them to be dishonored. This gives me hope that our world will be free of hurt, insults and disrespect.

Essay No. 2 Honor and dishonor Complete for grade 11

It's nice to watch people who like to defend their honor, who are not afraid to express their point of view, and are true to their life principles. Honor allows you to be more confident in yourself, to understand what you need from life, what you are ready to fight for and what is really important to you.

There are things that many people think more important than honor. This is where dishonor comes into play. Money can make people give up their honor, money can make them offend people, be rude, and betray. Many politicians do not defend the interests of the country, many men are not ready to protect their women. All this is a manifestation of dishonor, tactlessness and disrespect. Dishonor also speaks of a person’s lack of conscience. Nowadays, in our time of stress and constant haste, it is easy to insult a person, offend and show disrespect. It is important that such behavior does not go unpunished. It is important to raise children on the principles of upholding honor, their interests and showing respect. It is this kind of education that can get rid of constant negativity, self-interest, and arrogance.

The concept of conscience is inextricably linked with honor. Conscientious people will not deceive, betray, insult or offend a person. Conscience allows you to think about your behavior and the consequences that may arise.

Nurturing such people positive qualities how honor begins with the atmosphere in the family. This is exactly what the parents did, their children will do. Therefore, it is extremely important to raise children in a family with a favorable climate, in a family where the honor of the family, country and like-minded people is protected.

A person always decides for himself how to act according to his conscience, or choose the path of dishonor. His moral side is always responsible for his actions and behavior in various life situations.

Essay No. 3 on the topic Honor and dishonor

Today, more than ever, such a concept as honor is important. This happens because now almost all young people are trying to lose this valuable quality and remain a dishonest person. Today, help, respect, and integrity are not valued. Many do not try to protect their honor from a young age, but it turns out that this happens in vain.

Honor has been important at all times. Men considered it a duty of honor to protect their family and their homeland. Women took care of their honor for the sake of their beloved men. The children were raised patriotically. Now all this has faded into the background. Now they beat dogs, insult old people and post it all on the Internet. However, it is worth stopping and thinking about whether such actions are correct. After all, it is better to be an honest and conscientious person than to be dishonest and unprincipled.

Important from the very beginning early childhood instill in children a sense of self-esteem. It is important to teach children to respect other people and love their homeland. It is important to understand that an honest person’s life is easier and simpler. After all, when your soul is not burdened by dishonest actions, you want to do good, live happily and cheerfully, and not hide from society with the burden of crimes. Therefore, I always choose honest actions and conscientious decisions.

Essay for 11th grade. Unified State Exam

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The “Honor and Dishonor” direction is based on polar concepts associated with moral choice person: to be faithful to the voice of conscience, to follow moral principles or to follow the path of betrayal, lies and hypocrisy. Many writers focused their attention on depicting various manifestations of man: from loyalty to moral rules to various forms of compromise with conscience, up to deep moral failure.

For inspiration!

Everything in the world depends on

From the heavenly heights.

But our honor, but our honor

It depends on us alone.

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Possible essay topics

Possible essay topics(selection by Irina Anatolyevna Suyazova)

1. How do you understand the meaning of the proverb “Honest eyes do not look sideways”?

2. How do you understand the meaning of the proverb “Honor goes along the road, and dishonor on the side”?

3. How do you understand the meaning of the proverb “Death is better than dishonor”?

4. How do you understand the meaning of F. M. Dostoevsky’s statement “Trading honor, you cannot get rich”? 5. A work about honor and dishonor that excited you...

6. It’s easy to be called a man, but it’s more difficult to be a man (proverb).

7. How are the words “honor”, ​​“honesty”, “purity” similar?

8.Why has honor been valued at all times?

9.Is it appropriate to talk about honor and conscience in our time?

10. How do you understand what “honor” and “dishonor” are?

11.People want wealth and fame for themselves; if both cannot be obtained honestly, they should be avoided. (Confucius)

12. When a guilty person admits his guilt, he saves the only thing worth saving - his honor (Victor Hugo)

13.Whoever loses honor cannot lose anything beyond that. (Publius Syrus)

14.Honor is like gem: the slightest spot takes away its shine and takes away its entire value. (Pierre Beauchaine, French writer)

15. Is the Russian proverb true: “Take care of your honor from a young age”?

16. You won’t get rich by trading your honor. (F.M. Dostoevsky, great Russian writer)

17. An honest person can be persecuted, but not dishonored. (F. Voltaire)

18.Honor can only be lost once. (E.M. Kapiev, Dagestan Soviet prose writer)

19.Honor cannot be taken away, it can be lost. (A.P. Chekhov)

20. Honor, decency, conscience are qualities that should be valued (according to the works of Russian literature of the 19th century century)

21. Your attitude to the relevance of the topic of honor (Why does the topic of honor remain relevant today?)

22. What kind of person can be called a man of honor?

23. How do you understand what “honor” and “dishonor” are?

24. Betrayal and dishonor: how are these concepts related?

25. Honor and conscience are the leading concepts characterizing the human personality

26. The concept of honor that is close to my spirit...

27. Can love or conscience revive the previously lost concept of honor? (As an example-argument: Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov, heroes of F.M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”) 28. Can a person who wins a duel be considered a man of honor?

29. Do you agree with the statement of F.M. Dostoevsky “In everything there is a line beyond which it is dangerous to cross; for once you step over, it is impossible to go back”?

30. What is true honor and what is imaginary?

31. What lengths can you go to in order to protect human honor? 32. A work about a man of honor that shocked me...

33. What does it mean to walk the path of honor?

M.A. Sholokhov, story “The Fate of a Man”;

A.S. Griboedov, comedy “Woe from Wit”;

DI. Fonvizin, comedy “Undergrown”;

A.S. Pushkin, story " Captain's daughter»;

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign";

ON THE. Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'"

M.Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time"

L.N. Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace"

I.S. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"

F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment"

M.A. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita"

A.I. Solzhenitsyn's story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”

N.M. Karamzin, story “Poor Liza”

A.N. Ostrovsky, drama "The Thunderstorm"

A.I. Solzhenitsyn, story "Matryonin's Dvor"

A.I. Kuprin, stories " Garnet bracelet", "Olesya"

M. Gorky, story “Old Woman Izergil”

Tolstoy L.N., story “Prisoner of the Caucasus”

Paustovsky K. G., fairy tale “Warm Bread”

Stevenson R., ballad “Heather Honey”

M.Yu. Lermontov. “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich...”

N.V.Gogol. , story "Taras Bulba"

F. Cooper, novel “The Last of the Mohicans”

A.P.Platonov, story “Yushka”

V. Scott. , novel "Ivanhoe"

Pushkin A.S. ,novel "Dubrovsky"

Green A.S. , extravaganza “Scarlet Sails”

Merimee P., short story “Matteo Falcone”

L.N. Andreev, story “Judas Iscariot”

N.S. Leskov, “The Stupid Artist”, “The Enchanted Wanderer”

G. de Maupassant, “The Necklace”

Materials for the introductory part of the essay

Honor is that high spiritual force that keeps a person from meanness, betrayal, lies and cowardice. This is the core that strengthens the individual in choosing an action when conscience is the judge. Life often tests people, presenting them with a choice - to act honorably and take the blow or be cowardly and go against their conscience in order to gain benefit and avoid troubles, possibly death. A person always has a choice, and how he will act depends on his moral principles. The path of honor is difficult, but retreat from it, the loss of honor is even more painful. Being a social, rational and conscious being, a person cannot help but think about how others treat him, what they think about him, what assessments are given to his actions and his entire life. At the same time, he cannot help but think about his place among other people. This spiritual connection between a person and society is expressed in the concepts of Honor and Dignity. “Honor is my life,” Shakespeare wrote, “they have grown into one, and to lose honor is for me the same as losing life.” Moral decay, the decline of moral principles leads to the collapse of both an individual and an entire nation. That is why the importance of the great Russian classical literature

, which is the moral foundation for many generations of people.

Materials for the main part of the essay

Conscience, Nobility and Dignity - here it is, our holy army.
Give him your hand
There is no fear for him even in the fire.

His face is high and amazing.
Dedicate your short life to him.
Maybe you won't be a winner
but you will die like a man.


Bella Akhmadulina

Self-esteem is a mysterious tool:

it is created over centuries, but is lost in a moment

whether to an accordion, to a bombing, to beautiful chatter,

dried up, destroyed, crushed at the root.

Self-esteem is a mysterious path,

on which it’s easy to crash, but you can’t turn back,

because without delay, inspired, pure, alive,

will dissolve and turn to dust human image is yours.

Self-esteem is simply a portrait of love.

I love you, my comrades - pain and tenderness are in my blood.

No matter what the darkness and evil prophesies, there’s nothing but this

humanity did not come up with a way to save itself.

So don’t waste your time, brother, don’t give up, spit on the nonsense vanity -

you will lose your divine face, your pristine beauty.

Well, why risk it in vain? Are there not enough other concerns?

Get up, go, servant, just straight, just forward.

Yuri Levitansky

Everyone chooses for themselves

A woman, religion, a road.

To serve the devil or the prophet -

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves

A word for love and for prayer.

A sword for a duel, a sword for battle -

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves:

Shield and armor. Staff and patches.

The measure of the final reckoning

Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves.

I also choose - as best I can.

I have no complaints against anyone -

Everyone chooses for themselves.

The day will come and the hour will strike,
When will it be the turn of intelligence and honor to stand in first place throughout the entire earth.
Robert Burns

This wonderful text is from a collection of texts for Unified State Exam essays can be used both in the main part and in the introduction and conclusion. Read it, write down quotes, keywords.

(1) In a letter to his wife on May 18, 1836, Pushkin wondered: where did these sensible young people come from, “who are spit in the eyes, and they wipe themselves off” instead of defending their honor? (2) Sometimes it seems that we came out of the greatcoats of these meek people. (3) We can no longer hear the ringing of elastic steel in the word honor.

Everyone knows that the problem of honor and dishonor is key in the life of every person. Written on this topic a large number of books, many films made. Both experienced adults and teenagers who are not fully familiar with life talk about it.

What is dishonor? Dishonor is a kind of insult, literally a loss of honor under any circumstances, a shame.

This topic has really been important throughout human existence and does not lose relevance in modern world. Therefore, many writers have addressed this problem in their works.

“The Captain's Daughter”, A.S. Pushkin

The problem raised is key in this work by Alexander Sergeevich. In his opinion, dishonor is what should be feared most. The personification of piety in the novel is Grinev and his entire family, as well as his beloved and her relatives. Shvabrin is sharply opposed to him. This is the absolute opposite of Grinev. Even the character's last name is telling. Shvabrin is a terrible egoist who lost his officer's honor by defecting to Pugachev.

“Song about the merchant Kalashnikov”, M.Yu. Lermontov

Mikhail Yuryevich takes the reader to the reign of Ivan IV, famous for the introduction of the oprichnina. The guardsmen, the tsar's loyal subjects, were so loved by him that they could afford any action and remain unpunished. So, the guardsman Kiribeevich dishonored a married woman Alena Dmitrievna, and her husband, having learned about this, decided to face certain death, but return honor to his wife by challenging Kiribeevich to a fight. With this, the merchant Kalashnikov showed himself to be a pious man, a man who would do anything for the sake of honor, even to his own death.

But Kiribeevich distinguished himself only by cowardice, because he could not even admit to the king that the woman was married.

The song helps answer the reader’s question about what dishonor is. This is, first of all, cowardice.

"Thunderstorm", A.N. Ostrovsky

Katerina, main character drama, was brought up in a clean, bright atmosphere of kindness and affection. Therefore, when she got married, she assumed that her life would be the same. But Katerina found herself in a world where completely different orders and foundations rule, and Kabanikha, a true tyrant and bigot, monitors all this. Katerina could not withstand the onslaught and found consolation only in Boris’s love. But she, a believer, could not cheat on her husband. And the girl decided that the best way out for her was suicide. Thus, Katerina realized that dishonor is already a sin. And there is nothing more terrible than him.

For many centuries there was a struggle: honor and dishonor fought in one person. And only light and a pure soul could make the right choice, these are the vices that Russian classics tried to show in their immortal works.

    1.The issue of honor and conscience has affected people of different centuries. I believe that this problem is still relevant today. The topic of honor and dishonor has been discussed for many years. Consequently, in the modern world, the question of the problem raised is controversial, and therefore relevant.
    2. A proverb from A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” has become a topical topic that people are thinking about famous writers many eras. In my opinion, honor is worth protecting at any age, whether you are young or old. By making the wrong decision in your youth, which can lead to shame and dishonor both yourself and your family, you can change your future for the worse. In order to avoid this mistake, Pushkin, with his proverb, calls for thinking about one’s actions and the consequences after what has been done.

    Answer Delete

  1. Problems of honor and conscience are eternal. Society is always faced with moral choices. "Why is that?" - you ask yourself. The answer is simple, as long as humanity lives, there will be happiness and sorrow, devotion and betrayal, honor and dishonor...
    It is the duty of every generation to do everything to leave to their ancestors clean world. A world without lies, betrayal, hatred, malice. A world where everyone acts according to honor and conscience. It is precisely this truth that people have always strived for from century to century. Modern society took over the baton. Today the future is ours. What it will be like tomorrow depends only on us...
    “Take care of your honor from a young age...”
    Honor is truthfulness, moral qualities, and a sense of pride in one’s actions. To take care of honor means to take care of your dignity, your human form. One mistake. All. Your soul will not be the same, its beauty will be eclipsed. From a very young age it is necessary to act with honor in order to be the happy owner of a beautiful soul in old age.

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  2. Many people often encounter the problem of honor and dishonor. This problem is still quite relevant. Each person himself decides to be a person of honor or dishonor. Honor usually manifests itself in actions that a person is ready to perform for the benefit of other people, for the benefit of his Motherland. But unfortunately, we also have dishonest people, who do not care about anything around them. Therefore, every person should strive to have such a quality as honor, and then our world will become much better. Since it depends on us what choice each person submits to, but not every person understands the correctness of their actions.
    "Take care of your honor from a young age..."
    For many people, honor is its main quality, if a person loses the most best quality in his life, he will change. Nothing can change him, since it was a dignity in his life, and now there will be no respect for him, because he will lose his honor. For every person, honor is important, since this is what quality is checked the purity and beauty of your soul.

    Answer Delete
  3. 1) Honor... Dishonor... These polar concepts are of great importance in our lives to this day. We often face the problem of being honest with ourselves, or walking the road of betrayal. It’s all up to us; everyone chooses their own moral path. Yes, dishonor is an easy path, it is a weakness where you think only about yourself and your own benefit. Agree, it is better to live according to the laws of honor, not to betray yourself and the people around you, because honor is the power of conscience. We all must be aware of the correctness of our choice.
    2) For a long time among the people, the concept of honor was one of the most important among moral principles. A.S. Pushkin’s proverb from the story “The Captain’s Daughter”: “Take care of your honor from a young age...” has become eternal. After all, honor contains moral qualities worthy of respect and pride. It’s not for nothing that early age a person learns to distinguish good from bad. The concept of honor must be taught from childhood, and the main thing is to be able to maintain this strength with early years and there is nothing to stumble on, because this is a step towards an honest, decent and happy life.

    Answer Delete
  4. 1) Is it appropriate to talk about honor in our time?
    Honor has been and will be valuable at all times as long as people exist. Many philosophers and poets of all times reflect on it. They died in duels for honor, and if they lost it, they believed that there would never be the same life again. The concept of honor involves a great striving for ideals. Honor is a high spiritual force that keeps a person from betrayal and lies, from immoral behavior and meanness.
    2) “Take care of your honor from a young age...”
    Honor has always come first in matters of morality. The concept of honor is brought up in a person from childhood. Immorality destroys a person. “Take care of your honor from a young age...” - this is a proverb from the work of A.S. Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter”, which carries great meaning. Honor and morality act as life assistant which will help in overcoming severe life situations, therefore, honor must be learned from a very young age.

    Answer Delete
  5. 1) Is it appropriate to talk about honor and conscience in our time? I think that it is, undoubtedly, because the problem raised will be relevant at all times. After all, honor and human dignity are the most important moral concepts. They help to see the line between truth and lies, to understand the difference between benefit for oneself and the good of society, humanity as a whole. If we are guided not only by our selfish interests, but also by social needs, then the world will then begin to prosper.
    2) “Take care of your honor from a young age...” Honor is, first of all, your reputation. Therefore, from a young age you need to act in such a way that no one can accuse you of hypocrisy, lies, or betrayal. It's very difficult to get yours back good name, spoiling him in his youth. People around you will forever remember all the inappropriate and obscene acts that you have committed, and, thus, their attitude towards you will be appropriate. After all, if a person has even once set foot on the path of dishonor, he has already become tainted. I think people are mistaken if they think that when they are young, all their misdeeds are forgiven and forgotten. This is far from true. Honor is given to a person for the rest of his life and it must be carefully preserved.

    Answer Delete
  6. Are the concepts of conscience and honor relevant in our time? Are they everlasting? Conscience is the inner voice of a person that can protect you from any actions. If a person does not listen to his conscience, then it can “torment” him after committing an offense. Over time, nothing has changed, so the question of conscience and honor is an issue that will be relevant at any time.
    2. The concept of honor is one of the important moral issues, which will be relevant at any time. “Take care of your honor from a young age” - this proverb means to take care of the dignity of an honest person, to be responsible for your actions at any age. Honor, indeed, must be protected from a young age, because the mistakes that a person can make in his youth can ruin his entire life. later life.

    Answer Delete
  7. A person himself chooses how to act in a given situation, he himself determines which path to take in life: either the path of honor or the path of dishonor. Due to the problem of choice, a person sometimes chooses the easiest path, which he thinks is the right one. However, dishonor is the path of betrayal, lies, hypocrisy and spiritual corruption of the human soul. It is because of this path that people become dishonest.
    “Take care of your honor from a young age” - this proverb implies true beauty human souls, loyalty to the voice of conscience, adherence to moral principles, internal moral dignity. Dishonest people appear because of the wrong choice, because of the temptations that await them at every step. Many people go like this the easy way, subsequently, they lose their real face, kill everything that is pure, denigrating and spoiling their soul and conscience.

    Answer Delete
  8. Honor, one of the main categories of ethics, determines a person’s attitude towards himself and the attitude towards him from society. This is justice, moral qualities, a sense of pride in one’s actions. “Take care of your honor from a young age” - this proverb means that you need to take care of your dignity from a young age, since a person shapes himself from childhood. In order not to make mistakes that could ruin your future life, you need to behave with dignity from a young age and do only good deeds. To protect honor means to protect your dignity, your human appearance.

    Is it appropriate to talk about honor and conscience in our time?
    I think it is appropriate. The issue of honor and dishonor is relevant. Every person has a choice to be a person of honor or dishonor. I believe that every person should have honor, because this contributes to high level moral development, since honor is the soul of a person. The path of honor is not easy, but nothing comes easy, you need to strive and achieve. It is important to remember that honor is very easy to lose and take the path of dishonor. Many people believe that this path is quick and easy, but a dishonest person must remember the profitability of his every action, and he also needs to calculate all his steps. It is better to live according to the laws of honor, not to betray yourself and the people around you, because honor is the power of conscience. We all must be aware of the correctness of our choice.

    Answer Delete
  9. Svetlana Belogorskaya
    1) I believe that the conversation about honor and conscience is relevant regardless of the time. For example, conscience is an integral part of a person. In any situation, it tells us what choice to make or what decision to make. The voice of conscience often protects us from immoral acts; if we listen to it, a person will not go down the path of dishonor.
    2) Currently - a century of technological progress and modern technologies, many people think that the meaning of honor is outdated and has faded into the background. In fact, this is not at all the case, as the Russian proverb tells us: “Take care of your honor from a young age,” which is still relevant. The meaning of this proverb is that honor must be taken care of from a young age; one cannot adhere to the path of dishonor and then, in an instant, become a man of honor. Often, maintaining one's honor requires a lot of effort on oneself, which can be difficult for a person who has led a dishonorable life. That is why from an early age it is worth instilling in children such concepts as conscience and honor, because this strengthens a person’s character and helps him not to stray from the chosen path.

    Answer Delete
  10. 1. Is it appropriate to talk about honor and conscience in our time?
    What is honor? What is dishonor? Is it necessary to talk about honor in our time? These and other questions have been and are being asked by many writers of Russian and foreign literature. Life presents every person with a choice: to be honest and follow the path of conscience and morality, or to follow the path of dishonor and be a deceitful, selfish and hypocritical person. The path of honor... It is quite complicated, but it is in it that a person’s moral dignity is revealed. It is important to remember that it is very easy to lose honor and take the path of dishonor. Many people believe that this path is quick and easy, but a dishonest person must remember the profitability of his every action, and he also needs to calculate all his steps. We can say that honor is loyalty to one’s principles, as well as society’s opinion about a person’s moral merits. Nowadays, people most often choose the path of lies and betrayal, thinking that this path is faster and more convenient.
    2. "Take care of your honor from a young age"
    We first encounter this proverb in A.S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter.” The family should instill the concept of honor in the child from childhood. Only conscience and moral dignity can preserve the person in everyone. The presence of honor speaks of the moral integrity of a person. It is very necessary to take care of honor in our world, so as not to accidentally lose it and not take the path of dishonor, which seems simple to some people.

Time is an amazing thing. Everything happens over time - the world changes, people's attitudes towards something change. If several decades ago the concepts of “good” and “bad”, “good” and “evil” were the same, today they are completely different.

The theme of honor and dishonor excites the minds of writers and poets from ancient times to the present day. Let's try to figure out whether the true meaning of this concept has been preserved today, or whether it has changed significantly.

Old times

But before trying to assess the current situation, it is necessary to clearly define what is meant by the concepts of honor and dishonor. It is important to note: time has constantly left significant imprints on these concepts.

For example, in the time of poets Silver Age for an insult to honor, be it an unflattering comment about a person or, especially, a beloved, they were challenged to a duel, which often led to the death of one of the duelists.

The concept " good name“Since ancient times, it has been considered one of the most important, and it was defended by any means. The problem of dishonor (or disgrace) was solved by duels.

Not so long ago, in the middle of the last century, honor was the highest value - people fought for it, fought and defended it, and most importantly, they tried not to lose it.

and dishonor?

Honor is the totality of what makes a person a Man with a capital “H”. actions for which you are not ashamed not only in front of yourself, but also in front of other people.

Dishonor is the opposite concept. It represents the lowest human qualities- selfishness, dishonesty, cynicism. A dishonest person was looked down on at any time, shamed and called upon to change for the better.

Current situation

What's happening these days? It must be said that the concept itself has significantly lost its importance. Due to time and the constant race for better life many people began to have a different attitude towards honor. All more people are ready to step over their dignity in order to achieve any goals. Dishonor is a lie, slander, unscrupulousness. And increasingly, humanity is turning to these concepts in order to gain some benefit.

But the worst thing is that children are raised in such a society. This is our very future, from which society will be formed in the future. And if adults do terrible things, most often deliberately, then small children already see this world in which dishonor is a way to survive.

Who is guilty?

But who or what caused such a sharp change in principles? After all, just 3-4 decades ago, society lived with different attitudes.

Can only the people themselves be blamed for this? Can. But we should not forget that a person lives in society, and often it is this society that influences each person individually.

Modern society and the global situation forces people to go to dishonorable acts. Moreover, sometimes a person struggles with this, resists coercion. But not everyone is able to overcome this. Increased crime, corruption, terrorism - in all this lies the dishonor caused by the situation in society.

Today, every person is forced to literally fight for his life - to have wealth, to live comfortably, to be able to start a family and raise children. Sometimes it is this struggle that forces a person to act dishonestly.

However, this cannot be justified for everyone. While some are fighting for survival, others are taking advantage of the current situation to act dishonorably.

Is everything that bad?

But still you can’t just complain about the world and look at him through dark glasses. In fact, everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance.

Despite the disappointing situation in the world, nowadays many people are struggling with this problem. Dishonor is not an incurable disease of society. More and more young boys and girls are beginning to realize the lost value. Volunteer movements, relief funds and many other organizations are being created to help people. And selfless help is an important step towards moral honor, which is inherent in every person.

But in order to improve the situation in society, it is enough to start small. Many people believe that one person cannot change anything. There is some truth to this. But by uniting, people can change everything. You just need to start with yourself.

Remember, how long ago did you do something that made you a little better? After all, having done one good deed, you are already embarking on the path of establishing honor in society.

Take care of your honor. Remember, no matter how hard it is in life, there are immortal moral values ​​- love, kindness, mutual assistance, responsibility. And they are the ones who will ultimately help you feel the most happy man, for whom honor is one of the most important values. Let the question remain important for everyone: what is honor and dishonor. The essay written above only gives impetus to the awareness of these concepts.



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