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Medieval monastic orders. Monastic orders

And from a certain time, among some Protestants, a community of monastics, whose members observe the general rules of the monastery and take solemn vows (in contrast to a monastic congregation, in which only simple vows are made). Depending on the specifics they differ:

  • Orders of Canons Regular
  • Orders of Regular Clerics

In the Eastern Catholic Churches there are also monastic orders, called ranks in Slavic (Basilians - the Order of St. Basil the Great, etc.).

see also

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The Crusades contributed to a fundamental change in life in Europe. In addition to the fact that Christians began to get acquainted with the culture of eastern countries and peoples, in particular the Arabs, there was also an opportunity to quickly get rich. Thousands of pilgrims flocked to the Holy Land. Who wanted to protect the Holy Sepulcher, and who wanted to become a wealthy landowner with big amount servants Monastic orders were initially created to protect such travelers.

Origin of the orders

Subsequently, after the Europeans settled in the vastness of Palestine, the knights of the spiritual orders began to divide, in accordance with their goals, into mendicants, Benedictines, regular clergy and canons.

Some were consumed by the lust for profit and power. They managed not only to become fabulously rich, but also to create their own states. For example, the Teutonic Order belongs to the latter, but we will talk about it later.


The name of some became a derivative of the name of the saint, whose words and deeds were especially revered by the founders and were spelled out in the charter.

Several orders and congregations fall under the term "Augustinians". But in general, they are all divided into two branches - canons and brothers. The latter are also divided into barefoot and recollect.

This order was created in the middle of the thirteenth century, and in the middle of the sixteenth century it was ranked among the other three mendicant orders (Carmelites, Franciscans, Dominicans).

The charter was quite simple and did not include any cruelty or torture. The main goal of the monks was salvation human souls. By the sixteenth century, there were about two and a half thousand monasteries in the ranks of this order.

There could be no talk of any power or accumulation of wealth, which is why they were counted among the mendicants.

The Discalced Augustinians broke away from the mainstream in the seventeenth century and spread throughout Japan and all of East Asia.

A distinctive feature of the Augustinians is a black cassock and a white cassock with a leather belt. Today there are about five thousand of them.


The history of monastic orders began precisely with this group of churchmen. It was formed in the sixth century in an Italian commune.

If we look at the development path of this order, we will see that it managed to complete only two tasks. The first is to partially extend its charter to most other organizations. The second is to serve as the basis for the formation of new orders and congregations.

Judging by the records, the Benedictines were initially small in number. The first monastery was destroyed at the end of the sixth century by the Lombards, and the monks settled throughout Europe. After secularization in the Middle Ages and the reform movement, the order began to decline.

However, in the nineteenth century its sudden rise began. Brothers in faith simply found their niche. Now the monastic orders included in this association are engaged in the rise and development of culture, as well as missionary activities in the countries of Africa and Asia.

At the end of the nineteenth century, their confederation was created with the support of the Pope, in addition, a university was opened. Architecture and trade, literature and music, painting and medicine are just a small part of the areas that developed in Europe thanks to the Benedictines. It was the monastic Catholic orders, in an era of total decline in the standard of living and culture, that were able to preserve the remnants of “civilization” in the form of traditions, norms and foundations.


The second name is “Order of the Holy Spirit”. This is a monastic organization that lasted only six centuries - from the twelfth to the eighteenth centuries.

The main activity of the Hospitallers was the treatment of the sick and wounded, as well as the care of the elderly and orphans, the infirm and the disadvantaged. That is why such a name was assigned to them.

Descended from the Augustinian Order. And they formed their hospitals first in France, and then in other countries.

Each member of the monastic order was obliged to engage in charity. This concept included caring for the sick, ransoming Christians from slavery, protecting pilgrims, educating the poor and many other good deeds.

In the seventeenth century, the French king tried to use their fund to his advantage, to pay salaries to military veterans. But Rome opposed this turn of events. From this time on, a decline began, ending in 1783, when the order became part of the Hospitallers of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem.


An interesting feature of this organization is that a member of the monastic order can be either a man or a woman. That is, there are Dominicans and Dominicans, but they live in different monasteries.

The order was founded in the thirteenth century and exists to this day. Today its number is approximately six thousand people. Main hallmark Dominicans always wore a white cassock. The coat of arms is a dog carrying a torch in its mouth. The monks' goal is to educate and defend the true faith.

Dominicans are famous in two areas - science and missionary work. Despite the bloody confrontation, they were the first to establish an archdiocese in Persia and explore East Asia and Latin America.

Under the Pope, it is always the monk of this order who is responsible for questions related to theology.

During the period of their greatest growth, the Dominicans numbered more than one hundred and fifty thousand people, but after the Reformation, revolutions and civil wars in different countries their number has decreased significantly.


Probably the most controversial order in the entire history of Catholicism. The priority is unquestioning obedience, “like a corpse,” as the charter says. Military monastic orders, of course, played a huge role in the formation of many rulers medieval Europe, but the Jesuits have always been famous for their ability to achieve results at any cost.

The Order was founded at Loyola in 1491 and since that time has entangled all the civilized countries of the world with its ties. Intrigue and blackmail, bribery and murder - on the one hand, protecting the interests of the church and Catholicism - on the other. It was precisely these opposite facets that led to the fact that in the eighteenth century the Pope disbanded this order. Officially, it did not exist for about forty years (in Europe). In Russia and in some Asian countries parishes functioned. Today the number of Jesuits numbers about seventeen thousand people.


One of the most influential organizations of medieval Europe. Although the military monastic orders strived for maximum influence, not everyone succeeded. The Teutons took a roundabout route. They not only increased their power, but also simply bought land on which they built fortresses.

The order was founded from a hospital in Acre at the end of the twelfth century. Initially, the Teutons accumulated wealth and strength, while caring for the wounded and pilgrims. But at the beginning of the thirteenth century they begin to move east under the banner of the fight against the pagans. They master Transylvania, expelling the Polovtsians to the Dnieper. Later, the Prussian lands are captured, and the state of the Teutonic Order is formed with its capital in Marienburg.

Everything went well for the knights until the Battle of Grunwald in 1410, when Polish-Lithuanian troops defeated them. From this time on, the decline of the order began. The memory of him was restored only by the German Nazis during the Second World War, declaring themselves the continuers of the tradition.


Monastic orders in Catholicism, as mentioned above, are divided into four groups. So, founded at the beginning of the thirteenth century, it became the first of the mendicants. The main purpose of its members is to preach virtue, asceticism and the principles of the Gospel.

“Grey Brothers”, “Cordeliers”, “Barefooted” - nicknames of Franciscans in different European countries. They were rivals of the Dominicans and led the Inquisition before the Jesuits. In addition, members of the order held many teaching positions at universities.

Thanks to this brotherhood, many monastic trends appeared, such as Capuchins, Tertiaries and others.


The second name is “Bernardines”. This is a branch of the Benedictines that separated in the eleventh century. The order was founded at the end of that century by Saint Robert, who decided to lead a life that fully complied with the rules of the Benedictine monastery. But since in reality he was unable to achieve sufficient asceticism, he goes to the Sito desert, where he lays new monastery. At the beginning of the twelfth century its charter is adopted, and St. Bernard is also annexed. After these events, the number of Cistercians began to grow sharply.

During the Middle Ages, they surpassed other monastic orders in wealth and influence. No military action, only trade, production, education and science. The greatest power was obtained through peaceful means.

Today the total number of Bernardines fluctuates around two thousand.

The history of religion tells of spiritual quests different nations in centuries. Faith has always been a person’s companion, giving meaning to his life and motivating him not only for achievements in the internal sphere, but also for worldly victories. People, as you know, are social creatures, and therefore often strive to find like-minded people and create an association in which they could jointly move towards the intended goal. An example of such a community is monastic orders, which included brothers of the same faith, united in their understanding of how to put the precepts of their mentors into practice.

Monasticism did not originate in Europe; it originated in the vast expanses of the Egyptian deserts. Here, back in the 4th century, hermits appeared, striving to get closer to spiritual ideals in a secluded distance from the world with its passions and vanity. Not finding a place for themselves among people, they went into the desert, lived in the open air or in the ruins of some buildings. They were often joined by followers. Together they worked, preached, and offered prayers.

Monks in the world were workers of different professions, and each brought something of their own to the community. In 328, Pachomius the Great, who was once a soldier, decided to organize the life of the brothers and founded a monastery, the activities of which were regulated by the charter. Soon similar associations began to appear in other places.

Light of knowledge

In 375, Basil the Great organized the first large monastic society. Since then, the history of religion has flowed in a slightly different direction: together the brothers not only prayed and comprehended spiritual laws, but also studied the world, comprehended nature, and the philosophical aspects of existence. Through the efforts of the monks, the wisdom and knowledge of mankind passed through the dark ages of the Middle Ages without getting lost in the past.

Reading and improvement in the scientific field were also the duties of the novices of the monastery in Monte Cassino, founded by Benedict of Nursia, considered the father of monasticism in Western Europe.


The year 530 is considered the date when the first monastic order appeared. Benedict was famous for his asceticism, and a group of followers quickly formed around him. They were among the first Benedictines, as the monks were called in honor of their leader.

The life and activities of the brothers were conducted in accordance with the charter developed by Benedict of Nursia. Monks could not change their place of service, own any property and had to completely obey the abbot. The regulations prescribed prayers seven times a day, constant physical labor, interspersed with hours of rest. The charter determined the time of meals and prayers, punishments for the guilty, necessary for reading the book.

Structure of the monastery

Subsequently, many monastic orders of the Middle Ages were built on the basis of the Benedictine Rule. The internal hierarchy was also preserved. The head was the abbot, chosen from among the monks and confirmed by the bishop. He became the lifelong representative of the monastery in the world, leading the brothers with the assistance of several assistants. Benedictines were expected to submit completely and humbly to the abbot.

The inhabitants of the monastery were divided into groups of ten people, headed by deans. The abbot and the prior (assistant) monitored compliance with the charter, but important decisions were made after a meeting of all the brothers together.


The Benedictines became not only an assistant to the Church in converting new peoples to Christianity. In fact, it is thanks to them that today we know about the contents of many ancient manuscripts and manuscripts. The monks were engaged in rewriting books and preserving monuments philosophical thought of the past.

Education was compulsory from the age of seven. Subjects included music, astronomy, arithmetic, rhetoric and grammar. The Benedictines saved Europe from the harmful influence of barbarian culture. Huge libraries of monasteries, deep architectural traditions, and knowledge in the field of agriculture helped maintain civilization at a decent level.

Decline and rebirth

During the reign of Charlemagne there was a period when the monastic order of the Benedictines experienced better times. The Emperor introduced tithes in favor of the Church, demanded that monasteries provide a certain number of soldiers, and gave vast territories with peasants to the power of bishops. The monasteries began to become richer and became a tasty morsel for everyone eager to increase their own well-being.

Representatives of the worldly authorities were given the opportunity to found spiritual communities. The bishops transmitted the will of the emperor, becoming more and more immersed in worldly affairs. The abbots of the new monasteries only formally dealt with spiritual issues, enjoying the fruits of donations and trade. The process of secularization gave rise to a movement for the revival of spiritual values, which resulted in the formation of new monastic orders. The center of unification at the beginning of the 10th century was the monastery in Cluny.

Clunians and Cistercians

Abbot Bernon received an estate in Upper Burgundy as a gift from the Duke of Aquitaine. Here, in Cluny, a new monastery was founded, free from secular power and vassal relations. The monastic orders of the Middle Ages experienced a new rise. The Clunians prayed for all the laity, lived according to a charter developed on the basis of the provisions of the Benedictines, but more strict in matters of behavior and daily routine.

In the 11th century, the monastic order of the Cistercians appeared, which made it a rule to follow the rules, which frightened off many followers with its rigidity. The number of monks increased greatly due to the energy and charm of one of the leaders of the order, Bernard of Clairvaux.

Great multitude

In the XI-XIII centuries, new monastic orders of the Catholic Church appeared in large numbers. Each of them marked something in history. The Camaldoules were famous for their strict rules: they did not wear shoes, encouraged self-flagellation, and did not eat meat at all, even if they were sick. The Carthusians, who also respected strict rules, were known as hospitable hosts who considered charity a vital part of their ministry. One of the main sources of income for them was the sale of Chartreuse liqueur, the recipe of which was developed by the Carthusians themselves.

Women also made their contribution to monastic orders in the Middle Ages. At the head of the monasteries, including men's, of the Fontevrault brotherhood were abbesses. They were considered the vicars of the Virgin Mary. One of the distinctive points of their charter was the vow of silence. The Beguines, an order consisting only of women, on the contrary, did not have a charter. The abbess was chosen from among the followers, and all activities were directed towards charity. Beguines could leave the order and get married.

Knightly and monastic orders

During the Crusades, associations of a new kind began to appear. The conquest of Palestinian lands was carried out under the call of the Catholic Church to liberate Christian shrines from the hands of Muslims. Headed to the eastern lands a large number of pilgrims. They had to be guarded in enemy territory. This was the reason for the emergence of spiritual knightly orders.

Members of the new associations, on the one hand, took three vows of monastic life: poverty, obedience and abstinence. On the other hand, they wore armor, always had a sword with them, and, if necessary, took part in military campaigns.

The knightly monastic orders had a triple structure: it included chaplains (priests), brother warriors and brother ministers. The head of the order - the grandmaster - was elected for a life term, his candidacy was approved by the Pope, who had supreme power over the association. The chapter, together with the priors, periodically assembled a chapter (a general gathering where important decisions were made and the laws of the order were approved).

The spiritual and monastic associations included the Templars, the Ionites (Hospitaliers), the Teutonic Order, and the Swordsmen. They were all participants historical events, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. The Crusades, with their assistance, significantly influenced the development of Europe, and indeed the whole world. The sacred liberation missions got their name thanks to the crosses that were sewn onto the robes of the knights. Each monastic order used its own color and shape to convey the symbol and thus differed in appearance from the others.

Decline of authority

At the beginning of the 13th century, the Church was forced to fight a huge number of heresies that arose. The clergy lost their former authority, propagandists spoke of the need to reform or even abolish the church system as an unnecessary layer between man and God, and condemned the enormous wealth concentrated in the hands of ministers. In response, the Inquisition appeared, designed to restore the people's respect for the Church. However, a more beneficial role in this activity was played by the mendicant monastic orders, which set prerequisite service complete renunciation of property.

Francis of Assisi

In 1207, the Franciscan Order began to form. Its head, Francis of Assisi, saw the essence of his activity in preaching and renunciation. He was against the founding of churches and monasteries, and met with his followers once a year at an appointed place. The rest of the time the monks preached to the people. However, in 1219, a Franciscan monastery was built at the insistence of the Pope.

Francis of Assisi was famous for his kindness, his ability to serve easily and with complete dedication. He was loved for his poetic talent. Canonized just two years after his death, he gained a large following and revived respect for the Catholic Church. In different centuries, branches were formed from the Franciscan Order: the Capuchin Order, the Tertians, the Minimas, and the Observants.

Dominic de Guzman

The Church also relied on monastic associations in the fight against heresy. One of the foundations of the Inquisition was the Dominican Order, founded in 1205. Its founder was Dominic de Guzman, an irreconcilable fighter against heretics who revered asceticism and poverty.

The Dominican Order chose the training of preachers as one of its main goals. high level. For organization suitable conditions For training, the initially strict rules were even relaxed, requiring the brothers to live in poverty and constantly wander around the cities. At the same time, the Dominicans were not obliged to work physically: thus, they devoted all their time to education and prayer.

IN early XVI century, the Church was again experiencing a crisis. The clergy's commitment to luxury and vices undermined authority. The successes of the Reformation forced the clergy to look for new ways to return to their former veneration. This is how the Order of Theatines was formed, and then the Society of Jesus. Monastic associations sought to return to the ideals of the medieval orders, but time took its toll. Although many orders still exist today, little remains of their former greatness.

Organized into congregations and brotherhoods occupies important positions. Currently there are about 140 monastic orders, whose activities are led by the Vatican Congregation for Sanctified Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. The most influential monastic orders are the Dominicans, Franciscans and Jesuits. Each of them has its own specifics and its own history of development.


Founder of the Benedictine monastery - Benedict of Nursia(480-547) became the founder of the first monastic rule. He founded a monastery in Monte in 530 Cassino, in which he established strict rules. This charter became the basis and example for the monks of other monasteries. The main rule was community life away from the bustle of the world. Monasteries were built in remote places, away from the influence of the world. Initially, there was no central organization; each monastery was independent. Monasteries became centers of education and training. The Benedictines were engaged in missionary work in Slavic lands and in the Baltic states. Currently, the Benedictine Order unites over 10 thousand monks and 20 thousand nuns.

Monastic orders appeared in 910, after the abbot About from the monastery Cluny undertook a reform of the monastic organization. He proposed to unite many monasteries performing common tasks into orders, which should submit to the central government. The purpose of such a unification was a return to strict observance of the rules, the deprivation of monasteries of autonomy and subordination to the pope, bypassing bishops, and the independence of the church from secular power.


Founder - Berthold of Calabria, leader of the crusaders. The order was founded in 1155 after the victorious Crusade. It got its name from its location - at the foot of the mountain Carmel in Palestine. After the Crusaders were defeated, in the 13th century. the order moved to Western Europe. In the 16th century The Carmelite Order split into several movements. A women's order arose in Spain Barefoot Carmelites, and then male. The peculiarities of the order include a reclusive lifestyle and living on alms. Carmelite monks are mainly engaged in missionary work, raising and educating children and youth.


The monastery was founded in 1084 in the province Chartreuse(lat. - Cartusia). It was officially approved in 1176. There is a female branch of the order, which was formed in 1234. A special feature of the monastery is the presence of large land property. The main source of wealth is the production and sale of Chartreuse liqueur.


First appeared in 1098 in a desert area Sieve (Cito). Since the 14th century There are nunnery monasteries. In 1115 the order was reformed Bernard of Clairvaux and received the name Bernardine. The monks of the order actively participated in, supported the pope in his struggle with the secular authorities.


The monastery organized Francis of Assisi in 1207-1209 in Italy near Assisi. Francis of Assisi spoke out against the acquisitiveness of the papal hierarchs, against the distribution of positions by the pope to his relatives, against simony (buying and selling church positions). He preached the benevolence of poverty, the renunciation of all property, sympathy for the poor, and a cheerful, poetic attitude towards nature. His mysticism was permeated with love for people. These ideas have become very popular and a short time received recognition in other European countries. Francis of Assisi created "Order of Friars Minor" - religious and moral community. Minorities- “the least of all people” - lived not in monasteries, but in the world, traveled, preached in the language of the common people, and were engaged in charity.

The renunciation of property aroused suspicion among the pope. At first, Francis of Assisi was forbidden to preach, then in 1210 he was allowed, but demanded to abandon the call to poverty. Francis did not comply. After his death, the order split. Extreme followers of Francis fratinelli(brothers) were declared heretics, many were burned. The remaining moderate followers became the pope's support. In 1525, the Franciscans separated capuchins(pointed hoods) to counteract. Since 1619, the Capuchins became an independent order.


The order was founded in 1216 by a Spaniard Dominic de Guzman. The purpose of the order was to fight heresy Albigensians, which spread to France, Germany and Italy. The Albigensians opposed the Catholic Church, which hindered the development of cities. A crusade was declared against the Albigensians, which ended in the defeat of the heretics. The Dominicans also fought the heresy of the Cathars and other movements opposed to the Catholic Church, showing particular cruelty and uncompromisingness.

Dominicans take a vow of poverty, abstinence and obedience, and they are forbidden to eat. The requirement of poverty applies only to individuals, not to congregations. The emblem of the order is a dog with a lit torch in its teeth. They call themselves “dogs of the Lord” (lat. - dominicanes). In 1232 they were given leadership of the Inquisition. They become censors of Catholic orthodoxy. In their activities, the Dominicans used torture, executions, and prisons. They abandoned physical labor in favor of teaching and scientific work. Prominent Catholic theologians emerged from the ranks of the order, including Thomas Aquinas, as well as several popes.

Knight brotherhoods

Spiritual knightly orders began to emerge in the territory of Palestine, conquered during the first Crusade, to protect the conquered lands. The knights took three monastic vows: chastity, poverty and obedience. Unlike ordinary monks, members of the orders had to fight for the faith with weapons in their hands. They obeyed only the pope and the order authorities - the chapter and the grand masters.


Around 1070 a hospice house was built in Jerusalem ( hospitalis) for wounded and sick pilgrims. The house was given the name of St. John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria. Soon the monks caring for the wounded began to take part in the fighting themselves. In 1113, the pope approved the order's charter, according to which the Hospitallers, or Johannites, were called upon to fight the infidels. After the conquest of Palestine by the Muslims in 1309, the Johannites took possession of the island of Rhodes, and then, when the Ottomans captured it in 1522, they moved to the island of Malta, after which the order received the name Maltese. The distinctive feature of the order was a red cloak with a white cross.

Templars or Templars

The Order of the Templars or Templars arose at the beginning of the 12th century. It was named for the location of his residence near King Solomon's Temple. The distinctive feature of the order was a white cloak with a red cross. The Order accumulated significant funds. After the fall of Jerusalem, the order moved to Cyprus, then to France. King Philip IV the Fair, seeking to seize the wealth of the order, accused the Templars of Manichaeism (a synthesis of Zoroastrianism and Christianity). In 1310, the knights were burned, the property passed to the king, and the order was abolished.


In the 12th century. In 1190, German crusaders created a military monastic order in Palestine, based on the hospital of the Holy Virgin Mary - the Teutonic Order - after the name of the German tribe. At the beginning of the 13th century. he was transferred to the Baltic states, where he launched military activities in Prussia. The Order carried out a policy of feudal-Catholic expansion in the Baltic states and the northwestern Russian principalities. The difference between the Teutons was a white cloak with a black cross.


The name comes from Lat. SocietasJesu- "Society of Jesus" The order was formed in 1534, approved by the pope in 1540. The founder was a Spanish Basque, a nobleman, a former brave officer, crippled in battle, Ignatius of Loyola(1491-1556). The purpose of the order is to fight the Reformation, spread Catholicism, and unquestioning submission to the pope. The Jesuits are characterized by a strictly hierarchical structure, headed by a general subordinate to the pope. The Order is engaged in worldwide missionary activities.

Augustinian Order. Appeared in the second half of the 13th century and received the privileges of a mendicant order. The Order united several hermit communities in Italy (Johnbonites, Tuscan Eremites, Britinians, etc.) into one congregation. The order's charter was not strict. In the 14th century, with an even greater weakening of the original strictness of the charter, the order was transformed into numerous new congregations, one of them was the Saxon one, to which Staupitz and Luther belonged.

Franciscan Order. The founder was the son of a merchant - Francis of Assisi. Francis, having taken a vow of perfect mendicancy, became a traveling preacher of repentance, apostolic poverty, asceticism and love of neighbor in 1208. Soon several students gathered around him, with whom he formed Order of Friars Minor or minorities. Pope Innocent 3, to whom Francis appeared, although he did not approve the order, allowed him and his brothers to engage in preaching and missionary work. In 1223, the order was solemnly approved by a bull of Pope Honorius 3, and the minorities were given the right to preach and make confession everywhere. In 1212, Clara of Assisi founded the order Clarissa, to which Francis gave a charter in 1224. After the death of Francis in 1226, the order spread throughout all countries of Western Europe and numbered thousands of monks.

Dominican Order. The Order was founded at approximately the same time as Francis by a priest and canon Dominican Republic. At the end of the 12th and beginning of the 13th centuries. Many heretics appeared in the Roman Church, who found shelter in southern France and caused great unrest. Dominic, traveling through southern France, became acquainted with its heretical population, and decided to found an order specially designed for this purpose to convert heretics. Having received permission in 1215 from Pope Innocent, and from Pope Honorius a charter, the order declared itself. According to this charter, the main activity of the order was to be the conversion of heretics. But Honorius, also for approval catholic faith, granted the order the right to engage in preaching and confession everywhere. From preaching, the Order of Dominic was originally called the Order brother preachers, later in honor of the founder it began to be called Dominican. In 1220, Dominic made a change in the charter of his order, adding, following the example of the Franciscans, begging to the main vows of the brethren. In principle, the Dominican Order was very similar to the Order of Francis. The difference lies in the fact that, in accordance with its task of converting heretics and establishing the Catholic faith, it took upon itself primarily the educational direction and acted as an order engaged in in-depth study of theology among the upper classes. Dominicans founded their own educational establishments. At the same time, the Franciscans were rivals and opponents of the Dominicans in many dogmatic issues. After Dominic's death in 1221, his order spread throughout Western Europe.

The Franciscan and Dominican monastic orders had, like no other, special importance in the Roman Church, having the status of mendicants, except for the Jesuit order that subsequently appeared. The reason lies in the special nature and direction of their activities, different from other orders. Monks of other Western orders, in accordance with their vows, had to spend their lives away from society and care only about their own salvation; they were not given participation in church affairs. On the contrary, even pastoral activities, through which they could influence society, were prohibited by the popes. The Franciscan and Dominican orders were intended by their founders to promote the interests of the church among society, and the popes not only prevented this, but also made it easier for them to fulfill their given purpose, giving members of both orders extensive rights to widespread pastoral activity. The Franciscans and Dominicans formed a specific hierarchy that was at the direct disposal of the papal throne. Based on this state of affairs in the church, mendicant monks take an active part in all areas of spiritual activity. They are preachers, confessors, learned theologians and philosophers, university professors and agents of popes. The Franciscans were the confessors of sovereigns from the 13th to the 16th centuries, and enjoyed great influence in secular affairs until they were supplanted by the Jesuits. Together with the Dominicans, the Franciscans served as the Inquisition, founded in the 13th century. It should be noted, however, that at first the Dominicans and Franciscans, when the vow of poverty was observed by them in all severity, were representatives of pious life. And all this taken together strengthened their importance in the Church. But the influence of a close connection with the papacy and serving its interests left an imprint on the activities of the mendicant orders and, as a result, they more and more deviated from their original purpose - the salvation of human souls. They directed all their interests and activities towards the spread and establishment of papal power. The basic vow of both orders - apostolic poverty - was forgotten, and strict discipline gave way to licentiousness.

In addition to monastic orders in the Western European Church in the Middle Ages, orders appeared, partly monastic and partly lay - spiritual knightly orders. Their appearance expressed the general trend of Western medieval life, when the Church, defending its interests, attracted all classes of society, including knighthood, to its service. The natural reason for the emergence of spiritual knightly orders in the political situation of the current era was the Crusades. The most noticeable contribution to the history of the Middle Ages in general, and in particular to the history of the Crusades, was made by three orders - the Hospitallers, the Templars and the Teutons. The Templar Order ceased to exist in the first half of the 14th century; the rest still exist today, but do not play a significant military-political role. The orders degenerated into charitable public organizations.

One of the first orders of this kind was the Order of St. John or Hospitallers. In 1048, long before the Crusades, Amalfi was founded by civilians hospice of Saint John the Baptist- a Christian organization or hospital for the shelter of poor and sick pilgrims; a brotherhood was also established at the hospital. Ioannites - Jerusalem, Rhodes and Maltese Sovereign Military Hospitable Order of St. John. In 1099, when the Christian kingdom was founded by the crusaders during the first crusade in Jerusalem, the members of this brotherhood accepted monastic rules and the organization turned into a religious-military order. Initially, the main responsibility of the Brothers of St. John was hospitality and caring for the sick. Later, these duties were supplemented by the duty to protect the pilgrims with weapons and concern for the defense of the Holy Land. The latter duties soon became the main ones and the Johannites devoted themselves exclusively to the fight against the infidels. A spiritual knightly order was formed. Pope Innocent II approved it. The Johannites were divided into three classes: knights, priests and service brothers. The order was led by the Grandmaster. The formation of the order with the aim of fighting the infidels was met with sympathy in Europe, and as a result, large donations began to be made in favor of the Johannites. Solomon moved to Cyprus, and from there they migrated to Western Europe and lived on their rich estates, especially in France. The center of concentration was Paris. Subsequently, the French king Philip IV the Handsome, fearing the knights’ plans against the state and wanting to take away their enormous wealth, began to bring terrible accusations against the order. Philip the Fair over time confiscated the order's property and directed the Inquisition against the brotherhood. Members of the order were accused of a terrible heresy - of renouncing Jesus Christ. Pope Clement 5, who lived at that time in Avignon and was completely dependent on Philip, was forced to contribute to the destruction of the order. In 1312, a papal bull declared the Templar order heretical and destroyed.



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