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Statuses about a new life. Statuses about a blank slate

Every Monday is the beginning of a new life. How many of these lives have ended before they even began! I'm grieving.


Began new life. It presses.


Son! We all start a new life on Monday! I'll quit losing weight, dad will quit smoking. And you? -And I? And I can quit school...


If you decide to start a new life, then the best place for starters, exactly where you are standing now...


The body is filled with optimism and faith.
My regime will be strict without beer, tobacco...
A new life begins on Monday!
But from which one specifically, I don’t know yet.

I'm standing on the threshold of a new life. All that remains is to open the door. Do I think from my feet or culturally?


Almost always a new life is the result of accidental carelessness.


I'm starting a new life on Monday!
- What, are you quitting drinking, smoking and swearing?
- No! I change my nickname, mailbox and ICQ number...


I’m starting a new life from next Monday, parting with my rose-colored glasses, throwing away my rake and recruiting a new staff of cockroaches...


On Monday I decided to start a new life. Got up in the morning and started all over again...


If you want to change your life, change your mobile number.


A new life begins with the disposal of previous mistakes.


Every Monday thousands of people start a new life. This does not include those who are born.


All! Starting Tuesday I start a new life!
- Why not from Monday?
- What the hell is life like on Monday!


I'm going to live on the rainbow, I'm tired of black and white stripes!


If I disappear for a long time, don’t worry! I just went looking for... bright colors! Draw yourself a new life... You can look for me in a fairy tale!...


If you start life with a new, clean slate, then don’t remember the draft!

Turning the page is not always enough to start a new life. Sometimes you need to change the book...


Do you want to start a new life? Have sex without a condom!


A woman will draw doors where there are none, open them, and step on new way and new life.


Well, I can congratulate you! A new life has been born in you!
- Doctor... but I’m a man!
- Yes? Well, actually, the worms somehow don’t care.


It’s not enough to start a new life on Monday. It’s important not to finish it on Wednesday...


Starting a new life on Monday, I’m parting with my rose-colored glasses, throwing away my rake and recruiting a new staff of cockroaches. Surprisingly, already on Wednesday there are new rose-colored glasses on his nose, a fresh lump on his forehead, and the cockroaches, all of their own, familiarly offer to drink a brotherhood drink for a new life starting next Monday.


With every birthday we look forward to a new life. But nothing changes.


The time will come when you decide it's over! This will be the beginning!


Sunday. - All! It's decided! I'm starting healthy image life from Monday! Exercise, diet, quitting smoking, everything...
Monday. - Although... Monday is still a hard day.
Tuesday. - Damn, I forgot! I wanted a new life...
Wednesday. - Who starts a new life on Wednesday?
Thursday. - Tired as a dog! Take-all! What the hell is this new life? Tomorrow...
Friday. - Well, I do not! Deprive yourself of pleasure for the weekend? I’m like all people: new life - starting on Monday!


It’s best to start a new life with new shoes... It’s easier to look at life’s troubles from the height of heels!


Many try to start a new life with the words: “I’m quitting smoking, drinking and swearing!”


Don't play your new life by the old rules. That's why it's new, to change everything completely.


All! Started a new life.
- How are you doing?
- Today I threw out all the holey socks. Tomorrow I'll go to the store for new ones.
- Aaah... well done! What will you wear?


On Monday I start a new life, and in this one I’ll probably eat some more.

Eh, if you start a new page in life, then why not start it with a blonde?


Tips for those planning to start a new life:
1. Better not start.


And I’m starting a NEW life, I will always smile, and cry only from happiness.


So, don’t torture me: “Where are you going?” -
According to the ancient scribe,
All, without options, candidates
In the ass of the inevitable arctic fox!


If a person appears in your life with whom you forget the past, then this person is your future!


Let's all start with ourselves. Starting next Monday, I will throw cigarette butts into the trash can, and you will stop stealing billions from the budget.


The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do!


Break the system! Break the patterns! Start a new life on Friday!


You had a good evening if you wake up the next morning with the desire to start a new life under a different name and in a different city


I decided to start a new life.
-Have you really stopped drinking?
- Not that new.


Starting with a clean slate is not enough; you also need to change your handwriting.


We will send the old life to the trash and empty it, and create it in Word new document and let's call it “New Life”, and start everything from scratch...


Error again... nothing, I'll reboot life and create a new user!!!


While you are facing your past, you are facing your future! Let's turn around!!!


Life is such a thing that I would like two pieces.


In order to start a new life tomorrow morning, you need to go to bed at least today.
This is what is usually difficult to achieve.

People who have moved to other countries often post on social networks short statuses about the beginning of a new life. With the help of such statuses, they inform all their friends about how they are living, what impressions they managed to get after leaving home. Cool, but beautiful statuses Students who have entered a university and newlyweds who have barely managed to register their marriage often write about a new life.

It’s impossible to start a new life on Monday, and on Tuesday it’s too late.

People are so afraid to take a step towards a new life that they are ready to close their eyes to everything that does not suit them. And this is even scarier: to wake up one day and realize that everything nearby is not the same, not the same, not the same...

Don't wait for intensive care to start a new life!!

I want new jeans, new shoes and a new life!

The resolution to start a new life in the new year ends with the advent of the New Year.

And one day a new name will appear in your life, which will turn the previous one into dust.

- How are you doing? — I’m starting a new life... without deer. - Right. They only interfere with life with their horns.

With a new person you need to start life again. There is no past.

Everyone says “I’m starting a new life,” you can start it, but you can’t erase the memories, no matter how hard you try, but what kind of new life is this with old memories??

We have no right to complain about life - it doesn’t hold anyone back.

Each of us needs turning points in life. After all, only after this we will find new strength in ourselves and do what we dreamed of a long time ago.

Son! We all start a new life on Monday! I'll quit losing weight, dad will quit smoking. And you? -And I? And I can quit school...

- Hurt?! - No... - It's a shame?! - Maybe... - Bad?! - No, it became easy... - Do you regret it?! - It would be about something... - What next?! - Next... life, different, new!

You just need to send the past to the trash, download it for yourself good mood and then just start your new life

With every breath a new life is born.

Someday I will wake up not in my apartment, go out onto the balcony of my new city, somewhere on the other side of the world, breathe in such unfamiliar air and smile at a new life.

What happened cannot be corrected, but the script for a new life is in your hands.

You cannot start a new chapter of life without finishing the previous one.

A new life begins precisely at the moment when there is no longer room for the old one inside.

Throwing the past in the trash, I start a new life

When starting a new life, don’t forget to lock it front door, otherwise the past will come in without knocking...

I’m starting a new life from next Monday, parting with my rose-colored glasses, throwing away my rake and recruiting a new staff of cockroaches...

On a warm October morning, I will write my story on fallen leaves, and then sail away on a soggy paper boat to a new life...

It’s best to start a new life with new shoes... It’s easier to look at life’s troubles from the height of heels!

Where can I find a screenwriter? Who will write me a new life. And new actors, but not mediocre ones... there is no need for such. And such that I myself believe in my role...

Tomorrow you will start a new life, So many plans for this day, And then the anchors of excuses come, The brakes of hope and the killer of laziness.

If something doesn’t suit you and you want to change something, then read quotes about a new life. In them, you can find inspiration and motivation for building a new life, quotes about which are collected here.

Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.
Paulo Coelho. Brida

Start from scratch. A blank slate promises so much.
Frederick Beigbeder. Love lives for three years

You need to start a new life with those who are truly dear to you.
TV series “One Tree Hill”

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Lao Tzu

No matter how difficult your new life may be, quotes will help you overcome everything.

Take a step and the road will appear by itself...
Film “Will Tomorrow Come or Not? (Kal Ho Naa Ho)"

While traveling, it is important not to forget the main thing - when one thing ends, something else begins.
Film "Love Happens"

By reading aphorisms about a new life, you can find strength for long-overdue changes. Saying something about your new life can really help.

You can't go back in time and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish.
Roy Jones (Jr.)

I'm not sure if I should hesitate to start; but I'm sure I shouldn't stop.
Winston Churchill

To live simply means to start over forever.
Bernard Werber. Empire of Angels

Fate never opens one door without slamming another.
Victor Hugo. The man who laughs

It’s one thing to talk about the need to take the first step, and quite another to truly step into the unknown.
Luis Rivera. There are only those who fight

Something in me wants to begin.
Leonard Cohen. Favorite game

The world is round, and what seems to us the end may turn out to be the beginning.
Ivy Priest

What is not started today cannot be finished tomorrow.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

You see, the real path is never a straight line. This is not a car ride to the Numbana fair. There is no forward movement, no destination to arrive at. It's much more like walking along the ocean in a storm. One wave knocks you off your feet and carries you out to sea, and another throws you ashore. There is no goal, no Numbana, no fair - nothing! Only your stupid, risky walk and the merciless waves that carry you along with them, and at that moment, when it begins to seem to you that you have already become comfortable in the ocean, they are thrown ashore again, and you understand that everything needs to start all over again. Are you saying everything comes back? The way it is. But don’t panic, guy: over time you will understand that every time we are thrown onto the other shore, and we start from some other “beginning”...
Max Fry. Chatty Dead

How to start a new life. Motivation.

Have you read quotes about a new life. We hope you enjoyed everything. You will definitely succeed.

And again everything from scratch. Here he is - Blank sheet. The paints are nearby, but the hand no longer reaches out to them...

If you find yourself sitting and staring at a blank sheet of paper, don't be alarmed - you're on an exam!

I’ll take a blank sheet of paper and write down everything that has accumulated. Let it not rhyme - I’m not doing it for glory. I need to know that I'm still breathing...

I just pressed DEL and that’s it. Now nothing connects with the past. I have a blank sheet of paper in front of me, all that remains is to find a person who will start writing on it new story

Start from scratch. A blank slate promises so much...

Memory... like a blank sheet of paper...

The human soul is a blank sheet of paper! And what it will be filled with depends on two...(((

I’m starting my life from scratch... But this way, even a pack of “Snow Maiden” won’t be enough for me!

From a clean slate... I left everything there in the past... and now the future is bright)))

I started living from scratch... only without you... =(how I need you... I really need you...(

Yes, finally she started a new life, all over again from a clean slate, with new acquaintances, with a smile on her face, and completely indifferent to you...

Start all over again? From a clean slate and white page? I fucking don't have any more paper.

starting a new life... with a clean slate... you go FUCK first

life from a clean slate, but in a dirty notebook...

Tired of it! I'll start everything from scratch.

I forgave old grievances... threw those who were not needed out of life... you can start life from scratch...

It’s a pity that life is not a black-and-white, I would start from scratch)

There are such memories that do not cause pleasant nostalgia, but on the contrary, they kill the ability to love and prevent you from starting life from scratch

And sometimes you just want to start over, With a clean slate, erasing the shadow of grievances, But there is a past that we cannot forget...

how difficult it is to start everything from scratch... but it’s better to start anew than to end everything the same way!

There are moments in every person’s life when you want to start all over again, with a clean slate...

I’m starting my life from scratch, alas, I’m sorry there’s no place for you!

I'm learning to live without him, but I'm not doing well. I really want to start my life from scratch, but the past still holds me back...

And I’m like a blank sheet of new life that was crumpled and thrown away because it wasn’t needed...

Let all the tears and grievances remain in the past.. In 2011 I will watch my mood - a clean slate)

Perhaps now is the time to take out a blank sheet of paper and start living differently... autumn inspires change*

Leaves are falling... Like thoughts through the windows... Again I'm like a blank sheet... Again it's too late..

Free.. Where is the blank slate?.. I’ll start living.. You are not in this life.. *)

STARTING from scratch... a blank slate promises so much...

I want to lose my memory and start life from scratch!

Start living from scratch?? - This is not possible when moments of the past follow you around.

I like to start this life with a clean slate, but someday this roll will end.

Let's start over, with a clean slate...?

How hard it is to start everything from scratch when you are so madly accustomed to the past....

Life is like a blank sheet of paper and a drawing pencil, only without an eraser...

Wednesday, five minutes of TV, a contemptuous grin, a desk, a folder, a smile, a blank sheet of paper...

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Statuses about new life

I'm going to live on the rainbow, I'm tired of black and white stripes!

For wise man Every day new life opens up.

Every second our future becomes the present. Start your life with a clean slate, but leave a copy of your old mistakes.

You can't change your life overnight, but you can change the direction you're heading. Jim Rohn

With every breath a new life is born.

Starting a new life... without deer. They only interfere with life with their horns.

Didn't manage to start a new life on the first of January? Start in March. Spring is another chance.

The hope of starting a new life dies early on Monday morning.

Everyone says: “I’m starting a new life,” you can start it, but you can’t erase the memories, no matter how hard you try, but what kind of new life is this with old memories?

You cannot start a new chapter of life without finishing the previous one.

The desire to start a new life does not come from a good life.

Tomorrow you will start a new life, so many plans for this day, and then come the anchors of excuses, the brakes of hope and the killer of laziness.

It is impossible to start a new life on Monday, and on Tuesday it is too late.

It's time to change not your status, but something in your life...

When I see this new life, these changes, I don’t want to smile, I want to pray!

The time will come when you decide it's over! This will be the beginning! Louis Lamour

Sometimes you think: it’s all over, period, but in fact, this is the beginning. Just another chapter. Ilya Erenburg

The resolution to start a new life in the new year ends with the advent of the New Year.

In order to really start a new life, you need to get rid of what is pulling you into the past... Just let it go and not regret what happened..

A person can change his life by changing only his point of view!

While you are facing your past, you are facing your future! Let's turn around!!! :)))

You can't regret anything in this life! It happened - draw a conclusion and move on with your life!

You can start life from scratch, but it’s difficult to change your handwriting.

If your old life oppresses you, forget about it as soon as possible. Come up with a new story for your life and believe in it. Remember only your victories, and this will help you achieve what you want. Paulo Coelho

On the count of 3 I start a new life!!! -1000000000000; -999999999999; -999999999998; -999999999997...

Where can I find a screenwriter? Who will write me a new life. And new actors, but not untalented ones... there is no need for such. And such that I myself believe in my role.

When starting a new life, don’t forget to lock the front door, otherwise the past will come in without knocking...

If you have decided to start a new life, then the best place to start is exactly where you are now...

Every dawn offers the opportunity to begin a new life.

If life hits you in the chest, don’t crawl back, but at all costs - forward!

Everything in life is temporary. If everything goes well, enjoy it, it won’t last forever... Well, if everything is bad, don’t be sour, it won’t last forever either...

We invent our own problems, obstacles, complexes and frameworks, free yourself - breathe life and understand that you can do anything.

On a warm October morning, I will write my story on fallen leaves, and then sail away on a soggy paper boat to a new life...

To start a new life, you need to end the current one.

Don't wait for intensive care to start a new life!

You can't go back in time and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish.

I'm starting a new life on Monday! -What, are you quitting drinking, smoking and swearing? - No! I change my nickname, mailbox and ICQ number...

WITH tomorrow I’m starting a new life: changing my nickname, mailbox and ICQ number...

New life, like God, has many faces, with many names and is diverse always and everywhere.

Don't you dare start a new life without me!

Son! We all start a new life on Monday! I'll quit losing weight, dad will quit smoking. And you? -And I? And I can quit school...

I need a new T-shirt, new jeans and a new life.

Confident steps, with fresh thoughts into a new life...



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