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Management styles in organizations briefly. Management and leadership styles

The effective development of market relations in Russia is largely determined by the formation of modern management relations and increased controllability of the economy. It is management that ensures coherence and integration of economic processes in an organization.

Management is the most important concept in a market economy. It is studied by economists, entrepreneurs, financiers, bankers and everyone related to business.

“To manage means to lead an enterprise towards its goal, extracting the maximum from available resources.” Modern specialists need deep knowledge of management, and for this they need to clearly understand the essence and concept of management.

Personnel management at an enterprise is a type of activity that allows you to implement and generalize a wide range of issues of adaptation of an individual to external conditions, taking into account the personal factor in building an enterprise personnel management system.


In the literature, there are many definitions of the concept of “management style”, similar to each other in their main features. It can be considered as a set of decision-making methods systematically used by a leader, influencing subordinates and communicating with them.

Management style This is a stable set of traits of a leader, manifested in his relationship with subordinates.

In other words, this is the way in which the boss controls his subordinates and in which a pattern of his behavior independent of specific situations is expressed.

Management style does not characterize the leader’s behavior in general, but rather what is stable and invariant in it. Constantly manifested in different situations. Finding and using optimal management styles is designed to enhance employee achievement and satisfaction.

The concept of management styles received intensive development after the Second World War. However, its developments still face a number of unsolved problems. The main problems:

· Difficulties in determining the effectiveness of a management style. The results to be achieved by a particular style involve many components and are not easily reduced to a single value and compared with the results of other styles.

· Difficulty in establishing cause-and-effect relationships between management style and the effectiveness of its use. Typically, management style is viewed as the reason for achieving a certain outcome - employee productivity. However, such a cause-and-effect relationship does not always correspond to reality. Often it is the nature of employee achievements (low or high achievements) that prompts a manager to use a particular style.

· Variability of the situation, primarily within the organization itself. Management styles are effective only under certain conditions, but these conditions do not remain unchanged. Over time, both the manager and employees can change their expectations and attitudes towards each other, which can make the style ineffective and the assessment of its use unreliable.

Despite these and some other difficulties, management styles are an important guideline in solving problems of increasing management effectiveness.

You can determine your management style in 2 ways:

· By identifying the characteristics of the individual management style that the boss uses in relation to his subordinates.

· Through the theoretical development of a set of typical requirements for the behavior of a manager, aimed at integrating employees and their use in the process of achieving the goals of the organization.

You can also consider the leadership style as “stably manifested features of the interaction of the leader with the team, formed under the influence of both objective and subjective management conditions, and the individual psychological characteristics of the leader’s personality.”

The objective, external conditions that shape the management style at a particular management level include the nature of the team (production, research, etc.), the specifics of the tasks at hand (urgent, habitual or urgent, unusual), the conditions for the implementation of these tasks (favorable, unfavorable or extreme), methods and means of activity (individual, pair or group). Along with the above, the factor that stands out is the level of development of the team. Individually psychological characteristics of this or that manager bring originality to his managerial activities. Based on the corresponding transformation of external influences, each manager exhibits his own individual management style.

The study of leadership style has been conducted by psychologists for more than half a century. So researchers have now accumulated a considerable amount of empirical material on this problem.

Management style - a method, a system of methods of influence of a leader on subordinates. One of the most important factors for the effective operation of an organization, the full realization of the potential capabilities of people and teams. Most researchers identify the following management styles:

Democratic style (collegial);

Liberal style (anarchic).

Management style - This habitual the way a leader behaves towards subordinates in order to influence them and motivate them to achieve the goals of the organization. The extent to which a manager delegates his authority, the types of power he exercises, and his concern primarily with human relations or, above all, with task accomplishment, all reflect the management style that characterizes a given leader.

Every organization is a unique combination of individuals, goals and objectives. Each manager is a unique personality with a number of abilities. Therefore, management styles cannot always be classified into any specific category.

Authoritarian (directive) style management is characterized by highly centralized leadership and the dominance of unity of command. The manager demands that all matters be reported to him, and makes decisions alone or cancels them. He does not listen to the opinion of the team; he decides everything for the team himself. The predominant management methods are orders, punishments, remarks, reprimands, and deprivation of various benefits. Control is very strict, detailed, depriving subordinates of initiative.

The interests of the business are placed significantly above the interests of people, harshness and rudeness predominate in communication.

The leader who uses it gives preference to the official nature of the relationship and maintains a distance between himself and his subordinates, which they do not have the right to violate.

This leadership style has a negative impact on the moral and psychological climate and leads to a significant decrease in the initiative, self-control and responsibility of employees.

Authoritarian management style is a leadership style in which the manager defines goals and policies as a whole, distributes responsibilities, and also, for the most part, specifies the appropriate procedures, manages, checks, evaluates and corrects the work performed.

1) in extreme conditions(crisis, emergency circumstances, etc.) when quick and decisive action is required, when time constraints do not allow meetings and discussions;

2) when, due to previous conditions and reasons, anarchic sentiments prevail in a given organization, the level of executive and labor discipline

Historically the first and to this day the most common in practice is authoritarian style, considered universal.

Experts distinguish two types of authoritarian style. "Exploitation" assumes that the manager completely concentrates the solution of all issues in his hands, does not trust his subordinates, is not interested in their opinions, takes responsibility for everything, giving only instructions to the performers. He uses punishment, threats, and pressure as the main form of stimulation.

If a manager makes a decision alone and then simply conveys it to his subordinates, then they perceive this decision as imposed from the outside and critically discuss it, even when it is truly successful. This decision is carried out with reservations and indifferently. Employees, as a rule, rejoice at any mistake made by the manager, finding in it confirmation of their negative opinion about him. As a result, subordinates get used to being executors of someone else’s will, perpetuating in their minds the stereotype “our business is small.”

For the manager, all this also does not pass without losses, since he finds himself in the position of the culprit, responsible for all the mistakes, not seeing and not knowing where and how they were made. His subordinates, although they know and notice a lot, remain silent, either because they receive moral satisfaction from this, or because they believe that he cannot be re-educated anyway. The manager understands the current situation, but is powerless to blame others for the mistakes made, since his subordinates did not participate in the development of the decision. This is how a kind of vicious circle which sooner or later leads to the development of an unfavorable moral and psychological climate in an organization or department and creates the ground for conflicts.

Management in the most diverse spheres of human activity is one of essential functions. The conditions of a market economy gave it particular relevance. To properly manage people, the head of an organization must choose a certain style of behavior. It is this that must be demonstrated in relations with subordinates, leading them to the intended goal. In other words, for the normal functioning of an enterprise, the presence of one or another leadership style is necessary. This is what serves main characteristic manager's performance senior management. The role of a leader's management style cannot be overestimated. After all, the success of the company, the dynamics of its development, the motivation of employees, their attitude to their responsibilities, relationships in the team and much more will depend on it.

Definition of the concept

What does the word "leader" mean? This is the one who “leads by the hand.” Every organization must have a person who is responsible for supervising all departments operating in the enterprise. This type of responsibility involves monitoring the actions of employees. This is the essence of the work of every leader.

The ultimate primary goal of a senior manager is to achieve the company's goals. The manager does this work without the help of his subordinates. And his usual manner of behavior towards the team should motivate him to work. This is the manager's management style. What are the roots of this concept?

The word "style" is of Greek origin. Initially, this was the name given to a rod intended for writing on a wax board. Somewhat later, the word “style” began to be used in a slightly different meaning. It began to indicate the nature of the handwriting. This can also be said about the manager's management style. It is a kind of signature in the actions of a senior manager.

A leader's style in managing a team can be different. But in general, they depend on the leadership and administrative qualities of the person in this position. In progress labor activity the formation of an individual type of leader, his “handwriting” takes place. This suggests that it is impossible to find two identical bosses with the same style. This phenomenon is individual, as it is determined specific characteristics specific person, reflecting his peculiarity of working with personnel.


It is believed that the happy person is the one who goes to work with pleasure every morning. And this directly depends on his boss, on what management style the leader uses, on his relationship with his subordinates. Management theory paid attention to this issue at the dawn of its creation, that is, almost a hundred years ago. According to the concepts put forward by her, already at that time there was a whole range of styles of work and leadership management. Somewhat later, others began to join them. Due to this modern theory management considers the presence of multiple leadership styles. Let's describe some of them in more detail.


This leadership style is based on the participation of subordinates in decision making with the division of responsibility between them. The name of this type of work for a senior manager comes to us from the Latin language. In it, demos means “power of the people.” The democratic management style of a leader is considered the best today. Based on the research data, it is 1.5-2 times more effective than all other methods of communication between a boss and his subordinates.

If a manager uses a democratic management style, then he relies on the initiative of the team. In this case, there is equal and Active participation all employees in the processes of discussing the company's goals.

In a democratic leadership style, there is interaction between the leader and subordinates. At the same time, a feeling of mutual understanding and trust arises in the team. However, it is worth noting that the desire of a senior manager to listen to the opinions of company employees on certain issues does not occur because he himself does not understand anything. The manager's democratic management style indicates that such a boss is aware that new ideas arise during the discussion of problems. They will certainly speed up the process of achieving the goal and improve the quality of work.

If, of all the styles and methods of management, a leader has chosen a democratic one, this means that he will not impose his will on his subordinates. How will he act in this case? Such a leader will prefer to use incentive and persuasion methods. He will resort to sanctions only when all other methods have been completely exhausted.

The manager's democratic management style is the most favorable from the point of view of psychological impact. Such a boss takes a sincere interest in employees and provides them with friendly attention, taking into account their needs. Such relationships have a positive effect on the results of the team’s work, on the activity and initiative of specialists. People become satisfied with their own work. They are also satisfied with their position in the team. Cohesion among employees and favorable psychological conditions have a positive impact on the physical and moral health of people.

Of course, management styles and leadership qualities are closely related concepts. Thus, given the democratic nature of communication with subordinates, the boss must enjoy high authority among employees. He also needs to have excellent organizational, intellectual and psychological-communicative abilities. Otherwise, the implementation of this style will become ineffective. The democratic type of leadership has two varieties. Let's take a closer look at them.

Deliberative style

When using it, most of the problems that the team faces are resolved at the time of their general discussion. A leader who uses a deliberative style in his activities often consults with subordinates without showing his own superiority. It does not shift responsibility to employees for the consequences that may occur as a result decisions made.

Leaders of the deliberative leadership type make extensive use of two-way communication with their subordinates. They trust their employees. Of course, only the manager makes the most important decisions, but at the same time, specialists are given the right to independently solve specific problems.

Participating style

This is another kind of democratic type of leadership. Its main idea is to involve employees not only in making certain decisions, but also in exercising control over their implementation. In this case, the leader completely trusts his subordinates. Moreover, communication between them can be described as open. The boss behaves at the level of one of the team members. At the same time, any employee is given the right to freely express his own opinion on the most various issues without fear of subsequent negative reactions. In this case, responsibility for failures in work is shared between the manager and subordinates. This style allows you to create an effective system of labor motivation. This makes it possible to successfully achieve the goals that the enterprise faces.

Liberal style

This type of leadership is also called free. After all, it presupposes a tendency towards condescension, tolerance and undemandingness. The liberal management style is characterized by complete freedom of decisions for employees. At the same time, the manager takes minimal participation in this process. He withdraws himself from the functions assigned to him of supervision and control over the activities of his subordinates.

We can say that types of leaders and management styles have a close relationship with each other. Thus, a liberal attitude in a team is allowed by a person who is insufficiently competent and unsure of his official position. Such a leader is able to take decisive steps only after receiving instructions from a superior. He avoids responsibility in every possible way when obtaining unsatisfactory results. Resolution of important issues in a company where such a manager works often takes place without his participation. To consolidate his authority, the liberal only pays his subordinates undeserved bonuses and provides various types of benefits.

Where can such a direction be chosen among all the existing management styles of a leader? Both the organization of work and the level of discipline in the company must be the highest. This is possible, for example, in a partnership of famous lawyers or in a writers' union, where all employees are engaged in creative activities.

The liberal management style from a psychological point of view can be considered in two ways. Everything will depend on which specialists carry out this guidance. A similar style will achieve a positive result where the team consists of responsible, disciplined, highly qualified employees who are able to independently perform creative work. Such leadership can also be successfully implemented if there are knowledgeable assistants in the company.

There are also teams in which subordinates command their boss. He is simply known among them as “ a good man" But this cannot continue for long. If any conflict situation dissatisfied employees stop obeying. This leads to the emergence of a permissive style, leading to a decrease in labor discipline, the development of conflicts and other negative phenomena. But in such cases, the manager simply withdraws from the affairs of the enterprise. The most important thing for him is to maintain good relations with his subordinates.

Authoritarian style

It refers to the authoritative type of leadership. It is based on the boss’s desire to assert his influence. A leader with an authoritarian management style provides company employees with only a minimal amount of information. This is due to his distrust of his subordinates. Such a leader seeks to get rid of talented people and strong employees. The best in this case is the one who is able to understand his thoughts. This leadership style creates an atmosphere of intrigue and gossip in the enterprise. At the same time, the independence of workers remains minimal. Subordinates seek to resolve any issues that arise with management. After all, no one can predict how management will react to a particular situation.

A leader with an authoritarian management style is simply unpredictable. People don't even dare tell him the bad news. As a result, such a boss lives in complete confidence that everything turned out exactly as he expected. Employees do not ask questions or argue, even in cases where they see significant errors in the decision made by the manager. The result of the activities of such a senior manager is the suppression of the initiative of subordinates, which interferes with their work.

With an authoritarian leadership style, all power is concentrated in the hands of one person. Only he is able to single-handedly resolve all issues, determine the activities of subordinates and not give them the opportunity to make independent decisions. In this case, employees only do what they are ordered to do. That is why all information for them is reduced to a minimum. A leader with an authoritarian style of team management tightly controls the activities of his subordinates. Such a boss has enough power in his hands to impose his will on the employees.

In the eyes of such a leader, a subordinate is a person who has an aversion to work and avoids it whenever possible. This becomes the reason for the constant coercion of the employee, control over him and the implementation of punishments. In this case, the moods and emotions of subordinates are not taken into account. The manager has a distance from his team. At the same time, the autocrat specifically appeals to the lowest level of needs of his subordinates, believing that it is the most important for them.

If we consider this leadership style from a psychological point of view, it is the most unfavorable. After all, the manager in this case does not perceive the employee as an individual. Employees are constantly depressed creative manifestations, causing them to become passive. People become dissatisfied with their work and their own position in the team. The psychological climate at the enterprise also becomes unfavorable. Intrigues often arise in the team and sycophants appear. This increases the stress load on people, which is harmful to their moral and physical health.

The use of an authoritarian style is effective only under certain circumstances. For example, in combat conditions, when emergency situations, in the army and in a team in which the consciousness of its members is at the lowest level. The authoritarian leadership style has its own variations. Let's take a closer look at them.

Aggressive style

The manager who has adopted this type of personnel management believes that by nature, most people are stupid and lazy. Consequently, they try not to work. In this regard, such a manager considers it his duty to force employees to fulfill their duties. He does not allow himself participation and softness.

What can it mean when a person chooses an aggressive one among all management styles? The personality of the leader in this case has special characteristics. Such a person is rude. He limits contact with subordinates, keeping them at a distance. When communicating with employees, such a boss often raises his voice, insults people and actively gestures.

Aggressively flexible style

This type of leadership is characterized by its selectivity. Such a boss shows aggression towards his employees and at the same time, helpfulness and pliability towards the higher management body.

Selfish style

A manager who has adopted this type of personnel management seems to be the only one who knows and can do everything. That is why such a boss assumes responsibilities for the sole resolution of issues related to the activities of the team and production. Such a leader does not tolerate objections from his subordinates and is prone to hasty conclusions, which are not always correct.

Kind-hearted style

The basis of this type of relationship between the leader and subordinates is authoritarianism. However, the boss still gives his employees the opportunity to participate in some decisions, while limiting their scope of activity. The results of the team’s work, together with the system of punishments that dominates, are also evaluated with some rewards.


The individual management style of a leader can be very different. Moreover, all of its types given above, in pure form it is simply impossible to meet. Here there can only be a predominance of certain characteristics.

This is why defining the best leadership style is not easy to define. A senior manager needs to know the above classification and be able to apply each of the categories of personnel management, depending on the situation and the presence of a specific task. This, in fact, is the art of a true leader.

A correctly defined and successfully applied management style allows you to most successfully use the potential of all employees of the enterprise. With the help of an established management style, job satisfaction and productivity of employees are achieved.

Management style is the way a manager manages his subordinate employees, as well as a pattern of manager behavior independent of the specific management situation. With the help of an established management style, job satisfaction can be achieved and employee productivity can be encouraged. At the same time, there is no optimal management style, and we can talk about the advantage of one or another management style only for a certain management situation.

The following management styles are distinguished:

Task-oriented, which must be completed, while, as Bizani claims, the leader:

    decries insufficient work;

    encourages slow-performing employees to put in more effort;

    attaches particular importance to the volume of work;

    rules with an iron fist;

    draws attention to the fact that its employees work with full dedication;

    encourages employees through pressure and manipulation to make even greater efforts;

    demands greater productivity from underperforming employees.

Research by Halpin-Wiener and Peltz shows that such leaders:

    are often characterized more positively by their bosses than person-oriented managers;

    are positively evaluated by their employees if managers have influence “at the top.”

Personality-oriented, where employees and their needs and expectations are at the center. According to Bizani, head:

    pays attention to the health of employees; takes care of good relations with your subordinates; treats his subordinates as equals;

    supports its employees in what they do or need to do;

    stands up for his employees.

A manager who manages based on the individual cannot, however, immediately count on the complete satisfaction of his employees. For this, the influence and respect of the manager “at the top” is important, on the basis of which he is able to protect the interests of employees.

There are three problems with management style:

1. The results to be achieved by a management style contain several components that cannot be put together.
2. Absolutization of management style is considered as a way by which labor productivity is increased.
3. The management situation is seen as unchanged, while over time it can change and the manager must accordingly change his attitude towards individual employees.

Management styles can be one- or multi-dimensional. Management style is one-dimensional if one evaluation criterion is considered. Authoritarian, corporate and other management styles are one-dimensional, with the first and second styles being polarly different from each other.

Authoritarian management style. With this management style, all production activity organized by the leader without the participation of subordinates. This management style can be used when solving current problems and involves O greater educational distance between manager and subordinate, as well as material motivation of employees.

Supervisor By virtue of his legitimate authority, he controls his subordinates and expects obedience from them. He makes decisions without justifying them to his subordinates, and proceeds from the fact that, unlike his subordinates, he has a O greater understanding and knowledge of the matter, which, of course, should not be. The manager's decisions are in the nature of orders that must be unconditionally followed by subordinates, otherwise they can expect sanctions against themselves;

The manager maintains a distance in relations with subordinates, informs them about the facts that they must know in order to perform their tasks. He controls whether and to what extent his orders are followed. Signs that emphasize a person’s position in the eyes of the people around him (for example, a car) support the reputation of a leader with authority.

    high consciousness;

    high self-control;


    good decision-making ability;

    penetration ability.

Subordinates- addressees of orders. According to the "theory" x And xy:

    the average person is lazy and avoids work as much as possible;

    employees are unambitious, afraid of responsibility and want to be led;

    pressure on subordinates and sanctions against them are necessary to achieve the goals of the enterprise;

    Strict management of subordinates and private control over them are inevitable.

With this style of management, the motivation of subordinates is often limited, because the leader is socially separated and, as a rule, conveys less interesting job subordinates and maintains in them the fear of threatening sanctions. Subordinates become indifferent to the leader, as well as to the enterprise. They obtain information through unofficial means due to information barriers set by the manager.

    recognition of the leader by the sole authority;

    recognition and execution of orders from the manager;

    lack of desire to have the right to control.

The disadvantages of the authoritarian style lie in the weak motivation for independence and development of subordinates, as well as in the danger of erroneous decisions through excessive demands from managers regarding the quantity and (or) quality of work.

Corporate management style. With a corporate management style, production activities are organized in the interaction of a manager and a subordinate. This management style can be used when prevailing creative content work and assumes approximately equal levels of education for the manager and subordinates, as well as non-material incentives for the employee.

Typical features of a corporate management style:

Supervisor manages subordinates by including them in the decision-making process for which he is responsible. He expects specific help from his subordinates and makes decisions taking into account their suggestions and objections. He delegates his authority as much as possible and gives orders only when necessary. At the same time, he recognizes the abilities of his subordinates and is aware that he cannot know everything and foresee everything. Only the result of the work is controlled; self-control is allowed.

The manager not only informs in detail about the actual state of affairs, which must be known in order to complete tasks, but also reports other information about the enterprise. Information serves as a means of control. A leader does not need signs that emphasize his position in the eyes of the people around him.

Requirements for a corporate managing director, according to Shtopp:


    trust in employees;

    waiver of individual privileges;

    ability and desire to delegate authority;

    service supervision;

    control of results.

Subordinates are seen as partners who can carry out the “daily work” relatively independently. When assessing subordinates with this leadership style, they most often proceed from the “theory at theories xy, according to which:

    reluctance to work is not innate by nature, but a consequence of poor working conditions, which reduce the natural desire to work;

    employees take into account goals, have self-discipline and self-control;

    the goals of the enterprise are achieved in the shortest possible way through monetary incentives and providing opportunities for individual development;

    With favorable experience, employees are not afraid of responsibility.

The active position of subordinates increases their motivation, which leads to improved work results.

Requirements for corporately managed subordinates, according to Stopp:

    the desire and ability to take personal responsibility;


    use of control rights.

The advantage of corporate style is making expedient decisions, highly motivating employees and unburdening the manager. In addition, employee development is supported. Disadvantage - corporate management style can slow down decision making.

Management method of delegation of powers. Such management is technical technique, in which competence and responsibility for actions are transferred, as far as possible, to employees who make and implement decisions. Delegation can be directed to any field of activity of the enterprise. However, one should refrain from delegating typically management functions guidelines, as well as tasks with far-reaching consequences. When delegating authority, the burden is removed from the manager, the employees’ own initiative is supported, and their work motivation and willingness to bear responsibility are enhanced. In addition, employees must be trusted to make decisions on their own responsibility.

To successfully use delegation management, you need:

    delegation of tasks to employees;

    delegation of competencies to employees;

    delegating responsibility for actions to employees;

    eliminating the possibility of revoking delegated powers or transferring them from one employee to another;

    establishing a procedure for regulating exceptional cases;

    eliminating the possibility of manager intervention when correct actions employee;

    mandatory intervention of the manager in case of an error and obtaining results settled in a special manner;

    the manager's acceptance of leadership responsibilities;

    creation of an appropriate information system.

The transferred tasks must correspond to the abilities of the employees, be predominantly homogeneous, and complete in form. Delegated competencies and responsibility for actions must be consistent in scope.

Advantages management by delegation method:

    unloading of the manager;

    the ability to quickly make smart decisions; employees are transferred competencies and responsibility for engagement;

    development assistance own initiative, work motivation among employees.

Disadvantages of delegation management:

    the manager delegates as few interesting tasks as possible;

    hierarchical relationships can be established;

    strong orientation towards tasks rather than towards employees;

    establishment of hierarchical relationships "horizontally".

Why don't managers delegate enough?

1. Fear that subordinates do not carry out assignments competently enough (make mistakes).
2. Distrust in the competence of subordinates.
3. Fear that subordinates acquire high competence too quickly.
4. Fear of losing one’s meaning and its attendant benefits.
5. Fear of losing one's own authority or status.
6. Fear that the manager himself will lose control over this issue.
7. Fear of risk.
8. Reluctance to give away work that the manager himself is good at.
9. Inability to advise and manage subordinates.
10. Lack of time to advise and manage subordinates.

Why are subordinates not ready to bear responsibility?

1. Lack of self-confidence.
2. Lack of information.
3. Fear of possible criticism.
4. Insufficient positive response to successfully completed assignments.
5. Insufficient employee motivation.
6. Negative workplace atmosphere.

How to delegate?

1. Carefully select the tasks to be delegated.
2. Carefully choose the person to delegate to.
3. Delegate primarily “final deliverables” instead of precise methods completing the task.
4. Be prepared for the fact that mistakes will be made and that they need to be forgiven.
5. Give enough authority to complete the task to completion.
6. Inform others what is delegated and to whom.
7. Delegate gradually and make delegated tasks more complex.

The use of a particular style, as well as its results, depend on many factors. This is, first of all, complete mastery of one of the leadership styles, the predisposition of the team to perceive the management and leadership style that is sometimes imposed on it from above. When mastering the science of management, it is very important to avoid mistakes. Analysis of managers' activities different levels and various enterprises allowed specialists to identify the most common mistakes allowed by managers. The ten main mistakes in personnel management at an enterprise can be formulated as follows;

1. The desire to do everything yourself.
2. The tendency to let things take their course.
3. Bias against certain employees.
4. Fixed, schematic or doctrinaire attitudes.
5. Excessive sensitivity to other, including critical, opinions.
6. Self-satisfaction or arrogance.
7. Unresponsive to employee suggestions.
8. Obvious lack of respect for the employee’s personality, such as allowing criticism in front of others.
9. Clear distrust of employees.
10. Lack of consistency in actions.

Conversely, the experience of successful enterprises has shown that the managers of these enterprises to a much greater extent:

1. value knowledge of the matter;
2. treat people as equals;
3. reward fairly;
4. detect errors objectively;
5. reliable and loyal;
6. listen to opinions that differ from their own;
7. value progress;
8. have the authority of experts in the matter;
9. free from bias;
10. tolerate criticism;
11. capable of change than the heads of unsuccessful enterprises.

Management or leadership style is the most important factor in enterprise management. A correctly defined and successfully applied style allows you to most successfully use the potential of all employees of the enterprise. That is why in last years Many companies pay such significant attention to this issue.

Leadership style- a method, a system of methods of influence of a leader on subordinates. One of the most important factors for the effective operation of an organization, the full realization of the potential capabilities of people and teams. Most researchers identify the following leadership styles:

Democratic style (collegial);

Liberal style (permissive or anarchic).

Authoritarian management style characterized by high centralization of leadership and dominance of unity of command. The manager demands that all matters be reported to him and makes decisions alone or cancels them. He does not listen to the opinion of the team; he decides everything for the team himself. The predominant management methods are orders, punishments, remarks, reprimands, and deprivation of various benefits. Control is very strict, detailed, depriving subordinates of initiative. The interests of the business are placed significantly above the interests of people, harshness and rudeness predominate in communication. An authoritarian leadership style has a negative impact on the moral and psychological climate and leads to a significant decrease in initiative, self-control and responsibility of employees.

Subordinates are the recipients of orders. According to the "x and xy theory":

    the average person is lazy and avoids work as much as possible;

    employees are unambitious, afraid of responsibility and want to be led;

    pressure on subordinates and sanctions against them are necessary to achieve the goals of the enterprise;

    Strict management of subordinates and private control over them are inevitable.

Theory "X"

1. The average person has an innate aversion to work and will strive to avoid it if possible.

2. Therefore, the majority of people must be forced to work, controlled and directed under threat of punishment, so that they can make their contribution to achieve the goal.

3. The employee is inclined to be led, he avoids responsibility, he has little ambition, he wants to be protected in everything.

Theory "Y"

1. A person does not have an innate antipathy to work. Work is natural, as is rest.

2. If a person identifies himself with goals, then he develops self-discipline and self-control. External control and the threat of punishment are unsuitable means.

3. The responsibility to set goals is the reward function.

4. Under appropriate circumstances, a person not only learns to accept responsibility, but also strives for it.

5. Resourcefulness and creative spirit are widespread among the working people.

6. Spiritual potential is barely activated in industrial life 1 . Theory "X" and theory "Y" allow us to imagine two opposite types of people. McGregor believed that every leader bases his leadership style on the adoption of one of these theories. Moreover, “X” is characteristic of autocrats, and “Y” is characteristic of democrats.

In itself, McGregor's model is not a pure theory of management styles, but it was it that made it possible to more fully and accurately understand and analyze the classifications that existed at that time.

In this style of management, the motivation of subordinates is often limited because the leader withdraws socially, delegates, as a rule, less interesting work to subordinates and maintains in them the fear of threatening sanctions. Subordinates become indifferent to the leader, as well as to the enterprise. They obtain information through unofficial means due to information barriers set by the manager.

The disadvantages of the authoritarian style lie in the weak motivation for independence and development of subordinates, as well as in the danger of erroneous decisions through excessive demands from managers regarding the quantity and (or) quality of work.

Specific features of the authoritarian management style are unity of command and high power distance. The authoritarian style is characterized by the fact that the leader takes the reins of power into his own hands, demanding complete obedience from his subordinates. This management style implies that all decisions in the organization are made by the manager without taking into account the opinions of employees.

Characteristics of an authoritarian management style

Control is also clearly expressed in an authoritarian management style - strict, driving ordinary employees into strict boundaries and depriving them of the opportunity to exercise initiative. As for communication in an organization, it is only a means for employees to carry out common activities.

Friendly relationships are not welcome, since it is not the interests of the individual, but the interests of the company that are valued above all else. The manager, in turn, also prefers to maintain a certain distance between himself and his subordinates, which no one has the right to violate.

Methods of authoritarian management style

Unlike other management styles, the authoritarian style is more focused on punishment for any faults of employees, rather than on rewards for any achievements. Among the main methods of this management style are: reprimands, orders, comments, deprivation of all kinds of bonuses and benefits.
The main psychological factor affecting employees of an organization is fear - fear of shame, punishment, dismissal. Thus, it cannot be said that the authoritarian management style is characterized by a lack of motivation. Motivation exists, but it represents the reinforcement of employee activity by fear.

Because the authoritarian management style comes in two forms (benevolent and exploitative), management methods depend on which type of authoritarian style operates in the organization. It is easy to guess that the benevolent form of the authoritarian style implies a softening of management methods, as well as a significant reduction in the number of punishments.

Disadvantages of an authoritarian management style

Of course, the authoritarian style is by no means the most best style management for the normal functioning of the organization. Experts believe that this style can be used in working with subordinates only in certain cases:

1. In emergency situations, which are understood as all kinds of emergency circumstances and disruptions to the company’s work, requiring prompt action and quick decision-making, as well as in conditions of limited time.

2. Anarchic sentiments of the organization, requiring immediate restrictions on workers by introducing strict discipline that prevents the occurrence of various riots, strikes, etc.

In a company that does not have clearly defined problems, an authoritarian management style can lead to internal discord in the functioning of the organization, the destruction of self-control, decreased performance, deterioration of the socio-psychological climate, lack of initiative and creativity of subordinates, increased staff turnover, and decreased responsibility of employees for the work they have done.



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