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Wanderer - who is this? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

February 24, 2018

Do you like to travel? Nowadays tourism is in fashion. If people cannot afford Paris, then they certainly go to Turkey. They also travel around Russia, studying their homeland. It is considered more patriotic. But in the end it's a matter of taste. Let's talk about a wanderer - this is someone who is radically different from a handsome tourist.


The word is familiar to all those who love fairy tales. Who doesn't have a job, daily worries and plenty of free time? That's right, in magical stories the wanderer is an ideal character, because anything can happen to him.

If we take more recent examples, the movie Route 60 comes to mind. Main character- a wanderer, but the difference between the image we are used to and the Hollywood one is that Neil is a boy from a good family. Vagrants usually don't have that luxury.

Okay, let’s talk about ideas about wandering in the context of the difference between a tourist and an object of study, but for now let’s stop the flow of associations with a definition from an explanatory dictionary:

  1. A wandering person (usually homeless or persecuted).
  2. A person walking on a pilgrimage is a pilgrim.

By pilgrimage, a word rather strange to modern ears, they mean pilgrimage to holy places: monasteries, temples, hermitages.


Sometimes it happens that the meaning of words is not very clear explanatory dictionary. If a similar embarrassment has occurred to the reader, then let him not despair, for already synonyms for the meaning of “wanderer” are rushing to the rescue:

  • traveler;
  • tramp;
  • wanderer;
  • pilgrim;
  • pilgrim.

If you mentally exclude “traveler” from the list, then nouns that evoke some kind of light melancholy and sadness will remain in it. Homeless, they wander around the world and have nowhere to lay their heads. On the other hand, the pilgrim and the pilgrim go with a specific purpose, while the rest are simply wandering. It so happened that they have nowhere to go in this big world. Enough sadness, though. One way or another, we already know the meaning of the word “wanderer,” so we can move on to the subtleties.

Wanderer, traveler and tourist

Do these nouns have anything in common? Yes, people hiding under such definitions cross space. Some for fun, and some out of necessity.

There are probably many small differences between the words “wanderer”, “traveler” and “tourist”. But the main thing that distinguishes a traveler, a tourist and a wanderer is the concepts of well-being and ill-being. The traveler may be rich or poor. A traveler can even be a wanderer when the latter wants to slightly soften his position in the eyes of other people. Remember the conversation between Pontius Pilate and Yeshua. The wanderer told the procurator that he was traveling from city to city, and the official contemptuously called him a tramp.

Another thing is a tourist. Anyone who travels in comfort and under the supervision of tour operators cannot be called a wanderer no matter the weather. A wanderer's journey is a necessary measure. For the tourist it is relaxation and satisfaction of the lust of the eyes. But they probably have a common desire to conquer space. In all other respects they are different.

Source: fb.ru



Do you like to travel? Nowadays tourism is in fashion. If people cannot afford Paris, then they certainly go to Turkey. They also travel around Russia, studying their homeland. It is considered more patriotic. But in the end it's a matter of taste. Let's talk about a wanderer - this is someone who is radically different from a handsome tourist.


The word is familiar to all those who love fairy tales. Who doesn't have a job, daily worries and plenty of free time? That's right, in fairy stories the wanderer is an ideal character, because anything can happen to him.

If we take more recent examples, the movie Route 60 comes to mind. The main character is a wanderer, but the difference between the image we are used to and the Hollywood one is that Neil is a boy from a good family. Vagrants usually don't have that luxury.

Okay, let’s talk about ideas about wandering in the context of the difference between a tourist and an object of study, but for now let’s stop the flow of associations with a definition from an explanatory dictionary:

  1. A wandering person (usually homeless or persecuted).
  2. A person walking on a pilgrimage is a pilgrim.

By pilgrimage, a word rather strange to modern ears, they mean pilgrimage to holy places: monasteries, temples, hermitages.


Sometimes it happens that the meaning of words is not very clear in the explanatory dictionary. If a similar embarrassment has occurred to the reader, then let him not despair, for already synonyms for the meaning of “wanderer” are rushing to the rescue:

  • traveler;
  • tramp;
  • wanderer;
  • pilgrim;
  • pilgrim.

If you mentally exclude “traveler” from the list, then nouns that evoke some kind of light melancholy and sadness will remain in it. Homeless, they wander around the world and have nowhere to lay their heads. On the other hand, the pilgrim and the pilgrim go with a specific purpose, while the rest are simply wandering. It so happened that they have nowhere to go in this big world. Enough sadness, though. One way or another, we already know the meaning of the word “wanderer,” so we can move on to the subtleties.

Wanderer, traveler and tourist

Do these nouns have anything in common? Yes, people hiding under such definitions cross space. Some for fun, and some out of necessity.

There are probably many small differences between the words “wanderer”, “traveler” and “tourist”. But the main thing that distinguishes a traveler, a tourist and a wanderer is the concepts of well-being and ill-being. The traveler may be rich or poor. A traveler can even be a wanderer when the latter wants to slightly soften his position in the eyes of other people. Remember the conversation between Pontius Pilate and Yeshua. The wanderer told the procurator that he was traveling from city to city, and the official contemptuously called him a tramp.

Another thing is a tourist. Anyone who travels in comfort and under the supervision of tour operators cannot be called a wanderer no matter the weather. A wanderer's journey is a necessary measure. For the tourist it is relaxation and satisfaction of the lust of the eyes. But they probably have a common desire to conquer space. In all other respects they are different.

The heroes of Russian, European, Asian and many other fairy tales were often free-spirited people who collected their belongings in a bundle, hung it on a stick and went wherever they looked. Indeed, such people have existed at all times. Some wanted to see the world and show themselves, some left their native lands in search of a new destiny, and some were categorically prevented from sitting still by their active, inquisitive nature.

Pioneers and just tourists, modern wanderers travel with a backpack over their shoulder, armed with high technology - but still prefer the romance of a campfire under starry sky. They have an innate sense of beauty, they know how to inspire and show other people that it is always worth looking for something more, something original and unusual, instead of sitting in a banal routine.

At the same time, wanderers are greatly underestimated, and some even dislike them. They are considered unsuitable for conventional office work, Everyday life and most importantly - social pressure. They are often viewed as, as indeed are all those inspired by life. creative people and thinkers. While most hamsters are diligently spinning on their wheels and thinking about money, wanderers remain free from this chaos - at least in spirit and mind.

Some people confuse wanderers with these Peter Pans - boys who do not want to grow up, take responsibility and generally become men. But this is a wrong point of view. Wanderers are much more mature and strong personalities than those who condemn them. They may have an education, a favorite job, a family... but all these socially important things are a pleasant addition for them. Their priorities lie in the unbridled desire to find freedom, to see and learn as much as possible. You can always recognize a real wanderer by the following signs:

Insatiable curiosity

Their legs also cannot find peace for themselves, like their souls. The anxiety of such people is not due to the fact that they are unable to find a place and happiness for themselves, but because they are constantly seeking knowledge - not only in travel, but also in books. In some ways, they resemble curious cats that don’t feed bread, let them look somewhere and climb into it. They never have questions like “why is this needed?” or “what’s the use of this?” They just enjoy what they do.

Pursuit of novelty

These people don’t care where to go: to tourist places, to historical monuments or to another country. If they weren't there, that's good! They can easily go to some place that is of little interest or generally unremarkable from the point of view ordinary person places, pursuing two important goals: firstly, to conduct reconnaissance of the area, and secondly, to try to find something unusual where no one suspected it. This is a kind of challenge that fuels the wanderer’s excitement.

Big plans for the future

Internet maps, paper maps and globes fascinate them. After all, they depict real places where they have never been before! A wanderer, as a rule, visits some places and immediately thinks about other places. First he wants to see the neighboring village, then explore the surrounding area, then go around everything big cities country, and then he is drawn abroad. For wanderers, with the exception of personal preferences, everything is interesting and everything is one.

Related hobby

The lifestyle of a wanderer most often contributes to the emergence of a related, thematic hobby (which can equally well turn into income). He may be interested in photography and even be a professional, or collect a certain type of “trophy” from the places he has visited (we are not talking about banal refrigerator magnets), or write a fascinating blog with reports about his adventures - because he always has something to tell about . If the wanderer has some talents, he can even collect material for future books.

Lack of anchor

A wanderer has no roots, he is cosmopolitan to the core, and this word does not have a negative connotation for him. He may have a house or apartment - but he does not perceive them as “his fortress.” Any room with minimal amenities, anywhere in the world, is as good for him as “his own four walls.” Even a tent on the shore of a lake will do as long as it protects it from wind and rain.

Complete incompatibility with routine

For the wanderer usual life worse than death. Finding an ordinary, flexible woman, having children, getting a mortgage, working hard five days a week and spending evenings watching TV - all this is not for him. He will simply wither away if harsh circumstances force him to live this tedious, boring and terribly monotonous life. This does not mean that the wanderer will never start a family - he just needs a partner who is similar to him, who is ready to happily lead a nomadic (at least half) life. This does not pose a problem - after all, among the wanderers there are representatives of both sexes. However, in fairness it must be said that there are still much more men.

A whole army of acquaintances

It is difficult for a wanderer to keep friends, but it is easier to find new ones steamed turnips. There are people who have good friends in almost every city, with whom you can easily stay for a day or two or come to a concert of your favorite band. True, the medal also has back side: Keeping all your friends is difficult, almost impossible. But wanderers are not sad about this: they simply do not initially become attached to new acquaintances in the same way as “homebodies” do.

A different look at money

The average person rushes to the store as soon as he has money. Only here’s the problem: with each new acquisition we feel happier, but after a few days not a trace remains of the former joy. Wanderers do not step on this rake. They count their money only in terms of how far they can travel and for how long. They know when train tickets become cheaper, when there are discounts on flights, and often indulge in hitchhiking for free.



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