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Tamara Gverdtsiteli biography personal life today. Great Georgian singer: biography. Tamara Gverdtsiteli: family and personal life. Biography and personal life of Tamara Gverdtsiteli: what secrets does the artist’s personal life keep?

In her youth, a fortune teller predicted great success for Tamara Gverdtsiteli and great love. By that time, the singer had already successfully toured, was married and raising a son - and therefore did not attach due importance to the fortune teller’s words. But everything happened exactly as she predicted.

Best years

In 1974, a 12-year-old girl Tamara from Tbilisi was very upset by her parents’ divorce. She remembered these emotions for the rest of her life: how impossible it is to believe that people close to each other part and begin to live new lives and families... Father soon had new family, and the children - Tamara and her brother - remained with their mother. She found solace in creativity: since childhood, having a strong voice and perfect pitch, Tamara, at the age of 10, became a soloist in the Mziuri children's pop ensemble. As part of it, she traveled throughout the Soviet Union and even foreign countries, learned to behave on stage and realized the most important thing about herself: this is her real calling, she cannot live without the stage.

Just starting to study at the conservatory, Tamara Gverdtsiteli began working solo. She remembers these years as some of the best in her life. In the evenings, large groups of her friends and her brother’s classmates—students of the Polytechnic—gathered in their small Khrushchev house. They often stayed up late, and someone stayed overnight with them.

These noisy parties did not interfere with Tamara's studies. At the age of 19, she already received first prize at the All-Union Competition of Young Performers in Dnepropetrovsk, and then conquered the audience in Dresden at the international festival.

Receiving a diploma from the conservatory, Tamara understood that she had completed the first part of the minimum program for a Georgian girl - she had received an education. The program at most implied compulsory marriage.

"Take your time, Tamara"

They met at work: Gverdtsiteli was invited to play a role in a television production, and Georgy Kakhabrishvili was its director. As soon as she saw this handsome, confident man, she realized that there would be something between them.

Georgy was 15 years older, and did not delay his courtship for long: he immediately invited Tamara to drink coffee together. A few days later, all of Tbilisi was discussing a possible romance between a famous director and a young talented singer. Their relationship developed very rapidly - with loud quarrels and emotional reconciliations. “It was impossible to be calm. I behaved according to my age - impulsively, sometimes not at all wisely. In a relationship with a mature man, somewhere you need to remain silent, give in, do as he wants - I couldn’t do any of this,” Gverdtsiteli recalled. However, her feeling for George was strong. And his marriage proposal helped her cope with the ordeal.

During those years there was a war in Afghanistan. Tamara Gverdtsiteli, together with other artists, decided to go with concerts to the site of hostilities. Georgy was against it, but he could not forbid it, since he was not her husband.

The trip exhausted Gverdtsiteli not so much physically as mentally. Talking with the soldiers, she realized that they did not even know where they were - they thought that they were somewhere near Tashkent. “None of us had the courage to tell them the truth. Everything I saw around me horrified me. I was shocked by the realization of the senselessness and horror of the war. Before the concert, I gathered my strength, and then sat for a long time, staring at one point,” she said. One day she called her mother in Tbilisi, but Georgiy answered the phone. To his question “How are you?” Tamara answered with difficulty that everything was fine, and she herself had difficulty holding back her tears. He understood everything - and after a long pause said: “I’m waiting for you. Take care of the dress."

She risked her life and bought an ivory piece on the streets of Kabul. After returning to Tbilisi, the two of them carried letters from soldiers to their parents around the country. Then they began to prepare for the wedding. Tamara’s father did not want to give his blessing to their marriage for a long time. He urged me not to rush, to think again, and found more and more excuses. Georgy achieved his consent only on the eve of the celebration - his father seemed to feel something.

After the wedding, their quarrels did not become less violent, but for a long time love reigned in the family. Two years later their only son, Alexander (Sandro), was born. Tamara wanted to spend all her time with him free time, but she couldn’t give up what she loved. Gverdtsiteli tried to combine the incompatible for the Georgian tradition: career and family. In her absence, her mother helped with the housework and raising her son. But her husband’s dissatisfaction with her long tours grew. When the child was one year old, Tamara began taking Sandro with her on tour - and Georgy also did not agree with this.


Paris arose in her life during a period of desperate thoughts about family and marriage. But a sudden turn in my career distracted me from gloomy thoughts. The agent organized a tour in France, where Gverdtsiteli met the great composer Michel Legrand. Eventually - incredible success from the public and the offer of an annual contract.

She did not agree immediately: the war began in Georgia, and they did not give a visa for a long time. When Tamara arrived in Paris, her family lived in Tbilisi in monstrous conditions: water and electricity were often cut off, food was unavailable, the city was under martial law...

Within a month, she brought her family the first suitcase of food - and did so until the end of the contract.

From France, Tamara Gverdtsiteli returned to Moscow and soon moved her son and mother there. Georgy remained in Tbilisi. This was the point of no return for their marriage.


TASS/Belinsky Yuri The 90s on the territory of the collapsed Union were poorly suited for future career singers. When an offer was received to sing in New York, at the famous Carnegie Hall, Tamara Gverdtsiteli accepted it with joy. Her uncle lived in the USA - who soon persuaded the singer to move permanently.

Sandro quickly got used to the new environment, his mother continued to do housework, Tamara sang and from time to time flew to Russia on tour. Everything went as usual until she met him.

Lawyer Dmitry, an emigrant from Baku, was among those invited to visit their mutual friends. That evening she sang “I was looking for you everywhere” by Legrand - and tried to find his face among the audience. She won't be able to live without him anymore. “Sometimes you meet a person and it seems like you’ve known him for many years. Dima's words, voice, manners, laughter - everything was absolutely familiar. The feeling of kinship was fascinating,” said Tamara. It was real, mutual, happy love. But the choice - family or work - still faced Gverdtsiteli. This time it was a matter of the huge distance between America, where the beloved lived, and the country where the viewer loved her - Russia.

He invited her to move to Moscow - he was ready to sacrifice his own business and start all over again. In response, Tamara said that she would try to move first. For five months she lived in their house, taking care of the child and housekeeping, and Dmitry took her to the movies, theaters and restaurants, trying to somehow entertain her. She didn't succeed. Tamara Gverdtsiteli could not live without the stage. She left again to give concerts in Russia, he was in touch by phone. One evening Dima said that he would arrive soon. And late at night she was woken up by a call.

She was informed that Dmitry had died. Sudden cardiac arrest.

The only man

Until now, when she sings that song on stage - “I was looking for you everywhere” - she feels that he hears her. Trying to survive her loss, Tamara married again - to cardiac surgeon Sergei Ambatelo. Now she calls it the biggest mistake of her life. “He failed to understand me or my experiences.” For more than 10 years she has lived alone, devoting herself only to family and creativity. The only man in Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s life is her son Sandro. She is sure: God cannot twice give the kind of love that she and Dima had.

Tamara Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli is one of the most popular artistic figures in Russian Federation. In her homeland, the popular performer became one of the symbols of the era. She enjoys traveling to Tbilisi, considers herself a citizen of the country, but has been living outside its borders for several decades.

The artist is welcome everywhere, she is loved in all countries of the world. Everywhere whole halls of music lovers gather for her concerts. They call the artist for an encore, forcing her to perform her favorite songs.

Tamara’s creative path is very happy, which cannot be said about her personal life. She has not yet met a man who would make her happy until her last breath.

Height, weight, age. How old is Tamara Gverdtsiteli

From a young age, the girl’s numerous music lovers were interested in everything related to the singer’s life and work, including Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s height, weight, age, and age. It is known that the artist turned 56 years old. She takes care of her appearance, adhering to the norms proper nutrition and daily routine.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli, whose photos in her youth and now do not leave men indifferent and cause the envy of women, weighs 65 kg with a height of 165 centimeters.

Among other things, fans are also interested in the artist’s nationality. She openly says that she is Georgian with Jewish roots, living in the Russian Federation.

Biography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

The biography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli began in Tbilisi (Georgian SSR). Father - Mikhail Pavlovich Gverdtsiteli worked as a cybernetics scientist, one of the first Soviet programmers. Mother - Inna Volfovna Kofman taught at a regular school. It was she who instilled in the girl a love of music. From the age of 7, Tamarka begins to study vocals. In 1972 he began touring with Mziuri. Even then, the young soloist became incredibly popular; she was applauded not only by listeners in the Soviet Union, but also in some foreign countries.

Having received a school certificate, Gverdtsiteli became a student at the Tbilisi Conservatory. At the age of 19, she was appreciated at various music competitions, after which they started talking about the young talent. She is the only Soviet performer to sing in San Remo, Italy. In mid-1988, he won the prestigious music festival"Golden Orpheus". Soon she herself begins to judge young performers.

In the early 90s of the last century, Tamara Mikhailovna received the title of Honored Artist of Georgia, then - People's Artist. At the beginning of the new millennium, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed a decree awarding Gverdtsiteli the title People's Artist Russian Federation.

In the 90s of the last century, the popular singer captivated the European and American public, who gave her a standing ovation and called her for encores several times. Since that time, Gverdcitelli's repertoire begins to include a large number of compositions of which she herself is the author.

Although several decades have passed since then, the popular singer continues to actively tour, always delighting the public.

Personal life of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

The personal life of Tamara Gverdtsiteli was not very successful. There is currently no beloved man next to the woman. The popular artist herself cites her busyness as the reason for this. creative activity. Her first husband forced her to refuse a lucrative contract in France, but this only delayed the time of official separation from her husband.

The woman connected her life with men several times, but they forced her to choose between her favorite music and marriage, so the popular performer is currently alone. Although Gverdtsiteli’s personal life can hardly be called happy, she does not lose faith that in the future she will become a happy wife.

Family of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

The family of Tamara Gverdtsiteli, a popular world-class performer, has supported all her endeavors since a young age.

The girl’s father was Mikhail Pavlovich Gverdtsiteli, a descendant of a princely family. He was one of the first in the Soviet Union to develop computer technologies.

The development of the famous performer was influenced by big influence her beloved mother, who instilled in her daughter a love of music from childhood, and grandmother. It was in honor of the latter that she received her name. And the talent passed on, according to Tamara Mikhailovna herself, from her beloved grandmother, who worked at the Tbilisi Conservatory for several decades and developed her granddaughter’s singing talent.

The artist has a beloved brother, Pavel, who permanently resides in the Georgian capital, and two nephews.

Children of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

Due to her incredible busyness, the children of Tamara Gverdtsiteli are presented in singular. The artist has an only son, Alexander, whose name is Sandro in the Georgian manner. More Tamara in force various reasons couldn't become a mother.

The popular singer also considers talented young performers to be her children, whom she supports in their endeavors.

The artist oversees one of the orphanages in Tbilisi. She often comes there, brings gifts, and helps its graduates get settled in life. Tamara Mikhailovna allocates part of the money from her fees specifically for these needs.

Son of Tamara Gverdtsiteli - Alexander (Sandro)

The son of Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Alexander (Sandro), was born in the mid-80s of the last century. Despite being incredibly busy with creativity, the popular artist always found time to raise her beloved son.

Boy with youth tried to support my mother. He was waiting for her from the tour, he studied well at school. After Tamara Mikhailovna’s second marriage, the guy began to study in the States. Having received a certificate, he becomes a student at the University of London, where he receives a profession related to creativity.

He currently lives and works in England and is in a civil relationship with a girl. Soon Sandro is going to get married.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli's ex-husband - Georgy Kakhabrishvili

The woman met her first husband in the early 80s of the last century. She couldn't resist his charm, despite the 15-year age difference. Soon the man proposed marriage. Parents popular singer did not interfere with her happiness. In 1984, the wedding of two lovers was celebrated in one of the best Tbilisi restaurants. Several hundred invited guests attended the celebration.

For several years the couple lived in perfect harmony. She toured. And Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s ex-husband, Georgy Kakhabrishvili, was waiting for his wife at home, working at the Georgian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

At the beginning of the harsh 90s, the country was turbulent. The singer suggested leaving the country and waiting out the current situation outside of it. The husband did not agree, which led to a divorce in 1995.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli's ex-husband - Dmitry

A year after breaking up with her first husband, the popular singer lost her head in love. Her chosen one was a native of the Soviet Union who lived in the United States of America. They could not live without each other, so soon Tamara moved to her beloved in Boston, taking her mother and son Soso with her. A few months later the woman becomes Dmitry’s wife. The artist did not tour for some time; she enjoyed her vacation in the company of her closest people. But after some time, the performer became burdened by this peace and left for Russia on tour.

At this time, the husband suffered a second heart attack and died. Ex-husband Tamara Gverdtsiteli - Dmitry is buried in one of the Boston cemeteries in America. He bequeathed all his property to Tamara’s son, Soso.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli's ex-husband - Sergei Ambatelo

At the beginning of the new millennium, a popular artist became seriously ill. Sergei Ambatelo, who works in the cardiology department of one of the Moscow clinics, began to treat her. It was to him that a popular performer accidentally came to see him.

Somehow, imperceptibly, they fell in love with each other, but for some time they did not understand it. Having separated in different countries, they were eager to meet a few days later. After this, a declaration of love took place. That same year they registered their marriage.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s ex-husband, Sergei Ambatelo, insistently demanded that the star leave her career and do only housework. This was the reason for the couple's divorce.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tamara Gverdtsiteli

On Wikipedia, admirers of the popular artist’s talent can read all the most detailed information about her biography, creative path and personal life. The page contains the most detailed list compositions performed and written by the singer.

By going to Tamara Mikhailovna’s Instagram, you can view her numerous photographs that were taken at different periods of her life. Among other things, there are images of various cities visited by the artist.

Millions of listeners admire the songs of Tamara Gverdtsiteli, whose repertoire includes songs on different languages peace. The artist performs Georgian and Russian romances, as well as patriotic songs that evoke a response in the souls of people.

Today in creative biography Gverdtsiteli still has many plans: she not only performs in concerts, but will also appear on stage in a mono-opera.

The beginning of a vocal career

The future celebrity was born in 1962 in Tbilisi. Her father, Mikhail Gverdtsiteli, is the heir of a Georgian noble family; he is a cyberneticist by profession. Mother, Inna Kofman, is Jewish by nationality, taught Russian language and literature. Her younger brother Pavel, who was educated as an engineer, also grew up in the family. Thanks to the insistence of her parent, 7-year-old Tamara studied at music school, and a few years later she began performing in the Mziuri children's ensemble, with which she visited many cities of the Soviet Union.

Singer in childhood.

After passing school exams, the girl entered the conservatory, where she studied piano and composition. IN student years she continued to improve her vocals by taking part in song festivals and competitions. In 1982, the future singer released her first album, which she called “Debut. Tamara Gverdtsiteli." Her songs “Music” and “Blossom, My Land” immediately found a response and were loved by many Soviet listeners. During the same period, the young talent was invited to sing in the Georgian State Television and Radio Orchestra.

Creative activity

Having become famous in her homeland, Gverdtsiteli had the opportunity to conquer European audiences. In 1988, she became the winner of the Golden Orpheus competition, and then received the opportunity to sing at festivals in Sopot and San Remo. The Georgian performer dreamed that French composer Michel Legrand listened and appreciated her performance. When a cassette with her songs came to him, the celebrity invited the girl to France, where she performed on the stage of the famous Olympia Hall. From that time on, close cooperation began between the singer and the maestro, who not only wrote songs for her, but also took part in her concerts. In the 90s, Tamara performed a lot in Paris, and also gave numerous concerts in the USA, where she found her loyal listeners.

The photo shows Tamara Gverdtsiteli in her youth.

Only in the late 90s did the artist return to Russia; however, due to the difficult political situation in Georgia, she settled in Moscow. The beginning of the 2000s was a creative breakthrough for her: Gverdtsiteli recorded five albums at once, many of the songs from which delighted her fans. For her services, the celebrity received the title of Honored and People's Artist of the Georgian SSR, and also became People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Her creative collection also includes collaboration with the soloist of the Milanese La Scala theater, Giovanni Ribichiesu, with whom she sang on the stage of the Dnepropetrovsk Opera and Ballet Theater. Tamara took part in the musical “Man of La Mancha”, and also tried her hand at a new genre, playing in one solo show. In 2007, she was a participant in the Channel One show “Two Stars”, where she and her partner Dmitry Dyuzhev were able to win.

Now the world-class star continues to sing and tour with solo concerts, which feature not only favorite compositions by listeners, but also new songs such as “Bell”, “Barefoot in the Sky”, “Children of War” and others. In 2018 she will perform with concert program on the Kremlin stage, and then sing in the mono-opera “The Human Voice,” which will be the singer’s debut.

Personal life

There were three marriages in her personal life, however, Gverdtsiteli is now single. Her first husband was director Georgiy Kakhabrishvili, with whom she married in 1984. Two years later, the family was replenished with a new member: a son, Sandro, was born. However, at the same time, the singer’s career began to actively develop, which is why the spouses gradually moved away from each other. After a divorce from her ex-husband, Tamara was able to meet her love again. She met her future husband, lawyer Dmitry, in America when she was invited to a dinner party. Dmitry was originally from Baku, but had already lived in America for several years, where he had an established business. For a long time, the lovers could not make a decision and live in the same country. But when Dmitry was about to come to Russia for good, grief happened - he died of cardiac arrest.

After the death of her beloved, the singer tried again to start a family. She became close to her third husband, surgeon Sergei Ambatiello, during her illness. The doctor not only put her on her feet, but also proposed marriage. But in 2005, their marriage was dissolved. No children were born in the second and third marriage. Gverdtsiteli developed a warm and friendly relationship with her first husband, as they raised their common son. Sandro did not follow in his footsteps creative parents and now lives abroad. He was educated in the USA and Great Britain, where he studies the history of the 20th century and is working on his dissertation. The son is not married yet, but Tamara does not mind if he chooses a well-mannered girl from a European family.

In the photo Tamara Gverdtsiteli with her son Sandro.

Until recently, the celebrity had an appetizing build, but now she has lost a lot of weight and looks great for her height of 165 cm. As it turned out, Tamara does not follow a diet or exercise, but the excitement and fuss of touring helps her lose extra pounds.

Tamara Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli is one of the most popular artistic figures in the Russian Federation. In her homeland, the popular performer became one of the symbols of the era. She enjoys traveling to Tbilisi, considers herself a citizen of the country, but has been living outside its borders for several decades.

The artist is welcome everywhere, she is loved in all countries of the world. Everywhere whole halls of music lovers gather for her concerts. They call the artist for an encore, forcing her to perform her favorite songs.

Tamara’s creative path is very happy, which cannot be said about her personal life. She has not yet met a man who would make her happy until her last breath.

Height, weight, age. How old is Tamara Gverdtsiteli

From a young age, the girl’s numerous music lovers were interested in everything related to the singer’s life and work, including Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s height, weight, age, and age. It is known that the artist turned 56 years old. She takes care of her appearance, adhering to the norms of proper nutrition and daily routine.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli, whose photos in her youth and now do not leave men indifferent and cause the envy of women, weighs 65 kg with a height of 165 centimeters.

Among other things, fans are also interested in the artist’s nationality. She openly says that she is a Georgian with Jewish roots living in the Russian Federation.

Biography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

The biography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli began in Tbilisi (Georgian SSR). Father - Mikhail Pavlovich Gverdtsiteli worked as a cybernetics scientist, one of the first Soviet programmers. Mother - Inna Volfovna Kofman taught at a regular school. It was she who instilled in the girl a love of music. From the age of 7, Tamarka begins to study vocals. In 1972 he began touring with Mziuri. Even then, the young soloist became incredibly popular; she was applauded not only by listeners in the Soviet Union, but also in some foreign countries.

Having received a school certificate, Gverdtsiteli became a student at the Tbilisi Conservatory. At the age of 19, she was appreciated at various music competitions, after which they started talking about the young talent. She is the only Soviet performer to sing in San Remo, Italy. In mid-1988, he won the prestigious Golden Orpheus music festival. Soon she herself begins to judge young performers.

In the early 90s of the last century, Tamara Mikhailovna received the title of Honored Artist of Georgia, then - People's Artist. At the beginning of the new millennium, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed a decree awarding Gverdtsiteli the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

In the 90s of the last century, the popular singer captivated the European and American public, who gave her a standing ovation and called her for encores several times. Since that time, Gverdtsitelli’s repertoire begins to include a large number of compositions, the author of which is herself.

Although several decades have passed since then, the popular singer continues to actively tour, always delighting the public.

Personal life of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

The personal life of Tamara Gverdtsiteli was not very successful. There is currently no beloved man next to the woman. The popular artist herself cites her busy creative activities as the reason for this. Her first husband forced her to refuse a lucrative contract in France, but this only delayed the time of official separation from her husband.

The woman connected her life with men several times, but they forced her to choose between her favorite music and marriage, so the popular performer is currently alone. Although Gverdtsiteli’s personal life can hardly be called happy, she does not lose faith that in the future she will become a happy wife.

Family of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

The family of Tamara Gverdtsiteli, a popular world-class performer, has supported all her endeavors since a young age.

The girl’s father was Mikhail Pavlovich Gverdtsiteli, a descendant of a princely family. He was one of the first in the Soviet Union to develop computer technologies.

The development of the famous performer was greatly influenced by her beloved mother, who instilled in her daughter a love of music from childhood, and her grandmother. It was in honor of the latter that she received her name. And the talent passed on, according to Tamara Mikhailovna herself, from her beloved grandmother, who worked at the Tbilisi Conservatory for several decades and developed her granddaughter’s singing talent.

The artist has a beloved brother, Pavel, who permanently resides in the Georgian capital, and two nephews.

Children of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

Due to her incredible busyness, the children of Tamara Gverdtsiteli are presented in the singular. The artist has an only son, Alexander, whose name is Sandro in the Georgian manner. For various reasons, Tamara was no longer able to become a mother.

The popular singer also considers talented young performers to be her children, whom she supports in their endeavors.

The artist oversees one of the orphanages in Tbilisi. She often comes there, brings gifts, and helps its graduates get settled in life. Tamara Mikhailovna allocates part of the money from her fees specifically for these needs.

Son of Tamara Gverdtsiteli - Alexander (Sandro)

The son of Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Alexander (Sandro), was born in the mid-80s of the last century. Despite being incredibly busy with creativity, the popular artist always found time to raise her beloved son.

The boy tried to support his mother from a young age. He was waiting for her from the tour, he studied well at school. After Tamara Mikhailovna’s second marriage, the guy began to study in the States. Having received a certificate, he becomes a student at the University of London, where he receives a profession related to creativity.

He currently lives and works in England and is in a civil relationship with a girl. Soon Sandro is going to get married.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli's ex-husband - Georgy Kakhabrishvili

The woman met her first husband in the early 80s of the last century. She couldn't resist his charm, despite the 15-year age difference. Soon the man proposed marriage. The parents of the popular singer did not interfere with her happiness. In 1984, the wedding of two lovers was celebrated in one of the best Tbilisi restaurants. Several hundred invited guests attended the celebration.

For several years the couple lived in perfect harmony. She toured. And Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s ex-husband, Georgy Kakhabrishvili, was waiting for his wife at home, working at the Georgian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

At the beginning of the harsh 90s, the country was turbulent. The singer suggested leaving the country and waiting out the current situation outside of it. The husband did not agree, which led to a divorce in 1995.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli's ex-husband - Dmitry

A year after breaking up with her first husband, the popular singer lost her head in love. Her chosen one was a native of the Soviet Union who lived in the United States of America. They could not live without each other, so soon Tamara moved to her beloved in Boston, taking her mother and son Soso with her. A few months later the woman becomes Dmitry’s wife. The artist did not tour for some time; she enjoyed her vacation in the company of her closest people. But after some time, the performer became burdened by this peace and left for Russia on tour.

At this time, the husband suffered a second heart attack and died. Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s ex-husband, Dmitry, is buried in one of the Boston cemeteries in America. He bequeathed all his property to Tamara’s son, Soso.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli's ex-husband - Sergei Ambatelo

At the beginning of the new millennium, a popular artist became seriously ill. Sergei Ambatelo, who works in the cardiology department of one of the Moscow clinics, began to treat her. It was to him that a popular performer accidentally came to see him.

Somehow, imperceptibly, they fell in love with each other, but for some time they did not understand it. Having gone to different countries, they sought to meet within a few days. After this, a declaration of love took place. That same year they registered their marriage.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s ex-husband, Sergei Ambatelo, insistently demanded that the star leave her career and do only housework. This was the reason for the couple's divorce.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tamara Gverdtsiteli

On Wikipedia, admirers of the popular artist’s talent can read all the most detailed information about her biography, creative path and personal life. The page contains the most detailed list of compositions performed and written by the singer.

By going to Tamara Mikhailovna’s Instagram, you can view her numerous photographs that were taken at different periods of her life. Among other things, there are images of various cities visited by the artist.

The man was renovating the apartment of a 50-year-old singer, but he still lived there.

The man was renovating the apartment of a 50-year-old singer, but he still lived there.

For two years now, Tamara GVERDTTSITELI has been living in her elite apartment on Krasnoproletarskaya Street with a man of Caucasian appearance. We managed to find out who this mysterious stranger is.

After a painful divorce from her third husband Sergei due to attacks of his furious jealousy Tamara Gverdtsiteli I was alone for a long time. It seemed that the singer decided to live only by music. But you can’t order your heart! Two years ago, Tamara Mikhailovna started renovations in her Moscow apartment near the Novoslobodskaya metro station. The pop star turned to a small construction company. The owner and part-time foreman turned out to be a handsome man, 53 years old - Novruz Mamedov. His sense of humor and easy-going attitude towards life won over the lonely woman. It so happened that the man was doing renovations in the apartment, and ended up living there.

Tamara Mikhailovna’s man rarely goes out for a walk,” the star’s neighbor at the entrance, Marina Nikolaevna, told Express Gazeta. - Except that sometimes in the evenings the three of them walk around: Gverdtsiteli, Novruz and the singer’s mother Inna Vladimirovna.

We managed to talk with the singer’s roommate when he answered the call to her instead of Tamara Mikhailovna mobile phone. “Tamara is now in the bathroom - washing, cleaning herself,” he explained. “Call me back in three hours.” When asked who answered the phone, the answer was given: “I’m a bodyguard, there’s a security guard and everything else.” - "What is your name?" “I won’t say, what if you’re preparing sabotage against Tamara,” he suggested courageous voice with a thick accent.

Express Newspaper found out that in the past Novruz lived in Tbilisi, was engaged in the concert business - he brought guest performers. However, several years ago the business “turned down” and moved from Tbilisi to Moscow. There are probably serious reasons for this.

The men in her life

* The singer married for the first time in 1984 to a famous sound engineer, later deputy chairman of the Georgian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Kahu Kakhabrishvili. Tamara Mikhailovna gave birth to his son Sandro, who now lives in the UK. The marriage broke up because Kakha was against his wife’s career.

* Tamara Mikhailovna met her second husband, Dmitry, a successful lawyer originally from Baku, in 1995 in Boston. Crazy love ended because sudden death spouse.

* Gverdtsiteli went down the aisle for the third time in 2001 with a cardiac surgeon at the Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. Bakuleva Sergei Ambatelo. In a fit of anger and jealousy, he could raise his hand against the artist - so in 2005, Gverdtsiteli filed for divorce.



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