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Tarot and mandalas. Angel Hru: heavenly patron of Tarot cards Rite from Aza Petrenko

Tarot mandalas - the geometry of secrets and riddles. When we order a Tarot reading, our main goal at this moment is the opportunity to look into the future. And what a shame when it is not revealed to us the way we want it to be. You can adjust the perspective of your life in several ways:

  • change character (it would be so easy);
  • change your plans;
  • use special rituals or signs.

It is as a last method that Tarot mandalas are used, which have become the embodiment of white magic in the form of a geometric figure with esoteric content.

Mandala Tarot as weaving a web of happiness

Fortune telling about relationships, like other requests, can already cause slight disappointment at the interpretation stage. After all, we don’t always hear what we would like. And it is precisely in this case that the created Tarot mandala can help.

The arcana in these cards are considered the strongest symbols. With their help, you can not only predict the intensity of events, but also attract pleasant events into your life. Esotericists explain this phenomenon not only by subtle energies, but also by the launch of special mechanisms in the brain. At a subtle level, the strongest energy of all those who read tarot cards is formed by the egregor - the most powerful astral clot. When a person begins to contemplate the Tarot mandala, 2 types of mechanisms are launched - biological and energetic. The first is characterized by the formation of neural connections between the symbol and the expected event. Nerve cells transmit the corresponding impulses to the body and it begins to unconsciously look for ways to bring what it wants to life. At the energy level, a channel opens between the most powerful flow of egregor and the fate of the client. But the effect will only be when the desired event, having come to life, does not bring harm to anyone.

Classification of Tarot mandala

There are 2 types of Tarot mandala - static and dynamic. The first is in the form of an image, and the second is a kaleidoscopic video. They can be combined by hanging the picture in a prominent place and periodically watching the magic video.

When formulating a request, the master selects the cards from which this magical figure will be composed. For greater effect, it is better to choose favorable cards from the fortune-telling layout. This way there will be no interference in fate, but only pleasant events will speed up or increase in intensity.

You can order Tarot mandalas from the master of the Provided magic center not only for yourself, but also for a loved one. Such a gift will become an aesthetic decoration of the interior with a deep energetic message to its owner.

The love mandala carries a special meaning and energy. It is used to attract love and strengthen existing relationships.

The mandala of love is a sacred circle consisting of certain symbols that carry a charge of energy. Filling the drawing with color entails a surge of energy and the fulfillment of the desires of the requester. To attract female love, round mandala patterns are used. For men, zigzag lines are preferred. The color of love energy is also varied.

Symbols and colors of the mandala drawing

Mandalas amaze with their diversity. An endless variety of shapes and sizes allows you to choose a design for specific purposes and charge it to fulfill your cherished desire. Feminine energy in the mandala is positioned by round and oval lines. Male energy is triangles, diamonds and all kinds of zigzags and creases. Squares carry the energy of calm, balance, and fundamentality. Flowers are a symbol of purity of soul, tenderness, and the attraction of souls to each other.

The colors of love are selected individually, according to associations. If these are tender feelings, then the colors will be pastel, translucent: soft pink, lavender, dim blue.

For passionate love, choose bright, rich colors: red, crimson, purple, cherry.

For harmony in relationships, confident colors are preferred, not flashy, but not pale: blue, green, brown.

To suppress anger and aggression in relationships, choose cold and calm colors that neutralize negativity: gray, yellow, turquoise.

How does the love mandala work?

Once you have decided what kind of love to attract or what to change in the relationship, proceed to the ritual. The evening is conducive to creation - at this time it is better to plan to strengthen existing relationships. Morning, as a symbol of a new beginning, helps attract new love. Noon, with its stability, helps reduce negativity in relationships.

Make yourself as comfortable as possible. There should be enough light so that the color of the future drawing is not distorted. For the greatest immersion in the atmosphere, use aromatic oil. Positive energy vibrations can also be achieved with the help of a lit candle, which will also help attract love. Place a mandala pattern in front of you and look at it. Imagine your beloved and whisper a love spell. Mentally imagine the image of your loved one and begin coloring the pattern from the center, moving towards the edges.

As time passes, you will notice an improvement in your well-being and an influx of fresh energy. Coloring a mandala feels similar to practicing meditation. Methodical movements organize your thoughts and relax you. Negativity leaves the body, its place is taken by love magic that is in the air. Once you have completed the drawing, speak to love again, mentioning the name of the person you are bewitching. Give the pattern to the person for whom it is intended, with the words: “A gift for you, happiness for me”.

There is a huge number of Attracting love > Love spells "> love spells. To consolidate success, you can use one of them. Be careful and careful. You should not use magic where you can get by with charm and ingenuity. Love, be loved and happy. Good luck in all your endeavors, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

10.11.2016 01:05

Jealousy is a strong feeling that gnaws at a person and brings a lot of mental pain. Sometimes distrust in a person cannot be drowned out...

The book is intended for readers both interested in the philosophical and predictive aspects of the TAROT, and for practicing tarot readers.

What is mantika, fortune telling, prediction? What is the difference between fortune telling and prediction? How to guess by symbols? How does one guess the future of a specific person? How to work with upside down cards?

The book provides answers to all these questions. And besides this, exercises are offered for the development of predictive abilities, the basis for which are yoga practices, “Meditative exercises with cards” are provided for the development of imaginative thinking, intuition and clairvoyance, feeling the energy of the card and interacting with it. In this case, the cards are considered as an object for internal concentration. The book provides ways to work with the Major Arcana of the TAROT, as with archetypes of consciousness, through meditative practices and the opportunity to gain transpersonal experience. Here the TAROT is considered as a tool for accessing altered states of consciousness.

Thus, the reader is given the opportunity to expand his understanding of the possibilities of using the Tarot.

The first third of the book is devoted to esoteric philosophy, where the TAROT is described as a picture of the world. A TAROT diagram is provided, which shows the relationship of this system with the elements of the earth, the seasons of the year and the cardinal points. A detailed explanation of this relationship is provided. The connection between the Tarot and Kabbalah, astrology, numerology, and Vedic anthroposophy is examined.

To understand the complex structure of the Tarot, the book contains numerous tables that provide clues to the meanings of the cards.

The reader is invited to fill out his own “Journal of Card Meanings” based on the knowledge that he will glean from the first part of the book. Derivation of the card’s own meaning using the given formula is necessary for a novice tarot reader, as a kind of core on which the interpretations of the cards of various TAROT masters, which often contradict each other, will be “attached” in the future. Once you have your own idea of ​​the card's meaning, you can accept or reject subsequent interpretations. It's okay if you don't manage to complete all the columns in the journal while reading the book. There's no need to rush. Let your ideas form gradually.

I do not set myself the goal of giving as many layouts as possible. There are entire collections of layouts for this purpose. My goal is to teach you how to work with layouts of varying levels of complexity, so in the book the layouts are arranged precisely according to this principle: from simple to complex.

What is situation correction on Tarot cards? This is drawing up a program for changing the future. The book explains how and why you can achieve this result in this direction. Skills in working with mental images and affirmations are given.

The correction procedure itself is described as a magical ritual, as an exit to an altered state of consciousness through a certain practice of turning to the Divine Consciousness. I give methods for correcting the situation through the TAROT, tell you how correction formulas are compiled, and provide ready-made formulas. Openly talking about the magical ritual, I also describe its negative consequences. If you decide to change something in your life, do it consciously, and remember your responsibility to yourself and the whole world.

The third part of the book provides various methods of working with the Major Arcana of the TAROT, as with archetypes of consciousness. The relationship and mutual influence between these 22 archetypal states of consciousness and the energy information channels of our body are examined, which opens up the opportunity to work on changing our psychophysiological state. You are offered mental and energy exercises that involve the inclusion of imagination and thought. The skills of forming mental images are given. Through working with image, sound and breathing, a change in the psychophysiological state occurs, the chakras and energy-information channels are gradually “turned on.” Through meditative practices on the Arcana of the Tarot, you can learn to work with your condition, manage it, change it, and change the stereotypes of your behavior. The book provides methods for removing energy blockages from the past in order to use this potential in the present and future.

The result of this work can be a balanced state between consciousness and subconscious, past and present, present and future. And as a result, achieving internal and external peace of mind, self-confidence, and the ability to make thoughtful decisions.

The appendix provides fundamental exercises taken from yoga, necessary for every person engaged in any esoteric practice. These are pranayama, physical exercises, the basics of meditation, working with energies, methods of gaining energy and setting up energy protection, exercises with sound, features of the diet and lifestyle of a tarot reader.

The book may be interesting and useful both for those who have long embarked on the path of knowledge of the Truth, and for those who are just starting this path and are in search of themselves.

You can purchase the book by contacting me through the contacts provided on the website.

life, love, wealth, strength and success

Tarot mandalas are an extraordinary combination of ancient traditions and modern possibilities. Do you want to get rid of the limitations of the present? Open something new? Is life better? Is it easier to solve problems? And at the same time experience incredible bliss and pleasure?

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What are Tarot Mandalas? It is known that mandalas (yantras) are sacred geometric figures and symbols that, due to their combinations, have a special effect on our consciousness and subconscious. Tarot mandalas are mandalas created from the aces of the tarot.

Aces in tarot are considered one of the most powerful cards (arcanas). They symbolize elemental energies, renewal, new chances and opportunities. Depending on the suit of the ace (the suit corresponds to the element), the sphere of its influence is determined.

How do Tarot Mandalas work? To do this, you need to make a choice of tarot mandala according to your request. Are you ready to find your mandala and experience something incredible?

Girls who dream of marriage and are not afraid to resort to magic are offered a selection of the best rites and rituals for love and marriage. remember, that any rites and rituals can only be done in a good mood and with good intentions. Do rituals for love and for finding a husband, without using them to attract a specific person.

Love ritual with white flower

The ritual for quick marriage has been known since the Middle Ages. And it was intended for girls who dream of meeting their love. The ritual will help you attract wonderful relationships into your life, which will be built on mutual love.

It is necessary to perform a ritual on the waxing moon- on the days of the new moon. It's best on a Friday night because Venus, the goddess of Love, rules Friday.

You will need absolutely any white flower. Then place it on a balcony or windowsill so that the moon's light falls on it. Ask the Universe to send you bright and mutual love.

Take a flower at dawn and put it in the holy book. It doesn’t have to be the Bible, you can go to any spiritual book that gives you energy and strength or that you really like.

The flower will lie on the pages of the book until the next Moon. On the first night of the new moon, take a flower from a book and scatter its petals into your palm. Describe the qualities of the person you want to meet and blow petals out the open window.

They say that the man of your dreams will appear in your life within a month after the ritual.

Ritual from Aza Petrenko

Gypsy Aza Petrenko deftly predicts fate and answers the most difficult questions with the help of intuition and Tarot cards. She is a healer, a hereditary fortune teller and fortune teller. She received the knowledge and gift from her grandmother, she keeps some rituals secret, and shares others generously with those who wish. According to the fortune teller, her ritual is marriage works flawlessly.

The ritual is intended to attract love into your life. You will meet your loved one in a maximum of 6 months. To perform the ritual you do not need to have any abilities; a sincere desire is enough for it.

The ritual is called "Seven Scarlet Roses" and you will need the help of your best friend. If you trust her completely, and she wishes you well from the bottom of her heart, then everything will work out for you.

To carry out you will need:

  • white sheet;
  • white nightgown;
  • white light scarf;
  • church wedding candle;
  • Holy water;
  • crystal vase;
  • Red roses.

Everything must be white, without decorations or patterns. Take a shirt or peignoir that will not be embarrassing in front of your future husband. Be careful when choosing colors. Take only scarlet roses, without regretting money. It is advisable to buy all seven roses from one seller.

The ritual must be performed during the day, before sunset. Lay a white sheet near the window and put a peignoir on your body. Cover your head with a scarf without tying the ends. You and your friend should not have rings on their fingers; be sure to remove them before the ceremony begins.

Description of the ritual: kneel on a sheet, in front of you there will be a vase half filled with holy water. A friend should stand behind her. She will light a candle and make a clockwise circular motion over your head. She must pass the candle from hand to hand to herself. At this time he will say a prayer, a conspiracy:

Heavenly blood and pure

Save and save the servant of God (name)

From any evil eye, from a bad hour,

From the male eye, female, childish, hateful and joyful, from gossip and courts.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then your friend should pick the petals from each rose and shower them on your head. At this time, without getting up from your knees, you will collect them in a vessel with water. The candle should be extinguished in the same vase. Then wash your face three times with this water and dry yourself with the ends of your scarf. After the ceremony, put the shirt and sheet in the closet without shaking it off. Hang the scarf on the icon with a woman's face. Divide the petals into three equal parts and place them in bags.

In the evening, take a shower, then run a bath and pour all the petals from the first bag into it. Soak for 10 minutes in this water, and then collect them again in the same bag. And you do this for three days, using the petals of all three packages. On day 4, collect all the petals in one bag and leave it at a crossroads. And do not throw away the holy water that you used during the ceremony; pour it over garden plants or flowers.

When you meet your loved one, put on a shirt and spend the night with him on that same white sheet to consolidate the result.

This ritual will help you meet your soul mate. The ritual will attract into your life the person who suits you best. You will meet true love, mutual and sincere.

For the ritual you will need:

  • beautiful red envelope;
  • 18 leaves of red paper;
  • black pen.

Before starting the ceremony, conduct a meditation of liberation and forgiveness. Forgive all your ex-boyfriends and let them go in your mind. Wish them all the best, make room in your heart for new feelings.

Take the envelope, take a deep breath and write “Love Magnet” on one side. Place your signature on the other side of the envelope.

Think about how you see your chosen one. Define all the good qualities and image of the person in detail. Specify height, eye color, character traits, bad and good habits, occupation, and so on.

Every day, take one of the sheets and write one quality of your future lover. And then place the leaf in the envelope. Imagine your loved one becoming one step closer to you.

Do this for 18 days using the same pen. On the last day, place the envelope in the southwest part of the bedroom. Imagine that your envelope has become a magnet attracting the ideal relationship.

If you miss a day, don’t use that envelope again, buy a new one and start over.

Imagine a person you would like to be with. Let it not be a specific person, but try to imagine the qualities that you would like to see in a partner.

Then write a letter to an imaginary person. Express your admiration for his qualities in a letter, tell him how much you love him and how happy you are that he is with you. Be sure to let us know what you can give yourself. your relationship. Then fold the letter three times and kiss it.

Light the fireplace, stove or grill. Use apple and cedar logs for kindling. Throw the letter as soon as the fire is lit. Your request-recognition will be heard by the Universe.

Mandala to attract love

The heart is a symbol of love and the source of life. After all, as you know, love resides in the heart.

In the center of the mandala there are two shining hearts: large and small (female and male). Eight small hearts, four big hearts: strengthening of love energy occurs due to an increase in the number of symbols, due to which the energy of love increases several times.

Pink color invigorates faith, tenderness, love and promotes the fulfillment of desires.

Using a hand-drawn mandala "Love", you will attract this bright feeling into your life using fantasy and idea with imagination. Under the completed drawing, write your deepest desire.

Then frame the mandala and hang it on the wall in your bedroom so that you will see it often. This way you will attract your desire to yourself. Time will pass and it will definitely come true, you will meet true love!

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