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Theater where Menshikov plays. Oleg Menshikov about the new play "Macbeth", in which all the roles are played by men. Roles in the theater

Menshikov Oleg Evgenievich was born in the Moscow region, in Serpukhov, on November 8, 1960. His family had nothing to do with the world of cinema and theater: his father was a military engineer, his mother was a neuropathologist. Soon after the birth of their son, the family moved to the capital. The boy developed early symptoms musical abilities, and his parents took him to one of the capital’s music schools, where Oleg studied violin. The world of beauty and high art beckoned the young esthete. He adored operetta already in early age. Twice a week Menshikov visited the Operetta Theater. He liked some performances so much that he went to see them several times in a row. In high school, Menshikov himself began to stage plays for which he wrote music and lyrics. His acting talent was noticed when Oleg was in ninth grade. Once a son went with his parents to the wedding of the daughter of an employee of the Maly Theater. The guy, to the surprise of all the guests, became a one-man orchestra: he played the violin and piano, accompanying singers and musicians, improvised and recited. Among the guests at that wedding was Shchepka’s teacher Vladimir Monakhov. All evening he carefully watched the young man. Soon Menshikov received an invitation to audition from Monakhov. At the request to read something at his discretion, the young man recited Pushkin’s “Desires of Glory.” Vladimir Vasilyevich was pleasantly surprised. He discovered in Menshikov extraordinary acting talent. And he even compared him to Gerard Philippe. Is it any wonder that in 1977, after graduation high school, Oleg Menshikov chose his acting future. Although the parents were not happy with the choice, they did not prevent their son from deciding his fate on his own. Oleg Menshikov passed his exams at the famous Sliver with flying colors. He took a course with the rector of the school, Nikolai Afonin. Attention to the talented young man was increased from the first year. To this day, Menshikov’s teachers and classmates remember with admiration the skit parties that Oleg organized. It was a delightful fusion of subtle humor, brilliant improvisations and high artistry. In his senior year, the most promising student played in Nikolai Afonin’s production of “Invasions.” It is interesting that Afonin himself suggested Menshikov take the main role, but he asked for one of the episodic and insignificant ones. But it was this small role performed by a talented graduate that became one of the most striking and memorable. After graduating from high school, the aspiring artist joined the troupe of the capital's Maly Theater. A year later, Menshikov went to serve in the army. He served his military duty while playing in the theater of the Soviet Army. One of the most notable works of this period is the role of Ivolgin in the production of “The Idiot” based on the work of Dostoevsky. After his service, Menshikov became an actor at the Moscow Drama Theater named after Yermolova. Here he worked from 1985 to 1989. Theatergoers remember his wonderful performance in the performances “Speak!” and "Second Year of Freedom". In 1990, the artist received the main role in the production of “Caligula” by Fomenko, which took place on the stage of the Mossovet Theater. Then Oleg Menshikov turned 30 years old. This role made the young artist famous not only in Russia, but also abroad. And in 1995, Menshikov organized the “Theatrical Partnership 814”. It was one of the first entrepreneurial companies not only in Moscow, but also in Russia. Menshikov became the main director of most of the productions of the Partnership, the most famous of which are “Woe from Wit” by Griboedov, “Kitchen” by Kurochkin and “The Players” by Gogol. In April 2012, Oleg Menshikov was appointed artistic director Drama Theater named after Ermolova, where he previously worked as an actor. As Oleg Evgenievich later said, the first thing he did was conduct an “audit” of the theater’s repertoire and troupe. And he was very dissatisfied with the results. He left only four productions from his former repertoire. I also said goodbye to some of the actors. Among them was his longtime colleague, with whom he starred in “Pokrovsky Gates,” Tatyana Dogileva.

Oleg Menshikov is an outstanding actor and talented director. He was involved in staging plays while still in school, and after receiving a certificate, he submitted documents to one of the oldest institutes in the country - Shchepkinsky Higher drama school. And despite the huge competition, the future People's Artist of the Russian Federation was accepted into the university on the first try.

While still a student, Menshikov brilliantly played in Nikolai Afonin’s play “Invasion.” Moreover, the aspiring actor himself refused the main role offered to him by the director in favor of an episodic, but deeper and psychologically subtle one.

In his last year at Sliver, the celebrity made his film debut. He was entrusted with the main role in Suren Shahbazyan’s drama “I Wait and Hope.” Subsequently, Oleg Menshikov tried on many images. He was the cunning optimist Ostap Bender, and the revenge-drunk Mitya from Burnt by the Sun, and the thoughtful detective Erast Fandorin. The actor's transformation in each work is absolute. At the same time, not a single character played by Oleg Evgenievich is similar to the other.

On theater stage the critics' favorite has been playing since 1981. At first, Menshikov was enrolled in the Maly Theater. The following year he already performed at the Soviet Army Theater. The actor's name could also be seen on posters of other cultural institutions. Now Oleg Evgenievich, being the artistic director of the Ermolova Theater, acts as an actor in the “Independent Theater Project”. He also works in the 814 theater company, which he founded in 1995.

The most striking film works with the participation of Menshikov:

In total, the actor starred in more than 30 films.

Awards and prizes

Laurence Olivier Prize of the British Academy of Arts, Russian State Prize (three times laureate), “Nika”, “Triumph”, etc.

You can watch films with celebrities online right now. And to see how actor Oleg Menshikov shines on the theater stage in Moscow, buy tickets for performances at the Ermolova Theater in which he is involved. This can be done by calling the number you see on the screen, leaving a request on the website or ordering a call back.

Oleg Menshikov - Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, theater director. Three times laureate of the State Prize of Russia.

Many consider Menshikov one of the most talented actors in Russia. Throughout his career, he managed to play many leading roles.

In 2003, Menshikov was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Since 2012, he has been the director of the Moscow Drama Theater. M. N. Ermolova.

So, in front of you biography of Oleg Menshikov.

Biography of Menshikov

Oleg Evgenievich Menshikov was born on November 8, 1960 in small town Serpukhov, in the Moscow region.

His father, Evgeniy Yakovlevich, worked as a military engineer. Mother, Elena Innokentievna, was a neurologist.

Childhood and youth

Even at a young age, Menshikov showed great interest in. For example, he really liked operetta, which is why he went to the theater every week.

In 2012, Oleg Evgenievich became the artistic director of the Ermolaeva Drama Theater, in which he once played.

Having taken up his new duties, Menshikov first of all changed the repertoire, and also revised the acting troupe. He fired some actors and invited others to take their place.

Filmography of Menshikov

Oleg Menshikov’s first film was “Waiting and Hope,” in which he played a minor role.

However, his performance turned out to be so bright that he soon received an offer to star in “Pokrovsky Gates,” which became the starting point in his biography.

In this film, Menshikov played the extraordinary student Kostya. Exactly this work brought him enormous popularity and universal love of the Soviet audience.

After that, he began to receive many offers from different directors.

He later starred in such famous films as “Captain Fracasse” and “Moonzund”. It is interesting that Oleg managed to masterfully play absolutely any characters, regardless of the genre of the film and the complexity of the role.

In the early 90s, there were so many offers to act in films that he could already choose what to agree to. Every appearance of Menshikov in one film or another guaranteed her success.

For example, the film with his participation “Burnt by the Sun” (1994) was awarded an Oscar. In it, the actor played NKVD officer Mitya.

Oleg Menshikov's performance in this film received a lot of attention positive feedback from world famous critics.

Then Menshikov took part in the filming of “The Barber of Siberia” and “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” where his partner was.

Both films were well received by the audience and are still considered classics of Russian cinema.

In 2006, Oleg Menshikov tried himself in the role of Ostap Bender, starring in The Golden Calf.

Later, the actor admitted that by his nature he is very close to the image of this hero.

In the same year, he was approved for the main role in the series Doctor Zhivago, based on the novel.

Personal life

Oleg Menshikov prefers not to advertise his personal life. His first and only wife is Anastasia Chernova, whom he married in 2005.

Oleg Menshikov and his wife Anastasia Chernova

It is worth noting that the wife is almost half the age of her husband. On this moment The couple has no children.

In his interviews, actor Menshikov has repeatedly admitted that he considers his meeting with Anastasia one of the key events in his biography.

Oleg Menshikov today

Oleg Evgenievich Menshikov continues to be among the most sought-after and successful Russian actors.

In 2017, he starred in the science-fiction film “Attraction,” which was about a collision between people and alien creatures.

The director of the film, Fyodor Bondarchuk, admitted to journalists that it was a great honor for him to work with Menshikov. The film has become so popular that its second part is planned for release in 2019.

Oleg Menshikov often appears on various television programs and social parties. In addition, he still continues to stage performances, which are always sold out.

Surely in the future Menshikov will play more than one iconic role and will be able to please fans with new author’s projects.

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Fans of Soviet cinema remember him from “Pokrovsky Gates,” and young viewers know Menshikov as the coach from “Legend No. 17.” In any case, the actor has already written his name in the history of Russian cinema and theater - for six years now Oleg Menshikov has been directing the theater named after M. N. Ermolova, where he appears on stage and stages performances. We tell you what you can’t miss from the repertoire.


On the ocean liner Virginia, a boy was born who was destined to become a brilliant pianist. He never came to earth, he never had documents, citizenship or a normal name.

He spent his entire life playing for passengers, continuing to travel the world on an ocean liner. An amazing and sincere production tells about talent, friendship and creative path. Oleg Menshikov plays the main role here.


A masterly eccentric production about swindlers, in which Oleg Menshikov acted not only as an actor, but also as a director. The viewer is immersed in the atmosphere of theatrical acting, live music, singing and vaudeville cascade.

“We have been performing this performance for more than ten years,” says Oleg Menshikov. – We came up with it in the mountains, in Crimea, where the whole company went. For us, this is no longer a performance. This is part of our life."

Photo from the website of the Ermolova Theater

Dream Orchestra.Copper

Not so much a performance as a live concert. On stage - Oleg Menshikov and his brass band. Together they tell sad and funny stories. The program includes several miniatures in various genres.

Thirty artists combine words, music and dance, filling the entire space around with their incredible energy and powerful sound of wind instruments.

Photo from the website of the Ermolova Theater

The Picture of Dorian Grey

Success and failure, big money and extreme risk, human beauty and moral deformity - the well-known story of Lord Henry and Dorian Gray is told here in a modern way. Sergei Kempo appears on stage together with Oleg Menshikov.

A successful producer creates a credible myth about a new superman. How do modern media influence us and why do we continue to fall into the trap of deceptive beauty?

Photo from the website of the Ermolova Theater

From the void... (eight poets)

The performance is dedicated to Russian poets and writers who were forced to create far from their homeland. The atmosphere of the production is woven from books, sheets of poetry, memories and emptiness.

The images of Georgy Ivanov, Marina Tsvetaeva, Sasha Cherny, Zinaida Gippius, David Burliuk, Vladislav Khodasevich, Ivan Bunin and Vladimir Nabokov appear on the stage.

For the audience this unique opportunity hear great poetry and prose performed by Oleg Menshikov, Vladimir Andreev and leading artists of the Ermolovsky Theater.

Photo from the website of the Ermolova Theater

The main character of Shakespeare's tragedy is the Scottish general Macbeth, who succumbs to the temptation to gain power. Main role Oleg Menshikov plays in the play, he is also the director of the production.

“Shakespeare is always a question mark,” says Oleg Menshikov. – Some kind of code that was thrown at us through the centuries and which we are trying to decipher. As long as humanity exists, it will continue to solve this riddle.”

Photo from the Ermolova Theater website


Oleg Evgenievich Menshikov - artistic director and director of the Moscow Drama Theater named after M.N. Ermolova,

People's Artist of Russia, director, laureate of State Prizes of the Russian Federation

Oleg Menshikov was born on November 8, 1960 in the city of Serpukhov, Moscow Region, into the family of Evgeniy Yakovlevich Menshikov (born 1934) - a military engineer and neuropathologist Elena Innokentyevna Menshikova (born 1933).

After graduating from general education and music schools(1977) entered the Higher Theater School named after M.S. Shchepkin, on the course of V.B. Monakhov.

In 1981 he entered the Maly Theater. A year later he was drafted into the Soviet army and served in the Central academic theater Soviet army. In 1985, Menshikov joined the troupe of the M.N. Ermolova Theater, where he worked until 1989, playing a number of notable roles. In 1995, he organized his own theater company, called "Partnership 814"

Having become a free actor, Menshikov plays in the plays of Pyotr Fomenko (the role of Caligula in the play of the same name - 1990), London's Globe Theater (the role of Sergei Yesenin in the play "When She Danced" - 1991).

In 2005 he married actress Anastasia Chernova.

At the beginning of 2008, he staged his first one-man show “1900” on the stage of the Theater. Mossovet within the framework of the Chereshnevy Forest festival.

Plays the piano and violin.

In April 2012 G. Oleg Menshikov becomes artistic director of the Ermolovsky Theater.

For the first time in theatrical life capital, the People's Artist of the USSR transferred his powers to the actor and director.

Currently he is the president of the theatre.

Together with the new artistic director, the theater acquired a new corporate style and a new repertoire.

And in October 2014 The long-awaited opening of the New Stage of the Theater took place. M.N. Ermolova.


For his role in the film “Moonzund” (1987) - Silver Medal named after A.P. Dovzhenko;

For his role in the film “Burnt by the Sun” (1994) - Russian State Prize in 1995;

“Green Apple - Golden Leaf” - professional award for best actor;

Film Press Prize - Best Actor of the Year;

For his role in the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” (1996) - Russian State Prize in 1997;

Grand Prix of the Kinotavr festival for best actor;

Professional cinematographic award “Nika” for best actor;

Prize for Best Actor at the international film festival “Baltic Pearl” (1997);

Russian independent award "Triumph" - for outstanding contribution to national culture (1996);

“Golden Aries” prize at the end of the year - “Universal actor - leader of the cinematic generation” (1996).

For his role in the film “The Barber of Siberia” (1999) - Russian State Prize 1999.

For the role of Anatoly Tarasov in the film "Legend No. 17" - Prize named after. Oleg Yankovsky and the prize for best actor at the Scarlet Sails children's film festival


For his role in the play “Caligula” (1990) - a prize and diploma from the Moscow Seasons Festival;

For his role in the play “When She Danced” (1991) - Laurence Olivier Award from the British Academy of Dramatic Arts for 1992.

For his role in the play “N” (1993) - the Crystal Rose theater award.

In 2003, for great achievements in the field of art by Presidential Decree Russian Federation Oleg Menshikov was awarded the honorary title " National artist Russian Federation".

In 2003, Oleg Menshikov received one of the main French awards in the field of art - the government Order of Academic Palms.

For the theatrical project “One Thousand Nine Hundredth” - the annual Moskovsky Komsomolets theater award for 2008 in the “masters” category.


By decree of the President of the Russian Federation he was awarded the Order of Honor (November 8, 2010) - for his great contribution to the development of domestic cinematographic art and many years of creative activity.

Roles in the theater

Central Theater of the Soviet Army

1981 - “Clocks without hands”, based on the story by B. L. Rakhmanin. Directors: Yu. I. Eremin, N. Petrova - Vasyukov

1981 - “Forest” by A. N. Ostrovsky. Director: V. Ya. Motyl - Alexey Bulanov

1984 - “The Idiot” (based on the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky. Director: Yu. I. Eremin - Ganya Ivolgin)

1985 - “Private Soldiers” by A. A. Dudarev. Director: Yu. I. Eremin - Lyonka - “Dandelion”

Moscow Theatre of Drama them. M. N. Ermolova

1985 - “Speak!” (dramatization by A. Buravsky based on the essays by V. V. Ovechkin “District Everyday Life”. Director: V. V. Fokin - Secretary)

1986 - “Sports Scenes of 1981” based on the play by E. S. Radzinsky. Director: V.V. Fokin - Seryozha

1988 - “The Second Year of Freedom” based on the play by A. M. Buravsky. Director: V.V. Fokin - Robespierre

Mossovet Theater

1990 - “Caligula” based on the play by Albert Camus. Director: P. N. Fomenko - Caligula

other theater projects

1991 - “When She Danced”, based on the play by Martin Sherman. Director: Robert Alan Ackerman - Sergei Yesenin (Globe Theatre, London) Laurence Olivier Award of the British Academy performing arts, - "for outstanding performance in a supporting role", 1992

1992 - “Players” by N.V. Gogol. Director: Dalia Ibelgauptaite - Ikharev (Trisection Theatre, London)

1993 - “N” / “Nijinsky”, based on the diaries of V. Nizhinsky, author of the dramatic basis A. A. Burykin - Nijinsky (Theatrical Agency “BOGIS”)

1994 - “When She Danced”, based on the play by Martin Sherman. Director: Patrice Kerbra - Sergei Yesenin (Comedy Theater on the Champs-Elysees, Paris)

2008 - “1900” one-man show based on the story by Alessandro Baricco. Directors: O. Menshikov and others (“O. Menshikov’s Theatrical Partnership”) - Trumpeter, friend of Novecento

Theatrical Company 814

1998 - “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboyedov. Role - Chatsky. Director - O. Menshikov

2000 - “Kitchen”, based on the play by M. A. Kurochkin. Role: Gunther. Director - O. Menshikov

2001 - “Players” by N.V. Gogol. Role: Comforting. Director - O. Menshikov

Roles in the theater. M.N. Ermolova today:

“Players” by N.V. Gogol. Role: Comforting. Director - O. Menshikov

“1900” by A. Baricco. Role: Trumpeter, friend of Novecento. Director - O. Menshikov

"Dream Orchestra. Copper". Stage director - O. Menshikov

“The Picture of Dorian Gray” by O. Wilde. Role - Lord Henry. Director - A. Sozonov

"Out of the Void..." (eight poets)." Role - G. Ivanov. Hood. production director - O. Menshikov



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