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« Outdoor games"

2. Lesson topic: Outdoor games

4. Purpose of the lesson:

1. At the teacher level:

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“Technological map with the didactic structure of the lesson “Outdoor Games””

Technological map with didactic structure of the lesson« Outdoor games"

1. Avdienko Elena Vladimirovna

2. Lesson topic: Outdoor games

3. Place: MOBUSOSH No. 1, Novokubansk

4. Purpose of the lesson: promote the development of interest in physical culture through outdoor games.

1. At the teacher level: promote the development of interest in physical education through outdoor games; promote the development and improvement of physical qualities.

2. Subject learning outcomes: choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions; creating conditions for students to learn the rules of outdoor games and develop physical qualities.

- Personal learning activities: students’ establishment of a connection between the purpose of educational activity and its motive.

-Regulatory UUD: setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by the student and what is still unknown.

- Communicative: planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers; control, correction, evaluation of the partner’s actions.

5. Lesson type: repetition

6. Didactic structure of the lesson

7. Plan for studying new material:

Introductory and preparatory part:

    Construction, organizational moment;

    Walking and its variations;

    Running and its varieties;

    Walking with breathing restored;

    Formation into columns of two;

Main part:

    Conducting outdoor games (with volleyballs);

Final part.


    Summing up the lesson, individual comments and advice.

8. Educational – methodological complex:

    Equipment requiring special training: jump rope, gymnastic mats, volleyballs, skittles.

    Technical (or electronic) teaching aids:

    Auxiliary equipment: whistle, stopwatch.

    Didactic support:

    Literature for teachers (including Internet sites): www. edu. ru

    Literature for students (including Internet sites): Bishaeva A. A. Professional and health-improving physical culture of a student: textbook. - M., 2013. Evseev Yu. I. Physical education.

    Software (educational electronic resources on CD-ROM): educational film 2011

9. Educational educational technologies: lesson with educational orientation.

10. Interdisciplinary connections: life safety fundamentals.

11. Intrasubject connections: cross-country training, volleyball, basketball.


Lesson stage


Planned learning outcomes











Organized start of lesson (1 min)

1.Organizational moment

Regulatory: development of attention, ability to evaluate the correctness of an action; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

Cognitive: extract the necessary information from the teacher’s explanation and their own experience.

need for physical education, personal responsibility for one’s actions, attitude towards healthy image life.

Educational program in physical education

I check the students’ readiness for the lesson (presence of sports uniform and replacement shoes).

I'm building. Greetings.

They line up in one line. - organize themselves for work; preparing for independence.

Preparatory part of the lesson

1 . Updating knowledge

Be able to properly use accumulated knowledge; navigate your knowledge system.

observe and analyze your own educational activities and partner activities in the process joint activities;

contribute to the formation of the ability to adequately assess the correctness of the actions of oneself and a friend, focusing on the teacher’s demonstration of movements.

understand the need to follow the rules safe behavior to class;

I will repeat the safety precautions. I answer questions from students. I remind you of the distance - arm outstretched, follow the guide.

Students express their assumptions regarding TB.

2. Walking and its variations:

Walking on toes

Walking on your heels

Walking on the inside and outside of the foot

Heel-to-toe rolls

Running and its varieties:

One lap at a steady, medium pace

Galloping left side/right side

Easy running

Running backwards

Easy running

Fast walk

Walking while restoring breathing

Formation around the hall into columns of three.

Be able to correctly perform special running exercises.

observe and analyze your own educational activities and the activities of your partner in the process of joint activities.

Bishaeva A. A. Professional and health-improving physical culture of a student: textbook. - M., 2013.

I give commands for students to follow while walking.

I correct the performance of walking exercises.

I give commands for students to carry out while running.

I correct the execution of running exercises.

Do walking exercises.

They move around the hall following the teacher’s commands.

When moving around the hall, keep a distance of 2 steps

Do the exercises.

Do running exercises.

While moving in a circle, perform breathing exercises.

Execute breathing exercises.

3. Outdoor switchgear without items:

For posture:(4 reps.)

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

1. The left leg is pulled back, arms up, palms facing each other.

3. The right leg is pulled back, arms up, palms facing each other.

On the shoulder girdle:(4 reps.)

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.

1-4 Rotation of arms forward.

5-8 Rotate arms backwards.

On the hands:(4 reps.)

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, arms forward.

1-4 rotate the hands in inner side

5-8 rotate outward

Forward bends:(4 reps.)

1. Tilt towards the left leg.

3. Tilt at the right leg

Lateral bends (4 repetitions)

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

1. Tilt to the left;

3. Tilt to the left;

For the muscles of the trunk:(4 reps.)

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt

1. turn your hand to the left side behind your back.

3. turn your hand to the right side behind your back

On knee-joint: ( 4 reps.)

IP: legs slightly bent at the knees, hands on the knees.

1-4 rotate clockwise.

5-8 rotate counterclockwise.

For leg muscles:(4 reps.)


I.P: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist

1. Squat, arms forward;


Leg swings:(4 reps.)

I.P: Feet slightly wider than shoulders, arms forward to the side.

1. Left leg swing, to right hand

3. Swing the right leg towards the left hand.

Jumping:(4 reps.)

I.P: Feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist

1-3 jump on two legs.

4 – legs are drawn up.

Be able to correctly perform outdoor exercises that purposefully influence the development of basic physical qualities.

Be able to correctly perform outdoor activities that purposefully influence the development of basic physical qualities.

observe and analyze your own learning activities.

observe and analyze your own learning activities.

observe and analyze your own learning activities.

promote the manifestation positive qualities personalities such as discipline, organization, hard work and perseverance.

promote the manifestation of positive personality traits such as discipline, organization, hard work and perseverance.

promote the manifestation of positive personality traits such as discipline, organization, hard work and perseverance.

Evseev Yu. I. Physical education.

I’m showing the outdoor switchgear complex. I correct the execution of the complex exercises.

I show the outdoor switchgear complex and correct the execution of the exercises of the complex.

Perform complex exercises, taking into account guidelines teacher.

Perform the complex exercises, taking into account the teacher’s instructions.

Perform the complex exercises, taking into account the teacher’s instructions.

Main part of the lesson

Educational component

1. Updating knowledge

Recognize dangerous moments when performing tasks.

organizing yourself to anticipate the outcome


I repeat the safety precautions

They listen carefully.

2. Formulation of the problem.

Be able to navigate your knowledge system.

Formulate your thoughts orally with sufficient completeness and accuracy of thought. Formation

goals-motives of educational activities.

understand difficulties and the desire to overcome them

I ask a question: do physical qualities such as speed and agility come into play? outdoor games.

Students think and give several answers.

be able to act from the perspective of the content of the subject

To develop the ability of educational cooperation and collective discussion of problems and assumptions

understand difficulties and the desire to overcome them

I’m comparing judgments. In previous classes we studied cross-country elements such as running. Now your knowledge, speed and dexterity will help you be the best in the outdoor games that we will play.

Listen carefully and remember the knowledge learned in previous classes.

Motor component

No. 1. Game “Calling Numbers”

2. Game "Day and Night"

3. Outdoor game "Feet off the ground"

Game "Fishing Rod"

contribute to the formation of the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice; understanding the rules of the game; independent performance of exercises in health-improving forms of exercise.

Use acquired knowledge and skills, develop skills in selecting the necessary physical activity.

contribute to the formation of the ability to perceive and maintain a learning task, plan your actions in accordance with the task to achieve a positive result.

determine, together with the teacher, criteria for assessing their educational activities (regulatory UUD);

build positive relationships in the learning process

(communicative UUD);

perform basic technical actions used in the starting acceleration (subject);

contribute to the formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success and failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure.

Whistle, skittles, etc.

The columns are calculated in order. The teacher gives an example (for example, 10-4) and the answer to this example will be the player's number. The player with this number must run around the pin, run around his team and return to his place. The teacher counts the points. The team that scores wins nai large quantity points.

Tasks: practice running in different directions, act on a signal.

Description: All participants are divided into two teams. One command is “day”, the other is “night”. A line is drawn or a cord is placed in the middle of the hall. The teams stand at a distance of two steps from the drawn line, with their backs to each other. At the command of the presenter, for example, “Day!” the team with the appropriate name begins to catch up. Students from the “night” team must manage to run beyond the conditional line before their opponents have time to tarnish them. The team that manages to stain the most players from the opposing team wins.

Objectives: learn to follow the rules of the game.

Description: The driver walks around the hall with other guys. As soon as the teacher says: “Catch!”, all participants scatter, trying to climb to any height where they can raise their feet above the ground. You can only insult those whose feet are on the ground. At the end of the game, the number of losers is counted and a new driver is selected.

Objectives: develop dexterity, attention, speed of reaction.

Description: participants sit in a circle. In the center there is a driver - a teacher. He is holding a jump rope in his hands. The driver rotates the rope in a circle just above the ground. Students jump in such a way that the jump rope does not hit their feet. Those participants whose legs are hit by the jump rope are eliminated from the game.

Completing assigned tasks

Perform exercises, agree on the distribution of functions and roles of joint activities.

Diagnostics of learning outcomes

1.Analysis of participation in outdoor games.

determine, together with the teacher, criteria for assessing their educational activities

Identify your own and your partner’s actions that contributed to or hindered productive communication.

observe and analyze your own educational activities and the activities of your partner in the process of joint activities (communicative learning activities);

identify your own actions and those of your partner that contributed to or hindered productive communication (communicative UUD);

I'm building. I summarize the results of outdoor games.

Analyze their own activities and answer the teacher’s questions.

2. Solving the problem.

generalize ideas about a solved problem

I'm asking.

Students answer.


identify your own problems

observe and analyze your own educational activities and the activities of your partner in the process of joint activities. To promote students’ ability to predict the results of the level of mastery of the material being studied.

contribute to the formation in students of an understanding of the importance of knowledge about physical education and motor skills in human life.

What did we do in class today?

What did you like, what did you not like?

What was difficult, what was easy?

Were you able to resolve the problem?

Students answer.

Homework organization


I ask homework for everyone: evening walk and morning exercises.

Listen and remember to perform.

Organized end of lesson

I say goodbye

Students say goodbye.

Technological map for educational toys

"Merry Carousel"

Revyakina Oksana Aleksandrovna

Abalyaeva Irina Nikolaevna

Educational organization

Municipal General Educational Institution

Otradnovskaya average comprehensive school

(preschool groups)

Creative name for a toy, game, game material

"Merry Carousel"

2-5 years



1. To form color ideas in children, introduce them to the names of primary colors and shapes.

2. Learn to correlate the colors and shapes of different objects using the operation of comparing objects of the same color and different in color and shape;

3. Learn to group various objects by color and shape.

4.Introduce the names of vegetables and fruits.

5. Learn to group objects by common feature(vegetables-fruits, round - oval, red-yellow, etc.)

6.Practise counting objects within 5.

7. Learn to distinguish the number of objects (one - many)

8. Learn to compare two equal and unequal groups of objects.


1.Develop children's speech;

2.Develop fine motor skills hands and fingers;

3.Develop memory and attention.


1.Cultivate interest in bright objects.

2. Foster independence, initiative, interest in various types activities.

Place of a toy, game or gaming material in the educational process

(ways of using a toy or play material)

This manual consists of 2 circles with 3 types of objects attached: a small circle - geometric shapes, a large circle - vegetables and fruits. These circles can be used both together and separately. All objects on the circles are removed. The toy can be used by children in independent activities, while the teacher needs to remove the objects, or in joint activities with the teacher. All items have different fillings to develop tactile sensations, which is important for children early age. With the help of the presented toy, you can perform breathing exercises, and also use it as a relaxation aid during the child’s adaptation period.

Didactic games.

1. What is this?

Age: 2 years.

Goal: stimulation to name objects.

Remove vegetables and fruits from the ribbons. The teacher shows objects and the children name them.

2. Find only fruits/vegetables .

Age: 3-4 years

From the proposed items, choose only fruits/vegetables.

3. Find the same one.

Age: 2-4 years.

Goal: finding an object from a set based on a characteristic.

From a variety of items, choose only yellow ones (red, green, purple, orange)

4. Find a pair.

Age: 3-4 years.

For each item, choose a pair according to color.

5.Find and show.

Age: 3-4 years.

(the game involves a small circle with geometric shapes)

The teacher names a figure and offers to find it from all those proposed.

6 . What do they look like?


The teacher shows the children geometric figure, asks to name her. Offers to find a vegetable or fruit that looks like a triangle.

7. Find and count.

Age: 4-5 years

Children and the teacher count the figures.

8. Comparison of groups of objects.

Age: 4-5 years

9. Guess and show.

Age:3-4 years

The teacher makes a riddle, the children guess and find the answer on the toy.

Materials used in the manufacture of toys or playing materials

Felt, satin ribbons, various cereals, glue threads.

Oksana Enicheva
Development of technological development maps role-playing game

Every person has the potential to move

in a natural positive direction.

Each teacher has a sense of his own

values, virtues and ability to guide

your life and move towards self-actualization,

personal and professional growth.

V. E. Pakhalyan

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education in the educational space, preschool educational institutions still remain topical issues development of children's play. IN development issues of a systematic approach to organization are considered story game with younger children preschool age, one of the planning forms is presented - routing.

This methodological development will be useful for kindergarten teachers who work directly with children and other participants educational process, as well as students of preschool departments of pedagogical colleges and universities.

1. Introduction

2. Main part

Characteristic role-playing game at the present stage.

Didactic content analysis technological maps.

3. Conclusion

4. List of sources used.

5. Application


With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education in the educational space of preschool educational institutions, issues still remain relevant development of children's play. Planning is of particular importance.

Planning issues play activity quite controversial and ambiguous. If we proceed from the fact that the teacher should follow the child’s lead, then plan the game in advance, its plot, problematic. At the same time, leave the process spontaneous development Play activities for preschoolers are prohibited.

Giving due place to amateur games, we must not forget that they do not arise by themselves, but "education" the game wears extremely specific character, which is fundamentally different from teaching, for example, productive types of activities, etc. F. I. Fradkina expressed this very precisely, emphasizing that “the game must be taught, especially in early childhood, this should be stated quite boldly. But you can teach it in different ways. It is impossible to build a sample that should turn out in the end development, and impose it on the child. First of all, it won't work, it won't be a game. The game will turn into an activity.”

Choosing a methodological topic development served as the following causes: the playing position of educators during the organization role-playing game is weak, and sometimes is completely absent, and also due to the fact that teachers do not systematically form gaming skills in students when organizing role-playing game, but replace it with independent activities of children, independent plot the game changes little. The mindset to think up new, interesting things doesn’t arise. games. Subjects, deployed by students, monotonous, simple and mostly on the same topic.

Development of technological maps for the development of role-playing games with children of primary preschool age, one of the ways out of the current situation. Data technological maps developed based on the method of comprehensive support for amateur games. The method was designed by C. L. Novoselova and E. V. Zvorygina and was first published back in 1979.

In this development reveals the specific tactics of adult behavior in joint play with children

Main part

Characteristic role-playing game at the present stage.

Pedagogical value role-playing game is what's in progress games in addition to the relationships dictated plot, assumed by the role or rules, a different kind of relationship arises - no longer conditional, but real, valid, regulating real relationships between children. In Game it turns out: how does the child feel about the successes or failures of his playing partners, does he enter into conflicts with other participants games, is he able to restrain immediate impulses, is he ready to help a friend, is he attentive to other participants games, how accurate he is in fulfilling the role, etc. A. V. Zaporozhets in this regard wrote that children’s play “is a genuine social practice baby, it's his real life in a team in which social qualities and moral consciousness of the child’s personality are formed"

What do we have now? Unfortunately, we are faced with a phenomenon associated with the primitivization of children's games. The main reason for this situation is the simple non-interference of adults. Moreover, some do this simply because they do not consider it necessary to observe children’s play at all - they play and play for themselves, the main thing is that there are no fights and quarrels; while others take a completely principled position, sincerely believing that children’s play should not be interfered with. In the end, we have what we have.

Leaving the right to choose baby games, the teacher needs to try to see the immediate prospects and correctly predict development children's play activities. In accordance with program objectives, individual characteristics and interests of each child.

We invite teachers to use in their work technological maps for the development of role-playing games in younger group . Data maps developed us based on the method of comprehensive support for amateur games, designed by C. L. Novoselova and E. V. Zvorygina and supplemented by the section “interaction with the families of pupils”. At development Special attention addressed the need to solve the problems of not only the full education of children in all five complementary educational fields, but also tasks related to progressive development and the complication of the play activities of the pupils themselves. If we highlight the most basic, priority tasks, they can be formulated as follows way:

Enriching children's gaming experience through joint activities with adults games(individual and small subgroups, formation and development of game actions, the simplest game interaction, understanding the conventions of the game situation.

These tasks are aimed exclusively at the development and development of children's amateur play, they should not be accompanied by any additional didactic educational tasks. If the need arises to include such tasks in a particular game, then the teacher does this not within the framework of organized joint games, but not within the framework of independent ones. Here the initiative remains with children: they get the opportunity to act independently, set their own game tasks, implement them in your own activities, etc.

Didactic content analysis technological maps.

Enriching the experience and knowledge of children, expanding their ideas about the environment;

Enrichment of gaming experience (formation of gaming actions, methods of implementation games);

Creation developing subject environment;

Activating communication between adults and children.

Let's take a closer look at the content of each aspect.

Enriching children's experience and knowledge. It is necessary to enrich in every possible way the direct and indirect experience of children, their ideas about the objective world and about social relationships in the most different areas reality. Moreover, this knowledge should not only be "encyclopedic" how practical, actionable it should be "live" knowledge, experience that a child could put into practice.

Meaning games in that, that it allows you to act practically where reality is inaccessible. Due to this, the game refines that knowledge. Representations that cover more and more distant spheres of reality, creating a zone not only of the nearest development and promising development . Already by middle preschool age, children actively include in their knowledge games, obtained indirectly (from books, films, stories of adults, etc., which exceed the child’s real practical experience. Playing these contents, children in their own way comprehend the field of activity that interests them, building its model in their play, actively transforming and achieving it. This important role games emphasized A. V. Zaporozhets, noting that the game “equips the preschooler with accessible ways of actively recreating, modeling, with the help of external, objective actions, such contents that under other conditions would be inaccessible and, therefore, could not be truly mastered.”

Unsurpassed in its own way developing effect and influence on enrichment plot children's games have been and remain good children's fiction.

All sources of information (observations, excursions, classes, artistic word, viewing illustrations, didactic games, if they are interesting to children, awaken their thoughts, surprise, excite, do not leave them emotionally indifferent, and provide a great opportunity for creative reproduction of various events.

Thus, it is important for the teacher not only to take into account life experience children, but also purposefully expand it.

Enriching children's gaming experience. Common line development children's gaming skills are well known to teachers today. It was indicated in the works of A.P. Usova: in early preschool age, the formation of role (game) actions, in middle preschool age there is development of role behavior, and in older preschool age the formation of a planned beginning occurs in the implementation of the game plan.

In early preschool age, the transfer of gaming experience can be organized by two forms: 1) specially training games(shows, dramatizations, various theatrical games; games-activities; plot-didactic and plot-action games); 2) a game between a teacher and children, when the teacher’s participation can be long-term or fragmentary.

The transfer of gaming experience combines both an imaginary situation and an interesting event side (plot) .

Gaming is of great importance problematic situations, which are created through changing the gaming environment and active communication. Game problem situations confront children with the need to use previously received impressions and encourage children to search for new knowledge.

Introducing children to different games, you should not force events by offering more and more new options every day - this can lead to just the opposite effect. Principle “Let the children play enough” applicable not only to preschool age in general, but also to each specific game separately. This principle brings the adult’s learning initiative into line with the child’s capabilities. development: their individual pace of assimilation of certain contents, living through certain significant events, mastering certain skills in a wide variety of games.

To implement a particular gaming experience, an appropriate gaming system is required. subject environment. The next component of the method reveals the content of the planned work.

Changing the subject-game environment. The game subject environment is an integral part developing subject-spatial environment, to which the Federal State Educational Standard for Education imposes special requirements. One of the most important requirements, a red thread running through all the texts of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, is the requirement to comply with the characteristics of each age stage.

So, developing The object-based play environment of a child of early and junior preschool age involves providing children with dynamic toys, toys, tools (gurneys, rollers, sticks, etc., a variety of didactic toys aimed at the formation of sensory standards, as well as educationally generalized in the image plot toys and various paraphernalia, commensurate with these toys, to reflect observed everyday scenes (which include figures of people and animals and corresponding furniture, dishes, household items, etc.).

Of particular importance for games Children of this age have the introduction of substitute objects into the game. Of course, it is not enough to simply give them to children - in a joint game, the teacher shows how they can be used. The presence of substitute toys implements the principle of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, associated with the requirement of multifunctionality developing subject-spatial environment.

Timely changes in the play environment help the child to recall recent impressions and encourage independent play.

But even in the most wonderful environment, children sometimes need timely assistance from a playground supporter. culture: suggested idea, continued plot, new character or new repeat developments. And the next component of the method allows you to solve these problems.

Activating communication with adults. This component of the method is aimed at encouraging children to independently use new ways to solve game problems and to reflect new aspects of life in the game.

Typically, the help of a teacher is needed in three cases: start activation games; help in case "hitches"; pauses in the process games; need for translation games to more complex forms.

If observations of children's games day after day show that stories games are repeated practically without changes, they do not occur development, then special efforts of the teacher are required to enrich the content of children's games. In such cases, the teacher can get involved in the game with his character, play along, and then offer the children new game tasks, create "climactic" moments and provide them allow the children themselves. It is better to help younger children by asking questions that help them set and solve new game problems.

Thanks to the interconnection of all components, the game from its first stages is organized as an independent activity of children. Gradually she becomes more and more creative and self-developing.

Direct participation of parents of students (their representatives) V educational activities required condition. Therefore, in technological maps we have included a section on teacher interaction with parents on issues development of children's play.

Areas of interaction between preschool teachers and families pupils:

1. Studying the positive experience of family education and promoting it among parents.

2. Improving the pedagogical culture of parents, developing their pedagogical skills and abilities, and a reflective attitude towards themselves.

3. Practical assistance to parents in solving specific situations in the upbringing and education of a preschool child.

I would like to end this section with a wonderful quote, which can become a teacher’s motto regarding the organization of his gaming activities. pupils: “...It is necessary to create conditions for the formation and game development. There are quite a few of these conditions, but the main one is the ability and love of adults for gaming activities...”

Technological maps developed by us can be used by any teacher working directly with children of primary preschool age. Knowing the technique development of role-playing games, these cards will be a good helper in organizing a nursery games, will help make the game "alive", to which children will begin to discover their plans and desires, and the teacher will become a real partner, and not an edifier and teacher.

List of sources used.

1. N. Mikhailenko, N. Korotkova Organization story game in kindergarten.

2. E. V. Zvorygina First story games kids.

3. N. F. Gubanova Development gaming activity. System of work in the second junior group of kindergarten.

4. Magazine « Kindergarten from A to Z" No. 5 2015

5. Magazine "DOW Methodist" Issue 15

Technological map of the didactic game “Family”
Students of 3 “B” group Vera Aleksandrovna Moshchenko
middle group
Goal: to develop children's concepts of family.
- consolidate children’s ideas about the family and its members;
- instill in children love, an affectionate and sensitive attitude towards family members, teach them to take care of loved ones;
- develop children's communication skills;
- cultivate respect for the daily work of parents;
- cultivate feelings of family cohesion (based on ideas about the family, its composition, relationships and home comfort).
Preliminary work
Looking at plot pictures about the family, talking with children on the topic: “My family”, “What do your family members do?”
Vocabulary: activate the use of verbs in speech: washes, cooks, buys, cleans, rides, plays, catches, etc. Equipment: silhouette of Luntik, plot pictures depicting family, mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle , aunts; subject cards with the image “What are relatives doing?” Stages of activity Activities of the teacher Activities of children Organization of children Techniques and methods of managing the game
Motivational-problematic Guys, an unusual guest will come to us today. He lived on the moon completely alone, and he was very sad that he did not have a family. Have you already guessed who it is?
- Let's call him! - Luntik, Luntik!!! Sit on chairs
Surprise moment
ActivityName of the game
Rules of the game

Progress of the game Luntik:
- Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you all! I recently arrived on earth, and here I made many friends. Now I live with them in fairyland. Who do you guys live with?
- What do you call it, in one word?
- What is a family?
- Guys, let's show Luntik what a family is?
Dynamic pause (children imitate movements).
This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is mommy
This finger is daddy
This finger is me
That's my whole family.
- I understand what a family is!
Educator: -Let's play the game "Family" with Luntik
- Luntik, now the guys will tell you how interesting and fun it is to live in a family! Guys, I will give you large cards with pictures of mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, aunt and uncle. We will put small cards with objects on which it is written what the relatives are doing in a bag. Each of you, in turn, will take 1 small card from the bag and say what the relative with whom he has the large card will do. For example: “Grandma will play hockey with me today!” If this has never happened in your life, the card is returned to the bag; if it has happened, it is placed on a card with a picture of the grandmother. Then the next player draws a small card from the bag, and so on. The game ends if there are no more small cards.
Direct play activity Children's answers
- Mom, dad, brother, etc.
Repeat the movements after the teacher Sit on chairs
Near the teacher
At desks Explanation
Showing methods of action
Role participation
Reflective Educator:
- Luntik, now you know what relatives do in every family!
- Thanks guys! I decided never to go to the moon again! I don’t have a dad or mom, but Grandma Capa and Grandpa Cher appeared in their fairyland. They loved me very much and became my family. For some reason I was late with you, I’ll quickly run to my grandparents! Goodbye, guys! See you!
Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it’s impossible to live happily alone! Thank you very much for such a wonderful game!! You’re all smart guys, you worked hard!! Correctional

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“And today we learned the letter A! - a mother hears from a child at the beginning of second grade. “It’s so interesting, and the letter is just like in the Russian language.” It's passing...

How to build a relationship with a Taurus man How a relationship with a Taurus man will develop

How to build a relationship with a Taurus man How a relationship with a Taurus man will develop

Compatibility horoscope: Taurus zodiac sign, characteristics of a man in a relationship with a woman - the most complete description, only proven theories,...

Marriage in the Russian Federation and everything you need to know about it

Marriage in the Russian Federation and everything you need to know about it

), or marital union, matrimony - regulated by society and, in most states, registered in the relevant state...

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