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Grated French cookies - for tea for those with a sweet tooth. Cookies with jam

In this article you will learn how to make delicious homemade shortbread cookies with jam. There are 5 to choose from step by step recipes with photos and videos, as well as useful tips, notes that will help diversify the taste, aroma and appearance this dessert.

In general, what is the essence and charm of such cookies? Firstly, it is made with shortcrust pastry, and that says a lot! It turns out very crispy, crumbly, rich, with a pleasant creamy aroma. Secondly, we use jam (or jam). By replacing only one ingredient, you can get a new taste and appearance every time. Thirdly, such cookies can be considered very beautiful.

This article gives preference to the “Viennese” type of cookies. That is, it consists of two layers of shortcrust pastry, between which there is jam. In this case, the top layer can be bulk, grated, consisting of many crumbs. It all looks very tasty! But at the end, standard-looking cookies are also added.


Several previous lines were dedicated to him. Such cookies are called “Viennese”, “Austrian” or simply “two-layer”.

Since this is a classic recipe for Viennese cookies, we will use regular berry jam (for example, currant) as a filling. But if you wish, having mastered the cooking technique, you can in the future add whatever your heart desires: cottage cheese, pieces of fresh or canned fruit, nuts, boiled condensed milk, etc.

And yes, in appearance, composition, and taste, it is very similar to. One can say the same thing. If you're interested, you can take a look there.


  • Butter (or margarine) – 150 g.
  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 3 cups;
  • Sugar – 210 g.
  • Baking powder (or soda) – 1 teaspoon;
  • Jam (jam) – 1 glass (maybe a little more);

Cooking step by step and at home

For convenience, you can immediately display all the necessary products closer friend to a friend on the table. In general, there will be nothing special here, everything is very familiar, simple and fast!

In a deep bowl, beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer or just a whisk. Pour melted butter over them and mix well.

Add soda slaked with vinegar (1 teaspoon); if you have store-bought baking powder, mix it with flour.

Gradually stir the sifted flour and baking powder into the egg-butter mixture. Mix until the dough is thick enough to knead by hand.

Pour the remaining flour onto the table, place the dough on top, knead with your hands until smooth.

Divide the finished dough into 2 parts as in the photo, so that one is slightly larger than the other. Wrap the smaller piece in film and place in the freezer for 15-20 minutes until hardened.

Roll out a larger piece of dough on the table into a thin layer no more than one centimeter thick. Grease a baking sheet with butter (butter or vegetable) and place the dough. It is advisable to make small sides along the edges so that the jam certainly does not leak.

Cover the dough evenly with jam. Ideally, the jam should be thick, but if you have it liquid, then make a smaller layer.

Take the chilled dough out of the refrigerator and rub it onto coarse grater on top of the filling. We try to completely cover the jam with these crumbs.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place a baking sheet in it for 30 minutes, bake until deliciously golden brown (the photo was before the recipe).

In fact, it turns out to be a pie. While still hot, cut it into small portions and wait until it cools completely. As the dough cools, it will become denser and crispier. These will be Viennese cookies.

Cookies with jam and grated dough on top

Simple and very tasty grated cookies with jam. Very similar to the previous version, but with its own nuances.

Here we will cook with margarine (to reduce the cost), and for flavor we will add vanillin and cocoa powder, which will also affect the color. The bottom is regular dough and the top is chocolate!


  • Sugar – 0.5-1 cup;
  • Margarine – 240 g.
  • Flour – 2.5 cups;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Cocoa – 3-4 teaspoons;
  • Jam – 1-1.5 cups;
  • Vanillin – 2-3 pinches;

How to cook

  1. Grind softened margarine with eggs, vanilla and sugar until smooth.
  2. Now this mass needs to be divided into 2 equal parts, pour into another empty cup.
  3. Take the first cup, pour half the volume of flour into it, mix until smooth. You should get a good ball of light dough.
  4. We take the second bowl. Combine the remaining flour with cocoa powder, and then pour it all into the butter mixture. Knead thoroughly until you obtain a smooth chocolate dough. Place it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  5. Roll out the light dough and place on a baking sheet. Cover it with a layer of jam.
  6. Grate the chilled dough with cocoa on top of the jam. Send this preparation to an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes until crispy.
  7. It turns out to be one huge cookie. Cut it into smaller pieces and let cool and dry.

With added glaze

And here there is a small difference that radically changes the impression of the cookies. If in previous recipes the top was covered with crumbs, then here both the bottom and the top will be a full-fledged layer of crispy dough. And the technology itself in this example is different.

By the way, if these cookies stand for 1-2 days, they will be soaked in jam and will become quite soft, melting in your mouth! And in combination with beautiful glaze, it actually turns into something like a cake! In general, I advise you to try it.


For the dough:

  • Butter – 210 g.
  • Wheat flour – 360 g.
  • Sugar – 130 g.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • Jam, marmalade – 220 g.

Glaze (fondant):

  • Water – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Powdered sugar – 320 g.

Cooking process

  1. Cut the cooled butter into cubes, add flour to it and grind thoroughly until you get a lot of crumbs.
  2. Beat in the egg and knead thoroughly until the dough is smooth and homogeneous. Wrap it in cling film and close it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. You can put it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes if you are in a hurry.
  3. Knead the cold dough, divide into two equal pieces, then roll them into 2 thin rectangles (1 cm, smaller if possible).
  4. Place the first layer of dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment, prick it all over the surface with a fork and close it in a hot oven (180 degrees) for 10 minutes. If you have room, you can bake the second dough at the same time.
  5. That’s it, we take them out, coat the first cake with jam, cover with the second and leave to soak for half an hour or an hour.
  6. In a bowl, stir 3 tablespoons of hot water with powdered sugar. Stir until a thick mass similar to cream is obtained.
  7. We cover our huge cookie with this liquid sugar icing! Once it hardens, you can carefully cut it into beautiful squares with a very, very sharp knife.

Sand sticks with jam

Very beautiful, tasty and aromatic cookies filled with jam. It is aromatic thanks to lemon zest and vanilla.

Required ingredients:

  • Butter – 130 g.
  • Sugar – a little less than 1 cup;
  • Flour – 2 cups;
  • Orange or lemon zest – 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Baking powder – 2 teaspoons;
  • Vanillin – 2 pinches;
  • Thick jam - about 1 cup;

Let's start cooking

  1. Beat the softened butter with the egg, sugar and vanilla. Add the zest here too.
  2. Now it’s the turn of the flour – add it and knead into a thick dough.
  3. Divide the dough in half and roll them out with a rolling pin into 2 layers of equal thickness.
  4. Grease the first layer thickly, cover the top and lightly press with the second layer. This should now be refrigerated for 20 minutes.
  5. Once this workpiece has hardened a little, take it out and cut it into elongated sticks (as in the photo above).
  6. Heat the oven to 180 degrees, place the sticks on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, put everything in the oven for 20 minutes until brightly browned.

Round shortbread cookies with jam

And now we’re moving away from multi-layered variations and moving on to these cute circles, which are filled with delicious and fragrant jam on top.

In appearance it seems very simple, it is true, but with its own nuances.

We will need:

  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Butter – 180 g.
  • Granulated sugar – 100 g.
  • Regular flour – 650 g.
  • Fruit jam - a small jar;


  1. The dough here is made according to a standard algorithm. Mix soft butter with eggs and sugar.
  2. Add flour and knead the dough. Place it in the refrigerator for 25-30 minutes until it becomes a little firmer.
  3. We take out the dough and divide it into 2 pieces, leave one on the table, and put the second in the refrigerator.
  4. Roll out the dough into a thin layer and squeeze out circles on it using a glass or any other suitable object. We remove the trimmings.
  5. We take out the second piece and roll it out in the same way. We also make circles. Now we take a glass or other object with a diameter smaller than the previous glass and squeeze out small circles in each circle. We remove these circles, and we are left with neat rings.
  6. Attach each ring to the circle (previous batch), put a little jam in the center.
  7. Bake at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes until light golden brown.

  • No one forbids you to replace jam with any other sweet substance: condensed milk, honey, chocolate spread, etc.
  • Don't forget about nuts, raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits. Not only will they have a positive effect on taste and appearance, but they will also add nutritional value and health benefits.
  • In addition to jam, I advise you to add cottage cheese to the filling. Everything is very simple! Knead the cottage cheese to a soft mass with sour cream, add sugar, maybe an egg, vanilla. Cover this curd mass with a layer of jam and bake as usual.
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Viennese cookies with jam are exceptionally tasty pastries with a delicate sand base and a bright, aromatic filling. Classic recipe Viennese cookies are very simple; the method of preparation of the cookies is very similar to the grated pie familiar to many. At the core - shortbread dough, and any jam, jams, marmalade or confitures are suitable as a filling. It is only important that it be thick enough and preferably with sourness, which simply amazingly sets off the sweetness of the shortcrust pastry. The most popular option, which is also, in my opinion, the most delicious - currant jam. Therefore, I suggest baking Viennese cookies with jam; the recipe is very simple and undoubtedly deserves your attention!


  • butter – 200 g,
  • egg – 2 pcs.,
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.,
  • baking powder – 1 tsp. (without slide),
  • vanillin - sachet,
  • salt – 0.5 tsp,
  • flour – 4 tbsp.,
  • jam with sourness (I used currants) – 330 g.

*1 tbsp. = 250 ml.

How to make classic Viennese cookies with jam

Take a bowl of a suitable size and pour sugar into it. Important: if you have jam without sourness (for example, raspberries or strawberries), then it is better to take a third less sugar. Otherwise, the cookies will turn out too sweet.

After this, add vanillin and salt to the sugar-egg mixture. Stir a little again.

Then it's time for the oil. It must be removed from the refrigerator in advance and left to stand in the room until it becomes a little softer. 15-20 minutes is usually enough. The main thing is that in the future the oil can be mixed into the total mass without any problems. Cut the standing butter into small cubes and place in a bowl.

Using a whisk (or a mixer or blender with an appropriate attachment), mix the mass until smooth, then add the flour. First, pour 2 tbsp into a bowl, making sure to sift it.

Then add baking powder.

And knead the dough until the liquid completely absorbs the flour.

Then sift through half a glass of the remaining flour: sift it and mix it into the dough, sift it again and mix it in, and so on until you get a smooth, soft lump that doesn’t stick to your hands. For such a test, I needed a full (without a slide) 4 tbsp. flour.

Visually divide the resulting lump into three parts, and then cut off a third of it.

We roll both parts of the dough into lumps: we hide the small one in film/bag and put it in the freezer to freeze, and from the larger one we form the base for cookies. To do this, line a baking tray with baking paper and spread the dough on it directly with your hands in an even layer, leaving low sides along the edges. The thickness of the base should be no more than 0.5-0.7 mm. I just had enough dough for a baking tray measuring 20*30 cm.

Spread the jam evenly over the base. The thicker the jam, the better. The jam layer should not be made too greasy. This is exactly the case when a lot does not mean good. Excess jam will definitely “run away” and/or burn. If there is nothing in the house other than liquid jam, we get rid of the liquid part as much as possible using a strainer.

Now take the set aside smaller lump of dough out of the freezer and grate it on a coarse grater just above the baking sheet. If you rub the dough into a bowl (on a board) first, it will inevitably stick together, and it will not be easy to distribute it on top of the jam.

We send the resulting workpiece for baking in a preheated oven. Bring until lightly golden and remove. Baking temperature: 180-200 degrees.

Serve Viennese cookies with hot tea or milk! Yummy!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Cookies with jam and grated dough on top, a recipe with a photo of which I offer, are my favorite cookies since childhood. How nice it is to eat crispy cookies with a layer of sweet jam inside. For me, this was the most delicious delicacy. As a child, I didn’t even think about how to cook it, but now I’ve learned and am sharing my recipe with you. The recipe is proven, as my mother also baked it, and she told me how to cook delicious food. The cookie dough itself is slightly crispy and pleasant to the taste. A layer of jam makes the cookies slightly juicy and sweet.

Required Products:
- wheat flour, premium - 2 cups,
- granulated sugar – 1 cup,
- chicken eggs – 1 pc.,
- baking soda– 1 tsp,
- margarine for baking – 1 pack (200 grams),
- vanillin – 1 pinch,
- thick jam – 200 grams.

How to cook with photos step by step

Melt the creamy margarine and set aside to cool. Only after cooling, add flour and a little soda. Soda will make the shortbread dough a little softer and fluffier.

Drive in egg(yolk and white), stir until the egg in the dough is dispersed.

Add granulated sugar, a pinch of aromatic vanillin and mix everything.

Knead a lump of dough with clean hands. You will get a wonderful shortbread dough that will not stick to your hands.

Divide the dough into two unequal parts. Roll out one (larger) part immediately onto a baking sheet, placing a piece of parchment paper underneath. Wrap the smaller part in cling film and place in the freezer for 20 minutes.

Spread the dough layer with jam. Use only thick jam so that it does not drip from the dough. Spread the jam over the entire surface.

Grate a piece of dough from the freezer on top. Place in the oven to bake. After 35 minutes, remove the baked cookies. A temperature of 180-190° is suitable for baking such cookies.

While the pie is still hot, cut it into large pieces. After cutting, leave the cookies on the table to cool.

Brew tea and serve cookies to the table.

Bon Appetite!
I also suggest baking

Cookies with jam “Curly” are often called grated pie. Its preparation is hassle-free and does not require any special ingredients.

Cookies “Curly” classic

There are several recipes for making a dessert with jam - “Curly” cookies. This option is the simplest and most unpretentious. For it you will need very few products that are always in the refrigerator.


  • creamy margarine – 250 gr.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. (200 gr.);
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • cookie powder or baking soda (quenched with vinegar) – 1 tsp;
  • wheat flour (premium grade) – as much as needed to knead soft dough;
  • jam – 0.5 liters.

Use it thick jam so that it does not leak out during baking, otherwise it will burn and the cookies will be bitter.


  1. Grind the margarine and sugar until a homogeneous porridge is obtained.
  2. Add eggs to margarine porridge and grind again.
  3. Add the cookie powder or slaked soda to the margarine-egg slurry and mix.
  4. We begin to knead the dough, adding flour little by little. Bring to a soft consistency so that the dough is easily kneaded and does not stick to your hands.
  5. Divide the dough in half. Place some in the freezer (previously wrapped in cling film).
  6. While the dough is in the freezer, roll out the unchilled part into a cake, 1-2 cm thick. Grease a baking sheet and sprinkle with flour. Place the dough on it and carefully spread it over the entire area so that it extends slightly to the edges.
  7. Spread jam evenly over the entire dough. Take the dough out of the freezer and grate it directly onto the jam.
  8. Place a baking sheet in an oven preheated to 150º and bake until done (another 25-30 minutes).

Cut the finished cookies into portions while still hot. To cool, place on a plate in one layer. When completely cool, you can fold it in several layers.

Cookies “Curly” with yogurt

The dough prepared according to this recipe will be more juicy, but requires slightly more flour and takes longer to bake.


  • creamy margarine – 300 gr.;
  • granulated sugar or powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. (200 gr.);
  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • fruit yogurt – 100 gr.;
  • vanilla (sugar) – 20 gr.;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • flour – 2-3 tbsp. (500 gr.);
  • jam – 300-400 gr.

You may need a little more flour, you can see this while kneading the dough, bringing it to the desired consistency. It is advisable to take yogurt with the same fruits as the jam that you will use as a filling.


  1. Grind the margarine with sugar or powder until completely smooth.
  2. Add eggs, yogurt and soda with vanilla to the first mixture. Make the mixture homogeneous.
  3. Knead the dough. Add flour gradually, watching the consistency so that it becomes soft, but quite plastic.
  4. Divide the dough in half and place one of the parts in the freezer. This is done in order to facilitate the process of rubbing the dough.
  5. Roll out the second part into a cake, 1-1.5 cm thick. Place on the prepared baking sheet so that the edges overlap slightly on all sides equally.
  6. Cover the surface with jam and rub the dough, which was taken out of the freezer, on top.
  7. Bake in an oven preheated to 150º for 20-30 minutes. You can check whether the baked goods are ready using wooden stick, piercing the cookies in several places. (If the dough does not stick to it, then the cookies are ready).

Cut it hot and let it cool, then put it on a plate and go to the table. Good with tea or milk.

Cookie cake “Curly”

Curly cookies can become the basis for a cake. And this is already holiday dish, which can be served to guests without hesitation.


For the test you need

  • chicken eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. (600 gr.);
  • sour cream – 1 tbsp. (200 gr.);
  • dough powder – 2 tsp;
  • creamy margarine – 250 gr.;
  • wheat flour (premium grade) – 3 tbsp. (600 gr.);
  • thick jam – 0.5 l.;
  • walnuts – 2 tbsp. (400 gr.).

For butter cream you need

  • soft butter - 350-400 g;
  • condensed milk – 1 b. (200 gr.);
  • cognac – 2 tbsp. l.

For the custard you need

  • milk – 1 l.;
  • chicken eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. (200 gr.);
  • wheat flour – 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 sachet;
  • butter – 350-400 gr.

This recipe requires a few more ingredients that you don't always have on hand.


Baking cakes

  1. Separate the eggs into yolks and whites. We leave the whites in a separate bowl, and grind the yolks until white and fluffy with 1 tbsp. granulated sugar.
  2. Add baking powder to sour cream to enhance its effect.
  3. Grind soft margarine with a glass of flour until a more or less homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. Combine all the ingredients for the dough. Knead, adding the remaining flour little by little. The dough should become quite plastic, but not hard. If there is not enough flour, add a little more to achieve the desired result.
  5. Divide the dough into 6 equal parts. We place two of them in the refrigerator. Roll out the remaining 4 parts into cakes, about 0.5 cm thick, and place them on small baking sheets.
  6. Cover the surface of the cakes with jam, rub the dough on top, which we take out of the refrigerator. For each jam-filled cake, use half a chilled piece.
  7. Place in the oven preheated to 150º and bake for approximately 15-20 minutes.
  8. Meanwhile, beat 5 whites into a stiff foam, adding 2 tbsp. Sahara.
  9. Remove the half-baked crust from the oven and coat it with the egg white mixture. Sprinkle pre-dried walnuts. Place in the oven, lowering the heat. Continue baking until done (another 15-20 minutes). Take it out and let it cool.

Making cream

The butter cream is prepared quite simply - beat the butter, gradually adding condensed milk and cognac to it. You can add a little cocoa, vanillin or other essence.

To prepare custard, you need to be patient and spend a little time.

  1. Put the milk on the fire and bring it to a boil.
  2. While the milk is boiling, make the infusion dressing. Beat eggs, sugar and flour in a separate container until all ingredients are mixed and the mass has doubled in volume.
  3. Slowly pour the egg mixture into the boiling milk, stirring continuously so that it does not burn and run out of the pan. Bring to a boil until you get something similar to jelly.
  4. Cool the milk component completely. Then add butter softened at room temperature and slowly beat until fluffy.

Spread the cake layers with the cream you prefer.

Cookies “Curly” with sour cream


  • creamy margarine – 250 gr.;
  • sugar –200 gr.;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 100 gr.;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • flour – 200 gr.;
  • jam – 300 gr.


  1. Grind margarine with sugar.
  2. Add eggs, sour cream and soda. Stir.
  3. Add flour.
  4. Divide the dough into two parts and place one of the parts in the freezer.
  5. Roll out the first part into a cake and place on a baking sheet.
  6. Cover the cake with jam, grate the second part of the dough from the freezer on top.
  7. Bake at 150º for 20-30 minutes.

For cooking custard Use a larger saucepan than indicated in the cream recipe. When boiling, the volume of liquid almost triples. Take this fact into account to avoid “running away” of the cream base.

In the “Curly” cookies, you can place the nuts you like best on top of the jam.

But it is advisable to fry the nuts a little in a dry frying pan or in the oven before adding them to baked goods so that they acquire a caramel flavor.

Cookies “Curly” with the addition of jam will be a very good everyday dessert that does not require a lot of time and products.

Similar recipes:
  • 1 Classic cookies with jam and grated dough
  • 2 Shortbread grated delicacy
  • 3 No added eggs
  • 4 Curly cookies with jam
  • 5 Recipe with margarine
  • 6 Sour cream cookies with grated dough
  • 7 How to cook in a slow cooker?

Cookies with jam and grated dough on top are a popular treat from the 90s. Recipes for making dessert are a little similar to each other, but there are several different preparation nuances, and today cookies can even be prepared in a slow cooker.

Grated cookies with jam are very tasty and simple, so many housewives like them and still do not lose their popularity.

Classic cookies with jam and grated dough

  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • margarine - 200 gr;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg;
  • mayonnaise (for friability) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • jam - 250 gr.

Sift the flour into a deep bowl where the dough will be formed. Grind the margarine into flour using a grater and manually grind the mixture into crumbs.

Pour sugar, lemon juice into a blender bowl, beat in an egg and add mayonnaise. Beat well until smooth. Then combine the liquid part with the crumbs and knead into an elastic dough. We divide it into two parts: larger and smaller. Wrap the second part in film and put it in the freezer, leave for 10-15 minutes.

We turn on the oven in advance to warm up. Prepare the pan in which the cookies will be baked by greasing them with a small amount of butter. We put most of the dough into it and distribute it evenly along the bottom, forming small sides along the walls. Pour the jam in an even layer. Three frozen dough on top of the jam, slightly bending the sides inward.

Bake at 200 degrees. for a third of an hour.

When the baked goods are ready, let stand for ten minutes. Then cut into cubes or rectangles and place beautifully on a dish.

On a note. When serving, cookies can be sprinkled with powder.

Shortbread grated delicacy

  • eggs - 2 units;
  • sugar - 150 gr;
  • full-fat sour cream - 1 ½ tbsp. l.;
  • margarine - 250 gr;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • flour;
  • thick berry jam.

Using a mixer, beat the sugar-egg mixture until it turns white and foams. Add melted margarine and sour cream, baking powder, and, if desired, a little vanilla. Stir with a spoon.

Sift the flour into the mixture in small portions until a soft, manageable, elastic dough is formed. Freeze a third for half an hour or even forty minutes.

Meanwhile, gently stretch ⅔ of the dough into the prepared pan. Spread jam on top. By this time the dough will be frozen enough to be spread over the jam.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the cookies for 30-35 minutes. We focus on the appearance of a golden crust. As in the previous version, you need to let the pie cool slightly, then cut into pieces.

Important! If the baked goods cool down, it will not be possible to cut them into individual portions. Therefore, you need to cut while it is still relatively hot. Also, do not place cookies on top of each other while they are hot; they may stick together.

No added eggs

  • flour - 24 tbsp. l. (approximately 2.5-3 cups);
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • soda - 2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • drain butter - 200 g;
  • some water;
  • currant/cherry jam - 1-1.5 cups.

First, combine the dry products in a deep container. Next, add vegetable oil, melted butter, half a glass of warm water, mix well with a spoon, then with your hands. The result should be a ball of homogeneous, moderately dense dough that does not stick to your hands at all.

Lightly grease a baking tray with oil. Divide the dough into 2 parts, place one in the freezer, roll the second into a layer and transfer it to a baking sheet using a rolling pin. Use your hands to level it flat. Spread the jam over the dough, take out the frozen dough and rub the jam in with it. Bake as directed in previous recipes.

Curly cookies with jam

  • drain butter - 200 g;
  • sugar - 220 gr;
  • flour - 500-600 g;
  • sour cream 15% fat - a couple of tbsp. l.;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • eggs - 2 units;
  • jam with large pieces of fruit or whole berries.

Place all ingredients except jam in a mixing bowl. In this case, the oil should be soft - to do this, just leave it at room temperature for a couple of hours or overnight. Mix everything with a mixer using the dough attachment.

Divide the dough into larger and smaller parts, pack in bags/film and put in the freezer for an hour and a half.

Grease a baking sheet with butter, grate most of the dough onto a large grater attachment, spread the jam on top and grate in the rest.

Bake. Cut into small pieces, approximately 5 by 10 cm.

Recipe with margarine

Perhaps there is nothing special in this recipe - butter is replaced with margarine in the same quantity as the first product indicated in any of the recipes. Margarine is often used to replace butter when making dough. This is a budget option. This has practically no effect on the taste; the baked goods still come out very tender and aromatic.

Sour cream cookies with grated dough

  • 400 g flour;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • tsp baking powder;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • 3 medium sized eggs;
  • 250 oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 2 lemons + a glass of sugar (for filling).

The butter must be left at room temperature in advance so that it becomes soft. This will make it easier to use in dough.

Preparation begins by combining sugar and butter; using a spoon, grind the ingredients in a deep bowl. Then add the sour cream, mix a little with a spoon and switch to a whisk.

Sift the flour into the dough in several stages, stirring. Sifting makes the dough more airy, making the structure richer in air and therefore more tender. Simultaneously add vanillin and baking powder.

The dough should be elastic, not sticky. You will probably need to add a little more flour, as its ability to absorb liquid components varies depending on the type and manufacturer.

Divide the dough into two parts of different sizes. Place the larger portion in the refrigerator to rest, and the smaller portion in the freezer.

While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. Remove the zest from the lemons using a grater - you should get about a teaspoon. Next, carefully cut off the peel from the fruit, removing as much white pulp as possible - it has a bitterness that can ruin the baked goods. Then grind the pulp into a paste with a blender, mix in the sugar and simmer lightly over low heat for about ten minutes after boiling. Add the previously prepared zest, stir, let it simmer for a couple more minutes, and leave to cool - the five-minute lemon jam is ready.

Grease the baking sheet and set the oven to heat up. Roll out most of the dough and place it on a baking sheet, distributing the filling. The bottom layer of dough must have sides so that liquid filling didn't leak.

Cover the top of the pie with the smaller frozen portion of the dough. Bake and cut into pieces.

On a note. If you use a mixer when preparing the liquid part of the dough, you can be sure of the homogeneity of the resulting mass.

How to cook in a slow cooker?

  • 100 g plums. oils;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 10 grams of baking powder;
  • 200 grams of very thick jam.

Using a mixer, beat the egg-sugar mass for several minutes - the mass will become light and foamy. Add soft butter, process with a mixer, gradually add flour and baking powder. Mix first with a spoon and then with your hands. The dough is not sticky and soft. Next, we prepare the dough, as in the previous versions - freeze it for about half an hour.

Roll out most of the dough into a small circle of such size that you can make sides. Place a circle of parchment in a multicooker bowl or grease it with oil. We place the dough, adjust the sides with a height of about 1.5 cm with our hands. Spread the jam with a minimum amount of syrup. Rub the remaining layer on top.

Close the lid and turn on the “Multi-cook” or “Baking” program for an hour. Let cool for a quarter of an hour, remove using a steamer basket and cut into pieces.



The difference between “1C: UPP” and “1C: BP”

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Having sufficient experience in implementing SCP, I would like to note that on every project, sooner or later it was necessary to transfer the accounting department as a department to work in...

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“And today we learned the letter A! - a mother hears from a child at the beginning of second grade. “It’s so interesting, and the letter is just like in the Russian language.” It's passing...

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Marriage in the Russian Federation and everything you need to know about it

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), or marital union, matrimony - regulated by society and, in most states, registered in the relevant state...

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