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The latest news is on our Facebook page. Secrets of proper simmering of dishes

“And simmer at a temperature of 70 degrees for 7-8 hours,” this fantastic (in the view of the average person) phrase is now uttered by both advanced chefs and the most healthy lifestyle-oriented nutritionists. Chefs may have their own reasons for loving slow cooking, but here are ours:

1. Practical. The overwhelming majority of “slow” recipes are executed like this: you take a set of (limited) ingredients, throw them into a container and let them simmer. No fuss.

2. Physiological. When cooked for a long time at low temperatures, the products reach your table in perfect condition - juicy, without losing their taste and retaining most of the nutrients. Plus, there is a minimum of fat and no “ fried crusts", full of carcinogens.

3. Patriotic. This is exactly how our ancestors cooked in a Russian oven. I heated the stove in the morning for three hours and it retains heat at least 60–70 degrees for about 12 hours. You can cook all day without a break. In the morning, I baked pancakes for breakfast, put a cast iron pot with cabbage soup (it will be ready by lunchtime) and buckwheat with meat (this one will be ready for dinner) into the oven, at the same time you dry the mushrooms, simmer the milk, etc.


Slow eating is its own medicine (see above for evidence), and we've handpicked these six recipes to ensure that each dish brings you specific benefits thanks to its secret ingredients. General rule- cook at 75–80 degrees (or simply avoid boiling if you have nothing to measure the temperature with). Take action.


To implement some of the recipes from this article, you will need special equipment (we’ll tell you which one a little later). But this particular blade is an exception. This requires an oven, a lot of heat and patience. But what a result! It's just a cluster bomb of ingredients that destroy your fat stores and increase your metabolic rate (take chili pepper for example). And according to research published in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, a couple of drops of vinegar in your food will increase your success in the fight against your own fat by 10%.

What do you need:

  • 2 kg lamb shoulder
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 4 red onions, chopped into large pieces
  • 6 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 2 chili peppers, finely chopped
  • 3 carrots, cut into circles
  • 2 glasses of dry red wine
  • 100 g meat broth
  • 20 ml balsamic vinegar
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Place a large heatproof pan on the stove and pour olive oil into it. Season the shoulder and sear it on all sides.
  2. Add chopped vegetables to the lamb along with all other ingredients.
  3. Bring to a boil, cover the pan with a lid and place in the oven to simmer at 140 degrees for 7 hours.
  4. Remove from oven. Drain, strain the liquid and boil it to a sauce (in a deep frying pan or saucepan for about 0.5 hours over medium heat), pour it over the meat.

Your inventory

Surely you don’t have a Russian stove. And you are unlikely to follow the example of the author of the book “Real Russian Food” Maxim Syrnikov: he lined the inside of an ordinary oven with oven bricks made from broken village house(bricks retain heat and cool slowly). But you don’t have to: there are many other options for cooking for hours.


"Slow Cooker"- electric saucepan with a ceramic bowl inside. Cooks food at low temperatures for a very long time (5 to 9 hours). In other words, a device specifically designed for slow cooking. Sold in stores, but you can do without a slow cooker if you have...

Multicooker- the same electric pan, but with a larger set of functions. Surely your multicooker can be used for slow cooking (check the instructions for your device). But even without this harvester you won’t be lost if you have...

Electric oven- can clearly withstand the 70–80 degrees required for simmering, and it’s not scary to leave it on unattended. Throw all the ingredients into a heat-resistant pan, place it on the middle shelf and simmer for as long as the recipe requires.


Pressure cooker- suddenly such a cumbersome greeting from your grandmother remains in your household. Place it (or just a thick-walled pan) on the stove over the lowest heat and note the time. It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve the ideal temperature, but at least make sure that the brew does not boil. And you will have to check from time to time whether the flame has gone out (which happens if the burner is operating at a minimum gas supply). So leaving the brew to purr and leaving the house for a long time will not work.

When mastering the culinary alphabet, beginners often come across such a term as “Simmering”. The point of this process is to warm it up for a long time and slowly, that is, simmer the food at a low temperature and with the lid tightly closed. In this case, the heating temperature should be in the range of 70-95 degrees and evenly distributed over the area of ​​the dish. The languor usually lasts several hours, so housewives need to be patient before they see the result of their efforts. However, once you try cooking this way at least once, you will see that the time investment is worth it.

Simmering cannot be attributed to the inventions of modern chefs. Since ancient times, it was carried out in a Russian oven along with cooking and stewing. But the frying process appeared much later, after Emperor Peter I brought a frying pan from Holland. Languishment is akin to, but is a longer process.

For what purpose is the simmering process used?

A dish that has been stewed acquires special tenderness, softness, juiciness, a pleasant texture and a unique taste. In addition, during intensive cooking, most of the nutrients and vitamins are washed out of the products (meat, vegetables) into the broth, and a huge percentage of vitamins are destroyed. Naturally, the benefits of such a dish are minimal. Simmering requires a minimum of water; not too hot air gently and gradually warms up the food, leaving the bulk of the vitamins and minerals intact. In addition, stewed vegetables practically do not lose their color, retain their brightness after cooking and maintain their integrity.

What foods can be simmered?

You can simmer any food: vegetables, meat, fish, cereals, milk. This method can be used to prepare soups, stews, porridges, meat, fish dishes and even desserts. They acquire a unique taste and differ sharply from analogues cooked on the stove.

Stewed milk turns out to be especially tasty; it acquires an orangeish or pale pink hue and a delicate creamy aroma. Well, the stewed porridge just melts in your mouth! Watch a very short video of preparing stewed milk in a slow cooker:

What are the subtleties of the process?

It is advisable to simmer dishes in a Russian oven. But, since this is not realistic in a modern apartment, you can carry out the process in an ordinary oven or slow cooker. The convection oven is very close in heating technology to an oven, which successfully copes with the task of simmering.

To carry out simmering, the oven should be turned on at minimum power, the food should be tightly covered with a lid, foil or special paper to insulate it from intense exposure to hot air. It is recommended to use ceramic or earthenware for simmering. A cauldron or cauldron is also suitable. You can choose cookware made from stainless steel, heat-resistant glass, or cast iron. Such dishes gradually, slowly release heat and keep the dish hot for a long time after cooking.

Simmering can be carried out in a tightly closed multicooker bowl. The main thing is to set the desired “Simmering” mode. Many housewives have a special ceramic saucepan with electric heating, which is called a “slow cooker” or “slow cooker”. You can also cook your intended dishes using the simmering method.

The process of simmering vegetables usually lasts 2-3 hours, and simmering meat can sometimes take up to 6-8 hours.

The simmering temperature is 5-25 degrees lower than the boiling point.

If there is no temperature sensor, just make sure that there is no violent bubbling of water bubbles rising to the surface.

Cooks know two methods of simmering. The first method is to bring the dish to a boil and then reduce the temperature to low. According to the second method, a low temperature regime is initially established, during which a boil is slowly and gradually reached, turning into simmering.

Simmering is carried out in a small amount of liquid (water, wine, milk, broth, juice, sour cream, cream) or without it at all. Some foods, such as meat, can be lightly fried or boiled before simmering.

Cooked dishes are salted at the very end to speed up the cooking process. Do not rush to take out the dish immediately after turning off the multicooker or oven; let it cook for a quarter of an hour.

Master the process of simmering and delight yourself with new shades of taste!

Stewed meat always turns out soft and juicy, it goes perfectly with any side dish. True, you will have to start cooking meat according to this recipe in advance.

Even quite tough beef simmered in the oven, it turns out tender and soft. The recipe for cooking stewed meat in the oven is simple, but pre-marination will take a lot of time. Meat prepared according to this recipe will be tender and soft, with virtually no aftertaste from the beer marinade. The meat will come out immediately with gravy. Therefore, if you don’t need it, just pour half or a little less than half of the marinade into the meat before putting it in the oven. Good luck and may your dish turn out delicious!

Number of servings: 4-5

A simple recipe for stewed meat in the oven at home, step by step with photos. Easy to prepare at home in 12 hours. Contains only 259 kilocalories. Author's recipe for home cooking.

  • Preparation time: 11 minutes
  • Cooking time: 12 h
  • Calorie Amount: 259 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 4 servings
  • Occasion: For lunch
  • Complexity: Simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Type of dish: Hot dishes

Ingredients for nine servings

  • Beef - 600-700 grams (shoulder)
  • Smoked brisket - 200 grams
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Chili pepper - 1 piece (optional)
  • Dark beer - 0.5 Liters
  • Spicy herbs - 10 grams (rosemary, basil, thyme)
  • Onions - 1-2 pieces

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Chop and mix garlic, chili pepper and herbs. If you don't have fresh herbs, replace them with dry ones.
  2. Cut the meat into fairly large pieces - 4-5 cm each - and rub the mixed spices into the meat.
  3. Place the meat in a container with an airtight lid and fill it with beer. Close the lid and put in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.
  4. Chop the brisket and onion. You can take onions or leeks, the white part.
  5. Heat up the vegetable oil in a frying pan or in a thick-walled container in which you will cook the meat in the oven. Fry the onion and brisket for about 5 minutes. Then add the pieces of meat removed from the marinade. Fry for a few minutes. If desired, the meat may not be fried. Then add the meat marinade. If your brisket is unsalted, add a little salt to the meat, stir and cover with a lid or foil. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 1.5-2 hours.

Stewed meat- This is a dish cooked with a long, even heat under a closed lid. As a result, the meat becomes soft, fully revealing its taste and aroma. We will teach you how to cook stewed meat correctly without hiding a single secret.

Stewed meat: benefits and cooking secrets

One of the best ways cook delicious and healthy dish- simmer it over low heat. This method of heat treatment allows you to preserve as much as possible useful material products that are destroyed at high temperatures. Traditionally, stewed meat is cooked in the oven, but it can be done on the stove or in a convection oven. Simmering in an oven was the main method of cooking in Rus' until Peter I brought a frying pan from Holland. To prepare stewed meat, it is better to use a ceramic or clay pot, since they heat up evenly and allow air to pass through, which turns into warm steam. Also, cauldrons made of steel and cast iron are suitable for stewing meat. They release heat slowly and retain the temperature for a long time after cooking.

Exists two methods for preparing stewed meat. The first is to bring it to a boil over low heat and continue to simmer the dish. The second is to bring to a boil over high heat, and then reduce it. Stewed meat should be cooked with the lid tightly closed - the dish should be isolated from air. The simmering temperature for meat ranges from 70 to 95 °C; you can check the temperature compliance using a culinary thermometer. And the duration is from 2 to 12 hours.

What meat is suitable for simmering?

Stewed meat can be prepared from any cut, but it is best to use those that have enough a large number of connective tissues and fatty layers. The cut on the bone will give the dish a special richness and flavor. For example, roast beef short rib is a cut on the bone with juicy intercostal flesh. Or Steak Osso Buco, cut from the meaty rear cut of the shank. Roast beef Chuck Tender - meat of the fragrant thick edge of the subscapular part. Roast beef Top Blade - pulp with a thin cartilaginous strip, removed from the shoulder part.

Stewed meat Backoеfe

In Alsatian dialect "Backoëfe" means "bread oven". The history of the origin of the dish is quite interesting. Monday among the Alsatians (part of the German population living in eastern France) was a day of general cleaning. On this day, housewives washed, mended, and cleaned the entire house, which took a lot of time. And in order not to leave the family hungry, on Sunday evening the Alsatians marinated meat, and in the morning they added vegetables and roots to the pot and went to the bakery. Since the bread was baked exclusively early morning, after it was cooked, there was enough heat left in the oven to cook the stewed meat. Housewives left the dish in the oven for the whole day, and in the evening they took home a fragrant, steaming pot of Backoеfe.

To prepare stewed meat according to this recipe, we recommend buying Top Blade roast beef. Marinate the meat with onions, garlic, carrots, parsley, basil, olive oil and dry wine for 10 hours. Fry the chopped onion in a frying pan until golden brown and place in the pot. Place sliced ​​potatoes on top and season with pepper and salt. Then put the meat in the pot along with the marinade and some more chopped potatoes. Pour water up to the top level of the potatoes, cover with a lid and bring to a boil on the stove. After this, place in an oven preheated to 160 °C and simmer for about three hours. At the end of cooking, remove the lid, increase the heat to 200°C and bake until a nice crust appears. Backoеfe stewed meat is ready, bon appetit!

We continue the conversation about unclear terms in cooking. Last time we talked about blanching .

And the term, the essence of which we will reveal today, is languor.

The essence of this concept is hidden in the name - food should simmer under a tightly closed lid.

Languor- This is a method of preparing food, which is carried out in an oven or oven. In this case, the dish is subjected to uniform and at the same time not very intense heating for quite a long time.

But main feature This method of cooking is that it is advisable to do all this in a Russian oven. Only in it does the stewed dish acquire a unique taste. Of course, today Russian stoves can only be found in villages. Despite this, you want to cook delicious food regardless of the conditions.

Modern cooking offers recipes for stewed dishes, which are mainly prepared in the simplest oven. To do this, it is turned on at the lowest power, and the ingredients of the dish are reliably isolated from hot air (for example, for this purpose, the food is covered with a tight lid or several layers of food foil).

You can cook a wide variety of foods using simmering - meat, cereals, vegetables or even fish. Eg, national cuisines Some Finno-Ugric peoples give stewed dishes a central place - almost all products that are used for food are necessarily subjected to stewing.

The most suitable utensils for cooking dishes using the simmering method are considered to be ceramic: these can be pots, bowls or pans with a tight-fitting lid. It must be remembered that absolutely any stewed dish requires long-term heat treatment - pots with meat, vegetables and other products can be cooked in this way for six to eight hours.

The main and obvious advantages of stewed dishes include their delicate taste and pleasant texture. Soups, porridges, and meat dishes prepared by simmering are very easily distinguished in taste from similar dishes prepared by stewing or boiling. Simmering is used in the preparation of stews, goulash and rolls.

By the way, you can also simmer dishes that contain dairy products - cheese, milk, cream, sour cream. In Rus', milk was simmered everywhere, which acquired a pinkish tint and a delicate, unique taste.

Simmering can sometimes be simulated in a special slow cooker or oven, for which a small amount of boiling water is periodically added to the dish. This prolongs the cooking process by suppressing the acceleration of liquid evaporation.

However, such dishes often turn out not very tasty, as if they were boiled down. Although, for example, meat is boiled just as well as in true stewed dishes, it is not possible to recreate the characteristic taste of stewing in any other way, except for such cooking in a real Russian oven.

This method is especially suitable for cooking meats with thick fibers and meat from older animals. If we simmer the meat for two to three hours, we will get a dish with a soft texture and great taste.
Based on materials from findfood.ru

Unfortunately, not many chefs love and know how to cook stewed dishes, since their heat treatment takes too much time. True, if you like incredibly tasty meat or tender porridge, aromatic vegetables or thick soup, you should definitely try cooking them using the simmering method. In fact, there is nothing complicated about languor.

Read the recipe carefully. Pay attention to the point where it talks about languor. There are two options for starting languor:

  • First, you bring the liquid component of the dish to a boil, then reduce the heat, and the dish begins to simmer.
  • You set the stove to a low temperature, the liquid component of the dish heats up and is almost brought to a boil slowly, gradually, and then the dish begins to simmer.

The skill of a housewife largely depends on her ability to observe. Of course, this comes with experience. But still, you should know that the temperature of the simmering dish should be 94-96ºC, which is several degrees less than the boiling point. If you have a thermometer designed for high temperatures, you can use it to practice determining the temperature of cooking food.
But you can do without a thermometer by learning recognize signs of longing. During simmering, a few bubbles rise to the surface of the dish, but when boiling, the number of bubbles increases significantly.

As soon as the water begins to “shudder,” the heat must be reduced so that the dish simmers and does not cook.

To help housewives, I present two recipes that seemed simple to me, found on the Internet.

Slow-cooked chicken

Wash the chicken and dry with a paper towel.
Coarsely chop the onion into slices, lemon into circles (or slices).
Rub the chicken with seasoning and ground red pepper outside and inside.
Stuff the chicken with onions, garlic and lemon. Stab with a toothpick. Coat the skin of the chicken well with mustard.
Grease the pan with oil, place the chicken there and place in a preheated oven at 230 degrees for 15-20 minutes until the back of the chicken is browned.
Then reduce the temperature to 100-120 degrees, cover the pan with a lid or foil and simmer the chicken for 2.5 hours.

We take out the chicken, take out the filling and cut the chicken into pieces.

Serve the finished chicken with your favorite side dish or just vegetables.

Meat in pots

I want to describe the method of cooking meat, which, from my point of view, makes the meat the most delicious! This method is called languor. This is when the meat is cooked for a significant time at a low temperature, usually 65-70 degrees C.

So, let's begin!

First you need to find this very meat, choose it. If you couldn’t choose, don’t worry, any will do. I’ll tell you a secret - one pot can even contain a mixture of different meats, for example pork and beef. (lamb lovers - don't mix, lamb is very specific...). I will say even more - in this case of preparation, even the fattest pieces will do, they turn out the most interesting - the lard is melted, mixed into the broth, then absorbed back, gorging! If there is bologna on the meat and you think cutting it off will be a long process, slaughter it. Just rip off as much as possible of what you can rip off. During the cooking process the bologna will fall off on its own :o)

It's simple. Take spices according to your taste, as you like. I make do with the old tried and tested recipe - salt, peppercorns, bay leaf and celery or parsley root.

And they forgot the ray, the ray! And don't forget to add salt!

You will add what you like best. Take a small leaf of bay leaf. I add it at the end of cooking, half an hour before. It's perverted, of course, but I like it that way.

And here comes the meat!

Don't forget the peppercorns:

Still needed tomato sauce- I prefer my own. It contains the remaining spices - adjika and garlic.

We put it all in a pot, fill it with water, and into the oven. Add water less than 2 centimeters from the edge, otherwise half of the meat will be scattered throughout the oven. The question of cold or hot is debatable. I tried this way and that - same result.

There is a small digression here. Simmering is 3-4 hours at a temperature not exceeding 70 degrees. Celsius, of course. But in the meat modern times one can never be sure of its quality. Even if you personally killed the boar. Therefore, I bring the temperature to boiling point. In the oven settings, this is 230 degrees Celsius. Naturally, water boils at 100, which means it will simply be faster.

As soon as it boils (here you need to watch for the first 15 minutes, don’t let it gurgle too much), you immediately need to lower the temperature. This will give confidence that from the point of view of the sanitary epidemiology, we killed someone right away, the rest will die in the remaining time.

This “let it boil” thing reduces the cooking time to 2 hours. My pots are on low gas for this clock; by the way, I measured it at about 63 degrees.

After about an hour, such smells are in the apartment that you want to grab these very pots from the oven and start them... well, don’t choke.

Nevertheless, you need to arm yourself with a rolling pin and use moral and volitional effort to drive everyone away from the oven!

10 minutes before the end of cooking, you can refresh the peppercorns or bay leaves in a pot.

When everything is ready, let it sit in the oven without heat for another 15 minutes.

Use the remaining time before the end of cooking to prepare your favorite salads and side dishes. I personally eat this meat with three - pea or mashed potatoes or pasta. Just look - the pasta must be decent!

And go ahead, bon appetit. The sous-chef approved of all this, only he thinks that they don’t eat meat with bread!

I think this recipe will be your hit for many, many years to come, delighting both your family and guests.



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