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Requirements for opening a pawnshop. What you need to study before opening a pawnshop: preparatory work. Taxation and its features

In the territory Russian Federation The first pawnshops appeared before the 1917 revolution. Over the years, this business area has been actively developing, thanks to which entire networks of pawnshops have emerged, which are located in different Russian regions and operate under well-known brands. The activities of such financial organizations are not affected by the financial crisis, the difficult economic situation in the country, or a change of government. That is why many novice entrepreneurs strive to open their own pawnshops, which proper organization can bring good profits.

What types of pawnshops can be opened in Russia?

Currently, the following types of pawnshops can be opened on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • automobile;
  • jewelry;
  • pawnshops that accept household appliances from the public as collateral;
  • antique.

Many subjects entrepreneurial activity It is jewelry pawnshops that open because they do not want to waste time selling used household appliances that are not very expensive target audience. The choice in favor of jewelry and valuables is primarily due to the constantly growing demand for them. Simple gold products can always be melted down and made into exclusive jewelry. There is also a demand for jewelry among people who are not used to investing in banking products. By accepting such valuables as collateral from the public, pawnshop owners do not risk anything, since they can always sell them and get much more money invested.

Advice: In recent years, pawnshops that accept vehicles as collateral have also begun to actively develop on the territory of the Russian Federation. The only drawback of this direction is the need for large start-up capital, a well-guarded parking lot and a staff of professionals.

How to register your activity?

To start a business and open a pawnshop, individuals must undergo state registration and obtain the status of a business entity. When choosing a legal form, it is better for beginning businessmen to consider:

  1. Joint stock companies either closed or open type.
  2. Companies with limited liability.

Depending on which organizational and legal form is chosen, the package of documents required for state registration and registration as a taxpayer will be determined.

Advice: It is very long and difficult to register a company on your own, so it is better for individuals to seek help from professionals. Highly specialized lawyers will open a turnkey organization with any organizational and legal form in record time. You will have to pay a tidy sum for their services, but novice businessmen will save themselves from the problems that may arise. Specialists will help you open and close any business.

If novice businessmen decide to register a pawnshop on their own, they need to carefully study the relevant regulations governing this type of activity. They need to pay special attention to Federal Laws:

  • No. 196, entered into force on July 19, 2007;
  • No. 129 came into force on August 8, 2001;
  • No. 128 came into force on August 8, 2001 (it states that the activities of pawnshops do not require licensing).

To register a limited liability company (most often this is the organizational and legal form chosen for pawnshops), individuals will need to create a package of documents:

  1. A meeting of the founders is held, at which all important decisions regarding the opening of a pawnshop are made and further development business.
  2. A Protocol is created, which reflects the main points related to the creation of a limited liability company.
  3. The Charter is being prepared (it is better to entrust this process to lawyers who know all the nuances of this business area and will be able to reflect all the important nuances in the statutory documentation).
  4. If several founders take part in opening a business, then a constituent agreement is signed between them.
  5. An application of the established form (form No. 13001) is filled out to register an LLC.
  6. A permit is obtained to carry out this type of activity.

Advice: When registering a limited liability company, the founder will have to pay a state fee, the amount of which is 2,000 rubles. The payment receipt will need to be included in the general documentation package.

It is worth noting that a pawnshop can only exist as a legal entity. Individual entrepreneurs do not have the right to engage in this type of activity. If people do not want to undergo state registration, they can engage in, for example, .

What documents are needed to conduct business?

To ensure that the pawnshop does not have problems with regulatory authorities, its owners need to obtain the following: permits:

  • certificate of state registration of a business entity;
  • documents for the premises in which the pawnshop will operate (this may be a lease agreement, title documents for the premises if it is owned by the founder, etc.);
  • a conclusion issued by the sanitary and epidemiological station (this document must indicate a list of all services provided by the pawnshop);
  • certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service (at the place of registration) and in all off-budget funds.

Which government authorities need to register a pawnshop?

In accordance with the regulations of the Federal legislation in force in Russia, all pawnshops must be registered with the following authorities:

  1. State Assay Supervision Inspectorate.
  2. federal Service on financial monitoring (since the scope of activity of pawnshops falls under the regulations of Federal Law No. 115 of August 7, 2001 “On combating money laundering (legalization) of proceeds from crime...").

All pawnshops must cooperate with insurance companies, since when accepting valuable property of citizens for storage, they are required to issue policies that take into account the estimated value of the collateral.

What accounting registers should pawnshops keep?

In the process of carrying out their core activities, pawnshops must keep accounting records and fill out primary documentation and accounting registers on the basis of which tax and financial statements. The following documents and registers are required to be maintained:

  • A log in which the date of the training will be noted. fire safety;
  • Journal of registration of cash transactions;
  • Deposit ticket (issued in 2 copies), etc.

The pawnshop must also have the following documents:

  • job descriptions;
  • labor regulations (internal);
  • orders that regulate the interest rates applicable in the pawnshop;
  • orders that regulate the prices set for gold of all types, etc.

How should pawn shops operate?

The activities of pawnshops are regulated by Federal Law No. 196 of July 19, 2007. They can only engage in core activities (store things, provide short-term loans to individuals, provide information and consulting services); they are prohibited from entrepreneurship. The law allows pawnshops to make one-time transactions related to the sale of surplus production and material inventories, as well as fixed assets. In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Article 346), pawnshops must operate on the general taxation system. They are prohibited from using the simplified tax regime.

Law No. 196, in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, describes in detail the rules of operation of pawnshops and their interaction with individuals. Such financial organizations issue loans to the population secured by valuable property. Each operation is formalized by a loan agreement, which is drawn up on paper in 2 copies. One contract form is given to the client, and the second remains with the pawnshop. In it in mandatory the terms of the loan are indicated, the subject of collateral, its estimated value and the amount of interest for using the loan are described.

Despite the fact that pawnshops conduct cash transactions with individuals, Federal legislation does not oblige them to purchase and register cash registers with regulatory authorities. Cash transactions are processed by filling out deposit tickets. In accordance with the Civil Code of Russia (Article 358), things that were transferred for storage to a pawnshop do not become its property. If an individual does not repurchase his property within the established period, the pawnshop has the right to sell it in order to reimburse the expenses incurred. One point worth noting. If, when selling unredeemed items, the pawnshop receives proceeds that are not enough to repay the borrower’s obligations, then it will still satisfy all its financial requirements. In the event that the sales amount exceeds the amount of the loan issued, the pawnshop must return the excess funds to the client.

What are the requirements for pawnshop managers and owners?

Federal legislation in force in Russia prohibits the following categories of citizens from owning and holding managerial positions in pawnshops:

  • persons who have existing criminal records for crimes committed in the economic sphere (until the criminal record is cleared or expunged);
  • persons who have active criminal records for crimes committed against government authorities (until the expungement or removal of the criminal record);
  • persons who have been brought to administrative responsibility over the past 12 months (if suspension from business was applied as punishment).

Where can a pawnshop get working capital?

The activities of pawnshops are based on cash trading. If such organizations use loans, then in order to make money, they will have to place valuables at higher interest rates. Such operations by regulatory authorities can be classified as the provision of banking services (Federal Law No. 395-1 of December 2, 1990). Since they are of a percentage nature, they may fall under the regulations Civil Code Russia (Articles 834, 835). If the regulatory authorities prove that the pawnshop carried out banking operations, then he faces serious problems:

  • fine for working without a banking license (administrative offence);
  • recovery of the entire amount that was received by the pawnshop as a result of operations that are recognized as banking services;
  • additional accrual of tax liabilities not received by the Federal Budget;
  • a fine (double the amount) from the amount collected into the budget;
  • criminal liability with all the ensuing consequences for illegal banking activities (Article 172 of the Criminal Code).

It is worth noting that the law does not in any way restrict pawnshops that use personal funds to issue loans to the public.

Is it profitable to open a pawnshop?

A pawnshop can confidently be classified as a break-even business (as well as), since each loan is secured by property collateral. Such organizations have one requirement for collateral: it must be highly liquid. That is why gold items and jewelry are most often accepted for appraisal. Less commonly, pawnshops accept household appliances, construction tools, and sports equipment as collateral.

If a pawnshop plans to work with precious metals, then this type of collateral can create additional problems for its owners. the federal law obliges such organizations to register with the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate. Also, the owners of such pawnshops need to conduct their business in accordance with the regulations of Federal Law No. 41, which came into force on March 26, 1998.

Rules for storing collateral items

The state exercises strict control over the activities of pawnshops, especially over their ensuring the safety of collateral. As for precious metals, stones and other valuables, for their safety pawnshops must be equipped special places(for example, safes). If pawnshops do not comply with the requirements of Federal legislation, they will be brought to administrative liability (Article 19.14 of the Administrative Code). If regulatory authorities identify secret intent or signs of fraudulent activity in the actions of pawnshops, they will be prosecuted (Article 191 of the Criminal Code).

Special records of collateral must be kept in jewelry pawn shops. Accountants of such organizations must be guided in their work by Instruction No. 68n dated August 29, 2001. In accordance with this instruction (clause 6), accountants are required to keep records of all jewelry in the context of:

  • by cost;
  • by quality;
  • by weight.

Every year, pawnshop accountants must conduct an inventory of precious metals and stones. This rule is stated in paragraph 16 of Instruction No. 68n (it states that inventory must be done twice a year as of 01.01 and 01.07). During the re-registration process, pawnshop employees must weigh each piece of jewelry left as collateral, taking into account the accuracy of:

  • for silver products – up to 0.1 g;
  • for gold products – up to 0.01 g.

In the process of conducting accounting pawnshop specialists will not have to hand over statistical reporting(for example, No. 2-DM), since these organizations do not have the right to use the collateral. That is why they are not subject to Rosstat Resolution No. 88 of November 14, 2007.

In the process of selling unredeemed collateral to legal entities (in particular, jewelry), pawnshop employees must require a certificate of special registration from buyers. It is this document that gives the right to business entities to carry out such operations. If a pawnshop sells jewelry to legal entities that do not have a certificate of special registration, then the regulatory authorities will recognize the transaction as invalid. As a result, the parties will be brought not only to administrative, but also to criminal liability with all the ensuing consequences.

Taxation of pawnshops

Most Russian pawnshops receive interest income on short-term loans issued to individuals as profit (Article 149 of the Tax Code). Based on the Letter of the Department of Taxation No. 24-11/1374 dated March 13, 2003, such organizations are exempt from paying value added tax. Despite the fact that pawnshops do not use in their work, they are required to submit this tax zero reporting within the time limits established by law. In the relevant declaration (in section 7) they must reflect all tax-exempt income and non-deductible amounts of value added tax. In the event that pawnshops charge individuals commission for storing collateral, then these amounts will be subject to taxation (VAT). Accountants of such pawnshops (based on Article 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) will have to keep separate records for taxable and non-taxable transactions.

As for the taxation of profits of pawnshops, in this matter they should be guided by Article 250 of the Tax Code of Russia. All interest received on loan agreements concluded with individuals must be classified as non-operating income. Citizens' collateral sold by pawnshops will not be subject to taxation, since such organizations are not its owners. Pawnshops also do not submit Form 2-NDFL to regulatory authorities, which reflects the income received by individuals from the sale of collateral.

Accounting in pawnshops

When issuing short-term loans to individuals, pawnshops must use strict reporting forms, which are called pledge tickets. Such documents are drawn up for each transaction in 2 copies, one of which remains in the pawnshop, and the second is handed over to the client. Based on the deposit notes, the accountant fills out the cash book. All completed pledge tickets are filed in a folder prepared for each month separately.

What does it take to open a pawnshop?

To open a pawnshop on the territory of the Russian Federation, individuals must act in strict sequence:

  1. The first thing you need to do to open a pawnshop is come up with a name. In this matter, one must be guided by the Law “On Pawnshops” (clause 2 of Article 2). In accordance with this legislative act, the corporate name of such an organization must contain a reference to its legal form. The name must also contain the word “pawnshop.” For example, the limited liability company Pawnshop “Golden Key”.
  2. At the second stage of opening a pawnshop, the owners must decide on its organizational and legal form. Federal legislation allows such organizations to be registered as CJSC, OJSC and LLC. As practice shows, most often owners give preference to LLCs. It is advisable to open joint stock companies in the case when pawnshops, in addition to lending to individuals, are engaged in production activities. In this case, they can attract third-party investments into the business. One more argument can be put forward in favor of the LLC. It's about about the comparative simplicity of registering a business, since a joint-stock company will need to issue shares, register them, etc.
  3. The third stage of opening a pawnshop involves determining the legal address. To register such an organization, you can use premises either privately owned by the founders or leased. One thing worth noting important point. The address of the founders’ place of residence cannot be used to register a pawnshop.
  4. At the next stage, it is necessary to prepare documents for state registration of a business entity. The founders of a pawnshop must first select activity codes (Federal law limits them to three points). Pawnshops have the right to provide consulting and information services, store personal belongings and provide short-term loans to citizens. Typically, pawnshops choose the following: OKVED codes: 74.14; 67.13.5; 65.22.6. If a pawnshop plans to sell unredeemed collateral, it needs to create a self-employed entity. This is due to the fact that pawnshops do not have the right to independently engage in trading activities.
  5. At the fifth stage, the founders of the pawnshop must prepare statutory documentation. They should first decide to establish a limited liability company. If an organization is opened by one participant, then he makes all decisions independently. If the pawnshop will be managed by several founders, then they must hold a meeting and record all decisions made: choosing a name, searching for a legal address, the amount of contribution to the authorized capital, approve the charter, appoint the head of the pawnshop. In the process of preparing the LLC Charter, the founders must be guided by the norms of the Civil Code of Russia (Article 52). The main attention should be paid to the structure of the pawnshop, the goals of its creation, principles of activity, and the procedure for conducting the liquidation procedure. In accordance with the regulations of the Federal Legislation, the authorized capital of a pawnshop should not be less than 10,000 rubles. Today it is formed exclusively from cash. If the founders wish to make a contribution in the form of property, they can do this only after the formation of the minimum amount of authorized capital.
  6. The next stage involves registration activities. The founders must collect a package of documents and contact the state registrar at the location of the pawnshop. They submit an application (P1 1001) to the Federal Tax Service, which all founders must sign, pay the state fee and submit numbered documents to the representative of the regulatory authorities. The state registrar will review the package of documents within 3 working days, after which it will issue the following documents to the newly created business entity: an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a copy of the charter with the appropriate mark, a certificate of registration of the pawnshop as a taxpayer, a certificate of state registration of LLC . After receiving the status of a legal entity, the pawnshop needs to register with all extra-budgetary funds ( Pension Fund, Social Security, etc.). Every Russian pawnshop must be registered with Rosfinmonitoring. For this purpose, Federal legislation allocates 30 days from the date of state registration of the LLC. To register with this authority, the founders of the pawnshop need to collect a large package of documents. Also, pawnshops that will accept jewelry and precious stones as collateral must register with the Assay Office. The founders, in addition to the submitted documents, need to confirm compliance with all requirements regarding the provision of storage of valuables and training of personnel in working with precious metals and stones.
  7. At the final stage of opening a pawnshop, the founders need to find a good insurance company. This is due to the fact that all property in the pawnshop is required to be insured. Experts recommend taking out a general insurance policy for all stored items without reference to specific inventory items. After completing the insurance stage, pawn shop owners must start searching for staff and approve a work schedule (usually from 08.00 to 20.00).

Business plan for a pawnshop

In order for a pawnshop to develop dynamically, its founders need to develop a competent business plan that must be followed at all stages of work. To do this, it is recommended to contact professionals, for example, financiers, economists or accountants, who can make the most accurate calculations.

The pawnshop business plan should reflect the following points:

  1. Goals. In this paragraph you need to specify the following: making a profit from core activities, meeting needs local population in short-term loans, creating a highly profitable institution.
  2. Room. When choosing premises for a pawnshop, founders must take into account several nuances. The premises for the pawnshop should be located in the central part of the village, in a place with high traffic ( ideal option will become a sleeping area). Before choosing a room, you should marketing research for the presence of competitors. The area of ​​the room should not be less than 30 sq.m. and more than 70 sq.m. The premises must have a separate entrance, above which a noticeable sign should be hung. It must also comply with all fire safety standards, have a vacuum from the sanitary and epidemiological station and from the city municipality.
  3. Advertising campaign. The key to a successful pawnshop is good publicity. In this case, it is not enough to start “word of mouth”. Experts recommend ordering outdoor advertising, distributing leaflets through mailboxes, advertising on local television and radio, and advertising in various media. You should also run promotions at regular intervals so that people can save on interest. This will attract a large number of clients.
  4. Staff. Pawnshops are usually opened to issue microloans to the population secured by precious metals and stones, household appliances and other things that have real market value. The employees of such establishments must have a good understanding of this business, as they will have to constantly make assessments. As practice shows, small pawnshops employ: an accountant, several appraisers and 2 sellers. Receivers of collateral must be well versed in their work to ensure that they do not issue loans using counterfeit property.

When opening a pawnshop, the founders will have to incur expenses:

  • Carrying out all registration activities – 50,000 rubles;
  • Rent of premises and its renovation – 950,000 rubles;
  • Purchase and installation of special equipment – ​​450,000 rubles;
  • Application working capital– 10,000,000 rubles;
  • Advertising campaign – 45,000 rubles.

Total starting costs will be: 11,495,000 rubles. The payback period for a pawnshop with such initial investments will be 60 months. Profitability can reach 35.50%.

What risks might a pawnshop face?

Any organization that engages in lending may face the following risks in its work:

  1. Over time, equipment accepted for storage by a pawnshop begins to become obsolete. The items pledged may contain hidden defects.
  2. Due to the low level of qualifications of the appraisers, the pawnshop may incur losses, since they may accept counterfeit items for storage. To eliminate this possibility, pawnshop owners need to carefully select staff and periodically send them to advanced training courses.
  3. Items accepted as collateral may be stolen. If such a fact occurs, law enforcement officers will confiscate the stolen items without compensating the pawnshop. That is why all household appliances should be accepted only with instructions and boxes.

How to open a pawn shop to buy gold?

To open a pawnshop that will buy gold, you need to use the advice of professionals:

  • come up with a sonorous name;
  • complete all necessary registration activities;
  • install several safes (if long-term storage of valuables is planned, the safe must have enhanced protection);
  • install an alarm system, a video surveillance camera and a panic button in the pawnshop premises;
  • find large start-up capital;
  • hire highly qualified employees who can make accurate assessments of precious metals and stones;
  • closely monitor all legislative innovations to avoid problems with regulatory authorities.

Starting a pawnshop

After the founders have registered the business and received all permits, the pawnshop can begin work:

  1. Preparing the premises. Before starting, the premises need to be renovated, furniture and special equipment installed.
  2. Decide on the work schedule, which should be reflected on the external sign.
  3. Develop an internal charter for the work of a pawnshop (job descriptions, internal regulations, form of loan agreements, etc.).
  4. Contact a security company and enter into an agreement with it.
  5. Purchase and install special software, thanks to which the processes of issuing a loan and registering collateral will be significantly simplified.

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IN Lately pawn shops are growing like mushrooms after rain. Every now and then you see advertisements in the subway, transport, on the Internet, in various newspapers and magazines, stating that certain financial institutions are ready to issue you a loan against precious metals, real estate and movable property. Each pawnshop offers its own special conditions, attracting customers with low rates, preferential loan terms, various systems loyalty and discounts.

A completely logical question arises: is the activity of pawnshops really so profitable that their number is increasing every day? In this article we will talk about how to open a pawnshop, what is needed for this, and what kind of profit you can get in the first month of your activity.

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How to open a pawnshop: studying the legislative framework

The first thing you need to start opening your own pawnshop is to study the legislative framework and all legal acts regulating the work of the pawnshop. When starting any business, it is important to clearly understand what you will be working with, how to protect yourself, and what to rely on, and opening a pawn shop is no exception. Already at the planning stage, study all the intricacies of this matter, delve into the standards for conducting financial activities of a pawnshop, understand what rights you have as a borrower, and the one to whom you will lend money. You need to understand everything in detail so that you don’t mess things up later and end up in a difficult and unpleasant situation.

In Russia, the main law regulating the activities of pawnshops is the Federal Law of 2007 N 196-FZ of July 19 “On Pawnshops”.

In the context of this article, we will not consider the entire law in detail, because you must do this yourself, paying due attention to it, but we will highlight the main aspects that everyone who wants to open a pawnshop simply needs to know and understand.

  • A pawnshop is a commercial financial institution, the main purpose of which is to issue money to the population on the security of some material assets.
  • Pawnshops can store items that serve as collateral and issue loans for a period of no more than one year. Any other activity within this financial institution is prohibited.
  • Pawnshops are required to insure items that serve as collateral for the entire loan period.
  • All operations for issuing loans must be formalized by drawing up an agreement. The agreement must describe all aspects of lending money - loan term, interest rate, liability of the parties, penalties, etc.
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  • When issuing a loan, the pawnshop is obliged to provide the borrower with one copy of the document, which will describe the security of which property the money was issued. This document is called a “pledge ticket.” One copy of the ticket must remain in the hands of the borrower, one in the pawnshop.
  • The contract specifies the term of the loan, and the borrower is obliged to repay the amount, plus accrued interest for using the money, within a clearly established time frame. If the borrower does not repay the loan, or does so incompletely, then the pawnshop has every right to sell the item received as collateral in order to compensate for its costs.
  • The realization of the pledged property takes place by selling it. If the item is valued at more than 30,000 rubles, then it must be sold only at open auctions, which anyone can have access to.

As we said above, a pawnshop only has the right to store things and issue loans. But what if the borrower does not return the money within the agreed period and the pledged property needs to be sold? Here you will have to open an additional enterprise (usually a legal entity), the main activity of which will be retail jewelry, or other goods (depending on the type of pawnshop).

It should also be noted that the activities of the pawnshop are still regulated by Order No. 203 of RosFinMonitoring dated 08/03/2010 “On approval of the Regulations on the requirements for education and training of personnel carrying out transactions with funds or other property to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime , as well as the financing of terrorism."

Please read this legal act in detail, because it describes in detail:

  • Requirements that the state imposes on the education and training of personnel working in the financial sector and those involved in monetary and foreign exchange operations.
  • Form of personnel training, as well as the timing and frequency of required recertification.
  • Organization of the training process for pawnshop workers.
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Many people ignore the requirements of this order, but thereby expose their business to certain risks. For the first violation, you face administrative liability and a possible fine. If you systematically violate the requirements of the decree, the pawnshop may be closed.

Since the activities of pawnshops are related to the turnover of precious and semi-precious stones, as well as various metals, it is subject to Order No. 68n of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 29, 2001. This order regulates the procedure for storing and maintaining records of precious metals and products made from them. This order is relevant only if you are going to lend against stones or precious metals. If the activities of your pawnshop do not provide for this kind of operation, then you can not pay attention to this order.

Also please note Special attention to questions regarding taxation of pawnshop activities. Here, too, there are certain subtleties and features associated with imperfect legislation. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation states that the activities of pawnshops fall under the general principles of taxation, and interest received from the pledge should not be subject to VAT. At the same time, activities related to the storage of things are subject to value added tax. Based on this, we can say that it is necessary to maintain different accounting statements in which to display different profits.

Economic benefits of opening a pawnshop

If you are wondering how to open a pawnshop, then you need to immediately think about the economic benefits of this type of activity. This is one of the most important points on which it is worth dwelling in detail, calculating everything, weighing the pros and cons of opening a pawnshop, and only after that making a decision on the advisability of this type of activity.

You need:

  • Clearly understand what investments will be required at the initial stage (opening a pawnshop), and whether any funds are needed to maintain the pawnshop’s activities in the first months, or until it reaches self-sufficiency.
  • Determine the expense side of the business. Understand where, when, and how much you will have to invest.
  • Clearly understand how much loans need to be issued monthly in order to reach the level of self-sufficiency.
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All these issues require detailed study, good and high-quality analysis. Let's look at the example of an already operating Moscow pawnshop, all the issues that we outlined above. It is clear that Moscow is not a cheap city, and the numbers that we will use further should not frighten you too much. The total investment amount in Moscow and in the regions may differ by three or even five times. If you plan to open a pawnshop in a small town, then the amount may be tens of times less.

So, in order to equip a pawnshop in a room of 40 square meters, we will need at least 17,000 dollars. This amount included: renovation of the premises in which the pawnshop was located, purchase of new office equipment and furniture, purchase of special equipment, a safe, accounting programs, ordering and printing of promotional materials, purchase for the appraiser necessary tools and reagents and so on. Also, do not forget that you must have available funds, which will be issued as a loan in the future. In our case, opening a pawnshop cost 350 thousand dollars, of which 17 thousand were spent on repairs and technical issues, and 333 thousand were money for loans.

Any business has monthly expenses, and our pawnshop, opened in Moscow, is no exception. Such expenses may include:

  • Renting premises. Based on the calculation of 200 dollars per square meter, the monthly rent is $8,000.
  • Employees' wages. In our pawnshop, the director and 4 appraisers working in shifts received a salary. In total, $10,000 was spent on salaries per month.
  • Security is an important component of pawnshop operations. You will work with precious metals, with large sums money kept in the pawnshop premises. Therefore, you need round-the-clock, high-quality and reliable security. In our case, everything necessary funds protection cost $5,000.
  • Other expenses. Pawn shop advertising, collateral insurance, administrative and accounting activities – $6,000.
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As a result, the pawnshop's monthly expenses amounted to $29,000.

Next, an analysis of the rates of all the largest pawnshops in Moscow was carried out, and it was found that it was about 10%. Taking this rate as a basis, and adding the constant costs of operating a pawnshop, it was determined that it was necessary to issue loans of at least 350 thousand dollars per month. It is this amount that will allow the pawnshop to operate without a loss.

It’s not hard to guess that in order to make a profit, you need to issue loans in the amount of more than 350 thousand dollars per month. You can use this method and calculate the required amount for your specific case.

Next, the required number of borrowers and the average loan amount were calculated. Based on the initial investment and monthly costs, it was determined that 30-40 people should become clients of the pawn shop every day, and borrow from 170 to 340 dollars. In order to reach self-sufficiency, a pawnshop, on average, needs up to six months. Of course, a lot depends on your initial investment and monthly costs. The location where the pawnshop will be located, your customer attraction policies, advertising activities, etc. also play a big role. There have been cases when, in the second month of activity, a pawnshop already paid for itself, and in less than six months made a profit.

In our case, a pawnshop in Moscow completely paid for itself in 5 years.

Next stage: pawnshop registration

So, you have familiarized yourself with the legislative framework, and now you clearly understand what you will have to face as a result of opening a pawnshop. We also calculated the economic component of your future business, and realized all the risks and difficulties, if any. Everything suits me? If yes, then you can move on to the next stage - registering a pawnshop. Let's take a step-by-step look at what and how to do to officially register your pawnshop.

  1. First you need to choose a form and type of activity. You can open a pawnshop like individual entrepreneur, but in this case you may encounter a number of problems and difficulties. Many experienced businessmen advise immediately registering an LLC and linking your pawnshop to it. The list of required documents and the LLC registration process can be found on the official website of the Federal Tax Service - nalog.ru
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When registering an enterprise, you will need to indicate the type of future activity (KVED). Among hundreds of different KVEDs, you need to choose the following:

  • provision of short-term loans by pawnshops secured by movable property (65.22.6 OKVED);
  • provision of valuable storage services (67.13.5 OKVED);
  • provision of information and consulting services (74.14 OKVED - consulting on enterprise management and commercial activities).
  1. After state registration, you must register the pawnshop with the federal financial monitoring service. You are given no more than 30 days for this procedure. To register, you will also need to collect a certain package of documents. More detailed information can be found on the website of the federal service.
  2. If you plan to work with precious stones and metals, and it is with them that the vast majority of pawnshops work, then you still need to collect documents and register the pawnshop with the Assay Office. This is done in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 68n dated August 29, 2001
  3. Also, do not forget that all things accepted by you as collateral must be insured. The next step is choosing an insurance company and signing with them all the necessary contracts for the provision of property insurance services. Insurance is provided exclusively at the expense of the pawnshop, and it is prohibited to force the borrower to pay for insurance.

The insurance agent of the selected company will tell you in more detail about the insurance process.

The right location is the key to successful pawnshop operation

If you are planning to open a pawnshop, you must understand that choosing the right location is the key to successful work. The potential profit, the period of reaching self-sufficiency, and the prospects for the development of your business depend on where your pawnshop is located. When choosing a place for a pawnshop, follow simple but very important rules:

  • The pawnshop premises should be located on the first line. The ground floor or basement, accessible by a convenient staircase, is perfect for this. Do not rent premises deep in courtyards, on impassable streets, where you cannot find the pawnshop you need during the day.
  • The place should be crowded, lively, with a large flow of people. The example we described above showed that to be profitable, a pawnshop must issue loans to 30-40 people a day. This can only be achieved through good location in a crowded place.
We recommend reading:

  • The most convenient places for pawnshops are located nearby metro stations, public transport stops, and in densely populated residential areas.
  • To avoid problems with regulatory authorities, choose a room that meets all SES and fire service standards. You do not need unnecessary checks and fines at the very beginning of your activity.

The final stage: starting the pawnshop

So, you have figured out the legislative framework that regulates the activities of a pawnshop, calculated the economic benefits of this type of activity, looked at and assessed the premises for a future business, collected Required documents, and have already begun the process of registering the official activities of the pawnshop. And now the final stage is the beginning of work. There is very little left, after which you can tell everyone - I am the owner of a pawnshop. So, you need:

  • Select qualified personnel, the number of which is determined based on the size of the pawnshop, the number of services you plan to provide, and the jewelry you want to work with. If you plan to work with precious stones, then you need a specialist appraiser, or technical means that determine the value of the stone, its carat content and purity.
  • Choose optimal schedule work. Of course, it is ideal for the pawnshop to be open 24 hours a day. If this cannot be done at the initial stage, then an excellent schedule is from 11 to 23. As a rule, there is no point in starting work in the morning, because few people apply for a loan as soon as the sun rises.
  • Next, we enter into an agreement with a security company that will provide a wide range of services. Keeping a security guard on staff is inappropriate. It is much more profitable and better to cooperate with a professional security company, have surveillance cameras and a panic button.
We recommend reading:

  • Don't forget what you need to develop internal documentation: operating regulations of the pawnshop, internal regulations, employment contracts with personnel, agreements for issuing loans, etc.
  • We live in a technological time when business activities are greatly simplified with the help of various gadgets and programs. Therefore, buy special software for pawnshops, which will help you keep accounting records faster and more accurately, calculate potential profits, and tell you when and how much to pay taxes.

That's probably all we wanted to tell you. Now you know, how to open a pawnshop, what stages you need to go through, and what to pay attention to first.

How to open your own pawnshop from scratch? A question asked by an entrepreneur who decides to open his own business. But, before you start filling out the documentation and looking for a place for a pawnshop, it’s worth drawing up a business plan and calculating how quickly the investment will pay off.

There cannot be a definite answer to this question, since it is necessary to take into account a number of factors that directly affect the profitability of a business, in particular:

  • location of the pawnshop - it is advisable to locate the enterprise in areas with high traffic of potential customers;
  • cost of rent - the higher the monthly payments, especially at the initial stage, the more difficult it is for an entrepreneur to recoup his costs and start making a profit;
  • advertising effectiveness - well-organized PR campaigns attract customers;
  • competitiveness - the business owner should study the demand for the services of organizations of this type in a particular area and come up with what exactly his pawnshop will be attractive to clients;
  • trained staff - if the pawnshop employs unqualified employees, the owner will lose part of the profit due to their mistakes or inability to communicate with customers.

For the owner of a pawnshop, the most difficult period is considered to be the first half of the year from the moment of opening, since at this time the company is just gaining momentum and often operates at a loss. For this reason, more than a third of pawnshops cease their activities at this time. After this period, profits begin to gradually grow; after a couple of years, even a small pawnshop begins to bring its owner about 100-150 thousand rubles monthly.

But even compliance with the above conditions does not guarantee business profitability. For this reason, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan, calculate all the costs and risks, then the likelihood of opening a profitable pawnshop will increase significantly.

What do you need to open your own pawnshop?

Before you decide to open a business, you should choose its specialization. So, pawnshops can be of the following types:

  1. Auto pawnshop— the organization accepts cars as collateral for issued funds. Such a business is very profitable, but to organize its work you will need additional space to accommodate the machines.
  2. Antique— here paintings, expensive fur clothes, ancient souvenirs are accepted as collateral, rare coins and other things of antique value.
  3. Technical— here the collateral items are household and other appliances, which the client leaves in exchange for the funds received.
  4. Jewelry- the most common type of business. These pawnshops accept precious metals and precious items made from them.

There are often pawnshops of mixed types, in which, for example, a client can pawn both mobile phone, and gold earrings. This integrated approach allows you to receive greater profits and attract an increased number of customers.

An entrepreneur, even at the stage of deciding to open a pawnshop, should study the legislative acts regulating the activities of the enterprise:

  • Federal Law No. 196, which sets out the main aspects of activity;
  • Rosfinmonitoring order No. 203 dated August 3, 2010, which sets out the requirements for education and training;
  • Order of the Ministry of Finance of 2001 No. 68n, which lists the requirements for the activities of pawnshops dealing in precious stones and metals.

It is important to take into account that the law obliges pawnshops to use OSNO ( common system taxation), while the activity of storing things accepted as collateral is subject to VAT, but the interest received is not. In accordance with this provision, the entrepreneur will be required to maintain tax records for each type of activity.

Step-by-step instruction

The first thing you should do at the opening planning stage is to study the market for these services. A businessman should:

  • carefully calculate the risks, costs of opening and organizing an enterprise;
  • find out how popular pawnshops are in a particular locality and region;
  • is there competition, can he offer clients more favorable conditions than competitors.

If preliminary economic calculations suit the entrepreneur, the enterprise should be registered with the official bodies:

  1. Register with the tax office as an LLC, indicating the relevant OKVED 65.22.6., 74.14., 67.13.5.
  2. Register the pawnshop within thirty days from the date of registration with the Assay Office and Rosfinmonitoring.
  3. Insure the accepted items in favor of the pledgors with the selected company providing these services. It is advisable to take out insurance for any amount so that you do not have to insure each item separately.

Selection and preparation of premises

The choice of location should be approached responsibly: a considerable share of success depends on the location. So, best place for a pawnshop there will be a shopping center or a separate premises located in areas with high customer traffic. It is very good if there is a parking lot next to the pawnshop you are opening, and the premises itself will be close to busy public transport stops.

A pawnshop does not need expensive, elite furnishings—it is enough to place good-quality chairs and a table in the customer area, as well as equip a work area. But you should not neglect security - you should install:

  • alarm and panic button for quickly calling security;
  • metal bars on the windows, where the work and client areas are separated;
  • metal doors;
  • bulletproof glass;
  • video surveillance system.

The set of equipment for work will depend entirely on the preferences of the entrepreneur and the type of pawnshop, but in any case you will need:

  • office equipment - printer, computer with licensed software, high-quality Internet, telephone;
  • special equipment - to determine the authenticity of products, high-precision weighing equipment, etc.;
  • trade equipment - racks, counters, information boards, display cases, tables and chairs for staff and visitors.


To find out about the pawnshop as much as possible large quantity clients, you should not spare money on advertising. First of all, you need to come up with a name for the pawnshop - it should be sonorous, memorable, and not too long. Then you should order an eye-catching sign that will indicate the name and operating hours.

It would not be amiss to order advertising in the media, hire promoters to distribute leaflets, organize enterprise groups in in social networks. An excellent solution is to hold a promotion on opening days, for example: “For first clients, the interest rate is halved!”

Hiring staff

To organize the work of a small pawnshop, a minimum staff consisting of qualified and certified workers is sufficient:

  • manager;
  • appraiser;
  • security guard;
  • accountant;
  • merchandising specialist

Often the functions of several employees are assigned to one employee, but this is best done only if the pawnshop is small, otherwise the employee will not be able to cope with all the responsibilities.

Business plan

When drawing up a business plan, the most important thing is to calculate all costs and estimated profitability and profit. Thus, it is advisable to open a pawnshop whose profitability is at least 30%.

When writing a business plan, it is important to consider the initial costs:

  • for documentation - 50,000 rubles;
  • repair and equipment of the premises - 1,000,000;
  • purchase of office equipment and equipment - from 300,000;
  • advertising - 150,000.

Initial costs include funds intended for distribution to mortgagors (at least 9 million rubles) and money intended to finance activities until they become profitable (at least 2 million).

You should also take into account monthly costs, which include:

  • pay wages employees - from RUB 300,000;
  • rent - individually, depending on the location of the premises can vary from several hundred to several thousand rubles per square meter;
  • hiring security - from 150,000 rubles;
  • other expenses, tax deductions - from 200,000 rubles.

To calculate the profitability of a business, you should calculate what percentage the net profit of the revenue received will be. For example, with a million-dollar revenue, the profit is equal to 142,200 rubles, respectively, the profitability of the enterprise will be only 14.2%. In the first months of operation, such indicators are not low, but after 3-6 months they should at least double - this will mean that the pawnshop pays for itself and begins to make a profit.

The average cost of opening a pawnshop will be 12,000,000 rubles, this amount will include:

  • funds for issuing loans;
  • initial expenses for renovation of the premises, purchase of equipment, furniture, appliances;
  • funds to finance activities for the first time.

With an average monthly revenue of 1,000,000 rubles and a net profit of 178 thousand rubles, the pawnshop will fully pay for itself in 84 months of operation.

There is another option for opening your own pawnshop.- acquisition of a franchise. This method will cost the entrepreneur more than opening it on his own, but will save on advertising (as a rule, franchisors provide all marketing materials). The advantage of opening a franchise pawnshop is brand recognition - people who want to get a secured loan more often turn to pawnshops with famous name. And this fact is a guarantee of ensuring a constant flow of customers.

The main advantages of business are the possibility of rapid development and high demand among the population for the services offered, so pawnshops are becoming increasingly popular as the main type of business activity. With due effort, coordinated and precise work, and a sufficient amount of investment, the pawnshop will begin to generate income that will grow annually after six months from the opening.

A pawnshop is a type of business that is distinguished by its specifics, and an entrepreneur needs to have a good understanding of the activities of such establishments to operate successfully. During a crisis, people more often turn to a pawnshop to get the funds necessary for life or to pay off loans and debts.

Therefore, the turnover of pawnshops is increasing, and at the same time the number of establishments opening is growing. According to statistics, up to 200 such organizations are registered annually in Russia alone. How to open your own pawnshop from scratch? The answer is in this article!

A pawnshop is an institution that issues loans to the public secured by valuable property of the client for a certain period. Interest rate the use of cash by clients is set independently by the pawnshop (in Russia it is prohibited to exceed 25%).

The advantages of opening a pawnshop are accessibility and high profitability. It is impossible to answer unequivocally whether it is profitable to open a pawnshop. This is influenced by a number of factors:

  • selected location for the pawnshop;
  • rent amount;
  • advertising effectiveness, etc.

A pawnshop located in a busy place with high traffic (next to hypermarkets, shops, shopping centers) can count on more successful activities, although this is not a guarantee of a stable income.

The location in the center has disadvantages:

  • high rent;
  • more competition;
  • When deciding to pawn an item, a person tries to find a pawnshop not far from home.

It is necessary to determine for yourself the type of activity and find out how relevant the services offered are. Before organizing a pawnshop, you should study the necessary costs, take into account the risks and the amount of possible income. Drawing up a business plan with preliminary calculations will allow you to estimate the amount of investment and the payback period.

The greatest liquidity is represented by jewelry, but clients often pawn furs and household appliances. Storing clothes is fraught with certain difficulties, and household appliances quickly become obsolete and lose their value.

Choosing premises for a pawnshop

It is not always the case that premises located in the city center bring more profit than those located in a residential area. It is recommended to choose a pawnshop on the first or ground floor (the entrance from the courtyard is not suitable).

The room (area from 40 m2) must meet the requirements of the sanitary-epidemiological and fire services.

It should be noted that a pawnshop that issues loans secured by antique items or equipment requires a separate room where things will be stored. A car pawn shop requires a parking lot and, as a result, the cost of renting it will increase.

Before opening a pawnshop, you should prepare the following documents:

  • cash book;
  • job descriptions;
  • employment contract forms;
  • order of prices for gold;
  • order on the size of bets in a pawnshop.​

An additional amount (10 million rubles) is needed to provide loans to clients. Monthly expenses will be:

If you have seriously decided to start your own business, but do not know what area to focus your attention on, you should definitely consider the pawnshop business. Today it is in demand more than ever. According to experts, 1.5 million Muscovites resort to the services of pawnshops. Moreover, there are forecasts that within 5 years the turnover of these structures will double.

Residents of Russian cities show particular interest in them in moments of crisis. As a rule, this is when there is a need to urgently receive a certain amount of money. Russians are pawning gold, equipment, and precious stones. Therefore, there is every reason to think about how to open a pawn shop for household appliances. According to statistics, most often, in order to receive a loan, our compatriots bring televisions, microwaves and other appliances.

Popular business

According to official information alone, today more than 500 pawnshops are registered in Moscow. However, in reality there are about 250 companies involved in this business. Moreover, the absolute majority of them (80%) are private pawnshops. They successfully supplanted the state-owned Mosgorlombard, which previously had a whole network of its own points.

The question of how to open a pawn shop for household appliances is also relevant against the backdrop of an ever-growing market. The fact is that, according to official information, every year the number of companies engaged in this activity grows by an average of 25%. However, about a quarter of pawnshops cannot cope with the cruel realities of the market and die without even lasting a year. However, new companies immediately take their place, ready to provide money to the population on the security of various property.

Many people want to invest

If they do not have enough funds for turnover, they actively resort to the help of sponsors. By the way, investors are happy to not only provide their finances for the development of this profitable business, but also acquire operating pawnshops with no less interest.

If you are wondering how to open a pawn shop for household appliances, then you should immediately understand that this procedure will differ significantly from registering a regular company. You will need to comply with all legal requirements and you will be subject to severe fines if you violate any rules. Therefore, let's thoroughly examine this issue from scratch.

At the first stage, regulatory documents are important

First of all, carefully study the legislative acts that regulate the work of pawnshop organizations. Remember that ignorance of the law will not exempt you from responsibility. The main thing for you should be the law of the Russian Federation “On pawnshops”. In order to open a pawnshop, you need to open an LLC.

If your company deals with precious stones, then you will need to register with two government services. The Federal Service for Financial Monitoring and the State Assay Supervision Inspectorate of the Russian State Assay Chamber will work with you.

What type of pawn shop will you choose?

Entrepreneurs admit that all Moscow pawnshops are divided into two types. The operating principle of the first type of pawnshop is a classic scheme, that is, the profit is made up of the “accumulated” interest on the use of the loan. Of course, the owners of such establishments are very interested in their clients buying back the pawned items. They try to do everything to ensure that unclaimed balances are minimal, no more than 5% of the total volume.

How to achieve this? Pawnshop owners carefully select staff and train them to work with clients. An employee should be able to draw a conclusion about his solvency just by the visitor’s appearance alone. If a person who visits a pawnshop does not give the impression of being prosperous, he is politely refused to provide money. At the same time, more interesting loan terms are provided to trustworthy clients. For example, they can receive large sums at a low interest rate.

Who are called poachers?

The operating principle of the second type of pawnshop is the banal purchase of scrap jewelry. Thanks to such establishments, their owners are enriched with finished jewelry products. Such pawnshops deliberately value clients’ items significantly below their market value, and deliberately inflate the interest on them. In general, everything is done to ensure that people do not buy back their things.

Professionals in this market call such pawnshops “poachers” for their extortionate interest rates and unwillingness to return the property provided. This category also includes establishments that accept household appliances as collateral.

As a rule, people who bring televisions or microwave ovens to a pawnshop are already, as they say, driven to the extreme and are ready to give up the last thing in order to get the coveted rubles. Poachers take advantage of this. The percentage in such pawn shops is so high that few people come back for household appliances. Over time, it is successfully sold on specialized websites or in provincial stores.

When deciding on the specialization of your establishment and thinking about how to open a pawn shop for household appliances, keep in mind that you will have to deal with desperate people or petty criminals who will try to sell stolen or illegally obtained goods through you.

And now about the risks

We warn you right away: this business is very difficult to run. Before you start doing it, gain relevant experience. Since you are dealing with various collaterals of your clients, this is the main source of problems. The biggest difficulties arise with gold.

It often happens on the market that the hallmark applied to jewelry simply does not correspond to the real level of quality of the precious metal. Sometimes it happens that a beautiful gold plating is applied to cheap metal. The cost of such a product is very low, but the supplied sample and appearance may say the opposite.



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