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“Turgenev Girl” is a special female character in the story “Asya. “Turgenev Girl” - a special female character in the story “Asya Presentation on the story Asya description of the characters

I.S. Turgenev "Asya". Mr. N.N. and Gagin. Russian and German literary traditions in the story.

Name the heroes of the story by I.S. Turgenev "Asya".

How do their actions make you feel?

"Things of days gone by..." - quote from Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan N Lyudmila” - the beginning of the first song.

“...In the Dresden “Grune Gewelbe” - Grline Gewolbe - literal translation: “green vault.” Collection of gold jewelry and precious stones in the Dresden Royal Castle.

“A rooster on a high Gothic bell tower...” - the ancient church of St. Peter in Sinzig with a central octagonal tower from the 18th century.

Mr. N.N. and Gagin.

What unites Gagin and Mr. N.N?

Russian and German literary traditions in the story

Germany is an important cultural context for the story. In the atmosphere of the ancient town, “the word “Gretchen” - either an exclamation or a question - just begged to be spoken.” Gretchen is the heroine of I.V.’s tragedy. Goethe "Faust", a young, inexperienced girl of strict rules. She fell in love for the first time in her life and cannot resist the feeling, she is ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of love.

I.S. Turgenev


I sit huddled in a corner; and in my head everything rings and rings:

How beautiful, how fresh the roses were...

And I see myself in front of a low window of a Russian country house. The summer evening quietly melts and turns into night, the warm air smells of mignonette and linden; and on the window, leaning on her straightened arm and bowing her head to her shoulder, a girl sits - and silently and intently looks at the sky, as if waiting for the first stars to appear. How innocently inspired are the pensive eyes, how touchingly innocent are the open, questioning lips, how evenly does the not yet fully blossomed, not yet agitated chest breathe, how pure and gentle is the appearance of the young face! I do not dare to speak to her, but how dear she is to me, how my heart beats!

So good, so fresh

there were roses...

The name of I.S. Turgenev is closely connected with the poetic and sublime feeling of love.

Turgenev has everything about the movements of the heart, about youthful aspirations, in a word - about the ebullience of life, “young and fresh.”

Turgenev's girls... How much controversy and admiration they caused among their contemporaries, and many decades later! The images of Turgenev’s heroines formed into a single image characteristic of Russia "Turgenev's" girl.

Observations and conclusions about Asya’s character and actions will allow us to approach the concept of literary type

(generalized image) "Turgenev" girl.

We will try to answer the question: What is she like, the “Turgenev” girl?

The story is called "Asya". Why? What is the heroine's real name?

When does rebirth occur?

Anna - grace,


Asya (from Anastasia) –

born again

Describe Asya's appearance

(Ch. 2)

Read the characteristics of Asya given by Gagin

What appearance is made up of these characteristics?

What is behind Asya's external features?

What is its strangeness?

What explains this strangeness in Asya’s behavior? What secret does N.N. learn? from Gagin?

What can you say about the hero of the story, Mr. N.N. ? What are his activities and hobbies?

When does the hero begin to admire nature?

Does N.N. understand that Asya will not pass him by in this life? Is it possible to love Asya?

A soul that is impossible not to love...

Is Asya capable of sincere strong feelings?

Answer the question by rereading the conversation

brother and sister (ch.6)

Honesty, moral purity, the ability to have sincere strong feelings.

Why doesn’t N.N. want to visit the Gagins after this overheard conversation?

But what happens to this feeling?

Reading the dialogue between Asya and N.N (Work on Chapter 9)

How do Asya's dreams characterize her?

Focus on the future...

Is Asya trying to be loved too?

Is she able to do something to please her loved one?

(Working on chapters 11 - 12)

A strong character, the ability to self-sacrifice.

Meanwhile, Asya logically completes the development of her character: she writes a note, making a date with N.N. Let us remember the words of Gagin, who compares Asya to fire:

“She is able to fall ill, run away, and make an appointment with you.”

Can a girl get a date now?

How does this act characterize Asya?

Activity, independence in deciding your own destiny. (Work from chapter 16)

Love in Turgenev’s view is an element,

These are not rules, not laws. Love cannot be doubted, it cannot be put off until tomorrow (“Tomorrow I will be happy”).

Love is a storm of feelings Moonlight and the moon pillar... which our hero breaks. He broke it - and Asya is gone!

Who is there?

After the breakup scene, Asya does not appear on the pages of the story, because a new woman was born - Anna Nikolaevna, who will no longer look at the world with “light black eyes,” will not “laugh with a quiet, light laugh,” and will not dream of flying. Yes, she will remain a pretty grace (Anna),

but Asya will no longer be...

So, the whole story has been told, but there is still chapter 22. Why is it?

Couldn’t what happened be repeated, I thought, and even better, even more beautiful?.. I knew other women - but the feeling that Asya aroused in me, that burning, tender, deep feeling, did not happen again. No! Not a single eye has replaced those eyes that once looked at me with love; to no one’s heart, falling to my chest, has my heart responded with such joyful and sweet fading! Condemned to the loneliness of a familyless beggar, I live out boring years, but I keep her notes and a dried geranium flower, the same flower that she once threw to me from the window, as a shrine.

...And there in the distance, where the grove is so foggy, Where the ray barely flutters over the path, - Elena, Masha, Lisa, Marianna, And Asya, and the unfortunate Susanna - Gathered in an airy crowd.

Familiar whimsical shadows, Creatures of love and beauty, And virginal and feminine dreams, - They were brought to life by a pure, gentle genius, He gave them form, colors and features.

If it weren’t for him, we would not have known for a long time the suffering of a woman’s loving soul, her cherished thoughts, silent sadness; Only with him those songs that were hidden in silence sounded for us for the first time.

He disturbed the silence of the stagnant waters, He gave a loud answer to secret requests, From the darkness he brought the woman into the light, Into the wide world of aspirations and consciousness, On the path of living delights, battles and troubles.

K. Balmont “In Memory of Turgenev”

"Tomorrow I will be happy..."

« Happiness has no tomorrow; he doesn’t even have yesterday; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that’s not a day, but a moment …»

« Couldn’t what happened be repeated, I thought, and even better, even more beautiful?..”

So what is she like, a “Turgenev” girl?

A girl who can give happiness.

Sources sources sources



















Compiler of the presentation, teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU Secondary School No. * Mozdok, North Ossetia-Alania Pogrebnyak N.M.

“Turgenev Mumu” ​​- I.S. Turgenev. Autobiographical story"Mu Mu". The writer's mother was an imperious serfdom. I.S. Turgenev was born in Orel. In May 1838 Turgenev went to Germany. In its anti-serfdom orientation, the story is a direct continuation of “Notes of a Hunter.” Who is to blame for the fact that Gerasim is unhappy?

“I.S. Turgenev Asya” - Through the pages of I.S. Turgenev’s story “Asya”. The characters' strong feelings are often accompanied by music (chapters 1,2,9,19). Sociologists What attracts you in the story? (24 students and 16 parents participated in the survey.) Meaning of the name. Drawings for the story. Anna – “grace”, “pretty” Anastasia – “born again”. Sociologists Who is to blame for the separation of heroes?

“Asya Turgenev's lesson” - Do you notice a contradiction in the character of the hero? Why? The story "Asya". What role does landscape play in revealing character? Lesson 1. Mr. N.N. Gagin, Asya are the main characters of the story. Image of Asya. Questions about the text of the story. How are the two towns different? Is Asya beautiful? Did Mr. N.N. like it? new acquaintances?

“The Life and Work of Turgenev” - Library. Adulthood. In 1841 Turgenev returned to his homeland. In 1842, Turgenev, at the request of his mother, entered the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The writer's mother. L. N. Tolstoy. In 1836, Turgenev completed the course with the degree of a full student. Youth. The writer's father. Manor house. Writer's office.

“Writer Turgenev” - Questions for review: The exhibition presents most of Turgenev’s materials stored in the museum. Pauline Viardot - born July 6, 1821 in Paris. S. N. Turgenev is the writer’s father. Alphonse Daudet. Lesson presentation

“Asya Turgenev” - The story “Asya” (1858) is perhaps one of Turgenev’s most beloved works. V.A. Nedzvetsky. The story “Asya” (1858). Important conversation. 2004. V. Panov. Illustration by V. M. Zeldes for the story “Asya” by I. S. Turgenev. 1982. TURGENEV Ivan Sergeevich (1818-83), Russian writer. Portrait of I.S. Turgenev. 1872.

“I.S. Turgenev Asya” - Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Sociologists What attracts you in the story? (24 students and 16 parents participated in the survey.) Sociologists Who is to blame for the separation of heroes? Sociologists (the number of landscapes in the story). Drawings for the story: (Michukov M., Morozova N.). This is how the plot of the story developed...” Anna – “grace”, “pretty” Anastasia – “born again”.

“The Tale of Asya” - What is the basis of the story? 1.What is the basis of the story? The hero missed his chance. The story is based on love. What is the love of Mr. N.N.? And so it happened. Turgenev was convinced that love is associated with the highest upsurge of feelings. What is love? Informational resources: Why is Mr. N.N. afraid to confess his feelings to Asya?

“The Tale of Asya Turgenev” - I. S. Turgenev embodied in several of his works an image that was forever included in world literature. Each writer creates unique, special images in his works. The images of Pushkin's heroines and the female images captured on the pages of the works of Lermontov, Ostrovsky and other writers are unique.

“Turgenev's story Asya” - Then “he imposes fasting and repentance on himself” and turns into a Russian provincial girl. Tenderness, the ability to have sincere strong feelings, the absence of artificiality, falsehood, and coquetry. The main stages of the life of I.S. Turgenev. Strong character, willingness to sacrifice. Asya behaves differently from noble girls.

“Asya Turgenev’s lesson” - On whose behalf is the story told? The story "Asya". I.S. Turgenev (1818-1883). Lesson 1. Mr. N.N. Gagin, Asya are the main characters of the story. I.S. Turgenev. Is Asya beautiful? Did Mr. N.N. like it? new acquaintances? Questions about the text of the story. Do you notice a contradiction in the character of the hero? M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

What is hidden under the term “Turgenev girl”. Asya reads a lot. Asya's illegitimacy. A soul that is impossible not to love. The hero needed determination. Turgenev girl. A complete picture of Asya's character. Images of Turgenev's heroines. Asya's image is endlessly expanding. Evil rock. Reading of Goethe's poem. Asya’s imagination contains sublime human aspirations. Evaluation of the image by critics.

“Bazarov and Kirsanov” - Education. Main lines of dispute. Ideological differences Bazarov and Kirsanov seniors. Collection of material on heroes. Peasantry. Attitude towards others. Fathers and Sons. Disputes between the heroes of the novel “Fathers and Sons.” Test based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev. Nihilism. Bazarov's relationship with N.P. and P.P. Kirsanov. Text assignment. Ideological conflict. P.P. Kirsanov. The life story of Pavel Petrovich. Bazarov. Education. Quarrel between P.P. Kirsanov and E. Bazarov.

“Themes of Turgenev’s “Prose Poems”” - Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Illustration for the poem “Threshold”. For the literature lesson. Poems. Bougival. Polina Viardot. A cycle united by a common tonality. Illustration for the poem “Old Man”. Poems in prose. Themes of poems. Thoughts and feelings. Creativity of I.S. Turgenev. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Poems in prose.” Laconism and freedom.

“The work “Fathers and Sons”” - The harness is being damaged. Meeting of N.P. Kirsanov with his son. Low porch. A crowd of street servants. Fussing with hired workers. Alexander I. Forest. Terms. Poor region. Stages of development of the economic history of Russia. Fathers and Sons. Concepts. Trouble. Tiny ponds with. Man and time. The process of decomposition of the feudal-serf system. Human.

“Gerasim and the heroes of the story” - Kapiton. Tatiana. The moral superiority of Gerasim over other heroes of the story. Physical handicap. Gerasim. Descendant's opinion. Lady. Russian prose writer. Moral superiority. Creation of the story "Mumu". Writer's creativity. Gavrila. Turgenev's childhood.

“The work “Bezhin Meadow”” - Slender boy. Bezhin meadow. Author. Events in the story. What the boys did at night in the meadow. What story was not in the boys' stories. Hunter. What struck the author about children. The face is small. White hair. Hair is disheveled. The boy was only seven years old. Ilyusha. Descriptions of the characters in the story.



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