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Pumpkin porridge with rice in a Panasonic multicooker. Pumpkin porridge with rice in a slow cooker. How to choose and prepare ingredients correctly

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Autumn is rich in bright colors, healthy fruits and vegetables. I recommend paying special attention to pumpkin. A lot of tasty and, most importantly, healthy dishes are prepared from this colorful vegetable. This time we will have pumpkin porridge with rice in a slow cooker. If you don’t have a multicooker, then this porridge can be prepared using an ordinary saucepan on the stove.

Delicious pumpkin porridge with rice in a slow cooker

I repeat that it is extremely useful. And due to the fact that it stores well, dishes can be prepared with it all autumn and winter. Pumpkin pulp contains a lot of valuable microelements, essential minerals, and fiber. By eating this vegetable, you can strengthen your immune system and cope with autumn depression faster. Among other things, it is excellent for dietary and baby food.

Cooking pumpkin porridge in a slow cooker is very simple. I cook porridge in the PhilipsHDH 3039 multicooker, which does not have the “Milk porridge” function, so I use the “Stew” program, but in the “Simmering” mode. The fact is that by setting the stew for 4 hours or more, mine automatically performs simmering (very slow stewing, like in a Russian oven). This mode will not allow the milk to escape, and if you cook using a simple stew, you will have to watch the milk until it boils. But there is one more secret: to prevent it from running away, you need to coat the top of the inner edge of the pan with butter. If you have a milk porridge setting, feel free to cook pumpkin porridge using it.

For pumpkin porridge we need:

1. Pumpkin pulp - 300-400 g;

2. Short grain rice – 1 cup from the multicooker;

3. Water – 1 glass from the multicooker;

4. Milk – 4 cups from the multicooker;

5. Granulated sugar – 2-3 spoons;

6. Table salt – 1 tsp;

7. Butter – 50 gr.

Ingredients for pumpkin porridge with rice in a slow cooker

How to cook pumpkin porridge in a slow cooker with rice?

So, first, wash the pumpkin well, cut it in half, remove the seeds, and cut off the skin. By the way, I don’t recommend throwing away the seeds. They are very useful, you can rinse them, dry them, and then season salads, baked goods, or just fry them and flick them in front of the TV.

Grate the pumpkin pulp onto a coarse grater or cut into small cubes (I like the first chopping method better). Fill the multicooker bowl with grated pumpkin.

Add salt and sugar there. Also at this stage, if desired, you can add various flavorings: dried fruits, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla.

Rinse the rice for pumpkin porridge well under running water to remove gluten and debris. Pour the washed rice onto the pumpkin.

Fill the contents of the saucepan with milk and water.

Close the lid of the multicooker, set the “Milk porridge” mode or the “Stew” mode for 4 hours. After 1 hour, having flavored the porridge with a piece of butter, turn off the device. For a richer taste, you can keep the dish warm for another 10 minutes.

I don’t know about you, but I really like milk porridge made from rice and pumpkin. And even more, I like making this dish in a slow cooker. Cooking takes little time and there is no need to stand at the stove, worrying that the porridge will burn or the milk will run out. There is no need to stir the contents of the pan.

A slow cooker makes everything easier. That's why I cook this pumpkin porridge only in it. I discovered this dish for myself a long time ago and was very glad that I found the perfect recipe. The proportions here are well chosen, which means the consistency is very good.

Recipe information

Cooking method: in the multicooker Redmond 4502.

Total cooking time: 50 min.

Number of servings: 4 .


  • pumpkin (pulp) – 300 g
  • rice – 1.5 multi-cups
  • milk – 3 multi-cups
  • water – 2 multi-cups
  • sugar to taste - about 2 tbsp.
  • vanilla sugar – 1 sachet
  • butter - to taste.

Cooking method

On a note:

  • It can be useful .
  • If you don't like thick porridge much like I do, add more milk or water.
  • You can add other ingredients to the porridge with pumpkin according to your taste, for example, raisins, nuts, dried apricots or other dried fruits, and cinnamon.
  • If necessary, if you are going somewhere, you can place all the food in the bowl and set a delayed start so that you can get a hot dish when you arrive. My

Pumpkin is an amazingly healthy and tasty vegetable. You can prepare a wide variety of dishes from it. It is perfectly digestible and suitable for dietary nutrition and children's menus...


  • 200 g rice__NEWL__
  • 200 g pumpkin__NEWL__
  • 1 tablespoon sugar__NEWL__
  • Salt__NEWL__

Pumpkin contains many minerals (sodium, potassium, iron, magnesium and others), vitamins E, C, B, A (especially a lot of it is found in pumpkins with bright orange pulp), and pectin.

Little children love pumpkin because you can make so many delicious things out of it! These include cereals, pies, soups, and juices. Desserts from it also come out excellent - jam, candied fruits, puddings! It’s impossible to list everything.

Pumpkin is very useful for kidney diseases; it has a diuretic effect. It will also have a positive effect on constipation. And baked pumpkin, containing a large amount of pectin, is especially useful. Pumpkin juice has a slight calming effect, and pumpkin seeds saturate the body with proteins and fatty oils.

Pumpkin is such a healthy vegetable, so it shouldn’t be ignored when creating a children’s menu. You can start giving pumpkin to your baby when vegetable purees are introduced. Naturally without salt and sugar. And for an older child, you can prepare wonderful pumpkin porridge.

Let's prepare rice porridge with pumpkin in the VITEK VT-4201 SR multi-pressure cooker. It will take a little time, and the porridge will turn out surprisingly tasty and literally melt in your mouth!


Peel the pumpkin and cut into small pieces.

Sort the rice, rinse and pour into the multicooker bowl.

Add 200 ml water and pumpkin. Add sugar and salt to taste.

Close the multicooker lid. Select "RICE" mode from the menu. If you have a different multicooker model, the mode may be called differently (“Porridge”, “Pilaf”, “Rice”). In 15 minutes, the crumbly rice porridge with pumpkin will be ready.

When the signal sounds about the end of the mode, do not rush to open the lid - let the porridge brew for a while. Add a little butter before serving.

Rice porridge with pumpkin

I want to share with you my favorite step-by-step recipe for cooking rice porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker. Before preparing milk rice porridge with pumpkin

40 min

140 kcal

5/5 (1)

Kitchen appliances and utensils: multicooker and knife.

Rice porridge is one of the most popular side dishes in our country. Although the birthplace of rice is China, this cereal is now distributed throughout the world. Benefits of rice obvious: it is rich in vitamins, zinc, calcium and other microelements. The porridge will take 40 minutes to prepare. If you want the porridge to be ready for breakfast, you can add the ingredients in the evening and set the timer for the desired time.

Nutritionists advise Eat rice porridge in the morning to recharge your body with vitamins for the whole day.

If you don't have a slow cooker, you can cook it as usual, but keep in mind that you need to cook the rice in a non-stick pan.


How to choose and prepare ingredients correctly

To choose the right rice, you need to look for it in transparent packaging - then you can examine it carefully. Rice grains should be whole, no pieces, because during the cooking process the pieces will cook faster than whole grains, and the porridge will be viscous. In addition, crushed grains are sold separately. Their quality is worse and they are called broken rice. Also, the cereal must be absolutely clean, without debris. As for the benefits, brown rice is considered the healthiest: it contains less starch and more microelements. But it is not suitable for our recipe, because this rice does not go well with milk. In this case, you can use water instead of milk.

You can take milk any fat content– use the one you usually drink. The thickness of the porridge directly depends on the amount of liquid in it. If you like your porridge thin, just add more milk. Add sugar to taste. If you are on a diet, then you don’t need to add it at all, since the pumpkin itself is quite sweet.

You need to choose a pumpkin that is ripe and sweet. Before preparing porridge pumpkin Can bake in advance in the same slow cooker so that it becomes softer and more aromatic, and then cook with rice. Some housewives make puree from pumpkin so that the porridge has a uniform consistency.

Step-by-step preparation of rice porridge with pumpkin

Video recipe

This video describes in detail the recipe for rice porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker.

It often happens that following the principles of healthy eating is broken due to a catastrophic lack of time. You need to devote time to home-cooked food, but how can you do this when after work or study a person collapses from fatigue and the most he can do is heat up semi-finished products?

A real salvation in such a situation is a multicooker. This miracle technique prepares healthy dishes on its own, requiring a minimum of effort and time from the owners.

Diet features

Dietary nutrition is a diet that involves weight loss and promotes comprehensive health improvement and metabolism.

Diet - and strict limits. You can’t do without this in an effort to get rid of extra pounds.

But the restrictions are not as strict as is commonly believed. A circle of myths and stereotypes has formed around diets, thanks to which the technique is for some reason considered synonymous with a hunger strike. This is mistake. On a diet, both, and the second, and are allowed. Sometimes you can .

  1. Those who are losing weight when planning their diet should be guided by the following rules:
  2. Maximum naturalness of each dish. No substitutes, semi-finished products, pseudo-ingredients, packaged or similar analogues.
  3. Less fried, more boiled, baked, stewed.
  4. We must not forget that salt and sugar are only additions to the recipe, emphasizing the taste characteristics. Sugar is a pure carbohydrate, salt is a substance that disrupts the water balance in the body. They cannot be abused.

Observe the principle of measure. Even if the calorie content of a particular dish confidently approaches zero, overeating is unacceptable. Food intake is strictly according to the regime, portion sizes are fixed. Important!

It is important to seek advice from a qualified nutritionist and physician before starting a diet. The first doctor will select an individual nutrition plan, and the second will correct it if the person has pathologies and chronic diseases.

The benefits of vegetarian food The basis of any diet is main courses. It is enough to consume liquid food (soups, broths) several times a week, but without the second one it will not be possible to prepare lunch or dinner.

They are of particular value on the diet.

Firstly, they are a source of unique proteins, carbohydrates and fats, more useful than their animal counterparts. Secondly, plant foods contain fiber. This is an essential complex carbohydrate that provides long-lasting satiety. Thirdly, thanks to vegetables, fruits and cereals, a person receives vitamins responsible for a healthy immune system.

Among the vegetarian hot dishes there are universal recipes that are simultaneously suitable for breakfast, lunch, and afternoon tea.

They can be a main course or a dessert, a pleasant treat.

Cooking recipes Rice porridge is healthier than many of its analogues. It goes well with a variety of additional ingredients, best of all with pumpkin.

This dish is quickly and easily prepared in a slow cooker. You can rest assured that all the ingredients will be soft, nothing will escape, and you won’t have to clean the kitchen.


  • You will need:
  • 200 g rice;
  • 0.6 liters of low-fat milk;
  • 400 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 3 tbsp. butter;

sugar and salt to taste.

  1. How to cook:
  2. The pumpkin is cut into small pieces and mixed with washed cereals.
  3. Stir salt and sugar in milk until completely dissolved and pour in the ingredients.
  4. The liquid should be at least 2 cm higher than the pumpkin rice.

Observe the principle of measure. Even if the calorie content of a particular dish confidently approaches zero, overeating is unacceptable. Food intake is strictly according to the regime, portion sizes are fixed. Prepare the dish in the “porridge” or “stew” mode for about 40 minutes. It is advisable to eat porridge hot and fresh.

If you need crumbly porridge, long grain rice is preferred. “Kasha-malasha” is prepared from round rice, it is more boiled.


  • On the water
  • 300 g rice;
  • 300 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 0.7 l of water;
  • vegetable oil;

sugar and salt to taste.

  1. sugar, salt.
  2. The rice is washed.
  3. The pumpkin is cut into small pieces or grated on a coarse grater.
  4. These products are mixed, filled with water (preferably hot), seasoned with butter, sugar and salt.
  5. In the “stew” mode, the dish cooks for 40 minutes.

If you then simmer for another 10-15 minutes in the heating mode, the porridge will come out especially tender. Interesting!

A more refined version of lean porridge is cooked with any vegetable milk: soy, almond or even coconut.


  • On the water
  • "Dessert"
  • 300 g pumpkin (preferably sweet varieties);
  • 0.6 liters of low-calorie milk;
  • 1 pear;
  • 1 apple;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • vanillin (on the tip of a knife for scent);
  • butter;

sugar and salt to taste.

  1. salt and sugar.
  2. The rice is thoroughly washed in several waters.
  3. Peel the pumpkin, cut into medium pieces and grind into puree using a blender or meat grinder.
  4. Peel the pear and apple and cut into medium-sized cubes.
  5. Raisins must be soaked in hot water for 20-25 minutes.
  6. All products are mixed, placed in a multicooker container and poured with hot milk already combined with butter, vanillin, salt and sugar.

Observe the principle of measure. Even if the calorie content of a particular dish confidently approaches zero, overeating is unacceptable. Food intake is strictly according to the regime, portion sizes are fixed. The porridge will cook for 35-40 minutes in the “stew”, “porridge” or “milk porridge” mode.

In principle, you can completely avoid sugar. Dried fruits and fruits will provide the necessary sweetness, and the porridge will be lighter in calories.

This recipe produces a very tender dish, something between the usual porridge and casserole.


  • On the water
  • 300 g pumpkin;
  • 0.4 l milk;
  • 0.2 l of water;
  • 1 egg;
  • vanillin (on the tip of a knife for scent);
  • butter;

sugar and salt to taste.

  1. The rice must be washed, and the pumpkin must be cut into cubes and pureed.
  2. Next, prepare the filling: beat the egg until fluffy, gradually pour in the milk, add warm butter, a little water, salt and sugar.
  3. Rice and pumpkin are poured with a fluffy mixture and left to simmer in a slow cooker for 40 minutes. It is better to serve the porridge hot.

Observe the principle of measure. Even if the calorie content of a particular dish confidently approaches zero, overeating is unacceptable. Food intake is strictly according to the regime, portion sizes are fixed. A more fluffy filling option eliminates water and oil. Instead, when whipping, add cream with a fat content of 10%.

With vegetables

This version of porridge can be served on its own or as a side dish for meat or fish dishes.


  • On the water
  • 200 g pumpkin;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 300 g pumpkin pulp;
  • salt and pepper;
  • 0.7 l of water;
  • greenery.

sugar and salt to taste.

  1. Vegetables are peeled, cut into cubes (carrots can be grated), mixed with washed rice and placed in a multicooker bowl.
  2. Fill with water, add seasonings and oil, cook in a suitable mode for 40 minutes.
  3. When serving, sprinkle with your favorite herbs.

The porridge will be richer and more flavorful if you replace regular water with broth. If the dish is on its own, use vegetable broth. Meat is topped with meat or chicken broth, and fish is topped with fish broth. The main condition is low fat content.



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