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Unique medicinal properties of Indian onion

It is not so rare for housewives to grow Indian onions at home, the medicinal properties of which are varied. This perennial plant also has many names. You can find Chinese onions, hellroot, and Mongolian onions. The most correct name is still considered to be “poultry farmer”.

Russia first heard about the poultry plant from the stories of Siberian folk healers. Onions were delivered to these regions from China, which is why they were called Chinese, not Indian.

Useful qualities

Medicine in its traditional sense is in no hurry to call Mongolian onion a medicinal plant. But healers and traditional healers discovered its healing properties a long time ago. In general, Indian onion is a poisonous plant. This has been scientifically proven. But in medicine, since ancient times, poisons have been used in small quantities to cure a variety of diseases.

Often in medical practice you can find the use of tincture Chinese onion together with the main methods of combating the disease. For example, the plant has good antiseptic and analgesic properties. Dislocations, sprains, bruises - doctors recommend lubricating these injuries in the most painful areas. Problems of the spine, as well as the entire articular system as a whole, can also be treated with the help of hellish root.

To get rid of pain, just lightly moisten the inflamed area with Indian onion juice. This happens due to the rush of blood to the problem area. Recovery processes are significantly accelerated at this time.

We can list many different diseases that can be treated with this plant:

  • damage to the spine and joints;
  • herpes and its consequences;
  • tumors and swelling that occur after insect bites;
  • symptoms of respiratory disease;
  • headaches, migraines and others.

The most valuable medicinal and healing properties are the bulbs, as well as the leaves of the poultry plant. Already aging and drying out shoots are especially good for use. Young shoots contain less useful substances. In addition, by removing mature foliage from a plant, you enable its further growth to grow more rapidly.

Uses of poultry juice

Fresh juice is an excellent remedy for moistening a sore or inflamed area. The easiest way is to tear off a piece of the sheet and apply its edge to the affected area.

Any treatment using Indian onions requires utmost attention, because the juice of the onion is poisonous. This means that ingestion of the plant is strictly prohibited. And the preparation of medicines requires strict adherence to all instructions.

It is the juice of this plant that is effectively used to relieve pain symptoms that accompany diseases such as osteochondrosis, radiculitis or arthritis. Often the result obtained is more satisfying than the effect of expensive ointments and gels. Headaches, sore throats and respiratory diseases cannot be completely cured by juice, but the healing process can be significantly accelerated by using it in conjunction with traditional medicine.

Exists interesting fact. Even from the first use of medicines based on Indian onion, one can understand whether it is worth further pursuing therapy with this plant. During use, you should feel a slight burning sensation as well as a tingling sensation. In this case, we can say that onion therapy can help. If there are no sensations, then there is no point in continuing.

The severity of the feelings experienced varies from person to person. This can range from a barely noticeable tingling sensation to a significant burning sensation. There is no need to be afraid of this. Usually the burning sensation disappears along with the pain, and a few minutes are enough for the medicinal components.

There are many recipes using Indian onions. Lotions, tinctures and other forms are actively used by traditional healers.

Popular recipes

For many diseases, there are recipes for preparing tinctures and decoctions from Indian onions. They are indispensable for those who prefer treatment with traditional medicine. However, before starting such therapy, it is strongly recommended to discuss it with a specialist.

  • Angina

One leaf of onion will require 10 parts of vodka. The leaf must be crushed, and it is best to do this on a wooden surface. The resulting mass should be placed in a glass container and compacted. The previously prepared vodka is also poured into it. The tincture should be kept in a dark place for at least two weeks. When ready, you will need to strain it. A compress on the throat is done in the evenings, the maximum exposure time is 10 minutes. More than two procedures in a row are prohibited.

  • Haemorrhoids

To treat this delicate disease, a poultice is prepared consisting of mashed potatoes with butter and crushed Indian onion leaves. The compress is left on the sore spot throughout the night.

  • Osteochondrosis, radiculitis and arthritis

You will need old leaves two centimeters long, which need to be cut off. The area where pain is present is rubbed with the edge of the sheet until the juice is completely absorbed. After this, you need to wrap yourself in a warm shawl. It will only take a few minutes before the therapeutic effect begins.

  • Skin diseases (acne, pimples)

Onions can be intensively crushed to a pulpy state. The composition is applied to the affected skin area and covered with a napkin. The procedure should be carried out for no more than 5 minutes; if a pronounced burning sensation appears, it ends immediately.

  • Abscesses, itching, swelling and tumors after insect bites

The poultry bulb is thoroughly washed and placed in a glass container. 1 glass of vodka is poured in there. The tincture is placed in a dark space and remains there for a month. The liquid is then strained and poured into a bottle with a tight-fitting lid. It should be recalled that the tincture is intended only for external use and is strictly prohibited for oral administration!

  • Dental diseases

A mixture of 1 teaspoon of Indian onion tincture and the same amount of baking soda helps effectively. The mixture is added to a glass of hot water. A cotton swab should be soaked in this solution and applied to the sore spot. The cotton wool should be changed once an hour.

Poultry decoction

Another fairly common form medicine based on Indian onions - decoction. Its strength, as well as its effect, are considered stronger. To do this, the leaves of the plant are finely chopped and infused overnight in an enamel pan. In the morning the mass is brought to a boil. The decoction resulting from these manipulations is cooled, after which it is ready for use. The product is widely used to relieve rheumatic pain and tumors of various origins.

All are prohibited therapeutic effects with a devilish root for those people who experience an allergic reaction and for patients with hemophilia. You should also avoid getting the product in your eyes and carry out all operations with gloves to avoid burns.

Knowing these tricks, you can take another step towards recovery. Good luck!

Currently, Indian onion is one of the most common products included in dietary supplements. It is also used in pure form, adding to decoctions and other types of medicinal drinks. His beneficial features and the effectiveness of treating diseases has been fully confirmed. The use of Indian onion in folk medicine is based on its proper preparation. This is very important aspect, which will allow you to prepare truly high-quality medicine.

Healers from Siberia managed to discover the amazing properties of the Indian onion, or as it is also called the caudate bird. Thanks to them, the practice of treatment with its help began. The range of diseases that this plant treats has increased markedly, from the common cold to diseases of the spine.

The presented plant has a high content of useful components that help fight:

  1. Infectious diseases.
  2. Oncology.
  3. Sprains.
  4. Toothache.
  5. Osteochondrosis.

It would take a very long time to list the scope of use. The most important thing is that the medicine really has good effectiveness. A large number of positive feedback damage its medicinal properties.

This plant has an amazing effect in treating diseases, but despite this, our official medicine is in no hurry to recognize its beneficial properties.

But there are still doctors who recommend their patients to use Indian onions, in parallel with drug treatment. But there are countries where this plant is used as a dietary supplement to food. In our country, Indian onions can be seen in a pot on the windowsill; their beneficial properties are undeservedly forgotten. Today we will look at all the beneficial properties and how it is used in folk medicine.

The use of Indian onions in folk medicine against oncology is based on proper preparation tinctures. To do this, you need to become more thoroughly familiar with the information provided. All recipes are very easy to follow and do not require major expenses.

Useful properties of Indian onions

The medicinal plant Indian onion contains a lot of useful chemical compounds and elements. Actually, this is the reason for its healing properties. Many sulfur-based compounds, colchicine, alkaloids, all these substances enable the plant to have a powerful analgesic and wound-healing effect.

I would like to say that Indian onion is an excellent antiseptic. This plant can activate blood flow.

The effect of the presented product on the body:

  • restoration of the entire circulatory system;
  • combating the formation of cancer cells and tumors;
  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • restoration of damaged tissues.

The presented plant has incredibly many beneficial properties. You need to understand that big influence provides a properly prepared decoction or tincture. Only in this case will you be able to create optimal conditions for treatment. Sticking to simple rules, you can save yourself from serious diseases.

Absolutely everything in this plant is useful, roots, leaves, stems. But the most powerful concentration of nutrients is contained in large leaves. And this is good, because the plant needs to be dug up and the old leaves removed so that new leaves can appear. If you have torn off the dry leaves of a plant and want to throw them away, you should not do this under any circumstances.

It is best to dry these dry leaves well and use them to treat toothache, herpes and other diseases.

But you must remember that the sap of this plant is poisonous, so use Indian onion wisely and carefully. Using the plant in small doses can improve the patient’s condition, and if you overdo it, you may even be poisoned by the plant.
People suffering from problems associated with hemophilia are advised to completely avoid this plant. Before you begin self-medication, do not be lazy to consult a doctor for advice. In this way, you may protect your health.

The use of Indian onions in folk medicine

Indian onion is an excellent plant that can be used both fresh and made from it all kinds of tinctures, ointments and even decoctions. This plant must be used after complete preparation. The juice of the plant should not be allowed to get into the eyes or inside, in its pure form. Indian onion quickly relieves back pain and inflammation in the joints.

Almost all recipes for using Indian onions in folk medicine do not require any exotic additives. Everything is very easy to do.

Let's look at how to prepare a tincture with alcohol. First, you need to chop the onion leaves - one tablespoon and pour 100 milliliters of vodka. Then put it in a dark place for one month and let the tincture settle. Shake periodically, strain after time, and squeeze out the resulting tincture. The Indian onion-based tincture should be stored in the refrigerator.

A properly prepared Indian onion tincture recipe is a very important medicine in folk medicine. You must approach this process responsibly.

Healthy decoction of Indian onions

Also, lotions and decoctions can be prepared from this plant. In order to prepare a compress, you need to take three tablespoons of the previously prepared tincture and add two tablespoons of honey to it, as well as one spoon of aloe plant juice. Mix this mixture and dip a napkin into it.

Such a compress must be applied to the joints, and the sore spot must be well insulated. Leave this compress for one hour.

Beneficial features

There are a huge number of plants that are used by traditional healers to treat various diseases. One of these is the Chinese onion. This plant is widely known under other names, for example, “poultry onion”, “Indian onion”, etc. Unfortunately, it has been little studied by traditional medicine. But the available information on the medicinal properties is quite sufficient for the use of Chinese onions in alternative medicine.

The Chinese onion plant or poultry plant belongs to the onion family, subfamily of the Hyacinthaceae genus, ornithischium, order Asparagusaceae. About 200 species of this plant are known. His distinctive feature are 3-5-sided, narrow, basal, belt-shaped leaves, approximately 1-3 cm wide, and brush-shaped inflorescences.

The bulbs can be from 1.5 to 5 cm in diameter and have an oval shape. The smell is reminiscent of garlic. The plant can reach a height of 35-80 cm. The fruits are coenocarpy with flat, round seeds. The flowering period depends on the species. Some can bloom almost all year round. The healing properties are enhanced during the flowering period.

You can grow it at home. It is completely unpretentious in care, except that it does not bear fruit. It should be noted that the plant is poisonous, but at the same time has medicinal properties when used correctly. Chinese onion leaf juice - white. The taste is hot, more like garlic.

The homeland of this plant has not been reliably established. Many sources suggest that this is South Africa, but the plant is common in China, Japan, India, etc.

Chemical composition

Unfortunately, the Chinese onion has not gained popularity in the field of research. About him chemical composition little is known, but it can be said that the poultry plant unites Chemical properties both garlic and onion. It is reliably known that Poultry leaves contain:

  • Phytoncides;
  • Flavonoids (plant polyphenols);
  • Glycosides (essential sugars);
  • Essential oils;
  • Organic acids;
  • Alkaloids (nitrogen-containing organic compounds).

When treating with Chinese onions, the content of phytoncides is important, since they have an antimicrobial effect. Flavonoids are natural antioxidants that scavenge free radicals. Alkaloids are also important - these are psychostimulant, analgesic substances that have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

Beneficial features

Officially, poultry treatment is not recognized as traditional medicine, and virtually no research has been conducted to confirm its effectiveness. But traditional medicine has been successfully using it for many hundreds of years.

All parts of the Chinese onion - leaves, flowers, bulbs - are used to treat various diseases. Various decoctions, tinctures, compresses, etc. are prepared from them. Chinese onion is effective helps get rid of a number of diseases:

  • Musculoskeletal disorders;
  • Mechanical damage to the skin of various types;
  • Infectious lesions of the dermis (including acne and eczema);
  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • and headaches of various types;
  • Gout.

Use in folk medicine

The juice from the leaves and bulbs of the plant is mainly used. It is an anesthetic, also promotes rapid wound healing and has warming properties. When applied externally, the juice has a fast-acting effect in 1-2 minutes. It is extracted from old leaves, meaning higher concentration useful substances, or use parts of these leaves as compresses. When applied, a burning and tingling sensation is felt, followed by a rush of warmth.

For headaches, the juice is rubbed on the temples; for rhinitis, the bridge of the nose and sinuses; for various pains and mechanical damage, it is applied to the affected area in the form of compresses or rubbed. Some folk recipes guarantee relief from papillomas and warts.

A sensitivity test should be performed before use. Do not apply to wrist a large number of juice and wait 20 minutes. If an allergic reaction occurs, treatment with this plant should not be carried out in order to avoid negative consequences.

For joints

Adherents of alternative medicine have noted a similar effect when using Chinese onion in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders with the effect of a warming ointment. The juice actively affects blood circulation and eliminates inflammatory symptoms. Very quickly and effectively eliminates pain. For the treatment of joint diseases, poultry plant is used in several forms - alcohol and water tincture, compress, as well as fresh - juice or part of a leaf.

For cooking tincturesand from Chinese onions you will need 2 tbsp. l of crushed poultry raw material pour 250 ml cold water. Leave for at least 12 hours. Then strain. Apply to the affected area, rubbing in with light massage movements.

Alcohol tincture of poultry grass Prepared as follows: you need 1 onion with leaves and arrows. It needs to be crushed and poured with 1 liter of vodka. Infuse in a warm, dark place for three weeks.

Also, you can use compress. To do this you will need to mix 2 tbsp. honey, 2 tbsp. aloe juice and pour 3 tbsp. alcohol tincture of poultry. Apply to a gauze pad and apply to the sore spot.

Very effective fresh plant. Apply a piece of poultry leaf to the sore joint or rub the juice into the sore spot. Then wrap it in something warm.

For gout

Gout is a chronic, rapidly developing disease that occurs due to a violation of purine metabolism. It is characterized by an increased concentration of uric acid in the blood and deposition of uric acid salts in tissues. The result is inflammation of the joints - arthritis.

In the treatment of arthritis, they provide long-term positive effect baths, compresses and rubbing from the leaves of Chinese onion. They have an analgesic effect.

Preparation decoction of chamomile and Chinese onion:

  1. Take 250 ml of chamomile inflorescence decoction;
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  3. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of poultry tincture per 10 liters of water;
  4. All ingredients must be mixed;
  5. Pour into a bath whose water is 38-39 degrees;
  6. Take a bath for 15 minutes.

For baths with poultry, wild rosemary and nettle required:

  • 250 ml of wild rosemary decoction;
  • 150 ml of stinging nettle decoction;
  • 2 tbsp alcohol tincture of poultry;

Make a decoction of the ingredients and pour into the bath. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes.

Helps with gout medicinal collection from Chinese onion, wheatgrass, burdock, violet and veronica. To prepare it you need to mix 3 tbsp. chopped burdock root, 2 tbsp. chopped wheatgrass and speedwell roots and 3 tbsp. violets. From the resulting mixture, take 1 tbsp. and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes and leave for half an hour. Pour 2 tbsp into the cooled broth. alcohol tincture of Indian onion and rub into the sore spot.

For edema

ethnoscience recommends the use of poultry grass for edema. Excess fluid accumulates in tissues as a result of any disease or consumption of large amounts of liquid and salt. For such purposes, compresses and decoctions are used.

To prepare poultry compress You will need to grind 2-3 leaves into a pulp using a blender and wrap in a gauze napkin. Apply this compress to the swelling for 5 minutes. It is important not to use in the face area.

To prepare Chinese onion decoction, you should chop 2-3 leaves and add 250-300 ml of water so that the water covers the chopped leaves by 1-2 cm. Boil and cook for 15 minutes. Rub the decoction on the swelling areas.

For hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a disease that worries a huge number of people, but it is not always possible, due to embarrassment, to see a doctor. The disease is that the veins of the lower part of the rectum dilate, nodes form and sometimes bleeding is possible. Poultry plant is used in the treatment of this disease in the form of a compress and enema.

For treatment internal hemorrhoids use a poultry enema as follows:

  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • 50 ml lemon juice;
  • 15 ml of poultry water tincture;
  • Mix all ingredients and insert into the colon using a syringe or enema.

For the treatment of external hemorrhoids It is recommended to prepare the following compress: mix mashed potatoes with butter and chopped Chinese onion leaves and wrap in a gauze napkin. Apply to the affected area for 30 minutes.

For toothache and headache

Chinese onions are great for toothache. It can eliminate pain, swelling, inflammation, and also draw out pus. You should use poultry juice to treat the gum around the sore tooth. The pain will subside in a few minutes. If the inflammatory process has begun under the dental crown, or there is suppuration, it is recommended to Chinese onion lotion. To do this you will need to perform a series of sequential actions:

  1. 1 tsp soda;
  2. 250 ml water;
  3. 1 tsp Chinese onion infusion;
  4. Mix all ingredients and apply for 1 hour 3-4 times a day.

Also, you can make poultry juice. It has an analgesic effect for toothache. To relieve pain, a small amount of this juice is rubbed into the gum of a sore tooth, being careful not to swallow saliva. To prepare this juice, the leaves or onion are crushed in a blender and squeezed through cheesecloth. Apply the juice to the affected area of ​​the gum 2-3 times a day.


Due to the fact that the plant is poisonous, it has a large number of contraindications. Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor and conduct a sensitivity test, as it is a powerful allergen. Use is contraindicated:

  • During the perinatal period and lactation period;
  • Children and teenagers under 18 years of age;
  • Individual intolerance to one of the components that make up the plant;
  • Suffering from diseases of the hematopoietic system, especially hemophilia;
  • Suffering from allergic reactions of any etiology.
  • A categorical ban on the internal use of Chinese onions in any form;
  • Do not use as a rinse if the gums are bleeding, as poultry increases blood flow;
  • Do not allow juice to get on mucous membranes, especially eyes;
  • When making dosage forms from Chinese onions, use gloves, otherwise you may get burned.

Any course using this plant should not exceed a month, since using Chinese onion without interruption can bring not a positive, but a negative effect.

Indian onion (Ornithogalum caudatum) planted in the following soil mixture: sand, coal, turf and leaf soil. The plant feels great in plastic pots. He needs good lighting.

During planting, Indian onions are buried only halfway. If the bulb is large, it should only lightly touch the ground. Replanting does not harm the plant.

Keep Indian onions on north-eastern and northern windows. The root system is powerful, so fertilization is not required. Transplantation is carried out once every few years. To do this, the children are simply separated from the mother plant and transplanted together with the roots into another pot.

Caring for Indian onions

Indian onions do not require careful care. If you put it on a north window, it will grow very well. It is recommended to slightly shade the plant.

IN summer time Watering is done frequently; the soil may dry out. Various fertilizers can be used. In summer you can see that the leaves dry out slightly. There's nothing wrong with it; you can prune it in the spring and the onion will continue to grow.

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Reproduction methods

Poultry breeding different ways. There are three main ones:

  • dividing the bulb;
  • separation of children from an adult bush;
  • sowing seeds.

All of the presented methods deserve attention, but separating children is the most effective. The shedding process takes place in the autumn. Even if there are no roots, after 2 weeks each plant will have its own root system.

Medicinal properties

Indian onion is different in that absolutely all parts of it are useful. But this feature is characteristic only when the plant reaches 2 years or more. The maximum effect is observed during flowering, but the medicinal properties of Indian onion are preserved both in the leaves and in the bulb. After the arrows of the plant reach 20 cm, they should be broken off, as the nutrients begin to leave the bulb. The mucus secreted by the arrows also has healing properties. The juice is colorless and odorless.

How to use the beneficial properties of the plant? There are several options:

  1. You can make a tincture from the Indian onion plant. It is used externally or internally. The tincture has an excellent effect on cardiac activity and gives strength. Directions for use: 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. Take 1 spoon of juice and dilute with 3 tablespoons of water.
  2. The healing properties of poultry plant help even with old radiculitis. The method of application is very simple: take a leaf and rub it on your lower back. Then a woolen scarf is tied around it. Usually there is a severe burning sensation. But after 10 minutes the pain subsides.
  3. Indian onion is a good antiseptic. The substances contained in the leaves help to ensure that blood flows to diseased areas of the body.
  4. You can use not only adult Indian onions, but also small onions and their sprouts. Leaves are taken from a large onion; they should be large. Pruning has a good effect on the development of the plant.
  5. It is worth highlighting the use of onion juice for the treatment of fungal skin diseases.
  6. To cure rheumatoid arthritis, you can take baths with the addition of pine needle and onion extract. The extract is prepared as follows: take pine cones and branches, boil them for half an hour, wait 12 hours. Then half a glass of alcohol tincture of Indian onion is poured into the decoction. One bath should contain one and a half liters of extract.

We also invite you to find out by reading the corresponding article on our website.

Useful properties of Indian onions (video)

Decorativeness of the plant

Many people know about the use of Indian onions as a medicine. At the same time, the plant can also act as an ornamental crop.

Florists are interested in the plant and use it to design various compositions. Moreover, Onions are also used in Feng Shui. It is believed that he is able to attract love and harmony to the family. Also, the tailed bird helps to move along career ladder, is a symbol of energy and curiosity.

  • Despite all the benefits of the plant, there are a number of contraindications. So, the juice cannot be consumed in its pure form, as it is poisonous.
  • The plant has not yet been fully studied by medicine. However, there are many positive reviews from those people who have already been helped by onion products.
  • Do not allow the juice to get into your eyes. If trouble does occur, the eyes are thoroughly washed with water and 2 drops of taufon are instilled. Then you need to wait 10 minutes.
  • The preparation of drugs is carried out with rubber gloves, otherwise allergic reactions may occur.
  • If the juice is intensively rubbed into the skin, burns may occur. You can get rid of them with olive oil.
  • If increased gum bleeding is observed, the plant juice should not be used.
  • Products from poultry are contraindicated for use by people with hemophilia.

Indian onion tincture (video)

Growing poultry grass is not difficult, it is unpretentious, and planting is very simple. All parts of the plant are used for treatment. Juice gives the greatest effect. You must act carefully, otherwise there is a risk of burns or an allergic reaction. Be sure to dilute the juice. Reproduction occurs in 3 ways. The simplest of them is the separation of children. New plants quickly take root and grow.

Reviews and comments

(11 ratings, average: 4,00 out of 5)

Nikolay 11/19/2016

I planted the “babies” several times, but nothing grew: tell me how to correct my mistakes

Mari28 11/21/2016

Nikolay, you did not describe how you raised the children, so it is not possible to specifically answer why it didn’t work out. Indian onion (poultry onion) reproduces by bulbs and seeds.
Growing poultry grass without stratifying the seeds is useless; they do not germinate. Before planting, 3-4 months before planting, the seeds should be placed in a container with damp sand. Constantly monitor the humidity; drying out is destructive for the seeds. When the seedlings hatch the first 2-4 leaves, they are transplanted into separate pots with nutritious soil mixed with sand. Young bulbs are replanted only after a year.
Reproduction by children is less whimsical. Immediately after being torn from the onion, the children are transplanted into a small container (diameter 10-15 cm) with loose soil. Soil composition: 3 parts earth, 1 part humus, 1-0.5 parts sand and a little wood ash. Plant so that the top of the bulb is poking out of the soil. Water sparingly. Subsequent watering is carried out only after the soil has dried. Overmoistening is detrimental to Indian onions. If you want the onion to develop quickly, keep it on the sunny side. The poultry plant also grows in the shade, but it develops poorly. Zhanna 03/24/2018

They gave me little children.
How long will it take for them to germinate (how long does it take to wait for the first leaf to appear)?

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In everyday life, this medicinal plant is known as Indian onion. Botanists call it ornithogalum caudate.

The plant is blooming all year round, throwing out powerful arrows, but the seeds are set only in the summer, after pollination by insects. The flowers are three-membered, in racemose inflorescences, inconspicuous. The decorative value of the plant is low.

Treatment of various types of diseases with Indian onions is widespread due to its healing properties.

The plant is very unpretentious. Propagated by children and seeds. The bulb is planted in a pot so that two-thirds of it is on the surface. It grows very quickly and by the third year it reaches the size of an adult's fist. The soil must be constantly kept moist, but not over-moistened (otherwise the juice will not be as hot, and therefore less healing).

The leaves and bulbs of the plant are inedible, but not poisonous. All parts of the Indian onion are considered medicinal, but can only be recommended for external use.

Let's take a closer look at the treatment of certain diseases with Indian onions.

1. A compress from the tincture (pour crushed onions and leaves with water, alcohol or vodka and keep in a thermos for two weeks) helps with joint pain and salt deposits, as well as with abscesses, tumors, bruises;

3. If you rub the juice of Indian onion on your temples, it disappears.

4. A piece of leaf (uncrushed) applied to the gum can relieve toothache.

5. Indian onions are also used to cleanse the body.

Recipe for preparing a medicinal preparation from this plant:

bulb of Indian down (poultry tailed bird) the size of egg pass through a meat grinder with 10 lemons (with peel, but without seeds), 0.5 kg of honey, put in a three-liter bottle, finish with vodka.

Leave for 40 days in a warm place, stirring occasionally. Spoon before meals to cleanse the body.


I have an intervertebral hernia and the doctor recommended that I use Indian onion ointment for treatment. The product really helps, especially with acute pain.



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