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Exercises for the oval face from sagging cheeks to tighten muscles and eternal youth. Be your own cosmetologist: exercises for a facelift

With age, the facial muscles of every person lose strength and tone, this inevitably entails various deformations. Already from 25 summer age It is necessary to begin preventive procedures, they will avoid the manifestation of premature age-related changes. Such procedures include special exercises for a facelift.

We do it at home

Nowadays, cosmetology clinics offer a wide variety of anti-aging procedures; surgical plastic surgery also does not stand still.

However, before resorting to radical measures, it is worth remembering no less effective options for putting your appearance in order. Not the last place should be given to gymnastics for a facelift.

A positive effect is guaranteed if the following conditions are met:

  • train daily;
  • training duration is from 10 to 20 minutes;
  • change the set of exercises every three months.

Face oval tightening

  1. The entire oral cavity is filled with air, the lips are closed. You need to puff out your cheeks as much as possible and press them with your palms until you feel a feeling of tension in your facial muscles, and stay in this state for a couple of seconds. Next, exhale and relax. Perform until you feel muscle fatigue.
  2. Imagine that you have to say the letter “o” and form your lips accordingly. Make circular movements with your tongue and massage the inner surface of your cheeks with effort.
  3. An exercise in pronunciation of vowels gives good results. Lips extended forward, maintaining this position, clearly repeat each of the letters “a”, “o”, “u” 10 – 15 times.
  4. The head is turned to the left and the chin is raised. You need to open your mouth, as if for a bite, until the muscles of the neck and chin are tensed as intensely as possible. Freeze at the peak for 5 seconds, then return your chin to its normal position and rest. Do 5 approaches for each side.
  5. Index fingers are placed on the outer corners closed eyes and slightly pull the skin towards the temples. You need to open your eyes, raise your eyebrows and close your eyelids again. Stay in this position for a couple of seconds, then open your eyes wide. Do the exercise 6-8 times.

The most important thing is not to forget about the regularity of these rejuvenating exercises.

Cheek exercises

Exercises for tightening the oval of the face and cheeks:

  1. tips index fingers lightly press the cheeks at the highest point. While holding this pose, press your lips firmly against your teeth, simultaneously straining your cheeks. Then try, without pulling your lips forward, to try to stretch them into an oval. Repeat up to 10 times.
  2. The pose is the same as in the previous exercise. Task: stretch the corners of the lips into a smile without opening them. Do 10 – 20 repetitions.
  3. The lips are closed, the face is relaxed. It is necessary to fill your cheeks with air as much as possible, hold for 5 seconds, and exhale. Do 10 to 15 times.
  4. The chin is pulled forward, the lips hold the pencil in the mouth. Using the muscles of the lips and face, you need to draw imaginary circles and ovals in the air. Repeat until you feel muscle fatigue. After rest, repeat 6 – 7 times.
  5. Lips in the shape of the letter “o”, jaw tense. Task: holding your lips, look up until you create a feeling of tension under your eyes, stay in this state for 10 - 15 seconds. Number of repetitions - 5 times.
  6. Every 5 seconds, alternate between stretching your mouth in a smile, stretching your lips as if for a kiss, and pulling your cheeks in in a free state. Perform until the facial muscles feel tired.

Useful video on the topic

Gymnastics for the neck

  1. The head is thrown back. The lower jaw is relaxed, the mouth is slightly open. Task: try to cover the lower jaw with the upper jaw. This should be done slowly, feeling how the muscles of the chin tense. Return to starting position. Do 4-5 approaches.
  2. The neck is stretched forward, the chin is raised up. Next, you need to move your neck back and press your chin towards it. Repeat 6-8 times.
  3. The chest is straightened, palms are on the shoulders. You need to pull your neck as high as possible, and lower your shoulders with your palms down. Inhale and hold for 10 seconds, exhale and return to the original position.
  4. The fingers are clasped together and lie on the back of the head. Trying to feel the tension in the muscles of the chin, you need to throw your head back, resisting the pressure. Relax. Repeat 5-6 times.
  5. Tilts the head to the right - left, forward - back. Work 5 times in all directions.
  6. The head is thrown back, the lower lip is pushed forward. You need to slowly lower your head to your chest 5-6 times.

The most effective exercises for tightening

The most effective exercises for a facelift are:

  1. The cheeks are filled with air, the lips are tightly compressed. Palms lie on the cheeks, fingers on the ears. Task: while exerting resistance with the muscles of the cheeks, gently press on them. Hold for a couple of seconds and relax. Repeat up to 7 times.
  2. The index fingers lie on the bridge of the nose at the base of the eyebrows. You should, by slightly pressing the skin, try to frown your eyebrows. Without reducing the pressure of your fingers, relax. Complete 10 approaches.
  3. The index, middle and ring fingers lie on the forehead so that the middle fingers touch each other. While gently pressing on the skin, you should raise and lower your eyebrows up to 10 times in each direction.
  4. The lips are closed, the index fingers lie on the nasolabial folds, lightly pressing the skin. Next, you need to try to bring your lips as close as possible to your teeth and gums, freeze for a couple of seconds, and relax. Complete up to 5 approaches.
  5. The teeth are tightly closed, you need to lower your lower lip so that your teeth are visible, and freeze for a couple of seconds. During training, the corners of the lips do not rise, the chin remains in place. Do 4-5 repetitions.

Tighten your skin with Carol Maggio

Facial exercises according to Carol Maggio's method require the correct starting position: the muscles of the buttocks and thighs are tense, the stomach is retracted.

To restore muscles after each part of the training, you should blow intensely through tightly closed lips, creating vibration.

The technique is simple:

  1. The middle fingers press on the area between the eyebrows, and the index fingers on the skin of the corners of the eyes from the outside. You need to look up. Next, you should squint, lifting the lower eyelid up, and then relax the eye muscles. The number of repetitions is 10.

The final exercise is performed as follows: the eyelids are tightly compressed, the eyes are squinted. Without changing your position, count to 40.

  1. The corners of the eyes near the bridge of the nose are lightly pressed with the middle fingers, and on the temporal side with the index fingers. The task is to squint again, lifting the lower eyelid. Eyes open, looking up. Then relax. The number of repetitions is 10.

On the last approach, squint your lower eyelids and hold for 40 counts.

  1. The index finger touches the tip of the nose. Task: lower your upper lip so that the lowered tip of your nose pushes your finger. Maintain this position for a couple of seconds. Do 35 repetitions.
  2. The mouth is open, the lower lip is curled inward over the lower teeth. Holding the upper lip close to the upper jaw, try to pull the corners of the mouth inward, towards the far teeth. The index finger rests on the chin, creating a slight pushback. Next steps: slowly move your jaw up and down, as if scooping. At the same time, the chin should be raised by 1 cm. Perform until you feel tension in the lateral muscles of the face. Finally, tilt your head back and count to 30.
  3. The hand should be placed above the collarbones and slightly pull the skin down. The head is thrown back, the gaze is directed upward. This pose works the muscles of the neck and chin. Hold your head for 30 seconds and return to the original position. Number of repetitions – 35.
  4. Training is carried out in a horizontal position. The front side of the neck is pressed with the palms. Straining your neck muscles, raise your neck by 1-2 centimeters for a couple of seconds. The number of approaches is 30 times.
  5. Also lying on the floor, arms extended along the body. The head, neck and shoulders are raised a couple of centimeters from the floor. It is necessary to move your head from right to left 20 times in one direction and in the other.

Face lift exercises

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Bartsok-gymnastics course for the face

When we talk about face-building exercises for the face, the name itself suggests that this program gives you the opportunity to shape your face. Changing the face at will provides, first of all, a gymnastics exercise for the cheeks, with which the cheeks can be made thinner or plumper, the face will look narrower or wider. You can, for example, achieve a more cheeky face or, conversely, less. This is a face building exercise for the buccal muscle of the face. This face-building exercise for the face is strikingly different from the fashionable “puffing out” of the cheeks, which leads to new wrinkles. A high-quality and regularly performed exercise for the cheek muscle will tighten the cheeks so as not to bite the cheek from the inside; such gymnastics for the cheeks can transform your face, not create, but reduce wrinkles near the corner of the mouth and nasolabial fold. But the main task of this exercise is to prevent or remove sagging cheeks.

To prepare and perform gymnastics exercises for the cheeks, you need a mirror, attention and careful monitoring of the progress of the workout, as well as a clean face and hands and, of course, the desire to achieve your goal. To learn how to perform the exercise correctly, without the risk of harming yourself, you will need 20-30 minutes. If your goal is to change the shape of your face, then a little more. The exercise in the future will take about 1 minute, or a minute and a half if using audio support.

What can be achieved by regularly performing this face building exercise:

  • lifting the cheeks, reducing sagging cheeks;
  • changing the shape of the cheeks according to your choice;
  • increasing the density and elasticity of the cheek skin;
  • reduction of nasolabial folds and folds near the corner of the mouth.

If mastering the exercise on your own is difficult, take advantage of the opportunity of distance learning and take the lesson you need via Skype.

The exercise is done in an isometric form: muscle strengthening occurs without stretching the skin.

The buccal muscle is wider and lies deeper than the other cheek muscles. It is this muscle, together with the skin, that makes up the bulk of the mass of the cheeks. The buccal muscle creates the shape of the cheek, participates in the sucking process, and pulls the corners of the mouth back. The muscle is attached to the upper and lower jaws, with the other end intertwined into the upper and lower lips, the skin of the lips and corners of the mouth. The muscle contracts due to the formation of folds at the bottom of the cheek and near the corners of the mouth.

This paired facial muscle is distinguished by its large area and its deep position. It also performs an additional function unusual for facial muscles, being a sucking muscle. In infants, for whom this function is vital, large cheeks indicate the strength of the cheek muscle. Over the years, this function disappears, and the cheek muscle is practically not used. Therefore, over time, gradual sagging of the cheeks occurs, and the cheeks begin to bite from the inside.

With the help of the cheek muscle you can express skepticism, mistrust, and misunderstanding. A constantly skeptical facial expression indicates chronic tension in the cheek muscle or significant residual tension on it. In this case muscle tension produces permanent folds near the corner of the mouth.

If the cheek muscle is not used, then the cheeks droop so that sometimes the cheeks are bitten from the inside, and the sliding of the weakened muscle downwards under the influence of gravity leads to the skin of the edges of the lips and in the area of ​​the corner of the mouth sliding down. Then folds appear or deepen near the corner of the mouth, and the nasolabial fold may also deepen.

Training the cheek muscle will make it stronger, restore the normal position of the muscle, eliminate deviations in local blood circulation and skin nutrition, slow down the aging of the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity, stop its stretching, and prevent the formation or deepening of wrinkles and folds. Obviously, gymnastics for the cheeks allows you to pump up the cheek muscle, significantly increasing the density of the cheeks, and make the cheeks thinner if you stop the training as soon as the excess subcutaneous fatty tissue on the cheeks is burned.

By learning to clearly feel the tension of the cheek muscle, you will learn to get rid of residual muscle tension, completely relaxing it immediately after use, and for this reason the skin will no longer stretch and create wrinkles.

How can you “pump” the cheek muscle? This muscle is well trained not only in babies, but also in trumpet players, and the first thing that comes to mind is to forcefully inflate the cheeks. However, this simple way there are obvious ones Negative consequences: the skin of the cheeks will stretch and, inevitably, in the area where the muscle is woven into the skin at the edges of the lips, as well as under the eyes, wrinkles will appear. Therefore, it is better to train the cheek muscle without stretching the skin in a static position, in which muscle tension is balanced by finger pressure.

The training method proposed in face-building exercises for the face also makes it possible to exercise not only the entire muscle, but also individual segments of this broad muscle. You can increase its mass under the cheekbones or below, on the right or left, near the nose or on the periphery. Since the shape of the cheeks, and therefore, to a large extent, the appearance of the entire face, depends on the shape of this muscle, with targeted training of the cheek muscle you can change your face.

Preparing for a gymnastics exercise for the cheeks.

Part 1.

Look at the photo above and imagine where the cheek muscle is located under your skin. Close your lips and teeth. Press your cheeks firmly against your teeth. Depending on the location of the clamp, you will receive a voltage of different areas cheeks. To train the entire cheek muscles, it is better to press them against the molars. Now look at yourself in the mirror - you should have a skeptical expression on your face. As you exercise your sucking muscle, you should also feel increased salivation. Feel the tension in your cheeks near the corners of your mouth.

Now try to make maximum tension on the cheek muscle, pressing your cheeks to your teeth as hard as possible. When you feel tension, relax the muscle. Try to feel a flow of relaxation going to the corner of your mouth and lips. When you feel the corners of your lips relax, you can be sure that you have completely relaxed the muscle.

Part 2.

Training of the cheek muscle should take place at its maximum tension, but with blocking its contraction with your fingers, preventing the skin from shifting and the formation of folds. Straightened and moved together, the middle and ring fingers (or middle and index, or all three fingers, if that’s more convenient for you) should press and immobilize the cheek muscle with their pads, preventing the cheeks from rising and forming folds. The fingers press strictly inward.

Looking at yourself in the mirror, place your fingers on your cheeks in the indicated manner, gently pressing them onto the skin. Close your mouth and press your cheeks against your molars, increasing finger pressure as the tension in your cheek muscles increases.

Try to tense your cheek muscle as hard as you can. It is at maximum tension that the muscle will train, strengthen and restore its position.

Look carefully at the reflection of your face. This is the only way you can see the slightest shift in the skin and make adjustments to the position and work of your fingers and hands.

Gymnastics exercise for the cheeks.

Looking carefully at yourself in the mirror, place your fingers in a way that is comfortable for you. The fingers lie softly and press slightly inwards.

In this exercise, you should press your cheeks against your closed teeth as hard as possible, but the pressure of your fingers should be sufficient and not excessive, just so that the skin of the cheek cannot move and form folds, especially in the corners of the mouth and under the eyes.

By increasing the force of tension in the cheek muscle, you simultaneously increase the force of finger pressure. To help your cheek muscle tighten more, try to contract the muscle as you inhale. Mentally help the muscle try to overcome the resistance of the fingers. Please pay attention more attention right or left muscle if you feel that one of them is weaker.

Carefully watch your face in the mirror: your face should remain tense but motionless during the exercise. Don’t let the muscles of your forehead and eyebrows tense, and your lips shouldn’t tense either. All facial muscles, except the cheek muscle, remain relaxed when tense.

Count down 6 seconds to yourself and, at the same time as you exhale, release tension from the muscle by slightly moving your fingers away from the skin of your face. Feel the movement of relaxation along your cheeks to the edges of your lips.

Repeat the exercise 4-5 more times with breaks of 2-3 seconds between tensions.

You may find it convenient to practice with audio accompaniment reminding you of what to pay attention to during the exercise. “Audio Support: Cheek Muscle Exercise” is designed for such an activity.

Muscle fatigue after training can be helped by one of the audio recordings:

airy face

Face massage

About training the cheek muscles to change the shape of the cheeks.

This exercise can be used not only to strengthen the cheek muscle, to tighten the cheeks, or to avoid biting the inside of the cheek. Try pressing your cheeks against your other teeth, upper or lower; you can also unclench your teeth or open your mouth slightly. Feel the area of ​​maximum tension moving across your cheeks. Select the part of the cheek where you would like to increase the mass and find a way to press the cheeks to the teeth that suits your task. As the center of tension in the muscle moves, you must also move the point of finger pressure.

Regular training of the cheek muscles.

Lifting the cheeks or preventing sagging cheeks, returning the cheek muscle to normal tone, changing the shape of the cheeks, eliminating folds without losing mobility and expressiveness of the face and improving the quality of the skin is a task that can only be accomplished by doing gymnastics of the facial muscles. This will reduce the sagging of your cheeks towards your teeth, and you will stop biting your cheek from the inside. To perform these tasks, you need regular training and patience to restore muscle strength, local blood circulation and skin nutrition, and even more so, to increase its mass. To achieve these goals, it is advisable to do the exercise 5-6 times a week, gradually increasing the number of approaches to 10-12. With such regularity, a visible effect can be achieved after several months of training. Formation new form cheek lift may take longer than a cheek lift, or the training may need to be more intense.

To maintain the tone of the cheek muscles, the quality of the skin and the youth of the cheeks, to prevent sagging cheeks, and to prevent the increase in skin folds, it is enough to train 1-2 times a week. Your skin will become more elastic, and you will easily notice and remove the slightest remaining tension.

Facelift exercises are an excellent alternative to cosmetic and plastic surgery if you choose the right approach and devote enough time to it.

Such exercises will help correct the oval of the face, highlight the jawline and give elasticity to the cheeks.

Why is such gymnastics effective?

With age, the facial muscles weaken and this leads to changes in the oval shape, the appearance of a double chin, and loss of elasticity in the cheeks, but regular gymnastics can transform the face.

All tightening exercises can be done at home and you only need to spend very little time on them. The effectiveness of gymnastics lies primarily in regularity.

Just 10-15 minutes of exercise daily for several months will strengthen the facial muscles and greatly improve the condition of the skin.

There are several groups of exercises for tightening facial muscles. Each group is focused on a specific area.

All of them are absolutely harmless and are indicated for every woman who wants to preserve or regain her former youth.

But before you start doing gymnastics, you should familiarize yourself with some recommendations and rules for performing the exercises:

  • Before gymnastics, be sure to cleanse your face of makeup and impurities with tonic or water. You can also apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
  • Take a sitting position, preferably in front of a mirror, so you can see if you are doing everything correctly.
  • Perform each exercise slowly, without rushing, try to strain your muscles as much as possible.
  • Proceed to the next exercise only after you feel a burning sensation in your muscles.

It is also important to believe in the effectiveness of gymnastics.

If you mentally imagine yourself with smoothed wrinkles, elastic cheeks, the correct oval of the face, this will serve as good motivation, an incentive for quick results.

The exercises must be performed every day, devoting at least 10-15 minutes of your time to them.

Good results can be achieved after 2-3 months, but it is important not to stop gymnastics so soon, because in the future the effect should be consolidated.

Let's start with exercises to tighten the muscles of the face and neck

Upper face

Gymnastics for a facelift begin from its upper part. First of all, we work on the area between the eyebrows. Exercises in this zone are designed to smooth out wrinkles, reduce fatigue and heaviness.

We press our index fingers to the bridge of the nose at the beginning of the eyebrows on both sides. Frown for 2-3 seconds, and then relax your face. You need to repeat the exercise 12-15 times.

We carry out light movements fingers from the middle of the eyebrow to the temples. We repeat the manipulation 5 times.

We put 3 fingers together and make tapping movements between the eyebrows. Each time we increase the tempo, but do not knock too hard.

The exercises are repeated for one minute.

Forehead muscles

This group of exercises prevents the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead and reduces the so-called “hood” over the eyelid.

We take a lying position. We press our index fingers on the eyebrows and raise them. We make short upward thrusts until a burning sensation appears. Now press down with both fingers at the same time and wait 30 seconds. We repeat the manipulation 3 times.

Also lying down, close your eyes and press your index fingers at the base of your hair. We look down under closed eyelids and make rotational movements in different directions. The exercise should be repeated 3 times.

We open our eyes wide and raise our eyebrows as much as possible. We repeat the movements 10-12 times.

We pull the skin of the forehead down and at the same time raise the eyebrows, preventing them from lowering. Exercises are repeated 5 times.

Middle zone and cheeks

Gymnastics of the cheeks leads to their visual expansion, lifting and restoration of elasticity, but there is no need to choose a special time.

All exercises can be performed while doing normal activities while sitting. The largest number of exercises are devoted to this zone.

We sit on a chair or armchair. We smile at the corners of our mouth and immediately lower them. We perform the manipulation about 30 times. For greater effect, you should imagine the movement of your cheeks each time.

We lift the corners of our lips with all our might and leave them in this position for 5-6 seconds, then lower them. The exercise should be repeated 3 times.

Using the backs of our fingers, we press the skin away from the ears and stretch out the lips, and then relax. 2 repetitions are enough here.

We make two fists and place one of them on the other, then we lean our chin on it and raise our chin with our hands. Repeat – 3 times.

Puff up and down your cheeks for 20 seconds.

Close your mouth, clench and unclench your teeth slowly, trying not to open your mouth. The exercise must be repeated 10 times.

Gymnastics for the nose

Helps narrow the tip and lift the nose by exercising weakened muscles. For this part of the face there is one most effective exercise.

It can be performed in any position.

Lift the tip of your nose up with your finger, while simultaneously pulling your lip down. We wait a couple of seconds and then do the exercise again. So 5 times.

Lower third of the face

This area includes the lips, chin and neck. Gymnastics helps strengthen the muscles of the cheekbones and return the corners of the mouth to the desired position, preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

There is a whole set of exercises for the lower third of the face.

We purse our lips and tighten the corners. We try our best to turn our lips into a narrow stripe and smile slightly with the edge of our lips, and then lower them. You can place your fingers on the corners and feel their movement. We repeat the exercise for 20 seconds.

We make a blowing movement (as if blowing on a dandelion) for 5-6 seconds, then relax, tighten our lips and smile.

We stretch our lips, open and close our mouth. The exercise is repeated 10 times.

Move the lower jaw in both directions 12 times.

Face oval

Exercises for the shape of the face help get rid of a double chin and strengthen the neck muscles.

Lift your chin up, push your lower jaw forward and stretch your neck. We fix the position for 3 seconds. The number of repetitions of the exercise is 5.

We turn our head to the left, lift it a little and open our mouth, straining the muscles of the neck and chin. We fix the position for 5 seconds and then relax. We do the same by turning our head to the right. We repeat the exercise 2 times for each side.

Place your fist under your chin and lower your lower jaw onto it. At the same time, we press with our fist, opposing them to each other. Each time we increase the pressing force. When we reach the greatest tension, we stick out our tongue and reach it to the chin.

We clench our teeth with all our might and stretch our lips into a smile. We press the tongue on the palate, feeling the tension in the muscles of the chin. Hold the position for 5 seconds and then relax.

Gymnastics Carol Maggio

One of the most popular techniques for facial correction is Carol Maggio’s gymnastics.

Regularly performing a set of exercises according to the method will help tighten your cheeks, remove double chin and reduce wrinkles. Gymnastics consists of 14 exercises and is aimed at working 57 muscles.

The effect is visible within a week if you do gymnastics 2 times every day.

Exercises for oval correction according to Carol Maggio’s method:

  1. We open our mouth slightly and press the upper lip to the teeth, and remove the lower lip behind them. We open and close our mouth, each time raising our head higher than the previous one. When it is completely tilted back, fix the position for 30 seconds. We repeat the exercise 3 times.
  2. We stretch our lips in a smile, without lifting our mouth, pull the skin of the neck down, tilt our head back and look up. We fix the position for 3 seconds, and then return to the original position. We repeat the manipulation 35 times.

You will find these and other exercises in the video:

In addition to the Carol Maggio technique, there is another unique complex for face lifting - facelift.

Its task is to maintain muscle tone, restore the former contour of the face, and narrow the nose. Since the 60s, when the technique appeared, many exercises have been developed.

The most effective of them:

  1. We place our fingers at the beginning of the eyebrow growth and press with them, and try to move the eyebrows. We repeat the exercise 10 times.
  2. Place your fingers on the corners of your eyes and press. At the same time, we protrude our eyes greatly. We repeat the exercise 10 times.
  3. We open and close our eyes 5 times, but so that the eyebrows remain in place and the forehead does not wrinkle.
  4. We lower our lips down and open our lower teeth. We do the exercise 5 times.

We wiggle our ears

Ear wiggle is one of the most effective methods facelifts, but not everyone knows how to do it.

Especially for them, there are 2 main ways to learn to move their ears:

  1. We put on glasses that slide down a little from the nose, onto the middle of the bridge of the nose and raise the temples with the ears. For convenience, you can lubricate your nose with oil. It is unlikely that you will be able to prevent your glasses from slipping the first time, but with regular attempts you can learn to move your ears within a few days.
  2. We press our ears to our head and move them up and down. Every day we do the exercise 30 times. After some time, the ears will begin to move without the help of hands.

Tongue exercises

Raise your head and try to reach the tip of your nose with your tongue. We repeat the exercise every day 10 times.


There are also special exercises taken from yoga for the face.

  • We open our mouth and stick out our tongue, looking up. Hold the position for a minute and then relax. We take a breath and tense our face, sticking out our tongue again. We repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • We stretch the skin around the eye with our fingers, slowly close and open the eyes. We repeat the exercise 20 times.
  • We stretch our neck and tense our muscles. We also pull our lips forward and blow out air, while trying to tense our face as much as possible. Repeat – 5 times.

Facial gymnastics is not anything complicated.

These are fairly simple exercises for a facelift, but the effect of them is almost like a surgical operation.

A particularly good result can be obtained if you combine charging parts of the face with the use of high-quality care products and proper nutrition.

You can look luxurious at any age. Modern aesthetic medicine offers a wide selection of hardware procedures and beauty injections. Facelift exercises do not lose their popularity - affordable way keep youth. Regular training will allow, even in the absence of time, to stop age-related changes.

Benefits of facial exercises

An ideal oval shape, an even, smooth skin structure; similar results can be achieved without regularly visiting a cosmetologist. Effective gymnastics will strengthen muscle fibers, restore oxygen breathing, and cell regeneration. After 25 years, the synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases.

The gradual reduction of important elements leads to loss of elasticity. Creams, fluids, serums act only in the upper layers of the skin. You can activate the rejuvenation processes yourself by mastering the basics of face building.

Training results:

  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • swelling and flabbiness disappear;
  • a beautiful oval face is formed;
  • cheekbones take on clear outlines;
  • correction of facial features, general harmonization;
  • lifting bulldog cheeks, jowls;
  • skin color and structure improves.

Thanks to the activation of blood circulation during facial gymnastics, cells receive nutrients and oxygen in large volumes. Fragile capillaries are strengthened, which avoids problems such as rosacea. The face literally transforms.

Note! By normalizing internal processes, you can even cope with acne and enlarged pores.

Set of exercises

Non-surgical lifting will improve appearance persons at any age. Facelift classes can be carried out in the morning or evening. Standard repetition for all exercises is 10 times.

For a facelift:

  1. Take a deep breath into your cheeks and purse your lips tightly. Press on your cheeks with your palms, pumping the muscles.
  2. To tighten the oval, smile as much as possible, trying to lift your cheeks with the corners of your lips. From this position, quickly stretch your lips into a tube.
  3. Stretch your lips, mentally pronouncing the sound “O”. Massage the inner surface of your cheeks with your tongue.
  4. Throw your head up, mentally pronouncing the sound “U”. Hold for a few seconds, feeling the tension in the muscles of your chin.
  5. Throw your head back, trying to touch the back of your head. Then tilt your head forward and touch your chin to your décolleté.

Exercises for tightening facial skin.

To strengthen the oval

Effective gymnastics “Super face” from Anastasia Burdyug will allow you to notice in just 2 months positive effect. Required condition is the regularity of the exercise – 2 times a day for 8 minutes. A natural contour, no wrinkles, will be the best reward.

Superface Exercises:

  1. For face-building, the initial body position is sitting in front of a mirror, the stomach is pulled in, the muscles of the thighs and buttocks are tense. After maximum tension, relaxation necessarily follows. Squeezing your lips tightly, exhale, feeling the vibration.
  2. To tighten your face at home, you need to open your mouth wide and curl your lips behind your teeth. Try to reach for the lower and upper sky.
  3. Then narrow the opening of your mouth, do not smile. Raise the corners of your lips up.
  4. From this position, look up and hold for 30 seconds.
  5. Open your mouth, cover your teeth with your lips. Tighten your lips, feeling the muscle fibers up to your cheekbones.
  6. Place your fingers near your cheekbones, but do not touch your face.
  7. Alternately tense and relax your muscles, and push invisible energy flows with your fingers for 30 seconds.

Gymnastics “Super face” from Anastasia Burdyug.

From jowls

Face-forming exercises from Galina Dubinina will help get rid of age-related changes. You can start training after 35 years. It is at this age that the oval loses its clear lines, the chin and cheeks sag.

Gymnastics face lifting:

  1. The technique for sagging cheeks is to wrap your lips around your teeth, smile as much as possible, and hold for 8 seconds.
  2. Use your tongue to reach your upper lip and hold for 8 seconds.
  3. Close your lips with your upper lip, pull the corners of your mouth up, raising your cheeks as much as possible.
  4. Smile, exposing the top row of teeth. Cheeks tense, lips stretched out, mentally pronouncing the sound “O”. Hold for a count of 8.
  5. Support your fist with your lower jaw. Overcoming resistance, try to open your mouth.
  6. Reach towards the upper palate with the central part of the tongue. Hold the position for 8 seconds.
  7. Stretch your mouth, lowering the corners of your lips, feeling the tension of the internal muscles.

How to remove jowls on your face.

For wrinkles

It is important not only to perform gymnastics for a circular lift. At home, you can get rid of sagging cheeks and reduce the depth of facial folds.


  1. Slowly raise your eyebrows, feeling the tension. Then lower the arches so slowly.
  2. Open your eyes wide, then close them tightly.
  3. One corner of the mouth raises the cheek, then returns to its original position. Repeat for the other side.
  4. Purse your lips tightly, hold for a few seconds, then relax.
  5. Move the corners of your mouth as far apart as possible and hold the tension for several seconds.
  6. Use your palms to secure your temples. Try to connect the eyebrow arches into one line, feeling a pleasant tension.

Gymnastics for the face Make Face.

Exercises from Jacqueline Kennedy

The standard of elegance and grace, and today is an example for millions of women. Without plastic surgery or nanotechnology, the first lady of the United States retained her luxurious, blooming appearance into old age. And all thanks to the famous lifting complex, which was developed by her personal cosmetologist.

Rejuvenating gymnastics:

  1. First you need to warm up the skin with light patting movements. It is important to follow massage lines to prevent stretch marks and improve lymphatic drainage.
  2. Inhale through your nose, trying to widen your nostrils as much as possible. Exhale smoothly in 3-4 passes through closed lips; you can feel resistance.
  3. Repeat the previous exercise, only fix your index fingers at the corners of your mouth.
  4. Inhale through the nostrils, exhale smoothly through the right side of the mouth, while puffing out the cheek. Repeat the technique for sagging cheeks on the left side.
  5. Take air into your cheeks and roll it like a ball. Special attention focusing on the areas under the lower and above the upper lip.
  6. Close your teeth, open your lips as wide as possible, then relax.
  7. Pronounce, clearly pronouncing the vowels - I, A, O, Y.
  8. Place your palms on your cheeks, your ring fingers at the inner corners, your index fingers at the outer corners of your eyes. Medium - fix the area under the eyebrow arch. Try to close your eyes, hold your middle fingers upper eyelids, offering resistance.
  9. Place your palms on your forehead, open your eyes wide, eyebrows and forehead should remain motionless. Hold for 5–8 seconds.
  10. From this position, “shoot” your eyes left and right. Perform the exercise in each direction for 10 seconds.
  11. Raise your eyes up and hold for 5 seconds. Sharply look down and also hold for 5 seconds.
  12. Use your eyes to describe an imaginary circle, an oval, an inverted “8”, or a rectangle. Alternately change direction, starting from the lower left, upper, lower right, upper corner.
  13. Blink quickly with relaxed eyelids for 10 seconds.
  14. Finally, turn your neck to the right, feeling tension, change direction. Place your chin on your chest, then tilt your head up.

Unique exercises for face lift.

Comprehensive work to preserve youth consists of many aspects. You can increase the effectiveness of face-building training yourself by following simple tips.

Attention! The first results will become noticeable in a few weeks, and it will take up to 2 months to consolidate.

Rules for facial exercises:

  1. For classes, choose loose clothing made from natural fabrics. The neck area should not be covered with scarves or stoles.
  2. It is better to ventilate the room before starting. Fresh air will normalize oxygen respiration, accelerating cell renewal processes.
  3. It is worth paying attention to the menu. The diet should contain protein-rich foods - lean meats, fish, seafood, cottage cheese, legumes.
  4. Smooth load distribution is important. It is not recommended to exercise intensively, overstraining your muscles in order to give up exercise the next day. Good results can be achieved by performing the complex daily in a comfortable mode.
  5. Must be combined with cosmetic care. Creams, serums, masks will help you relax after active exercise. And the active components will provide the skin with important elements.

To master the oval tightening technique, you will need to cleanse your skin of makeup and take a comfortable position in front of the mirror. Layering of thick foundation and powder often leads to inflammation and acne. Therefore, it is still better to remove the tone with lotion or cosmetic milk. After the facial muscle tightening complex is secured, you can perform it at any convenient time.

Safety regulations

To successfully master facial gymnastics in the first stages, you will need to carefully monitor your facial expressions. When performing in front of the mirror, no creases or new wrinkles should form. These areas can be fixed with your fingers or palms.

How to avoid mistakes:

  • be sure to do a warm-up warm-up - tapping, patting with fingertips;
  • during the exercise, only one muscle group is involved, the participation of additional ones is a mistake;
  • after completing the complex, you can use a tonic or alcohol-free lotion to remove toxins;
  • Gradually you need to increase the load, maintaining tension;
  • cannot exceed the specified number of times.


Contraindications for tightening exercises include recent injections, procedures with a lifting effect, and plastic surgery (within 2 years). It is also recommended to avoid face shaping if you have hypertension or pathologies of the facial nerve.

Useful video

Fitness for the face “forget about old age.”

Today it is not necessary to turn to surgeons in order to improve your appearance. It is enough to perform daily exercises for a facelift and forget about problems with sagging skin.

As women age, it becomes increasingly difficult to take care of their appearance. Youth is fading, and along with this many problems may appear, for example, wrinkles and sagging skin, which makes the oval of the face unattractive.

The biggest age-related problem in this case is considered to be sagging skin on the chin and cheeks. However, if you don’t let the situation take its course and start dealing with this problem in time, everything can be solved. In order to correct the shape of the face and tighten the skin without surgery, special exercises were invented that make it possible to get a good effect in a short period of time. Moreover, in this way you can achieve lasting results, which is important.

Experts say that one week of exercises for the shape of the face and neck is enough to tighten the skin and reduce the number of wrinkles. Thus, without all kinds of creams and surgeries, an amazing result is achieved that makes a woman several years younger.

How to tighten the muscles of the neck and face?

In order for the oval of the face and the contours of the neck to always be toned and have an attractive appearance, it is necessary to do special exercises daily, which consists of a set of exercises. As a result, the muscles are toned, traces of lack of sleep and fatigue disappear, and the woman feels more confident throughout the day.

Exercises that will help correct the oval of the face:

  1. Take a deep breath and puff out your cheeks. The air should be distributed evenly, and the lips should be compressed as tightly as possible. Then you need to place your open palms on your cheeks so that your fingertips are behind your ears. There is pressure on the cheeks, and the facial muscles, in turn, exert resistance on the arms. This procedure lasts about 5 seconds. After this, you can relax your face. Similar exercises for the muscles of the face and neck should be repeated 10 times every day.
  2. The next exercise is best performed near a mirror. You need to stand up straight and try to round your lips as when pronouncing the sound O. Then the tongue is pressed against the cheek, and the muscles of the cheek, in turn, press on the tongue. You need to try to create maximum tension. Next, you need to move your tongue along the inside of your cheek. This movement should be performed about 20 times. If tension is felt at the bottom of the tongue, this is very good. This sign indicates that the chin muscles are working well.
  3. Another effective exercise makes it possible to work not only the neck and cheek muscles, but also prevents wrinkles around the eyes. First you need to stretch your lips in the shape of the letter O. In this case, the upper lip should be in close contact with the teeth. The index fingers should be placed on the lower eyelid, but do not press on the eyes. Then movements of the lips are made, from a smile to the letter O. A similar exercise for the face is repeated about 30 times. In this case, you need to work out the movements well and feel how the muscles move.
  4. The following exercise will help make the oval of your face clearer. To do this, the lips roll into the inside of the mouth, that is, they touch the teeth. After this, rubbing the sides of the face with the palms begins. This procedure must be performed until the muscles become tired and a burning sensation appears.

After this, you can rub your neck with movements from the chin down. Such exercises give a noticeable positive effect after just a month of training. However, this is only possible if the classes are daily.

You can tighten sagging skin on your face even without expensive creams and all kinds of cosmetic procedures. For this purpose, special exercises for the muscles of the face and neck have long been developed, which give a lasting positive effect.

The first task is performed with the lips folded in the shape of the letter O. At the same time, you need to try to smile so that a fairly strong tension is applied to the muscles in the lower part of the cheek. Then the skin on the temples is stretched with your fingers, but not too much so that “crow’s feet” do not form. The tension in the cheeks must be increased to maximum and wait 5 seconds. After this you can relax. This task must be completed at least five times. Over time, it is recommended to increase the number of approaches to 15.

Then you can move on to the next task. Here you need to position your fingers correctly on your face. The little fingers should hold the nasolabial folds, and the middle and ring fingers should be located on the crow's feet. Next, the muscles on the face are brought to maximum tension, and after 5 seconds they relax. This exercise can be performed 5 to 15 times every day.

When performing the following exercise for the oval of the face, you need to say the sound “A”, but at the same time stretch your lips in a smile. After the muscles reach the limit, you need to fix this position and wait five seconds. The exercise is repeated from 5 to 15 times.

The whole complex must be performed carefully and daily. Only if these conditions are met can a really good effect be achieved.

Probably every woman dreams of prolonging her youth. For this reason, a lot of money is spent on all kinds of creams and expensive cosmetic procedures. However, many of them provide only a short-term effect. In turn, exercises for the face and neck allow you to get the perfect oval absolutely free, as well as tighten your chin and remove wrinkles.

Experts say that a set of exercises works wonders on your face. However, this result can be achieved, and most importantly, maintained for a long time, only through daily training. They take little time and do not require large quantity free space for execution. Facial exercises can be done at home, at work, and even on the road.

Gymnastics for facial rejuvenation consists of massage procedures and facial exercises. The first is necessary in order to warm up and prepare the muscles a little. In addition, massage procedures improve blood circulation, make muscles and skin more elastic and pliable for further adjustment.

Before completing tasks, you should lubricate your hands with cream. There should be no makeup on your face at this moment. The massage should start from the forehead and then move to the eye area. Movements should not be forceful or rude. A stroking and kneading massage is best for the face.

You need to massage your cheeks and chin especially carefully. At the end of this procedure, lightly tap the fingertips on the skin of the face.

Exercises to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes

Very often, women suffer from the appearance of wrinkles in the eye area. They can be deep or not very deep, and special gymnastics are suitable for each case. Thus, you can easily and permanently get rid of wrinkles without creams and surgical lifts.

To begin with, close your eyes with your palms. In this case, the person should feel the darkness and completely relax the facial muscles. It's about primarily about the muscle tissue of the eyes. After your eyes are completely relaxed, you can remove your palms, and then you need to close your eyes tightly and sharply open your eyes.

Afterwards you can proceed directly to the exercises. First you need to slightly stretch the skin on the upper eyelids, and then squint your eyes. The tension should be well felt and recorded. This task should be repeated 5 times.

The following exercises for the face against wrinkles also help well if you have vision problems. The eyes look up and the mouth is slightly open. After this, you need to blink quickly several times and move your eyeballs in one direction and the other. Enough 5 times in a circle to the left and the same number to the right.

Then the chin tilts forward and the eyes drop down. You need to try to see both the wings of the nose and the space under the eyes. This position is fixed, and then movements are made to the right and left 10 times.

The next exercise is performed using the index fingers. Here you need to pull back the skin on the sides of the eyes, that is, in the place where “crow’s feet” most often form, and then completely open your eyes and look around. The points where the eyelashes end can be massaged a little.



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