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Conditions for the development of higher needs. The frailty of being is an ambiguous concept. Much has to do with the fact that

According to A. Maslow, satisfaction of the highest level of needs is achieved by only about 1% of people. This is largely due to the fact that people are afraid of losing the opportunity to satisfy needs at another level. For example, a person may be afraid of losing the opportunity to satisfy the need for security and therefore goes to a highly paid, reliable, but uninteresting job. In addition, A. Maslow notes that some people simply forget about the existence of higher-level needs. Such ignoring of higher needs may be due to the fact that a person very acutely experienced the satisfaction of a need of a lower level and began to strive to repeat this experience, and not to experience other, higher levels.

However, in real life we ​​often encounter people who, for the sake of higher values, sacrifice the satisfaction of lower-level needs and are even ready to die. From the point of view of A. Maslow, those people who in childhood had a positive experience of satisfying lower needs are able to endure deprivation. Therefore, if we want to raise a person who is able to defend his ideals and beliefs, withstand circumstances and successfully engage in creativity, it is necessary that he lives in childhood without excessive deprivation.

Abraham Maslow said that for the development of personality it is important that a child in childhood is not in a state of dissatisfaction, but at the same time does not take the possibility of satisfying a need for granted, i.e., that he valued the opportunity to satisfy a need. Often parents try to predict the wishes of their children, and, for example, they try in every possible way to feed a child who is not hungry. You can see how in kindergarten children not only refuse food, but treat it with disdain in the hope that they will be fed something more tasty at home. From the point of view of A. Maslow, neglect of food is unacceptable. The child must feel hungry, and only then will he actually receive satisfaction from the process of eating and learn to appreciate the source of satisfaction of the need.

It can be assumed that children self-actualize during play activities, i.e. play activity allows the child to experience the experience of self-actualization. This means that play activity reveals the abilities of a preschool child, since it is in this activity that he really has the opportunity to choose. In the game, the child acts independently, and not with the help of an adult. However, in order for such a process to occur, it is necessary that the child has a perfect command of the game process, knows how to establish friendly relationships with other children, and organize interesting games filled with varied content with a complex developing plot. This level of development of play activity is possible, as a rule, in conditions that specifically support children’s play activity. A high level of development of play activity is achieved only in older preschool age. Unfortunately, there is currently a tendency to reduce the time for free play of children and replace it with activities aimed at preparing children for school. A. Maslow emphasized that curiosity, indifference, and activity in relation to the world are integral qualities of a self-actualizing personality. However, under conditions of restricting the child’s initiative and imposing educational information specially selected by adults, children’s cognitive activity declines.

Human development in the direction of self-actualization, according to A. Maslow, involves supporting the child’s statements and the judgments he proposes. It is important that in these judgments the child does not rely on someone else’s opinion, even an authoritative one, but boldly declares how he perceives this or that situation in which he finds himself. When supporting the child’s initiative in various judgments, one must strive to ensure that he substantiates his statements and develops them as much as possible, revealing what really interests him in the observed phenomenon. In this sense, it is very useful to look at various works of art with children and discuss with the child what he likes and what is not.

Artist Karolina Zhinevich about experiments in the field of bio-art.

Source: "Nicrophorus vespilloides wiki" by member Evanherk from nl. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 from Wikimedia Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Nicrophorus_vespilloides_wiki.jpg#/media/File:Nicrophorus_vespilloides_wiki.jpg

On November 2 in Poland, according to tradition, after All Saints' Day, a day of prayer for the souls of the dead, the so-called “zadushki,” is celebrated. A day of sad and bright, and sometimes even cheerful memories of those who left this world. A day of reflection on the frailty of life, but also on the fact that life goes on. The theme of death as an inextricable part of life is present in many Polish artists. But, perhaps, it received one of the most original interpretations from the young artist Karolina Zhinevich, who is engaged in visual experiments in the broadest sense of the word. Critics classify her work as bio-art. Caroline's workshop is a kind of research laboratory where the artist works with organic matter, using the natural processes of decomposition and tissue death. At one of her exhibitions, Karolina Zhinevich presented photographs of organisms eating decomposed bodies. That is, those same notorious “worms” that some speak of with fear and disgust. At the same time, the artist suggested looking at them as aesthetic objects and seeing in them a unique beauty and a symbol of the continuation of life. We invited Caroline to our microphone.

You touched on a very complex aspect associated with death, namely aesthetics. It seems to me that the fear of death is largely due to the fact that in subjective human perception a dead body looks, roughly speaking, unpleasant. You invite people to become comfortable not so much with the fact of death itself, but with the inevitability of the decomposition of the body. How did this theme appear in your work?

Karolina Zhinevich: “I have been working for a long time with what is called “abject” in English, with that which is connected with the body, but seems alien and rejected. For example, hair or nails. With what was once ours, but after it fell away or was cut off, we no longer consider it “ours.” The “abject” theory says that the human corpse seems most rejected to us. A body that was life, but is no longer life. When I began to comprehend this theory, I realized that I would inevitably come to the most difficult topic. At the same time, I have always been interested in the formation of visual paradoxes. And I know that sometimes from unpleasant, even ugly things it is possible to create artistic objects that unexpectedly delight. It all depends on how we frame it. The changes that occur in people during contact with these objects attract me incredibly.”

- That is, that there are moments when not everything is so simple?

Karolina Zhinevich: “It seems to me that the moment I discovered the entire progression of the decomposition process, not to mention the insects taking part in this process, I realized that they are magnificent in their organization. For example, burying beetles, which live, however, not on human remains, but on animal corpses, have a social structure, build houses, feed their young, and take care of each other. This is something that is inherent in the human world, but people know nothing about it. You are right, all these processes are not so simple. You need to take a closer look at this to see the beauty and order there. And in my understanding, order is the source of beauty. I think that the minute we discover the meaning of a phenomenon, we stop being afraid.”

In Poland, the theme of death in works of art is usually of a spiritual nature. Only scientists talk about physiology. Have you decided to break this tradition with your projects?

Karolina Zhinevich: “Paradoxically, my projects are very closely related to spirituality. Therefore, it is personally difficult for me to call what I do bio-art. Biotechnological projects seem to many, although interesting, but devoid of emotions. And I strive to build, rather, psychological situations, relationships and emotional connections of my objects. I do not consider myself to be a person who believes in God, but the spiritual aspect is not associated with religion for me. It is somewhere higher and wider, so to speak. Therefore, even when I talk about death in a material aspect, I cannot avoid the meanings that take place in human culture. And I don’t want to avoid it at all.”

- What do people who come to your exhibitions see?

Karolina Zhinevich: “Very simple things. I believe that nature itself is so perfect that I only try to extract from it what is most important to me and show it in a simple form, without frills. These are either living organisms, but so that it can be seen that they are well-groomed, that nothing harms them. These could also be photographs of mushrooms or insects and their interaction with the human world. This is the crux of the matter. Once I gave up painting and sculpture, because they are only dummies of living matter. And I decided to “enter” this matter. Where there is less artificiality and more nature.”

- Irina Zawisha spoke with the artist Karolina Zhinevich about the ambiguity of the frailty of existence.

We are superstitious people, so we believe that Friday the 13th is bad, but finding a coin is good.

Many superstitions are related to the same thing that makes us believe in monsters and ghosts: when our brains are unable to explain something, we shift responsibility to supernatural forces. In fact, research last year showed that superstitions can sometimes work because believing in something can make a task more "doable."

13. Beginners are lucky

This is the idea that a beginner has an unusually high chance of winning when they first begin any activity, be it a sport, a game, or anything else. Sometimes beginners can even get ahead of experienced ones, since their mood for victory and experiences are much lower. Too much worry can eventually become a serious hindrance to productivity. Or it could simply be a statistical trick, especially in gambling.

Or, like many superstitions, the belief in the luck of beginners may be based on some preconceptions about them. Confirmation bias is a psychological phenomenon in which people are more likely to remember events that are consistent with their worldview. If you think that you will win just because you are a beginner, remember this every time you win, but immediately forget it if you lose.

12. Having found a coin, pick it up...

And throughout the day, good luck will follow you. This little superstition may have stuck because finding money is luck in itself. But, at the same time, we can draw the following analogy - you found a stick, pick it up and luck will be with you all day, or you found a stick, don’t touch it, and then luck will leave you.

11. Don't walk under those stairs

To be honest, this superstition is very practical. However, one theory claims that this superstition arose due to the Christian belief in the Holy Trinity: ever since ladders began to be installed against the wall, thereby forming a triangle, the destruction of this triangle was considered something blasphemous.

On the other hand, another popular theory says that the fear of walking under stairs is associated with its resemblance to a medieval gallows. Still, most likely, the first explanation is closer to us.

10. Black cat on your way

Since cats have been around humans for thousands of years, they play many mythological roles. In ancient Egypt, cats were revered, and today there are 81 million cats kept as pets in the United States alone. So why can't you let a black cat cross your path? Most likely, this superstition arose from the belief in old witches, who often reincarnated as pets, namely cats.

9. A rabbit's foot will bring you good luck.

Talismans and amulets are capable of driving away evil spirits, while the cross and garlic alone are worth it, which should keep vampires at bay. The rabbit's foot as a talisman is a custom followed by the early Celtic tribes in Britain. However, it is possible that the roots of this superstition go back to a form of Afro-American folk magic that combines American, European and African traditions.

8. Failure comes three times in a row

Remember confirmation bias? The belief that misfortune comes three times is a classic example. If you fail two things in a row, then you will fail the next time. Accordingly, if a person is initially set up for a similar outcome of events, then, most likely, this is what will happen.

7. Be very careful with the mirror

According to legend, if you break a mirror, you will doom yourself to 7 years of failure in business. This superstition was probably born from the belief that a mirror is not just our image, but a part of our soul remains in it. This belief led to the fact that in the old days, when someone died in the house, the mirrors were covered so that the person’s soul would remain.

Like the number three, the number seven is often associated with luck. Seven years of failure is too long, so people have come up with countermeasures to help avoid this if a mirror breaks. These include touching a piece of broken glass on a tombstone or grinding shards of a broken mirror into powder.

Three sixes in a row gives some people chills. This superstition was born out of a misinterpretation of the Bible. See more details: “number of the beast”.

5. Knock on wood

This phrase has almost become a verbal talisman, designed to ward off bad luck without tempting fate, that is, for example, “by breaking a mirror, I did not attract bad luck to myself, because I knocked on wood.” This superstition could arise from myths that trees have a good spirit or as a result of associations with the Christian cross. Similar phrases can be found in different languages, which indicates a general reluctance to “upset the evil universe.”

4. Making a wish on the bones

The tradition of making a wish with a turkey bone goes back a long way. Legend has it that the early Romans used bones as weapons, believing they would bring them good luck. Bird bones have also been used in fortune-telling throughout history, whereby a diviner would roll the dice and “read” the pattern they created, telling them about the future.

3. Crossing your fingers

Those who want good luck often cross one finger over the other, making a gesture that dates back to early Christianity. They say that if two people make a wish, they should cross their index fingers, thereby receiving each other's support and significantly increasing the likelihood of the wish coming true. (Apparently, anything associated with the biblical cross brings good luck). The tradition gradually moved from two people to one.

2. Do not open the umbrella indoors

…And not just because you might hit someone in the eye. Opening an umbrella indoors is supposed to bring you bad luck, although the origins of this superstition are extremely obscure. There are plenty of legends on this topic: from the story of an ancient Roman woman who opened her umbrella a few seconds before her house collapsed, to the story of a British prince who opened two umbrellas at once while visiting the king and died a few months later. . Just like “don't walk under ladders,” this myth probably arose to deter people from doing things that were dangerous in some way.

1. Friday the 13th

If you are not afraid of Friday the 13th, then perhaps you will be frightened by the name of those who are - friggatriskaidekaphobes. For a superstition, this fear is relatively young: it was born in the late 1800s. Friday has long been considered an unlucky day (according to the Bible, Jesus died on a Friday), and the number 13 has long had a reputation as an unlucky number.

According to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in North Carolina, about 17 million Americans fear Friday the 13th. Many fall prey to their own desire to associate thoughts and symbols with current events. “If something bad happens to you on this day, you will be afraid of this date for a long time,” says Thomas Gilovich, a psychologist at Cornell University. “If on other days, on Friday the 13th, no events happen to you, they will simply be ignored.”



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Based on your request, these examples may contain crude language.

Based on your request, these examples may contain colloquial language.

Translation of "has a lot to do with" in Chinese

Other translations

This differentiation in has a lot to do with significant regional differences in the cost of living.

To a great extent explained by prevailing regional differences in the cost of living.">

History of modern states in has a lot to do with resistance and liberation wars.

Most part on wars of resistance and liberation.">

Convention in has a lot to do with human rights law, and courts must apply the provisions of such international treaties directly.

Shared many links with human rights law, and the courts should apply such treaties directly.">

This work is has a lot to do with capacity building and rule-making activities and is important to the Government's efforts to ensure the rule of law and good governance.

Many of these activities relate to capacity-building and standard-setting and are important for the Government's efforts in relation to rule of law and good governance.

Relate to capacity-building and standard-setting and are important for the Government's efforts in relation to rule of law and good governance.">

Space technology in has a lot to do with this issue and to solve this complex problem requires international joint efforts.

Space technology has much relevance to this issue, and international cooperative efforts are indispensable for confronting this complex problem.

Has much relevance to this issue, and international cooperative efforts are indispensable for confronting this complex problem.">

It appears that successful diversification in has a lot to do with a flexible approach of manufacturers and exporters to identifying and exploiting potentially profitable market niches.

Successful diversification appears to a large extent to be related to the flexibility of producers and exporters in identifying and exploiting potentially beneficial market niches.

Large extent to be related to the flexibility of producers and exporters in identifying and exploiting potentially beneficial market niches.">

Increasing fragmentation of production and trade due to the use of supply chains in has a lot to do with because businesses try to focus on their core functions and competitive advantages.

The increased fragmentation of production and trade through the use of supply chains is in large part due to enterprises focusing on their core competencies and competitive advantages.

Large part due to enterprises focusing on their core competencies and competitive advantages.">

This recommendation is closely related to the question of impunity which has long been a major focus of the work of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial executions.

Is closely related to the question of impunity which has long been a major focus of the work of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial executions.">

This difficulty in has a lot to do with the need to ensure, in a democratic society, a balance between the universally recognized freedom of association and the right of everyone not to be discriminated against on the basis of race or ethnicity.

The problem stemmed largely from the need in a democratic society for some balance between the freedom of association guaranteed to all persons and the right of every person not to be subjected to discrimination based on racial or ethnic affiliation.

Stemmed largely from the need in a democratic society for some balance between the freedom of association guaranteed to all persons and the right of every person not to be subjected to discrimination based on racial or ethnic affiliation.">

As the situation stabilizes, more resources are directed toward providing the kind of emergency assistance that will has a lot to do with implementation of a rehabilitation program.

As the emergency stabilizes, more resources are invested to support relief assistance, which accounts for a significant portion of a rehabilitation program.

Significant portion of a rehabilitation program.">

Work on specific countries and cases in has a lot to do with and complements or complements broader capacity-building activities, including the training of practitioners who are, or are likely to be, involved in asset recovery cases.

Much of the country and case-specific work is linked to or follows more general capacity-building efforts, including training of practitioners likely to be or become involved in asset recovery cases.

Is linked to or follows more general capacity-building efforts, including training of practitioners likely to be or become involved in asset recovery cases.">

With regard to activities aimed at reducing the risk of natural disasters, some delegations emphasized that this work has a lot to do with long-term development of appropriate national capacities and, as such, should be carried out by the United Nations Development Program and not by the Department of Humanitarian Affairs.

With respect to disaster reduction activities, some delegations stressed that this work was largely about long-term national capacity-building and, as such, should be carried out by the United Nations Development Program rather than the Department of Humanitarian Affairs.

Was largely about long-term national capacity-building and, as such, should be carried out by the United Nations Development Program rather than the Department of Humanitarian Affairs.">

Policies for charging fees for services provided to poor urban and rural communities, in has a lot to do with creating and supporting organizational structures capable of providing the types of services for which members of these communities are willing and able to pay.

To a great extent, cost recovery policies for services delivered to poor urban and rural communities are linked to the establishment and support of organizational structures capable of providing the type of services that the members of the community are willing and able to pay for.

Are linked to the establishment and support of organizational structures capable of providing the type of services that the members of the community are willing and able to pay for.">

Economic and tax issues, in particular, affect the process of convergence of Brazilian accounting with IFRS, since Brazil's accounting system has a lot to do with laws and regulations in the tax field that establish rules for accounting for registration and disclosure of business transactions.

Economic and tax issues particularly affect the process of convergence of Brazilian accounting to IFRS, because in Brazil the accounting system is strongly tied to tax laws and regulations that establish rules for recognition, measurement and disclosure of business transactions.

Is strongly tied to tax laws and regulations that establish rules for recognition, measurement and disclosure of business transactions.">

The representatives participating in this Conference recommended, upon return to the Cabinet, that Samoa become a party to the Convention, taking into account also the establishment in 1990 of a Ministry of Women's Affairs, whose work would include has a lot to do with implementation of this Convention.

Following that Conference, the country representatives returned and recommended to Cabinet that Samoa be a party to the Convention given also the prior establishment in 1990 of the Ministry of Women Affairs whose work would, to a

Last year, the Air Force experienced a number of serious aviation accidents that resulted in casualties and loss of aircraft. The increase in the number of accidents is largely due to the fact that last year the Air Force absorbed Army Aviation, which accounted for almost half of all air accidents. The main reason for the high accident rate is the so-called human factor. It accounts for up to 70 percent of aircraft accidents. The Air Force command is especially concerned about the negligence, carelessness, and indiscipline of the flight, engineering, and even leadership personnel of some air units.

The level of training of management personnel has been significantly reduced specifically in matters of flight organization. Some squadron commanders, regiment commanders and their deputies do not have sufficient skills in these matters. The decline in the level of professionalism of flight personnel is due to the lack of intensive and regular flights. On average, annual flight time ranges from 25 to 60 hours, depending on the type of aviation. For example, the average flight time in the most belligerent - front-line - aviation is about 40 hours. It seems that the decline in the professionalism of pilots requires a rethinking of the assessment of the level of their training. Today, not every pilot will be able to complete a task whose complexity corresponds to his qualifications.
Three years ago, the position of chief of flight safety service was introduced in air regiments. But, unfortunately, this did not produce tangible positive results. The position is considered unpromising and is not popular among the troops. In addition to the low tariff category, it also does not provide career growth. Therefore, most often they are appointed to it “on a residual basis,” for example, a flight commander who does not have sufficient flight training, or pilots who have low qualifications. Naturally, such officers do not have enough knowledge and experience in matters of flight organization. This state of affairs can be changed by increasing the status of the position to deputy regiment commander for flight safety. Then it will become promising and will be more attractive to professionals. This is exactly the path followed in the Navy aviation. However, due to organizational arrangements being carried out in the Armed Forces, it is not yet possible to introduce a similar position in the Air Force.
According to the head of the Air Force flight safety service, Major General Oleg Kolyada, the causative link of most aircraft accidents is the poor training of the flight control team. Their illiterate actions, and sometimes even inaction, contributed to the escalation of an emergency situation into an emergency and even a catastrophic one.
On July 2, a MiG-25RB crashed in difficult weather conditions in Monchegorsk. The pilot's limited flight experience did not allow him to recognize a false alarm about an engine failure. His hasty and illiterate actions led to the fact that the pilot abandoned the almost serviceable plane. The flight director did not provide the necessary assistance.
August 7 due to violations in the organization
tion of flights, insufficient analysis of the weather conditions and criminal negligence of the flight management team, a crash occurred on the Su-24MR aircraft of the Novosibirsk Air Force and Air Defense Army. The crew attempted to land in weather conditions for which they were not prepared to fly. The flight control group not only did not provide them with assistance, but also, with its commands, further complicated the situation. The pilots died.
On the same day, due to the indiscipline of the deputy squadron commander, who was flying at an extremely low altitude, a Mi-8 helicopter from the Syzran VAI collided with power line supports. The crew miraculously survived, the car cannot be restored. A criminal case has been initiated against this crew commander.
On August 26, at the Chernigovka airfield, two Mi-24s collided in the air. Not having sufficient skills in piloting techniques, having violated the flight mission, the pilots decide to fly in a “beautiful” formation. In addition, their battle formation was made up of unflying pairs. The result is the death of the crews.
On September 18, a strategic missile carrier Tu-160 plane crashed near Engels. In a difficult, rapidly changing situation, the crew acted competently and impeccably, but were unable to save the plane. The ship's commander was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia, and the crew members were posthumously awarded Orders of Courage. It is safe to say that this tragic incident occurred due to an aircraft failure.
The investigation into the MiG-31 aircraft accident that occurred on October 14 near Rzhev has been completed. The fire on board occurred due to a violation of the technology for performing work at aircraft repair plants.
“We want to reassess the training system for flight personnel,” says Major General Oleg Kolyada, and develop practical recommendations for pilots on actions in emergency situations. This will prevent illiterate actions and the situation from escalating into an accident or disaster. It is necessary to raise the theoretical and practical level of training of flight personnel, and this is a whole range of activities: a system of classes, tests and training, and of course flights.
Naturally, the condition of aircraft also affects flight safety. Unfortunately, in some cases it is unreliable and outdated. Due to insufficient funding, the purchase of new equipment is progressing poorly. Therefore, the Air Force Commander-in-Chief, Colonel General Vladimir Mikhailov, chose the only right direction towards modernizing aircraft: equipping it with new equipment, weapons, control systems, etc. The American B-52 is a long-liver; it was put into service back in the 1950s. The F-15, which has been in service for more than 20 years, has also undergone many improvements. Our units receive modernized Su-24, Su-25, Su-27. Mi-8 and Mi-24 helicopters will also be modernized.
But the majority of aircraft accidents are primarily due to the lack of professionalism of the flight crew and flight control teams. After all, it is this group that must promptly provide qualified assistance to the crew in the event of any emergency situation.
“And for a pilot to be a professional, he must fly,” says Major General Oleg Kolyada. - We need to fly and increase the intensity and complexity of flights. And the main thing is to eliminate dangerous factors affecting the state of the Air Force and flight safety. After all, flight safety is not a separate area of ​​activity for the commander. These are everyday issues of organizing and conducting flight training. This set of measures must be carried out by all officials, starting from the lowest level - pilot, technician and ending with senior managers. Nobody removed complex flight missions and special tasks - they were decided by the flight crew. The main thing is that pilots are allowed to carry them out sufficiently prepared. And the commander must be able to evaluate his subordinate and know who to entrust what to. When both subordinates and commanders have a clear professional approach to their level of training, then flight missions will be completed successfully.



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