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How does the “Help of Sinners” icon help? Prayer before the icon of the helper of sinners

Translated into modern language“Sporuchnitsa” means “mediator, guarantor.” Thus, the icon “Helper of Sinners” is an image of the Mother of God, who acts not so much as a mediator, but as a guarantor, interceding for sinful people before the Lord God, counting on His mercy, and the name of the icon itself arose from the inscription on it, which goes over the head of the Mother of God “I am the Helper of sinners to My Son...”

History of the icon

From the iconography one can judge that this image is ancient, but neither the time nor the place where it was written is unknown. The only thing that can be assumed is its origin from Little Russia or Belarus, since their iconography is characterized by the presence of crowns on the heads of the Mother of God and the Child Christ.

In Russia, the icon of the Mother of God “Support of Sinners” was found in 1843 in the Oryol province. She was in the chapel at the gates of the Odrino-Nicholas Monastery, and her power was revealed by the Mother of God herself to several local residents at the same time, after which a series of events immediately occurred miraculous healings: one little boy was healed from epilepsy, another from paralysis, a blind three-year-old girl received her sight.

The glory of the miraculous icon instantly spread throughout the surrounding area, and it was transferred to the cathedral church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, where a stream of believers poured in to find healing or forgiveness of sins by praying to the “Helper of Sinners” icon.

After the revolution, the icons from the church were distributed among the parishioners, and as a result, by the end of the 20th century, the icon of the Mother of God “Support of Sinners” ended up in Ukraine, which by that time had become an independent state, and even in a private collection. It was necessary to raise a substantial sum to buy back the “Sporuchnitsa” icon and return it to the walls of its native Nikolo-Odrinskaya monastery, which happened in 1996.

No less interesting is the history of the copy from the miraculous icon “Support of Sinners”. In 1846, the hieromonk of the monastery was sent to Moscow so that a suitable robe could be made for the icon. He stayed in the house of a pious parishioner, who was then sent from the monastery a list (an exact copy) of the icon in gratitude. Miraculously, this list began to flow myrrh, and the sick, anointed with this myrrh, were healed.

The miraculous list was donated in 1848 to the Moscow Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki; through prayer before him, many healings occurred, which were officially recorded

Currently in Moscow, the icon “Support of Sinners” is located in the Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki; there is also a list of it in the Church of the Deposition of the Robe in Leonov.

The miraculous icon “Support of Sinners” Koretskaya

As legend has it, this image was brought from Rome in 1622 by Prince Koretsky (Korets is a city in the Rivne region in Ukraine), and it became a family shrine of the princely family. Then the relic was transferred to Koretsky convent, where she showed many miracles and miraculous healings. Currently she is in the same monastery.

Description of the icon

By the nature of the image, the icon “Helper of Sinners” can be attributed to the iconographic type “Hodegetria” (“Guide”).

The Mother of God is depicted in scarlet robes, which symbolizes her image as the Queen of Heaven; often on Her head and the head of the Child Jesus crown

A characteristic feature of this icon is that right hand The Mother of God holds the Child with both hands; This gesture is not found in other images of the Mother of God. On most lists of the icon there is an inscription that gives it its name.

How does the icon “Helper of Sinners” help?

It is impossible to overestimate the significance of the icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners.” It gives everyone hope for forgiveness and redemption if a person sincerely repents and prays for remission of sins. She truly is a Guide for all believers, for whom She vouched before the Lord and whom She directs on the true path.

Prayer in front of this icon helps strengthen faith and achieve spiritual insight, overcome despondency and bad thoughts, and get rid of sinful passions

They pray to her for the healing of physical and mental ailments, for support in difficult times. life situations. But no matter what difficult hour of your life you pray to the Helper of Sinners, do not forget to praise her for her guidance on the true path and intercession before the Lord.

Prayer to the icon

My Most Blessed Queen, My Most Holy Hope, Helper of Sinners! Behold, poor sinner, this is before You! Don’t leave me, abandoned by everyone, don’t forget me, forgotten by everyone, give me joy, who knows no joy. Oh, my troubles and sorrows are severe! Oh, my sins are immeasurable! Like the darkness of the night is my life. And there is not a single strong help in the sons of men. You are my only Hope. You are my only Cover, Refuge and Affirmation. I boldly stretch out my weak hand to You and pray: have mercy on me, O All-Good One, have mercy, have mercy with the purchased Blood of Your Son, quench the sickness of my much-sighing soul, tame the rage of those who hate and offend me, restore my fading strength, renew my youth like eaglets. , do not allow yourself to become weak in keeping God’s commandments. Touch my troubled souls with heavenly fire and fill me with unashamed faith, unfeigned love and known hopes. May I always sing and praise You, the Most Blessed Intercessor of the world, our Protector and Helper of all of us sinners, and I adore Your Son and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, with His Beginning Father and the Life-Giving Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

There are more than a hundred images dedicated to Mother of God, each of which was written in honor of some miraculous event that occurred through the prayers of the Virgin Mary and the mercy of the Lord. The icon “Helper of Sinners” is a shrine whose creation history no one, unfortunately, knows.

For the first time, the icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners” was found in monastery in the Oryol region. Despite the great discovery, people did not venerate this image, which required serious restoration, and did not transfer it to the temple. And only after the Mother of God repeatedly came to the local residents in a dream, talking about healing power This icon, the shrine found its place in the church.

Many miracles took place around the image. The first to be healed was a boy who suffered from epileptic seizures. After this, many people who had serious incurable illnesses came to the icon.

For the mercy of the Mother of God shown to needy and suffering people, it was decided to erect a cathedral in honor of the image of the “Helper of Sinners.” The significance of the icon in the life of the Russian people increased every day.

The patronal feast of the image of the “Supporter of Sinners” is celebrated twice a year - on March 20 in honor of its discovery and on June 11, which became the day of the icon’s abundant myrrh flow.

"Helper of sinners." Meaning of the icon

This shrine, found in the Oryol Monastery, is a truly unique specimen of its kind. In the image, the Most Holy One folds her hands in a gesture that can be called “guarantee.” This is how the Virgin Mary shows that she vouches for all sinners who vow to no longer do things indecent to God. Baby Jesus Christ squeezes his Mother's hand as a sign that her prayer for peace will be heard. The Mother of God herself is dressed in golden robes, and her head, covered with an omophorion, is crowned royal crown- as a true ruler of heaven. The icon “Helper of Sinners,” photos of which are presented in this article, is considered one of the most beautiful images of the Blessed Virgin.

Miracles of the image

The icon “Helper of Sinners” brought many miracles to this world. One day, a rich woman who suffered from an incurable brain disease was healed by her image. All those in need of the Mother’s intercession, who came after these miraculous healings, began to notice that the icon began to stream myrrh. People collected this priceless oil and lubricated sore spots with it and, oddly enough, recovered.

The icon “The Helper of Sinners” also helped the Russian people at the terrible end of the 19th century for the whole world, when cholera was raging in Europe. Residents of Moscow gathered to read the akathist before the miraculous image, which subsequently protected Russia from such a terrible scourge.

The temple built in honor of the image of the “Helper of Sinners,” the St. Nicholas-Khamovnichesky Cathedral, was not closed even after the Bolsheviks gained power in the country. The rector of the temple organized procession with an icon around the church, praying to the Mother of God for intercession. Through the prayers of the Blessed Virgin, the temple remained safe and sound, and also continued to function.

With the appearance of the icon, real miracles began to happen in the temple - at night, real flashes of light resembling a star appeared outside the window opposite the icon. This was repeated more than once, so the rector of the cathedral turned to Metropolitan Philaret for advice. The answer stated that it was impossible to take the icon from the temple, just as it was forbidden to forbid people to pray in front of the image. At that time, the Russian people, having heard a lot about miracles, came to look at the bright flashes occurring near the image. The non-believers, which included the police, were sure that the luminous flux came from the switched on lamps. But even in the pitch darkness, wonderful star flares continued to appear. Skeptics began to insist on another version - he was guilty of everything Moonlight. But even during the dark nights, the great miracle continued to amaze Muscovites. On June 10, everything stopped, and the icon “Helper of Sinners” shed myrrh so abundantly that all local residents had enough of this sacred oil - myrrh.

An interesting fact is that the image Holy Mother of God not decorated with a chasuble, although there were many who wanted to make one for the miraculous icon. According to legend, one of the regular benefactors of the temple in Khamovniki had a vision in which the Mother of God wished to leave her image without a robe.

Help us, Most Holy Theotokos!

In front of the image of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners,” people pray for the granting of health to them. This especially applies to seriously ill people who have lost all hope of healing. But Holy Virgin heals not only the body, but also the soul of a person. Therefore, in moments of despair and despondency, a believer can always bring a prayer to our heavenly intercessor, receiving in return peace and hope.

Where to buy a shrine

The icon “Supportress of Sinners” is one of the most significant for the Russian people. That is why it can be purchased in all church shops and stores. It doesn’t matter what the image is - a small and inexpensive icon or a shrine in a frame embroidered with pearls - the Mother of God will pray for everyone who truly believes in her.

IN Lately It has become very popular to purchase icons to order, choosing right size and material - for example, embroidery with beads or gold threads. The price of such a masterpiece will be considerable, since handmade cost at least 4-5 thousand rubles. When ordering such work, know that this is not decoration or part of the antique interior of your home. An icon is, first of all, a mediator between you and God or a saint; it is an opportunity to directly address them in prayer. A beautiful, expensive image of the Mother of God has a place to be, if thereby you show your reverence for heavenly powers. And most importantly, do not forget to come to the temple with a handmade icon and ask the church servants to help you consecrate it.

Calling to the heavens

The prayer to the icon “Helper of Sinners” begins with the words “To my most blessed Queen, my most holy hope.” And indeed, the higher powers become the only ray of light and faith for disadvantaged people. Further in prayer we ask forgiveness for all our sins with which we offend our Lord by not keeping the commandments. “Like the darkness of the night, my life,” we say. In prayer, the believer asks not only for himself, but also for his enemies: “Weaken the anger of those who hate and offend me.” And at the end we will definitely praise our Lord. This prayer, read from the soul with faith in the heart, has great power. Of course, you shouldn’t hope for a miracle by praying to the Mother of God once and continuing to do things indecent to God. Our correction is important for the Lord, leading its way from repentance - the first stage of healing.

Icon of the Image of the Mother of God "Helper of Sinners"

They pray to the Most Holy Theotokos during times of sinful darkness, in all despondency, despair and spiritual sorrow.

Prayer of the Mother of God "Helper of Sinners"

Oh, Most Blessed Lady, Protector of the Christian race, refuge and salvation of those who flow to You! We know, truly we know how greatly we have sinned and are angry, O Merciful Lady, the Son of God born in the flesh of You, but I have many images of those who angered His compassion before me: tax collectors, harlots and other sinners, to whom was given forgiveness of their sins, for the sake of repentance and confession . Thou, therefore, imagining the images of those who have been pardoned by the eyes of my sinful soul, and looking at so much of God’s mercy, which I have received, I boldly, and I, a sinner, will resort with repentance to Your compassion. Oh, All-Merciful Lady, give me a helping hand and ask Your Son and God with Your motherly and most holy prayers for forgiveness of my grave sin. I believe and confess that He Whom You gave birth to, Your Son, is truly Christ, the Son of the Living God, Judge of the living and the dead, reward each according to his deeds. I again believe and confess that You are the true Mother of God, the source of mercy, the consolation of those who mourn, the recovery of the lost, a strong and unceasing Intercessor to God, who dearly loves the Christian race, and the Helper of repentance. Truly, there is no other help and protection for man except You, the Most Merciful Lady, and no one else, trusting in You, was ashamed when, by You begging God, no one was quickly abandoned. For this sake, I pray to Your innumerable goodness: open the doors of Your mercy to me, lost and fallen into the darkness of the depths, do not disdain me, the foul one, do not despise my sinful prayer, do not abandon me, the accursed one, as an evil enemy seeks to kidnap me into destruction, but beg for may Thy merciful Son and God be born to me from Thee, may He forgive my great sins and deliver me from my destruction; as if I, together with all who have received forgiveness, will sing and glorify God’s immeasurable mercy and Your shameless intercession for me in this life and in the endless eternity. Amen.

Another prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

To whom shall I cry, O Lady, to whom shall I resort in my sorrow, if not to You, the Queen of Heaven? Who will accept my cry and my sighing and quickly obediently heed our prayers, if not You, All-Blessed Helper, the Joy of all our joys? Hear the present hymns and prayers offered to You for me, a sinner. And be my Mother and Patroness and Giver of Your joy to all of us. Arrange my life as you want and as you wish. I commend myself to Your protection and providence, so that I may always joyfully sing to You with everyone: Rejoice, O full of grace; Rejoice, Delighted One. Rejoice, Most Blessed One; Rejoice, Glorified One forever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4:
Now all despondency falls silent/and the fear of despair disappears,/sinners in the sorrow of their hearts find consolation/and are illuminated brightly by Heavenly love:/today the Mother of God extends to us a saving hand/and from Her Most Pure Image she speaks with the verb:/I am the Helper of sinners to My Son, Seidal, for their sakes they hear Me take it out./Meanwhile, people, burdened with many sins, fall at the foot of Her icon, crying out with tears: Intercessor of the world, sinful Lieutenant, beseech the Savior of all with Your Mother's prayers, / that Divine forgiveness may cover our sins, / and open the bright doors of heaven to us, / For You are the representative of the shadow of the groves of Christianity.

Kontakion, voice 1:
Honest Dwelling of the ineffable nature of the Divine, above the word and above the mind and sinners, you are the Helper, giving grace and healing, as the Mother of all the Reigning, pray to Your Son to receive mercy for us on the day of judgment.

Prayer 1

Oh, Most Blessed Lady, Protector of the Christian race, refuge and salvation of those who flow to You! We know, truly we know how greatly we have sinned and are angry, O Merciful Lady, the Son of God born in the flesh of You, but I have many images of those who angered His compassion before me: tax collectors, harlots and other sinners, to whom was given forgiveness of their sins, for the sake of repentance and confession . Thou, therefore, imagining the images of those who have been pardoned by the eyes of my sinful soul, and looking at so much of God’s mercy, which I have received, I boldly, and I, a sinner, will resort with repentance to Your compassion. Oh, All-Merciful Lady, give me a helping hand and ask Your Son and God with Your motherly and most holy prayers for forgiveness of my grave sin. I believe and confess that He Whom You gave birth to, Your Son, is truly Christ, the Son of the Living God, Judge of the living and the dead, reward each according to his deeds. I again believe and confess that You are the true Mother of God, the source of mercy, the consolation of those who mourn, the recovery of the lost, a strong and unceasing Intercessor to God, who dearly loves the Christian race, and the Helper of repentance. Truly, there is no other help and protection for man except You, the Most Merciful Lady, and no one else, trusting in You, was ashamed when, by You begging God, no one was quickly abandoned. For this sake, I pray to Your innumerable goodness: open the doors of Your mercy to me, lost and fallen into the darkness of the depths, do not disdain me, the foul one, do not despise my sinful prayer, do not abandon me, the accursed one, as an evil enemy seeks to kidnap me into destruction, but beg for may Thy merciful Son and God be born to me from Thee, may He forgive my great sins and deliver me from my destruction; as if I, together with all who have received forgiveness, will sing and glorify God’s immeasurable mercy and Your shameless intercession for me in this life and in the endless eternity. Amen.

Prayer 2

To whom shall I cry, O Lady, to whom shall I resort in my sorrow, if not to You, the Queen of Heaven? Who will accept my cry and my sighing and quickly obediently heed our prayers, if not You, All-Blessed Helper, the Joy of all our joys? Hear the present hymns and prayers offered to You for me, a sinner. And be my Mother and Patroness and Giver of Your joy to all of us. Arrange my life as you want and as you wish. I commend myself to Your protection and providence, so that I may always joyfully sing to You with everyone: Rejoice, O full of grace; Rejoice, Delighted One. Rejoice, Most Blessed One; Rejoice, Glorified One forever. Amen.

Another prayer before the icon of the Helper of Sinners

My Most Blessed Queen, My Most Holy Hope, Helper of Sinners! Behold, a poor sinner stands before You! Don’t leave me, abandoned by everyone, don’t forget me, forgotten by everyone, give me joy, who knows no joy. Oh, my troubles and sorrows are severe! Oh, my sins are immeasurable! Like the darkness of the night is my life. And there is not a single strong help in the sons of men. You are my only Hope. You are my only Cover, Refuge and Affirmation. I boldly stretch out my weak hands to You and pray: have mercy on me, O All-Good One, have mercy on Your Son, redeemed by the Blood, quench the sickness of my much-sighing soul, tame the rage of those who hate and offend me, restore my fading strength, renew my youth, like eaglets, let us weaken in keeping the commandments of God. Touch my confused soul with heavenly fire and fill me with unashamed faith, unfeigned love and known hope. May I always sing and praise You, the Most Blessed Intercessor of the world, our Protection and Helper of all of us sinners, and I worship Your Son and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, with His Beginning Father and the Life-Giving Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion of the Mother of God "Helper of Sinners".

Troparion, tone 4:

Now all despondency falls silent/and the fear of despair disappears,/sinners in the sorrow of their hearts find consolation/and are illuminated brightly by Heavenly love:/today the Mother of God extends to us a saving hand/and from Her Most Pure Image she speaks with the verb:/I am the Helper of sinners to My Son, Seidal, for their sakes they hear Me take it out./Meanwhile, people, burdened with many sins, fall at the foot of Her icon, crying out with tears: Intercessor of the world, Helper of sinners, implore with Your maternal prayers the Savior of all,/that Divine forgiveness may cover our sins/and open the bright doors of heaven to us,/You You represent the shadow of the Christian groves.

Troparion of the Mother of God before the icon of Her Helper of Sinners

voice 3

To You, the ever-flowing source of mercy/ and the Helper of sinners, Your unworthy servant, Theotokos,/ falling, mourning, we cry out to You:/ save us from troubles, Lady,/ and through Your maternal intercession ask for eternal salvation for all of us.

Kontakion, voice 1:

Honest Dwelling of the ineffable nature of the Divine, above the word and above the mind and sinners, you are the Helper, giving grace and healing, as the Mother of all the Reigning, pray to Your Son to receive mercy for us on the day of judgment.

Icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners”.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners” is named after the inscription preserved on the icon: “I am the Helper of Sinners to My Son...”.

For the first time this image became famous for miracles in the Nikolaev Odrina monastery in the Oryol province in the middle of the last century. Ancient icon Due to its dilapidation, the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners” did not receive due veneration and stood in the old chapel at the monastery gates. But in 1843, it was revealed to many residents in their dreams that this icon was endowed, by God’s Providence, with miraculous power. The icon was solemnly transferred to the church. Believers began to flock to her and ask for healing of their sorrows and illnesses. The first to receive healing was a relaxed boy, whose mother fervently prayed in front of this shrine. The icon became especially famous during the cholera epidemic, when it brought back to life many terminally ill people who flocked to it with faith.

Helper of sinners

First prayer before the icon of the Helper of Sinners

To whom shall I cry, O Lady, to whom shall I resort in my sorrow,
will accept mine and quickly heed our prayers,
If not You, All-Blessed Helper, are the Joy of all our joys?
Hear today’s hymns and prayers, and for me, a sinner.
Brought to you. And be my Mother and Patroness and joy
Your Giver to us all. Arrange my life as you want
and how you weigh. I entrust myself to Your protection and providence,
May I always joyfully sing to you with everyone: Rejoice, full of grace;
Rejoice, Delighted One. Rejoice, Most Holy One; rejoice,
Glorified forever. Amen.

Second prayer before the icon of the Helper of Sinners

My Most Blessed Queen, My Most Holy Hope, Helper of Sinners! Behold, a poor sinner stands before You! Don’t leave me, abandoned by everyone, don’t forget me, forgotten by everyone, give me joy, who knows no joy. Oh, my troubles and sorrows are severe! Oh, my sins are immeasurable! Like the darkness of the night is my life. And there is not a single strong help in the sons of men. You are my only Hope. You are my only Cover, Refuge and Affirmation. I boldly stretch out my weak hands to You and pray: have mercy on me, O All-Good One, have mercy on Your Son, redeemed by the Blood, quench the sickness of my much-sighing soul, tame the rage of those who hate and offend me, restore my fading strength, renew it, like an eaglet’s, my youth, do not allow it to weaken in keeping the commandments of God. Touch my confused soul with heavenly fire and fill me with unashamed faith, unfeigned love and known hope. May I always sing and praise You, the Most Blessed Intercessor of the world, our Protection and Helper of all of us sinners, and I worship Your Son and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, with His Beginning Father and the Life-Giving Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

The third prayer before the icon of the Helper of Sinners

O Most Blessed Lady, protector of the Christian race, refuge and salvation of those who flow to You! We know, truly we know, how greatly we have sinned and are angry, Having mercy on the Lady, the Son of God born in the flesh of You: but I have seen many images of those who angered His compassion before me: tax collectors, harlots and other sinners, to them was given forgiveness of their sins, for the sake of repentance and confession - nia. Thou art the images of those who have been pardoned by the eyes of my sinful soul, imagining and looking at the great mercy of God that they have received, and even I, a sinner, have dared to resort with repentance to Your compassion. O all-merciful Lady, give me a helping hand and ask Your Son and God for forgiveness of my grave sins with your motherly and most holy prayers. I believe and confess that the One You gave birth to, Your Son, is truly Christ, the Son of the Living God, Judge of the living and the dead, rewarding everyone according to his deeds. I again believe and confess that You are the true Mother of God, the Source of mercy, the Consolation of those who mourn, the Seeker of the lost, a strong and unceasing Intercessor to God, who dearly loves the Christian race, and the Helper of repentance. Truly, there is no other help and protection for man except You, Most Merciful Lady, and no one was ashamed of trusting in You, and by You begging God, no one was quickly abandoned. For this sake, I pray to Your innumerable goodness: open the doors of Your mercy to me, who have gone astray and fallen into the darkness of the depths, do not disdain the foul me, do not despise my sinful prayer, do not leave me the accursed, as an evil enemy seeks to kidnap me to destruction, but beg for Your merciful Son and God, born to me from You, may He forgive my great sins and deliver me from my destruction: for I, too, with all those who have received forgiveness, will sing and glorify the immeasurable mercy of God and Your shameless intercession for me in this life and in the endless eternity . Amen.
The icon of the Helper of Sinners received its name from the content of one of the scrolls located in the four corners of the icon: “I am the Helper of Sinners to My Son.” Sporuchnitsa - means the Guarantor before Jesus Christ for sinning people, a vigilant Intercessor and Prayermaker for them.

In 1844, the merchant wife Pochepin came to the monastery where the icon of the Helper of Sinners was located (Nikolo-Odrinsky Monastery near the city of Karachev, Oryol province) with her two-year-old son, who was suffering from severe seizures, and asked to serve a prayer service before the icon of the Helper of Sinners. A prayer service was served, and the sick child recovered. Soon other miraculous signs followed from the icon. Since then, the image of the Mother of God in the Nikolo-Odrinsky Monastery began to be considered miraculous. The icon became especially famous for its healings during the cholera epidemic in 1847/48.

In 1846, the hieromonk of the Odrina monastery was sent to Moscow to build a chasuble for the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, Helper of Sinners, where he was sheltered by Lieutenant Colonel D.N. Boncheskul. In gratitude for his hospitality, an exact list (copy) of the miraculous icon, made on a linden board, was sent from the Odrina monastery.

D. Boncheskul reverently placed the resulting icon of the Helper of Sinners with other icons in the home iconostasis. Soon everyone began to notice that an extraordinary shine flashed across the icon of the Helper of Sinners, and drops of oily moisture began to flow from the icon itself. They anointed several sick people with this moisture, and they were healed. Sick people began to come to the icon from all sides, prayed in front of it and received healing.

In 1848, Lieutenant Colonel Boncheskul donated his icon “Supportress of Sinners” to the parish St. Nicholas Church in Khamovniki. The flow of oily liquid from the icon continued, and the deacon standing by the icon wiped off the moisture with paper and distributed it to the people. Soon the myrrh-streaming stopped, but phenomena of unusual light began in the altar of the church in the form of stars appearing and disappearing. The icon became famous for its many officially recorded healings.

Currently miraculous icons Our Lady, the Helper of Sinners, is located in the Nikolo-Odrinskaya hermitage in the village of Odrino, Karachevsky district, Bryansk region and in Moscow in the Church of St. Nicholas in Khamovniki (Lva Tolstoy St., 2, metro station "Park Kultury" (Koltsevaya))



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