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What game should the family play at home? Family Game Night

Family games are a great way to spend time with your kids, have fun and bond as a family. It is also useful for adults to relax a little and return to childhood, at least for a short time.

Mind games Perfect for spending time together between children and adults, both on everyday days and during holidays. Simple but interesting games have proven themselves to be excellent, here is a list of them:

  1. Associations. You need to name the word and the next participant must come up with the most logical and closest semantic association for this word. Moreover, the association can be absolutely anything; it depends on the imagination and imagination of the players.
  2. Wishes. This game is perfect for the holidays and can be played at the table. Seat all the family members mixed together and ask everyone to wish the one sitting on the right what they want most. You can’t think for a long time and the one who thinks about it drops out.
  3. Fairy tale. In order to start playing, you will need a piece of paper and writing pen. The first participant must write the first sentence of the fairy tale and folds a piece of paper so that what is written is not visible. The next participant must write a continuation and so on, pass the piece of paper around the circle until each player writes a continuation of the fairy tale on paper. The funnier and more interesting the players' options are, the better the fairy tale will turn out. When everyone has written their options on paper, unfold the piece of paper and read the fairy tale to the players. This tale will amuse both adults and children during a family holiday at home.
  4. Searching for what's missing. This will be useful for both adults and children, because it develops visual memory and attentiveness. The inventory will be colored oilcloth and small items such as cosmetics, boxes, jewelry, cutlery, and souvenirs. It is desirable that all these items be different and there be enough of them. Lay everything out on an oilcloth on the table and let the participants sit around it. Have everyone look carefully at the objects laid out on the table, and then have everyone close their eyes. The presenter must remove one or more objects from the table, and the participants will have to guess what exactly the presenter removed. Whoever guessed right wins.

Board games for children and adults

Outdoor games

Outdoor family games can be very fun and funny. Children love them because they allow children to release some of their energy, because kids are very active and they definitely need to move a lot.

The fun of searching for treasure is a whole Detective story for children. Parents should write assignments on pieces of paper or prepare cards with explanatory pictures for those children who cannot yet read well.

Hide gifts for children in different places in the apartment. On the plan, be sure to select the place from which you want to start the game. With each surprise, you can hide an explanatory note, and you can also make a map where you can mark all the significant places.

Be sure to help your baby if he is confused or slightly lost. Only then will such fun be interesting and educational. This game can easily be started at home, it can be on a family vacation or weekend. The budget will be very small, surprises may not be expensive or even made by yourself. But you will definitely need to prepare.

Outdoor games

If you went on a picnic in nature or went to the park for a long walk, then you should definitely know that you can also play interesting family games in nature. If you have, for example, a ball, then you can already come up with fun tomfoolery with the kids

But, if you have the budget and you bought two balls, you can arrange the game “Pass the ball to your neighbor” in nature. Everyone stand in a circle, let the two players who are opposite each other take the ball in their hands. At the signal, start passing the balls into each other’s hands so that one ball seems to be catching up with the other. Which of the children ends up with two balls in their hands at once is awarded a penalty point.

Also, in nature, you can play a simple game “Don’t give the ball to the leader” with a ball. Choose one or two leaders and place everyone playing in a circle. The players will throw the ball to each other, and the presenters must touch the ball, or even better, intercept it. If this happens, the player who threw the ball poorly must become the leader.

In nature, “Edible and Inedible” will be great fun for children. Place the players in a circle or in a line and choose a leader. The fun is for the presenter to say the word and at the same time throw the ball. If the word means something edible, then the player catches the ball. If the presenter names something inedible, then the ball must be hit.

On paper

If you decide to play with the kids at home, then if your budget allows, you should buy it on paper. This will be a great option for games at home, because on any free evening or weekend you can take out your board games and have a good time with the kids. Board games such as lotto, checkers, chess, dominoes, monopoly, memory and others allow you to develop the speed of thought, dexterity, memory, attention and concentration. Be sure, if your family budget allows, buy these board games for your children.

If you decide to play with the kids, and you don’t have any ready-made board games, then you can easily make them yourself. Everyone knows what tic-tac-toe or . Draw out the playing field you need on paper and your improvised board games are ready. You can also draw a labyrinth, pictures to compare, tanks or dots on paper.

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Time spent with family is priceless. In the bustle of days, disappearing every day at work, it is quite rare to be able to be at home with your family. And when a holiday comes or you have a free day, you really want to spend it in a special way!


In order not to rack your brains about what to come up with so interesting, we offer a sea of ​​options - with what you can fill and decorate any holiday with your family!

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If there are children in the house, they will be happy to play games with their parents. The game can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that all family members participate in it, and no one is left out.


After reading in detail about each game, you will be able to choose the ones that you like the most and are suitable for you!

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"Cablegram" (game for adults and children from 5 years old)

You will need paper and pencil.

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How to play:

Step 1. Write the name (child, grandmother, your name, dog's name, etc.) on a piece of paper in a column. You can also write just a word. The word must consist of 5 or more letters.

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Step 2. Together with the children, come up with your own interpretation of this word, i.e. a sentence in which words begin with the letters of a given word and follow in order.


Example 1.


G - Giant


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A – ataman


The sentence turned out like this: “A giant robot is looking for the ataman’s hat.”

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Another version of the same name: “A loud roar frightened the walking artist.” Or: “The robbers said to the inspector: “The sixth one has been arrested.” Or: “The goose lay down, pretending to be the skin of an antelope.”

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Example 2.


S - Sergey


B - in the evening

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T - hard


A - apricot.

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The result was a sentence: “Sergei ate a hard apricot in the evening.”


The sentence must make sense, although elements of fantasy or humor are allowed.

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Game "Facial expressions and gestures"

The presenter thinks of a word and tells it to one of the players who will play with this item. The task of the person showing is to describe the object as much as possible with gestures and facial expressions. Under no circumstances should you talk. Those guessing, in turn, by asking leading questions, must recognize what kind of task the presenter gave.


The game is very exciting, especially if the participants have a sense of humor and have acting skills.

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Find a surprise (treasure)

The whole family can play this game (the parents come up with the task). For kids, the task will be in pictures, for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren - in the form of cards with words (“table”, “on the window”, “in the closet”).

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Step 1. Hide your surprises unnoticed from children in different places in the apartment. For the little ones, draw a plan of how to go to the treasure. On the plan, be sure to mark the place where the child will start. For older children (who are learning to read or already can read), lay out the path clues in the form of words or short phrases.


For example, a hint for children 5-7 years old - the word “window” is written in large letters on the note. This means that you need to look for the next path sign on some window in the apartment.


For children over 7 years old, the hint may be different: “Look on the window.”


Or a hint in the form of a riddle, a rebus, or a “guess the missing word” task.

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Step 2. The child looks for a surprise either according to the plan or according to the way signs (they found a note on the table with the word “window”, went to look on the windows.


We found the clue “cabinet” on the window in the kitchen. We went through different closets in the house and found the clue “sofa”.


A surprise was found under the pillow on the sofa.

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Step 3. The child always receives his own surprise (calendar, small toy, piece of paper with a picture, etc.), even if he needed help along the way.


This game is very interesting for children and they enjoy reading the words and learning to use the plan.

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"Funny Tale"

All you need is paper and a pencil.


The first player writes the beginning of the fairy tale, then folds the paper so that the next participant does not see what is written.


In a circle, all players write one desired line for a fairy tale, while bending a piece of paper.


The game ends when the sheet is completely rolled up.

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Game "Search for the Lost"

Game for adults and children from 3 years old


This competition for the whole family develops attentiveness and visual memory of its participants.




For props you need a colored tablecloth and many small items. These can be tubes of lipstick, small boxes, caps, ballpoint pens, teaspoons, matchboxes - in general, anything you find at home. The more varied the details, the better.

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All these utensils are laid out on the table, which is previously covered with a tablecloth, and the participants sit around.


The essence of the game is to remember all the objects lying on the playing field and immediately notice the object that disappears from the table.

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Example. The driver invites the players to look carefully at the table and try to remember many more objects and how they are located. After which everyone must close their eyes, and the driver removes from the table and hides one of the objects.


At his command, the participants open their eyes and try to figure out which object has disappeared.


The one who guesses becomes the driver.

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Game of Changelings

A game for adults and school-age children.

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The players' task is to solve famous expressions, said the other way around. For each guessed expression, the player receives one chip. The one who guesses the most shapeshifters wins. He is awarded a medal. The rest of the players are also awarded, but with a certificate for participating in the game.

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Here are our favorite game-changers that we played during the holidays with our family, with colleagues at work, and with friends. First, give the players a few examples of shifters and their answers, and then start a fun game of riddles:

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Happiness moves in heaps (Trouble does not come alone).


If you start having fun, stay at home like a coward (When you’re done, go out boldly)


Hid the fact that it is an algae - get out of the aquarium (Called yourself a milk mushroom - climb into the back).


To scare dogs - to walk around the city (to be afraid of wolves - not to go into the forest)


The back of the head is small because of courage (Fear has big eyes)


Baldness - male disgrace (Braid - girlish beauty)


The policeman's felt boots are getting wet (The thief's hat is on fire)


Out of idleness, you will release all the squids into the ocean (Without difficulty you will not catch the fish from the pond)


The scout near Moscow will abandon (The tongue will bring to Kyiv)


Strollers are afraid of cleanliness (Tanks are not afraid of dirt)


The night is fun in the morning, because there is no one to rest (The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do)


Happiness is gone - close the window (Trouble has come - open the gate)


The anchor in the company turns black (the lonely sail turns white)


Logic of the Black Stallion (Bull's Delirium)


The hare is eaten by the hands (the wolf is fed by the legs)


The animal stalls humiliatedly (The man sounds proud)


The flames have stopped! (The ice has broken!)


He disappeared into the field, it was a little hot (He came out of the forest, it was bitterly cold)


Run, century, I'm terrible! (Stop, just a moment! You're beautiful!)


Cabin boy. Young, burst into tears! (Captain, captain, smile!)


The tornado squealed a hymn to him: “Get up, cactus, get up!” (The snowstorm sang a song to her: “Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!”)


Rested tools of production do not sleep (tired toys sleep)


Than enemies to sit in a gloomy dungeon (than friends wandering around the world)

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If I were a king

The game develops imagination. Before the game, agree with the children where you can take things for it (from the nursery, or just from the living room, etc.). And say that the rule of the game is that after use, all things will need to be put back in their places.

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How to play

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Step 1. The first team starts (choose it by lot). They say: “If I were (hereinafter called the role, for example, king), then I would have (hereinafter called 5 objects, for example, throne, crown, servants, palace, mantle).

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Step 2. The other team must quickly find these things in the room within the 3-5 minutes allotted to them. For example, a scarf can become a robe. If the chair is draped with a blanket, it will be a throne. At the signal, preparations end.

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Step 3. The second team presents to the first what they came up with. And the first one evaluates.



Then the teams change places and the game is repeated. For the game, you can take on different roles: professions (doctor, ship captain), fairy-tale characters (Cinderella, king, Pinocchio, etc.) At the end of the entire game, all things are put in their places.

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Game "Bundle with a gift"

This game can be played by the whole family or a group of friends. Moreover, the more participants there are, the better. This game develops very valuable moral quality a person – the ability to share with others and the ability to abide by the given word and rules, the ability to rejoice at the success of another person and not perceive it as a personal defeat.

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For the game, prepare:

1. Bundle. Take a small surprise and wrap it in paper. Secure with tape (clear tape). Then wrap it again in a layer of paper and secure it with tape again. And so on until you get a bundle of many layers of paper. Fasten the layers so that you can easily unfold them during play.


2. Surprises for each player (picture, calendar, candy, nut or something else).

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How to play:

Stand or sit in a circle. Three of you can play with your child. Or maybe in a large circle of acquaintances and friends. Turn on the music and pass the bundle to each other in a circle while listening to the music. When the music stops (you can either assign someone, like Grandma, to be “in charge of the music” or pre-record the music with pauses), the bundle stops.

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The player who has it in his hands unties it. And then he passes the package with a surprise around the circle. The bundle becomes lighter and lighter, and no one knows when the layers will end and the prize will finally appear. With each step, it becomes more and more difficult for the child to pass the package and you really don’t want to give it away! But you have to share, because the rule of the game is to pass it on as soon as the music starts.


At the end of the game, the last player - the “lucky one” - unwraps the package and receives a surprise!


But all players must also receive a little surprise so that the children can rejoice together.

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Game "Traffic Light"

Use a rope or line on the floor to mark two lines - the starting line and the line for the traffic light. One person in this game will be a traffic light. We choose him according to the counting rhyme.

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The players stand at the starting line, and the traffic light stands on the other side of the room with its back to the players.


The players' task is to quietly approach the "traffic light" and touch it.


The game ends when everyone has touched the traffic light.

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How to play:

The traffic light counts to 10: “One, two, three, four, five” and suddenly quickly and unexpectedly says: “Red light,” immediately turning to the players.


Players must freeze in place at this signal. If the traffic light notices that one of the players is continuing to move, it sends them back to the starting line.


You can confuse players by changing the tempo of the count, making pauses. The game teaches children to manage their behavior and control their movements.

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Game "Magic Melody"

This game is an experiment, it will be interesting for children of any age and adults.



Take glasses or glasses. It is better to find a set of identical glasses or glasses (6-12 pieces), but if there is no set, then you can take identical jars or identical glass bottles.

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Pour water into the bowl so that it is on at different levels in every vessel. Show your child how to make sound, for example, by gently knocking a spoon on a glass (glass). Let the kids experiment. Let them try to understand which vessels produce a higher or lower sound. You can also use drumsticks.


Try playing different melodies on this unusual musical instrument from dishes. This captivates not only children, but also adults!

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Game "Changing!"

This game can be played both at home and outdoors. summer time. The minimum number of players is 4 people.


Everyone stand in a circle. Or sit in a circle on chairs.


One player (we choose him according to the counting rhyme) is the driver. He names the other two players, for example: “Mom and Dasha.”


At these words, mom and Dasha should change places with each other, that is, mom should sit in Dasha’s place, and Dasha should sit in mom’s. At the same time, the presenter tries to be the first to take someone else’s place - either mom’s or Dashino’s.


Whoever is left without a place leads in the next game.


The game develops attention and reaction speed.

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You can also please your loved ones and play

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Have fun games and harmony and peace in your family! I really want to believe that games for the whole family will bring many joyful, bright moments into your life! I wish you success in carrying them out! Happy holiday!

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Games are always fun and great. Especially when the whole family gets together. What to play with your family?

Family is the most precious thing a person has. And time spent with family is truly priceless. After all, you can’t (or at least shouldn’t) be bored with these people. Especially if you don’t just sit decorously at the table, devouring numerous dishes during festive dinners, but also add a little excitement and competitive spirit to communication. This is what family games are for.

It’s not at all difficult to decipher this phrase - this is a game that the whole family can play. The very concept of a “family game” can include many different kinds of fun from the most different areas: these are both board games and active games, and games in nature, and various quizzes and competitions. There are no restrictions here - the main thing is that your family likes it and all the players are happy.

When to play family games? Yes anytime:

  • on holidays - birthdays, March 8, New Year etc. On such dates there are usually a lot of people in the house, and it will be a lot of fun to play;
  • on weekends, or just after dinner on a weekday - in any family where there are parents and children, such leisure time will not leave anyone indifferent. Even if there are only two or three of you so far, the main thing is that you are together, love each other and want to share positive things.

There are many advantages of such a pastime:

  • active communication with family;
  • bringing family members closer together;
  • improving mutual understanding between generations (parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren);
  • positive emotions and a boost of energy for the whole day.
  • There are no “contraindications” to family games. Although, perhaps, there is only one limitation - you should not organize the game if:
  • you don’t have any desire, but it seems like “you need to entertain” - positive results “under the lash” are very, very rare;
  • someone from the family is not feeling well and will not be able to physically take part in the fun (this applies more to active and outdoor games).

You should also take into account the age of the children in the family. Typically, children from the age of three will already be happy to take part in board games, and younger children can be involved in active fun - the main thing is that no one gets too tired or remains offended.

In other cases, the cards are in your hands! Take into account the interests and characteristics of each family member, choose a suitable game - and create good emotions! Oh, you don’t know what your grandfather or niece likes? So maybe it's time to ask them about it? Plus, if the game itself is interesting and exciting, you can be sure that everyone will tune in quickly.

So, we have sorted out why and when to play. Now all that remains is to talk about the games themselves, specific examples. To make your search easier, we will divide all family games into several groups:

  • board and board games;
  • creative games;
  • outdoor games, outdoor games.

Let's take a closer look at each group.

These games are separated into a separate group based on one feature - they can be played while sitting at the table. At the same time, they have differences.

Board games are games that rely on the manipulation of a small set of objects, and these objects can be placed in the hands of the players or on the table. Typically, these sets are purchased ready-made, and may include cards, dice, dice, cards, various figures, etc. Of course, you can create a board game yourself, showing a little imagination and devoting some time to this process.

Popular board games for families:

  1. Checkers, backgammon, chess, dominoes help develop speed of thought, attention, memory, and dexterity. Usually within the family circle such games are received with “Hurray!”;
  2. Lotto. Like classic Russian lotto with chips and barrels, as well as various purchased and homemade variations - according to themes, directions. There can be anything your heart desires: animals, plants, geography, and foreign languages ​​- the choice is yours and your children!
  3. Card games, Uno, Colonizers, Ligretto, etc. Such games also develop thinking and attention;
  4. A story based on pictures. It will require 10-20 cards depicting various things: houses, cars, furniture, nature, etc. If children are involved in the game, it is better that the images on the cards can be easily recognized. Fantastic characters and whimsical figures are wonderful for older children and adults. Each player must continue the previous player's story using their card and still have a coherent story;
  5. Various economic games such as Monopoly - you will not only have a good time, but also replenish your knowledge and skills in the field of finance;
  6. Memory - a set of paired pictures. Each player is faced with the task of remembering the location of the cards in order to open the right one at the right time. This game can be played from the age of two, and ad infinitum. Memory cards can be purchased in a set or made independently;
  7. Imaginarium is a wonderful game that develops creativity, associative thinking, and simply allows you to have fun and usefully spend time. The main task of this game is to see and create associations to abstract pictures. Try it - you won't regret it!
  8. What changed? This game develops memory and attention. You can use absolutely any props - toys, stationery, various objects. For kids, you can put several toys in a row, and when the child closes his eyes, swap them or remove one of them;

Other types of board games:

Of course, there are an infinite number of them, and there is no point in listing them all. You should just go to children's store and choose the game that suits you. Table games – in the context of this article, we use this term to describe games that do not require special “equipment”, but can also be played right at the table. These include the following:

  1. A fairy tale in a circle. This game will be interesting and exciting both at the table and on a long journey. The first player says the beginning of a fairy tale. The next one picks up, adding a sentence and developing the plot. Such a game can last from several minutes to several hours, depending on how much imagination and strength the participants have. The second version of this game is not to pronounce phrases, but to write them down on a piece of paper, folding your note so that the next player cannot see. Can be designated key points for each participant: for example, one writes “Who”, the second – “Where”, etc. The result can be a real “masterpiece” in the literal and figurative sense of the word!
  2. Tales about everything in the world. You can invite participants to take turns composing and telling a fairy tale about any object that they saw around them. For example, about a napkin, about a phone, about a stool, etc. It can be a lot of fun and funny!
  3. Crocodile. The players are divided into two teams. One of them thinks of a word and delegates its player to show the hidden object, event or phenomenon without the help of words. Members of the other team must guess the hidden word. There may be other options when a player from the other team must show the word, or everyone can play “for themselves.” This game wonderfully develops imaginative thinking.
  4. Associations. The game develops logic well and lexicon. The participant names the word, the next one selects an association for it, absolutely any, perhaps understandable only to him. And so on. The game promises to be fun and exciting;
  5. Wishes. The game is great for family holidays. All family members “mix” at the table - grandmothers with grandchildren, etc. Each participant must wish something to the person sitting to his right. You need to want exactly what the player thinks the “neighbor” wants most. This type of fun brings all family members closer together and teaches them to better understand each other.

In principle, many of the above games are also largely creative. But in this section we will still focus on creativity “in pure form" Such games include:

  1. Various games and drawing competitions. You can draw and give portraits to each other, you can create joint paintings - the choice is limited only by your imagination. One example of games is the “12 months” competition. All participants are divided into two teams, each of which receives 12 album sheets, pencils, paints or felt-tip pens. After a specified time, the teams must show 12 sheets, on each of them a drawing of one of the months of the year. Players must guess which month is drawn on each image of their opponents;
  2. Theater competitions. For example, you can divide into teams and act out some scenes. Or portray some famous heroes in your own way;
  3. Dance and vocal competitions. There’s already someone who’s up to something. But it will definitely be fun for everyone!
  4. Construction games. Together you can assemble a model of an airplane or ship, build a house or a steamboat;
  5. Creating a collage. This does not require special artistic skills, and everyone can play - both children and adults. What is needed is whatman paper, magazines with pictures, photographs, colored paper, glue, plasticine, scissors, stickers, sticks, buttons, threads, beads... This list can go on and on. Then decide on a topic together creative work- and forward!

Creative games develop children’s motor skills, imagination, and thinking, and teach them to love work. Plus, it's just fun and great!

Such games can always be organized both at home in a separate room (for example, when it’s raining outside and you don’t want to go out into the yard), or outdoors during picnics and outings. Surely, each of us has a whole set of all sorts of similar fun in our memory. Let us recall just a few of them:

  1. Catching up, or blind man's buff. Yes, yes, the presenter is blindfolded, and he must catch up with other participants and guess the one caught by touch;
  2. Masquerade. Packing a large bag with different clothes(hats, underwear, tights, skirts, etc.). The host turns on the music and all players pass the bag around. When the music turns off, the participant who still has the bag in his hands randomly takes out any item of clothing from it and puts it on himself. Surely, by the end of the game everyone will look very unusual;
  3. WITH eyes closed. The participant is blindfolded, and, wearing thick mittens, he identifies by touch the object that is given to him. - Fun racing. To play you need balls of thread and machines according to the number of players. Threads are tied to the machines. Then all the “transport” is lined up in one line, and the participants stand at a distance of 7 meters from the machines, holding a ball of thread in their hands. At a signal, each player winds the thread onto a ball and drags the machine towards him.

Naturally, these are not all the games you can play with your family. In winter, for example, simple snowballs and snowmen “work wonderfully”, in summer – towns and tags. And you yourself can perfectly continue this list.

The main thing is that the games bring good mood to all family members, brought you closer, helped you get to know each other better. And, of course, warm days and evenings with your family will be remembered for a lifetime by both you and your children. It’s so great when a person has a reliable “rear” - a close-knit family that feels good together. After all, man does not live by bread alone...

Anna Kutyavina

Many people associate the phrase “board games for the whole family” only with lotto or Monopoly. Today, the family entertainment industry has advanced...

Many people associate the phrase “board games for the whole family” only with lotto or Monopoly. This is understandable, today it is considered quite normal to spend the entire evening watching TV, in social networks or computer games. Children are also growing up with all this high-tech “radiation”. Those who are still familiar to the adult generation are alien to them, quiet evenings when the whole family got together, shared the events of the day, read aloud interesting book or played a board game.

Then in Soviet times, it was backgammon, checkers, cities, a fool... Today, the industry of goods for family leisure has stepped far forward. Many interesting and colorful board games have been created that parents can play at home with their children.

Time well spent!

Those who are already fans of board games will confirm that this is not just a fun time spent.

  • Firstly, these are priceless moments of family unification, when children and adults learn to understand each other, find compromises and take into account the point of view of all team members.
  • Secondly, this is a great way to relax at the end of the day without harming your posture and vision (like, for example, at the computer).
  • Thirdly, board games contribute to the development of children and their parents, force them to “switch on” their brains, and stimulate cognitive interest. Depending on the content of the game, qualities such as patience, ingenuity, erudition, attentiveness and dexterity will be useful.
  • Fourthly, this The best way teach children to accept defeats with dignity, which can be difficult in everyday life.

Add to this a charge of vivacity and mass positive emotions, and now, there is no longer any doubt that you urgently need to run to the store to buy the game. But there are so many products, and it’s not easy for a beginner to figure out which board games are suitable for the whole family. Therefore, it is wisest to open your game library with those publications that are recognized as the best of the best.

Family board games differ from others in their lack of conflict. The process proceeds calmly and friendly, without open confrontation between the participants.

Top best board games

Card games, story games, strategy games, detective games, strategy games, quizzes - classifying games into types is a troublesome and unnecessary task. After all, just one game can combine several goals at once.

For family leisure, the main thing is that children, parents, and grandparents can play it at the same time. This means that the most important criterion when choosing a board game (colloquial name for board games) is the simplicity of its rules and the fun of the process.

What will be fun for the whole family to play?

A timeless classic that has managed to earn the best world awards. The goal is to draw up a map of medieval landholdings and place on it your own little figures, for which the participant himself chooses the occupation. All this brings points, the number of which is the result.

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The measured strategy game is presented in a whole series of publications, including a children's edition, designed for children from 4 years old. The rest have an age limit of 8+, but are also understandable to younger children.
Thematic material:


One of the best board games that develop logic. It is a set of cards with the image simple figures, each of which is characterized by certain characteristics. The player’s task is to collect three cards (set) as quickly as possible so that the properties of their figures are the same or different.

Age limit is 6+, but younger children can handle it too. Parents will be surprised, but in “Set” their offspring are often much faster and smarter!

It is rightfully considered one of the most colorful. It is especially suitable for people with creative thinking, because according to the rules it is necessary to find associations for unusual images and guess the associations of other participants. One of the players characterizes what is shown on his card with a word or sound, the rest select something similar from their deck and mix these pictures. The goal is to guess the “storyteller” card.

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This board is a great way to get together with your family and find out who is the best at attention and reaction. A deck of round cards fits in a compact tin box, which is very convenient if you want to pass the time on the road. Each card has 8 different images, chosen so that any two cards have the same symbol. The goal of the participants is to quickly find and grab pairs with the same pattern.

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Another game where children win more often. After all, the reaction of adults is a little worse. At what age can you play Dobble? Yes, at least from 3 years old!

A fun and exciting board game, it has several editions, among which you can play a family or children's version at home. Say differently - that's the main rule. The participant receives a card and explains the word written on it to others in a short time (there is also an hourglass). To equalize the chances of parents and children, there are two difficulty levels.

Cards with unusual tasks add a fun touch. For example, speaking in a robotic voice or shouting “Bingo!” loudly after each answer.

The family version of "Elias" is designed for participants aged 7 years and older; in the children's edition, instead of written words, there are pictures of objects that need to be explained.


Funny game for all ages and all companies. The players' task is to quickly name a word that contains the syllable indicated on the card they come across. And so that the player does not delay in answering, he is given a bomb that is ready to explode at any minute. The task of the participants is to name the word as quickly as possible and hand over the “dangerous” object.

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For kids preschool age It is better to purchase the children's version of the publication. In it you need to name the association for the depicted object. To complicate the tasks (for example, for parents), you can name the answers in alphabetical order or at foreign language.

Thematic material:

Train ticket in Europe

With miniature carriages and stations, creating fun and engaging geography lessons couldn't be easier. Large colorful maps of Europe captivate with their antique stylization. There are no less interesting additions to this strategy game - “Heart of Africa”, “Train across Asia”, etc.

Designed for children over 8 years old.

A popular card game whose deck is somewhat reminiscent of regular cards. The rules are simple - get rid of your cards as quickly as possible. You can play with any number of participants, even just two people. But what more people, the more fun. The compact box with the deck fits easily into your bag, allowing you to play with it anywhere. Even 5-year-old preschoolers can understand the rules.

There is also a domestic version of “Uno” - “Svintus”. Done with humor, it will amuse any company.

Also called Scrabble. Created a long time ago, this board still remains relevant and is a great way to spend leisure time with your family. Erudite works on the principle of a crossword puzzle. Each participant has letters from which he must lay out words on the playing field.

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Of course, it can only be played by children who already know how to read. But the benefits of Erudite are obvious - literacy improves, vocabulary expands, logical thinking develops, not to mention great time spent with the family!

Scrabble tournaments are popular in Europe. Entire language battles take place between respectable adults.

First of all, the design of the game is surprising. Colorful fabric rugs with patterns and unusual wooden dinars help you find yourself in an oriental bazaar. The rules are the same as in the market. The players' task is to place as many of their carpets on the playing field as possible and become wealthy merchants.

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In Marrakesh, chance plays almost no role. The main thing is the strategy and moves of the participants. Recommended age: from 6 years.

It is also called “tower”. This is because it consists of wooden blocks, which are laid out in a structure resembling a tower. The players' task is to use precise movements to pull out a block from the base of the tower and build a new level. The one whose turret crumbles loses.

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The age limit is 5+, but this is relative. Jenga is a great way to develop fine motor skills and thinking for players of all ages. A variation of Jenga are balancing chairs. Only the tower had to be dismantled, but on the contrary, a new structure should be created from the chairs.

How to include the youngest in the game

The most important condition family games - they should be understandable and interesting to all participants. But what about the younger family members who still go to school? kindergarten?

It’s better to start getting acquainted with board games with lotto or ordinary adventure games in which dice are thrown. Good sets are like “Memory”, in which you need to remember the location of identical cards and put them in pairs.

What table sets for the home will kids like?

Games that are beneficial for development

In fact, almost any board game It is developmental and makes the child think. But some can become real teaching aids to eliminate school difficulties, for example, in mathematics.

With the game "Delissimo" you can explain in an unobtrusive form one of the most difficult topics for children - fractions. And all this thanks to regular pizza! A long-lasting purchase, there are rules for 5-year-olds, and there are also for 10-year-olds.

Have fun and practice your skill oral counting The games “Sea Cocktail”, “Sleeping Queens Deluxe”, “10 Pigs”, etc. will help.

An analogue of the adult publication “Activity for Children” promotes speech development. In it, you need to explain the image on the card using an explanation, drawing or pantomime.

Turn off the TV, put away your gadgets and try playing with the whole family! This kind of leisure time will surely be loved by all household members and will soon become one of those warm family traditions that children remember for the rest of their lives. After all, what is important is not even how useful they are and what they develop, as the fact that they bring everyone together.

These funny Games- for the whole family. They will become a lifesaver when friends with children come to visit you. The games will entertain the kids and help adults remember their childhood!

Well, let's have some fun

Funny game

On whatman paper we draw a donkey or any other animal without a tail. We attach the picture to the wall.

We attach double-sided tape to the cord tail. We give the player a tail in his hands, blindfold him, turn him once around his axis and send him to the picture.

The player's task is to stick the tail in the right place. Few people succeed in this. And the tail on the donkey’s forehead or back causes a storm of laughter and emotions.

Music game

The participants of the game stand in a semicircle opposite the leader, who makes movements to the music. Before starting, it is necessary to discuss the conditions: for example, if the leader raises his hands up, then everyone puts them on the waist, if he bends them at the elbows, they spread them to the sides, if he takes them back, they cross them in front of him, and if he pulls them forward, they do the same.

Whoever mixes up the movements leaves the game. The winner is the one who never makes a mistake.

Creative play

At the beginning of the game, you need to collect forfeits from all participants - any item by which its owner can be unmistakably identified. There are two presenters: one takes out a forfeit, shows it to everyone except the second presenter, and asks him: “What should this forfeit do?” The second, without seeing the object, instructs the owner of the phanta to sing a song, show the tribe’s “yum-yum” dance, or depict fairy tale hero. It all depends on the imagination of the presenter.

Intellectual game

The host throws the ball to any participant in the game and names one of the elements: earth, water, air or fire. If “land” was said, the participant must return the ball, naming any animal that lives on land, if “water” - fish, if “air” - bird. And if the presenter says “fire,” the ball must be hit. Whoever made a mistake in the answer or caught the ball, instead of hitting it, raises his hand up and holds it until the host throws the ball to him again. After the second miss, the player is eliminated from the game.

Game for young artists

Invite the children to draw a fantasy animal. Let each of them take turns depicting some part of his body. The winner will be the one who comes up with the most original name for this unprecedented beast.



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