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Types of clays and their properties. Clays. Useful and healing properties of clay

What is clay and where is it used, what are its beneficial features, what is it like, what does it consist of, how is it mined, where are the largest deposits of this substance?

Is clay a mineral or a rock, a substance or a body? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

What is clay and what does it look like?

Answer the question “What is clay?” not so simple. Clay is a fine-grained mountain mineral, consisting of several chemical compounds of mineral groups and formed under a variety of natural conditions.

To the main components chemical formula This fossil includes kaolite, silicon and aluminum oxide. Sometimes clay contains metal impurities. Gold and silver are contained in the form of tiny particles. Its color can be varied, which is given by impurities of chromophore ions.

Clay usually lies on the surface of the earth or under the soil. When saturated with water, it turns into a thick mass that can be easily shaped into various shapes and then further processed.

Properties of clay

The main properties of clays are determined by their composition:

  • soaks in water, forming dirty masses called “suspensions”;
  • very plastic material (can be given different shapes). Types of clays with high plasticity are called “fat”, those with low plasticity are called “lean”;
  • always swells in water;
  • after drying it becomes a hard material with high strength;
  • has stickiness;
  • is an absorbent, absorbs some substances;
  • has water resistance - after being saturated with water, it simply does not let it through;
  • has thermal conductivity.

Chemical composition

So, the main constituent element of this rock is kaolite. This mineral, in turn, consists of alumina (39.5%), silica (46.5%) and water (14%).

Clay in nature contains various impurities, with different contents of certain substances. Therefore, based on the results of the chemical composition, the properties inherent in a given species are determined.

Good to know: Fire resistance depends on the amount of alumina, the deformation temperature depends on the calcium content, and fusibility is judged by the amount of iron or alkali content.

Silica predominates in all varieties and is found in two forms: chemically bound or free impurity. The density of clay depends on its varieties and usually several values ​​are indicated for its rocks: real, technological, bulk, conditional.

Origin and education

The formation process of this fossil is possible wherever water and feldspars are present. In chemistry, feldspars are rock-forming minerals of the silicate group. Clay comes in two different types based on its origin: sedimentary or residual.

Types of clay

Clay is divided into types based on the following characteristics: its composition, basic properties and color. The latter depends on the predominance of certain chemical compounds and their quantity.

By color scheme There are red, white, yellow, blue, gray, dark blue, black and green.

The main types are distinguished:

  • bentonite;
  • natural red;
  • fired (terracotta);
  • abrasive;
  • construction;
  • ceramic;
  • powder;
  • montmorillonite.

Based on the ability to withstand high temperatures (fire resistance) it is divided into three types:

  • low-melting (melting point about 1350 degrees);
  • medium-melting (from 1350 to 1580 degrees);
  • refractory (over 1580 degrees).

Applications of clay

IN industrial sectors is used very widely. First of all, in the brick and pottery industries. When mixed with water, a mass similar to plastic dough is obtained, which is shaped into objects and then fired.

In the production of building materials, it is used to make cement. First, clay is extracted from natural quarries and mixed with crushed limestone. Its volume is 75%, and clay - 25%.

Clay is a popular material in construction and when used in construction work, it is necessary to accurately determine its specific gravity (for example, fire-resistant clay has a high specific gravity; and fulling clay, tableware clay, solonets clay, etc. have an average value of this weight).

Clay has long been used in medicine and cosmetology. On its basis, ointments and antidiarrheal drugs are made, for example, in the composition of the well-known natural and safe drug"Smecta" includes white clay.

Cosmetological whitening and healing masks are made from clay. A mask made from a specific type of colored clay is selected for each skin type.

How clay is mined

It is not difficult to detect clay, in natural conditions This is a common breed, economically it is an inexpensive natural raw material. Shallow under the chernozem there are layers of clay with layers of sand.

But when extracted, it initially has a large specific gravity and is expensive to transport, so processing plants are usually built next to quarries.

It should also be taken into account that certain types of clay are found only in certain regions, so sometimes it is necessary to transport it to processing sites.

Where is it mined in Russia?

Previously, clay in Russia was mined, as a rule, along the banks of rivers or lakes. On this moment mining is carried out only in quarries, using excavators.

First, the search for deposit areas is determined. This is done through a survey. local population and through certain characteristics of the area: swampiness, the presence of accumulations of reservoirs in the area, low groundwater levels.

Every year, a huge number of clay deposits are explored in search of natural resources. All this makes it possible to produce and use clay in different areas of life. It also serves as the basis for the emergence of new technologies (for example, the emergence of metal clay for creating jewelry and decorative items) and such a variety of clay products.

Clay is an interesting and diverse material in its properties, which is formed as a result of the destruction of rocks. Many people, when dealing with this plastic substance, wonder: what does clay consist of? Let's find out the answer to this question, and also figure out how this can be useful to a person.

What is clay, what substance does it consist of?

Clay is a sedimentary rock, fine-grained in structure. When dry, it is often dusty, but if it is moistened, it becomes a plastic and pliable material that can take any shape. When the clay hardens, it becomes hard and its shape does not change.

Mineral composition of clays different types although different, it necessarily contains substances of the kaolinite and montmorillonite group or other layered aluminosilicates. Clay may also contain other impurities, carbonate and sand particles.

The typical composition of this substance looks like this:

  • kaolinite - 47%;
  • aluminum oxide - 39%;
  • water - 14%.

These are not all the components of clay. Mineral inclusions - halloysite, diaspore, hydrargillite, corundum, monothermite, muscovite and others - are also present in different quantities. The following minerals can contaminate clays and kaolins: quartz, dolomite, gypsum, magnetite, pyrite, limonite, marcasite.

Types of clays

What clay is made of depends largely on where and how it is formed. Depending on this, they distinguish:

1. Sedimentary clays are the result of the transfer of natural weathering products and their deposition in a certain place. They are marine - born at the bottom of the seas and oceans, and continental - formed on the mainland. Marine clays, in turn, are divided into:

  • shelf;
  • lagoon;
  • coastal.

2. Residual clays are formed during the weathering of non-plastic rocks and their transformation into plastic kaolins. Study of such residual deposits may reveal a smooth transition of clay into parent rock with changes in elevation.

Properties of clay

Regardless of what substance clay is made of and where it was formed, there are characteristic properties that distinguish it from other natural materials.

When dry, clay has a dusty structure. If it hardens in lumps, it crumbles easily. This material quickly gets wet, absorbs water, and as a result swells. At the same time, the clay acquires water resistance - the ability not to allow liquid to pass through.

The main feature of clay is its plasticity - the ability to easily take on any shape. Depending on this ability, clay can be classified into “fat” - which is characterized by increased plasticity, and “lean” - diluted with other substances and gradually losing this property.

Plastic clay is characterized by stickiness and viscosity. This property is widely used in construction. Think about what the construction mixture consists of? Clay is an essential component of any connecting solution.

Distribution on the planet

Clay is a very common material on Earth, and therefore inexpensive. There are a lot of clay deposits in any area. On the sea coasts you can see clay dumps that used to be solid rocks. The banks and bottom of rivers and lakes are often covered with a layer of clay. If the forest path has a brown or red tint, then most likely it also consists of residual clay.

In industrial clay mining, the open-pit mining method is used. To get to the deposits useful substance, first they remove and then take out the fossils. At different depths, clay layers may differ in composition and properties.

Human use of clay

As already mentioned, clay is most often used in construction. Everyone knows that the usual material for constructing structures is bricks. What are they made of? Sand and clay are the main components of the dough, which, when exposed to high temperatures, becomes hard and turns into brick. To prevent a wall made of individual blocks from crumbling, a viscous solution is used, which also contains clay.

A mixture of clay and water becomes the raw material for pottery production. Humanity has long learned to produce vases, bowls, jugs and other containers from clay. They can have different sizes and shapes. Previously, pottery was a necessary and widespread craft, and clay products became the only utensils used in everyday life and a very popular product in the markets.

Clay is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Those who care about the beauty and health of the skin know about the beneficial effects of certain types of this substance. Clay is used for wraps, masks and lotions. It effectively fights cellulite, gives skin elasticity, and prevents premature aging. For some medical indications, clay is even used internally. And for skin diseases, dried and ground into dust material is prescribed in the form of powders. It is important to mention that not any clay is used for such purposes, but only some types that have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.

What is polymer clay

Polymer clay makes it easy to imitate the texture of other materials, such as wood or stone. You can make your own souvenirs from this plastic substance, Christmas decorations, jewelry, interior decorations, keychains and much more. Such handmade products will be an excellent gift; they can be stored for a long time without losing their attractive appearance and original shape.

What does polymer clay consist of? Homemade recipe

Craftswomen who are interested in the process of making such bright souvenirs have probably thought about how to make polymer clay on their own. This is quite real challenge. Naturally, the resulting material will not be identical to factory polymer clay, but when correct production its properties will not be inferior in any way.

Required components:

  • PVA glue - 1 cup;
  • corn starch - 1 cup;
  • non-greasy hand cream without silicone - 1 tablespoon;
  • Vaseline - 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.

This is everything that we will prepare at home.

Mix starch, glue and Vaseline thoroughly, add lemon juice and mix again until smooth. Place in the microwave for 30 seconds, stir and send back for another 30 seconds. The crust that has formed on the surface must be removed and discarded, and the elastic mass should be placed on a tray greased with hand cream and kneaded vigorously for 5 minutes. After cooling, our polymer clay is ready for use.

By learning how to make polymer clay yourself, you can save on expensive purchased materials and, without limiting yourself, master an interesting, creative activity.

Clay is an interesting and diverse material in its properties, which is formed as a result of the destruction of rocks. Many people, when dealing with this plastic substance, wonder: what does clay consist of? Let's find out the answer to this question, and also figure out how this can be useful natural material to a person.

Clay is a mineral that has found wide application in various spheres of life. This rather complex rock can be represented by different compositions and properties. The conditions for the formation of different types of clays also differ significantly.

What is clay?

Geological science has been studying rocks for quite some time. Scientists have found that clay, not contaminated with foreign impurities, consists of small particles. The diameter of the dust does not exceed 0.01 mm. These are particles that belong to a specific group of minerals. It is no coincidence that the use of clay has become widespread. The rock represents a tangled chemical compound, which contains water, silicon and aluminum.

Clays change their properties under the influence of liquid. Depending on the amount of water that is added to the rock particles, a plastic mass or lime may be formed. Liquid with added clay has high degree viscosity This property is widely used in the construction and repair industries.

Properties of clays

The properties of any rock depend entirely on its composition. Clay is no exception. The size of the constituent particles also matters. When mixed with the rock, it is capable of forming a viscous dough. This property is widely used in various spheres of life. Clay swells in water. Thanks to this, it can be used very sparingly. In its raw form, clay dough can retain absolutely any shape. Nothing can be changed after it has hardened. So that the product can be preserved long time, he gets burned. When exposed to high temperatures, clay becomes even stronger and more durable.

If we describe the basic properties of clay, we cannot help but remember water resistance. Once the rock particles are saturated with the required amount of liquid, it no longer allows moisture to pass through. This property is also quite widely used in construction.

Certain types of clays are capable of purifying petroleum products. The same properties of clay are used to purify vegetable fats and oils. Thanks to this, people can consume foods without harmful contaminants. Clay absorbs liquids that can be harmful to health. For the same reason, certain types of rocks are used in cosmetology.

What types of clays are there?

There are a huge number of types of clays in nature. All of them have found their application in one area or another of life. Kaolin is a light-colored clay that has less plasticity compared to other types. This breed is most often used in the paper industry, as well as in the manufacture of tableware.

Fireproof clay deserves special attention. This is a white or light gray substance that can withstand temperatures above 1500 degrees when fired. When exposed to high temperatures, refractory clay does not soften and does not lose its beneficial properties. The rock is widely used in the manufacture of porcelain products, as well as in interior decoration. Facing tiles made of refractory clay are considered popular.

Molding clays can also be fired at a fairly high temperature. They are distinguished by increased plasticity. This refractory clay can be used in metallurgy. It is used to make special bonding molds for metal casting.

Cement clays are most often used in construction. These are grayish substances with an admixture of magnesium. Clay is used for the manufacture of various finishing products, and also as a connecting link during construction work.

How and where is clay mined?

Clay is a mineral that is not rare today. The substance can be extracted from the ground without any problems. It is easiest to detect the substance in places where rivers previously flowed. Clay is considered a product of sedimentary rock and the earth's crust. On an industrial scale, clay is extracted using excavators. The machine cuts away large layers of soil. In this way, much more minerals can be extracted. The problem is that the clay in most cases lies in layers.

Entire quarries serve as places for clay extraction. The work begins with removing the top layer of soil. Most often, clay can be found already at a distance of half a meter from the top. Usually easy to process and can be located on the surface itself. In some cases, a mineral can be discovered under groundwater. In this case, the team installs a special drainage to drain the water.

Winter is not an obstacle to mining. To avoid freezing of the soil, it is insulated with sawdust and other substances with a low level of thermal conductivity. The thickness of the insulation sometimes reaches 50 cm. Already mined clay is also protected from freezing. It is covered with a tarpaulin or other similar material that can maintain the desired temperature until the clay is delivered to the warehouse.

Clay in construction

In the construction industry, clay began to be used from the first days of its discovery. Today the material is quite widely used for the construction of houses in the southern regions. Thanks to the properties of the fossil, the houses are cool in summer and warm and cozy in winter. To make blocks, they take only a little sand, clay and straw. After hardening, a durable building material is obtained that is not susceptible to any natural factors.

Experts answer unequivocally which clay is best for building houses. The most suitable is cement clay. Cladding tiles are also often made from this material. With the help of such finishing you can not only decorate the room, but also protect it from fire. After all, cement clay is also fireproof.

Clay dishes

Cutlery made of clay is not only beautiful, but also useful. The material is environmentally friendly. Do not be afraid that the dishes will release substances harmful to health when exposed to high temperatures. Many people associate the use of clay with the manufacture of plates, pots and vases. Today, dishes from this material are made on an industrial scale. Everyone can purchase a set made of high-quality material that can last for a long time.

Much more appreciated handmade. Entire exhibitions are organized where craftsmen can show off their products. You can also buy high-quality pottery here. The main thing is that the product is made in a single copy. But the price will be appropriate.

Clay modeling with children

Making various products using clay can be a lot of fun and a fun activity for a child. Modeling promotes mental development, improves motor skills of children's hands. The kid can show his imagination for his own pleasure. Parents will always tell you what can be made from clay.

Clay modeling requires careful preparation. It should be remembered that not all clothes can be washed away from minerals. And the child will definitely put stains. Therefore, the baby should be dressed in a work uniform and the table covered with oilcloth. What is the first thing you can make from clay? First of all, you should sculpt simple oval figures. These can be animals or funny people. With an older child you will be able to make a plate and spoon. After hardening, the product can be painted. It will look original and can be preserved for a long time. But it is worth remembering that clay without firing is quite fragile.

Use of clay in medicine

Even in ancient times, people noticed the beneficial properties of clay and began to use them for medicinal purposes. Some types of minerals have an anti-inflammatory effect. Due to this, they are used to treat various skin diseases. Clay quickly helps to cope with burns, acne and eczema. But you should never self-medicate. Certain types of clay have different properties. Only a specialist will be able to select the right material and apply it correctly to the sore spot. Without the necessary knowledge and skills, you can only cause harm.

Clay is a mineral that is a source of many minerals, vitamins and microelements. Some types of rock can also be taken internally. Clay is an excellent source of radium. At the same time, the body absorbs the amount of useful substances that is necessary for normal life.

Clay can remove toxins from the blood and also normalize metabolism. Due to this, it is often used for various types of poisoning. The powder is taken orally in a small amount with water. But only certain types of clay can be used for medicinal purposes.

Clay in cosmetology

Many girls often use cosmetic clay to improve their appearance. The mineral can even out skin tone, rid the face of acne, and remove fat deposits from the thighs. Used for cosmetic purposes different kinds clay. They all have their own characteristics and properties.

For facial rejuvenation, the most commonly used mineral is white clay. The photos of women who used this product to improve their faces are impressive. Expression wrinkles are actually smoothed out, and pigment spots disappear completely. The substances are also perfect for girls with oily skin and large pores - information that can be read on the packaging. But it is still better to use any clay after consultation with a cosmetologist.

Applications of blue clay

This rock has good anti-inflammatory properties. It contains salts and minerals necessary for normal functioning. Blue clay masks should be made by people who are prone to skin rashes. With the help of a natural substance, acne and comedones are perfectly treated.

You can also use blue clay to make your skin lighter. 10 procedures will help you get rid of freckles and age spots for a long time. In addition, it perfectly smoothes shallow expression wrinkles.

Green clay

This substance is also quite widely used in cosmetology. Green clay has excellent adsorbing properties. Thanks to this, it is possible to quickly cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins. Clay can be applied to the face or the whole body.

Wraps using green clay are considered popular. The mineral helps restore the body's water balance and remove excess moisture. This property helps girls get rid of cellulite, as well as make their skin more even and smooth.

Red clay

The most optimal for people who are prone to allergic reactions is red clay. This substance has a special color due to the content of copper and iron oxide. Only the extracted substance cannot be immediately used in cosmetology. Making clay for various masks is a labor-intensive process. WITH special attention It is red clay that is being prepared for use. The breed is cleaned of various harmful impurities that can harm the skin.

Red clay masks perfectly relieve redness and irritation of the skin. The material is also widely used in medicine. Red clay promotes faster healing and makes postoperative scars less noticeable.

Clay snack. This dish is found in the diet of small nationalities. Far East. Only goes into food White clay. It is washed down with goat's milk. No one has ever been hospitalized after eating an exotic dish. It turns out that in small quantities clay is not only not harmful, but also useful. For example, some Russians ate it in the 20s of the last century. At that time, famine was raging in the country. Historical reports record that clay was sold as food in the markets of Samara. The rock contains decay products of organic matter. They carry a lot of nutrients and substances beneficial to the body.

Physical and Chemical properties clay

2.50-2.85 grams per cubic centimeter - this is the density of the clay. A rock that contains a lot of organic matter has a lower density. The maximum indicators are among the masses, where there are a minimum of waste products. Ancient clays are also dense, regardless of category. They are located at depth and are compacted under the weight of the earth’s crust and their own weight.

The photo shows an array of clay

Density is one of the few stable parameters of clay. These also include plasticity and pliability of the material. Otherwise, the types of the breed vary. It all depends on the place and conditions of formation of the material. For example, the porosity of a rock can be 20%, or it can be as much as 60%. At the same time, the vast majority of pores are open. This means that the holes allow liquid to pass through without difficulty. However, clay has the property, having collected a certain amount of liquid, to no longer allow water to pass through. Therefore, the rock is often used in waterproof structures.

The ability to absorb moisture determines the property of clay to swell. When drying, the rock, on the contrary, shrinks. As a result, the volume of material can vary by approximately 30%. At the same time, the shape given to the clay is preserved.

The photo shows black clay

The ability to deform in different types of clays is expressed both in thousandths and in wholes. The wide range is explained by the difference between rocks in moisture content, composition, density, and structure. Some types of clay are sticky. In this regard, the rock is often used as an adhesive, binding material.

The basis of clay is often the mineral kaolinite. It consists of oxides of silicon, aluminum and water, and belongs to the group of feldspars. Layered aluminosilicates are always included in the composition of the rock in one proportion or another. Sometimes, clay consists entirely of them. There are also particles of sand and carbonates in the mass.

How and where clay is formed

Clay can form wherever there is water and... The breed consists of the latter. Clay - destroyed by the action of winds and other external factors feldspars. Their crumbs, mixing with the surrounding masses, can settle at the site of the spar deposit. However, most often mineral dust is carried away by water flows, be it rain, rivers, or seas. Streams bring compound clays to areas with the least current. Here, mineral chips settle to the bottom, combining with particles of shells, algae and other local “attractions”.

In the photo there is blue clay formed on the shore of a reservoir

Since feldspars and other aluminosilicates are multi-colored, the clays produced from them are also colorful. Depending on the predominant type of mineral, plastic rock can be red, brown, orange, yellow, or white. They also meet black clay And blue clay. Dark color The rock acquires its properties due to the content of carbon and iron in it. Montmorillonite gives the clay its heavenly hue. This is a mineral from the subclass of layered silicates, it has a blue or gray-blue color.

Types of clay

Clays are divided according to their origin. Two main classes – mainland And maritime. From the names it is clear that continental clay settles next to collapsing rock masses without being transported by water. Marine rocks include those that flows have carried away from their original locations.

Among marine clays there are 4 subclasses. They are associated with the place of sedimentation and final formation of the rock.

The photo shows coastal clay

Coastal clays form at the water's edge. Typically, granules of such rock are poorly sorted and interspersed with sandstones, carbonates or coal seams. Coastal clay particles are often coarse and large.

Lagoon clays are considered fire-resistant. This applies to rocks formed in desalinated lagoons. In semi-closed systems with a high salt content in water, fire-resistant masses are not formed. Here the clay has a coarse-grained structure, with particles of salt and gypsum visible to the naked eye. Offshore the clays are homogeneous, formed in the absence of currents at a depth of approximately 2 hundred meters.

Among continental clays there are also subclasses, and there are also 4 of them.

Deluvial clays are heterogeneous. They accumulate at the foot of collapsing hills. The colluvial rock often lacks layering or is not pronounced.

Ozernye clays are finely dispersed, homogeneous. These include best representatives refractory clays. They are formed in both fresh and salt lakes.

Proluvial clays are carried by temporary flows into the hollows. This breed is coarse-grained and poorly sorted.

River clays are typical for floodplains. The rock is not divided into layers and often turns into pebbles or sand.

We will talk about the types of clay according to their purpose using examples of the use of the rock.

Application of clay

Almost all porcelain is made from or using kaolin clay. It is finely divided and white, so it is also useful in the paper industry.

The photo shows fireclay or also called fireclay clay. Fire bricks are made from it

Refractory clay can also be white, but more often gray or yellowish. The rock can withstand temperatures of almost 1,600 degrees Celsius. This is also useful in the manufacture of earthenware and refractory products. Builders often call the breed the category " fireclay clay" However, this is the rock that was crushed after heat treatment in briquettes. The powder is added to concrete and plaster.

Molding clay is the most plastic. Matrices are made from it for pouring at metallurgical enterprises.
Brick clay is used to make bricks. There is a lot of quartz in it and this rock is easily melted down.

The photo shows polymer clay

There is also polymer clay. Its origin is not natural. The composition of the mass is far from mineral. But, in terms of properties, it is close to the true breed. Polymer clay is plastic and easy to fire. It comes in a variety of textures and colors and is a popular craft material. If you need one clay, buy It is available in stores that sell everything for creativity.

The healing properties of clay

Due to its composition, the breed has a bactericidal effect. Clay masks popular among those with problem skin. The antimicrobial environment is also useful in the treatment of enteritis with colitis. These are gastrointestinal infections. So it’s not for nothing that there are examples of using clay for food.

The photo shows a face mask made of blue clay

Sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores clay for face. These are not always just disinfecting and healing compounds. The mineral and organic environment of the rock nourishes cells, restores youth, and tightens the skin.

Interestingly, clay baths are taken not only by people, but also by animals. They get dirty and roll around in a sticky mass if they are injured or sick. Animals are driven by instinct. They smell drugs in their environment.

In order to understand what the difference is, let’s touch on some geological issues. After all, strictly speaking, the concept of “clay” unites a wide class of rocks of sedimentary origin. Clay consists of tiny rock particles formed as a result of wind and water erosion. Her chemical composition is determined by the composition of these rocks, which varies in different territories. Therefore, clays mined in one area may differ markedly from clays from another region. Strictly speaking, all types of natural clays have only one general property- plasticity and particle size of its components (particles must have a diameter of less than 1/270 of a millimeter). Since clays are formed from materials in the earth's crust, their overall chemical composition is generally close to its "composition". These are mainly aluminum silicates, cations of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium and a number of other elements.

But clays can differ strikingly from each other in their microelement composition. This is influenced not only by the place of formation of this clay, but also by the time of its formation and the transformations that it underwent during the evolution of our planet.

To figure this out, let's look at how shallow clays, which we encounter most often, are formed - during a country walk or in a garden plot. As a rule, these are very young -primary clays, formed from tiny dust particles that, deposited on the soil surface, penetrate through coarse soil layers (gravel, sand). In this case, during the filtration process, the smallest particles gradually stick together with each other, initially forming a thin layer, which, unlike sand, does not allow water to pass through and therefore begins to slow down the movement of other similar particles. This is how a clay layer is gradually formed. This process is quite slow. On average, over three years, a layer of clay sediments about 1 mm thick is created in this way. Clay layers and lenses do not allow water to pass through and thereby form an aquifer, giving us the opportunity to obtain spring and well water,

If you, following the easy advice of “experts,” try to use such primary clay for medicinal purposes by simply digging it up with a spatula, then the risk will be considerable. Modern dust, in combination with contaminated sediments, reaching clay horizons, can literally poison them. And clay extracted in this way can seriously aggravate your health. After all, before using any water source, a chemical and bacteriological analysis of the composition of the water must be carried out. But what seems quite natural to us for water applies no less to clays. Especially when using clay as a medicine or cosmetic. Therefore, the main commandment of clay treatment isDo not use clay whose chemical and bacteriological composition is unknown to you. Is it dangerous!

But even if the composition of the clay does not cause concern, this does not mean that it can be healing. Healing clay should have a number of properties that shallow primary clays rarely possess. Medicinal clays are more common amongsecondary clays , formed during repeated cases of wind and water erosion of primary clays. As a result of this erosion, its particles acquire even smaller sizes - up to 1/500 mm or less. Secondary clays, of course, are of more ancient origin. They may lie on great depths exposed to high temperatures, pressure and other vicissitudes geological processes, which affect the physical and chemical properties and structure of clays, giving them new qualities.

In other words, how ancient origin clay, the more diverse its composition, the smaller its particles and the higher their porosity . Greatest influence The healing properties of clays are influenced by the geological period and territory in which they were formed. After all, clay, being a sedimentary rock, contains traces of that historical era in the life of our planet during which it was formed.

In accordance with this, fossil clays are usually named after the geological periods to which they are confined. So,Cambrian blue clays (geological name - “blue”) are among the most ancient (they were formed 530-600 million years ago). It is Cambrian clays that have the greatest healing properties.But in most cases, due to their antiquity, these clays are buried at kilometer depths and only in a few points on our planet lie close to the earth’s surface.



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