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Homemade wine from unripe apples. The correct technology for making homemade wine from apples

Apple wine is famous for its taste, benefits, and ease of making it yourself. It is almost in no way inferior to grape wine, and in our latitudes it is much more accessible. In addition, there is no need to worry about raw materials: apples of any variety are suitable for this wine. A little work and patience good recipe apple wine– and you can always please your loved ones and friends with a wonderful drink. We will tell you how to make apple wine correctly and avoid mistakes during the preparation process.

We select raw materials, necessary tools and materials

Making apple wine is quite simple. The process is almost inexpensive, and everything you need is grown in your garden, purchased at the store, and made by yourself. You need:

  • apples themselves, of any variety, and even a mixture of varieties;
  • sugar;
  • juice press;
  • water seal (we will make it ourselves);
  • two volumetric containers in which the liquid will ferment and settle.

Apples, like grapes, are optimal for making wine directly from juice because they contain the right amount of sugar, unlike berries and many other fruits.

Making homemade apple wine

We will present you several recipes for wines of any category: dessert, light, strong, table, liqueur. If you do not yet have the skills to make wine, then start with stronger varieties, since they are easier to make and not capricious during storage. This way you can avoid some common mistakes.

So, the sequence of stages for making apple wine at home is as follows:

  1. We prepare the fruits - wash the apples, clean the rotten and spoiled areas, grind them into pulp.
  2. We squeeze out the juice and check its quality. In some cases it can be strained.
  3. Preparing the wort. Let the resulting liquid ferment. At a certain stage, yeast is added to the wort and a rapid fermentation process begins.
  4. The liquid is filtered for the first time and poured into another container. Fermentation continues at a calmer level. The wort requires care during this period.
  5. A few more transfers of wine into another container. After this, the wine matures and its aging begins.
  6. The wine is cleaned, clarified if necessary, bottled and stored. At this stage, treatment of drink diseases may be required.

Let's look at these stages in more detail and in detail, since each of them has its own characteristics and secrets.

Amount of products needed for wine

There are several types of wine, and each of them requires different types of apples and a different amount of sugar. Use our tips to get a quality product.

We present data based on 100 liters of must, in order to obtain 80 liters of wine.

If you are using forest or unripe apples, the acidity of which is 1.5% and the sugar content is 6.0%, then you will need:

  • to obtain light table wine - 62 kg of fruits, from which 46.7 liters of juice will be obtained, plus 46.6 liters of water, 11.2 kg of sugar;
  • to obtain strong table wine - 71 kg of fruits, from which 53.3 liters of juice will be obtained, plus 35.75 liters of water, 18.3 kg of sugar;
  • to obtain strong wine - 107 kg of fruits, from which 80 liters of juice will be obtained, plus 1.9 liters of water, 30.2 kg of sugar;
  • to obtain dessert wine - 89 kg of fruits, from which 66.67 liters of juice will be obtained, plus 12 liters of water, 35.5 kg of sugar;
  • to obtain liqueur wine - 104 kg of fruit, from which 78 liters of juice will be obtained, plus 51.3 kg of sugar.

When preparing wine, stick to the right amount of sugar.

When using sweet and sour apples with an acidity of 0.7% and a sugar content of 15%, in some cases it will be necessary to add tannic and tartaric acids. The ratio of products will be as follows:

  • to obtain light table wine - 124 kg of fruits, from which 92.8 liters of juice will be obtained, plus 7.15 liters of water, 0.80 kg of sugar;
  • to obtain strong table wine - 127 kg of fruits, from which 95 liters of juice will be obtained, plus 7.25 kg of sugar, 150 g of tartaric acid, 105 g of tannic acid;
  • to obtain strong wine - 115 kg of fruits, from which 86 liters of juice will be obtained, plus 22.1 kg of sugar, 484 g of tartaric acid, 114 g of tannic acid;
  • to obtain dessert wine - 112 kg of fruits, from which 84 liters of juice will be obtained, plus 26.9 kg of sugar, 296 g of tartaric acid, 116 g of tannic acid;
  • to obtain liqueur wine - 88 kg of fruits, from which 66 liters of juice will be obtained, plus 56.1 kg of sugar, 804 g of tartaric acid, 234 g of tannic acid.

By adhering to these proportions, you will get a good, properly aged wine.

Variety of apple wines

Fruit preparation: selection of varieties, juice extraction

There is no single variety of apple intended specifically for making wine. The best option is to use a mixture of sweet, sour and tart varieties. Experts identify the most common ratios:

  • sweet, tart and sour apples - 3/3/2 parts, respectively;
  • sweet, tart, sour – 2/2/1;
  • sweet, tart, sour – 1/1/2;
  • sweet, tart – 1/3;
  • sweet, tart – 2/1;
  • bitter, sweet – 2/1.

Summer, well-ripened varieties are sent for pressing immediately. Apples of autumn varieties need several days after picking to ripen. Winter, late varieties will require almost a month of ripening in a cool, dark place, for example, in a basement.

For homemade wine, combine apples of different varieties. Sometimes you can add other fruits and berries

Please note: when washing apples, you do not need to be careful: natural yeast cultures should remain on the fruits, which will ensure primary fermentation. But damaged areas must be removed. You also need to remove the seeds and core, otherwise the wine will taste bitter.

Apples are crushed into a pulp called pulp. To do this, you can use any suitable device: a meat grinder, a grater, a household juicer. Main. So that the consistency of the pulp is as fine as possible.

To squeeze juice from the pulp, use gauze (a labor-intensive process) or a special press (easier production). The pulp remaining in the juice is only beneficial in this production.

Prepare the wort and let the wine ferment

Preparation of the wort is necessary in order to obtain pure juice, which will then ferment to produce wine later. The squeezed apple juice is poured into a container with a wide neck - a can or a large saucepan, and covered with a layer of gauze. The initial fermentation takes place the very next day, and the wort is divided into two fractions. The pulp rises up, and the clarified juice remains at the bottom.

The wort must be kept in this state for 3 days, stirring regularly so that the top of the pulp does not turn sour, otherwise the wine will be spoiled.

  1. During fermentation, sugar is added to the juice to feed the yeast. It should be remembered that 2% sugar in the wort will give about 1% alcohol. With every kilogram of sugar, the volume of wort increases by 0.5-0.96 liters.
  2. You can add sugar to the primary wort in a ratio of 1.5 kg per 7.5 liters of juice, and then add the remaining sand. Also. For ease of production, sugar is added before quiet fermentation.
  3. After three days of primary fermentation, the pulp is removed from the surface so that a layer of cap no higher than 5 mm remains. Add sugar and, if necessary, water.
  4. Since we are considering a recipe in which fermentation occurs due to natural yeast remaining on the fruit, the strength of our wine will be no more than 13.5%, so it is better to add sugar right away - it is a necessary feed for the yeast.
  5. The resulting juice is mixed until the sugar is completely dissolved and poured into a dry, clean glass container. When using plastic containers, make sure they are food grade to avoid damaging the wine with a chemical taste.

Container with a water seal made independently from improvised materials

The container is not filled to the top, but approximately 4/5 of the volume, so that there is enough space for the formation of foam on the wort during fermentation. The dishes should not be tightly sealed; it is necessary to ensure the removal of the released carbon dioxide, and at the same time block the access of oxygen. To do this, insert a long plastic tube into the lid of the vessel, the opposite end of which can be lowered into a bottle of water. To seal the container with wort, you can use a tightly ground wooden stopper or a plastic lid. Cover the remaining holes with plasticine or dough. The water seal is ready.

The process of quiet fermentation of apple wine, ripening, bottling

The container with the wort, closed with a water seal, should be placed in a warm, shaded place with a temperature of 20-22 degrees - this is the ideal climate for fermentation. It is advisable to control the temperature at the same level, otherwise the process may either slow down significantly or speed up, which will affect the quality of the product. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude drafts in the room.

The fermentation period for apple wine is about 45 days. If the water bottle that provides the water seal no longer produces bubbles, the fermentation process is complete.

It will take a few more days for the fermented wine to sit in the container. The main thing is not to leave it for more than two weeks, otherwise the dead yeast that has precipitated will begin to rot. After this, the wine is poured into clean bottles.

Be sure to add sugar to the wort during fermentation.

You can already drink the resulting wine, but since it has not yet matured, its taste and aroma will not be full. Therefore, prepare a clean and dry container and pour the liquid into it through a tube so that the sediment remains at the bottom of the first container. The bottle is filled to the brim, sealed tightly and placed in a dark, cold room for 2-4 months. This time is enough for the wine to acquire its true taste.

Please note: do not allow re-fermentation under any circumstances. Keep the temperature within 10-12 degrees, without fluctuations.

Typically, home-made apple wines independently take on the desired transparency, color and hue from light golden to caramel brown. To achieve this effect, it is enough that the production technology is consistent and not disrupted during the process.

When bottling wine after maturation, make sure that the container is filled to the top and tightly sealed to avoid oxidation of the wine. You can immediately start tasting, treating your family, friends and relatives, especially if your goal was to get a light table wine. This product can be drunk 10 days after filtration. But if you are planning long-term storage, it is better to remove the wine from the sediment again before bottling.

Video about making apple wine at home

Many people like homemade apple wine, and some like it more than grape wine. It will become a real decoration of your table and a favorite of the whole company! We hope that our tips will help you in winemaking, and you will become truly passionate about this process. Share with us your secrets if you have been making wine at home for a long time. Easy work for you and comfort for your home!

The topic of homemade alcoholic drinks would be incomplete without apple wine recipes. Today we will learn how to make various drinks from apples for a home feast. A simple recipe for apple wine at home should definitely appear in notebook every housewife. How to make wine from apples worthy of a royal table?

Apple wine at home: a simple recipe without squeezing the juice

As always, I will start introducing you to home winemaking recipes, starting with the simplest ones.

What we need:

  • Apples of sour and sweet and sour varieties, well ripened;
  • Sugar - at the rate of 150 g per 1 kg of apple mass.


Let's prepare a clean, dry glass bottle, an enamel bucket, gauze, and a medical rubber glove.

We won’t wash the apples, we’ll just try to take clean, healthy, well-ripened fruits, the most perfect option- remove the apples from the tree. Since this recipe is yeast-free, fermentation of the wort will occur due to its own fungi that live on the surface of all fruits. Today we will study a simple recipe without squeezing the juice; we will use apple mass.

  1. Remove the core from the apples, grind through a meat grinder, put the apple mass into a clean enamel bucket, add sugar at the rate of 150 g per 1 kg of applesauce, mix well.
  2. Transfer the apple mixture with sugar into the prepared bottle, filling it 2/3 full.
  3. We tie the neck of the bottle with a clean gauze napkin. Place the bottle in a dark place and leave to ferment for several days.
  4. After 15-20 hours, the fermentation process should begin, i.e. active proliferation of yeast cells. Every day we will stir the contents of the bottle so that the apple particles sink to the bottom and the foam settles.
  5. After 4 days, pour the fermented juice into another clean glass bottle, straining it through several layers of gauze. Squeeze out the rest of the apple mass; it will no longer be useful.
  6. How to ferment wine correctly? Let's find a dark, warm place for active fermentation. We will put a rubber medical glove on the neck of the bottle and puncture a small hole in it to allow excess gas to escape.
  7. The whole process will take about one and a half to two months. Fermenting wine will make characteristic gurgling sounds, and the escaping gas will inflate the glove.
  8. As soon as the glove falls off, the liquid will become light, all small particles will sink to the bottom, and the gurgling will stop - this stage can be considered complete.
  9. Young wine is carefully filtered from sediment, poured into clean glass bottles or jars, hermetically sealed, cutting off air access. In this form they are kept for at least 3 months in a cool room.

The finished homemade wine has an amber color, a pleasant balanced taste, and a strength of 12-15°. How to make homemade wine fortified? You need to add alcohol or vodka during the fermentation stage of the wort to increase the strength to 18-20° and kill yeast.

To the piggy bank useful tips: Making wine with a sweet and sour balanced taste involves using apples and sour and sweet varieties in a 2:1 ratio.

A drink made from wild apples or winter apples will be more tart due to natural tannins.

The warmer the room, the faster the fermentation process will take place. Temperature range for fermentation: 18-23°C, changes in the direction of lowering or increasing temperature will slow down the vital activity of the yeast, which will certainly affect the quality of the drink.

Apple juice wine

A large harvest of apples will never be a problem for a smart housewife. Homemade apple wine is a wonderful option for the proper use of resources.

How to make delicious wine from apple juice? First, we must obtain apple juice using a juicer or in a more labor-intensive way - grate the apples or pass them through a meat grinder, then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. We remember about our little helpers - yeast, and do not wash the apples; we wipe dirty fruits with a napkin.

What we need:

  • Apple juice;
  • Sugar at the rate of 200 g per 1 liter of juice.

Let's prepare a clean glass container with a wide neck, gauze, and a rubber glove.

  1. Pour the apple juice into the prepared container, filling it to 2/3 of the volume, tie the neck with gauze and leave to ferment for 3 days. We will stir the juice periodically to remove the foam.
  2. After 3 days, strain the juice through cheesecloth and place it in a clean glass bottle, add sugar and mix. We put a rubber glove on the neck of the bottle and put it in a warm place for 1-2 months. We will monitor the fermentation process so as not to miss its completion.
  3. Carefully salt the young wine, strain it, pour it into jars or bottles, seal it hermetically and put it in a cool place. Let it sit for 3-6 months, during which time it will lighten and a dense sediment will settle to the bottom. Before use, add salt from the sediment, strain, and pour into beautiful bottles.

Here's a collection of useful tips: It is not advisable to use juice from a juicer to make wine; it turns out almost sterile, fermentation will be very weak, and the drink will be tasteless.

The strength of the drink will depend on the amount of sugar taken for each liter of juice. 100-150 g of sugar will yield dry wine, 400 g of sugar will yield a dessert drink.

A simple recipe for dry apple wine

How to make dry wine from apples? The drink differs from all other wines in its low sugar content.

What we need to make dry wine from apples:

  • Ripe apples;
  • Sugar at the rate of 100g per 1 liter of juice.

Let's prepare a clean glass bottle, a wide-mouth container, gauze, and a rubber glove.

  1. Let's take apples that are ripe, sweet, healthy, without wormholes. As you already understood, we won’t wash them; if the fruits are dirty, we’ll just wipe them with a napkin.
  2. Remove the core from the apples, chop in a meat grinder or grate the resulting applesauce Place in a clean glass or enamel container with a wide neck, tie the neck with gauze and place in a dark place for primary fermentation.
  3. We will stir the apple mass several times a day so that the fermentation process occurs evenly throughout the entire volume; in addition, stirring saturates the liquid with oxygen, which the yeast needs.
  4. On the third day, separate the juice from the sediment by straining it through cheesecloth.
  5. We no longer need the pulp, and we will pour the wort into a clean glass bottle. For each liter of juice we will add 100, maximum 150 g of sugar, mix, and put a rubber glove with a hole on the neck.
  6. We will place the bottle in a warm, but not hot place, and observe the maturation of the wine for 1-2 months. During this time, it will ferment, gas formation will stop, and a sediment of small particles will settle to the bottom.
  7. Carefully drain the wine from the sediment, strain and pour into clean glass jars, seal it hermetically and send it to a cool place to ripen.

During the ripening process, our homemade homemade apple wine will lighten, become transparent, and acquire a bright, classic taste.

Apple wine without yeast

How to make homemade wine without using industrial wine yeast? Elementary!

What we need:

  • Apples are sweet and sour;
  • 250 g of sugar for each liter of juice;
  • 150 ml of water for every liter of juice.

Let's prepare a clean glass bottle, a clean enamel bucket, and gauze.

  1. We will take late apples, select large juicy fruits, we will not wash them, if they are dirty, we will simply wipe them with a napkin. Remove the core from the apples and chop them in any way available to us to get applesauce with juice.
  2. Place the applesauce in a bucket, cover with gauze and let it ferment for 3-4 days, stirring the contents several times a day. During this time, the apple mass will separate into pulp and liquid.
  3. Let's strain the contents of the bucket into the prepared bottle, squeeze out the pulp, it is no longer needed. Let's measure the volume of the resulting juice, calculate the amount of water and sugar for the syrup. Dissolve sugar in hot water, boil for 2-3 minutes, cool and mix with apple juice, mix well.
  4. We will install a water seal on the neck of the bottle. If there is no water seal, remember a simple recipe with a glove that removes excess gas no worse than a water seal. We will put the bottle in a warm place for 1-2 months.
  5. When fermentation comes to an end and gas formation stops, we carefully pour the young wine into glass containers in which it will ripen - jars or bottles. The main thing is to seal the container hermetically so that there is no access to air.
  6. The drink will ripen in a cool place for at least 2-3 months. The longer the aging, the richer the bouquet and the less astringency.
  7. To clarify the drink, it is advisable to pour it several times into a clean container during ripening, getting rid of fine sediment. As soon as the sediment disappears completely, the wine is ready.

Here's a collection of useful tips: You can improve the taste of wine and diversify its bouquet by using a technique such as blending. You can mix the starting materials at the stage of fermentation of the berry mass, you can mix musts or ready-made wines after they have been clarified.

If you end up with apple wine that is poor in taste: how to make the right blend? When blending ready-made wines, it is advisable to do preliminary mixing: take small portions of each drink, for example, 100 ml, mix them in different combinations, achieving a certain taste and strength. A truly new bouquet of blended wine will be formed only after 1-2 years of aging.

Wine from apples and pears

How to make wine from homemade apples and pears? This drink will take all the sweetness of pears and tartness of apples, their combination will give a light pleasant taste.

What we need:

  • Apples have a sour taste;
  • Pears;
  • 250 g sugar and 150 ml water for every liter of apple juice.

Prepare a clean glass bottle, enamel bucket, water seal or rubber glove.

  1. Do not wash the apples and pears, just remove the core. Grind the fruits individually to a puree and squeeze the juice from the apple mass.
  2. If you have a juicer, it is better to run the apples through it. Pears do not produce much juice, so we will use their pulp. The ratio of apple juice and pear pulp will be 1:2.
  3. Place apple juice and pear pulp in an enamel bucket and stir.
  4. Let's calculate the amount of sugar and water for the syrup, cook the syrup from water and sugar, cool and pour in the fruit mixture, mix again.
  5. Cover the bucket with gauze and leave to ferment for 2-4 days, stirring the contents periodically.
  6. When the pulp rises like a cap, remove it, strain the wort into a clean bottle, and install a water seal. The drink will ferment for 2-3 months.

The pear will make the liquid cloudy, so the clarification process will take 3-4 months. But the result will be worth all our efforts - the wine made from apples and pears is very aromatic and soft.

As they say, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. We will definitely look at the video on how to make wine from apples at home; a simple recipe from a master of his craft will relieve you of doubts about whether it is worth engaging in home winemaking.

Wine from apple pomace after juicer

What we need:

  • Apple pulp;
  • 200 g of sugar and 1 liter of water for every kilogram of cake.

Let's prepare a clean glass bottle, wide-necked jar, gauze, air seal or rubber glove.

  1. Weigh the apple pulp to calculate the amount of sugar and water. We will fill the jar to 2/3 of its volume.
  2. After squeezing the juice, there is very little moisture left in the cake, so we will fill it with syrup. Place the cake in a wide-necked jar, prepare a syrup from water and half the sugar, cool, pour in the cake, mix well.
  3. Cover the neck with gauze and put the jar in a dark place for fermentation. Active fermentation will continue for 3-4 days, all the pulp will float to the top, we will periodically stir the contents of the jar.
  4. After 4 days, carefully pour the liquid into a clean bottle, filtering it through cheesecloth, add the remaining sugar, mix well and leave to ferment for 1-2 months.
  5. We will put a glove on the neck of the bottle or install a water seal. After fermentation, the wine will become clearer, and a residue of small particles will settle to the bottom of the bottle.
  6. Carefully salt it, bottle it, seal it tightly and put it in a cool place to ripen for another 2-4 months.

I gave you a recipe without yeast, based on the active work of natural fermentation. But if fermentation proceeds very sluggishly or stops completely, I advise you to use a simple recipe with wine yeast, which is added to the wort.

It should be taken into account that baker's yeast is not suitable for winemaking; it develops too rapidly in the initial stages of fermentation and dies when the alcohol concentration exceeds 15%.

It is better to take industrial wine yeast; one package weighing 5 g is enough for 10-20 liters of wort to resume fermentation.

The wine made from apple pomace after the juicer is called secondary, it is less saturated, its color is lighter, but, nevertheless, the drink turns out to be pleasant, light and less tart.

To get a drink with a brighter color and taste, you can add chopped chokeberries to the apple pulp at the first stage of preparing wine; the rest of the process will remain unchanged.

Wine made from chokeberries and apples based on pomace is no worse in its characteristics than the drink of the classical method of preparation. Homemade apple wine is very popular at all holiday feasts.

Green apple wine

How to make wine from apples at home if the fruits have not yet ripened? Technologically, the process of preparing alcohol from green apples is no different from making it in the classical way, the only difference is in the source material.

What we need:

  • Green unripe apples of different varieties;
  • 150 g and 250 ml of sugar water for every kilogram of pulp.

Let's prepare a clean glass bottle, an enamel bucket, gauze, and a glove.

  1. We will not wash the apples; we will remove the core and seeds, grind them in a meat grinder and put them in a bucket. Prepare a syrup from water and sugar, pour in the apple mixture and mix well.
  2. Cover the bucket with gauze and place it in a dark place. We will periodically stir the apple mixture, precipitating the pulp.
  3. After 4 days, pour the liquid into a clean bottle, filtering it through cheesecloth, squeeze out the cake, it is no longer needed.
  4. We put a rubber glove with a hole on the neck of the bottle, put the bottle in a warm place, and let the wine ferment for 2-3 months.
  5. We salt the young wine from the sediment, package it in jars or bottles, seal it tightly and leave for another 2-3 months for final maturation. As a result, we will get an amazing dry wine.
  6. According to the recipe of a famous winemaker, you can soften the harsh taste - by last stage After ripening, add spices to taste: a pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of vanilla, a star anise.

And now - the promised video from enthusiastic winemakers.

I hope that every reader will choose the most interesting and simple recipe for apple wine, try it at home and share their impressions!

At the liquor counter, apple wine is the cheapest, but this has nothing to do with the quality of the product. The fact is that the cooking technology is quite easy, and the raw materials are cheap and very common. Thanks to these factors, almost anyone can make wine from apples at home, even if they have no experience in moonshine brewing or winemaking.

What do you need to make apple wine?

The list of ingredients for wine is very short, because a novice winemaker will only need:

  • apples;
  • sugar.

You can use one variety, but a much more pleasant aroma of wine is obtained by mixing different varieties of apples. Even unripe and sour fruits are suitable for wine. Ideally, use harvest from your own plot. When purchasing, you should pay attention only to local varieties, especially if they look unpresentable: small, unevenly colored, and so on. The reason is that winemaking will require wild yeast from the peel, and imported and beautiful apples are often treated with wax, so are useless for making alcoholic beverages.

Instead of apples, you can use ready-made juice. But packaged juice from stores will not work; you will need a completely natural product without additives.

The amount of sugar for wine is calculated based on the amount of juice obtained and the desired result. For example, for regular dry juice, only about 200 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice is required, but for sweet juice, the dose of sugar will need to be doubled.

Sometimes a recipe for apple wine at home involves diluting the juice with water. This move is acceptable when using a large number of unripe or sour fruits. If the juice tastes too sour or tastes bitter, it is permissible to add 100 ml of water for each liter of aromatic liquid.

Spices will help make the wine more piquant. Cinnamon, star anise or cardamom are often added to apple wine at the last stage of preparation.

Winemaking stages

After harvesting the apples, you need to squeeze the juice out of them. Before this procedure, fruits cannot be washed, but if they are in sand or soil, you can wipe them with a dry cloth. The central part of the apple with seeds is not needed for juice, as it gives extra bitterness. If you don’t have a juicer, you can grate the raw material until it becomes a puree, and then squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth.

Pour into a container with a wide neck, which must be tied with gauze to prevent dust and debris from getting into the liquid. The juice should fill the container no more than 2/3. Next, the container is placed in a dark and warm place for 2-3 days. The room temperature should be from 18 to 25 degrees. The warmer it is, the faster the product will ferment. In many apple wine recipes, it is recommended to stir the wort several times a day at the first stage. By the end of this stage, the juice acquires a characteristic sour-alcohol odor.

Next, the fermented dense pulp is removed from the surface of the future apple wine so that only liquid remains in the container. Sugar is poured into it. Sugar can be added all at once or in parts. Half before the water seal is installed, and the second half after 5-10 days.

After adding sugar, the container with apple wine is tightly closed with a lid, in the center of which you need to cut a small hole with a diameter the width of the tube. One end of the tube is lowered into a container with juice so as not to touch the liquid, the other end is lowered into a glass of water. This design is a water seal. It will help get rid of excess gas that is formed during fermentation. You can replace the water seal with a medical glove with a puncture in one of the fingers.

The wine ferments for 30-60 days. The end of the process can be seen when the water stops bubbling or the glove deflates. After this, the wine is filtered through cheesecloth into bottles, spices are added, and the home wine product matures for another 2-4 months. Homemade apple wine can be stored for 3 years in a cool, dark place.

Video recipe for making apple wine at home

Home winemaking became known many centuries ago. Proverbs and ancient monuments serve as evidence. Wine used to be available high society, priests. Nowadays it is a publicly available product. It has an exquisite taste. It is known that homemade wine is prepared from almost any fruit. For example, apple wine can be made at home using a simple recipe, just like grape wine. On the pages of my blog I will share with you my most easy loved ones recipes.

First, let's collect the “right” apples

Before you start making wine, I want to give you some tips on choosing apples:

  1. Poorly ripened or overripe fruits are tasteless. It is better not to use them for making apple wine, because they do not have enough sweetness, aroma, or acidity.
  2. It's good if you have your own garden or a couple of apple trees in your yard. If not, and you want to make homemade wine from store-bought apples, you should know that store-bought fruits are often coated with a special wax. They will not give the necessary fermentation, the wine will be spoiled.
  3. It is better to buy this fruit from trusted sellers.

Apple wine at home: a simple recipe with a glove

Many gardeners and summer residents prefer to make homemade apple wine. All vitamins and microelements are preserved in the wine drink. Have you ever made homemade wine? It’s worth deciding to make this drink. I assure you that you will like the wine and you will make it all the time.

There are many ways to make it, but I will share the simplest apple wine recipe that can be easily made at home using a glove.

You will need:

  • 10 kilograms of apples;
  • 1.6 kilograms of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water.

A little about raw materials. You can use any apples, but the best taste is wine. homemade from autumn varieties with sweet and sour taste. They can be from one tree or from several, which is much more effective.

The collected fruits of summer varieties are processed immediately. Autumn ones are allowed to rest for about five days. Winter ones should sit for two weeks before processing. Sort the finished fruits, remove rotten and damaged ones. Be sure to remove the core with seeds, otherwise the wine will be bitter.

Important! Do not wash apples to avoid loss of natural yeast.

Grind the prepared fruits. It is better to do this using a juicer. If it is not available, twist through a meat grinder and grate. Place the resulting product in an enamel pan, cover with two-layer gauze, secure in a circle with an elastic band, leave in a warm place for three days, stirring the contents 2-3 times a day.

On the fourth day, remove the pulp from the surface, add water (preferably spring or well), half the sugar. Stir, pour into the bottle, leaving a space of 10 centimeters to the top of the neck. This space is necessary for the foam formed during fermentation, which is released carbon dioxide. Put on a rubber medical glove with your finger pierced by a needle. Leave to ferment.

On the fifth day, drain a glass of wort, dissolve two glasses of sugar in it, pour it back into the bottle, put on a glove, and leave to ferment. We carry out the procedure using a rubber tube, which will prevent agitation of the sediment. After 4 days, repeat everything with the remaining sugar. Fermentation continues. Its completion is indicated by a deflated glove.

Advice! If after a month and a half the fermentation has not stopped, pour the wine from the sediment into a clean jar or bottle, put on a glove, and after a few days the fermentation will stop.

Pour the finished wine into clean jars, close, and leave to settle. Two or three times a month, drain the apple wine from the sediment. Pour the fully clarified wine into bottles and store it, drinking as needed.

You have learned the recipe for excellent table wine. To get fortified wine, you need to increase the amount of sugar or add half a liter of vodka. Put on a glove and leave for further fermentation for 10 days. Then send it for ripening. This wine is stored better, but the taste deteriorates and the aroma is reduced.

Eat different ways making wine. I want to offer a simple recipe for apple wine without pressing the juice, prepared at home.

Homemade apple wine without juicing

We will need:

  • 20 kilograms of apples;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar.

We take ripe apples and sort them. We cut out the rotten areas, remove the tails; very dirty fruits can be wiped with a dry paper towel.

Important! There is no need to wash apples; their skin contains natural yeast.

Remove the core and cut the fruit into slices. We need to get puree, so we pass the fruits through a meat grinder. Transfer the resulting pulp into a large enamel pan and cover with a lid. Stir the drink several times a day, preferably with a wooden spoon. For three days.

During these days, the pulp will form a cap over the juice; it must be removed on the third day. Now we will gradually add sugar at the rate of 300 grams per 1 liter of juice. Immediately add 100 grams of sugar to the resulting wort and mix well.

After five days, add 0.5 cups of sugar and pour the wort into a bottle.

We make a small hole in the nylon cover and insert the tube into it. We close the bottle with the wort with such a lid. The end of the tube must be lowered into a jar of water. This is how the fermentation process will occur. After five days, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, add the last 2 tablespoons after another five days. The wine will ferment for a month, maybe two.

Important! The drink should be kept warm at 22-25 degrees. If there is a temperature change, the wine will stop fermenting and will be spoiled.

If sediment appears after a month, it means the wine can be poured into three liter jars. Pour the wine carefully so that it does not mix with the sediment. Cover the resulting drink with a nylon lid and place it in a cool place. The wine must mature for four months. If sediment appears during this time, pour the wine again into another bottle.

The wine is very tasty, amber in color, with a pleasant aroma of apples. In small quantities it is even useful. During production it is not subjected to heat treatment, thus retaining a lot of vitamins.

To make the recipe more clear, you can watch a video on how to make wine from apples at home simply and without any hassle.

I would also like to tell you about one recipe for apple wine, which can be prepared at home without using yeast. We will replace them with raisins.

Apple wine with raisins

For this recipe we will need:

  • 10 kilograms of apples of different varieties;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 100 grams of raisins;
  • 100 grams of raisins of different varieties for sourdough.

We use several varieties of apples to ensure that the wine has a richer taste and an unusually pleasant aroma.

Usually, when making wine, apples are not washed, but since we will add raisins, they will play the role of natural yeast. Cut the washed apples into four parts, remove the seeds, and grind in a meat grinder. Add a kilogram of sugar and unwashed raisins to the resulting puree, mix everything well.

To be sure of the quality of raisins, we will not take a large number of Using this berry we will make a sourdough starter. Pour one tablespoon of raisins (unwashed) into 0.5 cups of warm water, add one tablespoon of sugar. Cover with gauze and leave in a warm place for three days.

Reference! It is better to take several varieties of raisins and make a starter from each variety. After three days, determine which raisins fermented better and use those to make wine.

Transfer the applesauce and raisins into a glass container. We put a medical glove on the neck, having first pierced it with a needle.

After about a month, pour the wine into a clean jar and discard the sediment. Taste for sweetness; if the wine is too sour for you, add sugar. We close the jar tightly with a lid, lower it into the basement or place it in a cool, dark place. The wine will be ready in five months. We filter the matured wine using gauze and bottle it. The wine is ready to drink.

On a note! If you like fortified wine, you can add 150 grams of vodka to it before storing. But the taste will be harsher.

Now you know that from apples you can make not only juice, jam, jam, but also make excellent wine.

Wine from apple pomace after juicer

In our garden there are several apple trees of different ripening periods. One of apple preparations- juice. After the juicer, apple pulp remains, and we decided to make wine from it. The result was a good, amber-colored, aromatic, light apple wine. I'll tell you how to do it step by step.

Making homemade wine starts with raw materials. Ripe apples are best. Do not wash fruits before processing. You can wipe it with a dry cloth. Remove damaged, rotten areas.

Important! Be sure to clean out the core. The dishes used for preparing wine must be doused with boiling water. The cake must be used immediately to avoid molding and souring of the wine material.

Let's look at how to place wine:

  1. We take a suitable container (glass, enamel), fill it two-thirds of the volume with the remaining raw materials from the juicer.
  2. Pour half a glass of sugar for each kilogram of cake, pour in unboiled cold water. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. During fermentation, foam forms, so the contents of the container should not reach 10 centimeters from the top of the neck.
  4. Cover the dishes with gauze in several layers and leave for 4 days to ferment at room conditions. Stir a couple of times a day.
  5. If the wort is in a saucepan or tank, pour it into bottles, install a water seal, or use a rubber glove. Place in a dark place for 10 days, shaking daily. Then strain through a fine sieve.
  6. For ten liters add half a kilo of sugar.
  7. Place for fermentation with a glove or water seal. The total fermentation time takes about one and a half months.
  8. We drain the young wine from the sediment and send it to the cellar to settle for at least three months, ideally half a year.
  9. Three times a month we pour the wine, freeing it from sediment. After the formation of sediment stops, the wine is ready to drink.

I'll tell you the simplest recipe for making apple wine. To make it you will need sliced ​​dried apples. I’m sharing the secret of how to make wine without sugar.

It is better if the apples are autumn varieties with a sweet and sour taste. Leave the harvested crop to rest for a week or two. Then remove damaged, rotten ones and chop them. This will be the raw material for making wine. You can use the pulp after the juicer.

Place a layer of dried apples on the bottom of the barrel. They contain fresh crushed or cake. Fill completely with cold boiled water. Close the container tightly and put it in the basement for a month. Pour the finished product into a jar or bottle. The wine turns out sour due to the lack of sugar. If desired, you can sweeten before use.

Advice! The pulp remaining in the barrel can be filled with water a couple more times to repeat the process. The resulting wines can be mixed or consumed separately.

You can always go to the store and buy a bottle of wine for the holiday. But homemade wine, made with your own hands, is still better. You know that there is nothing superfluous, there are no impurities in it. Did you find out simple recipes how to make wine from apples and grapes at home. All that remains is to use them.

Greetings, my dears!

Today I will teach you how to make amazing apple wine at home and tell you how to do it easily and simply. Moreover, the day after tomorrow (August 19, 2018) will come Apple Spas. Do you know why it was remarkable in ancient times?

The fact is that previously it was on this day that caring housewives began to prepare for the winter. Moreover, in Orthodox tradition Apple Spas became the first day of eating this fruit in the new season. So you and I still have today and tomorrow to harvest apples and make delicious wine from them on Sunday.

By the way, it contains a large amount of useful acids and tannins, vitamins (A, B and C), minerals and phytoncides with pectins. This wine normalizes blood sugar levels, strengthens nervous system and improves immunity. The main thing is to know how to prepare it correctly.

Experienced winemakers advise fermenting apple juice and pulp in complete darkness at a temperature of 22-28 degrees. If the room is cold, it is recommended to put a warm winter jacket or blanket over the bottle with a water seal to maintain the required fermentation temperature. And if this is not enough, then as additional source heat can be provided by a hot water bottle placed under a jacket or blanket.

But the most important rule in apple winemaking, do not wash the collected fruit under any circumstances. After all, their peel contains special microorganisms that contribute to the normal process of natural fermentation. Real winemakers do not add yeast to the drink. So let's get started.

How to make wine from apples at home without squeezing the juice and without adding yeast?

Apple wine prepared according to this recipe turns out to be very light and at the same time beautiful - amber in color. Instead of yeast we will use crushed grapes or raisins.


  • 2 kg apples
  • 4.5 liters boiling water
  • sugar
  • 1 kg grapes

Finely chop the apples without cutting out the core. Only rotten and wormy areas of the fruit need to be cut off.

Place the prepared raw materials in an enamel bucket with a lid, fill it with boiling water (just not to the brim!) and add sugar. When the infusion has cooled a little, put well crushed grapes in it and cover everything with a lid. Place in a warm place to ferment for 4-5 days.

Strain the contents of the bucket, pour into a bottle and add 200 g of sugar for each liter of the resulting wine. Then install a water seal or put a rubber glove on the neck of the container, first piercing 3-4 holes in it with a needle, and put it in a cool place for five months.

How to quickly make homemade wine from fresh apples using a juicer?

Reader Irina shared this recipe with me. She said that her husband prepares very tasty apple wine every year using this technology. So take it on board!

We will need:

  • 4 buckets of apples (about 14 liters of juice)
  • 2.8 kg sugar

Cooking method in stages:

We prepare the apples as follows: do not wash them, but cut off the rotten and wormy places.

Using a juicer, prepare apple juice, pour it into the prepared container and remove as much foam as possible, add 1 kg of sugar. Next, you need to wait for the fermentation process, which will begin within three days. All this time it is necessary to stir the juice regularly.

When the “cap” appears, carefully remove it.

Pour the fermented juice into a bottle, add another kilogram of sugar and install a water seal. After 5-7 days, add another 800 g of sugar to the container with the drink and put it in a cool place for about a month.

Apple wine at home - a simple recipe without added sugar

This divine drink is prepared by real winemakers who do not tolerate adding sugar, water or yeast to it. However, the wine turns out to be dry and sour in taste - in general, it’s not for everyone.

To begin, prepare:

  • Apples in any quantity
  • Containers for pulp
  • Wine fermentation bottle
  • Good mood

Cooking method in stages:

Do not wash the apples, clean them from rot and cut them into slices.

Grind the fruits in a blender or food processor.

We place the ground slices of fruit into containers, filling them no more than 2/3, and cover the top with gauze or a towel.

For 5-7 days, place the containers in a warm place and stir daily to prevent mold. The pulp should rise, but not touch the covering cloth.

Now we need to squeeze out the fermented juice from the finished raw material through cheesecloth.

Tip: pass the finished juice through a colander in a bucket so that the future wine contains as little pulp as possible!

We saturate the wine with oxygen for better fermentation. To do this, take a mug and within 2-3 minutes scoop the drink from the bucket and pass it through a colander again.

We get fermented apple juice of such a beautiful shade, which will soon become the most natural dry wine.

Pour into a bottle and put a water seal on the neck, put the container in a warm place. In about a month our alcoholic drink will be ready, bon appetit!

How to make wine from apples and chokeberries at home?

For this recipe, chokeberries must be collected when they are overripe. Then the wine will be sweet and have a deep taste.


  • 2.5 kg apples
  • 5 kg chokeberry
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1.5 kg sugar

Cooking method in stages:

Do not wash the berries and apples, clean them from rot, and cut the fruits into slices. We scroll the wine raw materials in a juicer.

Attention: a twin-screw juicer is best suited for these purposes, since it squeezes out 90% of all the juice!

Pour the resulting juice into a clean container, filling it no more than two-thirds of the total volume. We throw away the cake or recycle it. Next, the technology is as follows: add 750 g of sugar to the juice, cover the container and place it in a dark, warm place for three days to allow the raw material to ferment, remembering to stir it regularly (a couple of times a day is enough).

Then we remove the “cap” that has formed on top, pour the juice into a bottle, add water and another 750 g of sugar and put a water seal on the neck. We leave the future wine in this way for a month so that it “ripens”.

Prepare delicious wine from apples using a recipe using water and gloves

I am publishing this recipe specifically for those who are used to cooking the old fashioned way and using a rubber glove instead of a water seal. Despite this, the wine turns out aromatic and pleasant to the taste.


  • 5 kg apples
  • 5 liters of water
  • 1 kg sugar

Cooking method in stages:

Cut the apples into slices, using a special device.

Place the fruit pieces into a clean container.

Grind the fruit using a blender, food processor or drill. Fill with water, cover with gauze, place in a warm place and stir daily for three days.

Strain the fermented juice through cheesecloth into a bottle, add sugar.

Put a rubber glove on the neck of the container, in which a hole must first be pierced with a needle. When the glove is deflated, it is necessary to pour the wine into containers and put it in the cellar.

How to make homemade wine from apple juice?

If you have a desire, you can experiment with store-bought apple juice. However, keep in mind that only straight-pressed drink will do. And even then the result is not guaranteed. Therefore, it is better to use freshly prepared juice from your own country supplies for such wine.

We will need:

  • Apple juice – 6 l
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg
  • Honey – 300 g

Cooking method in stages:

Pass the apple juice through a colander to remove as much suspended matter as possible. Add 750 g of sugar, cover the container with the raw materials and place in a warm place for three days, remembering to stir it regularly during this entire time.

Remove the top layer (“cap”) from the fermented juice, pour it into a bottle, add another 750 g of sugar and place a water seal on the neck. After a week, add honey and leave the wine to ferment for another three weeks.

Remove the alcoholic beverage from the sediment using a dropper tube.

Our wine is ready! It should turn out to be such a beautiful amber color.

How to make wine from summer varieties of green apples at home?

Using this recipe, preparing a drink will not be difficult even for novice winemakers. The main thing is to observe the necessary proportions and technology.


  • Bucket of green apples
  • 2.5 kg sugar
  • 3.5 liters of water

Cooking method in stages:

Peel the apples from rot, cut each fruit into four parts and place them in a clean container.

Add half a kilo of sugar.

Pour 3.5 liters of cool boiled water into the container with the raw materials.

Leave for five days to ferment.

Press the fermented raw material and pour the juice into a 10-liter bottle.

Add 2 kg of sugar to the container and place a water seal on it. Within a month the wine will be ready.

Video tutorial on how to make apple wine at home using a very simple recipe

As you may have noticed, in winemaking there are basic principles and personal secrets of each master or amateur. So, those who live in cold corners of Russia advise laying a sheet of plywood on the cool floor in the room, and placing a bottle of wine on it so that it ferments better.

At the second stage (after removing the “cap” from the surface of the container), experienced winemakers advise adding a glass of natural honey instead of 200 g of sugar. This improves the taste of the finished drink, as fermentation becomes more intense and of higher quality.

The following video shows a very simple recipe for making apple wine. It differs from those already in this article, but this does not mean that the homemade alcoholic drink is less tasty. Enjoy watching!

What are you planning to cook for Apple Spas from the fresh harvest? Share in the comments and also write which apple wine recipe you liked best. I will be very glad to hear from you. See you again on the blog!



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