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Extracurricular event "flower quiz". Plants have memory Judging by the name, the flower has a good memory

All indoor plants can be divided into groups. Other families can be bred exclusively at home without an aggressive environment. Some can only be cultivated outside. There are plants that will grow well in unpretentious conditions - either indoors or on an open windowsill. Knowing what variety the plant is assigned to, it is easy to provide the required care. Critical growing conditions consist of ensuring the moisture content of the atmosphere, the amount of water delivered to the soil and ensuring a safe temperature. Light intensity is one of the most important components.

Plants are living things

Plants have memory, a sense of time, intelligence... All plants are living beings and they feel related to themselves and, like any living being, are able to return to us our own feelings, multiplied several times. They are able to interact with each other and other living beings at a distance, distinguish the mood and intentions of people. The radiation emitted by them can be detected by sensors.

Research by scientists shows that all plants are endowed with feelings, intelligence, have memory, a sense of time, can distinguish colors and communicate with each other or warn each other. They know how to recognize a threat, tremble with fear, and can call for help.

If the plant is loved and cared for like a child, then it will also reward you with positive energy. And everything is exactly the opposite: an unloved plant will emit negative impulses, and we may not know that the cause of headaches and malaise is just a plant. Scientists have long proven that plants love when people talk to them, and they can also get bored, love or dislike, and even be jealous, feel music.

There are plants that are simply not suitable for a particular person or are simply contraindicated in the home. Plants such as reeds, feather grass, and tumbleweeds should not be kept in the house, either alive or dried. These are freedom-loving plants; they retain and exude energy that provokes them to leave the house. Pansies, according to many, are also not for apartments, since they are traditionally planted on graves. Some believe that climbing plants add floridity and insincerity to family relationships. For example, they believe that hoya drives men in search of new adventures; that’s why they call her “muzhigon”.

Rigorous scientific experiments were carried out with plant genetics. They turned off certain genes in plants and looked at which of the plant functions was lost. This is how they found a number of molecular mechanisms underlying sensory reactions.

They say that in one laboratory studying the properties of plants, a beautiful laboratory assistant looked after them. And soon the laboratory staff noticed that one of the subjects - a magnificent ficus - fell in love with a girl. As soon as she entered the room, the flower experienced a surge of emotions, which was visible on the monitor and it looked like a dynamic sinusoid of bright red color. When the laboratory assistant watered the flower or wiped the dust off its leaves, the sine wave on the monitor trembled with happiness. One day, a girl allowed herself to flirt irresponsibly with a colleague, and the ficus began to be jealous. Yes, with such force that the instruments went off scale, and a solid black line on the monitor indicated into what abyss of despair the loving plant had plunged.

Some manage to use the connection between the plant and the owner even purely mechanically, in everyday life. For example, Pierre-Paul Sauvin installed a remote radio transmitter, made phone calls from work and controlled the lights, temperature and recording equipment in his apartment. When he returned home, he would order his philodendron to open the garage door. The philodendron responded to the owner’s voice, and the recording equipment turned on an automatic gate opening mechanism.

An excerpt from Vladimir Soloukhin’s book “Grass” “Don’t be surprised,” said the academician, “we are conducting numerous experiments, and they all say one thing: plants have memory.” They know how to accumulate and store impressions for a long time. We forced one person to torment and torture a geranium bush for several days in a row. He pinched it, tore off the leaves, pricked it with a needle, made cuts, dripped acid onto the living tissue, brought a lit match to the leaves, cut the roots... (WHAT A HORROR!) Another person carefully looked after the same geranium bush: watered it, loosened the soil, sprayed with fresh water, tied up heavy branches, treated burns and wounds.

Then we connected electrical devices to the plant that would record and record on paper the impulses of the plant and the changes in these impulses. What do you think? As soon as the “tormentor” approached the plant, the instrument’s needle began to go wild. The plant was not just “nervous,” it was afraid, it was terrified, it was indignant, and, if it had its way, it would either throw itself out the window or rush at the tormentor. But as soon as he left, and a kind person came in his place, the geranium bush calmed down, its impulses faded, the instrument’s needle drew smooth and, one might say, gentle lines.

Now I understand why my geranium bloomed! - exclaimed another kind woman when she heard about these experiments. - The fact is that I left Moscow for the whole summer. I entrusted my neighbor with caring for her flowers. She looked after them and watered them from time to time, putting them outside the window. Either the geranium bush stood too far away and was out of reach, or the neighbor gave up on it for the reason that it withered away in the first month of summer and it was clear that it was not a tenant, but even then, when early snow suddenly fell, the neighbor did not put it away in a warm place.

However, the owner, returning home after long summer wanderings, took pity on the geranium. Moreover, she had something personal and lyrical connected with this flower. She took him into the room, tore off the dry leaves, watered him, and caressed him. And then, on the third day, the half-dried, hopelessly sick plant threw up a scarlet flower. How else, tell me, could it greet its kind owner and her return, how else could it thank for love and affection, for saving life? Source: http://www.florets.ru

Cleve Baxter experiments with

Plants have memory, a sense of time, intelligence... All plants are living beings and they feel related to themselves and, like any living being, are able to return to us our own feelings, multiplied several times. They are able to interact with each other and other living beings at a distance, distinguish the mood and intentions of people. The radiation emitted by them can be detected by sensors.

Research by scientists shows that all plants are endowed with feelings, intelligence, have memory, a sense of time, can distinguish colors and communicate with each other or warn each other. They know how to recognize a threat, tremble with fear, and can call for help.

If the plant is loved and cared for like a child, then it will also reward you with positive energy. And everything is exactly the opposite: an unloved plant will emit negative impulses, and we may not know that the cause of headaches and malaise is just a plant. Scientists have long proven that plants love when people talk to them, and they can also get bored, love or dislike, and even be jealous, feel music.

There are plants that are simply not suitable for a particular person or are simply contraindicated in the home. Plants such as reeds, feather grass, and tumbleweeds should not be kept in the house, either alive or dried. These are freedom-loving plants; they retain and exude energy that provokes them to leave the house. Pansies, according to many, are also not for apartments, since they are traditionally planted on graves. Some believe that climbing plants add floridity and insincerity to family relationships. For example, they believe that hoya drives men in search of new adventures; that’s why they call her “muzhigon”.

Rigorous scientific experiments were carried out with plant genetics. They turned off certain genes in plants and looked at which of the plant functions was lost. This is how they found a number of molecular mechanisms underlying sensory reactions.

They say that in one laboratory studying the properties of plants, a beautiful laboratory assistant looked after them. And soon the laboratory staff noticed that one of the subjects - a magnificent ficus - fell in love with a girl. As soon as she entered the room, the flower experienced a surge of emotions, which was visible on the monitor and it looked like a dynamic sinusoid of bright red color. When the laboratory assistant watered the flower or wiped the dust off its leaves, the sine wave on the monitor trembled with happiness. One day, a girl allowed herself to flirt irresponsibly with a colleague, and the ficus began to be jealous. Yes, with such force that the instruments went off scale, and a solid black line on the monitor indicated into what abyss of despair the loving plant had plunged.

Some manage to use the connection between the plant and the owner even purely mechanically, in everyday life. For example, Pierre-Paul Sauvin installed a remote radio transmitter, made phone calls from work and controlled the lights, temperature and recording equipment in his apartment. When he returned home, he would order his philodendron to open the garage door. The philodendron responded to the owner’s voice, and the recording equipment turned on an automatic gate opening mechanism.

Excerpt from Vladimir Soloukhin's book "Grass"
“Don’t be surprised,” said the academician, “we are conducting numerous experiments, and they all say one thing: plants have memory.” They know how to accumulate and store impressions for a long time. We forced one person to torment and torture a geranium bush for several days in a row. He pinched it, tore off the leaves, pricked it with a needle, made cuts, dripped acid onto the living tissue, brought a lit match to the leaves, cut the roots... (WHAT A HORROR!) Another person carefully looked after the same geranium bush: watered it, loosened the soil, sprayed with fresh water, tied up heavy branches, treated burns and wounds.

Then we connected electrical devices to the plant that would record and record on paper the impulses of the plant and the changes in these impulses. What do you think? As soon as the “tormentor” approached the plant, the instrument’s needle began to go wild. The plant was not just “nervous,” it was afraid, it was terrified, it was indignant, and, if it had its way, it would either throw itself out the window or rush at the tormentor. But as soon as he left, and a kind person came in his place, the geranium bush calmed down, its impulses faded, the instrument’s needle drew smooth and, one might say, gentle lines.

Now I understand why my geranium bloomed! - exclaimed another kind woman when she heard about these experiments. - The fact is that I left Moscow for the whole summer. I entrusted my neighbor with caring for her flowers. She looked after them and watered them from time to time, putting them outside the window. Either the geranium bush stood too far away and was out of reach, or the neighbor gave up on it for the reason that it withered away in the first month of summer and it was clear that it was not a tenant, but even then, when early snow suddenly fell, the neighbor did not put it away in a warm place.

However, the owner, returning home after long summer wanderings, took pity on the geranium. Moreover, she had something personal and lyrical connected with this flower. She took him into the room, tore off the dry leaves, watered him, and caressed him. And then, on the third day, the half-dried, hopelessly sick plant threw up a scarlet flower. How else, tell me, could it have greeted its kind owner and her return, how else could it have thanked her for her love and affection, for saving her life?


5. Plant Science. 6. Hippocrates used the leaves of this spicy plant as an antitoxic remedy for snake bites and to heal wounds. 9. Russian botanist. Contributed to the cultivation of tea and citrus fruits in Russia. In 1912 he founded the Batumi Botanical Garden. 10. A bird of the waders order, one of the most valuable game birds. 11. A widespread genus of shrubs with red and black fruits (popularly called berries). All parts of the plant with black fruits are used for medicinal purposes, and the berries are eaten fresh and processed. The plant with red fruits is poisonous, but its berries can replace soap. 15. Vegetable plant. They grow leaf, petiole and root (apple) varieties. In medicine it is used to remove salts. 17. Both fish and the Crimean resort. 18. Water chestnut is eaten baked and boiled, and by adding wheat flour to the ground nut you can bake delicious bread. 19. Australia's only predator. 20. Camel thorn, the roots of which, in search of moisture, descend to a depth of 20 m. 23. The house that beavers build for themselves. 24. One of the most common citrus plants with sour fruit. 25. A flower that, as its name suggests, has a good memory and is considered a symbol of fidelity. 29. Sweet radish from Southeast Asia. 32. Feeding mainly on carrion, it is a huge (110–150 cm) bird of the stork family with a wingspan of up to 3 m, living in Africa and Southeast Asia. 33. He is called the king of mushrooms. The protein in its composition contains all the essential amino acids and is not inferior in nutritional value to beef. 34. A mollusk that lives in a “three-room” shell: the first room is living, the second is ballast, the third is gas, thanks to which it can rise and fall 400–700 m. He suggested to Jules Verne the idea of ​​a submarine. 35. A head of garlic or onion.


1. These beans have no equal in potassium content, and are superior to lamb, chicken and cottage cheese in protein content. 2. The bear has not yet been killed, but they are already starting to divide it. 3. A bird of prey that can reach speeds of up to 350 km/h when attacking. 4. The fruit of a large hazel, which was introduced into culture in ancient times. Contains a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus. 5. A rodent with five dark stripes on its back. 7. An insect “just like a cucumber.” If it chirps loudly in the evening, the morning will be sunny. 8. One of the most poisonous snakes. 12. A spring flower whose leaves are used to make salads. In terms of vitamin C content, it surpasses all other garden plants. 13. The most revered wild berry in Russia, and traditional medicine recommends it for many diseases. 14. Commercial carp fish; Its eggs and peritoneal membrane are poisonous in their raw form. 16. Scientists have proven that where this handsome conifer grows, there is no tuberculosis. 21. Mongolian marmot. 22. A woody berry bush up to 1 m high, also called gonobobel. Found in all regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Berries contain many vitamins and antioxidants. 26. The largest animal in North America. 27. Place for a horse shoe. 28. A plant with large bright flowers that are always directed towards the sun. 30. This weed is considered a vegetable in Siberia and the Caucasus. It has been known as a medicinal plant for a long time. A decoction of the root is considered one of the best diuretics, and an ointment from the roots is used for eczema, burns and to strengthen hair. 31. In our country it is a houseplant, but in the tropics it is a giant tree, the genus of which includes up to 800 species.

Horizontally: 5. Botany. 6. Purslane. 9. Krasnov. 10. Great snipe. 11. Elder. 15. Celery. 17. Zander. 18. Chilim. 19. Dingo. 20. Yantak. 23. Hut. 24. Lemon. 25. Forget-me-not. 29. Daikon. 32. Marabou. 32. Borovik. 34. Nautilus. 35. Bulb.

Vertically: 1. Beans. 2. Skin. 3. Falcon. 4. Hazelnut. 5. Chipmunk. 7. Grasshopper. 8. Asp. 12. Primrose. 13. Strawberries. 14. Marinka. 16. Cypress. 21. Tarbagan. 22. Blueberry. 26. Buffalo. 27. Hoof. 28. Mallow. 30. Burdock. 31. Ficus.

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Goal: Replenish children's knowledge with interesting information about flowers.

  1. Create conditions for expanding students' knowledge about colors;
  2. Promote the development of attention, communication skills, thinking;
  3. Promote the development of a respectful attitude towards nature;

Equipment: multimedia presentation, computer , screen.

Progress of the event

1. Organizational moment.

Before the game starts, the class is divided into two teams. Each team chooses a captain and comes up with a name related to flowers.

2. Introductory speech by the teacher.

Guys, today we are holding a quiz, during which we will take a trip to the world of flowers. By competing, we will enrich our knowledge with interesting information about them. And I hope you will be even more attentive to the wildlife around us.

Our quiz consists of several tasks:

For each correctly completed task, the team receives 1 point.

3. Main part.

Teacher. The first competition “Questions about flowers”.

  1. What is the name of the flower with girlish eyes? (Pansies)
  2. This is the queen of flowers. It blooms in summer and smells wonderful. (Rose)
  3. This plant is a bush with fragrant clusters of flowers. It blooms in the spring, and in the summer the flowers come in all shades from white to deep lilac. (Lilac)
  4. What is the name of a plant that has a piece of iron in its name? (Carnation)
  5. What is the name of a flower with excellent memory? (Forget-me-not)
  6. What is the name of the flower that bears the name of the narcissistic prince? (Narcissus)
  7. What flower are they trying to find on the night of Ivan Kupala? (Fern)
    What flower did the frog princess choose? (Water lily)

Teacher. The next competition is “Riddles about flowers”.

White peas
On a green leg. (Lily of the valley)

Rye is earing in the field.
There, in the rye, you will find a flower.
Bright blue and fluffy,
It's just a pity that it's not fragrant. (Cornflower)

Sisters are standing in the meadows -
Golden eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile)

Eh, bells, blue color,
With a tongue, but no ringing. (Bells)

I'm a fluffy ball
I turn white in a clean field,
And the wind blew -
A stalk remains. (Dandelion)

The first to get out of the earth
On a thawed patch,
He is not afraid of frosts
Even if it's small. (Snowdrop)

Head on a leg
There are polka dots in my head.
The sun is burning the top of my head,
He wants to make a rattle. (Poppy)

I am a herbaceous plant
With a lilac flower.
But change the emphasis
And I turn into candy. (Iris)

The ballerina came out:
The skirt is fluffy.
Ruffles and ruffles
Folds and linings.
And the artist’s name is
Heavenly registration. (Aster)

There are flags on the pole.
Under the pole are swords. (Gladiolus)

Teacher. And now the competition “Flowers from a Fairy Tale”.

  1. In what fairy tale did a girl with blue hair, washing her face in the morning, powder her cheeks and nose with flower pollen, and then try to teach a naughty wooden boy to read and write, forcing him to write a magical dictation: “And a rose fell on Azor’s paw”? (A. Tolstoy “The Adventures of Pinocchio”)
  2. In which fairy tale did a little girl save the hapless gardeners from the wrath of their owner, the very evil Card Queen? This person ordered their heads to be cut off because they planted white roses instead of red ones in the garden, and to correct their mistake, the gardeners decided to paint the flowers with red paint. The queen and her retinue found them doing this. (L. Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”)
  3. In what fairy tale did the petals of an amazing flower help a girl get mountains of toys, lots and lots of sweets, visit the North Pole... and finally understand that you can only become a happy person when you help others, take care of someone? (V. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower”)
  4. In what fairy tale did the fairy give the following gift to a sweet girl for her kindness and friendliness: “... from now on, every word you utter will fall from your lips either as a flower or as a precious stone”? (Ch. Perrault “Gifts of a Fairy”)
  5. What is the name of the fairy tale in which a very self-confident queen came up with a “new law of nature” on New Year’s Eve? (S. Marshak “Twelve months”)
  6. In what fairy tale did the youngest daughter bow at her father’s feet and ask him to bring “a flower that would not be more beautiful in this world”? (S. Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower”)

Teacher. The last competition of our quiz “Flower Puzzles”.

Giving a flower in a pot is much more practical than giving it a cut version. Firstly, cut flowers are doomed to die, and a potted crop will delight the hero of the occasion with its beauty for a long time. Secondly, flowers and plants in a pot have the ability to create a favorable aura in the house and solve numerous tasks assigned to them.

1. Money tree - be rich!

Such a plant carries with it a serious semantic load - attracting financial resources to the house! Its second name is Crassula, Crassula. It is a symbol of wealth, stable income and prosperity. They say that the older and stronger the money tree, the stronger the financial position of the person who owns this plant.

However, there is one caveat - only a young plant should be given as a gift. The hero of the occasion must grow it himself, making efforts to care for the plant and ennoble it. Thus, he creates his own aura of attracting financial well-being into his home and into his life.

The money tree is not a difficult plant to care for, and you can give it even to a person who is not particularly knowledgeable in the field of plant growing, and in addition to the tree, it is good to give a ten-ruble coin, which the hero of the occasion must independently bury in a pot of soil in which the money tree grows. You can give a money tree to men and women of any age.

The price of a “money baby” is about 250-450 rubles. The older the plant, the higher its value.

2. Anthurium – masculine principle

Among the many exotic home flowers, anthurium deserves special attention, because it symbolizes masculinity. Male happiness is its second name. Bright and expressive anthurium flowers attract a happy life to the owner's home.

With such a flower, a man can be confident in his abilities, in love, in his family and sexual life. It is enough to look at this flower once and it immediately becomes clear why it is called that: powerful leaves are crowned with hard red flowers, and in their core there is a main strong rod, symbolizing masculinity.

Passion, strength and freedom - these are the associations the anthurium flower evokes. You can give anthurium to a young man or a mature man; both will undoubtedly like it and find it useful.

When presenting a gift, tell the hero of the occasion about its purpose, or even better, attach an annotation, perhaps even in a humorous form.

The flower is not difficult to care for. However, for it to “work” for its owner, you need a little knowledge, proper watering and regular feeding.

The price of a flowering anthurium depends on its root system, and starts on average from 700-800 rubles per plant.

3. Spathiphyllum - women's joy

Externally, the spathiphyllum flower bears some resemblance to the male anthurium, but its petal is more delicate, slightly covered, it is white and resembles a sail in shape.

This flower has magical and mystical powers. Its owner will never lose heart. Spathiphyllum will help young girls find a young guy, and possibly a future husband. For married women, this wonderful flower will help establish family ties. For those who dream of having a child, the “female happiness” flower can give the joy of motherhood.

It is advisable to give a flowering spathiphyllum plant when it is young, since its owner must grow her own happiness. In the caring hands of the owner, the spathiphyllum flower will grow by leaps and bounds.

Complete your gift with a small book on plant care. People say that any woman's wish made over a flower that is not blooming will certainly come true when it blooms.

A young flower “female happiness” can be purchased at a price of 450 rubles. A more mature and profusely flowering bush will cost from 1,000 rubles and more.

This should be remembered:

4. Orchid - you are beautiful

To say that an orchid is a beautiful flower is to say absolutely nothing. It is difficult to find epithets for this charming creature. Orchid is a charming, sexy, enchanting, mysterious and slightly capricious person. She is a symbol of harmony and perfection, feminine tenderness and beauty.

Any representative of the fairer sex will be absolutely delighted with a gift in the form of a blooming orchid.

It should be borne in mind that for different ages you need to choose different shades of orchid petals. Give a young lady a white or soft pink orchid - a symbol of purity and tenderness, and a purple range of shades is suitable for a lady of Balzac's age - it will emphasize her life experience and dignity.

There are yellow and even blue orchids. Before you buy a flower, learn what each shade means in the language of flowers.

An orchid flower can be purchased at a price from 1,300 to 1,600 rubles. The higher the peduncle and the more abundant the flowering, the more expensive the plant will be.

5. Mother-in-law’s tongue – locked negative

The funny name of this unpretentious plant lies in its external form. To be honest, what mother-in-law doesn’t like to talk about her son-in-law?

The dense and rather tall leaves of the plant resemble a tongue in shape. Just kidding, mother-in-law’s tongue is an excellent plant for strengthening a family. The thing is that it feeds on negative energy. Therefore, in any house where such a flower settles, there will be no place for quarrels and scandals - everything unnecessary and unnecessary is taken over by Sansevieria (this is the second name of the plant), and its owners can only enjoy the energy of peace, inspiration and good mood.

The most important thing is that the plant does not require any care or sunlight, and the less attention is paid to it, the more comfortable it will feel.

Giving a “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower would be absolutely appropriate for a housewarming ceremony for a young couple.

The price of one young plant is from 450 to 750 rubles and more.

6. Cactus – doesn’t bite

You can give a prickly “green hedgehog” to a young man or girl. After all, everyone knows that these plants have the unique property of absorbing harmful radiation.

Of course, it is better to choose a cactus that is softer, without pronounced needles and has beautiful flowers. They place it near the computer - and then it will definitely take care of the health of its owner or mistress.

A cactus with sharp thorns is given to a person with a strong character. Such a gift will emphasize that the recipient knows how to stand up for himself, that he has protective thorns and is not afraid of the difficulties of life.

It is better to give a cactus to a man - for the reason that such a “prickly friend” requires practically no care. He will withstand any test, just like a real man.

Undoubtedly, before giving a cactus to this or that person, you need to find out in advance how he relates to this desert culture.

The price of a beautifully flowering cactus ranges from 350 to 1,000 rubles on average, but there are also large, expensive plants.

7. Bonsai - a message to the emperor

A real miniature tree is the perfect gift for a real man! Bonsai is a favorite pastime of the imperial people. There is a whole message in such a gift.

According to ancient belief, a miniature tree will grow only among wise people, because it will require an atmosphere of attention and endless love. Coming into the house, bonsai brings with it prosperity and peace. It will drive away worries and bad weather. Growing a real bonsai is a whole philosophical book.

With such a gift you will emphasize your attitude towards the recipient and tell him that you do not doubt his rich inner world. Bonsai can be presented to a young man with the hint that the man should build a house, plant a tree and raise a son with the words: “Well, you already have a tree, the only thing left to do is…”.

The price of such a unique gift starts at an average of 2,500 rubles, and mature and noticeably grown plants (of all different types) can cost well over ten thousand.

8. Bamboo – durable forever

Durable bamboo symbolizes happiness. When giving such a gift, you can be sure that both men and women will like it. Bamboo attracts an aura of peace and tranquility into the home.

It serves as a reliable talisman for all occasions. In his power is the creation of happiness, strengthening relationships, prosperity, success in business and any endeavors. Bamboo is a symbol of infinity! Would anyone refuse such a friend in their home? Bamboo is easy to care for and not fussy at all. And when buying bamboo as a gift, first find out what the different number of stems means. For example, three stems attract family well-being, and seven stems attract health and longevity.

You can buy bamboo as a gift for a price starting from 1,000 rubles.

9. Fuchsia – magical maiden

When going for a gift for a loved one, think about elegant fuchsia. If a person needs solutions to life’s problems, if he needs life changes, then fuchsia as a gift will be just right.

She is so beautiful that just one glance at her is enough to lift your spirits. Indoor fuchsia stimulates order in the house and eliminates chaos in the head. As a gift, a fuchsia flower is suitable for newlyweds: it will strengthen their family aura stronger than cement. The stronger the fuchsia flower in the house, the better.

Fuchsias bloom almost all year round, and, delighting their owners, they remind them of who gave them. In addition to its external beauty, fuchsia has a certain magical power. Fuchsia is ideal for creative people. With its help, hidden intuition can develop, and an understanding of the energy of space comes.

In a house where there is fuchsia, people will certainly find ways out of difficult situations. Do you want your friend to change from conservative to innovator? Give him fuchsia - and it's done!

The price of fuchsia is from 650 rubles for 1 flowerpot with a young plant.

10. Geranium – keeps grandma’s secrets

Geranium has long been considered a flower with positive energy. Suffice it to recall the village windows, where geranium always bloomed profusely and brought coziness and comfort to homes. If you crush its fragrant leaf in your hand, it will give you a feeling of good mood.

Geranium will relieve a person from stress and depression; it will reconcile those who are in a quarrel. But geranium has a main purpose - it serves as a talisman and a reliable talisman for attracting love.

Give white geranium to a young couple who does not yet have their first child - it is the white geranium that will serve as the center of attraction for pregnancy. And feel free to present red geranium to a home where guests are always welcome.

There is not a single bad omen associated with this flower, so feel free to buy geranium as a gift! It is not at all capricious in care, and with its flowering it can decorate any windowsill all year round.

The price of geranium is quite budgetary - on average from 450 rubles for one young plant.

11. Dracaena - peace to your home

Dracaena is a peace-giving plant. Its strong trunk and lush crown serve as a constant symbol of love and family happiness for men and women.

It is appropriate to give such a houseplant as a gift to a young (unmarried) guy or an unmarried girl. Dracaena will help them find their soulmate. The better it is cared for, the more beautiful the dracaena will be and with each new leaf the stronger will be the feelings of two loving hearts.

A young dracaena tree costs an average of 800 rubles. Do not look for an adult dracaena - let the recipient grow his own tree of peace and love.

12. Gerbera – sun on the window

Many women like to receive bouquets of cut gerbera flowers as gifts, but not many know that such a flower feels great as a potted plant on a home windowsill.

Buying a gerbera in a pot as a gift is an excellent solution. She will give the hero of the occasion a maximum of smiles, joy and fun - everything that many people lack in everyday life. A sunny flower – this is exactly the perception that the dear gerbera evokes. It will fit perfectly into any interior.

The price of a potted gerbera starts at an average of 750 rubles.

13. Lemon tree - enjoy your tea!

What person would refuse to enjoy a fragrant lemon plucked from his own tree?

The lemon tree enhances the thirst for knowledge, it increases independence and increases activity. During fruiting, the lemon tree releases so much positive energy that it is enough for all family members.

The fragrant fruits of the lemon tree will protect their owners from adverse factors.

A lemon tree should be given to a large family where children's laughter can be heard - it will definitely protect children in difficult times and will not leave them unattended.

The price of such a gift starts from 1,700 rubles.



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For managers, time is always a scarce resource. Companies do not allocate a special budget for additional time, and it cannot be added as in...

How to check the taxes of an individual by last name: step-by-step instructions and recommendations

How to check the taxes of an individual by last name: step-by-step instructions and recommendations

More and more citizens are interested in how to check the taxes of an individual by last name. Solving the problem is not as difficult as it might be...

Help in creating a business plan

Help in creating a business plan

A business plan is what helps an entrepreneur navigate the market environment and see goals. Many successful people note that an idea needs...

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