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The inner world of a person - what is it and how to develop it? What is the inner world of a person

There is no clearer and at the same time darker formulation than “rich inner world.” This is a state of consciousness when a person is not bored when alone. The phrase is understandable, because almost everyone has a rough idea of ​​what it’s about. we're talking about, and dark - because no one understands what exactly is meant anyway. We would like to offer our interpretation famous expression.

Rich inner world: introversion and extroversion

Ancestor analytical psychology K.-G. Jung divided people into two types: introverts and extroverts. Let's expand on each definition.

  • The first are focused on themselves, the center of their interests and the main part of their psychic energy is turned inward.
  • The latter, on the contrary, are recharged from the surrounding world. Their interests and most of their activities are aimed at capturing real space. Such people enjoy communicating with other people, and when there are no fresh external impressions, they wither and dry up.

Is a rich inner world the destiny of the chosen few?

On this basis, it could be argued that a rich inner world is the part of introverts, while extroverts are not distinguished by depth. Everything would be so if the creator of the theory himself had not said the following: these characteristics are relative. IN pure form There are no 100% introverts or extroverts. In reality, there is only a predominance of one or the other type in the human psyche.

Result: spiritual development on the shoulder, if desired, for everyone.

What does a rich inner world mean and what is it made from?

The phrase “ interesting person" Moreover, it is quite common. “Interesting” refers to both someone who stands out from the crowd and an educated person who knows a lot. Without any difficulty we can say that the concept of “rich inner world” includes:

  • Wide range of professional and non-professional interests.
  • Huge layers of knowledge of the concrete and abstract.
  • An active hobby is an optional item.

A person is not bored with himself. He doesn't need friends, parties. He has a rich inner life, he is in constant search of Shambhala, the spiritual principles of Russia, and general field theory.

People endowed with a rich inner world, who are they?

The answer to the question is quite easy. The inner world is rich among writers, poets, artists, sculptors, any educated people, regardless of profession, if they can not only absorb knowledge, but also draw at least the simplest conclusions and conclusions. What distinguishes such a person from his counterpart?

“He has a rich inner world”, “Only the inner world is important to me”, “I don’t want to let anyone into my inner world” and other similar phrases we hear almost every day. I think you, dear reader, have said or heard something similar. But what kind of world is this? Does it depend on the person himself or is it some kind of unchangeable thing that cannot be adjusted? I invite you to understand together the nuances of such a complex, but seemingly simple concept.

Inner world– a very interesting phenomenon. Everyone feels and understands when something does not correspond to him, but few can clearly say what his inner world consists of. So, someone romantically calls it the soul, someone appeals to scientific concepts such as “self-consciousness”, someone will say that this is a person’s individuality.

I believe that the inner world is a kind of core of a person, which defines him as a person and determines the success (failure) of socialization (incorporation into society). But as always, first things first.

General information about the inner world

I would like to introduce you to several facts that describe the essence of a person’s inner world. And then disassemble it into individual components. So, general information.

  1. The inner world is susceptible to external influences. Any accident can change it. For example, a person who grew up in anger and cruelty was sure that the whole world was like that. But after help from a random passer-by (let’s say our citizen from the example became ill, and the stranger called an ambulance and thereby saved his life), he instantly changes his views. And he himself begins to help people, although he has never done this before.
  2. There are no clear cause-and-effect relationships. Any outside influence can give unpredictable results.
  3. The inner world is a system prone to independent regulation and the desire for stability and stereotyping. As part of explaining this fact, the phrase “Get some sleep. The morning is wiser than the evening. Everything will “settle down” on its own. Overnight, the subconscious can actually independently respond to the problem that has arisen. problematic situation, “rummage” through the archives and give an answer.
  4. The inner world develops in the unity of time (from past to future through the present). Its changes are not reversible. For example, if a person has experienced betrayal, then he will no longer be able to erase this experience. But he must learn to live with it.
  5. When we talk about the inner world, we mean subjective, often abstract elements. For example, clear knowledge and skills that can be transferred to someone are not the inner world of a person. This is an external, rather material world that has penetrated into a person and remains unchanged. But at the same time, if we are talking about creative profession, then a person can express his inner world in paintings or in songs, but again, no matter how much he wants, he will not convey his “fuse.” That is why someone becomes a legendary singer, musician, artist, while someone remains unnoticed or quickly “fades away.”
  6. The inner world of a person consists of several interconnected and interdependent components. It is impossible to say unambiguously which of them is primary and which is secondary. However, if we differentiate them into biological and social, then perhaps the former (for example, abilities, temperament) trigger the formation of the inner world. Although, as social elements (experience, beliefs) accumulate, biological facts may turn out to be less influential.
  7. There is a theory according to which every person has hidden depths of the inner world. To activate them, you need either a collision between the external and internal worlds, or a conscious intellectual and spiritual search. That is, based on this theory, the answer to the question “Is it possible to develop, enrich, deepen inner peace?” will be positive.

Components of the inner world

According to the definition of Russian psychologist Vladimir Dmitrievich Shadrikov, the inner world of a person is “a need-emotional-informational substance that is formed during a person’s life on the basis of his individual properties and qualities and reflects the entire diversity of his existence.”

Thus, the inner world of a person includes both innate characteristics, for example, temperament, and acquired ones, for example, accumulated experience. Of course, you can write a separate article for each component. But since we are talking about their totality, in this material I want to briefly talk about each element of the inner world and how they are connected to each other.


Temperament refers to the innate properties of the psyche; in other words, it is a type of psyche. This is the speed of mental reactions, inhibition and excitation reactions. Unlike character, temperament is given to a person from birth.

From type nervous system depends:

  • activity (“vigorous-slowness”, “swiftness-inertia”, “quickness-infantility”, transformation of external energy into internal energy, specificity of self-expression);
  • motor features (speed, pace, strength, sharpness);
  • emotionality (specific response to situations).

There are several theories of temperament. According to one, there are 4 types of people:

  1. Sanguine. Blood predominates in humans. The reactions of inhibition and excitation are strong, but at the same time they balance each other. The person is active. In practice, they often take on new things, help people, do not remain indifferent, clearly plan goals and achieve them, love life, and regularly broaden their horizons. However, emotions and feelings are often superficial.
  2. Phlegmatic person. Mucus predominates (of course, all this is in a figurative sense). The reactions of excitation and inhibition are strong, but inactive. Such a person is distinguished by his stinginess of reactions and emotions, endurance, and ability to adapt. You can hear the expression about him “he doesn’t let anyone into his inner world”, “slippery type”.
  3. Choleric. Yellow bile predominates. In such a person, reactions are unbalanced and strong, excitement prevails over inhibition. These are impetuous and nervous people. However, they are stable in their interests. Often in everyday life you can hear the phrase “he has a complex inner world” about them.
  4. Melancholic. Black bile predominates. The reactions of inhibition and excitation are weak. The person is characterized by emotionality and vulnerability. He is often in a state of internal struggle, reflection, and thoughtfulness. Poor in contacts and external manifestations of emotions, although in reality they are very deep. The phrase “fragile inner world” is about him.

However, there is no pure type; as a rule, we are talking about a combination of several, one of which predominates. A total of 24 combinations are possible.

Temperament largely determines a person's interests. The inner world, that is, its content, also depends on them, in turn. Interests are largely related to the characteristics of the physique and psyche, abilities. So, for example, according to another classification, three more types of temperament related to physique can be distinguished:

  1. Asthenic (schizothymic). He is thin, wiry, A tall man. He is stubborn and persistent, unsociable, and characterized by mood swings. Often such people spend time at home, reading books, working at the computer.
  2. Athlete (ixothymic). He is not flexible in his mind, he is impressionable and reserved. For this he often receives the title of superficial type.
  3. Pyknic type (cyclothymic). Externally it looks like a ball. He is distinguished by high communication skills, realistic views, and a wide range of emotions.

Extroversion – introversion

Another innate quality that determines the inner world.

  • For extroverts, energy is usually directed towards the environment. This makes their inner world more primitive, but their outer world is rich.
  • For introverts the opposite is true. All forces are aimed at working on oneself, creating one’s inner “corner” and keeping it intact.


These are innate personality characteristics that determine greater success individual in any activity. Without constant development, abilities “die off.” Thus, it is important to find your passion and constantly improve your skills. Otherwise, a person may lose his uniqueness.

Inclinations are closely related to abilities. Inclinations are innate mental characteristics (rapid excitability, quick temporary connections, and so on). According to this principle, we can distinguish artistic, mental and average types:

  • The first is dominated by sensations, emotions, feelings, that is, wordless forms of perception; a holistic view of the world.
  • The second has verbal forms; differentiated perception.
  • The third type is balanced.

Every person has abilities. In their development they go through three stages: giftedness, talent, genius. Thus, a genius can be raised from every person.


This is the framework of the personality, formed in the process of interaction with the outside world. The unit of character is a trait. You can work on the trait system. To put it simply, character is the way a person reacts stereotypically to similar situations. Character is based on habits and innate characteristics.

Thus, it is a subjective representation of a person's social experience. This is how a person relates to life (others, himself, work, things, culture).

Motives and needs

The motivational-need sphere is the engine of a person. It determines his activity. Personal needs may be:

  • material (food, car, house);
  • spiritual (aesthetic, ethical, knowledge, recognition).

If the natural (biological) needs of all people are the same, then social (cultural) depend on other components of the internal world and on the external space surrounding the individual.

  • Natural needs are associated with instincts.
  • Cultural - with will, experience, innate characteristics.

With the help of motives, we give meaning to any activity or stimulate ourselves. A set of stable motives that do not depend on external circumstances creates the direction of the individual. This also has a lot to do with inner peace. For example, against this background, people can be differentiated into selfish and unselfish, good and evil, in simpler terms.

  • Conscious motives include desires, interests, aspirations, inclinations, ideals, and beliefs.
  • Unconscious motives - attitudes. They come from outside world(society, family), as a rule, are formed in childhood. Settings are based on previous personal experience individual.

Values, beliefs, worldview

These are a person’s stable ideas about the world, himself and all internal and external connections. These are guidelines in life that determine the path of an individual. The structure of the worldview includes:

  • knowledge;
  • emotions;
  • norms and values;
  • actions.

All elements except the first are directly related to the inner world of a person. As a rule, values ​​and beliefs come from outside. However, they are based on innate characteristics.

Worldview is the inner world of a person. This is his personal life position. Worldview determines motives, which in turn, as we remember, dictate needs and behavior. However, behavior in turn is also determined by character and temperament.

Worldview implies the acceptance or non-acceptance of social norms, the prevailing way of life, and the environment. Why do some people from families of alcoholics emerge as worthy citizens, while others become just as alcoholics? It's all about worldview. Two people from our example missed the same situation, but through different prisms of perception. We are talking about innate mental differences, a changing environment, willpower, which, despite the same primary unfavorable conditions, gave different results.


Strong-willed is a person who is able to make decisions, make choices and take responsibility for them. Often in this case, will is synonymous with freedom. A person builds his own life. Will determines consciousness and self-awareness as well.

Will is opposed to instincts. In many ways, will determines the development of personality:

  • For example, when a person struggles with traumas, phobias and memories from suffering experienced in order to achieve internal balance.
  • Or when, despite the terrible feeling of hunger, he remains human (he doesn’t kill, doesn’t steal, but tries to find a job and honestly get a piece of bread).
  • Or, driven by the desire for revenge, he chooses a more moral act (pardon).

All this is included in the concept of “inner world”.

It is worth noting that it is the ability to think rationally, and not just follow instincts, that distinguishes us from animals. Will also allows us to concentrate our attention, go deeper into things, and focus on something. So, for example, the decision to expand your horizons and read an encyclopedia every day is a volitional decision. Will determines the organization, integrity and direction of a person’s inner world and life.

Emotions and feelings

As I already mentioned, emotionality is closely related to temperament. However, not all emotions are given at birth. Some are also formed in the process of education and self-education, personality development. The higher emotions, which play an important role in our topic, include the so-called social feelings:

  • moral,
  • intellectual,
  • practical,
  • aesthetic.

They depend on the person’s environment and the development of the entire society. However, this does not always happen. Have you ever heard the phrase (or perhaps felt) “I feel like I’m not from this generation.” IN Lately For example, the aggressiveness and indifference of adolescents has increased significantly. However, there is always an individual about whom one can say “he has an old soul, he is not like that.” Feelings and emotions are perhaps the basis of the inner world. Through feelings, knowledge of the macrocosm occurs, acceptance or non-acceptance of any phenomenon.

If a person considers himself “empty,” heartless, “who has sold his soul,” then we are talking about a feeling of loss of feelings. Yes, forgive the tautology, this happens. “Something burned out in me”, “I’m dead inside”, “She destroyed my inner world” - you can hear when communicating with such a person.

Experience, or accumulation of images

Why can different people perceive it differently when looking at the same picture, listening to the same song or watching the same movie? Or will someone not understand at all, while others will see the deep meaning?

It's all about the experience accumulated by our psyche, or rather images. You yourself may not always be aware of where they come from. And they are stored in the subconscious. Sometimes just one smell is enough for a situation to be perceived differently.


This is a person’s self-perception, that is, the idea of ​​oneself and “one’s own.” Self-image is closely related to beliefs and values. Moreover, it is noted mutual influence. Within the framework of the self-concept, one can distinguish body image, self-image, ideal self and social self (how others see a person). Each element is connected to others.

It depends on the self-concept:

  • internal consistency or inconsistency of personality;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-acceptance;
  • self-control;
  • self-approval.

The ideal self stimulates us to personal growth. However, like the social self (if the criticism is constructive). Through the Self-concept we filter incoming information and acquired experience. Because of this, people can see the same situation differently or, conversely, see themselves in the same situations differently.

The higher a person's level of self-acceptance, the more open they are and the better they accept other people. Often self-perception does not correspond to the real situation; a person has a distorted idea of ​​himself and the world around him. You can and should work on this and grow personally.


Thus, a person is a vessel that initially has certain “factory characteristics” (temperament). Then the inner world is the content with which a person fills himself and which is transformed under the influence of “factory settings”.

Each of the components described in the article is a puzzle of one mosaic called the “inner world.” This is a reflection of the world around him through the prism of his own feelings and emotions, needs, congenital features psyche, acquired images, beliefs, desires and other elements. This is a person’s subjective (personal) representation of the world.

People with deep inner worlds are often called “difficult.” They are distinguished by their non-standard view of ordinary situations, they are reasonable, they see the world in several projections and scenarios at once, they are unique, and have good intuition. Of course, you want to communicate with such people, it’s interesting to be with them. But the question is: do they want it? And do you ultimately want to be someone who lives several lives at once, literally sees people and the world through, or, on the contrary, “understands nothing?”

Often such people are rejected and unaccepted by society because of their non-standard self-expression. In addition, they regularly face their own internal contradictions. They are acutely aware of social pain and injustice. To paraphrase a famous expression, their life can be called “grief from a deep and rich inner world.”

In conclusion, I would like to recommend you the book by V.D. Shadrikov “The World of Human Inner Life.” If you want to immerse yourself as deeply as possible into the topic of the inner world, then it is perfect option. The book describes the essence of the inner world, its structure, functions, features of development, the components and individual variants of their manifestations are analyzed in more detail, it even presents comparative analysis inner world in normal conditions and in pathologies (mental disorders).

I hope that the time you have allocated for reading this material can be considered spent with benefit and interest. I would be glad if this resulted in positive changes in your inner world!

The sages of ancient times said: “What is inside is outside.” Psychologists are still guided by this rule, since the world becomes as it is perceived by the eyes of the beholder. And a person often looks through the prism of his own fears, beliefs and other mental attitudes that make up his inner world..

Psychologists note that the inner worlds different people are different. The inner world should be called the activity of the mental sphere of a person, which is most understandable by the fact that everyone has their own set of beliefs, attitudes, worldviews, attitudes towards themselves and the world, people, emotions, ideas about themselves and about the world in which they live. Simply put, the inner world is emotions, sensations, perceptions, ideas about oneself and the world, as well as desires, beliefs and principles, values.

Each person has his own inner world, which is unique and unlike the inner worlds of other people. The reason for this is many factors:

  1. Genetic features.
  2. Inclinations.
  3. Features of development.
  4. Acquired interests.
  5. Features of education.
  6. The influence of social values.
  7. Life experience.
  8. Features of the higher nervous system.
  9. Ideals.

Also, the development of the inner world, which will be very diverse and quite complex, is influenced by how a person personally perceives the surrounding reality. All people perceive surrounding information through their senses. It is only noted that each person analyzes and draws conclusions in his own way in a situation in which another person will perceive everything differently. In the same situation, people perceive the world in different ways, that is, through the prism of one’s own feelings, attitudes, assessments of “bad” and “good.”

The inner world influences how a person will perceive surrounding circumstances and people, while the environment influences what kind of inner world will form and become as a person lives.

“Why is the world so cruel?” - you can often hear from people who have just suffered some kind of defeat in their lives. The loss of something valuable and important, a person’s inability to achieve what he wants, makes him think that the world is cruel. “This is somehow wrong,” says a person who does not understand why the world does not help him live happily, the way he wants. And really: is the world so cruel or is the person doing something wrong, which is why his life is not as colorful as he would like it to be?

The world seems cruel to a person, because in it he cannot realize the desires that he gleaned from fairy tales. A person wants to live like in a fairy tale. He studied well fairy world, which is invented, fictitious, because of which he cannot understand why real world does not adapt to it, does not give in. In a fairy tale, everything is different from the real world. But since modern man parents and society are increasingly educating him in the spirit of “fairy tales” and “childhood”; he is increasingly protected from the real world, which is not like a fairy tale.

Please note that previously people were hanged, burned at the stake, and beaten in public. And this was normal for any child of those times. Why? Because this is how people of those times lived. Each child's parents did not protect them from learning about the real world. If murders occurred, then children watched these murders. And growing up, they considered this a normal phenomenon.

Modern man is raised on fairy tales, lies and romantic stories. He is protected from the real world. He's being vaccinated illusory world. Therefore, for such an adult, the world seems cruel and unfair, since it does not exist according to the laws that operate in the fairy-tale world. The collision of the fabulous and the real makes a person horrified and understand that the real world is cruel, because it is so.

Why is the world cruel? It's not cruel, it's just not like the fairy-tale world. And so that this does not become the reason for your unhappy and unsuccessful existence, you just need to study the real world, not the fairy-tale one. After all, it has always existed, and fairy tales were invented by people. And the world is normal, it’s just not like in fictional stories. Therefore, you need to not believe in fairy tales, but study the real world in order to make realistic wishes.

The world is created by people. Nature itself is harmonious and calm. Therefore, the world in which you live is created by people just like you. What kind of world will you create? Will he be cruel to your children?

What is the inner world of a person?

The inner world of a person is called his thoughts, ideas, desires, emotions, attitude, idea of ​​himself, other people and the world as a whole. The inner world begins to emerge from the first day of life, when a person is born. First of all, its formation is influenced by genetic characteristics and the activity of the higher nervous system.

Gradually, a person begins to perceive the world around him at the emotional level. He likes some things and doesn’t like some things. Then the person is faced with the beliefs, fears, complexes and attitudes of his parents. He begins to assimilate them in the same way as the principles and moral values ​​of society. As his life progresses, a person enriches his inner world by constantly encountering different views, attitudes, and understandings of what is good and bad.

Often a person changes his inner world. Of course, this does not happen in a fundamental way, but only in certain aspects, when he constantly encounters failures and wants to eliminate them from his life by changing himself. However, there are individuals who, on the contrary, under the pressure of failures, are increasingly immersed in their established inner world, perceiving the environment as evil and merciless.

The inner world is how a person feels, sees and perceives the world around him. It is impossible to say that the inner world is a copy of the outer one, since a person often perceives surrounding circumstances distortedly, and even often invents for himself something that did not happen and never happened.

The inner world is first formed on the basis of physiological characteristics, then under the influence environment(including society), and then as a result of the actions, conclusions and conclusions of the person himself.

The inner world directly influences how a person lives in principle. How successful is a person's life? How proud is he of himself? How satisfied is he with the way he lives? Contentment and happiness are the results of what a person has arrived at after all his thoughts and actions. And a person always takes and makes actions and decisions depending on his inner world (what does he push a person to do, what does he allow him to see, what does he pay attention to, and what does he allow him to have?).

What does a rich inner world mean?

People often use the term “rich inner world.” What does it mean? A rich inner world can be called a person’s ability not only to reason about the world and its individual aspects, but also to draw valuable conclusions and be useful to others. The wealth of the inner world is formed due to the fact that a person is in constant contact with the outside world. We can say that the wealth of the inner world is:

  1. Abundance of knowledge.
  2. Development of numerous skills.
  3. Flexibility of approach to any situation.
  4. Diverse perception of the same situation (a person knows how to react differently to the same circumstances).
  5. The ability to see the essence of problems and solve them.

The wealth of the inner world is often understood as the wisdom of a person who has seen a lot, gone through a lot, already knows life in all its diversity and knows the answers to all questions.

All people live on planet Earth. But only a small part actually lives on the entire planet, and not on the small world that it has created for itself. Don't go to the other extreme, which is that only the traveling person knows the world. In order to live a limitless life, you don’t have to be everywhere and see everything. It’s not your territorial location that says how limitless your world is, but how you feel this world in your gut.

How limitless is your world? How to determine this?

  • Your fears are the first factor that narrows your perception of the world. What you are afraid of, you stubbornly refuse to notice. You see your fear and try to avoid it. And this already deprives you of the fullness of life, because you are trying to protect yourself from what you are afraid of.
  • Your feelings and emotions are the second factor that limits the scope of your world. You experience negative feelings and emotions and try to get away from where these feelings arise. But sometimes feelings arise not because something is unpleasant to you, but sometimes because other people have put you in a negative mood. You were told, for example, that it is better not to communicate with specific person, and you try to avoid him, although you don't really know whether you like this person or not.
  • Your prejudices and misconceptions are the third factor. “Don’t do this, otherwise...”, “Don’t do this again, because...”, “After this I won’t communicate with you” and other phrases from adults are learned by little children. Naturally, as each person grows up, he gradually forms various rules and prohibitions that operate on the principle “If you do this, you will get this.” And often people are taught negative programs. A person does not know what to do in order to achieve the desired goal, but he knows that if he is himself, he will please a limited circle of people. These kinds of beliefs and misconceptions significantly limit the world of any person, since he “inhibits” himself in the manifestation of his feelings, desires and actions that can cause harm.
  • Your desire to be like everyone else, to obey and please everyone is the fourth factor that limits your perception of the world. Do you want to live like people? Then look how poor and miserable many people live. Do you think that other people's opinions and assessments are more correct than your own about yourself? Then why are these " smart people“don’t live happily and harmoniously? Do you think it is important to be attractive to others rather than to yourself? Look around and you will see that you are trying to attract people who do not look after themselves. The thought “I want to do something for the sake of others” makes you forget about what you think about yourself and about life: do you like yourself, how do you personally want to live your own life?

You limit your own world to the desires and opinions of other people, which contradict each other. It is not surprising that schizophrenia develops from such a variety of thoughts. What do you think about any issue, especially if it concerns you?

It is obvious that a person does everything in order to limit himself in his perception of the world. Your world eventually narrows down to a point (home and circle of friends) that can fit into one three-room apartment. But the planet is much larger than a three-room apartment, and there are many more opportunities in it than you can imagine. So, why limit yourself to your own fears, negative emotions and misconceptions?

How to develop your inner world?

Every person has an inner world. And this does not depend on how much a person develops his inner world. You don’t have to deal with it at all; it will form on its own and influence the behavior, reactions and thoughts of the individual. And you can develop it.

The development of the inner world means that a person will enrich his life experience and control the thoughts and emotions arising within it. You should also practice flexibility in your thinking when deciding various situations. Do not react to them unambiguously and with lightning speed, but allow yourself to think and then come to a conclusion on how to react to them.

This will help:

  1. – a way to calm your thoughts and emotions.
  2. Maintaining healthy image life, since the state of the body affects the state of the psyche.
  3. Facing the real world, not running away from it. Traveling and meeting people will be useful here. big amount people, reading books, etc.
  4. e and the desire to achieve goals. When a person strives for something, he inevitably becomes obliged to change and supplement his experience with new knowledge and skills.

Bottom line

The inner world is a person’s mental activity, which is expressed in thoughts, ideas, emotions, desires, fantasies, ideas about oneself and the world around us. The inner world influences how a person evaluates the environment, what decisions he makes and actions he takes. Moreover, everything that happens in a person’s external environment directly affects what his inner world will become.

The inner world is a reflection of a person’s constantly renewed spiritual life. It consists of emotions, feelings and worldview. Let's see this with examples.

Our life can be composed of contrasting things, like the hero-narrator of their text, Ostromir. He loved motorcycles, wore a leather jacket, but at the same time had his own, slightly childish weaknesses, such as playing the role of a mascot bear “on the fork of a motorcycle.” And everyone has such weaknesses. As a rule, these are things that are very dear to the heart, storing precious memories, emotions, and feelings.

I think that talent is part of our inner world. There are people with limitless imagination, a diversified inner world, like A.S. Pushkin. After all, this wonderful person remembered so many years after his death! And how can you forget him? If you have ever read his works, you will reproduce at least a couple of lines, because the rhyme of this genius is so easy that it is memorable “in flight.” Pushkin’s fairy tales can be quoted - they fit so easily into our lives! It was the writer’s inner world that helped his works gain such lightness and durability.

Thus, I believe that a person's inner world should develop and grow with him. If a person’s inner world develops and grows into a beautiful tree, with leaves from emotions, branches from principles and roots from a worldview, then a person will become real - thinking, feeling, merciful - the way a Man should be. (208 words).

What is the inner world of a person?

The inner world of a person is the spiritual life in which our ideas and images are formed. His view of the real world depends on a person’s inner world. Our spiritual life is built on emotions, feelings and worldview. Let's look at examples

In A. Aleksin’s text, we see a girl whose beauty those around her considered “grace,” and who herself was considered a “figurine” (sentence 6). In her mind, the beauty she possessed was different. And she didn’t like all the comparisons between the girl and the doll. Her inner world was different from others. She saw more human traits in herself than doll traits.

Each of us has our own view of what is happening in life, because our attitude depends on our inner world. For example, I don't understand people who listen to hard rock. Or something like that. I respect their tastes, but I will never understand these “screaming songs.” Our tastes are different because our inner world is different. No one has the right to judge us for the way we see and feel the real world. After all, our point of view depends entirely on our spiritual life.

Thus, the inner world is our subconscious, what makes us special; these are our feelings and emotions, our vision of the world around us. (185 words).

What is love?

Love is a feeling of affection based on common interests, ideals, and the willingness to give one’s strength to a common cause. This is the definition given in the dictionary. But in fact, love is a mystery that can only be solved by experiencing it for yourself. This feeling brings with it warmth, joy, happiness, as well as the desire to be with the person you love. I will give examples to confirm this.

Probably the most reverent and vulnerable love is teenage love. It is at this age that teenagers begin to understand the difference between friendship and true love. This feeling occurs differently for everyone and at different ages. So, the girl Tanya dreamed of the sympathy of the boy she liked. In her soul lies a dream of mutual understanding. The girl believed in the depth and purity of the first feeling. Thoughts about love made Tanya’s heart beat faster, “she felt hot” from them (sentence 32). This special shape love, because all feelings come for the first time, they are the strongest and most unforgettable.

Does love exist in our time? Or has it been replaced by more important values? Of course it is. If you believe, dream, treat others with kindness, then love will definitely come, because it is the most wonderful feeling. In T. Kryukova’s book “Kostya + Nika,” the characters, despite their life circumstances, were in love with each other. The girl is disabled, and it is especially important for her to feel warmth, joy, and care. Love and time spent together helped Nika recover. Knowing what you have loving person, gives strength to live.

So, I proved that there is nothing more beautiful in the world than such a feeling as love. Love can be different, but it always implies caring and trust in each other. (245 words).



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