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List of works by Anatoly Rybakov.

Anatoly Rybakov. Detailed biography

My acquaintance began with the children's and teenage works of Anatoly Rybakov - "Dirk", "Bronze Bird", "Krosh". I read them only once, but quite often I watched films based on these works. Truly "children's" and...
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For a long time I did not dare to write reviews of authors and publishing houses. Because, in my opinion, it is almost impossible to talk about the author or publishing house based on one or several works or books. But I still decided to write about the author I liked.
My acquaintance began with the children's and teenage works of Anatoly Rybakov - "Dirk", "Bronze Bird", "Krosh". I read them only once, but quite often I watched films based on these works. Truly "children's" and exciting adventure novels .
Anatoly Rybakov wrote simply. As he himself said: - “If the writing is difficult, then the reader begins to solve the puzzle: what does the author want to say? And if the puzzle is solved, then he is satisfied, but the process of interviewing the author with the reader, cooperation, does not work out. And when it is written simply, then the reader is left alone with heroes of the novel - he can complete the drawings himself, his imagination works, he creates together with the author.” One feels that the writer was close to the people. Because he easily managed to “tell” stories in the language of his heroes. Be it the Arbat boys from “Dirk and the Bronze Bird”, or the more adult characters from “The Shot” and “Krosh” ”, or truly deep intellectual
heroic personalities from the novels “Children of the Arbat”, “Heavy Sand”. With each novel they become older, Misha Polyakov and his friends Genka and Slavka “investigate” unusual cases that entail a chain of misunderstandings and easily resolved misunderstandings. The literary fiction of the plots of these novels miraculously intersect with the personal distant and dear experience of the writer’s Arbat childhood.
I especially liked the novel “Children of the Arbat”. I read it when I was 20. Perhaps now I would perceive this work a little differently. But... The main actions of the novel unfold around the main character Sasha Pankratov, who, as a witness in the case of the deputy of the Transport Institute Krivoruchko, whom the party bureau accuses of anti-party affairs and disruption of the construction of a hostel. But Alexander Ponkratov does not support the accusation and himself comes under attack from the “party”. Now he is accused of anti-Soviet sentiments, expelled from the party, imprisoned and sent to Siberia. His story is closely intertwined with the life of the inhabitants of the “biggest house on Arbat”. Very different young people live and study there, both in origin and in their outlook on life.
The work is very tragic, excitingly “terrible” (I mean “those” times when one word could entail a threat to life and freedom) and very vital.
I also really liked another work by Rybakov, “Heavy Sand is a love story of Jewish young people, Rachel and Yakov, who met on the eve of the World War. Their love goes through pain, suffering, persecution, the fascist “new order.” All the events of the novel are very close to our “Soviet people”, those who remember.
All the works of this author leave their mark on the soul and memory of the reader. Moreover, his works, one part of them, can be read to children aged 6-8. And watching films based on his works is also interesting for younger children. My younger son I enjoyed watching "Dirk" and "The Bronze Bird" several times. And here is " Last summer childhood", based on "The Shot", even for an 8-year-old child it turned out to be too early. But I watched it with pleasure :-).

Debt to a religious foundation is an old gift, and on the head household there are 3 olive oil, honey, lamb, 40 bride events, 100 St. Dumitru events, 110 war gift events per family, 17 events per capita, pasture, 4 new homeowner activities per capita per capita, plus a total of 500 households for the rest of the tax. The village of Kholos in the Komlos Mare region is described in detail with all its boundaries.

He spends his childhood in his hometown, captured by the Austrians at the age of 14, and, ransomed by his father, becomes the man of Papa Dajer, whom he accompanies everywhere in his wanderings and battles. The poet's name was Naqshi, and Ali read and wrote in Ottoman, Arabic and Persian.

Anatoly Naumovich Rybakov; Russia Moscow; 01/01/1911 – 23/12/1998

The books of Anatoly Rybakov need no introduction. They have been published in more than 52 countries around the world. The total circulation of Rybakov's books has exceeded 20 million copies, and more than half of his works have been filmed. So on this moment based on the books by Anatoly Rybakov, 13 filmed feature films and television series.

The situation continued for several decades until the imperialists approached the borders of the vilayet, the Timisoara fortress was rebuilt, and the guillemots returned here. Here he is accused by a certain Petru Stoica in front of the Ottoman Empire that he will be the comrade of the famous trumpet player. Caddy shuts him down and every Friday he puts his feet in the torture center and beats him. He is released only when Hunedoara district officials realize that he is an honest man.

Daoud, factory manager, changed to Ibrahim. Entering the siege of Vienna, the great guest Kara Mustafa Pasha views the troops in Győr. From Timisoara Vilayet he finds 500 zaimi and tairiot plus their exchangers. He had 3-4 people with him, and he had from 5 to 15 good men. Ali, the Timisoran chronicler, says that his father had the income of two villages, one with 80 and the other with 120 houses, forced to give.

Biography of Anatoly Rybakov

Anatoly Naumovich Rybakov was born in the village of Derzhanovka, Chernigov province. His father A.B. Aronov was a distiller and quite well known in professional circles as the author of many specialized books and publications. Aranov sent his son to study in Moscow. This was already after the revolution in 1919. At first, Anatoly Rybakov studied at the former Khvostovskaya gymnasium, but he graduated from the eighth and ninth grades at the Moscow experimental demonstration school-commune. After graduating from school, he worked as a loader and driver at the Dorogomilovsky Chemical Plant until he entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers in 1930. He studied at the institute for three years, and then was arrested and exiled for three years for anti-Soviet propaganda.

Although he was 9 years old, his father places him on one of nine ox carts and four more with supplies, and 50 of the 125 people on the parent's schedule go to Vienna. Winter in Banat and Hungary is very difficult, which prevents Ottoman fortresses from being there.

The chronicler Ali talks about the great famine in Timisoara, the help that Pasha gave to the inhabitants, and also that one fine day there was more fish than water, and the inhabitants gathered and rejoiced at this heavenly miracle. Beylerbeyul is under siege of the Szolnok fortress, where a great seer comes, and after the defeat there, the beylerbey and the vizier return to Timisoara.

After the end of his exile, Anatoly Rybakov did not have the right to live in major cities, and following the advice of one of my friends from Arbat, I did not appear near large industrial facilities. Nevertheless, in 1938 he became the chief engineer of the Ryazan Regional Department of Motor Transport, where he worked until the start of the war. At the beginning of the war, Anatoly Rybakov was drafted into the Red Army, where he served in the automobile troops. Just like he had the opportunity to participate in many companies in different sectors of the front. By the end of the war he received the rank of major engineering troops and most importantly, his recognition as having no criminal record. Anatoly Rybakov was completely rehabilitated in 1960.

Some time before he left with several young Ottomans from Timisoara to Istanbul. While visiting the city, Hussein sees sausage, which he buys and comes home with him. And for a number of years this cannon was recorded in the arsenal of the artillery of Timisoara.

There are 54 artillery units: 3 Balsams, 16 Colomberns, 6 Harbors, 3 Chaos, 8 Mushrooms, 4 Eniks, plus 7 miscellaneous items. The length of the five defensive ditches around the castle, fortress and palaces is also given. It is clear that the city is preparing for a future siege, and its co-mandates are preparing early.

The clash between the troops of Timisoara Beylerbit, Sahin Mehmed, about 1000 fighters and imperial troops led by Caraffa and Heisler, ending with the passage of the pass. The Ottomans only repressed through the invasion of desertification in these lands, and the military situation stabilized for almost ten years.

Anatoly Rybakov’s first book, “Dagger,” was published in 1947. The story received many rave reviews and was already filmed in 1954, and reshot in 1973. Anatoly Rybakov’s first novel, “The Driver,” was published three years later. And five years later, the novel “Ekaterina Voronina” was published, which was filmed in 1957. But Rybakov does not leave and youth literature continuing his story “Dirk” and starting new series about the adventures of Krosh. By the way, this series of books was also filmed. At the same time, he was working on his work “Children of the Arbat,” which became the most iconic in the writer’s work. This novel will be published only in 1987. Moreover, interest in Anatoly Rybakov’s novel “Children of the Arbat” will be so high that the book will have a sequel. Last book Anatoly Rybakov’s “Novel-Memoirs” was published in 1997. And a year later the writer died.

Here are just two such moments: 14 letters that the imperialists write to the beyler asking for the surrender of the fortress in exchange for free passage and the request of the city residents to the beyler. Eventually the Imperials' retreat and Timisoara are saved. Sultanal Judea, through which the first and only agrarian reform is being implemented Ottoman Empire. the peasant is declared the owner of the land which he/she works with the right of inheritance and sale.

Count Luigi Ferdinando Marsigli begins his travels to all corners of the Banat, by chance he is well aware of the realities that he describes later in his description of the Danube. In the middle of the month, the Imperials conquered Karanebes and Lugoi. The transport of supplies brought with the chariots on Timis arrived at the order bridge, from where they were brought to the fort with carts, combining several spare items here.

Books by Anatoly Rybakov on the Top books website

Books by Anatoly Rybakov are quite popular to read. And they show interest not only in the “Children of the Arbat” trilogy, but also in the writer’s youthful works. Thus, books about the adventures of Krosh and, of course, the story “Dagger” are enviably popular. And it is quite possible that they will be included in our rating. Well, the books of the “Children of the Arbat” trilogy took high places in our ratings and ratings. And given the stability of interest in them, they will certainly be presented in our subsequent ratings.

The commander sends a letter to the bailer asking for his favorite horse. Pasha sends it to him and he sends him two carts filled with butter, honey, rice, white flour and 10 cups of coffee. Since Timisoara has been experiencing - in the broadest sense of the word - enemies for more than a year, the pasha divides these gifts among the hungry population.

Beylerbeyul de Timisoara comes to the aid of Lipova, besieged by the imperials, and rejects them. Due to the overflow of Mures, part of the supplies were returned to Timisoara, while the other part arrived at their destination. Among the dead was the commander of the Senada fortress. It was customary to send other troops to garrisons every year. Consecration of the Orthodox wooden church in Serbia is carried out in the presence of the Metropolitan of Belgrade and Bishop of Arad, Teofil.

Anatoly Rybakov list of books


Adventures of Krosh:



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