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I want to become a fairy right now. How to become real fairies of water, fire and all the forces of nature in real life at home

IN Lately it turned out a large number of cartoons about fairies, and many girls dream of becoming fairies and performing their little magical rituals. If you are thinking about how to become a fairy in a minute, then you need to turn to our rituals.


Fill the container with ice and wait until it begins to melt. Then plunge your hands into ice water for 30 seconds. At this time, close your eyes and imagine how you turn into your favorite fairy. After half a minute, remove your hands from the water, lather them with shampoo or shower gel and rinse ice water. After this ritual, you must definitely turn into a fairy.

Conversation with a fairy

If you need for a short time to become a fairy, then you cannot do without real fairies. First, choose what kind of fairy you want to become. For example, if you want to turn into a Fairy of Fire, then you need to light a candle or light a fire and call the fairy to talk. To do this, call the fairy, for example, “Fire Fairy, I call you!” If at this time the fire rattles a little or changes direction, it means the fairy has arrived and you can start a conversation. Ask her to give you the necessary strength and knowledge to perform magical rituals. At the end of the conversation, don't forget to thank her for her help.


If you are alone at home, you can ask the fairies to give you strength. To do this, turn off the light and stand in the middle of the room. Raise your hands up and read the spell “I don’t want to be a simple man, I want to be a fairy with a golden wing!” It must be repeated ten times, only after that the fairies will give you strength.


If you have a cat in your house, you can ask her to give you strength, since cats are mentally connected with the land of fairies. When the moon is full, pick up the cat and pet it. As soon as the animal begins to purr, ask her to give you magical abilities. If the cat likes the way you pet it, it will fulfill your wish.

sea ​​fairy

If you want to turn into a sea fairy, fill the bathtub with water and lie in it. At this time, repeat the spell “Sea fairy, I call you!” After this, politely ask her to make you a water fairy.

Everyone in childhood wanted to become some kind of magical hero. Now many girls, having seen enough amazing stories, dream of becoming fairies. If the child is smart, kind and obedient, then this is quite possible. There are several simple, effective ways that can help with this.

Method one. Take a colored piece of paper and write in beautiful handwriting that you want to become a fairy. Be sure to mention which particular fairy, and it is advisable that the color of the leaf matches the purpose of the fairy. For example, “water fairy” or “sky fairy” - on blue, “fire fairy” or “love fairy” - on red, “sun fairy” - on yellow, “nature fairy” - on a green leaf, and so on. Having completed this action, the paper must be thrown out the window into the wind. The further the leaf with the wish flies, the faster it will come true. You can also simply swallow the piece of paper after drinking clean water. After completing the ritual, it is very important not to make any sounds for an hour, so the safest option is to immediately go to bed. Second way. As in the sacrament described above, you will need a small piece of paper of a certain color. Similarly, write your desire and element on it. Prepare a plate with cool water and a mirror in advance. When everything is ready, crumple the leaf and set it on fire. Carefully place the burning paper in a plate and peer at it through the reflection in the mirror. At the same time, repeat “I will be a fairy.” After this, you should immediately go to bed, and in the morning you will wake up as a fairy. Third way. For this transformation you will have to prepare a magic elixir. Find a nice bottle or bottle and fill it with water. Add 3 pinches of granulated sugar and part of the element you want to possess to the vessel. Nature is earth, love is a flower petal, fire is ashes. If you want to become a fairy of water or air, then simply drop some dew or blow into a bottle.

The elixir should infuse for a week in a secluded, cool place. Then, for three days, gently apply the liquid to the ends. index fingers and the tip of the tongue. When all the actions are completed, the transformation will surely occur. To acquire magical abilities, try simply politely asking the fairies themselves. To do this, look for a long time at the desired element (water, fire, trees, sun, moon, etc.) and whisper to the fairies with kind words. As soon as you feel a slight gust of wind and a barely audible whisper, you know that they have responded.

It is very important to convince the fairies that you are serious and do not intend to abuse your miraculous powers. If the fairy is inspired and decides that you are really honest with her and want this with all your soul, then you will feel a slight rustle. This is the magic dust that will make your dreams come true. Fifth way. Wait for a day when there is a full moon in the sky without clouds. Take fruit toothpaste and apply it to your index fingernails. Repeat “I am a fairy!” sincerely five times. and wait in complete silence for one hour. It is very important not to utter a word. Then wash off the paste and go to bed. By morning you will be a fairy. After any ritual, you must definitely go to sleep so that the fairies can begin their work. Before this, you can think about what kind of wings you want, imagine their color and shape. Think about your future fabulous power and how you will use it to do good. It will be very useful to make a magic medallion. It should consist of something very familiar to you in order to help transform from a fairy into a human. Attach to it something from the element of your dreams (stone - nature, flower - love, match - fire, etc.). The talisman should contain a feather from a bird's wing, it will give strength to your fairy wings. The medallion must be secret so as not to lose its magic. You can't show it to anyone or talk about it.

To one day become a fairy, you must ordinary life act like a sorceress. Be kind to people, animals and nature. commit noble deeds, do not offend friends and parents. You need to be honest and friendly, say only pleasant words. Only a girl with such qualities can be worthy of becoming a true fairy of any element.

As children, children dream of being some kind of hero or character from a cartoon or movie. Today, girls want to become fairies after watching stories with amazing beauties. For children who are distinguished by their special intelligence, kindness and obedience, this is quite possible.

Ways to help you become a fairy:

1. The first method involves writing in beautiful handwriting your desire to become a Fairy on a piece of bright-colored paper. You need to indicate what kind of fairy you want to become, the color of the sheet must match the purpose of the magical fairy. So that you know what color to use, we’ll tell you that the Fairy of Water and Sky is written on a blue background, the Fairy of Love and Fire on a red sheet, the Fairy of Nature and Fauna on a green piece of paper, the Fairy of the Sun on a yellow background, and so on.

After writing your wish, throw the paper out into the wind through the window. To make your dream come true faster, you need to throw a leaf further. Some girls can tear off a piece where the wish is written to swallow and wash it down drinking water. Little princesses are not recommended to swallow paper. The ritual is complete, now do not make unnecessary sounds for 60 minutes, a reliable option is to go to bed.

2. The second method involves the sacrament described above; a piece of colored paper will also come in handy. Indicates your dream and element in the same way as the first method. Prepare a plate, mirror and cool water in advance. When everything is written, squeeze the paper and set it on fire. Carefully place the burning paper in a plate and look at its reflection in the mirror. And repeat “I will be a Fairy.” Go to bed right away, and in the morning you will wake up as a Fairy.

3. The third method is to prepare a magic elixir. Fill a beautiful bottle or bottle with water, add 3 pinches of sugar sand and part of the element that you want to possess. Love is a flower petal, Nature is earth, Fire is ashes. To become an air fairy, simply blow into a bottle, and drop dew into a water fairy.

The elixir should last about a week in a cool, secluded place. After 3 days, carefully apply the liquid to the tips of your fingers and the tip of your tongue. The transformation will occur after all actions have been completed.

4. You can also politely ask the fairy about this yourself - this is the fourth method. Look at the desired fairy (sun, moon, trees, fire, water, air, etc.) and call the fairies kind words. If they heard a light whisper and a breath of wind, it means they responded.

Try to convince the fairy that you really want to become like her, and your goals are good, you will not abuse the powers of the elements. Then the Fairy will be inspired and help you.

5. The fifth way to become a fairy. On a day when there is a full moon without clouds, smear the nails of your index fingers with fruit toothpaste. Be sure to repeat “I am a Fairy!” 5 times. and sit in silence for one hour. Afterwards, wash off the paste and go to bed, undoubtedly by the morning you will become a fairy.

6. Don't forget to choose your wings, they should be beautiful, transparent and large.

7. Make yourself a magic medallion like a real Fairy. Ideally, a medallion is created from objects that are dear to you: stone, beads, jewelry, chains, feathers, and so on. Don't tell anyone about your medallion, so that it is magical, no one should know about it.

For the Fairy to help you become a Fairy, you must be obedient in life, do noble deeds, not offend your parents and friends, study well, tell the truth, take care of yourself and possess positive qualities. Only true Lady deserves to be a real Fairy.

Becoming a fairy is the dream of girls who want to bring real world A little a real fairy tale. Magical creatures are enchanting, and the possibilities of their magical gifts are endless. Let many consider turning into them a fantasy: they simply do not know that sincere faith and bright thoughts can make any miracle a reality. It is enough to make a little effort, not to deviate from the goal, and everything will come true.

First, you should determine what abilities you want to master. Small creatures have access to various magical knowledge. Some command the elements of nature: Earth, Water, Fire, Air. Others make people's dreams come true. Girls who have decided to become a fairy and have chosen a destination can proceed to the ritual itself.

How to become a wish fairy

If the choice is made on the ability to fulfill desires, it is worth considering whether you have the strength to bear this gift. You will have to live up to your rank by devoting good deeds all the time. Young ladies who are not afraid of responsibility can only perform a simple ritual to become a fairy.

First of all, let's imagine a beautiful creature with wings capable of performing any miracle. Then let's take:

  • paper;
  • a set of felt-tip pens;
  • flower;
  • a handful of sugar.

In the center of the sheet we draw a red circle, on top - an orange one, after - a yellow one. Behind them: green, light blue, blue and purple circles. The result will be a rainbow-circle, which sorceresses often admire while flying in the sky.

We place a flower in the picture and sprinkle its petals with sugar crystals. Then it’s time to call upon the wish-fulfiller by reading three times:

“Fairy, kind and wise one, I summon you to me! I want to become a fairy myself. We have prepared for you: a bright rainbow, a living flower, sweets like shining crystals. The treat on the flower glitters. He lies on a seven-color rainbow. A miracle is happening now. As many grains of sugar as there are, so big is my dream. I’m (name) waiting, come!”

Do not be upset when the summoned sorceress does not show up. Her presence can be felt on an intuitive level. The still invisible guest will make herself known by approaching the sugar. If the grains fall off the bud, the call is heard and she has arrived. All that remains is to voice your request to become a fairy, saying clearly:

“Fairy, I know, you hear. Do not refuse: endow me (name) with wisdom. Give me magic power. Irresistible beauty, add charm. Direct to Right way, don’t forget to open your knowledge. I want to help people with my magic. Wise One, I pray you, let me become a fairy too. May everything come true!”

Then the performer of the ritual must present a gift: take the most delicious sweets, cookies, chocolate and leave them on the windowsill, whispering:

“The gift is ready. If you do what you asked, you will take it.”

If everything is done with sincere faith, you will be able to become a fairy in the coming days. The transformation will begin with a surge of joy and inspiration. When a miracle does not happen, it means that in the world of magic they are not sure that you are worthy to be part of it. Try to change this with good deeds.

Transformation in a minute: a reliable way

The next ritual requires internal energy. They take him to good mood, throwing away anger and resentment. If at this moment the performer of the ritual is upset or upset, she will not be able to become a fairy. On a sunny day she should come to a nice place. For example: a park, a pond, a meadow or a forest. Be sure to make sure that there are no strangers nearby.

If everything is fine, you need to turn your back to the sun and spread your arms to the sides, opening your palms towards the rays. Look at the sky, try to feel how the warmth of the sun warms, penetrating into every cell, filling them with light. Imagine that solar streams accumulate and transform into invisible wings. Next, wait 1 minute and say a spell to become a fairy:

“The rays of the sun touched our palms. The powers of magic have awakened. Wings woven from sunlight, gifted to me without return or response. Now I’m a fairy – that’s what I say. I will create any miracle."

After the ritual, magic will become available, but it is important to use it for good deeds. Otherwise, nature will take the gift away forever.

Secret method: how to become an elemental fairy

The dream of controlling the forces of the Universe is also possible. To perform it, you need to determine the element most suitable for power by looking at the horoscope. If you have made a firm decision to become a fairy of Earth, Water, Fire or Air, but this does not coincide with the recommendation of the stars, you should prepare for difficulties. It is extremely difficult to subjugate an element not intended by birth. Before the ceremony begins, we are looking for a suitable place:

  • the shore of a lake or river, if you decide to become a water fairy;
  • open space to gain power over Air;
  • forest or clearing, for those who want to control the Earth;
  • an area distant from buildings and trees for conquering Fire.

They arrive at the chosen place before dawn. The ritual will require a connection with the elements, so girls who want to become a Fire Fairy must be careful. It is better to ask elders to help light a fire or use candles. You will only need five of them. You should not bring your hand close to the flame. You just need to look at it carefully.

For other elements, no additional attributes are needed. To become a fairy, just put your palm in the water, touch the ground or stretch your hands towards the wind. After remaining motionless and with the appearance of the first rays of the sun, whisper the spell:

“Great Mother (pronounce the name of the element). Give me wisdom. Give me patience and confidence. Let me become a fairy and perform miracles in your name. I take an oath to be a faithful and obedient daughter. So it will come true."

When reading the plot, try to listen to the filling emotions. The emergence of fear, anxiety and confusion is a sign that you are not ready to wield magic. Calmness and joy indicate that the ceremony was completed successfully. Invisible currents will emanate from the element located nearby, giving energy and a feeling of lightness. When their waves dry up, you can go home. Before this, it is important for young mistresses of fire not to forget to extinguish the flame.

The newfound magic will awaken by the next morning. You need to accept the fact that it is impossible to become a fairy instantly. One should develop the gift by practicing spell casting and doing good deeds.

How to become a moon fairy

The magic of the moon is omnipotent. It opens up the opportunity to fulfill the most unimaginable desires, predict the future, change people's destinies. You can gain her power only during the full moon. After waiting for him, you should write a request on a piece of paper. You cannot address the Moon in a commanding tone. It’s better to formulate your wish with the words: “may (name) succeed in becoming a fairy.” Additionally, matches and a small saucer will be required for the ritual.

At midnight you need to open the window and stand up so that your face and upper body are illuminated moonlight. Then read the spell loudly and clearly:

“Luna, I urge you. Give me magic. Give me the power to control the moonlight and become a fairy under your protection.”

Then place the leaf on a saucer and set it on fire. Scatter the ashes into the air. When performing these actions, the main thing is not to doubt that the words are heard. Everything will come true when the time comes.

Dreaming of becoming a fairy, girls rarely think about how it will turn out. Before you carry out the transformation, you need to realize that it will be difficult to return to your previous image. Spirits will be able to free sorceresses from the gift only if the rules are violated. Those who do not want to part with new abilities will have to follow the laws:

  • be polite and attentive to your family;
  • study well;
  • help elders;
  • do not refuse requests from friends;
  • direct thoughts towards positivity.

Then those around you will have no doubt about your ability to perform miracles. Seeing this, the patroness from the magical world who allowed you to become a fairy will definitely reward you with incredible luck.

Become a real fairy! This is truly wonderful!

Many girls think so. And it’s clear why. Fairies have powerful abilities. They are friendly and bring good luck. And as for modern Fairies, they are also carefree and cheerful, as in famous cartoons. Remember the Winx cartoons?

Girls dream of becoming fairies. How to fulfill this desire and how to become a fairy? We offer you nine extraordinary ways to help make your dream come true. Read carefully, because only by following the advice exactly can you turn into a real Fairy.

1. How to become a real fairy: Make a wish.

It's simple. Write on a piece of paper what kind of fairy you want to become. Fairy of all powers or fairy of water and so on. Then slowly drink a glass of water. Throw the paper out the window and try to let it fly as far as possible. Or you can just swallow a piece of paper and then drink water. Only then write your wish on a small piece of paper. It will be easier to swallow. All this must be done before going to bed. Because then you have to immediately go to bed and fall asleep instantly.

And in the morning you will become a real Fairy!

2. How to become a fairy for real: Ice and butter will help you.

Take pieces of ice from the refrigerator and place it in a wide cup. Let it melt. Then put your hand in the water and let it stay there for about thirty seconds. Imagine that you are becoming a real fairy. Just first think about what kind of Fairy you want to become.

Next, remove your hand from the water and, taking a little butter, rub your wet hand with it. You can use shampoo instead of oil. And immediately wash everything off with the water in which you just held your hand. And then look at your watch and rub one hand against the other for 2 minutes. In a couple of days you will become a real Fairy!

3. How to become a fairy at home: Colored sheets of paper, a candle and a mirror.

As you guessed, these are the items you will need. So, take some water into a wide bowl. Take colored sheets of paper and choose one sheet to work with. Which one? Here's what it is.

If you want to become a Fairy of Love, you will need a red leaf.

In order to become a Water Fairy, you need a blue leaf.

To transform into a Nature Fairy, you need to choose a green leaf.

Cut out a symbol from this paper. For example, for the Nature Fairy, the symbol will be a green leaf. Draw it and then cut it out. Light a candle and hold your symbol to it. Let the edge of the paper begin to burn. Next, lower the burning piece into the water and let everything that happens be reflected in the mirror. Look at your reflection in the mirror and say “I am a Fairy” three times loudly. Next, pull the paper out of the water and burn it. As soon as the fire finally goes out, know that you are now a real Fairy!

4. How to become a real fairy: We are waiting for the full moon to be in the sky.

Yes Yes. There will be a bit of a wait, so be patient. And then there's the full moon. Pour water into a glass. Write your wish on a piece of paper. Indicate what kind of fairy you want to become. Open the window. Raise your glass of water slightly. Let the moon be reflected in the water. Now put your piece of paper with your written wish into the water. And then feel free to pour the water directly on yourself! That's it, now you are a real Fairy!

5. How to become a fairy in life: You have to wait two weeks.

This method will require your patience. Fill a completely empty perfume bottle with water. But first, pour water into a glass and add one tablespoon of liquid soap, three pinches of sugar and three pinches of salt. Let the water sit in the glass for 5 minutes, and then carefully pour it into an empty bottle. Place the bottle on the windowsill and let it sit there for two weeks. And every day, spray yourself with this magical water from a bottle and imagine that you are becoming a real Fairy.

And for sure, you will become a real Fairy, for which we congratulate you!

6. How to really become a fairy: Toothpaste can do a miracle.

Of course, you brush your teeth with toothpaste. Press a little paste onto the index fingers of your hands. Lubricate your fingers and stay like this for forty-five minutes. Of course, it’s not easy, but you really want to become a Fairy. Then rinse off the toothpaste with water. Say “I am a Fairy” out loud five times. Go to bed and already at three o'clock in the morning you will have the abilities of a real Fairy!

7. How to become a fairy of all powers: But you can ask the fairies themselves for help.

Of course, you need to know how to summon fairies. The fire fairy must be summoned while at the fire. The music fairy can hear you near the river. The Moon Fairy can sense you if you look at full moon. And the Music Fairy will be next to the street musician.

Call the Fairy three times like this: “Fire Fairy, come.” Wait, you will soon feel a light breeze and hear the fairy’s wings fluttering. Then ask the fairy for help. And be sure to tell the Fairy that you will use the power received from her only for good deeds. Next, say goodbye to the Fairy and go home to sleep. And the next morning, you will already be a real Fairy!

8. A very simple way to become a fairy.

It's better if there is no one at home. If this does not work, ask that you not be disturbed for ten minutes. Relax, close your eyes and, raising your arms up, clap your hands. At the same time, say “I am a Fairy” three times loudly. This must be repeated every day. And soon you will feel that you are becoming a real Fairy and you are achieving a lot!

9. The best way to turn into a fairy.

Imagine that you have already become a Fairy. How will you behave? Of course, the way real Fairies behave! Just keep doing this. Find interesting moments in the most simple things. Support your acquaintances, friends, your parents. Give your beautiful smile. Yes Yes! Beautiful! After all, you are now a real Fairy! You know this for sure. You will see that your friends will begin to notice how you have changed. Of course, since you behave like a Fairy, it means you have already become one. And we will be happy for you!

That's all, we hope that this article helped you find the answer to the question you needed and you became a real kind and magical fairy. Do good deeds and help people and they will always love and appreciate you.



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