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Danetka's riddles are easy. Danets of increased difficulty

№ 11:

While changing the wheel of his car, a man dropped all four nuts of its fastening into the sewer drain grate, from where it was impossible to get them. He had already decided that he was stuck here, but a boy passing by gave him a very useful idea that allowed him to move on. What was his idea?


Q: Did the boy suggest some way to attach the wheel?
Oh yeah.

Q: Was it necessary to get the fallen nuts to do this?
Oh no.

Q: Did it require the use of any tools that are not normally found on the machine?
Oh no.

Q: Was this a smart idea that could easily be put into practice?
Oh yeah.

The boy suggested unscrewing one nut from each of the three wheels and securing the fourth wheel with them. Having done this, the person was able to drive to the nearest garage on firmly secured wheels.

№ 12:

Bill was on vacation. He checked into a hotel on the sixth floor. Every morning at 8 o'clock he went down to the hall on the second floor, had breakfast and then took the elevator back to the sixth floor. Every evening at 8 o'clock he took the elevator down to the lobby, and then climbed five flights of stairs and returned to his room, although he did not enjoy it. Why did he do this?


Q: Was Bill fully capable of operating the elevator?
Oh yeah.

Q: If he wanted to go up to his room at another time, would he take the elevator?
Oh yeah.

Q: Did other guests take the elevator in the evenings?
Oh yeah.

Q: Was the person physically normal?
Oh yeah.

Q: Did he get up every evening at 8 o'clock alone?
Oh no.

Q: Did his regular evening walks serve a useful purpose?
Oh yeah.

Bill was on vacation and living in a hotel with his wife and very active two-year-old son. The couple noticed that The best way Tiring your baby before bed so that he falls asleep sooner is to make him climb five flights of stairs. The boy enjoyed this journey, but for his father it was difficult.

№ 13:

In 1980, Ben was 20 years old, and in 1985 he was only 15 years old. How is this possible?


Q: Was Ben an ordinary person?
Oh yeah.

Q: Every year he got a year older?
Oh yeah.

Q: Do I need to do anything with the dates?
Oh yeah.

Ben was born in 2000 BC. For this period, calendar years are counted backwards, so in 1985 BC he was 15 years old, and in 1980 BC he was 20 years old.

№ 14:

During an experiment during a lesson at school, a girl was sent to the center of a nearby city to take an air sample there to determine the degree of its pollution. She was given a jar with a tight-fitting, removable lid. She understood that the jar contained the relatively clean air of the school. How did she manage to displace this air and fill the jar with the necessary sample of city air?


Q: Could the girl have obtained a representative sample by simply removing the lid from the container and waving it around?
Oh no. How could she be sure that all the air that was originally in it had been removed from the jar?

Q: Did the girl use any device to create a vacuum?
Oh no.

Q: Did the girl's solution involve any advanced physical techniques or the need for complex devices?
A: No, she took a very simple approach.

At school, a girl completely filled a jar with water, and in the place where it was necessary to take an air sample, she poured this water. Its place was taken by city air, which became a completely representative sample.

№ 15:

Greenland is a huge island covered with snow and ice. Why did the man who discovered this island call it Greenland, that is, the Green Country?


Q: Was the island green when this man discovered it?
Oh no.

Q: Did this person believe that the island would or could become green?
Oh no.

Q: Did he name the island after someone or some place?
Oh no.

Q: Was the title supposed to be descriptive?
Oh yeah.

Q: Was the title accurate in any way?
Oh no.

Greenland was discovered around 982 by the Scandinavian Jarl Eric the Red. He sought to encourage people to settle there and therefore named the country Greenland, since this name could attract them (in English greenland- “green land”) This is one of the earliest examples of deliberate misinformation.

№ 16:

The girl was listening to the radio. Suddenly it went silent, and a minute later it turned on again. The radio was in in perfect order, the radio transmission was not interrupted, and the girl did not touch the receiver controls. Why did the radio go silent and then start again?


Q: Did the girl influence the radio in any way or change the position of the antenna?
Oh no.

Q: Did other listeners of this radio station have the same pause at the same time?
A: Most did not, but a few did.

Q: Did the girl's location matter?
Oh yeah.

Q: Are such occurrences rare or common?
A: Usual.

The girl was listening to the radio in the car driven by her father. The reception was temporarily interrupted as he passed through a tunnel.

№ 17:

A long and difficult boxing match ended in a knockout. The judges unanimously declared a clear victory. However, during the fight, not a single athlete threw any punches. What happened?

Board game "DaNetki"

Greetings, dear friends! In this review I want to tell you about the exciting and exciting game “Danetki”. It is suitable for both adults and children, and therefore you can have fun with it any company.

This is an exciting board game for developing logic and having fun.

Now I will try to talk in detail about its rules.

My review of the board game "Danetki"

Game principle

"Danetki" is logic game, developing deductive thinking. Participants choose one presenter who tells a short story with a mysterious ending. Players must find the answer to the question asked by the presenter.

There are certain rules:

  • All participants turn to the leader in turn.
  • It is allowed to ask only questions that can be answered in monosyllables: “yes”, “no” or “doesn’t matter”. This is where the name of the game actually comes from.
  • The presenter has no right to give any hints to any of the players.

An example is the following story:

The man was climbing the stairs, and at that very moment he realized that his wife had died. How could this be?
Participants take turns asking the facilitator leading questions. It is strictly forbidden to ask how old this man’s wife was or ask other questions that cannot be answered “Yes” or “No.” Here's what the guessing process might look like:

Player: Was the woman old?

Host: It doesn't matter.

Player: Was she walking next to him?

Host: No.

Player: Was she calling him on the phone at that moment?

Host: No.

Player: He saw his wife's body on the stairs?

Host: No.

Player: Was it at home?

Host: No.

Player: At work?

Host: No.

Player: In the hospital?

Host: Yes.

Player: Was the woman sick?

Host: Yes.

Player: Was she having surgery at this point?

Host: No.

Player: Was she lying in her room?

Host: Yes.

Player: Was her life dependent on electricity?

Host: Yes.

Player: Was she on a ventilator?

Host: Yes.

Player: When the man walked up the stairs, did the lights go out?

Host: Yes!

The mystery is solved! Full answer: The lights went out in the hospital, the man realized that the machine keeping his wife alive had shut down and she died.

The winner of each round, if more than two people participate in the game, is the participant who named the correct answer by asking the fewest questions. Over multiple sessions in a row, you can keep score by awarding the most savvy players bonus points for each puzzle solved.

My game kit

The number of game cards with riddles of varying complexity varies depending on the publisher and the Danetok package. Our game set looked like this:

  • dense compact cardboard box;
  • 40 riddle cards with gorgeous illustrations and answers on the back;
    card made of thick cardboard with the rules of the game.

The set of questions does not raise anything superfluous or unnecessary. There are no playing fields, unstable chips and other elements that can interfere with enjoying this fun on the road or at a party.

I would also like to say about the quality of the cards. As noted above, I really liked the illustrations, which accurately depict the situation described in the riddle, but at the same time do not reveal all the intrigue. The quality is excellent, the cards are moderately dense, do not wrinkle or bend. I also liked the printing - over the entire period of use, the inscriptions are not erased, the pictures remain just as bright and attractive. The colors of the box and each card are well chosen.

The main advantages of playing Danetki

Just one set of game cards will give you and your friends or children many hours of fun! The main advantages of “Danetok” are:

  • versatility. The set contains riddles of varying degrees of complexity, and therefore both children, for whom you can choose a simpler situation, and adults can play;
  • mobility. Thanks to the small size of the box, you can take it with you outdoors, on a trip, to visit friends or just for a walk with your child;
  • diversity. “Danetki” contains many situations that force you to seriously use your brain;
    development creative thinking. Sometimes to get an answer to a question you have to put forward the most incredible assumptions;
  • training logical skills and deductive reasoning. Each situation described in the game cards forces you to think, analyze the information received from the presenter, and compare the facts;
  • the ability to play together remotely. For example, the host writes a riddle to the player via SMS, and he sends him variants of questions and receives answers to them. It’s convenient and allows you to pass the time alone on the road, but only two people can play this way;
  • support for any number of players. If in most board games there is a limit of up to five or six participants, then “Danetki” can be played either by two people (one person is the host, and the other solves the puzzle) or by a large group.

This game has only one drawback, but it is quite significant - the lack of replay value. After all 40 situations have been solved, there is nothing left to play. But, firstly, you can take “Danetka” to different companies, and secondly, if you play intermittently, then the answers to some riddles are completely forgotten. And finally, thirdly, for lovers of such fun there is a whole line of various releases of “Danetka”, including:

  • detective. Feel yourself Commissioner Maigret, Nero Wolfe or Poirot, unraveling crime stories only with the help of “gray cells”;
  • comic. There is no place for cold logic and common sense here - use your imagination and come up with the most incredible options for events;
  • "life stories"

and many many others. Fans of such intellectual fun can find a set of game situations for any preference, age and company. Depending on the manufacturer and variety of “Danetok”, the game’s equipment may vary. Some boxes may contain 25 or 30 cards, while other companies offer expanded sets with big amount riddles

My experience of playing Danetki

This game set was my first experience playing Danetki, and to be honest, I was delighted! This fun allows you not only to have fun, but also to train your brain, learn something new about yourself and your friends, and give free rein to your imagination and creativity. This is why I recommend the game to all readers, but especially to those whose work is somehow related to creativity. You won't believe how much inspiration sometimes comes after one or two sessions of the game!

But even if you are not one of the connoisseurs of word puzzles, then there is probably a person in your circle who really likes to solve all sorts of puzzles and think about the situations presented. In this case, a box with “Danettes” will be an excellent and universal gift for any celebration, be it a professional holiday, birthday or New Year.

Buy board game“Danetki” can be found using the button below in a trusted store without deception or overpayments. And in this store, the price includes a personalization service, that is, your name or the name of the person to whom you want to give this game will be on the box.

5 Protagoras was a lawyer in ancient Greece. Out of his kindness, he took a poor but capable young man as a student and said that he would not charge him tuition until he won his case for the first time, and after that the student would have to pay all the tuition. The young man happily agreed. He completed the entire course of study, but decided that he did not want to practice law, and went to the village to herd goats. Protagoras was indignant at such a waste of talent and knowledge and was afraid that he would not receive money for training the young man. He decided to recover money from the student through the court. Who do you think will win the case if the plaintiff and defendant meet in court?

Before the trial began, both Protagoras and his student were confident that they had every chance of winning the case. The student believed that if he won the case, the court would release him from all payment obligations. If he loses, he will still not have to pay, since his first case will not be won and, according to the terms of the contract, he will not have to pay.
Protagoras believed that if he won the case, then by definition this would mean that the court decided the case in his favor and, therefore, the student would have to compensate him for all losses, that is, pay for training. If he loses, the other party, his disciple, will win and therefore will have to pay according to the terms of the contract.


This paradox has no clear solution. Both sides have good chances. It will be interesting to see how the court might reason. Whoever loses can consider himself a winner. If the student loses, then he will not win his first case, and according to the terms of the contract, Protagoras will not be entitled to the money. If Protagoras loses, the student will win his first case, and he will have to pay Protagoras. Some believe that this is the most likely outcome. The student will win at the trial, since he did not give any obligations to practice law and, therefore, did not violate any terms of the contract until that time. But, having lost the first case, Protagoras can bring the case again on the basis that the student won his first case and now must pay. Thus, in any case, Protagoras wins in the end. However, the student, if he is smart enough, may not speak in court himself, but hire a good lawyer, who will win the first case for him. In this case, the student, since he did not win the case, will not be required to pay and will ultimately remain a winner.

I had the opportunity to take part in similar games several times. them with great success used in trainings on management, interpersonal communications, and sales. Danetka is a small puzzle game with several unknowns.

Its essence is as follows: a group of people is divided into teams, the leader tells a short excerpt of the story, implying a beginning and ending, without specifying the situation.

The team's goal is to unravel those unknowns in this story that the presenter did not voice in order to understand what really happened. To solve a problem, the group can ask the leader leading questions, which he can answer only with the words “yes,” “no,” or “doesn’t matter” - that is, closed questions. This is actually why the game is called Danetka.

The team that is the first to tell the story, adding the correct missing data to it, wins.

Of course, if there are not so many people, then you can play Danetka with at least two people (the host and the solver), but what more people it is undoubtedly more interesting and faster, because the human brain is designed in such a way that if something comes to mind for one person, this in no way means that the same thing came to mind for another.

Everything seems simple, but I have already told you about the insidiousness of closed questions. They are very difficult to understand. Sometimes the solving process can last more than an hour!

Anyway, this list Danetok can be useful both for a company that wants to entertain its guests or friends, and for a business coach. This team game great for cohesion, teaches people to think as one general organism while trying to be helpful.

Man with a match

In the middle of the desert lies a dead man with a burnt match in his hands. For many kilometers around there is not a single living soul...

What happened to this man? How did he get there?

Answer: A man was flying with his friends in a hot air balloon. Their balloon began to fall and they had to pull the match: whoever gets the burnt match will have to jump. This man came across a burnt match, he jumped and fell to his death.

On rails

A man was walking along the rails and suddenly saw a train coming towards him. Then he ran as fast as he could towards the approaching train. What happened and did he survive?

Answer: The man was in a tunnel and, in order to escape, was forced to run along the tracks towards the train. When the tunnel ended, he was able to jump off the tracks to the side. And thanks to this, he remained alive.


A naked man shivers from the cold, in bewilderment, standing over a still warm corpse. What happened?

Answer: The man woke up from his lethargic sleep in the morgue. A morgue worker, seeing the “living dead,” died of a heart attack.


A man and a woman got married and after the wedding they abandoned all their affairs and just had fun. As a result, after three years they became millionaires. How so?

Answer: Before they got married, they were billionaires. But in three years they squandered part of their fortune and became just millionaires.

A cheating wife

The husband returns from a business trip, rings the doorbell, and his wife answers. He immediately attacks her with accusations of adultery. How did he know about this?

Answer: On the way home, my husband stopped by a friend's house. The door of a friend's apartment was opened to him by his own half-dressed wife.

Doom Monkey

Five people died because of a toy monkey. How did this happen?

Answer: They were traveling to passenger car, on the glass of which a toy monkey was dangling. Because of this monkey, the driver did not have time to notice the truck coming around the bend.


The man came home, didn’t see the sawdust and hanged himself. Why?

Answer: The man was a dwarf and a circus performer. He stayed at a hotel, and during his absence, the owner, wanting to please the guest, sawed down the legs of the furniture to suit his height, and then removed the sawdust. When he returned, the dwarf found furniture that suited his height and decided that he had grown up, which meant his career was over, and hanged himself out of grief.


Before going to bed, the woman hid her shoe in the safe. For what?

Answer:This woman works as a flight attendant on an airplane. At the hotel, before going to bed, she puts her documents in the safe, and so as not to forget them in the morning, she puts one of her shoes in the place with the documents.

Flat tire

The man was getting ready to go to work by car, but discovered that one of the tires was flat. Without doing anything, he got into the car and drove 20 kilometers to work, and then back to home, without the slightest difficulty. How?

Answer: The tire was flat on the spare wheel, which was in the trunk.

Village idiot

People who came to the picturesque mountain village were often surprised by the local fool. When given a choice between a shiny 50-cent coin and a wrinkled five-dollar bill, he always chose the coin, even though it was worth a tenth as much as the bill. Why did he never choose a bill?

Answer:The "fool" was not so stupid: he understood that as long as he chose the 50-cent coin, people would offer him a choice, and if he chose the five-dollar bill, the choice offers would stop and he would receive nothing.


A man jumped out of a plane without a parachute. But he remained alive. How?

Answer: The plane was on the ground

Rescue call

The woman didn’t know how to get rid of the overstaying guests, but a phone call saved her. How?

Answer: The woman pretended that the caller told her about a fire in the house of one of the guests, but she did not hear whose house they were talking about.

Letter from my husband

Having received her husband's letter, the woman realized that he had died. How so?

Answer: The woman was directly involved in the death of her husband. She sent him a letter, enclosing poisoned stamps in it for a return reply. When she received the answer, with a poisoned stamp on the envelope, she realized that the plan had worked.

Professor's will

After the death of the professor, his will was carried out exactly, but then it turned out that he wanted something completely different. Why?

Answer: The professor bequeathed his skeleton to the medical university. After his death, his skeleton was made into an exhibit. But after some time, while dismantling the professor’s office, they found an anatomical skeleton on a stand in his closet, which is what the professor had in mind.

Mysterious encounter

Two drivers were seriously injured, but there were no signs of a collision on the cars. Why?

Answer: The cars were moving towards each other in heavy fog. The drivers simultaneously stuck their heads out of the windows to see what was ahead. And they butted heads.

It's scary, it's creepy

The boy sits on a chair and shakes with fear. And suddenly, hearing a loud sound, he jumps up and runs away screaming. What happened?

Answer: The boy is a schoolboy. He has not learned his lesson and therefore is shaking with fear while sitting at his desk. And, hearing the bell, he jumps up and runs away screaming with joy.

Wonderful car

Returning from the city, little Masha told her parents that she had seen a machine for transforming people. What did the girl mean?

Answer:The girl was referring to the elevator, which she had never seen before. Because some people enter it, and others leave.


The man did not leave the house for a very long time and no one came to him. One fine evening he turned off the light, closed the door and left. That night, 200 people died through his fault. What happened?

Answer: The man was a lighthouse keeper. When leaving, he turned off the light in the lighthouse, and the ship was shipwrecked.

Kill shot

The hunter took aim and fired, after a few seconds he realized that he had made a terrible mistake, after a few minutes he was dead. What happened?

Answer: He was hunting in the mountains in winter; the shot triggered an avalanche that covered the hunter.

Mysterious Swimmer

The body of a man was discovered deep in the forest, wearing only swimming trunks, a snorkel and a mask. The nearest lake was 8 miles away, the nearest sea 100 miles away. How did he die?

Answer:During a forest fire, a firefighting helicopter scooped water from a nearby lake and dropped it down. The swimmer was accidentally scooped up with water.

Sudden death

The man was going down the stairs and suddenly realized that at that moment his wife had died. How is this possible?

Answer: The man was in the hospital. His wife was there, hooked up to life support. When he was going down the stairs in the hospital, the electricity went out and the lights went out. Accordingly, the device also turned off.

Adam and Eve

One man died and went to heaven, where he saw many people, all of them looked young and had no clothes. Among them, he immediately recognized Adam and Eve. How did he identify them?

Answer: They did not have navels, since they were not born of a woman and they had no use for an umbilical cord.

Deadly Punch

A man went to a party and drank some punch. He was then the very first to leave the party. All the other people who drank the punch after it died from poisoning. Why was this man alive?

Answer: The poison was in the ice cubes. The man drank the punch very first, and the ice had not yet had time to melt and mix with the drink.


Jenny celebrated her birthday. And in two days her twin sister will celebrate hers. How is this possible?

Answer: Jenny was born on February 28, a few minutes before midnight. And her sister is already on March 1st. It turns out that in leap year The birthday of the younger twin is 2 days later.

Incident at the bar

A man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water, the bartender suddenly pulls out a gun and points it at the man. The man says “thank you” and leaves. What happened?

Answer: The man was suffering from hiccups and went to the nearest bar to drink water. The bartender realized what his problem was and used a proven remedy - to scare the hiccupping person. The method worked and the man thanked him.


People with metal detectors walk around all day central streets cities, what are they looking for?

Answer:Before the arrival of the important person, the city authorities ordered urgent asphalt of the roads in the center. Everything was done in such a hurry that sewer hatches and even tram rails were rolled under the asphalt.

Mysterious girls

Three girls are standing nearby, two of them are upset, one is happy. A happy girl cries, and an upset girl smiles. What's happening?

Answer:Beauty contest. The losers smile, the winner cries with happiness.

A for the exam

Exam at a military school. The student pulled out a ticket and sat down to get ready. A minute later, he approaches the teacher, silently hands over his record book, and the teacher, without saying a word, gives him a 5. Why?

Answer: The teacher, using Morse code, tapped the message “Whoever comes first will immediately receive an excellent grade” on the table with a pencil. The student deciphered the message and received a well-deserved A.

Cat invasion

One man went on vacation and asked a friend to look after his cat. A week later there were already 8 adult cats running around in the apartment. Where did they come from?

Answer:The next day the cat ran away, and the man had to post a missing person notice. Since he himself did not yet know the cat very well, he had to keep all the similar cats that were brought to him. And wait for the arrival of a friend who had to identify his pet.

Boy or girl?

Long before the invention of ultrasound, one predictor guessed the gender of the unborn child. Huge queues lined up for him and no one was able to catch him making a mistake. How did he do it?

Answer: The fortuneteller kept a “journal” where he wrote down the date, the woman’s last name and the predicted gender. Moreover, he always said one gender out loud, and wrote down the other in the journal. And if, after the birth of the child, the client returned to him and demanded a refund for an incorrect forecast, he took out a magazine and showed the visitor an entry in which the gender was indicated correctly. And he accused the client of not hearing/understanding the prediction himself.

Albatross meat (tough!)

A blind man walks into a restaurant and orders albatross meat. After dinner, he leaves the restaurant, takes out a gun and shoots himself in the head. What happened?

Answer: Several years ago, a blind man was shipwrecked and ended up with his wife and friend on a desert island. They starved for several days, then their wife and friend went in search of food. The friend returned alone and said that his wife must have gotten lost and would return later. But, according to him, he managed to catch albatrosses. The wife never returned, and for the next few days the friend fed the blind guy “albatross meat.” After tasting real albatross meat, the man realized that he had eaten his own wife, who was killed by his friend.

Incomprehensible language

In the instructions of American police officers there are words in rare foreign languages, which the police themselves do not own. Why are they there?

Answer:These are commands for service dogs. To ensure that no one other than a police officer can give the dog an order, it is trained to respond to commands in a foreign language.

Eligible groom

The man registered marriages with several dozen women. And he didn’t divorce any of them. But he didn’t become a polygamist either. How so?

Answer: The man worked as a registrar at the registry office.


A man lies in bed and cannot sleep. After a while he calls someone and without saying a word, he hangs up and falls asleep. What happened?

Answer:A neighbor was snoring behind the wall and was preventing him from sleeping. He called him and woke him up: now he could sleep peacefully.


While digging the ground, the woman discovered a chest of gold. For 3 years she kept it without saying a word to anyone. And three years later I bought a villa, a car and many other things. What stopped her from doing this before?

Answer: The woman is a victim of a shipwreck. She spent 3 years on a desert island, where the treasure was found. And when she was finally rescued, she was able to put him to work.

Failed acquaintance

The guy saw a pretty girl at a table in a restaurant and was about to come over to meet him, but then the girl yawned. Immediately after this, the young man lost interest in her. Why?

Answer: Yawning, the girl covered her mouth with her hand and the young man noticed wedding ring on her finger.

Money can not buy happiness

The girl finds the money and is very upset. Why?

Answer: The girl is an aspiring writer; she publishes several copies of her book at her own expense and leaves them on a shelf in the library. Between the pages of the books the girl left banknotes to see if her books were of interest to anyone. And after some time he finds the bills in their place, which means no one opened the books.


A man is running and a crowd is following him. The man shouts to his pursuers, “You won’t see any gold,” and starts shooting. Those watching what is happening rejoice. What's happening?

Answer: Biathlon competition


The student finished the exam later than everyone else and the teacher did not want to accept his work. However, he managed to pass this exam and get a good grade. How did he do this?

Answer: He asked the teacher “do you know who I am?” and making sure that he did not know him, he put his work in the middle of the pile and ran away. The teacher had to check his work.

For a bet

One man bet his friend that he could place a glass bottle in the middle of the room and then crawl into it entirely. And he won the argument! But how?

Answer: To win the argument, the man crawled into... the room. It's all about how the phrase is constructed.Grade: 5,00 (votes: 7 )

If you are tired of playing “Crocodile”, are bored with “Fanta”, “Mafia” and “Associations”, you can always play no less interesting game, absorbing in its process, – logic riddles"Danettes."

Where can you play Danetki, and what is the essence of the gameplay?

You can play Danetki everywhere: in a noisy company of guests, sitting in a cafe, at a picnic, at home, on the Internet, and even on the way to work. The gameplay is designed for 2-8 people of any age and does not require any paraphernalia. The essence of the game is simple, but incredibly exciting. One person comes up with an interesting situation by asking main question. At the same time unusual Logic riddles with tricks and answers make the gameplay very diverse.

There is nothing complicated in this game, although imaginary situations can be completely non-standard, and their resolution will require not only logic, but also imagination. Experienced players in "Danetki" they can deliberately confuse the other participants by playing out very strange Logic riddles with a trick, but that’s the beauty of intellectual fun.

How to start playing Danetki

It’s very easy to start playing Danetki: to do this you need to read the simple rules and practice a little. Today on the Internet there are many logic riddles with answers that will help you prepare for the gameplay. According to their classification, “Danetki” can be simple (it plays out a common situation that requires logical thinking to get an answer), puzzles of medium complexity, and “Danetki” for experienced game lovers who have not only developed logical thinking, but also imagination. You can try to play at any time in in social networks or on other Internet sites.

Well, ice

He was unlucky, but he got out, which surprised many.


The husband lied to his wife that there were weapons buried in the backyard of their house. For what?

Cunning polygamist

New York resident W. Harris registered marriage 20 times in a relatively short period of time. Each time a different woman entered into marriage. Nevertheless, he did not divorce any of them, but he also did not become a polygamist. eat.


One woman drove up to a gas station in her car and asked to fill the tank of her car with gasoline. Having paid for gas and driven away from the station, she noticed that she was being chased by another car, driven by a person unfamiliar to her. The woman tried to get away from her pursuer, turning in different directions. She eventually arrived at the police station and was shocked that this man had followed her there too. He was not a police officer, and her car was technically sound. Why was the stranger stalking this woman?

He saw a man hiding in the back seat of the woman's car while she paid the gas station for gas. He followed to warn the woman about the danger, and was glad when she drove up to the police station.



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Compatibility horoscope: Taurus zodiac sign, characteristics of a man in a relationship with a woman - the most complete description, only proven theories,...

Marriage in the Russian Federation and everything you need to know about it

Marriage in the Russian Federation and everything you need to know about it

), or marital union, matrimony - regulated by society and, in most states, registered in the relevant state...

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