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The yellow sundress will grow up and dress up in a little white dress. Methodological development (junior group) on the topic: Wearing a dandelion and a yellow sundress

Alexandra Shutova

Subject: « Wears a dandelion yellow sundress »

Program content:

1. Expand children’s understanding of the season - spring, its signs, and the first spring flowers.

2. Develop perception of the surrounding world, cognitive and Creative skills children.

3. Learn to crumple, form balls from napkins and stick them in accordance with the plan.

4. Develop fine motor skills hands

5. Foster a love of nature, independence, and accuracy when doing work.

PROGRESS CLASSES: Educator: Today we will go for a walk in the spring forest.

Stand one after another, we will walk along a narrow path so as not to crush the grass, break the flower, or step on the bug.

Rhythmic exercise (follow the teacher)

We walk along a winding path into the spring forest.

Look, look how many miracles there are here!

The bunny jumps fast in the field, it’s very fun in the wild. (Jumping)

We walk, we walk, we raise our legs higher. (Walk in a circle)

We breathe evenly, deeply, it’s very easy for us to walk. (Stop)

Educator: So we came to the forest, how nice it is here! Spring moves across the earth, bringing its music.

Sound recording is playing "Birdsong"

Educator: The drops of the Kap are ringing! Cap! (tapping finger on palm)

Bugs crawled out from under the bark (w-w-w – in a low voice, Bugs (z-z-z - in a high voice,

Suddenly something rustled under a pile of brushwood (sh-sh-sh - rubbing with palms) The hedgehog got out (sniffling nose) .

The big sparrow birds sang loudly - “Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp!”

The little chicks repeated to them - “Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp!”

Educator. Spring has come! The sun came out. The birds have arrived.

The first ones appear (flowers).

What are they called? (snowdrops, dandelions, tulips, daffodils, mimosas). --- That's right, well done!

Guess the riddle, what flower are we talking about?

There is one such flower

You can't weave it into a wreath.

Blow on it lightly:

There was a flower - and there is no flower. (Dandelion)

Guys, look how handsome he is dandelion(read the poem).

The sun dropped

Golden ray.

Increased dandelion,

First, young.

He has a wonderful

Golden color.

He's a big sun

Small portrait.

(O. Vysotskaya)

How is this flower similar to the sun? (Same round and yellow) . Right.

Do you guys know the poem about dandelion? (Yes). Let's read it (children read a poem)

Wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress.

Grow up to dress up

IN little white dress.

Light, airy,

Obedient to the wind.


Like this dandelion in a yellow sundress(children look). What do you have dandelion? (stem, leaves, root, flower)


(Performed to music)

Imagine that you are small dandelions. The sprouts are very weak, fragile, defenseless. But then the warm spring sun warmed up, and dandelions began to grow. Your leaves have grown, the stem has become strong, you are reaching for the light, the sun. How good. What a beauty. A small bud appeared on the stem. It grows, swells, and the petals begin to unfurl. So they straightened up, and everyone saw the fluffy yellow flower, similar to the sun.

Dandelion- an amazing flower. Rises with the sun. In cloudy, rainy weather dandelion does not open its petals, keeps them closed.

Finger gymnastics "Flower"

Dandelion grew in a clearing,

(Join hands, depicting "bud".)

On a spring morning I opened the petals.

(Open your hands, unclench your fingers.)

Beauty and nutrition to all petals

(To the rhythm of the words, move your fingers apart and connect them.)

Together they give roots underground!

(Join your hands with the backs of your hands,

move your fingers - "roots".)

Evening. Yellow flowers cover the petals.

(Clench your intertwined fingers tightly.)

They quietly fall asleep, their heads hang down.

(Put your hands on your knees.)

Dandelion- medicinal plant. A medicinal plant is a plant that is used in medicine for treatment. Dandelion is called"elixir of life". All parts of this plant - roots, leaves, and flowers have medicinal properties. From leaves and roots dandelion They make a decoction and treat cough with this decoction. A decoction of the leaves is also used to improve appetite. dandelion. From flowers dandelion people make very tasty fragrant jam.

TO dandelions Bees, bumblebees and butterflies love to visit. They are drinking dandelion sweet nectar. Bees eat pollen, nectar and make dandelion honey is thick and aromatic.

(Music by Rimsky-Korsakov sounds "Flight of the Bumblebee")

Oh, children, do you hear someone buzzing? Who is this?


Flying over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower -

And share the honey.

That's right, bee!

Hello, bee!

Hello children! What a wonderful flower you have. I and my bee friends woke up from hibernation, but there are no flowers yet, I only saw them at your place, it’s a shame that only one dandelion.

My girlfriends would also like to eat dandelion nectar. Yes, here they are. (Bees appear)

Guys, there are many bees, but one flower. What do we do? (Children's answers)

Go to your seats and make yourself comfortable (Children sit down).

Please note that your dandelions there are leaves and a stem, but what is missing?

How are we going to do this?

The right thing to do is take a napkin, roll it into a ball, dip it a little in glue and glue it on.

(Children work to calm music.)

What wonderful flowers they turned out to be. Now let's add dandelions together - you get a dandelion meadow(works are laid out all together on the carpet).

The napkins suddenly became flowers,

Lighted up everything around!

In the new yellow sundress

Dandelion meadow.

Our bees will sit on it and collect sweet nectar!

The bees are sitting in the hives,

They look at flowers

Bees, fly out of the hives!

Collect honey quickly!

Children fly to the music with bees in their hands between dandelions. When the music ends, the bees land on the flowers. The game is played 2-3 times at the request of the children.

On green grass yellow dandelions are very beautiful. Even though there are a lot of them, there is no need to pick them. Dandelions will not stand in a vase, they will immediately wither. And a wreath from dandelions will quickly lose its beauty.

Let's not rip it off dandelions and preserve beauty. And the bees will thank us with fragrant honey for saving flowers for them. All the guys did their best, the bees are very happy. Well done! And now it’s time for us to return home from the forest.

GBU SO SRC "Return", 3 building


Lesson notes

“Wears a dandelion yellow sundress”

Demina Elena Ivanovna,

department teacher

social rehabilitation

Corrective goal:

Systematization of ideas about the structure, place of growth of the dandelion, and the characteristics of the flower.


  • To provide knowledge about the importance of plants for the life of insects, animals, and humans.
  • To develop the ability to distinguish and name parts of a plant.
  • Cultivate a conscious, caring attitude towards flowers.

Form: group. Lesson-conversation, classical organization.

Methods: gaming, visual, verbal, practical, “system operator” method

Techniques: search questions, artistic word, didactic games: “Good - bad”, “What first, what then?”, TSO, productive activity (drawing with a match - scratching), variety and change of illustrative material.

Previous work: a series of observations of a dandelion on a walk. Did. games: “Flowers”, “Green Friend”, “Flower Shop”, “Find out by description”, “What grows in the meadow, in the forest, in the flowerbed”, “What is extra?” Memorizing poems about dandelion. Reading stories: V.F. Centurion “Pantry of Health”, V.S. Molozhavenko “The Mystery of Beauty”, S. Belorusets “Colors and Flowers”. Drawing various colors. Listening to Waltz of the Flowers from the ballet P.I. Tchaikovsky's "The Nutcracker". Teacher's stories about medicinal plants and flower clocks.

Equipment: Pictures depicting parts of a dandelion, natural factors, stages of dandelion growth and development. Matches, pieces of paper for drawing. Flannelograph, real dandelion with root.

Progress of the lesson:

I gather the children around me and ask:

Do you know what we will talk about today? Guess:

“It has a wonderful golden color,

He is a small portrait of the big sun" (Dandelion)

What poems did we learn about this flower? Children read:

“Wears a dandelion yellow sundress,

When he grows up, he dresses up in a little white dress,

Light, airy, obedient to the breeze” by V. Serov. (And other poems).

From the “Miracle Bag” I take out a dandelion with roots and leaves. What is this? (Dandelion).

What size are the leaves of the flower? (Long). What colour? (Dark green). What roots? (Long, thick). Is there a flower? (No). What else is missing? (Stem).

Let's look at the autumn dandelion on Magic TV.

(Open the screen - present system) Do you like this flower? Why? (There is no flower - only leaves).

What does a dandelion have? (I open the screen - the present subsystem).

Why is the dandelion root so big? (In it he stores food and water from the ground for the winter). The greater the reserves, the thicker the root. If the bugs do not gnaw it in the fall, then by spring a new stem and new leaves will appear from this root. And so that they grow and flowers appear, the root will give them everything that it has stored since the fall. Why else do you need a root? (To keep the plant in the ground). Plants and flowers that reappear after winter are called perennials. Let's repeat this word. (Children repeat).

Where did I find dandelion? (In the garden, in the forest, on the site). What time of year? (Autumn). (I open the screen - the supersystem present). Looking at the autumn landscape.

What was the dandelion like in summer? What can you tell us about him? What does a dandelion look like? (I show a dandelion with seeds). (Looks like a lantern, a hedgehog, a cloud, etc.)

I show a dandelion in the spring. What is the difference between spring and summer? (Flower yellow color). What does it look like? (To the sun, a yellow lantern, a chicken, etc.) With the onset of evening and in damp weather, the flowers close. (Show). And in the morning they wake up and reach for the sun. And what’s remarkable: dandelion flowers always close and open at the same time. When? (Children answer from observations).

What does a dandelion need to grow?

- Sun- dandelion begins to grow when it becomes warm, and in dandelion leaves under the influence sun rays special food is “prepared” for him. (Showing card)

- Rain- without it, the dandelion will dry up, because houseplants We water them constantly so they don't dry out. (Show the card).

- The soil - The dandelion root grows in it, it “holds” it and “feeds” it; the richer the soil, the more food for the dandelion. (I show a card with a picture).

- Bees and other insects - They transfer pollen from one flower to another, and without it, seeds cannot appear. (Show the card).

- Wind - it is needed to spread light seeds, which have special parachutes - fluff; if they were not there, the wind would not be able to carry them away. (Show the card).

Where does dandelion grow in spring and summer? (I open the screen above - the past tense system). I tell you: “Dandelion grows in sunlit places, in clearings, in gardens, vegetable gardens, near roads - almost everywhere! This plant is medicinal. The rhizomes are used for medicinal purposes, and warts are removed with dandelion juice. Young leaves are infused and made into a salad. Dandelion serves as food for many animals: flowers and leaves are readily eaten by rabbits and guinea pigs; Birds peck seeds, insects collect nectar from flowers.

Have you picked flowers? How many? What would happen if we all started picking flowers?

"If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower

If everything: both me and you,

If we pick flowers

All the clearings will be empty,

And there will be no beauty!”

- (I open the sub-system past tense)

What do spring and summer dandelions have in common? (Root, stem, leaves, flower).

How is it different from autumn? (In the spring, the root of the dandelion is thick, and in the summer it is thin; by autumn it will become thick again. The leaves in the spring are short and light green, and darken in the summer. The flower is yellow in the spring, and fluffy and white in the summer. In the spring, the dandelion has a thin leg - a stalk, on which holds the flower, or rather not just one flower, but many small flowers, closely pressed to each other - an inflorescence. What is the name of a young flower? (Bud).

Phys. just a minute:(To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky) Imagine that you are dandelion buds. The sun came out and the flowers began to bloom (arms to the sides, stand up slowly). A cheerful breeze shook the flower (tilts to the sides). The seeds - fluffs - scattered to the sides (easy running). Fell to the ground (squatting). And they sprouted again!

What happens to a dandelion in winter? (I show the screen - the future tense system). Why is the flower not visible? (He's under the snow). What will happen to the leaves and stem? (They will dry out and fall off). What's left? (Root).

(I open the screen - supersystem future tense).

Look how much snow there is in the clearing, which was strewn with dandelions in spring and summer. Do flowers need snow? (Snow covers the ground with a white blanket, and under it the roots of dandelions are not cold; if there was no snow, the roots would die from severe frosts).

(I open the screen - the future tense subsystem)

What root in winter? (Fat, has gained nutrients and is waiting for spring).

Is the dandelion weak or strong? Why weak? (We can easily tear it off, trample it, etc.) Why strong? (If a seed is rolled under the asphalt, the flower may break through it).

If a dandelion begins to grow in the spring, it is called a spring flower.

What other spring flowers do you know? (Coltsfoot, buttercup, goose onion, etc.)

Listen, guys, to the poem:

“Why don’t flowers grow on my head?

And they grow in the grass and on every mound

If the hair grows, it means it's being planted

Why am I not allowed to plant flowers?

If only I had a head - the right head!

Forest, flowers, grass, firewood, silence, coolness!”

I invite children to “plant” flowers using the “gratage” technique.

I evaluate the children's activities. Let me summarize the lesson.

Topic: “A dandelion wears a yellow sundress”

Program content:

1. Expand children’s understanding of the season - spring, its signs, and the first spring flowers.

2. Develop children’s perception of the world around them, cognitive and creative abilities.

3. Learn to crumple, form balls from napkins and stick them in accordance with the plan.

4. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

5. Foster a love of nature, independence, and accuracy when doing work.


Educator: Today we will go for a walk in the spring forest.

Stand one after another, we will walk along a narrow path so as not to crush the grass, break the flower, or step on the bug.

Rhythmic exercise (walk after the teacher)

We walk along a winding path into the spring forest.

Look, look how many miracles there are here!

The bunny jumps fast in the field, it’s very fun in the wild. (Jumping)

We walk, we walk, we raise our legs higher. (Walk in a circle)

We breathe evenly, deeply, it’s very easy for us to walk. (Stop)

Educator: So we came to the forest, how nice it is here! Spring moves across the earth, bringing its music.

Sound recording "Birdsong" is playing

Educator: The drops of the Kap are ringing! Cap! (tapping finger on palm)

Bugs got out from under the bark (z-z-z - in a low voice, Bugs (z-z-z - in a high voice,

Suddenly, under a pile of brushwood, something rustled (sh-sh-sh - rubbing with palms). A hedgehog crawled out (sniffling).

The big sparrow birds sang loudly - “Chick-chirp! Tick-tweet! »

The little chicks repeated to them - “Chick-chirp! Tick-tweet! »

Educator. Spring has come! The sun came out. The birds have arrived.

The first (flowers) appear

What are they called? (snowdrops, dandelions, tulips, daffodils, mimosas). --- Of course, well done!

Guess the riddle, what flower are we talking about?

There is one such flower

You can't weave it into a wreath.

Blow on it lightly:

There was a flower - and there is no flower. (Dandelion)

Guys, look how beautiful the dandelion is (read the poem).

The sun dropped

Golden ray.

The dandelion has grown

First, young.

He has a wonderful

Golden color.

He's a big sun

Small portrait.

(O. Vysotskaya)

How is this flower similar to the sun? (Same round and yellow). You guessed it.

Do you guys know a poem about a dandelion? (Yes). Let's read it (children read the poem)

Wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress.

Grow up to dress up

In a little white dress.

Light, airy,

Obedient to the wind.


Here is a dandelion in a yellow sundress (children look at it). What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, root, flower)

Dandelion is an amazing flower. Rises with the sun. In cloudy, rainy weather, the dandelion does not open its petals, keeping them closed.

Bees, bumblebees and butterflies love to fly to dandelions. They drink dandelion sweet nectar. Bees eat pollen, nectar and make dandelion honey - thick and fragrant.

(Music by Rimsky-Korsakov “Flight of the Bumblebee”)

Oh, children, do you hear someone buzzing? Who is this?


Flying over the lawn

Will fuss over the flower -

And share the honey.

That's right, bee!

Hello, bee!

Hello children! What a wonderful flower you have. I and my bee friends woke up from hibernation, but there were no flowers yet, I only saw them at your place, it’s a shame that there’s only one dandelion.

My girlfriends would also like to enjoy dandelion nectar. Yes, here they are. (Bees appear)

Guys, there are many bees, but one flower. What do we do? (Children's answers)

Go to your seats and sit more comfortably (Children sit down).

Guys, tell me what is on your tables?

How will we make a dandelion flower?

The right thing to do is take a napkin, roll it into a ball, dip it a little in glue and glue it on.

(Children work to calm music.)

Finger gymnastics “Flower”

A dandelion grew in a clearing,

(Join your hands, depicting a “bud”.)

On a spring morning I opened the petals.

(Open your hands, unclench your fingers.)

Beauty and nutrition to all petals

(To the rhythm of the words, move your fingers apart and connect them.)

Together they give roots underground!

(Join your hands with the backs of your hands,

move your fingers - “roots”.)

Evening. Yellow flowers close the petals.

(Clench your intertwined fingers tightly.)

They quietly fall asleep, their heads hang down.

(Put your hands on your knees.)

What wonderful flowers they turned out to be. Now put the dandelions together - you get a dandelion meadow ( the works are laid out all together on the carpet) .

The napkins suddenly became flowers,

Lighted up everything around!

In a new yellow sundress

Dandelion meadow.

Our bees will sit on it and collect sweet nectar!

The bees are sitting in the hives,

They look at flowers

Bees, fly out of the hives!

Collect honey quickly!

Children fly with bees in their hands among the dandelions to the music. When the music ends, the bees land on the flowers. The game is played 2-3 times at the request of the children .

Educator: Our journey is coming to an end. Let's remember what we did with you in the spring forest?

How can we help the bees?

What do bees collect from dandelion flowers?

What else are dandelions good for?

Is it possible to pick flowers in the forest and meadows? Why? (let's keep the beauty)

On green grass, yellow dandelions are very beautiful. Even though there are a lot of them, there is no need to pick them. Dandelions will not stand in a vase; they will immediately wither. And a wreath of dandelions will quickly lose its beauty.

Let's not pick dandelions and preserve beauty. And the bees will thank us with fragrant honey for saving flowers for them. All the guys did their best, the bees are very happy. Well done! And now it’s time for us to return home from the forest.

On May 1st we celebrate Workers' Solidarity Day and Spring Day, and on May 3rd we celebrate the Day of the Sun!
That's why I decided to write for you today... about dandelions!

After all, they are like little suns! And now is the most dandelion time! Entire golden dandelion meadows are spread out in the courtyards!

The best poems about dandelions for children and our new photos are in this sunny selection! Smile! 😀 Let your mood become as sunny as a dandelion!

Elena Blaginina


How cool it is in the spruce thicket!
I am carrying flowers in my arms...
white-headed dandelion,
Do you feel good in the forest?
You grow at the very edge,
You are standing in the very heat.
The cuckoos are cuckooing over you,
Nightingales sing at dawn.
And the fragrant wind blows,
And drops leaves on the grass...
Dandelion, fluffy flower,
I'll tear you down quietly.
I'll rip you off, honey, can I?
And then I'll take it home.
...The wind blew carelessly -
My dandelion flew around.
Look what a blizzard it is
In the middle of a hot day!
And the fluffs fly, sparkling,
On flowers, on grass, on me...

Elena Prikhodko

How did dandelions appear?
Spring walked through the city,
She carried the wallet.
Bright paints and brushes
She needed to buy it.
She opened her wallet,
And the coins
Rolled out
ran away
They became dandelions.

But the truth is, it looks like a scattering of gold coins in the grass... And the evening lights across the river look like a clearing of dandelions. Draw your children’s attention to such unusual associations more often, let them learn to fantasize!

And here are the riddles about dandelions! Plus those that are in the article ““.

I am a fluffy ball, turning white in a clean field,
And the breeze blew, a stalk remained.

On a sunny summer day
golden flower blossomed.
On a high thin leg
he kept dozing by the path,
And he woke up and smiled:
- I’m so fluffy!
Oh, I'm afraid that I'll get sick,
hush, meadow wind!

On a green fragile leg
a ball grew by the path.
The breeze rustled
and dispelled this ball.

Vladimir Stepanov

Roadside dandelion
Was like the golden sun
But it faded and became similar
To fluffy white smoke.

You fly over a warm meadow
And over the quiet river.
I will be to you as a friend,
Wave your hand for a long time.

You carry on the wings of the wind
golden seeds,
To the sunny dawn
Spring has returned to us.

But what a small, but what a wonderful poem about a dandelion!

S. Pshenichnykh

I was
I became
like a cloud

O. Vysotskaya

The sun dropped
Golden ray.
The dandelion has grown
First, young.
He has a wonderful
Golden color.
He's a big sun
Small portrait.

How nicely said - Big Sun Small Portrait! You probably couldn’t say it better!

I. Tokmakova


From fluffy balls
Over a colorful summer meadow
Parachutists are flying
After each other.
As soon as they touch the ground -
They will fall asleep as if on a sofa.
And in the spring they will wake up...
and there will be dandelions!

N. Golubeva

How many dandelions
In yellow sundresses!
They circle around the clearing,
They are very friendly with the sun.
We will weave wreaths from them
For both mother and daughter.

And we won’t weave wreaths, let the dandelions grow and bloom! It’s better to blow them off later so that there are many, many new dandelions!

E. Serova

Wears a dandelion
yellow sundress.
When he grows up, he will dress up
In a little white dress,
Light, airy,
Obedient to the wind.

And here ! You will like it, take a look :)

And be sure to watch the cartoon about Luntik and the dandelion with your kids. This is one of the first episodes, a very kind and beautiful cartoon.

(Read 1 time, 4 visits today)

Dandelion is not only beautiful, but also healing. All parts of the plant (root, leaves and the flower itself) have medicinal properties. It has analgesic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic... effects. Because of him medicinal properties it is often called the "elixir of life."

Abundant dandelion blooms can be observed from May to June. Already at the end of June, July and August, dandelions are rare. By the way, dandelion flower jam will be an indispensable aid for children in the treatment of bronchitis. It is not only healthy, but also very tasty, reminiscent of honey.

Short poems about dandelions for children 3-4 years old:

On a green fragile leg
a ball grew by the path.
The breeze rustled
and dispelled this ball.

June has arrived.
"June! June!" —
Birds are chirping in the garden.
Just blow on a dandelion -
And it will all fly apart.
Samuel Marshak

How did dandelions appear?

Spring walked through the city,
She carried the wallet.
Bright paints and brushes
She needed to buy it.
She opened her wallet,
And the coins
Rolled out
ran away
They became dandelions.

What is the dandelion thinking about?

And dream
To be obedient,
That summer
You can become
An air balloon!
Yu. Kushak

We are changing

White dandelion,
Land here!
Take my ball
Give me your parachute!
A. Pysin

Dandelion! Why
You look like a cloud.
It's scary to even look at:
No matter how you blow away the cloud!
G. Vieru

I was
I became
like a cloud

(S. Pshenichnykh)

Wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress.
When he grows up, he will dress up
In a little white dress,
Lush, airy,
Obedient to the wind.

Delicate yellow dandelion,
You are handsome and sweet, like a boy!
But if you offend, suddenly you’ll rip it off -
You can’t wipe your hands off right away!

The sun dropped
Golden ray.
The dandelion has grown
First, young.
He has a wonderful
Golden color.
He's a big sun
Small portrait.

(O. Vysotskaya)


- How to make three hundred umbrellas? -
The boy asked his mother.
She answered him:
- Blow on a dandelion.
R. Seph


From fluffy balls
Over a colorful summer meadow
Parachutists are flying
After each other.
As soon as they touch the ground -
They will fall asleep as if on a sofa.
And in the spring they will wake up...
and there will be dandelions!


How many dandelions
In yellow sundresses!
They circle around the clearing,
They are very friendly with the sun.
We will weave wreaths from them
For both mother and daughter.

(N. Golubeva)

On a sunny summer day
golden flower blossomed.
On a high thin leg
he kept dozing by the path,
And he woke up and smiled:
- I’m so fluffy!
Oh, I'm afraid that I'll get sick,
hush, meadow wind!

Dandelion golden
He was handsome, young,
Wasn't afraid of anyone
Even the wind itself!
Dandelion golden
He has grown old and gray-haired,
And as soon as I turned gray,
He flew away with the wind.
(Z. Alexandrova)

Dandelion golden
Bloomed under the mountain.
She looked around: “What is it?
Like a golden sea!
There are already hundreds of dandelions:
By the road, in the gateway,
In the garden, in the meadow,
Even in a gloomy ravine...
They stand in sun hats,
Mesmerizing to look at!

And more authentic poems about dandelions for older children. And with kids you can learn a separate paragraph of a poem.

Roadside dandelion
Was like the golden sun
But it faded and became similar
To fluffy white smoke.

You fly over a warm meadow
And over the quiet river.
I will be to you as a friend,
Wave your hand for a long time.

You carry on the wings of the wind
golden seeds,
To the sunny dawn
Spring has returned to us.

(Vladimir Stepanov)

How cool it is in the spruce thicket!
I am carrying flowers in my arms...
white-headed dandelion,
Do you feel good in the forest?

You grow at the very edge,
You are standing in the very heat.
The cuckoos are cuckooing over you,
Nightingales sing at dawn.

And the fragrant wind blows,
And drops leaves on the grass...
Dandelion, fluffy flower,
I'll tear you down quietly.

I'll rip you off, honey, can I?
And then I'll take it home.
...The wind blew carelessly -
My dandelion flew around.

Look what a blizzard it is
In the middle of a hot day!
And the fluffs fly, sparkling,
On flowers, on grass, on me...

(Blaginina Elena)

Bright yellow dandelion
I was chilled all over in the rain,
And when it dried out in the sun -
I couldn't recognize myself:
He turned white and swollen,
And crumbled like feathers.
A swarm of fluff flew away
Over the silent grass,
Over the fence, over the river,
Above the meadow path
To the cheerful cry of the guys:
“The parachutes are flying!”
(S. Shushkevich)

Silver dandelion,
How wonderfully created it is:
Round, round and fluffy,
Filled with warm sunshine.

On your high leg
Rising to the blue,
It grows on the path too,
Both in the hollow and in the grass.

Lightly blown by the breeze,
What always circles above him,
And it was not sown by anyone,
Not cherished, not kept!

The time will come - he will grow up,
The wind will rise, young and zealous,
And it will scatter and scatter
Parachutes of seeds.

Here they are, sparkling, melting
In the soft golden light.
They fly, they fly
And then they will go down.

Where and how - it doesn’t matter!
They just need to sit down,
So that again with the arrival of summer
Dandelion blossom...

Other , , look at the links.



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