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Meaning of the word Rastafarian. Who is a Rastafarian really? Rastafarians as a modern subculture

Ideas spread much faster when they are set to music. With the growing popularity of reggae, the worship of the deity Jah has taken over the entire world. Anyone for whom the concepts of freedom and humanism are not an empty phrase should know who the Rastafarians are.

Rastafarianism: what is it?

Rastafarianism is a disparate collection of religious beliefs that have their roots in Christianity, Judaism, the struggle for black rights and modern philosophies. The denomination does not have any specific religious doctrine and does not have a clear set of rituals and dogmas that everyone converted to it must follow.

Thanks to this freedom, as well as the philanthropy espoused by Rastafarianism, it has become incredibly popular, especially among young people around the world. The number of followers is difficult to accurately calculate, but is at least several million people.

Huge influence on the origin new faith provided by black rights activist Macus Garvey, who rethought Christian teaching in the key of the coming to earth of a black king. His ideas sank so deeply into the souls of his followers that the accession to the throne of the Ethiopian monarch Ras Tafari in the 30s of the last century was perceived as a sign. He was mistaken for the living embodiment of God and a descendant of the legendary King Solomon.

The re-interpretation of the Bible does not end there. Followers of Rastafari believe that blacks, for their sins, were turned into slaves of whites and their consumer culture, called “Babylon.” Only the Messiah Jah, who will lead the blacks to paradise - Ethiopia, will help throw off the shackles.

Commandments of religion

This creed, like any other, has a set of specific rules (“aytel”), which are the embodiment of the values ​​of believers:

  • Limit meat consumption. Sometimes it comes down to a complete refusal of meat food, but more often they do not consume only pork and soft-bodied meats;
  • The use of spices and salt is prohibited;
  • You can only eat what you have made with your own hands;
  • Compliance healthy image life, complete abandonment of bad habits;
  • At the same time, smoking marijuana, or ganja, is completely acceptable;
  • Rastafarianism is a faith for positive people; there is no place for hatred, envy and other negative emotions;
  • Free time should be devoted to contemplation and comprehension of the meaning of life;
  • It is necessary to abandon the imposed values ​​of capitalist and consumer “Babylon”;
  • In no case should you impose your ideas, no matter how humane they may be. Each person is a separate universe that should be treated with respect.

Reggae music style

The direction of reggae music originated in the depths of the Rastafarian subculture in Jamaica in the second half of the 20th century. No one knows the exact origin of the name of this word - in different sources it is interpreted both as a “whorish woman”, and “ragged rhythm”, and as the name of an African people.

The style of music is influenced by American popular music, but is based on the traditional musical traditions of the black population of Jamaica. The key theme that runs through all the songs of this genre is Rastafarian religious ideas, with their denial of the pursuit of money, a positive attitude towards life and solidarity in the fight against racism.

The most prominent representative of this musical trend is Bob Marley, thanks to whom not only reggae, but also Rastafarianism became popular throughout the world. Even though several decades have passed since his death, he still remains the most significant reggae artist.

Within the genre there are several directions:

  1. Early reggae;
  2. Roots Reggae;
  3. Dancehall;
  4. Euroreggae.

This music had a colossal influence on world culture: It was she who gave rise to the ska and hip-hop styles that are at the forefront of the music industry today.

What is a "rastafarian"?

The concept of “rastafarian” as applied to the world youth subculture is very vague and can mean:

  • Followers of the Rastafarian faith;
  • Fans of reggae (reggae) music in general and Bob Marley in particular;
  • People who like the specific style of dressing and the external style of Rastafarianism;
  • Proponents of the belief that the descendants of American black slaves will return to Africa.

If we're talking about about the youth movement that has developed in the vast post-Soviet space, the ideological component is almost absent in it. This is not surprising: it is quite difficult for white teenagers to try on the elements of the black liberation movement that was present in Jamaican Rastafarianism. Modern boys and girls who call themselves Rastafarians can often be united only by their addiction to marijuana. The so-called “Hemp Marches” are held annually to allow the official sale of the drug.

Rastafarianism has left a significant mark on Russian popular culture. The motives of this movement can be clearly seen in the work of the groups “Resurrection”, “Aquarium”, “Decl” and others.

Dressing style

Rastafarians pay great attention to their visual style. The reason for this lies, in particular, in the fact that the majority of representatives of the movement are young people.

Essential Attributes appearance Rastafarians include:

  • Dreadlocks are a kind of braids into which various decorations can be woven. Symbolizes the lion's mane;
  • The clothes of a Rastafarian must certainly contain three Ethiopian colors: yellow (the image of gold and the Sun), red (the color of blood shed in the struggle for freedom) and green (symbolizes life and paradise). Most often they can be seen on a specific hat that Rastafarians knit themselves;
  • Wristbands;
  • Snaps (bracelets);
  • Jeans;
  • T-shirts with images of the Ethiopian lion, cannabis leaf or Star of David;
  • Tattoos.

These young people profess the ideals of free relationships, humanity and respect for all races. There is hardly a person today who does not know who the Rastafarians are. The number of followers of this movement reaches several million, and anyone can join this large and friendly family at any time.

Video about the life of Rastafarians

This video will show the life of real Jamaican Rastafarians, what they do and what they think:

The Rastafarian subculture is not only the famous Ethiopian tricolor, cannabis and reggae, the meaning of the subculture is much deeper, and it generally appeared from religious beliefs. Rastafarians are members of the Rastafari culture, which formed around the 1920s in Jamaica. The basis for the subculture was African national-religious movements or sects; the most prominent figures in this diversity were the Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie and the Jamaican Marcus Mosiah Garvey. Rastafarianism moved from Jamaica to Ethiopia thanks to the diplomacy of that same Haile Sellasie, who described this movement as “a paradise for blacks - not in heaven, but on earth of the African biblical country of Ethiopia.” After the 60s, Rastafarianism appeared in America and the Caribbean.

The Rastafarian subculture came out of the Rastafarian religion, in which there is a cult of using cannabis for the purpose of easily entering a trance for prayer or rituals. However, people often become Rastafarians simply to wear dreadlocks and smoke weed, and this applies to both Ethiopia and Russia. Real Rastafarians have their own philosophy; they are forbidden to drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, wear other people's things, eat pork and fish, and drink milk. In general, Rastafarians, like Rastafarians, advocate world peace, mutual assistance and love for one’s neighbor, endless self-knowledge and personal freedom.

Appearance of a Rastafarian

The appearance of a Rastafarian against the backdrop of Russian cityscapes is difficult to miss. They usually wear T-shirts with hemp prints, knitted hats and bags, Aladdin pants and tons of baubles. Of course, natural dreadlocks are the best sign of Rastafarianism; they are decorated with ribbons, rings, and bandanas. It is held in high esteem to wear clothes made from natural fabrics, for example, linen or hemp; they are usually made in India, Cambodia, and Ethiopia.

Musical preferences

Every subculture comes with music, and the Rastafarians have their own favorite genre – reggae. The reggae idol is, of course, the Jamaican musician Bob Marley. The first founders of this genre in Russia were and remain Jah Division. Also Russia also has its own reggae idols, for example, Boris Grebenshchikov, Alai Oli, AKIMAMA, Roma V. P. R., linguist and writer Dmitry Gaiduk, who created the books “Rastafarian folk tales" Songs about deliverance from Babylon (white culture) and positive vibrations were heard 400 years ago: they were a call for freedom and love. Typically, those who perform reggae consider themselves representatives of the Rastafarian subculture. Reggae festivals are held all over the world, lectures, creative meetings, master classes on weaving dreadlocks and baubles are held.

Have you ever heard of Rastafarians? Surely you heard. But, probably, many people believe that Rastafarians are those who smoke weed or just listen to reggae. It's not like that at all. Is that really the case? A real Rastafarian is a person whose religion is called Rastafari. Although this is the most unexplored religion, it has many codes and rules that a real Rastafarian must adhere to.

Such a person should always speak only the truth, smoke ganja, not drink alcohol, do not eat meat, do not smoke tobacco and not consult a doctor, because God Jah will cure him of any disease, if necessary. If he doesn’t cure him, he’ll simply give him another incarnation.

How to recognize a Rastafarian on the street?

In addition to these rules, there is also a so-called dress code for hairstyles and color range clothes. The Rastaman will have dreadlocks on his head, and all his clothes will consist of red, yellow and green flowers. However, if a person eats meat or, say, takes medicine, he cannot be a Rastafarian. At the same time, a person who does not wear dreadlocks or wear a formal suit can be one. Because external attributes cannot determine your religiosity. Various pictures and photographs can clearly show who a Rastafarian is, but in order to study them deeply, you need to dig through more than one article, or even better, talk to him personally.

What kind of religion?

The roots of this religion come from the 15th century and they originated in a large region that includes spaces from Egypt to Ethiopia. Then the main philosophy of this religion was the spiritual unification of Africa.

After so much time, the Rastafarian movement not only has not disappeared, but is also gaining momentum. Of course, current ideas and concepts have changed, but not so significantly. If you see a multi-colored man with dreadlocks and a colored cap on his head, it’s immediately clear who he is. A Rastafarian will always be kind, calm and sympathetic. This is their advantage. They will never create conflict situations, representatives of Rastafarianism against violence and war in general.

Famous names

Among them are very popular, outstanding personalities such as Mortimer Planno, Samuel Brown, Russ MacPherson, Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer. These names will seem familiar to few people, but probably everyone knows who Rastafarian Bob Marley is.

A truly outstanding musician from Jamaica, who with his rich inner world and ideologically won the hearts of millions of people around the world, and not just in Jamaica.

Every Rastafarian knows almost all of Bob Marley's songs; the chords of his songs can be heard everywhere. However, besides him, there are other performers in the world of Rasta music, less famous, but no less talented.

Almost all Russian Rastafarians know the song, written by a Rastaman, “I don’t need a crown.” Having a guitar and even not the most professional playing skills, you can easily play relaxing tunes in company, which will create an even more suitable atmosphere of this strange, contradictory and almost unexplored, but very interesting religion called Rastafari.

0 Nowadays, young people actively borrow Western culture, and, as a rule, extremely harmful and antisocial phenomena. Today, a huge number of words and expressions have appeared that denote various concepts. However, not many people know their real meaning and origin. Therefore, on our website we have opened a separate section in which we will decipher words on this topic. Add us to your bookmarks to check back periodically. Today we’ll talk about such an interesting word as Rastafarian, which means you can read a little below.
However, before I continue, I would like to recommend you a few more sensible publications on the subject of junkie slang. For example, what does Ganja mean, how to understand the word Rolyu, what does Plyukha mean, what is Vint, etc.
So let's continue what does Rastafarian mean?? This term was borrowed from in English"Rasta", and denotes a person who practices Rastafarianism, worships the god "Jah", and praises him with all his might.

Rastafarian- in Russia, this is an ordinary junkie who mainly uses weed (hemp or marijuana), although in the West this is a broader concept

What does Rastafari mean?

Ratsaman is an informal or slang term for Rastafarians. A Rastafarian is someone who belongs to a religion founded in the 20th century in Jamaica that involves the worship of the living god/emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia. In popular culture, religion" Rastafari" is most often associated with reggae music, dreadlocks, marijuana and the rejection of the modern materialistic world, or as it is also called - “Babylon”.

A Rasta is one who has a deep love and close relationship with God (Jah Almighty), A Rasta is one who:

...who believes in equal rights and justice for all mankind;

Every day he thanks and praises for everything he has;

Who knows that the first man and woman to appear on earth were discovered in Africa and were known to have a black complexion;

Who knows that God is always watching everything we say and do;

Who knows that every man and woman will be responsible for his own judgment of God based on his lifestyle;

Who knows that eating meat is an unclean act;

Who knows that the Black Man (Emperor Haile Selassie) was crowned King of Ethiopia in 1930 and ruled until 1974;

This is someone who reads and studies the Christian Bible (usually the King James Version) daily;

This is the one who knows about the Babylonian system;

Has a deep love and respect for all of nature because we know that God is in Nature and it is our birthright to enjoy this gift given by Jah.

What is a Jamaican Rasta?

Jamaican Rastafarian is a person belonging to the Rastafari movement, which originated in Jamaica. Although it is generally considered a religion, Rastafarians consider it a way of life and culture, as well as a spiritual path.

Movement Rastafari originated in the 1930s and is based on the teachings of Marcus Garvey, a Jamaican who had a vision of uniting black people around the world and bringing them back to Africa. The name comes from the name of the Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie, Tafari Makonne, who is considered by many Rastas to be the Messiah. Some Rastas immigrated to Ethiopia in the 1960s and formed a settlement known as the 12 Tribes.

Rastafari is a mixture of African and Christian beliefs with an emphasis on biblical literalism. Rastas are known throughout the world for their use of marijuana. Marijuana, or ganja, is considered a sacrament and is used as part of ritual prayer. Rastas are also known for their dreadlocks, which stem from the biblical commandment to avoid cutting their hair. Most Rastafarians are vegetarians, although some eat fish. The Rastafari movement is peaceful, many Rastas take part in anti-war and other pacifist movements. However, self-defense is not prohibited. Rastas sometimes defend themselves from government oppression.

After reading this short article, you learned what does Rastafarian mean?, and now you can tell your friends about this amazing word.

Rastafarians, aka Rastafarians- interesting guys. There are not many of them on the streets of Moscow, but they look colorful and unusual for most passers-by. I talked to them: everyone looks at their movement differently. Much can be said about the origins of this doctrine and culture, but there are facts that are generally known.

Who are Rastafarians

It is a mistake to think that this is only youth subculture , where the monotonous rhythm comes first reggae And bright image. And although in Russia rasta- culture appeared only in the early 90s, its origins are much deeper.

Don't look for a translation of the word "Rastafarian". It originated from the Ahmar language. Ras translates as prince, and Tefari is the name. This emperor's middle name Ethiopia- Haile Silassie, which means "Power of the Trinity" and he is the first saint in this religion.

Although Rastafari originated in Jamaica, it acquired its main features in Africa. It even initially bore nationalistic features. Rastafarians are followers of this teaching, a monotheistic African cult based BBible. Bob Marley was an unwitting popularizer of Rasta. He blinded musical style reggae from a variety of chants common in various Rastafarian sects.

Today, Rasta culture bears little resemblance to religious teaching. The main emphasis is on music andappearance: the visual component is an important part of belonging to a subculture. Here is what has emerged from Rasta in other youth movements:

  • reggae style influenced modern hip-hop;
  • dreadlocks– a special hairstyle that has found its application among extreme metal performers;
  • legends about the republic Jah stepped into punk rock;
  • tattoos, originally Rastafarian, can be done in any tattoo parlor.

Rastafarians in Moscow

If you want to see real Rastafarians, then come to China town. Children often gather in the park and their appearance attract attention. Massive knee-length dreadlocks, piercings, tattoos. In baggy, semi-sports clothes and on a bicycle- these are their main features. In Russia Not everyone knows about religious teachings. Young people are attracted by unusual clothes and music.

There is also a special store in the Kitay-Gorod area "Rastashop", where they can buy everything they need. That’s why we chose this meeting place square nearby. What's interesting about Rastashop:

  • All for smoking(pipes, bongs, vaporizers);
  • bright clothes and accessories with symbols;
  • musical instruments , special combs much more.

Don't listen scary stories about rastafarians. These are cheerful, cheerful guys, as a rule, erudite and interesting.



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