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Famous people named Victoria. Victoria - Leo. Name meaning for different ages

Despite her outward calm, poise, and silence, Victoria is looking for new experiences and adventures. Free, independent, she always enjoys respect and trust. Her opinion is always listened to. In appearance and character, Vika almost always resembles her father. It looks impressive because it is interested in fashionable new items, following the trends of the times. The meaning of the name Victoria will help you unravel the secret of her success.

Brief meaning of the name Victoria

Interpretation of the name Victoria

The origin of the name Victoria is believed to be Indo-European. The root "vic" means "pressure of force." The Latin word "Victoria" translates to "victory". This is where the name Victoria comes from and it means “victory” or “victor.”

If you divide the word into parts, it turns out that VICTO - soulful, -RIYA - sensuality. The deciphering of a gentle, light, feminine name does not exclude verified emotionality.

Vika Pota was the name of the goddess of victory in the Roman Empire. Later they began to call her Victoria. IN Greek mythology The goddess Nike corresponds to her. Victoria was depicted on Roman coins as a symbol of victory.

The full name Victoria in short form sounds like Vika. In Russian there is a complete declension and short form. Other sounds: Tusya, Vikusya, Vikulya, Vichka, Vikusha, Vitulya, Vita, Tora, Vira, Tusya, Vitusha. All derivatives are easy to decline in Russian.

Declension by cases of the full form:

Nominative case – Victoria

Genitive case – Victoria

Dative case – Victoria

Accusative case – Victoria

Instrumental case – Victoria

Prepositional case – Victoria

The declension of derived forms can be done according to the model of the full name.

Name Victoria on English language spelled Victoria. It is also written in Spanish and French. But in Latin it is written slightly differently - Viktoriya.

Name Victoria in religion

According to some sources, this name is not in Orthodox calendar. According to others, her patrons in Catholicism are the Great Martyrs Victoria of Ephesus, Thessalonica, Nicomedia, and Culuz. According to the church calendar, they celebrate their name days on the following days: February 12, March 12, May 25, June 1, 14, July 10, September 12, October 6, 15, 24, November 6, December 8, 21, 23.

The fate of a girl, girl, woman named Victoria

The meaning of the name Victoria will be reflected differently on women born in different time. For example:

The winter “winner” will dominate her man, so her personal life, as a rule, does not work out. Arrogance, stubbornness, and pride do not provide the opportunity to establish a good relationship with friends, colleagues, family.

The mystery and cunning of spring Vicky has a different effect on her fate. Men really like what others perceive as deceit and two-facedness. It turns out that Vika behaves absolutely correctly, because her personal life ultimately turns out well.

The characteristic of the name Victoria for a woman born in the summer is frivolous, amorous. Vika loves each of her men completely sincerely. But, despite her eccentricity, she cannot be considered a deceiver or a traitor.

The interpretation of the name for the autumn “winner” is organization, practicality. Properly planned work and rest allow her to achieve success in many areas. Despite the apparent callousness and severity, her personal life and professional destiny always develop well.

All these characteristics are especially clearly manifested if Victoria has one of the patronymics: Andreevna, Alekseevna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Sergeevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Mikhailovna.


When wondering what the name Victoria means, parents should know that a “winner” in childhood can be a completely insecure child. Because of this, the girl is not always able to realize her potential.

The slow girl is a real leader in games. She makes friends easily and is more often friends with boys.

The “winner” also easily gets acquainted with the world around her and quickly masters new subjects, despite the fact that she begins to learn to read and write later than other children. Today Vika is a fidgety, fidgety person, and tomorrow she is calm and balanced.

Another one characteristic– girls who are “winners” can suddenly withdraw into themselves. You should not try to find out what reason led to this condition.

In general, little Vikuli are obedient, cheerful, and endowed with a rich inner world.

Little Vika is very accurately and correctly described in verse:

Vika is a mystery girl,

Maybe they found it in the garden

Such a miracle berry

Groovy, mischievous?

Young woman

Curiosity and activity are inherent in young Vika. A girl with this name always looks great because she takes care of herself and her health. She equally actively visits beauty salons and GYM's. At the same time, she may be completely unsure of herself, and attempts to assert herself may end in failure.

Young Vika is a true, sincere friend. She always sets herself real problems and always fulfills them. This quality greatly sets her apart from her peers.

Despite responsibility, practicality, and real success, she is haunted by a feeling of insecurity and a desire to assert herself.


An adult “winner” can be described as purposeful, scrupulous, sociable, beautiful woman. She tries to manage her time correctly, so she is successful in her profession, family life, but a feeling of uncertainty is her constant companion. The interpretation of the name does not affect its inner world.

Male names that are well compatible with her are Oleg, Makar, Albert, Valentin and Arkady. These men are suitable for marriage with Vika. And all the features of the winner are most clearly manifested if her patronymic is Andreevna, Alekseevna, Sergeevna or Viktorovna.

On the question of what surname is suitable for Vika, many agree that it should be beautiful, pleasant to the ear, harmonize with the name, and also end in –skaya, -tskaya. It is important to remember, no matter what Vika’s patronymic and surname are, this is not the most important thing in her mental organization.

Famous people named Victoria

Famous Russian singer - Victoria Daineko

In history, probably the most famous woman with this name is Queen Victoria of Great Britain.

Among our contemporaries there are many famous families women - “winners”. Famous singers bear this name with pride and everyone knows their last names: Balf, Tsyganova, Dainego, Beckham.

Many people know the names famous writers Sandor, Tokareva, Baginskaya, Ocampo.

Among famous women— “winners” include TV presenters, athletes, actresses, and artists.

The characteristics of the name Victoria include many positive aspects. Keep this in mind if you want to name your daughter this. After all, this may determine what fate awaits her.

Name description: The name Victoria comes from Lat. a word meaning "victory". A woman named Victoria has qualities such as perseverance, stubbornness, cunning and energy. At the same time, Victoria is a kind, amorous, internally indecisive and modest person. It is in order to compensate for her timidity and to assert herself that Victoria tries to appear demonstrative and eccentric.

In her work, Vika displays the same tenacity and demonstrativeness. However, when faced with difficulties, Victoria will most likely retreat from her intended goal. She will make an excellent teacher, educator, doctor, fashion model. Thanks to her excellent organizational skills, Victoria can make a capable leader. However, Victoria can cope with the responsibilities of a housewife with the same ease. Victoria's parents should not choose a profession for her. Success comes to Victoria with some delay, but she will definitely achieve it.

Victoria is usually endowed with natural charisma, thanks to which she is able to turn the head of any man. She often falls in love, since love for her is a delightful game shrouded in romance. Victoria likes to pretend to be a small, defenseless girl who needs the support of a strong man to play. She does it so brilliantly that it won’t even occur to her partner what a strong-willed woman is next to him. Victoria's life might not have been so rich in stress if not for her exorbitant love attraction.

Victoria often shows indecision in choosing a husband. A caring partner who will give Victoria confidence in her abilities is ideal for her. In gratitude for this, Victoria will sincerely love him and will make an attentive wife and an excellent housewife. The only thing she will not forgive her husband is infidelity.

Date of Birth: December 23, November 17, October 24, May 12, May 8, April 29, March 23, March 12

Personality: businesslike, indecisive, loyal, calm, balanced, shy

Name abbreviations: Vika, Vikusha, Vicky, Viktorka, Viktosha, Vita, Vitulya, Vitusya, Vitusha, Viktusya

Suitable middle name: Alexandrovna, Alekseevna, Vadimovna, Valerievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Germanovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Olegovna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Stanislavovna, Timurovna, Eduardovna, Evgenevna, Rafaelevna, Tagirovna

Suitable for boys or girls: only for girls

Name pronunciation: neutral

Nationality of the name: Latin

Most suitable for zodiac signs:

Victoria, Quiz - victory, winner (Latin). Victoria in Roman mythology is the goddess of victory, corresponding to the Greek Nike. She was depicted winged, sometimes on a chariot, with a laurel wreath in her hand, with which she crowned the winner. In Russia, the name appeared in the 18th century in connection with the victories of Peter I. The name is found infrequently, in cities more than in rural areas.

Doesn't appear in the calendar.

Zodiac name: Aquarius.

Planet: Uranus.

Tsvetimeni: violet.

Talisman stone: lapis lazuli.

Favorable plant: cedar, mimosa.

Patron name: bumblebee.

Happy day: Saturday.

Happy time of year: winter.

Diminutive forms: Vika, Viktusya, Vikusha, Veta,

Vitulya, Vitusha, Vityanya, Vira, Vichka, Tora, Tosha, Tusya.

Main features: activity, stubbornness.

Name and character

From childhood, traits such as self-will and stubbornness begin to appear in Vika’s character. If parents resort to harsh methods of education, Vika will have a heated protest already in her early youth. She will assert herself, satisfying her wounded pride: dressing extravagantly, painting her nails with bright varnish, impressing those around her with the strong smell of perfume, and acting defiantly at a party. This demonstrativeness and assertiveness, expressed more than the situation requires, will characterize Victoria in the future.

Victoria is very beautiful, charming, and just begs to be on the cover of a magazine. But she herself thinks about it least of all. She is not devoid of ambition, but loves when her abilities, intelligence and professionalism are noted. Victoria has a masculine analytical mind, which makes it possible to patiently delve into details. Her will is strong, but it is often not enough to achieve her goal.

Victoria is most attracted to scientific activity, she can become a scientist, engineer, teacher. At work, she is efficient and active, Victoria is witty, sometimes even resorts to evil irony, and is not afraid to tell a colleague, even her boss. But everything is forgiven to Victoria, they love her, they know that she is kind by nature, man of heart, will never act low.

Victoria is hardworking, emotional, she cannot plan her affairs carefully, she relies on inspiration. Victoria has a creative side; she can be a writer, artist, musician, painter, or ballet soloist. She likes the profession, the final result of which depends on herself. Victoria's field of activity is wide - nurse, doctor, cook, hairdresser, designer. Victoria is unable to actively fight for a warm place in life; she is proud and treats people with respect.

Victoria is sexy, she has a stormy temperament, but this is a secret area of ​​​​her nature, and she does not like to be invaded. She is not always lucky in marriage. It seems to many that she has no problems in this matter, in fact, more often In fact, her chosen one turns out to be not the one she was expecting! But she fell in love, feels responsible for him, for the family, and it is difficult for her to part with him. She cries secretly, and proves to others that he is good. Victoria can sacrifice herself for the sake of her family and child. She loves children selflessly and often spoils them.

Victoria dresses tastefully, cooks well, and is very caring. With a sensitive, attentive husband, she can become a housewife, since her career is not very exciting for her, she just loves to do her job well and to be appreciated as she deserves.

Victoria is very sociable, she loves when guests come to her, and even with an unexpected intrusion she will always find something to treat her. However, collisions with her are better

Victoria doesn’t know how to avoid or forgive.

Victoria can create a reliable and cozy family home with Vladimir, Mikhail, Lev, Sergey, Semyon, Eduard.

Famous personalities with the name Victoria

Victoria (1819-1901) - Queen of Great Britain since 1837. She came to the throne imbued with deep respect for the English constitution, and throughout her reign she never made an attempt to violate it. She fulfilled her duty to be a living symbol of the state and people, and did not seek to put pressure on the activities of the ministry. However, it had such a strong influence on domestic policy England, for all social strata, fashions, customs, that the entire century of its reign was subsequently called Victorian.

Queen Victoria was married to Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and had nine children. Among them is Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse, mother of Alice Victoria Helena Louise Beatrice of Hesse-Darmstadt, the last Russian empress to convert to Orthodoxy and receive the name Alexandra Feodorovna.

What to give a woman named Victoria

Do you have the wonderful name Victoria? Fabulous! We have what you need - the best gift that will last a long time - a fork or spoon with your name on it! Is your friend, mother or sister also named Victoria? Make them happy too! A name is a symbol of a person’s character. The name holds the mysteries of the soul and mood, so engraved cutlery with the name will serve as an excellent gift for those who are really important to you.

You can buy personalized spoons with the female name Victoria, personalized forks and other Victoria cutlery in our online store

When a baby appears in a family, he is always given a name. The choice is always approached with special care; parents want the name not only to sound beautiful, but also to have deep meaning And beautiful meaning. The name Victoria is recognized as one of the most popular and beautiful names for girls all over the world.

Everything about the name Victoria

According to Mendelev, the name Victoria is light, gentle, feminine, charming and modest. According to Higir - bright, eccentric and individual. According to Rouge: the owner of the name is vulnerable, mysterious and intellectual.

Origin of the name

A popular female name, related to , comes from ancient Latin and means “victory”. In Roman mythology, Victoria is the goddess of victory.

Table: forms of the name Victoria

Table: analogues of the name in other languages

Name days and patrons

The name Victoria was not included in the calendar until 2011, so Vic was baptized earlier under the name Nika, which is the Greek equivalent of Victoria. Saint Nike became Victoria's patron saint. But since 2011, Victoria celebrates her own name days on June 7 and 14, November 6, 17 and 30, and December 21. The patron saint of this name is Victoria of Corduba (Cordova).

The patron saint of the name Victoria was the holy martyr Victoria of Corduba (Cordoba)

Characteristics and influence of a name on a person

Victoria captivates and wins, Victoria excites with just a glance. The fire of love burns in her blood - If you surrender to her, don’t call for help.


In childhood

Vika is a strong-willed child who is not so easy to force to do anything. It is necessary to instill in little Vika a love of work, perseverance and attentiveness from childhood. If a child with this name is interested in something, then it is almost impossible to stop him in his quest to get it. She loves the attention of other people, both adults and peers. She always strives to show herself and she succeeds, because from an early age she knows how to present herself correctly, feeling the mood of both the team and one person almost on an intuitive level.

Victoria is a beauty, Always famous for her smile, Responsive, faithful, And the first in every matter, Always knows and knows everything, And life is full of victories, We are proud of dear Vika - Simple and many-sided.


At school, Vika is more frivolous than diligent. For her, lessons are not the main thing. But if she really wants to learn, her success will exceed all expectations. If she sets a goal for herself, she will achieve it no matter what. Victoria has an average memory, it is difficult for her to keep several things in her head at once, so knowledge must be received consistently and in doses. For Vika, grades are much more important than knowledge, so it is important to explain their value to the girl. Victoria in school age she is balanced, does not like to talk a lot, is calm, often withdraws into herself, but just like in early childhood, she loves attention. Her distinctive qualities in her youth were adventurism and originality. This results in experiments with your appearance.

Inside Victoria, despite her relaxedness, courage and extravagance, complexes and shyness are hidden. Her attempts to surpass them often take a bizarre form: Vika can distinguish herself with overly provocative behavior, wear too revealing clothes, and dye her hair a poisonous pink color. Her behavior in her youth can rarely be called exemplary: Vika believes that she is always right, and it can be difficult to come to an agreement with her. Maximalism, a thirst for adventure, a desire to stand out from the crowd - all the traits characteristic of adolescence are very clearly expressed in Victoria. Assertiveness, demonstrativeness, and self-will are present in Victoria’s character at any age.

In her youth, Victoria loves to experiment with her appearance

As an adult

In adulthood, Victoria changes, more often in better side. More firmness appears in her character. The girl becomes practical and strict realist, the meaning of the name is fully expressed in her. Her goal is success in the financial field; such qualities as down-to-earth views (in in a good way this word), strength of character, assertiveness and energy. She does not understand poetic personalities, dreamers and dreamers; it is better to communicate with her from the point of view earthly man, romanticism and excessive sensitivity are alien to her. Vika also does not understand people who do not strive for material wealth; for her, any goal or idea has only a monetary motive.

Outwardly, Victoria is charming, feminine and very beautiful, as if from the cover of a fashion magazine. She takes good care of her appearance, but does not try to show off himself. Vika can also be ambitious; she loves compliments, especially about her extraordinary mind and well-groomed appearance.

Despite her sociability, Victoria does not trust people too much, which is why she has few real friends.

Victoria has an analytical mind; she can patiently and thoroughly study the details of any case and perform painstaking or monotonous work. Victoria has willpower, but often it is not enough to achieve her goal.

A girl with this name is distinguished by her sociability, but she is also very selective in her connections - she has very few real friends; Vika finds it difficult to communicate with narrow-minded, ignorant and shameless people. She values ​​trust and warmth in friendship. Sincerity in communication even with strangers, sense of humor, and sincerity make Victoria a pleasant conversationalist. Sometimes Victoria can withdraw into herself, internal complexes and fears do not leave her even in adulthood, but she successfully fights them, showing herself as a responsible and successful worker, an exemplary daughter, wife or mother and a sociable, sincere woman.

Talents and career

Victoria has abilities in various fields of activity. Considering her character traits such as hard work, sociability, and eccentricity, a profession that involves interacting with people will suit her. Victoria is not good at planning, so she mainly relies on inspiration. Thanks to creativity she can find herself in writing and acting, music, dancing or drawing. Since Victoria prefers that the result of her work depend only on her efforts and abilities, the professions of a doctor, cook, and hairdresser are also suitable for her. Attention to detail and patience allow Victoria to achieve success in the professions of an engineer, architect, and programmer.

If Victoria really likes the work, she will do it responsibly and conscientiously

The profession of a fashion model also matches the girl’s character. Victoria often displays extraordinary abilities in the exact sciences. She can become a chemist, mathematician, biologist or even an archaeologist - this unusual profession will satisfy her love of travel. Victoria copes with the role of a housewife with no less success. Her talent for pedagogy allows her to become an educator or teacher. Vika also shows an ability for languages, so the professions of a linguist, philologist, and translator are also suitable for her. Thanks to her friendliness and organizational skills, Victoria can also be a talented leader, so you should pay attention to entrepreneurial activity, profession of manager or marketer. Just remember that she is proud and treats people with respect; these qualities will not allow her to achieve her goal by any means, as is often necessary. Whatever profession Victoria chooses, parents should not convince their daughter - Victoria achieves significant success only in what she really likes. Victoria is generally a responsible and efficient employee; management values ​​her for her hard work, perseverance and creativity.


Thanks to such qualities as responsibility, diligence and decency, Victoria has every chance of becoming a successful businesswoman, provided that it will be truly profitable and interesting for her to run her own business. To run a successful business, Vika also needs to learn to fight laziness and be more decisive in defending her point of view. Victoria prefers to run her business alone; she is used to keeping everything under control. Success in business does not come to her immediately, but Victoria achieves it in any case thanks to hard work and perseverance.

Thanks to hard work, perseverance and the ability to convince people, Victoria can achieve considerable success in business

For her subordinates, Victoria will become a strict but fair boss, sometimes prone to dictatorship. Victoria has a talent for persuasion; from the first minutes of a conversation, she unmistakably identifies strong and weak sides opponent. Despite her excessive haste and impulsiveness, she is able to win people over to her side. Victoria is lucky in financial matters; she knows how to manage money wisely. These qualities allow her to achieve considerable success in the field of business.


Victoria's health can be called average; it needs to be monitored since childhood. Fresh air, long walks, and sports are necessary for Vicky’s well-being. There is a predisposition to viral diseases. It is necessary to strengthen the bones, otherwise musculoskeletal problems, arthritis and osteochondrosis may appear. Any injury must be treated, as it can later lead to much more serious illness. Nervous disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are also common.

Victoria is predisposed to musculoskeletal disorders

Victoria in love and family

Victoria attracts men with her apparent fragility and defenselessness; she allows a man to feel like a knight, and she herself plays the role of a defenseless princess, when in fact she can easily stand up for herself and achieve her goal. It's rare that Victoria opens her soul completely to any man. A series of frivolous novels loses meaning for her when she finds the one and only one. Her loving nature is immediately transformed, Victoria becomes a faithful and devoted companion. Victoria is very picky when choosing a spouse or partner, but this is explained by her indecision. She starts a family late, even after the wedding she is capable of doubting the correctness of her choice for a long time. The ideal for her is an understanding and sensitive man who gives her support and confidence. For a man who truly loves and respects her, Vika will become the most loving and faithful wife, she will be ready to do anything for him, but will never forgive betrayal or lies. She is able to turn the head of almost any man thanks to her natural charm, beauty and temperament.

Victoria, trouble or victory? I was defeated by you a long time ago. I once lived and didn’t know about you. You were given to me by Fate! My fate, seemingly quite simple, One day quietly suggested to me: Open your eyes, because the golden maiden has been sad for a long time, dreaming of you... Fate this time was not joking: I met the one I had long dreamed of. Beauty and strength lived side by side in her, I saw her alone in my sweet dreams.



Victoria is a wonderful housewife and caring wife; she loves to pamper her household with delicious food. Raising children is exciting and exciting for her. interesting process, she enjoys spending time with children. Even with all the difficulties of family life, Victoria does not forget to take care of herself. Even after tying the knot, Victoria remains freedom-loving and independent. Victoria is very jealous; she will not tolerate even a glance from her husband in the direction of another woman. At the same time, most often he hides his jealousy deep inside, not wanting to reveal his true feelings. The husband must first of all earn Victoria's trust, only in this case she will become the most sensitive and loving wife.

Table: compatibility of the name Victoria

Spelling a name

V. Honest, cheerful, sociable, scrupulous. Passionate personality and at the same time monogamous. He attracts people to himself with his charm and extraordinary sense of humor.

I. The letter is a symbol of harmony, grace and spirituality. Caring about appearance, mystery, unconventional thinking, straightforward skepticism, honesty - such people are not always liked by others. Promiscuity or frequent divorces are possible.

K. Maximalism, sexuality, spiritual strength, diplomacy and insight. Extremely attractive to others due to beauty and grace.

T. Creativity, originality, inventiveness. Passionate and amorous. They love variety. Their goal in itself is the search for truth. Frequent health problems.

O. The symbol of infinity, mystery. A rich inner world into which no outsider is allowed. The letter gives a person strong intuition, the ability to see the essence of things and the ability to deeply feel and empathize.

R. Dogmatism, but not religiosity. The ability to see the essence of things, the ability to do physical work, compliance and patience. Their feelings are easily hurt, then they ardently defend their rights.

ME: The main thing in life is self-esteem. Correct assessment of your own feelings, capabilities and aspirations. Diversity and richness of the inner world. They greatly need attention and admiration from other people, but dignity and self-respect are more important to them than compliments. Sexual liberation and passionate nature.

Table: matches for the name Victoria

Character by seasons

Her temperament and behavior also depend on the time of year when a girl was born:

  • winter Victoria is stubborn, freedom-loving, ambitious and proud. The aggravation of these qualities does not have a very good effect on communication with men, so she is often unhappy in personal life.
  • Mystery and unpredictability distinguish spring Vika. She is eccentric, loves attention, for which she is ready to do anything. She can be two-faced and insidious, you need to behave carefully with her. Thanks to her cunning and seeming defenselessness, she has no problems in her personal life. A loving mother and wife approaches her choice of husband responsibly.
  • summer Victoria is frivolous and amorous. She loves men for their very nature, is very promiscuous in relationships, often falls in love and just as often is disappointed in love. Every time it seems to her that this love will definitely last a lifetime. A sympathetic and kind person, she does not tolerate deception and betrayal, and she herself is not capable of them. She is very kind and sympathetic, always helping those who are weaker than her.
  • autumn Victoria is shy about such qualities as sensitivity and tenderness, hiding them under the guise of severity and rigidity. This girl is organized, assertive, practical and attentive. Her character is very tolerant and understanding, she is a wonderful housewife, wife and mother. Strives for tenderness, warmth, love and affection.

Victoria, born in the summer, cannot stand insults and betrayals

Table: horoscope named Victoria

Victoria-AriesAn eccentric personality in his own way life position always active. She always knows about everything, is always aware of events, always in the spotlight. She can often impose her personal opinion on others; she has a personal point of view on everything. She has a lot of ambitions and is very straightforward. In her personal life she is fickle; each of her chosen ones seems to her to be the very man who will love her forever.
Victoria-TaurusThis girl is tactful, confident in her abilities and balanced. It’s as if she lives according to a pre-formed plan. She has difficulty getting used to changes; stability in life is important to her. She ties the knot quite early and almost always manages to build strong family. Victoria-Taurus is honest and open, but she lacks femininity.
Victoria-GeminiResponsive and kind, she is always ready to help other people. She is condescending towards the imperfections of those around her, but does not see her own, and tolerates criticism extremely painfully and acutely. Temperamental, active, willingly participates in any activities. Men feel comfortable and at ease with her, so Victoria-Gemini does not lack male attention.
Victoria-CancerShe is somewhat of a romantic and a dreamer. Shy, charming girl. Often she cannot fully realize herself due to her passive nature and uncertainty, although her potential is enormous. Family life is going well thanks to her kindness, thriftiness, non-conflict and complaisance. Victoria-Cancer's family is her main value.
Victoria LeoCalculating, self-confident and elegant, she definitely knows her worth. She gets out of the most awkward situations with her inherent dignity, she is very smart. She is honest in achieving her goals, but she may well sacrifice the interests of others. Pragmatic. She loves male attention, but it is very difficult to win her: a man will have to make many sacrifices for the sake of Victoria the Lioness.
Victoria-VirgoPractical, looks at life extremely realistically. She needs guarantees in everything; she will never take unnecessary risks. She will only take on a project that is sure to be profitable; dubious enterprises are not for her. Such prudence helps her climb the ladder. career ladder, but Victoria-Virgo’s family life lacks sincerity and warmth.
Victoria-LibraA calm, peaceful, open personality with an excellent sense of humor. She easily overcomes life difficulties. The gift of persuasion helps her reconcile enemies and convince people of her opinion. She is popular with the stronger sex and, although at first glance she is frivolous and amorous, she sincerely dreams of bright and great love.
Victoria-ScorpioImpulsive, impressionable. Her life consists of mood swings from apathy to joy and constantly changing black and white stripes. But, no matter how difficult it is for her, she never reveals her problems to her loved ones out of pride. Love for her is a sea of ​​burning passion, without this relationship she quickly gets bored. A passionate, temperamental and strong man suits such a woman.
Victoria-SagittariusA strong-willed, decisive leader and a defenseless, fragile lady are constantly fighting in her. She is impressive and powerful, these qualities do not always allow her to easily get along with other people, which is why she has very few friends. Men, fearing the fate of a henpecked man, also do not favor Victoria-Sagittarius with attention. Those who still decide to win her favor need patience, since Victoria-Sagittarius is very selective and will test the chosen one for a long time before reciprocating his feelings.
Victoria-CapricornHer equanimity knows no bounds, so she does not show violent passions and feelings. Doesn't like to give advice, is reserved. People easily trust her with their secrets and secrets. In relationships, Victoria-Capricorn is suspicious, very afraid of disappointment, and looks closely at her chosen one for a long time.
Victoria-AquariusShe is witty and energetic, has many friends, whom she still very rarely allows into her inner world. It is difficult for her to survive betrayal or insult; she withdraws into herself for a long time. The attractiveness and charm of Victoria-Aquarius attract men, her life often consists of many whirlwind romances. It is difficult for a man to keep her, because she hates routine, she needs to be surprised with something new every day.
Victoria-PiscesTender, sensitive and empathetic, she sees the world with her originality in mind. She is not a consumer, but a creator. A sophisticated personality with a developed mental organization, she is often susceptible to neuroses, self-critical and touchy. For her, the ideal chosen one would be a romantic, for whom she would happily become a muse.

Famous people named Victoria

There are many famous girls named Victoria in history:

  • Victoria Yagling - cellist from the USSR;
  • Victoria Abril - actress from Spain;
  • Victoria Daineko - actress and singer;
  • Victoria Perez - human rights activist from Argentina;
  • Queen Victoria - Queen of Great Britain;
  • Victoria Kovalchuk - writer and artist;
  • Victoria Nikiforova is a playwright from Russia.

Photo gallery: famous Victorias

Victoria Bonya - famous TV presenter, participant of the show “Dom2” Victoria Yagling - an outstanding cellist, laureate international competitions Victoria - British Queen who made her country one of the leading world powers Victoria Abril - actress from Spain Victoria Daineko - popular Russian singer Victoria Tolstoganova - Russian theater and film actress

Victoria is a name with a deep meaning and a beautiful sound; it gives a person many qualities necessary in life. This beautiful female name will give your child leadership qualities, hard work and perseverance, making him a real winner.

By naming the girl Victoria, the parents hope that this sonorous name will influence her character and the baby’s fate will be successful and happy. After all, everyone knows that Victoria (“Victoria”) is of Latin origin and translated means “victory.”

Confirm unusual value female name Victoria may have a whole galaxy of royalty who possessed it at different times. Among them stands out the legendary English Queen Victoria (1819-1901), who spent 64 years on the throne and did a lot for the development of her country. It is not for nothing that in honor of this outstanding woman the era of her reign was called Victorian.

Victoria's name day

Victoria can celebrate her name days four times a year - June 7 and 14, November 6 and December 21. The main day of the guardian angel will be the date located in church calendar closest to real day birth. All others are considered small name days and are celebrated at will.

Saint Victoria of Cordoba is one of the most revered in Orthodox faith. The owner of this name can pray to this righteous woman for protection and intercession in all endeavors, as well as for the granting of health and piety to members of her family.

Different forms of the name

The female name Victoria has a shortened version - Vika. Suitable for a woman or an adult girl diminutives Vikta, Viktusya, Viktunya, Vikusya, Viktosha, as well as Tusya, Tosha, Torya.

It is best to call a little girl by the affectionate nicknames Vikusechka, Vikochka, Vikushenka, Vikulechka, Viktochka. You can also use diminutive forms of the name that are common in other European languages.

English Vicky, Toria
French Victoire, Vic
Portuguese Vitoria, Toria, Vivi
Italian Vittoria, Vittorina, Vitoriella
Romanian, Moldovan Victoria
Hungarian Victorka, Viktush
Ukrainian Victoria, Vikta
Belorussian Victoria, Viktsia
Polish Vikhta, Vikhcha
Czech Victorka, Vikinka
Bulgarian Vika, Vicky

The name Victoria has a male name-double - Victor. In addition, there is another pair of similar names - Victorina and Victorin, which are more often used among Western Slavic peoples.

Famous namesakes

In addition to representatives of European royal families, other famous women can boast of the victorious name Victoria.

  1. Victoria Nikolaevna Yartseva (1906-1999) – Soviet and Russian linguist, professor.
  2. Victoria Zakharovna Gorshenina (1919-2014) - Russian and Soviet theater and film actress.
  3. Victoria Ilyinichna Baginskaya (1926-2012) – Soviet and Russian writer, folklorist of the Krymchak people.
  4. Victoria Grigorievna Ostrovskaya (born 1938) – Soviet yachtswoman and traveler.
  5. Victoria Samoilovna Tokareva (born 1937) is a Soviet and Russian writer and screenwriter.
  6. Victoria Borisovna Yagling (1946-2011) – Soviet cellist, composer and teacher.
  7. Victoria Vladimirovna Kovalchuk (born 1954) is a Ukrainian graphic artist and illustrator.
  8. Victoria Evgenievna Solomatina (Platova) (born 1965) is a Russian writer, author of action-packed novels.
  9. Victoria Valentinovna Postnikova (born 1944) is a Russian pianist.
  10. Victoria Leontievna Motrichko (born 1989) – Ukrainian checkers player, world champion.

Among the holders of the name Victoria there are talented and popular actresses - Lepko, Isakova, Tolstoganova, Daineko, Alasheyeva. One cannot help but recall their foreign namesakes - Mexican actress Victoria Ruffo, British singer and designer Victoria Beckham, Canadian actress Victoria Sanchez.

The fate and character of Victoria

The owner of the name is an unpredictable, mysterious, and sometimes even insidious nature. On the one hand, she gives the impression of being fragile and vulnerable, in need of protection and consolation. But on the other hand, her characteristics include tenacity, perseverance and practicality, which help her keep her destiny under control.


Little Vikochka is a kind, obedient and non-capricious child. She is a little slow, so she prefers quiet games to active activities. The girl is not too drawn to her peers; she is quite happy with the company of her mother and father. All their attempts to force Vika to master the alphabet and read on her own do not lead to results: the girl is lazy and masters reading and writing only before school.

Although our heroine has an inquisitive mind and a good memory, studying is not one of her favorite activities, which is why in her diary, A's are often placed side by side with C's. Only in the last grades, when the threat of receiving a bad certificate hangs over the girl, does she pull herself together.

The reason for this behavior may be the uncertainty and shyness that are characteristic of the owner of the name Victoria. Trying to disguise them, Vika dresses extravagantly, dyes her hair a bright color and tries to behave as relaxed and provocative as possible.

Already in her youth, Vika has erudition and wit, which allows her to easily come into contact with people and freely carry on any conversation. That's why future profession the girl chooses to fulfill her need for communication.


Our heroine does not like to be within certain limits at work, so she often chooses free professions for herself - writer, journalist, actress, fashion model, designer or artist.

Among those named Victoria there are also doctors, teachers, scientists and accountants who also feel quite comfortable.

It often happens that Vika will try several professions until she finds the most suitable one. Moreover, even after working in one place for many years, she can master a new specialty and start life from scratch.

Having matured, Victoria becomes more active and energetic. She knows how to set goals for herself and tries to achieve their implementation. In her character, such traits as composure, diligence, firmness and efficiency appear, thanks to which our lady slowly but surely climbs the career ladder.

If Vika completely gets rid of laziness and uncertainty, she will be able to start her own business and become a successful businesswoman. Most suitable for our heroine is the role of the owner of a modeling agency, beauty salon or fitness club. Although she can also cope with the work of the editor-in-chief of an online publication or a glossy magazine.

Love and family

Victoria has an attractive appearance, regularly takes care of herself, buys fashionable things, and visits a cosmetologist. It's no surprise that she always has a lot of fans.

The girl often falls in love and gets to know the intimate side of relationships quite early. But when communicating with representatives of the opposite sex, our heroine has a little secret. Vika skillfully plays the role of the weak and defenseless, in need of care and protection, in front of all the gentlemen. And since she cannot be denied acting skills, every man tries to become a real knight for Victoria and take her “under his wing.”

In fact, our heroine is simply manipulating fans, achieving for herself required work or material support. But she does this so skillfully that not a single man notices the catch.

Victoria searches for her betrothed for a long time and carefully. The main reason for this lies not in the excessive demands on a candidate for a spouse, but in the uncertainty of our heroine. Even after marriage, she may doubt the correctness of her choice and seek support from astrologers or horoscopes.

It will help Vika to check whether her own name is compatible with her partner’s name. Its results can be found in the following table.

Only after making sure that her choice is correct does Victoria become a wonderful wife. She may well sacrifice her career and leave her job in order to devote all her time and energy to her spouse and children.

Vika will enthusiastically raise her children, using the latest techniques, and will try to give them an excellent education. In addition, it is typical for the owner of such a name to support great relationship with all relatives. She often organizes family holidays, gathering family and friends around a rich table.

Health and hobbies

A woman named Victoria has a tendency to diseases of the spine. Therefore, already from early childhood parents need to pay attention to her posture to avoid scoliosis.

While Victoria is not married, her main hobby is maintaining her own attractiveness. For this she spares neither time nor money. The girl buys the most fashionable outfits, goes to the best beauty salons and goes to fashionable resorts.

Having become a family lady, Vika enthusiastically arranges her home, comes up with new dishes and organizes various celebrations. Now she goes on vacation with her husband and children, choosing comfortable sanatoriums and boarding houses.

Victoria's main character traits

Our heroine is a slightly eccentric person, prone to frequent mood swings and outbursts of anger.. However, Vika does not know how to harbor a grudge and, having expressed everything she thinks, she calms down and becomes peaceful again.

Despite the apparent openness, the true nature of the owner of the name is difficult to understand. But one thing is absolutely clear: Victoria is a practical woman who looks at the world realistically, she never builds castles in the air, and this is the secret of her success.



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