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The golden time of childhood in L.N. Tolstoy’s work Childhood. Essay on literature "The golden time of childhood in the works of L.N. Tolstoy and I.A. Bunin." Several interesting essays

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Childhood is the brightest and most joyful time in the life of every person. At least, it should be like this, because in childhood a person’s character is laid, his attitude towards himself and the world around him.

That is why the main characters in many works of Russian writers are children, their psychology, and relationships with people around them. So, L.N. Tolstoy, in his autobiographical story “Childhood,” describes the life of Nikolenka Irtenyev, who grows up in the pages of the work, loves and hates, and receives his first life lessons.

Little hero surrounded by the love and care of his loved ones - mother, tutor, nanny. Under their influence, Nikolenka grows up as a kind boy, he is characterized by “a feeling of compassion that used to make me cry bitterly at the sight of a little jackdaw thrown out of the nest or a puppy being carried to be thrown over the fence...”

The hero's life is lessons in class, games with friends, communication with his mother, whom Nikolenka idolizes. However, the boy grows and his life changes. He leaves for Moscow, makes new friends, gets separated and, later, loses his mother.

In the story, Nikolenka makes mistakes, tries to correct them, and draws conclusions. So, he unfairly thinks about the kindest tutor Karl Ivanovich, takes offense at his nanny Natalya Savishna, and comes up with a terrible dream “as if maman had died and they were going to bury her.” Together with his friends, the hero mocks the weak Ilenka Grap, although he doesn’t really like it: “At that moment I was not entirely convinced that all this was very funny and cheerful.” But it is important that from each “unworthy” episode Nikolenka learns his lesson, understands why he acted wrong.

Childhood as the purest and most innocent period in life is also depicted by Bunin in the story “Numbers”. Little Zhenechka is the embodiment of spontaneity, naivety, playfulness and mischief: “And with childish gullibility, with an open heart, he rushed to life: quickly, quickly!” He loves his family very much and has immense respect for his uncle, who came from Moscow.

The writer emphasizes that the child is very dependent on adults and is easy to offend or humiliate. But this is the worst crime - small man He is not malicious, but he can remember the pain caused for the rest of his life.

Thus, childhood in the works of Tolstoy and Bunin is depicted as the most important time in the life of every person. It is in childhood, according to these writers, that the character and worldview of an individual are formed. In addition, childhood, in spite of everything, is the happiest - “golden” - time of life, filled with light, the joy of daily discoveries, and purity of the soul.

No one will argue that the most wonderful time in every person’s life is childhood. It is in childhood that we see everything differently, it sincerely seems to us that everything around is clean, bright, and life is filled only with joyful events and bright colors. Of course, not everyone’s childhood is cloudless and so rosy, but the task of each parent is to try to make their child’s childhood exactly like that, despite all life’s troubles, problems and difficulties. Remember one thing, children are not to blame for the problems of adults and there is no point in burdening them with them. Moreover, it is worth remembering that it is in childhood that a person’s character is formed, which will actually help him shape his future life.

For example, the time of childhood and adolescence in many works of famous Russian authors Leo Tolstoy, Ivan Bunin, Maxim Gorky is recognized and described as a very important and responsible period of a person’s life.

After all, never otherwise, and it is precisely during this period of life, in the opinion of these respected Russian writers, that a person’s worldview, his character, and not just character, but moral character, decency and honesty, responsibility and determination are formed.

But no matter what, childhood comes first Golden time daily joys and happy events, which simply should not be overshadowed by adult problems and troubles. Childhood is a golden time, a period when the soul of every person is still completely pure and tender.

Each of these authors has created more than one famous, interesting and even exciting work on the topic of childhood. Each of them tells about childhood in completely different ways, but each of them is surprising and exciting. The heroes of all these works are naturally children who face both joys and even adult problems, but at the same time remain just as pure, childishly naive and unspoiled.

Once you start reading any of the works of each of these authors, you will plunge into a world where childhood truly reigns. It is perhaps worth noting that you should definitely read the story “Childhood” by Leo Tolstoy, which is autobiographical, by Ivan Bunin children's story“Numbers”, well, Maxim Gorky’s story “Childhood” You will undoubtedly like and enjoy each of these works.

Essay on the theme of the Golden time of childhood, grade 7

Childhood is the most beautiful thing in a person's life. At this time, he grows and develops, learns the world and new words, learns to walk and talk. In addition to all this, the child also shapes his character, behavior, and disposition. In childhood, a child can find good and loyal friends who will stay with him for life.

Probably every adult dreams of returning to their childhood at least for a second. Free yourself from responsibilities and daily work. Just run around in the yard with your peers and not think about anything. Experience the first emotions and feelings. Any adult would like to look at the world again with children's happy and curious eyes. After all, childhood is carefree.

Many famous people retained a piece of childhood within us. Your unique mind. Thanks to this, they became real geniuses and fulfilled their childhood dreams.

Great writers and poets have written many stories about childhood. In their stories they showed the soul of a child. All the light that is in it. But there were also stories in which the child experienced grief. And this event taught him to help people more, treat his family with care and do good deeds.

Despite all the joy of a child, he can be vulnerable and vulnerable. Usually this can be the death of one of the parents or a beloved grandmother, betrayal best friend. All these bad events leave a scar on the little heart of a child. But this helps him in the future. To prevent other people from experiencing the same pain, the child will become even kinder and help people. This is how his character is formed.

I believe that childhood is truly a golden time in everyone's life. The brightest and most eventful time of discovery. In childhood, a child’s special worldview, character and individuality are formed. At this time, a special personality is formed, different from everyone else.

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Childhood is the brightest and most joyful time in the life of every person. At least, it should be like this, because in childhood a person’s character is laid, his attitude towards himself and the world around him.
That is why the main characters in many works of Russian writers are children, their psychology, and relationships with people around them. So, L.N. Tolstoy, in his autobiographical story “Childhood,” describes the life of Nikolenka Irtenyev, who grows up in the pages of the work, loves and hates, and receives his first life lessons.
The little hero is surrounded by the love and care of his loved ones - his mother, tutor, nanny. Under their influence, Nikolenka grows up as a kind boy, he is characterized by “a feeling of compassion that used to make me cry bitterly at the sight of a little jackdaw thrown out of the nest or a puppy being carried to be thrown over the fence...”
The hero's life is lessons in class, games with friends, communication with his mother, whom Nikolenka idolizes. However, the boy grows and his life changes. He leaves for Moscow, makes new friends, gets separated and, later, loses his mother.
In the story, Nikolenka makes mistakes, tries to correct them, and draws conclusions. So, he unfairly thinks about the kindest tutor Karl Ivanovich, takes offense at his nanny Natalya Savishna, and comes up with a terrible dream “as if maman had died and they were going to bury her.” Together with his friends, the hero mocks the weak Ilenka Grap, although he doesn’t really like it: “At that moment I was not entirely convinced that all this was very funny and cheerful.” But it is important that from each “unworthy” episode Nikolenka learns his lesson, understands why he acted wrong.
Childhood as the purest and most innocent period in life is also depicted by Bunin in the story “Numbers”. Little Zhenechka is the embodiment of spontaneity, naivety, playfulness and mischief: “And with childish gullibility, with an open heart, he rushed to life: quickly, quickly!” He loves his family very much and has immense respect for his uncle, who came from Moscow.
The writer emphasizes that the child is very dependent on adults and is easy to offend or humiliate. But this is the most terrible crime - a little person is not malicious, but he can remember the pain caused all his life.
The hero of Gorky's story also remembers his childhood grievances, difficult childhood. After the death of his father, Alyosha Peshkov had to endure a lot in his grandfather’s house - endure beatings and injustice, watch the enmity of his uncles, starve and beg. Only the grandmother warmed the boy - gave him her love, warmth, protection.
Akulina Ivanovka taught Alyosha to love people, to be kind and fair. It was the grandmother who revealed God to the boy - not harsh and evil, like the Kashirins, but kind, forgiving, loving. It was the grandmother who “opened” life to the boy, explaining to him everything that was happening around him - in the house and outside it. And this continued until her death. And when the grandmother died, the hero’s childhood also ended - he went “to the people.”
Thus, childhood in the works of Tolstoy, Bunin, Gorky is depicted as the most important time in the life of every person. It is in childhood, according to these writers, that the character and worldview of an individual are formed. In addition, childhood, in spite of everything, is the happiest - “golden” - time of life, filled with light, the joy of daily discoveries, and purity of the soul.

Childhood is the brightest and most joyful time in the life of every person. At least, it should be like this, because in childhood a person’s character is laid, his attitude towards himself and the world around him. That is why the main characters in many works of Russian writers are children, their psychology, and relationships with people around them. Thus, L.N. Tolstoy, in his autobiographical story “Childhood,” describes the life of Nikolenka Irtenyev, who grows up in the pages of the work, loves and hates, and receives the first lessons of life.

Little hero

Surrounded by the love and care of his loved ones - mother, tutor, nanny. Under their influence, Nikolenka grows up as a kind boy, he is characterized by “a feeling of compassion that used to make me cry bitterly at the sight of a little jackdaw thrown out of the nest or a puppy being carried to be thrown over the fence...” The life of a hero is lessons in the classroom, games with friends , communication with her mother, whom Nikolenka idolizes. However, the boy grows and his life changes.

He leaves for Moscow, makes new friends, gets separated and, later, loses his mother. In the story, Nikolenka makes mistakes, tries to correct them, and draws conclusions. So, he unfairly thinks about the kindest tutor Karl Ivanovich, is offended by his nanny Natalya Savishna, and comes up with a terrible dream “as if maman had died and they were going to bury her.” Together with his friends, the hero mocks the weak Ilenka Grap, although he doesn’t really like it: “At that moment I was not entirely convinced that all this was very funny and cheerful.”

But it is important that from each “unworthy” episode Nikolenka learns his lesson, understands why he acted wrong. Childhood as the purest and most innocent period in life is also depicted by Bunin in the story “Numbers”. Little Zhenechka is the embodiment of spontaneity, naivety, playfulness and mischief: “And with childish gullibility, with an open heart, he rushed to life: quickly, quickly!” He loves his family very much and has immense respect for his uncle, who came from Moscow. The writer emphasizes that the child is very dependent on adults and is easy to offend or humiliate. But this is the most terrible crime - a little person is not malicious, but the pain caused can be remembered for the rest of his life.

The hero of Gorky's story also remembers his childhood grievances, difficult childhood. After the death of his father, Alyosha Peshkov had to endure a lot in his grandfather’s house - endure beatings and injustice, watch the enmity of his uncles, starve and beg. Only the grandmother warmed the boy - gave him her love, warmth, protection. Akulina Ivanovka taught Alyosha to love people, to be kind and fair.

It was the grandmother who revealed God to the boy - not harsh and evil, like the Kashirins, but kind, forgiving, loving. It was the grandmother who “opened” life to the boy, explaining to him everything that was happening around him - in the house and outside it. And this continued until her death.

And when the grandmother died, the hero’s childhood also ended - he went “to the people.” Thus, childhood in the works of Tolstoy, Bunin, Gorky is depicted as the most important time in the life of every person. It is in childhood, according to these writers, that the character and worldview of an individual are formed.

In addition, childhood, in spite of everything, is the happiest – “golden” – time of life, filled with light, the joy of daily discoveries, and purity of the soul.

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Childhood is the brightest and most joyful time in the life of every person. At least, it should be like this, because in childhood a person’s character is laid, his attitude towards himself and the world around him.
That is why the main characters in many works of Russian writers are children, their psychology, and relationships with people around them. So, L.N. Tolstoy, in his autobiographical story “Childhood,” describes the life of Nikolenka Irtenyev, who grows up in the pages of the work, loves and hates, and receives his first life lessons.
The little hero is surrounded by the love and care of his loved ones - his mother, tutor, nanny.

Under their influence, Nikolenka grows up as a kind boy, he is characterized by “a feeling of compassion that used to make me cry bitterly at the sight of a little jackdaw thrown out of the nest or a puppy being carried to be thrown over the fence...”
The hero's life is lessons in class, games with friends, communication with his mother, whom Nikolenka idolizes. However, the boy grows and his life changes. He leaves for Moscow, makes new friends, gets separated and, later, loses his mother.
In the story, Nikolenka makes mistakes, tries to correct them, and draws conclusions. So, he unfairly thinks about the kindest tutor Karl Ivanovich, takes offense at his nanny Natalya Savishna, and comes up with a terrible dream “as if maman had died and they were going to bury her.” Together with his friends, the hero mocks the weak Ilenka Grap, although he doesn’t really like it: “At that moment I was not entirely convinced that all this was very funny and cheerful.” But it is important that from each “unworthy” episode Nikolenka learns his lesson, understands why he acted wrong.
Childhood as the purest and most innocent period in life is also depicted by Bunin in the story “Numbers”. Little Zhenechka is the embodiment of spontaneity, naivety, playfulness and mischief: “And with childish gullibility, with an open heart, he rushed to life: quickly, quickly!” He loves his family very much and has immense respect for his uncle, who came from Moscow.
The writer emphasizes that the child is very dependent on adults and is easy to offend or humiliate. But this is the most terrible crime - a little person is not malicious, but he can remember the pain caused all his life.
The hero of Gorky's story also remembers his childhood grievances, difficult childhood. After the death of his father, Alyosha Peshkov had to endure a lot in his grandfather’s house - endure beatings and injustice, watch the enmity of his uncles, starve and beg. Only the grandmother warmed the boy - gave him her love, warmth, protection.
Akulina Ivanovna taught Alyosha to love people, to be kind and fair. It was the grandmother who revealed God to the boy - not harsh and evil, like the Kashirins, but kind, forgiving, loving. It was the grandmother who “opened” life to the boy, explaining to him everything that was happening around him - in the house and outside it. And this continued until her death. And when the grandmother died, the hero’s childhood also ended - he went “to the people.”
Thus, childhood in the works of Tolstoy, Bunin, Gorky is depicted as the most important time in the life of every person. It is in childhood, according to these writers, that the character and worldview of an individual are formed. In addition, childhood, in spite of everything, is the happiest - “golden” - time of life, filled with light, the joy of daily discoveries, and purity of the soul.



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