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Golden age or difficult times. In search of the Russian Golden Age. When was the Russian Golden Age? Was there even one? Basic elements of this era

It was first found in the ancient Greek Poet Hesiod (8th–7th centuries BC) in the poem “Deeds and Days.” As Hesiod writes, there was once a time when people lived without worries, without wars, without suffering. And he calls this time the “golden age”: Once upon a time... ... Dictionary winged words and expressions

Mythological concept that existed in ancient world, about a happy and carefree state primitive humanity. This idea is most clearly expressed in the poem “Works and Days” by Hesiod and in “Metamorphoses” by Ovid. According to Hesiod (Hes... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

Rise, peak, prosperity, best time, heyday, peak, age of astrea Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Golden Age Age of Astrea (outdated book) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Synonym dictionary

GOLDEN AGE Dictionary-reference book for Ancient Greece and Rome, according to mythology

GOLDEN AGE- The Golden Age, along with the Silver, Bronze and Iron, is one of the four periods of human development. This is exactly how the Greek poet Hesiod describes modern times in his poem “Works and Days”, in the form of a sequential alternation of these four eras... ... List of Ancient Greek names

Modern encyclopedia

In the ideas of many ancient peoples, the earliest time of human existence, when people remained forever young, did not know worries and sorrows, were like gods, but were subject to death, which came to them as sweet Dreams(described in Proceedings and... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Golden age- GOLDEN AGE, in the ideas of many ancient peoples, a happy early time of humanity, when people remained forever young, knew no worries, were like gods, but were subject to death, which came to them like a sweet dream. In a figurative sense, time... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

GOLDEN AGE- what [what, whose] The best, carefree period of life, a time of prosperity. This means that what l. time period (P) in the history of the people, country, social group(Y), in the development of civilization, science, culture, which l. activity (Q)… … Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

Golden age- according to the ideas of the ancients, the period when people led happy life without strife, wars and hard work. The legend arose in Hellas during the formation of class society, when the life of some community members worsened: they had to... ... Ancient world. Dictionary-reference book.


  • Golden Age, Aksenov Vasily Ivanovich. The collection of short stories and novellas “The Golden Age” returns the reader to the world of distant Siberian Yalani, already familiar to him from the novels of Vasily Ivanovich Aksenov “Ten Visits to My Beloved”,…
  • The Golden Age, Aksenov V.. The collection of short stories and novellas “The Golden Age” returns the reader to the world of distant Siberian Yalani, already familiar to him from the novels of Vasily Ivanovich Aksenov “Ten Visits to My Beloved”,…

Golden age

according to the ideas of the ancients, a period when people led a happy life - without strife, wars and hard work. The legend arose in Hellas during the formation of class society, when the life of some community members worsened: they had to work for the nobility, experiencing humiliation. As Hesiod tells in the poem “Works and Days” (109 - 201), people “s.v.” created by the gods when Cronus (Kronos) ruled. They knew neither grief, nor worries, nor old age, spending their days at feasts. The land itself bore fruit, and numerous herds grazed on it.

Replaced the “z.v.” The Silver Age endowed people with all sorts of benefits. However, Zeus exterminated people because they did not want to make sacrifices to the gods. Then, according to Hesiod, the Copper Age came: people created copper tools and weapons, they existed through wars and robberies, which destroyed themselves.

After them came a warlike, but fair and noble generation of heroes. They died during the campaign of the seven against Thebes and the Trojan War. Hesiod calls his age an iron one: people are forced to constantly work, grief and worries do not leave them, and life itself has become short. Instead of laws, force rules on earth; shame has disappeared, and humanity is heading towards destruction - Zeus will destroy this generation too.

The legend of "Z.V." was also popular in Roman literature (see, for example, Ovid’s “Metamorphoses”).

Hesiod. Works and days // Hellenic poets in translations by V.V. Veresaeva. M., 1963; Ovid. Metamorphoses / Transl. S. Shervinsky. M., 1977; Trencheni-Waldapfel I. Homer and Hesiod / Trans. from Hungarian M., 1956; Burn A.R. The world of Hesiod. New York, 1966.

(I.A. Lisovy, K.A. Revyako. The ancient world in terms, names and titles: Dictionary-reference book on the history and culture of Ancient Greece and Rome / Scientific editor. A.I. Nemirovsky. - 3rd ed. - Mn: Belarus, 2001)

mythological representation that existed in the ancient world - happy times, when people led a carefree life, not overshadowed by strife, wars and hard forced labor. According to Hesiod, Z.v. reigned on earth when Kronos still ruled in heaven. The lands in those days were abundant, and people lived like gods, knowing neither grief, nor labor, nor old age. They spent their lives in feasts and contentment, and died as if falling asleep. After death, people of this generation turned into good spirits protecting order on earth. The Roman poet Ovid describes the Old Age as follows, apparently borrowing this myth from the Greeks: “The golden age was the first to be sown, which knew no retribution, It itself always observed, without laws, both truth and fidelity, There were no helmets, swords, military exercises Without knowing, Sweet people tasted peace and lived safely. Also, free from tribute, not touched by a sharp hoe, not wounded by a plow, the land itself brought them everything... It was spring forever; pleasant with its cool breath, the ether tenderly basks in the flowers that have never been sown. Moreover, the land brought crops without plowing; Without resting, the fields were golden in heavy ears, Rivers of milk flowed, rivers of nectar flowed, Golden honey dripped, oozing from the green oak...” For the West. followed in order of deterioration by the Silver, Copper and, finally, the Iron Age, the most difficult of all. Ideas about Z.v. existed in many mythologies - Scandinavian, Chinese, Egyptian, Babylonian, Aztec, etc. In Christian mythology they were reflected in the form of the life of the ancestors of mankind in Eden.

(Mythological Dictionary / G.V. Shcheglov, V.Archer - M.: ACT: Astrel: Transitbook, 2006)

The Golden Age, along with the Silver, Bronze and Iron, is one of the four periods of human development. This is precisely how the Greek poet Hesiod in his poem “Works and Days” describes his contemporary views on the origins of man and the change of centuries, in the form of a sequential alternation of these four eras. However, Hesiod makes some addition - between the Copper and Iron Ages he places the age of heroic demigods. It was then, in his opinion, that the heroes of Homer and other characters lived ancient greek mythology. His own life, full of labor and hardship, fell on anxious, joyless times, called by Hesiod the Iron Age. Life in the golden age was peaceful and idyllic (see). God Kronos ruled justly and generously in heaven; people remained forever young and happy. Horace, Virgil in the Georgics and Ovid in the Metamorphoses turned their gaze to the golden age; all classic literature permeates a nostalgic attitude towards a happy past. Hopes for changes for the better were reflected in Virgil's sixth eclogue, inspired by the predictions of the prophetess Sibyl, according to which the world circle of life represents a change of periods, circles correlated with ten months and under the protection of certain deities. By the time the eclogue was written, the circle of Diana (the Iron Age) was ending and a new circle was beginning - that of Apollo, in which the return of the golden age was expected. We find the same theme in Shelley's poems:

A great age is returning to the world,

The golden years are coming...

Ancient world. Dictionary-reference book. EdwART. 2011.


See what “Golden Age” is in other dictionaries:

    Golden age- First found in the ancient Greek Poet Hesiod (VIII-VII centuries BC) in the poem “Deeds and Days.” As Hesiod writes, there was once a time when people lived without worries, without wars, without suffering. And he calls this time the “golden age”: Once upon a time... ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    GOLDEN AGE- a mythological idea that existed in the ancient world about the happy and carefree state of primitive humanity. This idea is most clearly expressed in the poem “Works and Days” by Hesiod and in “Metamorphoses” by Ovid. According to Hesiod (Hes... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

    golden age- rise, peak, prosperity, best time, heyday, peak, age of astrea Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Golden Age Age of Astrea (outdated book) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Synonym dictionary

    GOLDEN AGE Dictionary-reference book on Ancient Greece and Rome, on mythology

    GOLDEN AGE- The Golden Age, along with the Silver, Bronze and Iron, is one of the four periods of human development. This is exactly how the Greek poet Hesiod describes modern times in his poem “Works and Days”, in the form of a sequential alternation of these four eras... ... List of Ancient Greek names

    GOLDEN AGE Modern encyclopedia

    GOLDEN AGE- in the ideas of many ancient peoples, the earliest time of human existence, when people remained forever young, did not know worries and sorrows, were like gods, but were subject to death, which came to them like a sweet dream (described in Works and ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Golden age- GOLDEN AGE, in the ideas of many ancient peoples, a happy early time of humanity, when people remained forever young, knew no worries, were like gods, but were subject to death, which came to them like a sweet dream. In a figurative sense, time... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

By encoding his predictions in poetic quatrains, Michel Nostradamus provided researchers with the opportunity for a variety of interpretations. The reasons for the general interest in the French astrologer, doctor and alchemist, who lived in the 16th century, are understandable, because many of his prophecies came true. The personality and predictions of Nostradamus excite minds modern researchers. However, this interest will not fade away in the future.

Nostradamus was the son of baptized Jews. He comes from a wealthy family where education was valued. Having trained as a doctor, the future predictor took part in the fight against the plague epidemic, which literally decimated the population of medieval France. Later he received the position of court astrologer and alchemist.

The life of this extraordinary man was, on the whole, quite successful. Thanks to his scientific research, broad outlook and education, Michel Nostradamus was respected in society. He was a respectable father of the family. But history has preserved his name thanks to poetic quatrains in which the astrologer spoke about what would happen in the future.

The author himself left an explanation of why he encrypted his prophecies. According to Nostradamus, the information he presented was simply not intended for his contemporaries. He left a message to distant descendants, predicting that his quatrains would only be understood many centuries later, when their entire secret meaning was revealed.

No one doubts the prophetic gift of Michel Nostradamus, because the astrologer who lived in the 16th century foresaw the emergence of chemical and biological weapons, atomic bomb, submarine, various machines and mechanisms.

Due to the great popularity of the French soothsayer, some interpreters use his name to substantiate their own point of view on various events. Some of them even “catch the ears” of certain quatrains, scaring people. So, in 2012, many such specialists shouted about the impending end of the world, although this did not happen.

Surprisingly, there are a huge number of prophecies from the most different sources, which indicate the special situation of the time in which we live. And although predictions are sometimes not entirely reliable, they can still be taken as “food for thought”...


Let's start with the most “popular” prophet - Michel Nostradamus. In their acclaimed book “Nostradamus Deciphered,” Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima seem to have correctly identified the keys to the encrypted chronology of his prophecies. And what is their main conclusion? After a series of wars and upheavals, a Golden Age should be established on Earth, around 2035. This will be associated with the return to this world of some ancient spiritual teaching, forgotten by people.

The events in Iraq are mentioned by Nostradamus with disconcerting clarity:

“The left warlike hand will point to Mesopotamia (the territory of Iraq) ...” (9.76).

“Five and forty degrees the sky will burn. The fire will approach from the great new city...” (6.97).

(At forty-fifth degree east longitude is Baghdad, the “new city” - of course, New York)

Here's a little about what awaits us when all the worries are over:

“After this, the Golden Age will begin. There will be peace between God and people. Spiritual power will regain the highest powers" (From the "Epistle to Henry").

There will appear “a new sect of philosophers, Despising death, gold, honors, riches, Will not be limited to their native mountains, In them followers will receive support and unity” (3.67).


Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, who became known throughout the world as the blind woman Vanga, more than once amazed her contemporaries with surprisingly accurate predictions. Grandma Vanga sometimes uttered amazing prophecies concerning the future of all humanity. What is most surprising is that the war in Iraq and ancient teachings were also mentioned there. So, one day she said: “Soon the most ancient teaching will come to the world. People ask me: “Will this time come soon?” No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet! (Syria is very close to Iraq, in addition, Vanga spoke indistinctly and perhaps because she said “Assyria”. This ancient state was located exactly on the territory of modern Iraq.)

And here are some more prophecies of grandmother Vanga: “The earth is entering a new period of time, which can be called the time of virtues... The future belongs to good people, they will live in a wonderful world, which is difficult for us to imagine now... All hidden gold will come to the surface , but the water will disappear. It's predetermined. (By “gold” here we mean true wisdom.) ... The most ancient teaching will return to the world. There is an ancient Indian teaching. It will spread throughout the world. New books will be published about him, and they will be read everywhere on Earth.”

Bible prophecies

Among all the books of the Bible, there are two that contain prophecies addressed to our day. This is the “Book of the Prophet Daniel” (“ Old Testament") and "Apocalypse (Revelation)" by John the Theologian ("New Testament").

The prophet Daniel speaks of the time when “The kingdom and power and royal majesty in all the heavenly places will be given to the people of the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will serve and obey Him” (Dan. 7.27).

John the Theologian says: “He will dwell with them; they will be His people, and God himself with them will be their God” (John 21.3). And Satan will be “bound for a thousand years, so that he no longer deceives the nations.”

The same Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, who deciphered the chronologies of Nostradamus, seem to have found the right key to the time calculations given by Daniel and John the Theologian. And, surprisingly, the “end of times,” or the beginning of a new time, according to the prophecies of both books, falls in 2038, almost next to the date indicated by Nostradamus.

Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe

Hasidism is a movement in Judaism that emerged in the eighteenth century. Hasidim practice joyful glorification of God through singing and dancing (very reminiscent of the sankirtana movement founded by Sri Chaitanya in sixteenth-century Bengal). The leader of Hasidim around the world is the Lubavitcher Rebbe, teacher and spiritual mentor. The seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe was Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994), who achieved enormous success in the revival of Judaism after World War II. In the last years of his life, he constantly talked about the imminent arrival of Moshiach (the Messiah, who should bring spiritual liberation to all humanity). For example, in the spring of 1991: “Live now in the New Age. Study it. Talk about him. Look carefully at every detail of our world and imagine what it will be like during these times. Be here. Not only hasten his arrival, but also prepare to receive his goodness.”

Dead Sea Scrolls

In the winter of 1947, three Bedouin shepherds were discovered in the Qumran caves on the shore Dead Sea ancient scrolls hidden there by the Essenes sect back in 68 BC. These scrolls contained many predictions, some of which have already come true.

French linguist Felix Bonjean was one of the scholars allowed to access these scrolls. He claims that they say the following: “From 2025, happy centuries will begin for people without economic crises, poverty, wars until 11191.”

Helena Roerich

Elena Ivanovna and Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich wrote a lot and talked about what would soon come on earth new era, an era of higher consciousness. The secret knowledge of the ancient sages will be revealed to people. This will be preceded by a period of great upheaval.

In one of her last letters (February 18, 1955), Helena Roerich writes about the unfavorable events that will occur at the end of the twentieth - beginning of the twenty-first century: “Events will develop unexpectedly... A terrible time will sweep by like a cleansing whirlwind. The difficulty is that many still do not understand the reason and meaning of what is happening on the planet... There will be no world war - only some clashes.”


What do the Vedic scriptures say about this? The Vedas are the most ancient and at the same time the most complete sacred scriptures on Earth. They contain amazingly accurate and comprehensive information about the structure of the Universe, about time cycles, about the past and the future. Among other things, in the Vedas one can find predictions of the coming of Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mohammed and even Queen of England Victoria...

The Vedas describe in detail a cycle of four eras that constantly repeat on Earth (and throughout the Universe): the Golden Age (Satya Yuga), silver Age(Treta Yuga), Bronze Age (Dvapara Yuga) and Iron Age (Kali Yuga). You and I have the pleasure of living in the Iron Age. It began approximately 5 thousand years ago (this is exactly the time when the main events described in the Bible begin to unfold) and will last another 427 thousand years. However, this Iron Age is unusual (this happens only once every 8 million 640 thousand years). 5 thousand years after its beginning (just now!) the inclusion of Satya Yuga - the small Golden Age - should begin.

In the Brahma-vaivarta-purana, the Supreme Lord Krishna ("Krishna" in Sanskrit means "All-attractive") says that 5 thousand years after the beginning of Kali-yuga, His great devotee will appear in this world and spread the chanting of the holy names of God everywhere: “Not only in India, but all over the earth people will chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Thanks to this, the whole world will become one. It will consist of devotees of the Supreme Lord. And since the devotees of the Lord are very pure, anyone who comes into contact with them will be purified from the reactions of his sins. This era will last 10 thousand years.”

Srila Prabhupada, who founded the International Society for Krishna Consciousness in New York in 1966 to spread Vedic knowledge throughout the world, often spoke of how we are on the threshold of a Golden Age that will last 10,000 years. Here are excerpts from his conversation with Allen Ginsberg, the famous American poet and composer of the time, held in May 1969:

Ginsberg: Do you think there will be more or less people chanting the Hare Krishna mantra?

Prabhupāda: More, of course more. Now their number will grow. People will enjoy this opportunity for ten thousand years.

Ginsberg: And then?

Prabhupāda: And then gradually they will stop doing this.

Ginsberg: So this is last hope, last breath of air?

Prabhupāda (laughs): Yes. Therefore, the sooner we take the path of Krishna consciousness, the better.

Here are the words spoken in a conversation with Dr. Arnold Toynbee in July 1973:
“This Movement will grow. For ten thousand years, the Krishna Consciousness Movement will grow and expand: this is predicted in scriptures. But for ten thousand years, everyone will have the opportunity to become Krsna conscious and thus achieve the goal human life. And when these ten thousand years are over, the dark days of Kali Yuga will begin. But there is time. Ten thousand years is a long time.”



Violetta Basha, weekly magazine "My Family", No. 53, 2001

According to the prophecy of Saint Seraphim,
starting in 2003, Russia will experience revival and great glory.
The newest transcripts of Nostradamus' predictions have given astonishing
2002 will be a decisive year for us,
after which Russia will begin its rapid entry into the Golden Age.
The biblical prophets also point to the approach of the Golden Age.

End of the world? Can't wait!

December 14, 1503 in the French town of Saint-Rémy,
that in Provence, Michel de Notre Dame (Nostradamus) was born,
predictor of future events
world history. However, the prophecies of Nostradamus are encrypted.
Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima found a mathematical key to deciphering prophecies
and got sensational results. Nostradamus points to three dates:
1999, 2002 and 2035. The most famous of all prophecies
gave a reason to lovers thrills talk about the imminent “end of the world”:

Year 1999 seven months,
A certain great King of Terror will appear from heaven:
Restore the great King from Angolmois,
Before and after Mars, rule with happiness.
However, in the new transcript the translation looks different:
In the year 1999 and 7 months - a new harvest,
Some great King will appear from heaven
hastening, striking, frightening:
Restore great essence from the Updated News,
Then he anticipated the War in order to reign for good fortune.

Perhaps we are talking about World War III?

We do not call for unambiguously linking this quatrain with the purpose
for the post of Prime Minister of the current President of Russia, however, we recall
that this event happened at the end of the summer of 1999.

The Golden Age will come in 2035

What does Nostradamus’ phrase “before and after Mars” mean?
In astronomy cycle full circulation Mars is 36 years old.
If we subtract 36 years from 1999, we get 1963.
The Cuban Missile Crisis, which characterized the peak of " cold war" had to
for 1962, and in 1964 the first “thaw” ended in the USSR.
1963 is in the middle. The end of the “Mars cycle”
falls on 2035, after which, according to
Nostradamus, it will come: “what will be will never
was so beautiful... the second age of Saturn - the Golden Age.

The Creator will see the torment of his people and say:
Satan must be captured. Then peace will be concluded between God and people.
Ahead is the Coming of the Messiah and the beginning New Era. Before that there will be
great troubles, but after that Justice and Goodness will reign on Earth.”
Nostradamus speaks of the Coming of the Messiah. What does this mean?

The beginning of the Era, about which the biblical books speak of “The Kingdom of God on Earth.”
Nostradamus gives the key using the Phoenician tables, using which,
we find that in 2002 the prerequisites will be laid for the first time
the onset of the Golden Age, which will mature for exactly 33 years -
the time between the Birth of Christ and the Resurrection (2002+ 33 gives the year 2035).

Nostradamus' prediction coincides with biblical prophecies

The Bible mentions the Second Coming and indicates that
when this might happen. The Second Coming means
a change of eras when, according to the evangelists,
the global “Babylon” will be replaced by a new era of justice
and humanity,
and the Testament of Christ will be embodied on Earth.

In its most condensed form, it comes down to the formula:
"Love thy neighbour".
The Apostle Paul says: “The whole law is contained in one word:
love your neighbor as yourself.”
And the Apostle John says that “God is love.”
The prophecy of the Second Coming indicates the essence of this event:
Christ sowed the seeds of love, and one day the time will come,
When should these seeds sprout? When will this time come?
Remember the resurrection of Christ on the third day?
Evangelists call the time - at the beginning of the third day
After his execution, Jesus began his ascent to heaven.
And in the Acts of the Apostles you can find such a detail.
As the apostles watched the ascension of Christ,
The angel said to them: “This Jesus will come in the same way,
just as you saw Him ascending into heaven.”
That is, information is given about the Second Coming and its time.

What three days? we're talking about? Apostle Peter,
speaking about the Second Coming, he clarifies the timing:
“Where is the promise of His Coming? One thing should not be hidden from you,
that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”
Thus, according to the Bible, the germs of the Golden Age
we will see already at the beginning of the third millennium.

Great glory awaits Russia

The Age of Aquarius is coming, which will be the Era of the Golden Age of Russia.
After all, Russia is under the patronage of Aquarius.
That the age of power and glory of Russia is coming,
Orthodox saints knew.
Seraphim of Sarov predicted the execution in the mid-18th century royal family, revolution in Russia and hard time after her,
indicated the year the revival of Russia began - 2003,
when Russia, having overcome hard times, begins to revive:

“The Lord will lead her to great glory through suffering.
Will miraculously collect what was broken into pieces Russian ship,
and he will go under full sail along the path God has destined for him.”

But this will happen after nationwide repentance.
Andrew the First-Called will help us on this path,
the first and favorite disciple of Christ, appointed to be the patron saint of Russia.
His sign is Aquarius, like the symbol of Russia.
So it is in the coming Age of Aquarius that a great destiny awaits Russia,
and 2002 will be decisive on the way to this.



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