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Orange oil - benefits, harm and use in cosmetology. The magical benefits of orange oil for the face How to use orange essential oil

In the article we talk about orange oil - its beneficial properties and use in cosmetology. You will learn how to use orange essential oil to defeat stretch marks and cellulite, eliminate acne and improve the condition of your skin and hair. We will tell you whether orange oil can be used by pregnant women, what restrictions exist on its use, and what reviews the natural remedy has received.

Chemical composition of orange oil

The rich composition determines the beneficial properties of orange essential oil. Its base is D-limonene. This powerful hydrocarbon effectively fights free radicals, stabilizing the circulatory system, thinning the blood and strengthening small capillaries.

The second important element in the chemical composition of orange oil is myrcene. It prevents the development of intestinal infections and strengthens the immune system.

In addition, the natural product contains:

  • ethyl, amyl and phenylethyl alcohols - help prevent inflammatory processes;
  • vitamin A – improves metabolism and rejuvenates cells;
  • phytoncides – have an antiseptic effect;
  • vitamin C – improves the functioning of the immune system;
  • B vitamins – have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Types of Orange Oil

The most valuable oil is obtained from the peels of oranges collected in Spain and New Guinea. During production, not only fruits are used, but also leaves (petitgrain oil is made from them), as well as buds (neroli oil).

The oil is obtained by pressing from sweet and bitter varieties of orange, so the final product differs in aroma and taste. Bitter orange oil has a more refined aroma. Sweet citrus oil has a warm yellow color and a sweet aroma.

Sweet orange oil is considered an excellent antidepressant that helps improve mood. If you need to relieve stress, then bitter orange oil relieves emotional stress and groundless fears.

Uses of orange oil

Orange essential oil has a calming, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antiseptic, immunostimulating and relaxing effect on the body.

When taken orally, it reduces pain and relieves spasms, including during menstruation, eliminates neurological disorders, headaches, and muscle cramps. Helps quickly restore the body after illness. Gargling with orange oil treats diseases of the teeth and gums (stomatitis, periodontal disease), colds, and bronchitis.

During high physical activity, orange oil relieves stress. Doctors advise athletes and those who work at a computer for a long time to take it to relax the eye muscles and maintain visual acuity.

Improves orange essential oil and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • restores the microflora of the stomach;
  • stimulates intestinal motility;
  • removes toxins;
  • prevents the absorption of harmful substances;
  • increases appetite;
  • prevents the formation of gallstones;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • relieves the condition after poisoning.

Doctors include orange oil as part of complex therapy in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases to cleanse the blood and normalize blood pressure.

Oil is widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

For face

Orange oil is beneficial for any skin type. It stimulates collagen production, restoring elasticity, firmness and healthy color to the skin.

In addition, essential orange squeeze:

  • inhibits aging and early withering of the skin;
  • removes toxins;
  • softens and moisturizes dry skin;
  • relaxes muscles and reduces facial wrinkles;
  • tones and tightens the facial contour;
  • promotes cell renewal;
  • lightens pigment spots and evens out skin tone;
  • strengthens blood vessels and prevents the appearance of capillary mesh;
  • cures herpes.

Recipe for a nourishing face mask with orange oil


  1. Orange oil – 3 drops.
  2. Avocado oil – 8 ml.

How to cook: Mix orange and avocado oils until smooth.

How to use: Apply the mask to your face with light massaging movements, avoiding the areas around the eyes. Leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Result: The mask perfectly nourishes and restores facial skin, increasing its elasticity and reducing the number of wrinkles.

For hair

The product helps:

  • moisturize the skin and reduce dandruff;
  • stop hair loss;
  • give hair strength, make it silky and smooth;
  • stimulate hair growth and increase its volume.

Recipe for strengthening orange mask with lemon for hair


  1. Orange essential oil – 5 drops.
  2. Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp.
  3. Lemon juice – 1 tsp.
  4. Cognac – 1 tsp.

How to cook: Add orange juice, lemon juice and alcohol to vegetable oil heated to 37 degrees. Stir until smooth.

How to use: Rub the composition into the scalp with light massage movements, and then distribute over the entire length. Put on a plastic cap and cover your head with a towel. After 35 minutes, rinse with warm water, wash your hair with shampoo and let your hair dry naturally (no blow-drying).

Result: The mask strengthens hair follicles well, reduces hair loss and restores brittle strands.

If you don’t have time to make hair masks, then regularly comb your hair with a comb, soaking it in a small amount of orange oil, or add a herbal product to shampoo (3 drops of oil per 10 grams).

For cellulite

Orange essential oil helps normalize the water-lipid balance to successfully combat overweight and obesity. Its anti-cellulite properties have proven themselves well, in which blood circulation is increased, lymph flow is accelerated, and the epidermis is softened.

Recipe for a mask with orange oil and grapefruit against cellulite


  1. Hazelnut oil – 50 ml.
  2. Jojoba oil – 50 ml.
  3. Cypress oil – 10 drops.
  4. Grapefruit juice – 8 drops.
  5. Cedar oil – 7 drops.
  6. Orange oil – 5 drops.
  7. Lime and lemon juice - 5 drops each.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients until smooth.

How to use: Apply to problem areas and massage them with a hard washcloth for 10 minutes. Rinse off the product with water. Take a contrast shower.

Result: The mask improves blood circulation and circulation of nutrients, smoothing the surface of the skin. Well suited for the prevention of cellulite.

For stretch marks

Orange oil is an effective remedy for eliminating stretch marks.

Rub a few tablespoons of the product with massage movements into the appearing stretch marks for 15 minutes a day, and within a few weeks you will notice the result - the stretch marks will become paler and smaller.

To prevent stretch marks, take orange baths.

For acne

Stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, narrow and cleanse pores - orange essential oil can do all this.

It is no coincidence that it is used as an effective anti-inflammatory agent for problematic skin, which helps draw out pus and dirt from the pores and prevent the appearance of pimples, blackheads or comedones.

High regenerating properties quickly eliminate traces left from acne.

A pleasant aroma, beneficial effects on the skin and high relaxing properties make orange oil indispensable for spa treatments.


Taking an orange oil bath doesn't just provide nutrients to your skin. Penetrating through the pores into the lymphatic system, the product normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, reduces blood pressure, soothes muscles and relieves spasms.

An orange hot or cool bath with 3-5 drops of oil relaxes, eliminates stress and helps to withstand viral epidemics. In addition, the oil whitens the skin, so adding it to water is useful for people with age spots and freckles.


Oil massage is prescribed for inflammation of muscle tissue, osteochondrosis, breathing and circulatory disorders, diseases of the nervous system, and cellulite.

Add 1-2 drops of oil to 10 ml of base cream (to combat “orange peel” – 5 drops), then actively rub into sore joints or chest skin.


Wraps are a popular cosmetic procedure. They can be ordered at spas or done at home to calm your nerves and invigorate at the same time.

To wrap, 10 drops of orange oil are dissolved in water and then soaked in the mixture on the sheet. Then the sheet is wrapped tightly around the body for 3 minutes.

Aromatherapy with orange oil

Aromatherapy and inhalations with orange oil are recommended during periods of intense mental and physical activity. The evaporation, penetrating into the brain along with the breath, stimulates performance and improves attention, which is why orange aromatherapy is ideal during exam periods.

In addition, aromatherapy using orange essential oil:

  • eliminates nervous excitement;
  • improves sleep quality and prevents insomnia;
  • Boosts immunity and prevents the spread of viral infections.

To achieve the effect, pour oil into the aroma lamp at the rate of 8 drops per 15 square meters of room. Repeat the session no more than three times a day, maintaining a duration of 10-15 minutes. Do not apply deodorants and perfumes to your body so that their aroma does not interfere with the citrus ester.

Orange oil for pregnant women

Orange essential oil during pregnancy eliminates sleep disturbances, relaxes and restores mental balance, and reduces the number of stretch marks.

You can use the tool in the following ways:

  • add to the bath to relax, nourish the skin and increase immunity (procedure time no more than 10 minutes);
  • do foot baths to relieve fatigue, eliminate swelling and prevent varicose veins;
  • refill an aroma lamp (no more than 4 drops per 15 sq.m.) and do inhalations during seasonal flu epidemics;
  • carry out massage procedures to prevent stretch marks;
  • apply compresses to the forehead to reduce headaches and migraines.

Allergy to orange oil

Both the citrus itself and the oil made from it can cause an allergic reaction.

Therefore, before using the product, test it by dropping a few drops on the bend of your elbow. If after 30 minutes you do not see redness and do not feel a strong burning or tingling sensation on the skin, then you can safely use the product.

Contraindications and restrictions

During pregnancy, orange essential oil should not be taken orally or used in its pure form, and before applying to the skin and performing massages, wraps and other spa treatments, consultation with the supervising physician is required.

Since orange oil lowers blood pressure, doctors do not recommend baths with it for hypotensive patients.

You need to carry out procedures with orange oil before going to bed or on days when you are not planning to go outside. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, essential oil will produce toxins that will lead to skin burns.

Orange oil - reviews

Anastasia, 28 years old

Of all the citrus oils, orange is my favorite. I buy from bitter fruits. I tried some sweet ones, but still settled on the bitter ones. I apply oil with a comb to my hair for thickness and volume, take a bath once a week to relieve accumulated fatigue, and also do a home wrap - it’s so simple, and the skin after it is velvety and moisturized.

Alexandra, 32 years old

Who would have thought that a product like orange oil would help me quickly heal a sprain after a workout. By the way, it was recommended by a sports doctor. I was surprised that after applying it several times, the pain began to subside, the swelling noticeably subsided, and I was able to stand on my leg. I recommend it to all athletes, because they say that baths with this oil also relax muscles perfectly.

Elena, 42 years old

Orange oil helped my teenage daughter completely eliminate acne. I’m glad that we used the folk remedy in time, before she developed an inferiority complex. They didn’t dare to apply it in its pure form, but they added it to antibacterial lotions, which previously did little to help. We are very pleased with the effect!

What to remember

  1. Essential oil is used to treat cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, oral cavity, and in case of malfunctions of the nervous system.
  2. In cosmetology, orange oil is used for massage, aromatherapy and body wraps. It is recommended to be added to baths and used to restore hair, face and body skin.
  3. In addition to allergies to oranges, there are a number of restrictions on the use of oil. The main thing is that you should not apply orange oil to your skin before going out into sunlight.

Orange oil is obtained by distillation or cold pressing from the peels of two types of oranges - Chinese sweet and bitter oranges, or bitter oranges. Bitter orange has a more subtle aroma, which is why it is widely used in perfumery. Bitter orange is a supplier for two more types of ester - neroli is obtained from orange flowers, and petitgrain is obtained from its leaves.

Neroli - bitter orange flower, is one of the most valuable and expensive oils. The high cost is associated with the production method - to obtain 1 kg. 850 kg of oil needs to be processed. fresh, hand-picked flowers. Flower pickers work according to special rules - they collect flowers in thick fabric, early in the morning, on a warm and sunny day.

The most common oil on sale is sweet orange, but in general bitter orange has similar properties.

Essential oil is produced in the USA, Morocco, Brazil and the Mediterranean. It has a pleasant citrus aroma and yellow-orange color. Despite the fact that, due to the simplicity and low cost of production, it is extremely rarely counterfeited, it does not hurt to know what properties allow you to recognize a quality product:

  • real ether should be packaged in a dark glass bottle;
  • when it gets on a napkin or sheet of paper, the real ether oil will evaporate without leaving a greasy residue.

Some companies from the USA and Brazil combine the production of essential oil and orange juice - the inclusion of pulp in the raw materials for essential oil does not have the best effect on its quality.

How to make your own orange oil:

Orange essential oil contains:

  • D-limonene (90%) - natural fragrance, powerful antioxidant, disinfectant and skin brightening agent;
  • phytoncides - thanks to them, it has excellent antiseptic properties;
  • vitamin A - activates metabolic processes, rejuvenates skin cells, helps smooth out wrinkles, improves the condition of nails and hair;
  • vitamin C - strengthens the immune system;
  • B vitamins - improve memory, activate metabolism, and are responsible for the production of serotonin, which ensures good mood, appetite and sound sleep.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • wide range of applications (medicine, cosmetology, aromatherapy and even cooking)
  • availability and low price in comparison with other essential oils, which is explained by the low cost of production;
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • pleasant, non-irritating smell.


  • not recommended for use in case of individual intolerance or allergy to citrus fruits;
  • as with other esters, it is important to strictly follow the dosage, otherwise you may get burned;
  • when taken orally, be prepared for an increase in appetite.

Basic properties:

  • moisturizes, tones and cleanses;
  • stimulates lymph flow, reduces tumors and swelling;
  • eliminates cellulite and stretch marks;
  • improves the condition of nails, promotes the growth of new cells and prevents the appearance of fine wrinkles;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • fights bleeding and inflammation of gums, stomatitis;
  • increases immunity;
  • relieves fatigue, improves mood, helps to relax.

Properties of orange:

Application in cosmetology

For acne.

Like all citrus oils, orange is an excellent fighter against skin inflammation, blackheads and enlarged pores, pimples, as well as scars and blemishes left behind.

Do not use pure oil - dilute it with base oil (jojoba oil, grape seed oil, wheat germ oil, etc.). For severe skin lesions, you can precisely apply pure oil to inflamed pimples using a cotton swab, avoiding contact with the skin so as not to get burned.

Recipe No. 1. At 20-30 gr. base dissolve 5-7 drops of orange. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator and apply to the skin several times a day. You can enhance the properties of orange oil by mixing it with any of the following: lavender, rosemary, lemon, mint, bergamot, cloves or eucalyptus, but not exceeding a total concentration of 7 drops, otherwise you risk getting a burn. Knowing the main characteristics of esters, you can add new properties to the mixture - for example, by mixing orange, rose and ylang-ylang, you will get a remedy for wrinkles.

Recipe No. 2. Antiseptic mask with white clay. Mix lemon juice with white clay and 3-5 drops. orange oil, apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. By experimenting with different types of clay, you can create masks for different skin types: a mask with yellow clay is suitable for oily skin, with green clay - for problem skin, with red clay - for dry and sensitive skin, with pink clay - for mature and aging skin skin and wrinkles.

For dry skin. Orange oil for the face is a godsend! Its properties are such that with regular use, dry skin softens, complexion improves, and due to stimulation of collagen production, the growth of wrinkles stops.

Recipe No. 1. Oil mask. To the mixture of jojoba, walnut and avocado (10 ml each), add orange, rose and geranium (2 drops each). Apply to face, leave for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Recipe No. 2. Banana mask. To make a mask, mash the pulp of a medium banana, add 5 drops of orange essential oil to it and immediately apply to your face. This mask is good for mature skin - it helps smooth out fine wrinkles.

For hair loss.
Using orange oil for hair will in any case have a positive effect on its condition - dandruff is guaranteed to disappear, hair will exude a delicate citrus aroma, and if you have problems with hair loss, orange oil for hair can be a real salvation.

Recipe No. 1."Orange Combing" Orange essential oil for hair can be used in the simplest way. Apply it to a comb (preferably a wide-toothed comb) and comb your hair as usual, without missing a single strand.

Recipe No. 2. Orange oil for hair with burdock oil. Mix 3 tbsp. with esters of pine, orange, and chamomile (2 drops each). Apply to hair, leave for 30-40 minutes. (no longer, so as not to get burned), then rinse your hair with regular shampoo. Make a mask once a week for two months.

From stretch marks. Thanks to its properties to penetrate deep into the skin, relieve puffiness and promote the production of new cells, orange ether, if it does not eliminate stretch marks completely, will definitely make them almost invisible and prevent the appearance of new stretch marks - you just need to be patient and persistent.

Recipe No. 1. Massage mixture for stretch marks. K 100 ml. Jojoba oil add 10 drops each of orange, rosemary, lemon and jasmine, as well as 20 drops of lavender. Stir the mixture, place in a closed container and place in a dark place for a day. Massage with this mixture for stretch marks several times a week for 3 months. This mixture can also be used for wrapping.

Recipe No. 2. Orange scrub for stretch marks. Pour boiling water over 100 g of finely ground coffee until it becomes a thick paste, let it brew for 15 minutes, then add 1 tbsp. olive oil and 8 drops of orange and stir. Rub the stretch mark scrub into your skin several times a week for 10 minutes. A contrast shower while washing off the scrub will enhance the effect against stretch marks.

For cellulite. Anti-cellulite oil is a proven recipe that has received excellent reviews from use at home, but do not forget that the fight must be waged on all fronts, so proper nutrition and exercise are a must!

Application of cellulite oil:

Recipe No. 1.
Anti-cellulite wrap. Mix 2 tbsp. honey and 5 drops of orange oil, apply to the skin and massage for 5 minutes, then wrap in cling film and a warm blanket on top and lie down for 20 minutes. Do not exceed the prescribed wrapping time, otherwise you risk getting burned!

Recipe No. 2. Anti-cellulite bath. Mix 5 drops of orange oil with a handful of sea salt and dissolve the mixture in a bath of warm water. Do not heat the water above 40% - essential oils lose their properties in hot water. The bath is taken for 15-20 minutes. After some time, a “tingling” sensation will begin in the problem areas, which means that the mixture has begun to act.

For the best effect, alternate anti-cellulite baths and wraps to avoid getting burned.

Do not add orange ether to purchased cosmetics - the interaction of natural and chemical components can negatively affect your skin!

For nails. Orange oil for nails can be used in different ways - baths, compresses, rubbing. They strengthen the nail platinum, prevent nail splitting, whiten, eliminate nail brittleness, and remove.

Recipe No. 1. Baths to strengthen nails. Mix 2-3 drops of orange with a teaspoon of base or emulsifier (honey, salt, milk), dilute with warm water and soak your hands in the bath for 10-15 minutes.

Recipe No. 2. The easiest way to strengthen nails is to rub a mixture of base and 2-3 drops of orange into the nail plate and the skin near the nails until completely absorbed.

Emotional impact

  • powerful antidepressant;
  • an aphrodisiac, conducive to communication and enhances charm;
  • balances emotions;
  • increases performance;

You can experience the effect of aromatic orange on your state of mind both by specifically inhaling the air in a scented room, and during all cosmetic and therapeutic procedures at home using it.


You can use the properties of compatibility (complementarity) with other esters when preparing mixtures for aroma lamps and aromatic baths.

The esters of both sweet and bitter orange combine well with the esters of cypress, jasmine, cinnamon, coriander, frankincense, lavender, nutmeg, geranium, rosewood, rose, as well as with related oils - neroli and petitgrain.


Application for aroma lamp: 3-5 drops.

  • Bath Application: 5 drops per 2 tbsp. emulsifier (sea salt, milk, honey);
  • Application for massage: 5-7 drops per 20-30 g. vehicle (in recipes with base oil, clay, etc.);
  • Application in sauna and bath: Apply 5-7 drops to doors and walls;
  • Application for inhalation: 1-3 drops per 1 liter. water (for sore throat, bronchitis and viral diseases)
  • Application for rinsing: 1 drop per glass of water (for the prevention of periodontal disease and stomatitis)
  • Application for preparing drinks: 3 drops per glass of juice (to improve digestion and stimulate metabolism)
  • Application for preparing cream for cakes: 4 drops per 1 kg. cream (natural flavor)
The antiseptic properties of orange can be used in another way - add a few drops to water for washing floors. We guarantee that the delightful sunny aroma and joy of “natural” cleaning will soon displace all chemical products from your home.

Precautionary measures

1. Before use, you need to do a test for individual intolerance - mix 1 drop of orange oil with half a teaspoon of base and apply to the elbow. If after 12 hours there are no changes on the skin, you can safely use it. If you pinch, you can get burned.

2. Contraindications for the use of orange ether are pregnancy, epilepsy, hypotension, photosensitivity.

3. Do not apply to skin before going out into the sun, otherwise you risk getting burned.

Homemade orange essential oil.

Orange oil, which has all the properties of store-bought oil, is not at all difficult to make at home - for this you will need the peel of several oranges and any vegetable oil.

1. Rinse the orange peels with boiling water.

2. Finely chop and mash the crusts well.

3. Pour them into a jar and crush them again to release the liquid.

4. Pour in vegetable oil so that it completely covers the crusts.

5. Leave for 3 days in a dark place (if you used dry crusts, extend the period to 1-2 weeks)

6. Pour into a saucepan and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes.

7. Strain through cheesecloth and squeeze out the crusts - there are still vitamins in them.

8. Done! Pour into bottles and store in a dark place.

There is hardly a person who is unfamiliar with the ringing and cheerful aroma of the sunniest fruit - sweet orange. Its tantalizing freshness can give a feeling of celebration even on the gloomiest day. But bright taste and rich aroma are not all the advantages of sweet orange.

These miracle fruits, which came to us from ancient oriental fairy tales, have truly miraculous properties, so they can become a real godsend for those who strive to be healthy and look good.

All the beneficial qualities of orange citrus are contained in the essential oil extracted from its peel. Despite the fact that today oranges are grown in many countries, the oil of the Spanish and Hawaiian varieties is of the greatest value.

The properties and uses of sweet orange oil are very extensive. It is used at home, added to masks, used in cellulite wraps and aromatherapy. Sweet orange oil is used in cosmetology, perfume and pharmaceutical industries, and is often found in the composition of creams, ointments and medicines.

Orange oil pairs well with the scents of cinnamon, honey, vanilla, clove, jasmine, incense, nutmeg, eucalyptus and many others. By mixing ether with other oils, you can enhance the healing or cosmetic effect.

You could write a whole treatise on the beneficial qualities of this oil - it is so multifunctional. Here are just a few of its wonderful properties:

  • helps improve immunity;
  • removes bile from the body;
  • protects against infections entering the body;
  • promotes wound healing and stops bleeding;
  • calms and tones;
  • softens and moisturizes;
  • fights cellulite;
  • prevents inflammatory processes;
  • helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has a rejuvenating effect; - is an antiseptic.

For the soul Orange is considered one of the best antidepressants created by nature. That is why sweet orange essential oil is often recommended for people suffering from depression, emotional stress and unreasonable fears.

Its warm and soft aroma contributes to a sharp increase in the level of endorphins in the blood and, as a result, reduces mental arousal, relieves anxiety and sadness, calms, gives strength and energy, and increases performance.

A bath with 5 drops of orange elixir will help you relax and tone up after a hard day, and in order to always have a good mood “at hand”, it is recommended to wear an aroma medallion.

In addition, orange oil is the strongest and can increase libido. Therefore, an aromatic lamp with the addition of 3 drops of essence will be a wonderful addition to a romantic evening for two.

For good health

The properties and applications of the oil are very diverse; it is also actively used for medicinal purposes. Since ether has antiseptic and antipyretic properties, it is often used to treat colds and infectious diseases.

For inhalation, add 2 drops of oil to a glass of water and inhale the resulting solution for several minutes.

Gargling with a solution with the addition of orange oil is effective for sore throat, as well as stomatitis and toothache. For spasms and pain in the joints, add the extract to any vegetable oil and rub the affected area. And lotions with added essence can cope with skin diseases.

Sweet orange essential oil is also taken internally. It accelerates metabolism, has a beneficial effect on intestinal function, copes with constipation, and is also capable of removing waste and toxins from the body, which is why it is often used in the treatment of poisoning.

Also, consuming orange extract prevents the deposition of stones in the gastrointestinal tract.

For cellulite

Sweet orange essential oil for cellulite can definitely be called the main assistant in the fight against the eternal female problem - “orange peel”. It is an indispensable component of various creams and gels for cellulite.

And all because it improves blood circulation, which tones the skin, makes it taut and elastic. In addition, it promotes the breakdown of fats in cells and accelerates excretory processes. They are very popular.

Recipe: the wrapping mass is made at the rate of 2-3 drops per 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Apply the warm mixture to the problem area, wrap in cling film and leave for an hour. The result appears after a course of such wraps, which usually lasts 8-10 sessions.

A massage with the addition of orange oil (5 drops per 10 grams of base) is also a good help in the fight for a beautiful body. It stimulates blood circulation, fights cellulite and enhances metabolic processes in tissues.

And have a healing effect on the skin. In order to get maximum effect, it is recommended to alternate procedures.

For face

The beneficial properties of orange oil for the face are not limited to its effect solely on the fifth point. It is suitable for caring for all types of facial skin: fights acne and enlarged pores, restores elasticity to fading sagging skin, improves color and restores a healthy appearance.

Due to the high content of beneficial microelements and antioxidants, collagen production is stimulated, due to which skin cells are renewed faster. It is good to add essential oil (3 drops per 10 grams of base) to homemade creams or masks.

The following composition will be universal for all skin types: mix 1 teaspoon of any base oil with 5 drops of orange essential oil. Apply the mixture to your face for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

For hair

Sweet orange essential oil is used for hair care. Its regular use helps strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff, hair becomes manageable and elastic, and a delicate citrus aroma will be a pleasant bonus to its healthy and blooming appearance.

Add 2-3 drops of orange oil to your shampoo every time you wash your hair, and after just a few such procedures you will notice the result.

Another way to use sweet orange oil for hair is through homemade masks.

Recipe: beat 1 yolk and combine with 2 tbsp. spoons and 1 teaspoon of honey. Add 3-4 drops of orange extract to the resulting mixture. Apply the heated mixture over the entire length of your hair and wrap your head in a towel. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo.

Aroma combing will also be beneficial for all hair types. Simply spread a few drops of the product onto a wooden comb and comb your hair in different directions for a few minutes.

When choosing an essential oil, there is no need to strive for cheapness, because a low price in this case is proof of the low quality of the product. Unscrupulous manufacturers often sell flavored vegetable oils under the guise of essential oils. In order not to run into a fake, buy oil only from trusted sellers.

If you purchased oil, but doubt its authenticity, there is a simple test: drop the product on a regular paper napkin. Pure ether will evaporate in a few minutes, leaving no greasy residue. If a yellow mark remains on the paper after drying, it means that they sold you diluted oil.

Chemicals will leave a colorless greasy stain. When choosing an essential oil, be careful and careful: a synthesized fake will not only not bring the expected effect, but can also cause severe harm to the skin.

Sweet orange oil contraindications

As you know, citrus fruits are a strong allergen, so allergy sufferers should use the oil with great caution. In any case, before the first use on the skin, it is recommended to undergo an individual tolerance test.

Just drip the product onto a sensitive area of ​​skin, such as the crook of your elbow, and wait a couple of hours. If everything is in order, use it without fear.

It is important to know that sweet orange oil, like other essential oils, is not recommended for use by pregnant women and people suffering from high blood pressure. In addition, to avoid sunburn, do not apply oil to your face before going out into the sun.

A holiday for soul and body - this is how this wonderful essential oil can be described in a nutshell. Sweet orange can be used in many situations, so a bottle of this miracle essence will be appropriate in any home medicine cabinet.

Today, orange oil is most often used in home cosmetology, folk medicine, perfumery, cooking, and aromatherapy. The ether is obtained from the peel of not only sweet, but also bitter fruits. Orange oil is found in the form of an oily liquid of an orange or yellow hue and has a pronounced characteristic aroma. The oil obtained from bitter orange has a more viscous consistency and a rich color (bright orange or dark brown). It will smell fresh and slightly bitter, with a light, almost imperceptible hint of citrus.

Properties of orange oil

The scope of use of essential orange oil is quite wide, as it has many beneficial properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • deodorizing;
  • bactericidal;
  • tonic;
  • is an effective natural antidepressant.
Orange oil has the property of stimulating appetite, making it recommended for use during the treatment of symptoms of anorexia. For many centuries, this product has been actively used in perfumery. It is added to perfumes, lotions, creams, deodorants, and colognes.

Orange oil dosage

When using orange oil, like any other ether, you must carefully follow the correct dosage, otherwise there is a risk of causing serious harm to your own health.

Orange oil can be used in the following dosages:

  1. To prepare aromatic baths, take 5 drops of pure ether, but no more.
  2. To obtain cosmetic nutrients, you need to use 5 drops of ether per 20 g of base (cream or lotion).
  3. To prepare smoking mixtures that will be used for medicinal purposes, take 2–5 drops of ether (the volume of oil is determined taking into account the area of ​​the room).
  4. Orange oil can be used as an additional active element in shampoos. This product is ideal for caring for dry hair and treating dandruff. In this case, take 4-5 drops of ether per 20 g of raw material.
  5. For massage, it will be enough to take 8 drops of ether per 30 g of any cosmetic product to which oil will be added.
  6. For a bath or sauna you will need 8-9 drops of orange oil.
  7. Orange oil can be used to rub joints to relieve pain - take about 7-8 drops of ether per 20 g of base.

How to use orange oil?

Orange oil helps with bleeding gums - it is recommended to use it as compresses. A lotion with orange and vegetable oil is applied to the gums (the components are taken in equal proportions). Orange ether can also be added to a variety of medicines intended to combat various types of dermatitis.

Orange oil will also help improve vision and is beneficial for people who have to work at a computer for a long time. Due to the constant strain on the eyes, orange oil quickly relieves tension from the accommodative muscle.

By adding 1 drop of ether to a glass of fresh orange juice, you can get rid of hypovitaminosis in the spring, and with the onset of summer, this drink will provide a quick and even tan.

This remedy has a pronounced calming effect, so it helps to quickly get rid of attacks of insomnia, which were provoked by severe nervous tension. Orange oil can be used to combat stress, as well as emotional exhaustion.

Scientists were able to determine another unique property that orange oil has - it helps lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

Regular intake of orange oil helps improve the body's absorption of vitamin C, therefore, minimizing the likelihood of developing various infections. This remedy is recommended for use during the treatment of colds accompanied by high fever and bronchitis.

The ether helps normalize the functioning of the intestines, so it is prescribed to treat diarrhea and constipation, especially if you have recently suffered severe stress.

This remedy is also beneficial in case of disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system, edema, and obesity. Orange oil helps improve the formation of collagen fibers, which are necessary for the proper creation of muscle tissue. That is why this remedy is recommended for use for rickets and severe muscle pain.

Orange oil is popular among girls, as it helps quickly get rid of pronounced signs of cellulite. It helps to increase the elasticity of the epidermis, accelerating the process of removing toxins from the body.
This product is useful for those with dry skin, especially if there are pronounced signs of peeling. Subject to its constant use, the formation of new wrinkles is prevented and the process of cell restoration is accelerated. Orange oil also quickly cleanses the skin and removes age spots and freckles.

Orange oil is considered to be a universal remedy for aromatherapy, as it can be combined with any other types of essential oils - for example, clove, chamomile, jasmine, juniper, lavender, coriander, cypress, etc.

This product has a positive effect on human bioenergy during massage. Orange oil helps to quickly restore emotional balance, making serious illnesses and stress much easier to bear.

For hair care

Using orange oil, you can eliminate excessive dryness of the scalp, cure dandruff and effectively strengthen your hair. This tool can be used in a variety of ways.

You can take a couple of drops of ether and apply to the surface of the comb, then comb the curls thoroughly so that the product is evenly distributed over the entire length. This type of oil is allowed to be used 3 times a week, but only if an allergic reaction is not caused.

A mask with the addition of orange oil brings benefits:

  1. You need to mix 6-7 drops of ether with 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil (can be replaced with almond, olive, sesame).
  2. The base oil is first heated in a water bath, then orange ether is added.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to damp hair, then a plastic bag and a warm towel are put on top.
  4. The mixture is left on the curls for 50–60 minutes, then the head is washed using shampoo.
You can use a hair balm that does not require rinsing:
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed flax seeds, 1 tsp. coconut oil, 3-4 drops of orange essential oil.
  • First, the flax seeds are ground until a powder is obtained. Then it is poured with 100 g of water (hot) and left to infuse until the liquid has cooled completely. Then the mixture is filtered.
  • Coconut and orange oil are added to the resulting decoction, all components are mixed well.
  • The finished balm is applied to previously washed and damp strands - a small amount of product is rubbed in the palms and evenly distributed along the entire length of the curls.

Do not use too much conditioner as this will make your hair look greasy and dirty. This cosmetic product is very simple to prepare, but if you use it regularly, you can easily get rid of the problem of split ends and strengthen your hair. After a month-long course, the strands become silky and soft to the touch, restore their natural shine and make the styling process much easier.

For facial skin care

Orange oil is ideal for those with dry skin. It can also be used to care for lips. This remedy helps stimulate the process of blood flow to the skin, therefore, there is an improvement in the restoration of tissue cells.

To care for dry skin, you can prepare your own nourishing cream:

  • You need to take 2-4 drops of orange oil and 2-2.5 tsp. base oils.
  • Apply a little base oil to your palm and add orange.
  • The resulting composition is applied to previously cleansed skin of the face, décolleté and neck and distributed with gentle movements.
  • The cream is literally driven into the skin in the eye area with light patting movements of the fingertips.
To care for problem skin, you can use the following mask:
  1. To prepare this composition you will need to take 1 tbsp. l. blue clay powder, 2 tbsp. l. fresh orange juice, 1 egg white, 2 drops of orange oil.
  2. Clay powder is diluted with fresh citrus juice. Beat the whites with a whisk and mix all the ingredients.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to previously cleansed facial skin and left for about 12–16 minutes, then washed off.
  4. At the end of the cosmetic procedure, any nourishing cream is applied.
For aging skin, it is recommended to use an easy-to-prepare mask:
  1. Is it taken? ripe banana pulp, 3-5 drops of orange oil.
  2. The banana is ground until a mushy mass is obtained, then orange oil ether is added.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to clean skin and left for 25–32 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

If this mask is used regularly, nasolabial folds and wrinkles in the area around the eyes are smoothed out, the skin tightens and becomes softer.

Against cellulite

To quickly get rid of the unsightly signs of cellulite, it is recommended to use a relaxing bath. A couple of drops of orange ether dissolve in warm water; you can add other citrus oils, which will enhance the benefits of the procedure. You need to take a bath for about 15–18 minutes - you just need to lie in warm water, enjoying the pleasant aroma, then gently pat your skin without using soap to remove any remaining oil.

Orange oil helps maintain beauty, youth and health. It is enough to simply use it regularly as an additional product for a cream or lotion, or add it to water while taking a bath, and a positive result will not be long in coming.

For more information about the properties of orange oil and how to use it, watch this video:

Orange oil has been used in cosmetology since ancient times. Chinese folk healers noted its unsurpassed tonic and antibacterial properties, manifested in the restoration and rejuvenation of human skin. And even today, in the world of high technology for the production of caring cosmetics for the face and body, orange oil remains one of the most affordable and effective personal care products.

What is orange essential oil

Orange oil is an oily liquid extracted from the skin of sweet or bitter oranges by cold pressing. Sometimes the mixture is also produced by steam distillation, but in this case the oil is of lower quality.

To obtain 100 g of essential oil, about 5 kg of fruit zest is used.

The best essential substrate is obtained from Spanish and Guinean fruits

The main indications for the use of sweet and bitter orange essential oils are practically the same, however, due to their different compositions, they differ in color and smell.

  • Sweet orange oil has a dark yellow color and a slightly sweet, tart aroma.
  • Bitter orange oil can have several shades, up to a rich red or brown color. Its scent is subtle and refined, which is why these esters are very often used in the perfume industry.

Orange flavor ranks third in popularity in the world after vanilla and chocolate.

Useful properties and applications

Orange oil is widely used in the medical, food, perfume and cosmetics industries. In addition, it is often used in everyday life to eliminate unpleasant odors - the aroma of orange disinfects the room well and increases efficiency.

In Europe, until the 18th century, only wealthy people could use oil - this product was very rare and expensive.

The most valuable properties of the oil include:

  • powerful anti-cellulite effect, stimulation of lymph flow, reduction of edema and tumors;
  • eliminating various skin defects, moisturizing and nourishing it;
  • skin rejuvenation by eliminating shallow wrinkles;
  • getting rid of dandruff, improving the general condition of hair;
  • elimination of inflammation and bleeding gums;
  • normalization of the digestive system, increased appetite;
  • antiseptic effect for colds;
  • elimination of headaches, pain in joints and muscles;
  • relief of abdominal pain in case of poisoning, providing diuretic and choleretic effects;
  • increasing visual acuity, relieving stress during heavy eye strain;
  • providing a calming effect on stress, depression, emotional tension and insomnia;
  • Helps strengthen memory and concentration.

In addition, the fresh and warm aroma of orange increases self-confidence, imparts an optimistic mood and charm.

Orange essential oil is often used as an incense for fortune telling as it attracts good luck, love and money.

Effect on facial skin

Orange oil is considered a universal remedy suitable for any skin type. With its regular use, you can notice the following positive effects:

  • softening and moisturizing the skin;
  • improvement of complexion, lightening of age spots, evening out the overall skin tone;
  • normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, elimination of oily sheen;
  • cleansing and narrowing enlarged pores;
  • improving blood circulation and increasing skin elasticity;
  • reducing the depth of facial and age wrinkles;
  • restoration of the epidermis, formation of new collagen fibers;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • removal of toxins through skin pores;
  • tightening of pustules, getting rid of pimples and acne scars;
  • getting rid of herpes on the lips.

Orange oil has a miraculous effect on facial skin

Mask recipes and their use

To achieve the necessary goals, citrus aroma oil is used in combination with other oils and ingredients that can enhance its effect. Below are the most common effective facial mixtures with orange oil.

Table: Orange oil-based products for dry, oily, problem and normal skin

Skin type

Purpose of the mask

Ingredients and method of preparation

Instructions for use

Nourishment and restoration of skin

Mix 5 drops of orange oil with 1 tsp. olive oil

Apply to skin for half an hour, then rinse with warm water

Mix 3 drops of orange oil with 8 ml of avocado oilApply the mixture to your face, massaging lightly and avoiding the areas around the eyes. Wash off after 20 minutes

Mix 1 drop of orange oil with 1 drop of Leuzea oil and 2 drops of sandalwood oil. Add the resulting mixture to 10 ml of almond oil

Apply the mask for 25 minutes. If the oil mixture is not completely absorbed, rinse off the excess with warm water.

Softening and moisturizing the skin

Add 1 drop of orange oil, 1 drop of rosewood oil and 2 drops of sandalwood oil to 10 ml of avocado oil

Apply the mask for 18 minutes. Rinse off with warm water

Mix 3 drops of orange oil with 2 drops of rose oil, 5 tbsp. l. orange juice and add 2 tbsp. l. ground sprouted wheat

Apply the mixture to your face and leave until completely dry. Then rinse off and apply a thin layer of cosmetic cream.

Smoothing wrinkles and improving complexion

Mix 5 drops of orange oil thoroughly with a ripe, pre-mashed banana.

Apply the mask for 30 minutes, then rinse with water

Mix 2 drops of orange oil with 1 raw chicken egg yolk, 1 small boiled potato and 2 tbsp. l. milk

Apply the mixture warm to your face and cover with a towel. After 20 minutes, rinse off first with warm and then cool water.

Restoring the texture of the epidermis

Pour 3 drops of orange oil into pre-beaten chicken white. Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. white clay and 50 ml grapefruit juice. Mix all ingredients well

Apply to face and neck for 15 minutes. Then wash your face with cool water and a few drops of cucumber juice.

Cleansing and toning facial skin, tightening pores

Mix 7 drops of orange oil and 2 drops of chamomile oil with 15 ml of pure alcohol and pour in 200 ml of purified water.

Pour the mixture into a glass container and place in a dark place. Apply a thin layer to the face daily

Normalization of sebaceous secretion production, elimination of shine

Mix 3 drops of orange oil with 10 drops of almond oil and pour in 1 beaten chicken white. Add a pinch of salt

Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with water


Improving blood circulation, increasing tone and elasticity

Mix 2 drops of orange oil with mashed chicken yolk

Apply the mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water

Mix 3 drops of orange oil with 1 tsp. cream and add 2 ripe, pre-mashed strawberries

Apply a thick layer to the skin, lightly moistening the eyelids with cool water. Wash off after 15 minutes

Smoothing wrinkles, evening out overall skin tone

Mix 2 drops of orange oil with 3 drops of rosewood oil, 2 drops of mint oil and 1 drop of vanilla oil. Pour the mixture into 20 ml of avocado oil and mix well

Apply for 30 minutes, then wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in linden infusion

Nutrition and satiety

1 drop of orange oil, 2 drops of sandalwood oil, 1 drop of Leuzea oil and 2 drops of chamomile oil, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave the liquid for 5-10 minutes

Lean over the steam bath for 10 minutes, covering yourself with a towel. Then wash your face with cool water and a few drops of lemon juice.

Combined (mixed)

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin

1 tsp. Mix orange oil with 1 tsp. sour cream. Add 2 tsp. mashed cucumber pulp and mix thoroughly

Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water

Orange oil combines best with lavender, geranium, nutmeg, avocado, grapefruit, mint, jasmine and thyme oils.

You need to apply masks using massage movements.

Application nuances

When applying masks, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. The face should be clean and dry. All decorative cosmetics should be washed off in advance, without using tonics and lotions. Hair must be tied up in a bun or secured with a bandage.
  2. The item used to apply the mask must also be immaculately clean. It is best to use a cotton swab, a sponge, a thoroughly washed and dried brush or brush.
  3. You need to apply face masks along massage lines: from the chin to the temples, from the lips to the earlobes, from the temporal areas to the nose.
  4. A good result can only be achieved if these procedures are carried out regularly, but no more than 1-2 times a week.

In addition, to improve the overall condition of the skin, it is useful to periodically use orange essential extract internally. To do this, add 1 drop of oil to a teaspoon of honey, sugar or cream and dilute it in a cup of juice or tea.

Precautions for use

In order not to harm the skin, experienced cosmetologists recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Do not use orange oil on your face in its pure form. This product contains a large amount of acids, which can cause severe irritation and increase sensitivity to light.
  • Those with sensitive and severely damaged skin should choose masks with the least amount of oil.
  • After preparing the mask for the first time, test it to prevent an allergic reaction: apply a little of the mixture to the delicate skin of your wrist or elbow and leave for 15 minutes. If the procedure does not cause itching or redness, you can safely use a face mask.
  • Apply the product before going to bed or 2-3 hours before going out into the sun. Orange oil is a phototoxic substance that accumulates sunlight and often causes burns. If you applied a mask with orange oil and you urgently need to go outside, protect your skin with sunscreen.
  • When using orange oil internally, keep in mind that it causes a feeling of hunger. The permissible dose per day is 2–3 drops.

How to choose the right sweet or bitter orange oil

Currently, you can purchase orange essential extract at a pharmacy or through an online store. However, when purchasing oil from an unknown and unverified seller, you risk purchasing a counterfeit - ordinary vegetable oil with a citrus flavor. To prevent this from happening, pay attention to the following signs of product quality:

  1. Dark container. Essential oils are usually poured into dark glass containers. In light glass and plastic packaging, the product tends to undergo a chemical reaction when exposed to light and lose its beneficial properties.
  2. High price. Essential oil is quite difficult to produce, so if its cost is up to 150 rubles, it is 100 percent fake. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a natural product, it is better to buy oranges and make your own oil or infusion from their peel.
  3. Verified manufacturing countries. It is recommended to choose oil that is produced in areas where fruit trees are grown: USA, Spain, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, etc.

The effect of using masks with oil directly depends on the quality of the ingredients

You can check the quality of an already purchased product using a regular paper napkin. You need to apply a drop of orange aroma oil to the paper and, after waiting 5 minutes, carefully examine the stain. The natural product will completely dissolve, leaving only an orange speck. Heavily diluted oil will leave behind a greasy colored trace, and the cheapest synthetic fake will leave a transparent fat.

The video provides a clear example of making orange oil at home.

Video: How to prepare a miracle product at home

Conditions and shelf life

Even if you do become the happy owner of natural orange oil, do not forget that it requires certain storage conditions. The oil in sealed original packaging is stored in a dark and dry place with an air temperature no higher than 8 degrees. After opening the jar, the best place to store it is in the refrigerator. In this case, it is very important to close the lid tightly and prevent air from entering, which causes rapid oxidation of the terpenes that make up citrus oils. If all the above conditions are met, the shelf life can be about 2 years.

Do not leave the oil in the sun and do not allow air to enter the bottle.


Orange essential oil is not recommended for use as a dietary supplement:

  • people suffering from gallstone disease;
  • people who have low blood pressure;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the product.

The use of masks made from orange and its juice is contraindicated for those who are allergic to citrus fruits or other ingredients of the mixture. In addition, people who have open wounds or pustular rashes on the face should avoid such masks.

If an allergic reaction is detected, it is imperative to seek advice from a specialized specialist.

Pregnant and lactating women are allowed to use the oil externally for personal care, but in limited quantities. In this case, your doctor will help you decide on how to use the mask.

With the help of orange oil, you can turn any dream of healthy and beautiful skin into reality, even at home. And the sunny aroma and invigorating properties of this fruit oil will improve your mood even after the hardest day of work!



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