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Music director certification portfolio. Requirements. teaching aid on the topic. Portfolio for certification of a music director Introductory paragraph to the electronic portfolio of a music director

BUSINESS CARD Full name Savelyeva Elena Vasilievna Date of birth: August 8, 1967 Education: secondary specialized, graduated from Petrozavodsk Pedagogical College 2 in 1986. By decision of the qualification commission in 1986, the specialty “Kindergarten teacher” was awarded. Teaching experience: 23 years. In this institution: 21 years. In this position: 6 years. Availability of qualification category: first category. Date of assignment: December 02, 2011

A universal teacher!...Not respectable? Who said? Twenty chairs against the wall are yours Hall of Columns. Here is the “lady” and Bach, jubilation and fear, And movement, and words and a smile on the lips! The world is changing around your musical hands. One beat, another - and it blossoms on the floor. summer meadow. Outside the window the cold is fierce, in the kindergarten there is comfort, Twenty “birds” are dancing the polka, flapping their “wings”, singing! Twenty devoted little birds are the closest circle of your kind, gentle, patient hands, like your mother’s. Make a fox costume, show the flight of a wasp, Calm down the dissatisfied by wiping their noses, - An abyss of necessary good deeds! This is your destiny! May God give them Love and Strength so that the world does not become impoverished! (author unknown)

MY AWARDS Certificate from the administration of the MDOU kindergarten “Rodnichok”. Certificate from the administration of the ANO kindergarten “Rodnichok”. Letter of gratitude from the administration of the Zavodoukovsky city district of the education committee. 2010 Letter of gratitude from the administration of the Zavodoukovsky urban district in 2011. Gratitude from the Education Committee of the Zavodoukovsky City District Administration 2012, 2013 Diploma of the education committee of the administration of the Zavodoukovsky urban district in 2013.

Selection various types materials for classes and for organizing a group using Internet resources and office equipment; Preparation of materials in various areas of activity, using Microsoft Office, Word, Excel, including the development of plans and notes of nodes, various types holidays and entertainment, consultations for parents; Using multimedia presentations in Microsoft Office and PowerPoint to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children; Using the Internet in pedagogical activity for the purpose of informational and scientific-pedagogical support of the educational process at work music director, design of booklets and business card; Finding additional information for classes, getting acquainted with periodicals, communicating with colleagues, sharing experiences, posting your own developments on the Internet. Use of video and photo equipment. USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES.

FORMS OF WORK OF THE MUSICAL DIRECTOR WITH FAMILIES OF PUPILS Holding joint holidays, entertainment, Holding joint holidays, entertainment, family living rooms, competitions. family living rooms, competitions. Making non-traditional musical instruments together with parents Making non-traditional musical instruments together with parents. (seminar-workshop) of musical instruments. (seminar-workshop) Organization of creative meetings. Organization of creative meetings. Organization of joint child-parent projects. Organization of joint child-parent projects. Involving parents in the participation of children in district events. Involving parents in the participation of children in district events. events. Invitation of music students Invitation of music school students - graduates of kindergarten. school graduates of kindergarten. Speeches at parent meetings. Speeches at parent meetings. Parent survey. Parent survey. 23

Eremeeva Daria
Portfolio for music director certification

Stefanova Tatyana Vladimirovna.

musical director

MBDOU No. 75 "Ivushka"

Higher education

Pedagogical experience 37 years

Main tasks musical education are development musicality and musical thinking of the child. Music has the potential to influence not only adults, but also children themselves early age. It has been proven that even the prenatal period is extremely important for subsequent development person: music, which the expectant mother listens to, has a positive effect on the well-being of the developing child. Music is art, affecting the child already in the first months of his life. Its direct influence on the emotional sphere contributes to the emergence of initial response actions, in which one can see the prerequisites for the further formation of basic musical abilities .

In order for the development of children in this direction to be successful, it is necessary to organize work on musical education taking into account special needs music And age capabilities children.

A teacher organizing children’s communication with music, accumulating their experience of listening to the simplest melodies (sung or performed on children's musical instruments, encourages you to respond to them with voice or movement, creates the preconditions for active musical the child’s activities at subsequent stages of development.

It is important to note that only by developing children’s emotions, interests, and tastes can they be introduced to musical culture, lay its foundations. Preschool age is important for subsequent human development musical culture . If in progress musical children's activities will develop their musically- aesthetic consciousness, this will not pass without a trace for the subsequent development of man, his general spiritual formation.

Publications on the topic:

Report by the music director on the joint work of the music director and teacher Our teaching staff considers musical activity as one of the aspects of the harmonious development of preschool children.

Consultation for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Interaction in the pedagogical process of the music director with the teacher” Interaction in pedagogical process music director with teacher General and musical-aesthetic development of preschool children.

Master class for parents " Musical instruments with your own hands" - Good afternoon, dear parents! I am glad to see you in this room.

Material for teachers of educational organizations. Description of the music director's work system Description of the work system of the music director of category I MBDOU kindergarten "Firefly" Mariinsky Posad district of the Chuvash Republic.

Teacher's portfolio for certification for the first qualification category Municipal budget preschool educational institution « Kindergarten care and health care No. 30 “Baby” of the urban district “city.

Music Director Portfolio Portfolio of the Musical Director of MBDOU No. 162 "Fairy Tale" Svetlana Georgievna Tronko Education: Special secondary education, graduated from Arkhangelsk.

Presentation “Music director’s portfolio” I'm professional. I work in a kindergarten. I love my job very much. Communication with children, their affection and trust in me creates grace.

“Our calling is to help children enter the world of music, understand its laws, and join its mysteries. This process is endless. How endless and limitless everything is musical activity. It's important to start it. Let the child feel that Magic world music can bring him joy, become understandable and close.” S.I.Merzlyakova



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PORTFOLIO Larisa Gennadievna Gushchina

FULL NAME. Gushchina Larisa Gennadievna Date of birth: July 16, 1970 Place of birth: Vasilyevo village, TASSR Citizenship: Russian Federation Gender: female E-mail: [email protected] Education: specialized secondary, Kazan Pedagogical School No. 1, 1998. Specialty: kindergarten teacher. Work experience: a) general 28 b) general pedagogical 25 c) pedagogical in this institution 15 years Position held: Music director Category _2___ rank 12_ SUMMARY Place of work: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten “Sosenka No. 36”, Educational Institution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan .g.t.Vasilevo, Lagernaya st. 9a

“Our calling is to help children enter the world of music, understand its laws, and join its mysteries. This process is endless. How endless and limitless all musical activity is. It's important to start it. Let the child feel that the magical world of music can bring him joy, become understandable and close to him.” S.I. Merzlyakova “I am proud of my profession for the fact that I live my childhood many times...”

I love my job because it is an opportunity to constantly be in the world of fairy tales and fantasy, in the world of childhood. Children are the most important people on our planet. We don't know who they will become when they grow up, what they will do. In order for them to grow into good, kind people, we are needed - teachers who help children discover a new, unknown world. I found a poem on the Internet, I really liked it, but unfortunately I don’t know the author: There are many different professions in the world. But I know mine couldn’t be more interesting. In the hands of the teacher is a priceless treasure: Twenty stubborn, loud-mouthed children, Twenty with eyes like radiant stars, Which I raised to be kind and pure. The world opened up to them as bright and wonderful. My work is not more interesting.

Years of study Name of advanced training courses Number of hours Type of document received 2006 “Advancement professional activity teacher" 72 Certificate of short-term advanced training 2008 "New approaches to music education of preschool children" 72 Certificate of short-term advanced training 2011 "Innovations in music education of preschool children: theory and practice" 108 hours certificate of advanced training 2015 " Modern technologies music education for preschool children" Systematic advanced training

My publications: Social network of educators website Materials for parents 10 COMMANDMENTS FOR PARENTS Rules of conduct for parents on children's party Musical and rhythmic lesson Scenario of the March 8 holiday "MOTHER'S COUNTRY" in senior group MUSICAL - DIDACTICAL GAMES Scenario of the spring holiday on March 8 "All notes" The world Scenario for children's energy saving entertainment “Let's save the planet” Holiday scenarios Scenario for graduation in kindergarten on March 8 with Kolobok. “PIE - RUSH SIDE” Musical fairy tale"Swan geese" New Year's scenario"The Magic Book" New Year's scenario "Mitten" Autumn sports entertainment "To not be afraid of the flu, you need to play sports" Sports entertainment“Olympic hopes, go to kindergarten” Scenario of the prom “City of Childhood” SCENARIO OF ENTERTAINMENT ACCORDING TO TRAFFIC RULES IN A MIDDLE GROUP “TRAVEL TO THE CITY OF ROAD SIGNS” Festive concert for the day of the elderly “How young we were” International educational portal Maam. Scenario for a kindergarten graduation party (2015) Musical and didactic games and aids for a music lesson Musical fairy tale “Geese and Swans” Scenario for children’s energy saving entertainment “Let’s save the planet”

Resource support List of scientific and methodological support: Use teaching materials and educational and methodological literature The use of ICT in the educational process Information on participation in professional and creative pedagogical competitions, holding seminars Development of projects, clubs, regulations, writing articles Personal pages in online communities: http:// site/ http://www.maam.ru/ /

Use of ICT in the educational process: List of some used Internet resources No. Site name Address 1. MATVEJKA http://matveyrybka.ucoz.ru/ 2. For teachers http:// www. o - childhood. ru/forteachers. html 3. Portal Sunshine http://www. solnet. ee/contests/index. php 4. Kinder-planet users . php? m = register 5. Your child http:// www . two children ru/index. shtml 6. Raising preschool children http:// doshvozrast. ru/rabrod/rabrod. htm 7.. Educational and methodological office http://ped-kopilka.ru/ 9. Notes of classes in kindergarten http://konspekt.vscolu.ru/ 10. International educational portal Maam. http://www.maam.ru/ / 11. KINDERGARTEN http://detsad-kitty.ru/ 12. CENTER FOR DISTANCE COOPERATION [email protected]

I have the following awards: a certificate from the Executive Committee of the town. Vasilyevo for participation in public life village 2011 Behind Active participation at work social network education workers nsportal. ru, awarded by the administration of the social network letter of thanks, 2013; “For many years of work, high professionalism and a creative approach in working with children,” she was awarded a letter of gratitude from the executive committee of the town of Vasilyevo, 2014, and was awarded a letter of gratitude from the Council of Veterans for participation in the festive concert “On the Day of the Elderly” 2015.

Promotions, awards, certificates.


April Fool's Day Harvest 2012




Diana Vorobyova
Music Director Portfolio

Music Director Portfolio

Vorobyova Diana Avtandilovna

MBDOU No. 30

Art. Krylovskaya.

My pedagogical credo.

Be friends with music friends,

After all music is always beautiful.

She won't leave, won't betray

And it will open the doors to a fairy tale.


Every day, when I come to work in kindergarten, I immerse myself in a world of harmony, in the world of childhood and fairy tales.

Life is a fast-flowing river, with its twists and turns of fate. Nobody knows what awaits our pupils in the future, but I am sure of one thing: the time spent in kindergarten will not only not be forgotten, but will give a positive result in the life of every child.

The beginning of children's creative development largely depends on the teacher.

Music has a special role in raising a child. A person comes into contact with this art from birth, and the first purposeful musical He receives his education in kindergarten. Musical Education is one of the means of shaping a child’s personality.

« Music childhood - a good teacher and a reliable friend for life.”

My goal in classes is the comprehensive development of the child, the formation creativity and their development, as well as the development of the child’s individual qualities, by means music.

I want to fill the children's stay in the garden music, a fairy tale, pleasant impressions, kindness and mutual understanding. My job gives me this opportunity. musical director.

Full name Vorobyova Diana Avtandilovna.

Date of Birth: 08/29/1979

Education: Secondary-special.

Rostov College of Culture 2011

Speciality: Teacher-organizer.

Place of work: MBDOU No. 30.

Total work experience: 16 years.

Teaching experience in kindergarten garden: 6 years

Refresher courses: from 11/12/2012 – 11/23/2012

Short-term training at GBOU Krasnodar region KKIDPPO on the topic “ Contemporary issues forming the foundations musical culture of preschool children."

Direction in work: “Creative development of the child, through musically- aesthetic education".

Professional activity.

Possession of modern educational technologies:

Developed and tested programs:

1. Theatrical program "Fairy Tale World" based on standard programs by A. V. Shchetkin "Theatrical activities in kindergarten" 2008; L. V. Savitskaya “Development of children’s creative abilities through musically-theatrical art" 2004 Protocol No. 6. from 08/29/2013

2. Vocal program "Sounding Notes" based on standard programs by M. I. Belousenko "Staging singing voice» 2006; D. Ogorodnova « Musically-singing education of children" 2003 Protocol No. 6. from 08/29/2013

3. Rhythmoplasty program "Merry rhythm" based on standard programs by A. I. Burenina "Rhythmic mosaic"; S. L. Slutskaya "Dance mosaic. Choreography in kindergarten" 2006 Protocol No. 6. from 08/29/2013

Use of ICT in professional activities.

Computer operator courses. Certificate of assignment of the 3rd qualification level. Registration No. 0916

Organizing your own mini-sites.


http: //www.site/kanadalovad

Participation in regional competitions:

1. 2009 "Knight of the Year"- 1 place. Author's musical fairy tale"Bogatyr Semyon".

2. 2010 "Miss Thumbelina"- 1 place.

3. 2011 « Musical fireworks» - diploma.

4. 2012 « Musical fireworks» - certificate of honor.

5. 2013 « Musical fireworks» - certificate of honor.



Thank you! Goodbye!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Combined kindergarten No. 26 “Thumbelina”

Zelenodolsky municipal district Republic of Tatarstan

Musical director

Ivanova Irina Mikhailovna

Luck smiled at me in life,

I am grateful to fate for this,

I know: it couldn’t be otherwise

In this world, on this earth.

After all, there are so many professions in the world -

Important, necessary and laborious,

But I'm attracted to children

And I can’t imagine life without them.

I'll give anything for a child's smile -

Warmth, attention and care,

I'm really grateful to heaven

What suggested this job to me...

I sing songs with the children,

And I teach all the kids to dance,

And there is no more wonderful profession:

I can say that for sure.

I want to teach the kids

Hear music in the raindrops

And in the rustling of autumn leaves

And in the murmuring of a forest stream.

Life without music is boring in the world,

We all need to notice her

Well, the main music is children!

I wanted to say about this!

My motto “If you make friends with music, life will be more fun! »

Information card

Ivanova Irina Mikhailovna

Date of Birth: 05/08/1965

Education : WITH middle special qi alnoye, Yoshkar – Olinskoye School of Music them. Palantaya, choral conducting, choir conductor, music teacher in secondary school, ZT No. 644020, 06/12/1984

Place of work: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 26 “Thumbelina” Zelenodolsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan”

Position held: musical director

Work experience a) total 32 years;

b) 18 years old in this institution;

c) in the current position for 31 years.

Personal site: https :// multiurok . ru / irinaivanova 26/? act = auth

Data on advanced training

Date and place of courses

Course topic

2014, 72 hours, Privolzhsk Interregional Center for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers, Institute of Psychology and Education, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University


“Content Justification educational activities in the field of art - aesthetic development preschool children"



20-003211, 07/04/2014.

Certification Information

Place of certification

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan



No. 6907/11 dated December 30, 2011

Promotions and awards

Name of the award

Certificate of winner of the competition “Teacher of the Year 2012”

Letter of gratitude for nurturing musical abilities in preschool children, for a creative approach to staging dance compositions, and active participation in kindergarten events.

Certificate for many years of impeccable work and great contribution to the education of preschoolers.

Gratitude for creating a friendly partnership between the kindergarten and the family through variable forms of communication with parents.

Gratitude from parents for warmth and care for our children.

Certificate for creativity and professionalism, initiative and great personal contribution to the development of the musical culture of preschool children.

Certificate of honor

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan 2016.

Information about self-education


Topic to study


Usage musical works formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value ideas; development of literary speech; introduction to verbal art

Report form



Using the program “Ladushki...”

open event

teachers' council of the preschool educational institution, speech at a workshop


The health of participants in the educational process as a social and pedagogical problem

Selection of material, presentation at the preschool teacher's council, open event

“Theatrical games as a component of the multidimensional development of children’s speech”


Selection of material, presentation at the preschool teacher's council, open event

Musical and recreational work in preschool educational institutions

Selection of material, presentation at the preschool teacher's council, open event

Additional educational sessions (free mugs)

Name of the circle and focus

"Little Musicians"

Amount of children


Working programm

Teaching children to play musical instruments

Level of educational process








Program mastery level

Dissemination of teaching experience

Conducted open classes, Events



Gentlemen's Tournament

Type, subject

Russian folk dances


Video presentation of educational and playful entertaining activities at a methodological association of educators on the problem “Socialization. Life Safety" held on the basis of MBDOU No. 6 "Smile" Zelenodolsk ZMR RT

Development of tolerance in older preschoolers through games of the peoples of the Volga region in music classes



Practical lesson at the municipal seminar-workshop for music leaders of the city “Cultivating love for native land through folk traditions and folklore”, held on the basis of MBDOU No. 12 “Zemlyanichka”, Zelenodolsk ZMR RT


Business game at the workshop of music directors of the Zelenodolsk municipal district “Implementation of the regional component through gaming activities in the conditions of FGT”, held on the basis of MBDOU No. 35 “Berezka”, Vasilyevo town, ZMR RT

« Folk game in the culture of the peoples of the Volga region"


"Creative carousel"

Master class at the seminar workshop of music directors of preschool educational institutions for students of the Institute of Educational Institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan “Innovative technologies in musical development preschoolers”, held on the basis of MBDOU No. 9 “Alenushka” ZMR RT

"The palette is theatrical - play activity in the development of preschoolers’ culture"


Open lesson at a meeting of the municipal methodological association preschool teachers MMR of the Republic of Tatarstan on the implementation of educational activities “Labor” on the topic “ Project activities children of senior preschool age, as a means of developing experience labor activity", held on the basis of MBDOU No. 26

“Thumbelina” ZMR RT


Speech at a workshop for preschool music directors educational organizations Zelenodolsk municipal district T “The World of Theater - a synthesis of arts, joy and happiness”, held on the basis of MBDOU No. 26 “Thumbelina” ZMR RT

Conducting and participating in seminars



“Features of musical and rhythmic education of preschool children with speech disorders”

Type, subject

“Music as a means of educating the ecological culture of preschool children”


All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation on the topic: “Ideas of inclusive pedagogy in the light of modern requirements for preschool, school and vocational education", organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, IASPE, the administration of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan, IEUP in Kazan for educators, conducted on the basis of the Polar Division of IEUP in Zelenodolsk

“Music therapy as a factor in preserving and strengthening the psychological health of preschool children”



“Modern approaches to the organization of physical and environmental education of preschool children”, organized by the Institute of Economics and Education in Kazan for students of advanced training courses for teachers of preschool educational institutions of health care of the Republic of Tatarstan, held on the basis of MBDOU No. 4 “Solnyshko” of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan


“Psychological and pedagogical support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the system of preschool and primary education”, organized by the psychological research center “Eventus” in Kazan for teachers of preschool educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan, conducted on the basis of the Institute of Economics and Education in Kazan

“The use of information and communication technologies in the work of a music director”


“Modern approaches in organizing the training and education of preschool children”, organized by the Institute of Economics and Education in Kazan for students of advanced training courses for educators of preschool educational institutions of health care of the Republic of Tatarstan, held on the basis of preschool educational institution No. 17 “Thumbelina”, REM Volzhsk

Competition participation card


Type of competition


Maslenitsa 2012

Results, date



Rainbow of Talents - 2012

3rd place, 2012


Kindergarten of the year ZMR RT - 2013

winner diploma, 2012


Certificate, 2012

Certificate, 2014


Stroller Parade - 2013

Caring mother

certificate in the category " Best Organization work on physical education and health-improving areas of development of preschool children", 2013


diploma in the category “Children are the flowers of life”, 2013


Green light

letter of thanks 2013


Santa Claus Parade

Certificate, 2013


Rainbow of Talents - 2014

diploma, 2013

Diploma, 2014


Certificate, 2014

Rainbow of Talents - 2015


Competition of the newspaper "Zelenodolskaya Pravda" "Garden Scarecrow"

Certificate, 2015


Children are the flowers of life

Certificate 2015


Internet competition “Lessons in the forest school” “Forest pharmacy”

Internet - competition of pedagogical creativity “Travel to fairy world great poet"


Diploma 2016

II degree diploma


Internet competition “Pedagogical excellence in lessons at preschool educational institutions”

"Gentleman's Tournament"

Diploma 2013


Internet competition “Play, learn, grow”

Certificate 2013


Certificate 2014

Map of pupils’ participation in competitions


Competition name


Reading competition "Spring of Victory"




Onegin readings


Recitation competition “Children read poetry”

Certificate in the category “Military Lyrics”

"I am talented"

Diploma III place


Competition “This Victory Day!..”.


Diploma II place

Competition "Tel achkychlary"


Competition "Tukai miras"

Participation in innovation activities

  • Application of ICT in the educational process.
  • Creation of a personal website on a social network of educators
  • https :// multiurok . ru / irinaivanova 26/? act = auth
  • Participation in creative pedagogical competitions and seminars.
  • Development and implementation of pedagogical projects.
  • Development and implementation of individual development routes for children.
  • Open demonstrations of teaching activities.
  • Participation in the development of the basic general education program for preschool education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.
  • Participation in a creative group.
  • Self-education.
  • Non-traditional forms of working with parents.

Use of ICT in the educational process

  • Preparation of materials in various areas of activity, using Microsoft Office, Word, Excel programs, including the development of plans and notes for educational activities, various types of events, consultations for parents.
  • Creating presentations in Power Point to improve the effectiveness of educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of conducting parent meetings, festive events.
  • The use of presentations and children's animated films for the purpose of informational and scientific-pedagogical support of the educational process in the group, in the selection of additional educational and illustrative material.
  • Design of stands, booklets and business cards of the group.
  • Getting to know periodicals, communicating with colleagues, sharing experiences.
  • Hosting your own methodological developments, publications, materials on the Internet.
  • Personal site https :// multiurok . ru / irinaivanova 26/? act = auth
  • I take part in Internet communities

Annual festival "Spring Drops" speeches by children's music school students and preschool educational institution graduates

Principles of organization subject-educational environment

  • the developing nature of the subject environment;
  • activity-age approach;
  • information content (variety of topics, complexity, variety of materials and toys);
  • enrichment, science intensity, the presence of natural resources that provide a variety of child activities and creativity;
  • variability;
  • combination of traditional and new components;
  • ensuring comfort, functional reliability and safety;
  • ensuring aesthetic and hygienic indicators.

List of used Internet resources

Name of the site


Website "Kindergarten"

Portal Sunshine

www. children's garden ru

http :// www . solnet . ee / contests / index . php

"Everything for kindergarten"

Your child

www . ivalex . vistcom . ru

Raising preschool children

http :// www . two children . ru / index . shtml

“Everything for teachers and parents”

http :// doshvozrast . ru / rabrod / rabrod . htm


Multimedia for preschoolers

Kindergarten lesson notes


Website for kindergarten teachers

1 0




Pedagogical Internet portal

"About childhood"


Job prospects

  • 1.Continue work to ensure continuity educational programs Preschool educational institution within the framework of the new Federal State Educational Standard.
  • 2.Continue to implement educational process technology of humanistic management.
  • 3.Introduction into the educational process of new forms and methods of health improvement within the framework of a single comprehensive health-improving and developmental space (in all forms of organizing musical activities).
  • 4. To develop the creative and intellectual potential of children with pronounced abilities through organized, independent, joint activities, creative competitions, festivals.
  • 5.Search for new forms of work with parents (holding days open doors, presentation of work experience musical education children on the kindergarten website).
  • 6. Actively participate in the competitive movement.


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