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Characteristics of sports games, their specific features. What sport suits your child according to his horoscope?


Great physical exertion and repeated repetitions necessary to create lasting skills often cause a kind of psychological “stagnation,” fatigue, and loss of interest even in the most conscientious and hardworking athletes. This is a natural reaction of the body to the monotony of the work performed. Games activate attention, increase emotional state, and have a beneficial effect on restoration of performance. The effect of “active rest” comes into force, associated with the phenomenon of mutual induction, excitation and inhibition of various nervous muscle groups, with inductive inhibition of nerve cells, causing an increase in their functional state.

The effectiveness and feasibility of using outdoor games in sports training is confirmed by modern sports practice and has a scientific and theoretical basis. Interest in play activity not only for a child, but also for an adult, it is natural and explainable by the nature of the game itself. After all, the desire for a game (sports, active) is intuitively connected with a person’s need to train muscles and internal organs, as well as receive external information. The game continues to be a desirable companion to a person’s leisure time and his sports training, which is understandable if we take into account the psychophysiological nature of this type of activity.

It is important to remember that games act as an auxiliary, additional exercise in the system of tools used in the training process. Their importance should not be overestimated, nor, indeed, should their use be ignored for solving pedagogical problems at different stages of sports training.

In a modern physical education program for school outdoor games are distributed not only according to age, but also by type of sport (games with running, jumping, ski throwing, etc.) This indicates that the game is approaching sports practice.

The game method, due to its inherent features, is a method of comprehensive improvement of motor activity. To the greatest extent, it allows you to improve such qualities as dexterity, quickness of orientation, independence, initiative, without which sports activity is impossible. Despite the fact that games often include actions selectively aimed at improving one of the motor qualities, they should be considered as exercises of general physical action. Not a single outdoor game can serve as a means of developing any one quality. In games with elements of power struggle, as a rule, endurance and dexterity develop. The level of development of physical qualities is determined not only by the functional capabilities of human organs, but also by volitional qualities. For their development, play as an activity provides great opportunities.

For special physical training in each sport, you can select or compose ones aimed at developing a particular quality.

Game material must be planned with positive transfer of skills in mind. When including one or another element of sports technique in games, it is important to ensure that the basic structure of movement is not disturbed during the game. For example, you should not reinforce movements with maximum effort in a game if this was not done in training when developing a skill.

It is also important to keep in mind that technically correct execution of movements at high speed is very difficult task. It can be solved only by a specially designed system of sports training, including the use of games. In games where a skill is improved in conditions similar to competition, it is important to evaluate not only the speed of completion of the game task, the plot, but also the execution of the main technical technique.

The use of outdoor games in sports training makes it possible to create a motor basis for the future improvement of coordination abilities necessary for the formation of sports technique.

Systematic implementation various games allows athletes (especially beginners) to create a certain reserve of movements. On this basis, it is easier to develop a skill. It should be emphasized that a skill developed in sports is realized, as a rule, without play, without the participation of emotions. Moreover, emotions can only disrupt actions and make it difficult to achieve goals. The game comes to the aid of the coach only when the movement is automated and attention is focused not only on the motor act, but on the result of the action, the condition and situation in which it is performed (first, a somersault, a play technique, passing the baton, a standing jump, etc. are learned). etc., then these elements are included in the game). Here the game acts as a means of improving a skill performed in a heightened emotional state, in changing situations, and with external counteractions. The skill becomes not only sustainable and stable, but also flexible and variable. The athlete acquires the ability to apply the mastered skill in a holistic activity, to choose the best options for performing the action for each case.

An outdoor game acts as a complex exercise, which also forces the mind to work actively. Therefore, the use of games in training to solve various pedagogical problems helps create general prerequisites for mastering tactics. In addition, gaming activities always include the simplest or more complex methods of fighting. In the game, participants must be able to calculate their own strengths and determine rational methods of action.

The ability to sense micro-segments of time, the speed and rhythm of movements, and skillfully distribute forces over a distance is also included in the arsenal of tactical skills, which can be improved in games and game tasks.

Tactical thinking is cultivated not so much through theoretical analysis of possible competitive situations, but through practical exercises of a gaming nature (who is more likely to notice the actions of the enemy, orient himself in response to a signal, who better senses the rhythm, time at a distance, etc.). There are more games and exercises of this kind in martial arts and sports games (due to the variety of tactical possibilities) than, say, in complex tactical or cyclic sports.

Due to the fact that it is advisable to develop technical skills in relation to future tactical situations (and the athlete should realize this already when studying technology), outdoor play acts as a means of modeling various situations(from simple to relatively complex).

By selecting special games, a coach can teach a novice athlete basic standard tactical techniques in which he will meaningfully use his physical abilities and apply sports techniques. At the same time, it is very important to formulate tactics aimed at offensive warfare.

Currently, there is a tendency to limit the development of automated tactical skills and expand their variability. This task can be successfully accomplished through a variety of team games. When selecting and compiling them, it is important to know the athletes’ abilities and take into account their previous experience in order to offer optimal conditions for the game.

In case of fatigue, impaired stability of attention caused by the high tempo or monotonous nature of the exercises performed, the inclusion of outdoor games in training again increases attention and normalizes the performance of those involved. The process of mastering technical actions and developing physical qualities are directly dependent on the athlete’s mood and passion. When players experience negative emotions, the training efficiency drops significantly. The inclusion of simple games, which are not similar in their essence, motor structure, rhythm and nature of muscle activity to the exercises being performed, helps to create positive emotions among those involved. Switching from one type of activity to another, an element of competition, and free choice of actions in the game allows you to open a “second wind” to continue intense training after active rest. With skillful use of games during training, interest in them remains throughout the entire training cycle.

In games to activate attention and increase emotional state, there is usually no great physical stress or acute conflict. It is important to determine exactly when it is time to include a game in the lesson. Sometimes the game is included in the warm-up or included in the final part of the workout to maintain a good mood. However, it is also possible to conduct an unplanned game in class.

Interest in sports is now growing, regardless of whether we are satisfied with the results of the Olympics or not. The ambitions of parents, especially those who played sports in their youth, are great, and many would like to see their child on the pedestal.

When choosing which sport to give preference to, it is necessary to take into account the child’s temperament, character inclinations, as well as the characteristics of the body. Moreover, some sports can strengthen existing features, while others will help supplement what is missing. For example, an aggressive boy, of course, will like boxing and will win competitions, but perhaps ice dancing or swimming would make him calmer, more harmonious, and more multifaceted as a person. Here the choice is up to the parents. Whether you're hoping to raise an Olympic champion or just want to help your child develop more holistically.


Aries, both boys and girls, are natural sportsmen and women. They are energetic, cheerful, active, courageous, impulsive. Any Aries will give preference to an active sport, preferably a game one. Aries, as you know, are fighters, so martial arts are their element (boxer Vladimir Klitschko). But in team sports (basketball, volleyball, football, etc.) their chances of success are still higher. No one is as devoted to their team as Aries, and they are often chosen as captains, which flatters their pride and develops responsibility. Aries footballers are known all over the world - Igor Akinfeev (who is also the captain of the team) and Ronaldinho. Of the other types, it is worth noting speed skating, running (only sprints, Aries does not have the stamina for a marathon) and all types of athletics, luge, slalom, auto and motorcycle racing - Aries strives to be the first in everything and really loves speed. Aries have a special love for hockey - the speed is high, you can fight, and passions run high (Aries are hockey players Pavel Bure and Ilya Kovalchuk).

If we talk about what Aries lacks, then we must mention the development of precision, accuracy, grace and sophistication. You can develop the missing traits by doing gymnastics, figure skating (skaters Tatyana Navka and Maxim Marinin - Aries), swimming, especially synchronized (Ananstasia Ermakova - synchronized swimming, Arkady Vyatchanin - swimming). Table tennis and lawn tennis (Maria Sharapova), shooting or fencing will help develop accuracy, precision of movements and endurance, and chess will teach you to value not only brute strength, but also intelligence (Garry Kasparov - Aries).

Most likely, you won’t have to accustom Aries to sports. The child himself will ask you to take him to a place where he can run, jump and so on. If you don’t do the spot, then the energy will come out at home, and then be careful. The house will “stand on its own,” and an increasing number of things will require repair.

The most traumatic place for Aries is the head, and first of all, the nose. Therefore, think three times about hockey and boxing, even if your child insists on them.


Taurus are calm, balanced and flexible. They are more prone to quiet games and creativity rather than physical activity. Therefore, Taurus must be accustomed to sports activities, but this must be done carefully and gently, because excessive rigidity in upbringing will cause an attack of stubbornness in your baby, and when Taurus is stubborn, no one can cope with him. You can try to use your child's artistic inclinations and take him to gymnastics, ice dancing or synchronized swimming. Graceful movements to the music, and even in beautiful costumes - all this is very much to the taste of Taurus, here they are in their element (gymnasts Olga Korbut, Alina Kabaeva - Taurus). In addition, your child has very good endurance, and therefore biathlon, triathlon, skiing are suitable for him, and he may well be able to complete the marathon distance in the future. Another plus is body strength and great muscle strength, which means Taurus can become a good weightlifter, hammer or javelin thrower. Taurus adults may have a penchant for bodybuilding, constantly improving their body.

What Taurus lacks a little is courage and a love of risk. They are also indifferent to high speeds. Therefore, they can rarely be found among boxers, skiers or hockey players (although Vladislav Tretyak is a Taurus, he also stood on the goal). For general development It would be useful for your child to master skiing, rollerblading, cycling, sledding or snowboarding, and learn a couple of judo techniques. Olga Zaitseva and Simone Hauswald are two biathletes who are Taurus. Alexey Voevoda - bobsleigh, Vladimir Lebedev - freestyle, Dinara Safina - tennis - after all, they can whenever they want! And soccer star David Beckham is also a Taurus!

The weak point of Taurus is the throat, so it should not be overcooled and it is advisable to keep it warm, especially if you engage in winter sports. To prevent colds, Taurus must be hardened from childhood. Another problem is the love of sweets and starchy foods, and therefore the likelihood of gaining excess weight, which is poorly compatible with exercise. Monitor your child’s consumption of high-calorie foods, and if the child is older, tell him how his figure can deteriorate from overeating.


Geminis are active and inquisitive, their movements are dexterous and fast, they early childhood They love to run, climb, climb, and get into places where not every adult can reach them. The twins are not afraid of heights, they love to ride on swings, and they do things on ladders and rungs that parents are scared to even watch.

Innate dexterity and precision of movements is a good assistant in table tennis, artistic gymnastics (Alexey Nemov), fencing (Gemini - the famous fencer Sergei Sharikov), and shooting. Geminis also like cycling, athletics, rowing, and skating. The famous jumper Elena Isinbaeva, biathlete Evgeny Ustyugov, skier Nikolai Kryukov, figure skaters Andrei Bukin and Evan Lysacek, and of course, the magnificent football player Andrei Arshavin - they are all Geminis. Of course, success awaits Gemini in orienteering, tourism, and they will be able to use their intelligence in chess (Anatoly Karpov was born under the sign of Gemini).

Geminis are a little short on stamina and have little consistency at all, so if your baby gets hard or gets tired of the chosen sport, he will quickly lose interest in it. In general, Geminis tend to try a variety of things, start and give up their hobbies, so it is worth teaching them to be systematic, persevering and persevering in achieving their goals.

Geminis often have weak lungs and bronchi, so they benefit from breathing exercises, being on fresh air, going to the pool will be of great benefit. Swimming will also help relieve nervous overload, to which Gemini also has a tendency.


Cancers rarely show great love for sports. They prefer the comfort of home; they do not like when they have to part with their mother or grandmother. Their sensitivity is too high, so in the tough world of big sports, where work is aimed at results and where competition is great, they rarely take root. Cancers, like no other, value soulfulness in everything they do; they are partial to beauty. Cancers can achieve success in rhythmic gymnastics or synchronized swimming if they find a kind and attentive coach. It could work out well sport life and in team sports, if the team becomes like a second family for Cancer and he feels quite comfortable there (football players Zinedine Zidane, Fabien Barthez, Alberto Carlos - Cancer).

What Cancers lack is self-confidence and fighting qualities. When they begin to understand this, they often strive to develop them and achieve excellent results. Famous Cancer boxers Mike Tyson and Jack Dempsey are examples of what can be achieved by working on yourself. Cancer and the eldest of the Klitschko brothers Vitaly. It is useful for Cancers to develop courage and perseverance by doing rock climbing, alpine skiing, long-distance running and various martial arts. Cancers - biathlete Olga Medvedtseva, jumper Tatyana Lebedeva and swimmer Michael Phelps, who took all the gold at the 2008 Olympics.

Parents should monitor proper nutrition little Cancers. Dry snacks and various chips, crackers or fast food are harmful to them. Therefore, even with a busy training schedule, Cancers always need to have time to eat normally, and it is better often, but little by little, than vice versa.

a lion

Little Lion Cubs love games and holidays, which means they are partial to sports. If you want to instill interest in any sport, then take him to demonstrations or competitions followed by the presentation of prizes - your child will be delighted.

All Leos love team sports - football, basketball, volleyball, hockey, etc. (football player Yuri Zhirkov, hockey player Evgeni Malkin), but great success they are still able to achieve in martial arts. After all, Leos are not indifferent to fame and attention to their own person, and their internal strengths help them cope with the enemy on the energetic level. Tennis (Lions - tennis players Pete Sampras and Roger Federer), wrestling (Leos - captain of the Russian judo team Tamerlan Tmenov), fencing - sports suitable for your child.

Other sports where Leo will be able to show off his talents, and at the same time show off in front of the public, are figure skating, gymnastics (Amina Zaripova), alpine skiing and golf, which is still not very accessible to us.

Fresh air is very beneficial for Leo's health, so you can write it down light section athletics. There it will be easier for him to do long jumps and short-distance running, race walking (Denis Nizhegorodov is a medalist at the 2008 Olympics in this event), skiing and biathlon (Svetlana Sleptsova, Anton Shipulin).

Parents will not have to accustom the Lion Cub to sports, but your baby may be too lazy to do daily morning exercises. In this case, you can replace it with dancing to music, sports games or relay races.


Virgo is one of the most intellectual signs of the Zodiac, so the first thing that comes to mind is chess. But we still want to grow a full-fledged personality, and therefore we will strive not only to develop the mind, but also the body.

Virgos, as a rule, are very efficient, hardworking and neat, and therefore those sports that require careful development of performance technique are suitable for them - gymnastics (Virgin gymnast Elena Zamolodchikova), diving (2008 Olympic medalist Yulia Pakhalina), figure skating skating (Irina Rodnina and current champion Kim Yu Na are also Virgos). Virgos have no problems with precision movements, and therefore they will be successful in fencing, shooting, and tennis (biathlete Pavel Rostovtsev, tennis player Vera Zvonareva). Virgos are very calm and behave modestly, despite all their achievements. A typical example is boxer, world heavyweight champion Nikolai Valuev.

For the health and development of the missing character qualities of little Virgos, it is good to send them to the pool, take them to the hippodrome (Virgos love technology too much, and here it is interaction with living beings), you can also offer sailing or mountaineering (Virgos also lack a little romanticism), team sports sports (hockey player Alexander Ovechkin - imagine, Virgo according to the horoscope).

When you start taking your child to training, the main thing is to immediately establish a clear routine and try not to miss classes. Virgos love order and precision and quickly get used to routines and schedules, unless the established routine is disturbed.

When Virgo gets a little older, interest in sports can be maintained by explaining how it is good for health - such arguments work flawlessly on Virgo. And one more thing: take care of your baby’s nerves. Excitement in Virgos leads to disruptions in the functioning of the intestines, which means there is no need to escalate the situation before the competition.


Refined, soft, cheerful Libra guys look for harmony in everything. Sports such as wrestling, boxing, hockey are abhorrent to them, since the spirit of competition is alien to Libra. They generally tend to avoid conflicts, finding a compromise everywhere.

Libra's love for beauty will be easier to express in figure skating(Elena Berezhnaya and Mao Asada - Libra) or rhythmic gymnastics, dancing or synchronized swimming (Maria Kiseleva). Libra will enjoy equestrian sports, tennis (the famous tennis player Martina Navratilova is a representative of the Libra sign, Elena Dementieva too), sailing, alpine skiing (at the last Olympics there are a lot of Libra skier medalists: Andrea Fischbacher, Lindsay Vonn, Bode Miller). The external surroundings, prestige and popularity of the sport also play a significant role for Libra. Libra's team spirit is quite strong, and therefore football, basketball or volleyball, in principle, suit them. Footballers Michael Ballack and Andrei Shevchenko, hockey players Darius Kasparaitis and Alexei Zhamnov, volleyball player Ekaterina Gamova - all of them are representatives of this zodiac sign.

For more complete development, Libra needs to develop fighting qualities and the ability to take a blow. Libra needs to pump up strength, try to be tougher and more decisive. If they succeed, the results are excellent. Ivan Poddubny is a world champion in classical wrestling - Libra by zodiac sign.

You can get your baby used to sports through a love of beauty. You need to buy him a fashionable sports suit, do the appropriate hairstyle, etc. The coach should under no circumstances be rude or raise his voice, otherwise your child may stop loving this type sport forever. In winter, you should make sure that there is no hypothermia in the lower part of the body, since the weak point of all Libra is the lower back and kidneys.


The energy of Scorpio could be the envy of any battery. This is who the heaviest, most powerful sports are suitable for: weightlifting, wrestling, boxing. Scorpio will look favorably in hockey, water polo, auto and motor sports. Scorpios are not afraid to take risks, and therefore ski jumping, slalom, bobsleigh, and water skiing are all for them. Triathlon - a sport where you swim, run and race a bike - is also suitable. Besides this good workout endurance plus the possibility of more harmonious development. Scorpios - biathletes Maxim Chudov and Ivan Tcherezov. Larisa Ilchenko is an Olympic champion in such a difficult event as a marathon in open water swimming.

Scorpios make great football players. Diego Maradona, Oleg Blokhin, Luis Figo, Alessandro Del Piero are famous representatives of this sign. Apparently, the passions that boil on the football field attract Scorpios and force them to give their all. They love hockey too (Alexey Yashin).

Meanwhile, to develop the missing traits, it would be useful for Scorpios to do something beautiful and graceful - dancing, gymnastics, figure skating. Here Scorpio is able to conquer everyone with his originality and bright expressiveness. An example is Evgeni Plushenko, an extra-class figure skater. Anton Sikharulidze and Tatyana Totmyanina are also representatives of this sign, and in synchronized swimming - Olga Brusnikina.

In terms of health, Scorpios should take care of the genitourinary system, and therefore, they should avoid hypothermia of the lower part of the body, and girls, moreover, should not carry or lift heavy objects to prevent prolapse of the internal organs.


Myself appearance Sagittarius indicates that he is a born athlete. Sagittarians are usually well-built, often tall, long legs and such a stately figure - they are simply the envy of everyone. When it comes to choosing a sport, you should pay attention to volleyball and basketball, athletics (pole vaulter Sergei Bubka) and tennis (Monica Seles was born under the sign of Sagittarius). Sagittarius will like to engage in tourism, horse riding, cycling or luge (Albina Demchenko - luge, Tamila Abasova - cycling). Sagittarians are very gambling, and therefore will suit them game types sports In addition, they are good organizers and inspirers and, most likely, will be the leaders of their teams (hockey player Sergei Fedorov, football players Alexander Kerzhakov and Roman Pavlyuchenko).

Outdoor sports - skiing, swimming, etc. - will bring great health benefits to Sagittarius. Beach volleyball etc. Sagittarius should not be overly patronized. You need to give him some freedom and show that you trust him. This is how he will show himself in all his glory. But your child’s coach must be authoritative, otherwise Sagittarius will not listen to him.

For harmonious development, it is useful for Sagittarius to do something intellectual and subtle handmade. Sports include chess and checkers, table tennis, shooting, fencing. The famous chess player Viswanathan Anand is a Sagittarius.

Sagittarians may have weak hip joints and blood vessels that are sensitive to strain, so they should not engage in weightlifting.


Capricorn boys and girls are distinguished by increased seriousness and strength of character. Already in childhood, they look older than their years and behave accordingly. Capricorns can reach heights in almost any sport, as they have enormous perseverance and determination. Capricorns are characterized by being tall and thin, with long arms and legs. With such a build, they have a direct path to basketball and athletics. Phenomenal endurance will make Capricorn an excellent marathon runner, a winner in cross-country skiing (Olympic champion skier Yulia Chepalova, Vancouver Olympic winners Peter Northug and Axel Lund Svindal), biathlon (Alexander Tikhonov), speed skating(Svetlana Zhurova). A love of technology will help you achieve success in car and motorcycle racing (Michael Schumacher is a Capricorn racing driver).

To make your baby a more multifaceted personality, it is good to introduce him to water sports - swimming, diving, rowing and sailing. Playful activities will help him become more relaxed and show his leadership skills(hockey player Valery Kharlamov, tennis player Stefan Edberg).

In terms of health, it is worth paying attention Special attention on the condition of the skin, teeth, bones. The diet of a Capricorn athlete should be balanced, rich in vitamins, fiber and calcium. Capricorns are more likely than others to have knee injuries, which should also be kept in mind when choosing a sport.


The restless Aquarius, lively, inquisitive, sociable and open to everything new, begins to show interest in sports early. If he is not sent to the sports section on time, he will cause you a lot of trouble with his antics, and in kindergarten or at school may be known as a bully and a hooligan.

Aquarians, like Capricorns, are usually tall and thin - a basketball coach's dream (Aquarius Michael Jordan is a genius basketball player). Aquarius has fast movements, a swift gait, and a long stride. Athletics were invented as if especially for them. Alpine and water skiing, cycling, and tourism are well suited for Aquarius. Aquarians are usually not afraid of heights, and therefore they have no equal in mountaineering, ski jumping, and parachuting. Aquarius - tennis players Marat Safin and Elena Dementyeva, figure skater Irina Slutskaya, speed skater Ivan Skobrev, biathletes Magdalena Neuner and Ole Einar Bjoerndalen.

For general development, Aquarius would do well to engage in strength sports and work on increasing muscle mass. Team games are also useful for them, where there are a lot of emotions, experiences and where team spirit is so important (hockey players Wayne Gretzky and Jaromir Jagr, football players Vladimir Bystrov and Cristiano Ronaldo, volleyball player Alexander Volkov - Aquarius).

Hardening procedures are beneficial for the health of Aquarius. They have a very active psyche and a not very strong nervous system, so it is advisable not to inflame passions before competitions, and in general, they must behave calmly, without raising their voices or using physical punishment. Aquarians benefit from soothing teas before bed.


Soft, gentle and smiling Pisces are the joy of mothers and grandmothers. But dads would like to raise their child to be a physically strong, strong and self-confident person; they are rarely delighted with the constant lisps and endless tenderness. What might Pisces like in the world of sports? Either something unusual, or beautiful and festive. This could be synchronized swimming, figure skating (Alexey Yagudin), golf or, for example, curling. Pisces love water, so it is not difficult to accustom them to swimming, rowing, and sailing. Olympic swimmers Alexander Sukhorukov and Rebecca Soni are representatives of this water sign. Pisces are also partial to what is now fashionable and prestigious, which means they will be successful in tennis (Ivan Lendl - five-time world champion, as well as Shamil Tarpishchev), football (Vladimir Maslachenko - a former football player, and now a TV presenter, football players Vyacheslav Malafeev and Diniyar Bilyaletdinov).

What Pisces finds difficult to master is different types wrestling, weightlifting. They are not happy with extreme species sports, from exhausting and demanding training and competitions.

For health purposes, it would still be useful for Pisces to sometimes go skiing, go jogging, and go on hikes. To train accuracy and attentiveness, it is good to practice shooting (Lyubov Galkina and Vladimir Isakov are Olympic medalists in this sport), and table tennis. Another sport where Pisces can be successful is chess (the legendary Robert Fischer is a Pisces), because it requires not only mental abilities, but also intuition, and here Pisces has no equal.

Pisces have weak ankle joints and often twist their legs. In general, their feet should be protected and no negative impacts. You also need to be careful with the emotions of Pisces - avoid strong emotions and nervous overexcitation. And under no circumstances should you sacrifice hours of sleep; sleep for Pisces is sacred.

Sports games were formed on the basis of gaming activity inherent in humans. The game takes great place In human life. In childhood, play is the main activity, a means of preparing for life, for work, effective remedy physical education. Games related to sports, based on competition, were allocated to a separate group - sport games, or game sports.

Peculiarities sports games are determined by the specifics of competitive activity, which distinguishes them from other types

Competitive confrontation in the game occurs according to established rules using competitive actions inherent only to a particular game - game techniques (techniques). In this case, the presence of an opponent is mandatory. In team sports, the goal of each fragment of the competition is to deliver the object of the competition (ball, puck, etc.) to a certain place on the opponents’ court and prevent this from happening to oneself. This defines the unit of competition - a block of actions of the “defense-attack” type, which also includes actions of reconnaissance, disinformation, conspiracy, etc.

IN team games It is the team as a whole that wins and loses, not individual athletes. No matter how well an individual athlete plays, if the team loses, then so does he. And vice versa, no matter how poorly an athlete plays, if the team wins, then he wins too. Thus, a sports team is the same integral sports unit as an athlete in individual sports.

This specificity of team games determines a number of requirements for athletes, their views, attitudes, personal qualities,

the nature of the actions in the competition. Ideally, the athlete’s main psychological attitude towards the game should be the desire to completely subordinate his own actions to the interests of the team (even contrary to personal well-being, perhaps “to his own detriment” in one way or another). In the absence of such an attitude, each athlete on the team cannot have a strong, well-coordinated team as a whole, even if it consists of individually well-technically, physically and tactically trained players.

Consequently, the cultivation of collectivism, the ability to sacrifice one’s own interests for the sake of team victory, the desire to see and understand the collective interest in everyone this moment competition is one of the most important tasks of the preparation process in team games. Practice shows that the very conditions of team competitive activity contribute to the development of this attitude through the influence of the team on the participants in the game. Often such an impact is very harsh, strong, and effective, which contributes to the development of appropriate personal qualities in a person.

In this regard, team games are an effective means of education, naturally, with the appropriate activities of coaches, educators, teachers, etc.

The complex nature of competitive gaming activity creates constantly changing conditions, necessitates assessing the situation and choosing actions, usually with limited time. An important factor is that the athlete has a wide arsenal of technical and tactical actions, which would make it possible to optimize strategies that ensure the effectiveness of the team’s actions to achieve results in conflict situations.

Important Feature sports games consist of a large number of competitive actions - game techniques. It is necessary to perform these techniques repeatedly in the process of competitive activity (in one meeting, a series of meetings) to achieve a sports result (winning a meeting, competition) - hence the requirement for reliability, stability of skills, etc.

In team games, competitive activity is carried out by several athletes and much depends on the coordination of their actions, on the forms of organizing the actions of athletes in the process of competitive activity in order to achieve victory over an opponent.

A feature of sports games is the stepwise nature of achieving a sports result. In sports with single competitive actions (for example, jumping, throwing), the optimal combination of two factors - motor potential and rational technique (in principle, even with a single attempt) leads to the fixation of a sports result (jump height,


  • Kuznetsov V.S., Kolodnitsky G.A. Physical Culture. Exercises and games with balls (Document)
  • Water games (Document)
  • Zhukov M.N. Outdoor games (Document)
  • n1.doc

    7A8 S 73

    Sports and outdoor games. Tutorial for

    C73 physical technical schools. Ed. 2nd, revised Ed.

    Yu. I. Portnykh. M., “Physical education and sports”, 1U//.

    The textbook covers issues of technology, teaching methods and sports education. T b R N e ik R is written in accordance with the program for technical schools of physical education.

    From 1|09(0ТНГ 66 - 77

    This textbook is a revised and expanded reissue of a manual published in 1970. The need for revision was caused by the introduction in 1973 of a new training program for students in technical schools physical culture. The textbook is intended primarily for students general course sports and outdoor games.

    It describes modern development and the content of techniques and tactics of such popular sports games as basketball, volleyball, football, hockey, handball. In addition, the main content of tennis, badminton and table tennis, studied as additional types sports games.

    In addition to the presentation of technology and tactics, issues of teaching and training methods are considered. Unlike the previous edition, the methodology of working with children and adolescents is much more widely covered, and a description of technical means and simulators is given.

    A separate chapter includes the methodology for teaching outdoor games, revised in accordance with new program physical education At school.

    Issues related to teaching and training methods, common to all sports games, are presented in a separate chapter. The basic definitions of game theory are also discussed here.

    The textbook was prepared by a team of teachers from the Leningrad State Institute of Physical Culture named after. P. F. Lesgaft associate professors L. I. Gurovich, G. P. Ivanova, N. M. Lyukshinov, G. S. Lasin, Yu. I. Portnykh, P. A. Chumakov and masters of sports I. M. Talanov, D. P. Rybakov, V. I. Smirnov.

    © Publishing House “Physical Culture and Sports”, 1977




    Among the wide variety of means of physical culture and sports, one of the leading places is occupied by sports games.

    Sports games in their modern form began to take shape late XIX and the beginning of the 20th century. They represent the highest stage of development folk games. A wide variety of motor actions that make up the content of the game contributes to the development of strength, speed, endurance, dexterity, moral and volitional qualities. At the same time, games allow you to improve your life important skills and skills.

    The range of games currently used for physical education is quite wide. They are usually divided into two large groups: active and sports.

    Active games include simple games with basic rules and simple interactions.

    Sports games are a combat between two sides, taking placewithin the rules, the advantage in which is assessed by quantityachieving the stipulated goal. Sports games are distinguished by uniform rules that clearly define the composition of participants, the size and layout of the site, the duration of the game, equipment and inventory, etc. Competitions in sports games are in the nature of wrestling and require great physical effort and volitional efforts from the participants. Sports games are played in schools, technical schools and universities, in enterprises and in the ranks Soviet army, on collective and state farms, in rest homes, sanatoriums, etc. The complex technique of gaming techniques and tactical actions determines the need for long-term special training of players.

    In technical schools of physical education, sports and outdoor games are a special subject that includes history, theory, teaching methods, practical development of technology, tactics of individual games and the development of pedagogical skills.

    In the USSR, the most widespread were football, basketball, volleyball, hockey (with puck and ball), handball, tennis, table tennis, water polo, gorodki, and rugby. IN Lately Badminton gained great popularity, and field hockey began to be cultivated.

    Every sports game has characteristics. At the same time, different games also have similar features that allow

    Divide them into certain groups: team and non-team, With contact with an opponent and without contact, with and without an additional equipment (stick, racket, bat).

    The movements and actions used in sports games are varied: walking, running, jumping, various throwing and hitting the ball (puck). The players strive, by expediently using gaming techniques, together with their partners to achieve an advantage over an opponent who is actively resisting.

    The active opposition of the opponent constantly changes the conditions for the implementation of the planned actions of the individual player and the team as a whole. The rapid change of game situations confronts players with a wide variety of tasks that require the fastest solution To do this, it is necessary to see the created situation (location of partners and opponents, position of the ball, puck) in the shortest possible time, evaluate it, select the most appropriate actions and apply them. All this can be accomplished only with certain knowledge, skills, and abilities.

    The motor skills of those involved in sports games are characterized by great mobility and dynamism. Players must be able to perform accurate passes, shots on goal, throwing the ball into the basket, etc. different ways and in a wide variety of conditions.

    An important feature of sports games is complex collective tactical actions. Most types of sports are team games, and success in competitions largely depends on the coordinated actions of all participants. What complicates the interaction is that the game does not have a predetermined sequence for performing game techniques and a constant rhythm. In each situation, the actions of individual team players are different, but they must be interdependent and aimed at solving a common problem. Athletes are required to have maximum initiative, creativity and courage to coordinate their actions with partners and achieve success.

    Mutual assistance is of great importance in a collective game. Timely and correct assistance to a partner is an important factor in achieving victory over an opponent. By helping each other both in attack and defense, players must strive to create a constant numerical advantage.

    The scope of activities in the game is limited by the relevant rules, violation of which carries certain penalties. Athletes must not only determine what technical technique or what tactical action needs to be used at the moment, but also evaluate it from the standpoint of the rules of the game.

    Thus, sports games contribute to the development of a number of positive skills and character traits: the ability to subordinate personal interests to the interests of the team, mutual assistance, respect for one’s partners and rivals, conscious discipline, activity, a sense of responsibility, etc.

    In sports games, those involved perform work of variable intensity, mainly of a speed-strength nature. Relative-

    Its power varies in different types of games. An increase in the speed of movement and speed of action, an increase in the intensity of gaming activity that occurred in last years in all types of sports games, significantly increased the load on the player’s body. Therefore, in games such as hockey, basketball, volleyball, and handball, player substitutions are widely used.

    During each game, operation of any power is possible. Therefore, training should be aimed at developing high levels of aerobic and anaerobic performance in athletes.

    Quite high energy costs (football - 1500 kcal, basketball - 900 kcal), high heart rate (180-190 or more beats per minute), weight loss (2-3 kg per game) indicate high demands on the body of those involved in sports games. They have an increased lung capacity (in football players and basketball players, on average, 5 liters), bradycardia (in football players and volleyball players, 48-54 beats per minute), moderate cardiac hypertrophy, and an increase in hemoglobin content in the blood*.

    In terms of basic physical qualities, representatives of sports games occupy high places among athletes of other types. Thus, in terms of jumping ability (high jump), volleyball players take third place (58 cm), basketball players - sixth (53 cm), football players - eighth (49 cm), hockey players, handball players and tennis players - ninth (48 cm).

    Various movements and actions performed in sports games, in most cases in the fresh air, i.e. in favorable hygienic conditions, have a great healing effect: they help strengthen the nervous system, motor system, improve general metabolism, increase the activity of all organs and systems of the human body, serve as a means of active recreation for many categories of workers, especially for people engaged in intense mental activity.

    Sports games have a significant impact on the central nervous system. The speed of movements, their frequent change and constant variation in the intensity of muscle activity contribute to an increase in strength, mobility and lability of the nervous system.

    In skilled players, the latent period of the motor reaction is significantly shortened. If for beginners it is 217 m/sec, then for trained basketball players ■ it is 162 m/sec, for football players it is 180 m/sec **.

    Playing sports has a positive effect on the development of visual, vestibular, muscular and other analyzers. Students experience an increase in their field of vision and develop depth vision. Under the influence of systematic training and competitions in sports games, muscle functions improve

    Eye apparatus. If in 60% of cases those who do not play sports have disturbances in the muscular balance of the eyes, then in skilled players they occur less frequently (50-22%).

    Sports game competitions are interesting not only for the participants. They bring great pleasure to the audience as well. Sharp, rapidly changing situations and the dexterity of the players captivate the audience and are good propaganda for systematic sports activities.

    Recently, representatives of all sports have begun to widely use various sports games in training sessions.

    For more full characteristics and the significance of sports games, their popularity and mass appeal should be noted. Thus, according to statistical data from 1967*, in the USSR 17.4 million people played basketball, volleyball, football and table tennis alone (volleyball - 6,628,200, basketball - 3,790,300, football - 4,255,700, table tennis - 2,684,000), while 8,042,400 people were involved in athletics and 6,240,200 people were involved in skiing*. These numbers have now increased significantly. A similar trend can be seen on a global scale. According to 1971 data, the number of people involved in volleyball was 40 million, football - 35 million, and athletics - 20 million.

    So, sports games occupy a prominent place in the system of physical education and are an excellent means of improving health, increasing performance and solving educational problems.

    However, to solve the entire complex of problems of a multi-faceted physical development They can not. Therefore, it is advisable to combine means and methods from other sports in training sessions.


    Sports training is understood as a long-term process of comprehensive physical education, which is aimed at achieving high sports results, as well as preparing for socially useful activities.

    The most important component of the educational and training process is the education of students, the formation of their personality, moral beliefs and communist worldview.

    The educational and training process in each sports game has its own characteristics arising from its content. However, there is also a lot in common, which allows us to outline some provisions of the training methodology that are characteristic of all games.

    The set of tasks of the educational and training process is solved using a variety of physical exercise. They are divided into main and auxiliary.

    ?Human Physiology. Ed. N.V. Zimkina. M., FiS, 1970. ** “Human Physiology.” Ed. prof. E. K. Zhukova. M., FiS, 1959.

    * ON THE. Makartsev, P. A. Sobolev. Numbers and facts speak. M., FiS, 1968.

    The main exercises are those taken directly from the arsenal of the game being studied.

    Auxiliary exercises are divided into two groups - general preparatory and special preparatory. By using

    General preparatory exercises create the necessary prerequisites for mastering the basic content of gaming activities, achieving comprehensive physical fitness and improving the health of those involved. The leading role here is played by general developmental exercises and hygiene factors. Special preparatory exercises are aimed at acquiring the physical qualities necessary for this type of game and mastering special motor skills. The exercises used for this purpose are divided into preparatory and preparatory exercises. They are closely related to each other. Preparatory exercises include a variety of exercises without and with objects, games and relay races. Individual parts of a complexly coordinated movement or the entire movement in easier conditions are used as lead-in exercises. Sometimes simulation exercises and exercises on simulators are used for this purpose. The methodological sequence of using exercises is shown in Fig. 1.


    Physical training is the most important section of the educational and training process. Its main objectives are to improve health, comprehensive physical and special development, and increase the general and special performance of the body.

    Practice and scientific research convincingly show the huge role of physical training in sports achievements. It is closely related to technical, tactical and psychological preparation. Without sufficient development of such qualities as strength, speed, endurance and agility, it is impossible to successfully use technical techniques and carry out planned tactical actions.

    Physical training is usually divided into general and special.

    general physical preparation is aimed at developing versatile physical abilities necessary for the harmonious development of students, increasing the body's performance, creating a solid base for fruitful work and achieving high sportsmanship.

    To solve the problems of general physical training, a wide range of means are used, and above all exercises from the GTO complex, gymnastics, athletics, skiing, swimming, acrobatics, wrestling, weightlifting, different kinds games.

    The correct selection of physical exercises is of great importance. Not all means of general physical training have a positive effect on the development of special qualities. There are three types of physical exercises: promoting each other, neutral and opposite, giving a negative result.

    Based on this, in classes on sports games from gymnastics, elementary general developmental exercises are used without apparatus, on apparatus (gymnastic wall, bench, rope, pommel horse) and with objects (medicine balls, gymnastic sticks, dumbbells, jump ropes).

    Athletics include cross-country, short and middle distance running, grenade throwing, shot put, high jump and long jump; from weightlifting - various preparatory exercises with a barbell; from acrobatics - stands, somersaults, somersaults, etc.

    General developmental exercises are selected in such a way as to involve the main muscle groups in the work and at the same time achieve a general effect on the body of those involved.

    It is not enough to select certain means of general physical training; it is necessary to establish their volume and correctly distribute it in the annual training cycle.

    Special physical training is a process aimed at developing the physical qualities necessary for a given type of sports games.

    Every sports game has distinctive features, but at the same time, the nature of actions in a particular game has much in common: acyclicity, diversity, variability of load intensity. Prolonged activity in such conditions requires the development of specific endurance, speed, strength, dexterity, and flexibility.

    For this purpose, special preparatory exercises are used, which are similar in structure to the main game actions, as well as exercises in the technique and tactics of the type of game being studied, outdoor games and games in which the students specialize.

    Force. Strength is understood as a person’s ability to overcome external resistance through muscular effort. Strength is an important basis for the manifestation of other qualities. It is necessary in all types of games: to a greater extent for football players, rugby players, hockey players, and to a lesser extent for those playing table tennis, badminton, and towns.

    For all types of sports, developing leg muscle strength is of paramount importance. Developing the strength of other muscle groups is of primary importance for a particular game. For example, for handball and tennis players it is equally important to develop the strength of the arm muscles; for hockey players - the strength of the muscles of the arms and torso, etc.

    The development of special strength in certain types of sports games is aimed at increasing the speed and accuracy of movements. An excessive increase in the size of the physiological diameter of the main muscle groups is undesirable for those involved in sports.

    To develop strength and speed muscle contractions use a variety of exercises with weights: lifting a barbell weighing 50% or more of the maximum result; exercises with a partner and overcoming your own weight; exercises in throwing objects of various weights; exercises with an expander, rubber, weighted belts, cuffs on the lower leg and forearm. Perform exercises with light weights in series, repeating until failure, with medium weight (70-75% of the maximum result) in series, with a large number of repetitions until failure; gradually increase the weight to the maximum (starting from 50-60% of the maximum sports result)

    Change). To develop strength, exercises with dynamic, static and inferior modes of operation are used.

    When working with women and children, strength exercises should be used carefully.

    Speed ​​is one of the leading qualities in sports games. Speed ​​refers to a person’s ability to perform movements in the shortest possible period of time. The history of the development of games shows that success in competitions largely depends on the ability to play the game at a fast pace.

    In sports games, this quality manifests itself as speed of reaction, speed of execution of movements and the change of one movement to another - speed of movement.

    The speed of reaction as a response to the changed position of partners and the action of an opponent, as well as the ability to switch from one action to another, depend on the degree of mobility of nervous processes. Improving this aspect of speed should follow the path of reducing the time spent assessing the situation, making decisions and implementing them.

    The speed of movement is important in various playing techniques (passes, hits, throws, etc.) and player movement. The development of speed in performing movements largely depends on the preparedness of the neuromuscular system.

    To develop speed, the following exercises are used: running short distances from a high start, repeated running with acceleration over a distance, running over short segments with a change in direction (for example, 4 times 20 m), running with stops, acceleration, turns, jumps, passes ball, running with weights, running on sand, snow, water, running downhill and uphill, starts based on visual and auditory signals, various relay races and outdoor games, exercises in the technique and tactics of the game, as well as double-sided games in football, hockey, basketball, handball, etc.

    The main method for developing speed is the repetition method. Since high-intensity exercises cannot be performed long time, then before repeating it is necessary to pause for rest. The number of repetitions and the length of the pause are determined by the time the exercise is performed. At sharp decline speed, the practitioner needs to move on to another exercise or rest, since the continuation of this exercise will be aimed at developing endurance, not speed.

    Endurance is the body’s ability to demonstrate greater performance in a specific activity, that is, to overcome fatigue for a long time, acting with the necessary intensity, maintaining accuracy, agility and speed until the end of the competition. The volitional efforts of the players are of great importance for this.

    The development of special endurance in sports games is hampered by the acyclic nature of game actions. The more accurately you can simulate the nature of the game, the more successfully your endurance develops in a particular game.

    As a means of developing endurance, they use cross-country cross-country running, running with changes in pace and overcoming obstacles, running at speed with repetition of exercises in technique and tactics, with actions of different nature and intensity (for example, attacking a goal or with the resistance of one defender, precision shots, playing in a square 2x2, 3x2, 3x3), playing basketball, football, hockey, etc.

    Using a sports game directly as a means of developing endurance, increase its duration (in time or count), the number of games per week, play bilateral games at an increased pace, but in short periods of time (10-15 minutes), repeating them several times and changing rest phases.

    Nowadays, so-called circuit training is also widely used to develop this quality.

    One of the forms of circular training is the flow method, used to improve technical and tactical skills: the exercises in the lesson are performed simultaneously by all students, moving in a flow and performing different exercises in different areas of the site.

    Agility is the ability to quickly and accurately respond to situations that unexpectedly arise in the game, to master movements in complex changing conditions. Without sufficiently developed dexterity, it is impossible to achieve high athletic performance in any game.

    Dexterity is a complex quality. It depends on the player's motor experience. Development of dexterity is best started in early childhood, using a wide range of motor skills. When mastering any motor skill, the student must achieve precision in movements, which will contribute to the development of dexterity.

    To develop dexterity, gymnastic and acrobatic exercises, exercises in the technique and tactics of playing with unexpectedly changing situations, and various outdoor and sports games are used.

    Flexibility. The ability to relax muscles well and perform movements with a large amplitude is very necessary for improving movement technique. Thus, if there is insufficient mobility in the wrist-carpal joint, it is impossible to achieve high technique in basket throws (basketball) and offensive strikes (volleyball). At the same time, the correct combination of tension and relaxation reduces energy costs and prevents injuries to the muscular-ligamentous system.

    To develop flexibility use special exercises for stretching. They are performed by gradually increasing the range of movements. When performing exercises using the technique of the type of game being studied, it is necessary to focus on increasing mobility in the joints and timely relaxation of the muscles.

    Methods for developing physical qualities. In the process of systematically repeated exercises, physical qualities develop, the body of those involved is prepared to perform specific physical activities.

    To develop physical qualities in sports games, the following methods are mainly used: uniform, interval, repeated, variable, to failure, competitive, game, conjugate.

    One of the varieties of the conjugate method is also considered to be the improvement of technical techniques against a background of high intensity motor activity, which makes it possible to achieve stability of motor skills to the disruptive influence of fatigue.

    The interval method is used to develop speed-strength endurance. Participants perform exercises or run in segments (for example, 10x20 m) for a while with certain decreasing rest intervals, and play intense bilateral games for 10-15 minutes. with a gradual decrease in active rest breaks or relatively constant rest intervals, during which full recovery of performance does not occur, or they perform exercises, repeating them in series.

    The repetition method involves repeating certain exercises or the game in general over and over after a long period of rest to allow sufficient recovery.

    The variable method is most consistent with the very nature of actions in games. Using it, the trainer alternates exercises that require a lot of stress and exercises with a small load, varying the duration of their implementation.

    The uniform method consists of long continuous exercises. It is used to develop general endurance. As a rule, this is running at a low pace with the same speed over the entire distance (mostly cross-country).

    The method to failure involves performing exercises until complete fatigue, when the athlete refuses to continue due to the inability to repeat. It is used mainly for the development of special strength endurance.

    The game method is the most widely used in training for sports games. Its essence is to use a variety of games, most often active ones, to develop motor skills, and above all dexterity and speed.

    The competitive method is also widely used in the development of motor qualities. For this purpose, competitions are held in running, jumping, throwing, swimming, cross-country skiing, and sports games.

    Recently, conjugate and circular methods have become increasingly widespread.

    A related method is that special motor skills are improved with the help of special weights on the arms (wrist cuffs), legs (weighted boots, weights on the shins) and torso (weighted vests, belts). It allows you to simultaneously develop strength, speed and endurance. In this case, the size of the weights is very important (excessive amounts lead to distortions in the structure of the movement being improved).

    One of the varieties of the conjugate method is also considered to be

    This means improving technical techniques against the background of high intensity of motor activity, which makes it possible to achieve stability of motor skills to the disruptive influence of fatigue.

    The circuit method (or, more correctly, the circuit form of training) can include all of the above methods. Its essence is as follows: on the site or in the hall, stations are marked in a circle - places for performing certain exercises, known to the practitioners and selected in such a way and in such an order that they have a diverse impact on the development of physical qualities.

    The proposed exercises are carried out with maximum intensity for each participant in a limited time and with alternating rest pauses, which are changed depending on the condition and preparedness of the participants.

    At first, the duration and intensity of work at each station, and therefore during the passage of the entire complex, is no more than 50-60% of the capabilities of the trainees. In the future, the total load increases due to an increase in the intensity of work at stations, a decrease in rest pauses and repetition of the entire complex up to three or more times. An example of circuit training for the development of physical qualities is shown in Fig. 2.

    The circular form of training can also be used to improve special skills of playing technique in combination with physical qualities. To do this, it is necessary to include the studied exercises and game techniques in the complexes in such an order that exercises with a high load alternate with less load ones. In this case, you should not include more than 6-8 stations.

    Let's give an example. Station No. 1 - passing the ball to a target on the wall more times in 30-60 seconds; Station No. 2 - lying on the mat, medicine ball (3 kg) held between the feet: raise your legs, reaching the floor behind your head with the ball; station No. 3 - jumping with a ball in your hands onto a bedside table (60-80 cm), after jumping, throwing the ball at the wall with both hands from above in a jump; station No. 4 - dribbling the ball around the markings in the free throw area with a shot at the basket after the turn; station No. 5 - lifting the barbell 50-60 kg; station No. 6 - juggling with two balls; station No. 7 - running along segments from the corner to the center of the site; Station No. 8 - finishing the ball, three shots into the backboard and one into the basket. The time for performing the exercise at each station is first 30 seconds, and then 60 seconds. (rest 30 seconds). The number of repetitions of passing all stations is gradually increased.

    Jumping ability is of particular importance in games such as volleyball, basketball, football, and handball. It depends on muscle strength lower limbs, speed of contraction, coordination and flexibility. The need to make a large number of jumps in one game requires corresponding stamina.

    The main means of developing jumping ability are serial jumps on both legs and on one, jumping rope, jumping while reaching suspended objects, jumping with weights, squats and jumping with weights, a partner, running with weights, jumping and jumping from special stands, etc. .

    All physical qualities are interconnected and manifest themselves in a complex manner. Therefore, we need to talk only about the preferential development of one or another quality. The development of one quality to the detriment of another has a negative impact on the training of students.


    Sports games are distinguished by the complexity and variety of actions of the players. To take part in the game, you must first study these actions.

    Each game involves the use of actions called gaming techniques. The external form of each technique is determined by its technique or a set of movement elements that allows

    solve a motor task. Contents are mental processes, which determine the rationality of choice and the effectiveness of performing a game action.

    The technique of playing techniques is variable and is determined by the individual qualities of the athlete and the conditions of their use. But at the same time, each method of passing, throwing, hitting has a generalized character, determined by the general biomechanical laws of the rationality of movement.

    There are playing techniques common to all participants, and special ones used by players performing certain functions in the team (for example, goalkeeper). In each technique, three phases are distinguished: preparatory, main, final, as well as external (kinematic) and internal (dynamic) structure of the movement.

    To successfully participate in the game, it is absolutely not enough to master the technique of performing game techniques. Theoretical and practical mastery of game tactics is very important. Everyone must learn not only to think about it, but also to apply it.

    Tactics is understood as the choice and appropriate use of means, forms and methods of playing the game to achieve the best result.

    Tactics for individual games are developed on the basis of a general strategic plan, and therefore are part of the overall strategy for conducting sports wrestling. Strategy in sports is understood as a system for managing and regulating the development of sports, training athletes and conducting sports wrestling. Strategy is directly related to tactics, but has broader scope. With the help of tactics, optimal conditions are created for achieving strategic goals.

    Tactical tasks during the game are solved using gaming techniques
    movs, which are a means of tactics. Finding yourself in some
    game situation, the participants first of all look for a solution, and then
    carry it out in the form of some kind of gaming technique. This works
    response behavior is called individual tactics
    I ical action.

    In the game, each participant continuously chooses the most suitable place on the court and the way in which he can solve the game situation that has arisen. Individual tactical actions are the main form of solving tactical problems of playing a game. But since most sports games are team games, individual actions are complemented by other forms of tactical activity - group and team actions.

    Group actions are interactions between players, coordinated in purpose, place and time and aimed at solving specific problems. In the game, they are carried out in the form of tactical combinations that can be learned in advance or created spontaneously as the game progresses.

    Team actions are the organized actions of all team players in separate phases of the game.

    To achieve the best results in the game, competitors must determine the basic methods of their actions. In such ways

    Bami are the so-called tactical game systems and their combinations. The tactical system is the rational arrangement of the players and the distribution of functions between them, which determines the use of the most appropriate tactical forms of playing the game.

    Technical training involves mastering the technique of performing game techniques. The higher the technical preparedness of a player, the more opportunities he has for successful, creative play.

    The study and improvement of technique is carried out in the process of using special exercises (individual playing techniques) and exercises in which certain tactical plans are simultaneously implemented. The conditions for performing techniques need to be constantly changed. The learned techniques are reinforced in educational games and competitions.

    When starting to teach the technique of individual techniques, it is necessary to name the technique being studied to the students, show and explain its implementation, telling about starting position, direction of effort, amplitude of movements in the main phase and final effort. Training begins with the basic, most frequently used techniques in the game.

    Tactical training involves mastering individual, group and team actions. The acquisition of theoretical knowledge most often precedes the practical development of tactical action.

    Students must be taught to choose the right place to perform a certain technique (taking into account the current situation) and determine the most appropriate course of action. To do this, each player must know in what cases and how to use various strikes, passes, throws, feints, etc.

    Individual tactical training is a continuation technical training. So, if dribbling the ball without resistance belongs to the section of technical training, then dribbling a defender is also associated with the development of individual tactical skills.

    To teach individual tactical actions, exercises in throwing, hitting, dribbling, and feints with beating an opponent are used. These actions are improved in more complex exercises and bilateral games.

    The study of group actions begins with the interactions of two players, first under conditions of numerical superiority, and then - numerical equality. After this, the interaction of three or more players is mastered. Defenders are included in the exercises from the very beginning (their actions are determined by the coach). Consolidation and improvement of the studied group actions are carried out in game exercises (2x2, 3x3, 4x4, etc.), in educational games and competitions.

    In most sports games, game actions are of a collective nature. The rule of vaanmodgipation of all players and the joint decision of the tactics of the OSVA, the indigestigw "e fraud and the abilities of each - Abaaazh & I*Iys_Tsayavdb of theical actions.

    After the necessary individual and group actions have been mastered, they begin to teach team actions. To do this, first use two-sided games under simplified conditions. At the first stage, it is important to teach the players to be in certain places and act in a limited area. Gradually, the conditions for their action become more complicated; two-sided games are played with certain tactical tasks and compliance with the rules of the game.

    In tactical training, it is equally important to pay attention to the study of attacking and defensive actions. It should be remembered that beginners experience the greatest difficulty in handling the ball in attack.


    The psychological state of an athlete largely determines the ability to achieve high results. There are many examples where a physically, technically and tactically stronger team lost to a team that was less prepared, but showed great will to win, perseverance and enormous energy.

    Mental functions and personality traits are extremely important when mastering techniques, tactics and developing physical qualities. Highly developed volitional qualities, thinking, memory, attention, observation and motor sensitivity are necessary for mastering all aspects of sports training.

    Psychological preparation is now usually divided into general and preparation for the upcoming competition. General psychological preparation the athlete is conducted throughout all periods of training. Its main objectives are the education of moral and volitional qualities, the development and improvement of specialized perceptions (attention, observation, thinking, the ability to manage one’s emotions).

    Education of moral and strong-willed qualities the athlete must be carried out in unity. Moral qualities include such qualities as ideology, collectivism, patriotism, discipline, etc.; to the strong-willed - purposefulness, perseverance, determination and courage, initiative and independence, endurance and self-control.

    Education has always been an important aspect of the educational and training process. Its importance has especially increased in the present period, the period of building communism. The CPSU Program states: “The Party considers the main thing in ideological work to be modern stage- education of all workers in the spirit of high ideology and devotion to communism, a communist attitude towards work and public economy, complete overcoming of the remnants of bourgeois views and morals, comprehensive, harmonious development of the individual, creation of true wealth of spiritual culture. The party attaches particular importance to the education of the younger generation.”*

    * CPSU program. M., Gospolitizdat, 1961, p. 117. 18

    “The core of all ideological and educational work of the party is the formation of a communist worldview among the broadest masses of working people, educating them on the ideas of Marxism-Leninism” *.

    The education of moral qualities on the basis of communist morality is necessary both in work and in sports activities. Very often, the success of a team in competitions depends on the moral and volitional state of the participants.

    Sports games are an important means of solving educational problems.

    The central figure of the educational and training process is the teacher. His personality and daily activities are of great importance in educational work.

    Noting the importance of the behavior and activities of the teacher, A. S. Makarenko wrote: “The student perceives your soul and your thoughts not because he knows what is happening in your soul, but because he sees you, listens to you” **.

    The educational effect of a teacher’s activity will be positive if he loves his work, knows the subject well, has pedagogical tact and objectivity, if he is demanding and fair to his students, and enjoys authority among them.

    The education of those involved is carried out in the process of organized classes, competitions, sports events, and in personal conversations.

    Before each lesson, the teacher must set specific educational goals, for example: developing courage (when studying power techniques in hockey), discipline (when performing complex group exercises), perseverance (in special exercises when working on deficiencies in physical fitness or technique of individual techniques), diligence (instructing those involved in preparing equipment, marking the site, cleaning premises, repairing and constructing sports fields). The content of classes, thought out in accordance with the objectives, has a positive educational effect on students.

    The teacher’s daily observation of the safety of equipment and sports uniforms helps to instill in his students a careful attitude towards public property.

    Much attention should be paid to developing students' initiative and creativity. To do this, they use exercises in which they have the opportunity to solve a tactical problem in different ways.

    The timely start and end of classes and their systematic implementation are very important. good organization, constant recording of attendance and progress.

    * L. I. Brezhnev. Report of the CPSU Central Committee to the XXIV Congress of the Communist Party Soviet Union. M., Ed. Political literature, 1971.

    ** A. S. Makarenko. Selected pedagogical works" M., 1946, p. 120.

    Moral and volitional qualities are improved to an even greater extent in conditions of competition. Competitions in sports games are highly emotional, so very serious attention should be paid to their organization and conduct.

    A well-founded attitude towards the game, reasonable management of the game, calm and confident comments from the coach during breaks have a positive effect on the behavior of athletes. A player who misbehaves on the field must be replaced immediately (if permitted by the rules of the game). The desire to win by any means and means, the “chase for points” should not take place among Soviet


    Competition fosters teamwork, friendship and camaraderie. “All for one - one for all” is the rule on which the actions of Soviet athletes are based.

    The educational impact of competitions in children's groups is very effective. In the practice of sectional work in schools, there are many cases where well-organized competitions in sports games helped improve students’ discipline and their academic performance.

    Impact sports competitions on moral education athletes is possible only if their organization and conduct are subordinated to the tasks of communist education.

    A complete solution to the problems of education is impossible without an individual approach to students. By observing the behavior of his students in classes, everyday life, and especially in competitions, a coach can get a fairly accurate idea of ​​their characters. Personal conversations allow you to get to know each team member better.

    Education of students is a complex and labor-intensive process. The teacher needs, relying on Komsomol and public organizations, to create a healthy, strong team capable of helping him in all matters during the educational and training sessions. The organization of lectures, discussions, collective trips to the cinema and theater, competitions, evenings, etc. is of great help here.

    When working with the team, it is necessary to rely on the activists, and first of all on the Komsomol members.

    Disciplinary violations must be considered at section meetings or general meeting team, covered in the wall newspaper. Deficiencies in the behavior of individual players are easier to correct with the active cooperation of the entire team. Punishments may include reprimands, a reprimand, a temporary ban on attending classes and participating in competitions, or exclusion from the team.

    The success of individual players and teams is rewarded with thanks, certificates, valuable prizes, etc.

    You should not over-praise individual players, as this can lead to arrogance, arrogance and indiscipline.

    The education of communist morality is closely related to the education of strong-willed qualities. Volitional training plays a huge role in achieving high sports results.

    The development of volitional qualities occurs in the process of overcoming


    Certain difficulties. In sports games, the athlete has to deal with big amount difficulties of varied nature.

    1. Coming fatigue. To overcome this difficulty in the process of official competitions, it is necessary to increase the performance of those involved. For this purpose, in individual training sessions, a load is given that exceeds the load in competitions (the duration of classes is increased, games are played with a stronger opponent, with a numerical advantage of the opposing team, with a predetermined score and limited time, additional exercises are given after the end of classes, etc.). d.).

    2. Novelty and unexpectedness of actions. During the competition, players may encounter unexpected actions from the opponent (changed team composition, new tactics, unusual activity for a given team, etc.), unforeseen actions and the behavior of the players of their team (weak play of the leading player, injury, removal of a player from the field, etc.), complications of actions due to unusual competition conditions (court, equipment, active intervention of spectators, meteorological conditions, etc.).
    Therefore, complicated conditions are created in training sessions: the team plays without a leading player, inaccurate passes are deliberately given to an insufficiently stable player, etc.

    3. Fear of responsibility for one's actions. This manifests itself
    is that the player even in favorable conditions does not attack (gate, cor
    zina) or attacks very uncertainly, making mistakes. Uncertainty
    occurs either due to poor preparation or after several
    unsuccessful final actions (throws into the basket, hits on
    goal, performing offensive strikes in volleyball, etc.). Here
    the teacher must constantly instill in the player that in such

    Situations need to be played actively; in training games, in the final moments of the attack, introduce the play to the player who is afraid

    Take responsibility for yourself, and do not make critical comments to him in case of mistakes.

    4. Fear of injury. It usually occurs after injury
    during classes or competitions. Such a player subsequently becomes

    More cautious, indecisive. To overcome this difficulty, certain “restrictions in training sessions and suggestions from the coach are necessary. In training, it is necessary to set a specific task for the athlete for a certain period of time and require its obligatory implementation: for example, to master a kick with the left foot (in football) or an attacking kick from a short pass (in volleyball).

    The education of will largely depends on the efforts of the athlete himself, his moral and mental state, technical-tactical and

    1. Set clear and specific goals, starting with simple ones that match the athlete’s capabilities.

    2. Every task must be completed on time and well.

    3. Follow a daily routine and diet.

    4. Make you work on weaknesses physical and technical-tactical readiness.

    The development and improvement of specialized perceptions, attention, observation, thinking, and the ability to manage one’s emotions is carried out in the process of training sessions and competitions. An important aspect of technical mastery in sports games is mastering specialized perception of the ball (“ball feel”), actions with the ball (foot, hand, racket), direction and range of its flight, depending on the goal. Leading value in the perception of the ball they have muscle-motor and visual sensations. In the process of long-term, systematic training, players develop a subtle differentiation of sensations, which allows them to determine the characteristics of the flight of the ball, its weight, elasticity, shape, the force of their strike on the ball, etc.

    It is known that qualified tennis players, football players, and basketball players determine the weight of the ball with an accuracy of several grams. With a well-developed “feel for the ball,” movements during a strike are characterized by ease and freedom, confidence and ease *. As special means for developing these qualities, hitting targets, special exercises in fast strikes, hitting a target blindfolded, after jumping with rotation, a racket and balls of various weights, etc. are recommended.

    The development of specialized perceptions is especially important in tactical training. The correct choice of solutions in a complex gaming environment depends on quick and correct orientation, which, in turn, depends on the degree of development of the visual analyzer (volume of the visual field, depth vision, state of the extraocular muscles)**.

    The manifestation of mental capabilities in difficult game conditions requires high concentration of attention, which cannot last indefinitely. Therefore, it is important to develop his stability, the ability to mobilize at decisive moments.

    The success of game actions largely depends on observation, the ability to quickly assess the game situation and control one’s actions. There are often cases when the unsuccessful outcome of a game is explained by the inability to overcome negative emotions (confusion, anger, fear, uncertainty, grief, etc.).

    It has been established that the adverse effect negative emotions on the outcome of the competitive struggle is manifested in a loss of confidence, a decrease in the sharpness of tactical thinking, excessive excitability or apathy.

    To overcome negative emotions, it is very important to cultivate a sense of duty and responsibility, and to consolidate positive actions in the training process. When conducting debriefing and co-

    * A. L. Weinstein. A study of “ball feel” in table tennis players. Psychological preparation of an athlete. Ed. P. A. Rudika and A. Ts. Puni. M., FiS, 1965. ** G. M. G a g a e v a. Psychology of football. M., FiS, 1969.


    Solving problems of physical, technical, tactical and psychological training cannot be carried out successfully without a certain amount of knowledge of students. In the process of practical and theoretical classes, students acquire the necessary knowledge on hygiene, physiology, diet and training, technique and tactics of the game, etc.

    For this purpose, lectures, watching films, conversations, observations and analysis of games and practical exercises are used.

    Theoretical classes contribute to the formation of a communist worldview, the development of cognitive abilities, the ability to think independently and generalize acquired knowledge.

    Organizational and methodologicalAndjudicialPreparation

    Sports games are a mass sport. It is difficult for the coaching staff to provide training large quantity teams and, even more so, organize mass competitions in a team, school, university or community. Therefore, it is very important to prepare assistants who can conduct training sessions and refereeing. To do this, it is necessary to select the most active and capable players and systematically prepare them for this type of activity. This preparation begins during training sessions in the form of simple instructions for conducting individual exercises and judging together with the coach. Gradually, the coach entrusts future assistants with more complex tasks that are now independent. Further training is carried out at special seminars for judges and public instructors.

    Education and training

    In the process of education and training, students acquire certain knowledge, master skills and abilities. Here it is customary to distinguish the following stages:

    1. Creation of prerequisites.

    2. Initial training.

    3. Improvement.
    Creation of prerequisites. The technique and tactics of sports games are characterized by a certain complexity. To master them and use them in competitions, preliminary preparation of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and other body systems is necessary. The psychological preparation of those involved is also important. Therefore, before proceeding to study

    Techniques and tactics of the game, it is necessary for those involved to acquire versatile physical fitness. At the same time, it is necessary to instill a love for systematic exercise and prepare those involved psychologically.

    Initial training- This is the primary acquisition of skills and knowledge. Learning the technique of a new gaming technique or tactical action should begin with creating an idea about it. For this purpose, the purpose of this technique is explained to the practitioners and shown to them. At the same time, attention is focused on the most important details of the movement. To create an idea of ​​the reception, diagrams, drawings, film and photographic materials, and special layouts are used.

    It is important that students understand and comprehend the material. After explanation and demonstration, they perform the technique or action under the supervision of the teacher. The student must become aware of the movement and independently control its implementation.

    The first exercises are carried out in the simplest conditions, then they are complicated - athletes are given more opportunities to develop independence. However, it should be taken into account that as soon as the general scheme of the movement being studied is mastered, one should move on to improving it in conditions close to game ones.

    In mastering individual game techniques, the following interconnected phases are distinguished: familiarization with the technique, performance in simplified conditions, performance in conditions close to game ones, improvement in two-sided games.

    Improvement. The improvement stage involves sports training of completed teams and athletes. Mastering the technique and tactics of the game is carried out through repeated repetitions, as a result of which movements become clearer and more economical.

    A motor skill must be brought to a certain degree of automation in order to relieve the consciousness during the game for solving tactical problems.

    Those involved in sports games must have developed mobility skills. To do this, it is necessary to diversify the conditions for performing techniques, use various exercises of a tactical nature, exercises in individual techniques of the game (passing and catching, throwing, hitting, dribbling the ball) and more complex exercises with a tactical focus. Last group exercises are of greater importance: they allow one to improve technical techniques in conditions close to those of a game, and to polish technique simultaneously with tactics.

    The gradual complication of the conditions for performing technical techniques at a certain stage, when the opponent’s resistance is introduced, makes it possible to improve individual tactical actions. So, when students have mastered dribbling the ball with changes in direction and rapid movement, they are given exercises in dribbling the defender, i.e. they master individual tactical actions. Subsequently, students improve group tactical actions with the participation of two, three or more players, overcoming resistance

    Teasing the defenders, first with a numerical superiority, and then with numerical equality and a minority. In the future, the improvement of technology and tactics is carried out in bilateral games.

    The process of improving motor skills is closely related to the development of physical and volitional qualities. Therefore on at this stage Most exercises and games are carried out with great intensity and duration.

    The process of learning and improvement must be carried out taking into account didactic principles and principles specific to sports training.

    The principle of consciousness and activity. A conscious, active attitude of those involved in training, understanding of the material being studied is prerequisite. To do this, it is necessary to explain to them the importance regular training and set specific goals before each lesson.

    When performing game techniques, you should focus on independent analysis of your actions and the actions of your partners.

    In tactical exercises, it is necessary to create conditions under which the task at hand can be solved in several ways. The choice of these paths should be left to the students themselves.

    The principle of visibility is closely related to the principle of consciousness. Its essence is that the teacher, using demonstrations and various visual aids, creates in students an idea of ​​the material being studied and helps them understand it.

    The principle of systematicity and consistency presupposes a certain system in training, a logical connection between individual sections and the sequence of passing the material. When implementing this principle in the learning process, they proceed from pedagogical rules from simple to complex, from main to secondary.

    If the rule “from simple to complex” is quite applicable to tactical and physical training, then in technical training it begins with the basic, main technique.

    Any sports game for a beginner presents significant difficulties due to large number irritants acting on its central nervous system. Therefore, when studying the game, you have to resort to simplifying it. When, in the process of explanations, demonstrations and demonstrations, students have created general idea about the game being studied, they move on to studying its individual aspects: the technique of playing techniques, individual tactical actions, collective actions in defense and attack.

    It is customary to begin training with basic technical techniques in the simplest conditions. It should be noted that offered in a number methodological manuals the path of complication - starting each new technique on the spot, then walking, running, etc. - is not always necessary. The student must perform each technique immediately in motion (it is performed on the spot when primary ideas are created). And only in cases where students make serious mistakes that violate the overall structure of the movement, the conditions for its implementation should be simplified.

    Complication is carried out in various ways: by increasing the strength and accuracy of strikes (throws), the speed of execution, the number of participants in the exercise and the complication of their functions, the introduction of passive and active resistance of the defender.

    Accessibility principle requires selection of exercises in accordance with individual age and gender characteristics and level of preparedness. They must be accessible to students and at the same time difficult to a certain extent.

    Strength principle consists in the fact that the learned technique (action) in the process of repetition turns into a lasting skill. Since skills in sports games are highly mobile, you should not repeat the same material for a long time under the same conditions. For example, long repetitions of positional attack drills in basketball create great difficulty in fast-break attacks.

    Specific principles of sports training include comprehensiveness, continuity, cyclicity, gradual and maximum increase in loads.

    Comprehensiveness- This is the most important principle of sports training. Versatile physical and spiritual development in unity with special training creates the necessary basis for high sporting achievements.

    Continuity involves systematic training sessions. The successful implementation of this principle largely depends on the skillful alternation of load and rest, as a result of which the athlete’s performance increases.

    Cyclicality involves building a training process within certain periods of time (cycles). There are perennial, annual and small - weekly - cycles (microcycles). The construction and content of cycles depend on specific conditions and are built taking into account the laws of the process of reducing and restoring performance.

    Gradual and maximum increase in load. To achieve greater performance, it is necessary to systematically increase the load. However, a linear increase in it does not give the desired effect. The best results are achieved when using wave-like training loads (small ones alternate with medium and maximum ones)1.

    The principles of education and training determine the main direction in organizing and conducting the educational and training process, the success of which largely depends on teaching methods.

    Teaching methods- these are ways of interconnected activities of a teacher and a student, with the help of which knowledge, skills, abilities are mastered and various qualities (motor, moral and volitional) are developed.

    The choice of method is determined by pedagogical objectives, content educational material, conditions for conducting classes (place, equipment, inventory), condition and preparedness of students.

    In the educational and training process, verbal methods, visual methods, and exercise methods are used.

    Verbal methods. In the assimilation of systematic knowledge and motor skills by students great importance has an oral presentation of the material (lectures, stories, explanations, conversations and brief remarks). When learning a new technique or action, the teacher explains the essence of its implementation, adhering to the following plan: the name of the technique (action), its essence, features of execution and application in the game.

    A brief, but accurate and figurative explanation helps students understand not only the form and nature of the movement, but also the reasons that influence the quality of its execution. During the first explanation, students should not focus their attention on the details; they should focus on the main thing. Explanation and story are the leading method in the study of group and team tactical actions. The story and conversation are used to replenish the knowledge of students about technology, tactics, training methods, modern achievements of the best teams in the country, etc.

    Conversations - settings for the upcoming meeting and analyzes of the games played - expand the range of knowledge on technology and tactics, contribute to the development of the ability to analyze mistakes and think through a plan for upcoming meetings. In such conversations Active participation accepted by all team players.

    Instructions are used when students directly perform exercises in technique and tactics. Their importance is especially great in the process of educational bilateral games.

    Visualization methods. This group of methods includes showing what is being studied in real life or in an image on a diagram, film, layout, photograph or in a film loop.

    The teacher or one of the students demonstrates the technique being studied. It is important that it is demonstrated in an exemplary manner.

    First, the entire technique is shown in full force, and then, if necessary, at a slow speed and in parts, accompanying the actions with explanations.

    The greatest difficulty in sports games is the demonstration of group tactical actions and various systems games. Here they use viewing of games in competitions, diagrams and special layouts, photographs and films.

    Exercise methods. In order to master the technique and tactics of the game, it is necessary to apply exercise methods, that is, repeat certain techniques and actions in an organized manner.

    Repetition can be carried out in different ways: in general, in parts, in competitions and in games.

    Separate technique It is advisable to study them in their entirety, because their structure is such that dividing them into small parts complicates learning. When errors occur, the teacher focuses the student’s attention on shortcomings during the holistic execution of the technique or simplifying the conditions for its implementation (without the ball, at a slow pace, in the lead-in exercise).



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