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Why is the hero Mtsyri close to me? based on the poem Mtsyri (Lermontov M. Yu.). Essay on the topic “How close and dear to me is the image of Mtsyri

In the poem "Mtsyri" there is a romantic plot, romantic hero and romantic landscape. Confirm this.

In romantic works one can always feel the author’s direct assessment of his characters and their actions and the events depicted. Lermontov openly glorifies Mtsyri’s love of freedom, his courage, and thirst for a life full of “anxiety and battles” that the young man dreams of. The events depicted in romantic works are always bright, exceptional, in them the character of the hero is revealed with extraordinary force (Mtsyri’s escape from the monastery in a thunderstorm, meeting with a young Georgian woman, wandering in a dark forest in search of the lost road to his homeland, a fight with a leopard and Mtsyri’s victory ).

The author is interested not so much in the events themselves as in inner world the hero, hence Lermontov’s use of Mtsyri’s confessional monologue, which helps to “tell his soul” and introduce the reader to his thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

At the center of romantic works there is always a bright, rebellious, heroic personality - such is Mtsyri. Lermontov's hero is characterized not only by courage, willpower, and contempt for death, but also by the ability to live with one all-consuming feeling, one passion:

I knew only the power of thoughts,

One but fiery passion...

She called my dreams from stuffy cells and prayers into that wonderful world of worries and battles,

Where rocks hide in the clouds,

Where people are as free as eagles.

This statement by Mtsyri and all his subsequent actions emphasize his love of freedom, desire to experience the “bliss of freedom” and exceptional determination. The atmosphere of humility and submission is alien to the fiery, rebellious nature of the young man. The dying Mtsyri, at the last moment of saying goodbye to life, thinks about the “holy homeland”, which he was unable to reach.

Romantic works are characterized by a bright contrast of heroes (Mtsyri - monks). Although Mtsyri’s monologue is given in Lermontov’s poem, the attentive reader feels that the hero of the poem constantly contrasts his idea of ​​life with the beliefs of the monks, as if entering into an argument with them. For monks, the main thing in life is humility, life without shocks and storms, renunciation of earthly joys in the name of eternal happiness “in the holy transcendental land.” For Mtsyri, the main thing is freedom, liberty, a life full of joys, excitement, anxieties, struggles, an active life with its stress, storms, dangers, the hero’s readiness to change “paradise and eternity” in a few minutes of being in his homeland. These are two contrasting ideas about life and their incompatibility, hence Mtsyri’s sharp contrast between himself and the monks:

And at the hour of the night, terrible hour,

When the thunderstorm scared you,

When, crowded at the altar,

You were lying prostrate on the ground,

I ran…

The landscape in romantic works, as a rule, is exotic (steep cliffs, mountains covered with dense forest, stormy streams) and is the most important means of revealing the character of the hero. “The gray-haired, unshakable Caucasus,” all the surrounding nature is close to Mtsyri’s rebellious nature. It is no coincidence that he constantly heard the call of powerful nature while in the monastery, and felt that he understood its language. Pay attention to the metaphors and comparisons that are used in Mtsyri’s speech when describing mountain ranges and rocks (stanza 6). The landscape helps you feel psychological condition hero (a thunderstorm is close to his soul, he subtly feels the beauty of the world around him, joy and surprise are felt in his words). Nature in the poem is not a background, but an active force: it causes both joy and despair of the hero at the moment when he feels a hostile force in it (the onset of night at the end of the second day of wandering).

Mtsyri's last wish is to be buried outside the walls of the monastery, in order to feel once again how beautiful the world is, which he has to leave so early, to feel the farewell greetings of his native Caucasus.

What role does the sound of the monastery bell play in the poem?

The distant ringing of the monastery bell is for Mtsyri evidence of the catastrophe that has befallen him: what is unexpected for him is the return to the place from which he set off: “I returned to my prison.” This was the end of my dream of breaking free and finding my way home. The church bell is compared to the blows of iron striking the chest and depriving last hope Mtsyri:

And then I vaguely realized

Why should I never lay a trail to my homeland?

Try to prove the accuracy of V. G. Belinsky’s statement that Mtsyri is “our poet’s favorite ideal.”

Reference. The ideal is the perfect embodiment in this case in an artistic image of the traits that the author of the work especially highly values ​​in a person.

In Mtsyri, Lermontov’s favorite character, the poet embodied traits close to himself: love of freedom, thirst active life, full of storms and anxieties, rebellion, unwillingness to submit to fate, fearlessness, courage, exceptional determination (in one of the poet’s early poems there are the following lines: “I need to act”). Only a person who closely perceives Mtsyri’s condition could convey the feelings of his hero so vividly, heartfeltly, figuratively. The reader feels this constantly and, together with the unconquered Mtsyri, experiences his tragedy.

The poem “Mtsyri” by the famous Russian writer Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov really touched me. Main character This work is about a young man who, having been taken from his homeland as a child, subsequently became a novice in a monastery. He was called “Mtsyri”, which in Georgian means “novice”. I think that each of us, having read this work, will find something familiar and dear to us in the image of Mtsyri.

The guy had a very difficult fate: He had to live and grow up away from home with people he didn’t know. At just six years old, he had his first encounter with death. The child fell ill and could have died, but he was saved. It is very hard to imagine that a boy at such a young age had already been captured by a Russian general.

The image of Mtsyri is truly dear to me, first of all, because for me he is the personification human strength and courage. After all, not even every adult can endure what the guy had to endure.

It is very important that the boy is a patriot of his country: he always wanted to live and die in his homeland, in the Caucasus. What is also important to me is that there is a lot to learn from him. I'm proud of people like him. After all, many would have already resigned themselves to their fate and would not even try to do anything. Mtsyri’s willpower and patriotism are what amazed me. I realized that you need to love your homeland with every fiber of your soul, and only then will you have the right to call yourself a true citizen of your country. And it doesn’t matter at all where you live, the main thing is that you always remember the place where you were born and who you really are, then you can achieve everything you want.

Mtsyri taught me to be a persistent and purposeful person. He showed that even in the most difficult situations you need to go towards your goal and never give up.

The image of Mtsyri is very close to me, and all because I also love my small homeland, but, unfortunately, I, like the hero of Lermontov’s poem, had to leave it. But I am not discouraged and dream of returning there to work for the good of my country and make it better for myself and the people around me.

I, like Mtsyri, have my own goals in life. I really want to finish school and go get higher education to my homeland - I hope that, unlike the unfortunate hero Lermontov, I will be able to fulfill my dream.

I am a very purposeful person, in this Mtsyri and I are also very similar. I always try to achieve the goals that I have set for myself and never pay attention to the obstacles that stand between me and my goal. I, just like the boy, am ready to do anything to achieve everything I have planned.

Mtsyri for me is the embodiment of a real living human soul.

    “Mtsyri” is a romantic poem by M. Yu. Lermontov. The plot of this work, its idea, conflict and composition are closely related to the image of the main character, with his aspirations and experiences. Lermontov is looking for his ideal hero-fighter and finds him in the form of...

    M. Yu. Lermontov's poem “Mtsyri” is a romantic work. Its action takes place in the Caucasus, where proud, rebellious mountaineers live, where harsh monasteries with an ascetic way of life and way of life keep their age-old secrets, where, hugging like two sisters, streams...

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  3. The two-dimensionality of the image of Mtsyri (based on M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri”) 1. The monastery “prison” and the nature of the Caucasus. 1. the romantic inner world of the protagonist. 1. The soul and fate of the little novice. In M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri” we are faced with a very...

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I really love M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri”. Mtsyri is my favorite literary hero. He loved freedom very much and strived; To her. He was brought to the monastery when he was very young: He seemed to be about six years old; Like a chamois of the mountains, timid and wild and weak and... flexible like a reed. Mtsyri, accustomed to freedom, gradually gets used to his captivity. He “...already wanted to pronounce a monastic vow in the prime of his life,” but suddenly on an autumn night the young man disappeared. He could not live in peace - he was sad for his homeland. Even the force of habit could not supplant the longing “but for one’s native side.” Mtsyri decided to flee from the monastery. Dark forest blocks his path to his native places. Escape is a step into an unknown world. What awaits Mtsyri there? This is a “wonderful world of anxiety and battles,” which the hero has dreamed of since childhood, into which a cell of stuffy prayers has broken out.” Mtsyrl, who ended up in the monastery against his own will, strives to go there “where people are free, like eagles.” In the morning he saw what he was striving for: “...Lush fields. Hills covered with a crown of trees,” rustling like “brothers in a circular dance.” All around Zhenya, God’s garden was blooming; The rainbow-colored plants kept traces of heavenly oil, And the curls of the vines fluttered, showing off among the trees... Mtsyri feels subtly, understands and loves nature; He rests after the darkness of the monastery and enjoys nature. The young man set off on the journey: “I had one goal in my soul - to go to my native country,” but suddenly “I lost sight of the mountains and then began to lose my way.” Mtsyri was in terrible despair - the forest, the beauty of the trees and the singing of the birds of which he enjoyed, became 4 more terrible and denser every hour.” The young man found himself in an element hostile to him: “darkness watched the night with a million black eyes...”I'm fascinated by heroic character of Mtsyri. During a fight with a leopard in a moment of danger, the young man felt in himself the skills of a fighter that his ancestors had had for centuries. Mtsyri won and, despite his wounds, continued on his way. But in the morning he realized that he was lost and came again to his “prison.” The natural world did not save the man who was forcibly torn from it for many years. Mtsyri’s dream was not destined to come true, the wounds from the battle with the leopard were fatal, but he did not regret what happened. He lived the days spent outside the monastery in the present, free life, - the one he was striving for. Mtsyri is a “prison flower”, “the prison left its mark” on him, and therefore he did not find the path to freedom. Nature, with which the hero sought to merge, is not only a beautiful world, but also a formidable force: it is very difficult to cope with it. Mtsyri dies. Before his death, he asks to be moved to the garden, because last minutes life for him there is nothing closer than nature, from there he will be able to see the Caucasus, dear to his heart. Mtsyri strove to understand the world, to merge with nature, to feel as free as nature itself, as its free people.



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