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What does the male name Vitaly mean? Health and energy. Name Vitaly in different languages

The origin of the name Vitaly has Latin roots and means “life.” In some countries it may sound like “Vitalis”, but it is most common in the CIS countries.

The meaning of the name Vitaly in a man’s life is quite large, since the nickname directly affects a person’s character traits. In this case, the boy so named is endowed with:

  • reliability,
  • phlegmatic temperament,
  • a positive outlook on the world.

In childhood The owner of the name Vitaly is a rather shy and timid, but at the same time affectionate child.

  • He is obedient and easy to train, which will have a good effect on relationships with people in the future.
  • The boy, as a rule, has a strong connection with his mother and treats her not only as a parent, but also as a friend. Over time, this does not go away and warm relationships last a lifetime.
  • As for communication with others, a person named Vitaly knows how to find an approach to anyone.
  • He can be an excellent listener and a devoted friend, so you can safely rely on him.
  • In companies, he strives to become a leader, and such a role suits him well.

As an adult The character remains virtually unchanged.

  • The bearer of the name Vitaly remains kind, sociable and able to compromise.
  • Some may consider him soft-hearted, but in reality he simply does not see the point in conflicts, since he has few principles and things that he is ready to argue about.
  • Most often, the name Vitaly gives a person a phlegmatic temperament, so such a person does not show his strengths unnecessarily.

Love and family

If anything can change the owner of the name Vitaly, it is the creation of a family.

The right woman helps him discover new character traits in himself that previously seemed invisible.

  • For example, determination, passion, willingness to go to great lengths for the sake of the chosen one. However, in adolescence and at a young age He may find it difficult to get into long-term relationships due to shyness and fear of rejection.
  • The name Vitaly is characteristic of amorous people who can quickly switch from one girl to another. But, having found the ideal woman for himself, Vitaly quickly turns into a diligent family man who will be proud of his wife.
  • He is ready to be a hospitable master of the house and fully provide for a woman if she gives him children. He will love one or more children very much and will do everything for their well-being. He will treat his daughters especially warmly and will protect them in any situation.

For marriage, he chooses a fragile and tender girl who is ready to obey him in everything. He likes to be an authority figure for her. A woman's appearance is very important to him.

The ideal match for him would be:

  • slim,
  • well-groomed,
  • kind girl,
  • which will not give reasons for jealousy.

The wife should consider that a person named Vitaly should be surrounded with warmth and care, otherwise he will look for all this on the side.

  • Your home should always be clean, comfortable, and most importantly, calm.
  • Vitaly loves silence and a pleasant atmosphere, but conflicts drive him crazy.
  • He will not tolerate a woman who regularly starts scandals, even if the complaints are well founded. Such a marriage could easily end in divorce.

Career and hobbies

What the name Vitaly means for a person’s career is quite simple to say. As a rule, such a nickname endows a person with a love of money, but not of work.

We can say for sure that the profession will not become the meaning of life for him, but only a way to earn money.

Vitaly Georgievich Atyushov (Russian hockey player, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)

It can become:

  • engineer,
  • builder,
  • manager and any other specialist.

It all depends on which area seems more profitable for him. With promotion by career ladder there may be some problems, since the owner of the name Vitaly may lack determination.

It is difficult to say whether this will mean complete failure or whether it will somehow be possible to stay afloat.

It all depends on the motivation and goals that you have this moment stand in front of a man.

By the way, the name Vitaly is typical for people who do not have any special hobbies. A hobby may be fishing or hunting, but neither interest will be of great importance in life. Perhaps a man will want to devote himself to his family or close people, but not to his hobby.


Although the characteristics of the name Vitaly are not good in everything, such a man’s health is excellent.

  • He is physically strong and mentally balanced, so he can safely play sports or lead active life. However, he will become interested in this only if his parents teach him this from childhood. It is advisable to send the boy to one or more sports clubs, otherwise at a young age he may become lazy and passive.
  • A person named Vitaly should eat properly, as there is a risk of kidney problems. The disease lurks in adulthood, and although before that it may seem that everything is fine with health, then the disease will suddenly strike.
  • It is also recommended to give up bad habits, especially alcohol consumption, as this will damage other organs. You should not hope that such weaknesses will pass without consequences.

Vitaly is recommended to pay attention to his health in order to keep himself in good shape. Don't be lazy - regular exercise or long walks will help you maintain good health until old age.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Vitaly.

What does the name Vitaly mean?

The name Vitaly means life (lat.)

The meaning of the name Vitaly is character and destiny

A man named Vitaly is endowed with a flexible mind, diplomatic, polite, cunning, self-interested. He loves comfort, but everything is not easy for him. He strives for material well-being, however, when the goal is almost achieved, something unexpected happens and everything changes for the worse. Vitaly suffers such breakdowns painfully, but this forces him to be more careful and not make grandiose plans in the future. He loves to drink, and constant failure can contribute to the development of alcoholism. Vitaly is quite sexy, but not too bold in relationships with women, many of his desires remain unsatisfied. Having married, he is not averse to having an affair on the side, but he rarely decides to do so. He gives birth to children of different sexes, but he is more attached to his daughter. A man named Vitaly values ​​intelligence, integrity, good attitude to his parents, the ability to lead household, manage the family budget economically. As fate would have it, Vitaly more often comes across grumpy wives who are always dissatisfied with him, reproaching him for his inability to adequately provide for his family, and for his addiction to alcohol. Weak-willed, he painfully endures reproaches, but does not have the strength to openly express his protest. It’s easier for him to act on the sly, to trick, to dodge. Only in drunk may flare up and try to express everything that has been tormenting him for a long time.

Meaning of the name Vitaly for sex

Love failures almost never lead a man named Vitaly to despair, but only cause a surge of emotions and energy. Great importance he gives external factors, he is especially concerned about the good figure of his partner, and her tender body is the source of his constant delight. It is important for him how his beloved is dressed, what perfume she wears. He does not hide his feelings, pouring them out during love foreplay and during the sexual act itself in hot and tender words, describing to his partner what sensations she evokes in him. A man named Vitaly is squeamish and is not inclined to change women often;

Vitaly will strive to diversify coital positions, giving the woman the opportunity to fully open up. For him, the main thing is to satisfy the emotional needs of his partner and keep the relationship exciting. He strives to prolong the preparatory period as long as possible, indulging in love games and giving his partner freedom of action - she helps him, and he gives her the opportunity to experience the whole gamut of strong erotic sensations.

The character and fate of the name Vitaly, taking into account the patronymic

First name Vitaly and patronymic....

Vitaly Alekseevich, Vitaly Andreevich, Vitaly Artemovich, Vitaly Valentinovich, Vitaly Vasilyevich, Vitaly Viktorovich, Vitaly Vitalievich, Vitaly Vladimirovich, Vitaly Evgenievich, Vitaly Ivanovich, Vitaly Ilyich, Vitaly Kirillovich, Vitaly Mikhailovich, Vitaly Nikitich, Vitaly Petrovich, Vitaly Sergeevich, Vitali y Yuryevich soft and calm in character. Does not like quarrels, skillfully avoids conflicts. He is flexible in the family and values ​​calm and stability most of all. Likes to relax after work with a book in hand, you play chess well. Material wealth is not easy for him, so he is stingy. All his life a man named Vitaly dreams of luxury and exciting travels, but all this remains in his dreams. Passive, does not know how to implement his plans. He experiences passion and attraction in sex, but excessive caution prevents him from doing this too. Vitaly is squeamish, which is also the reason for his abstinence. Most often she has one child - a daughter.

First name Vitaly and patronymic....

Vitaly Alexandrovich, Vitaly Arkadyevich, Vitaly Borisovich, Vitaly Vadimovich, Vitaly Grigorievich, Vitaly Maksimovich, Vitaly Matveevich, Vitaly Pavlovich, Vitaly Romanovich, Vitaly Tarasovich, Vitaly Timofeevich, Vitaly Fedorovich, Vitaly Eduardovich, Vitaly Yakovlevich He is in no hurry to get married; he chooses his wife for a long time and carefully. He thinks about a career early, but rarely achieves what he wants. His life is difficult, failures haunt him. Unexpectedly, a man named Vitaly begins to engage in social or political activities, but this does not bring him luck either; often in the prime of his life he has to abruptly change his profession, which negatively affects his psyche and health. Vitaly may start drinking, although this did not appeal to him before, and often it all ends quite disastrously. Vitaly gives birth to children of different sexes. He is strict with children, raising them himself, as long as his affairs are going well. But if they don’t get along, then everything in the family is left to chance. He needs a wife who can support him in difficult moments, to help him get back on his feet after the collapse of his plans.

First name Vitaly and patronymic....

Vitaly Bogdanovich, Vitaly Vladislavovich, Vitaly Vyacheslavovich, Vitaly Gennadievich, Vitaly Georgievich, Vitaly Danilovich, Vitaly Egorovich, Vitaly Konstantinovich, Vitaly Robertovich, Vitaly Svyatoslavovich, Vitaly Yanovich, Vitaly Yaroslavovich boastful, inclined to exaggerate his capabilities, loves to make promises, but rarely keeps them. Beneath the feigned importance and solidity lies weakling. A man named Vitaly can be married several times; the wife is always the leader in the family. Sometimes Vitaly can flare up and try to change something in his relationship with his wife, but as soon as he cools down, everything falls into place again. He is kind, but somewhat stingy. He likes to make profitable acquaintances and strives to take a worthy place in society. However, his aspirations are rarely crowned with success. In the eyes of influential people he seems ridiculous. However, Vitaly knows how to extract personal benefit from every acquaintance. Let them laugh at him, but he will not miss his own. If necessary, he can be flattering and obsequious. He listens with pleasure to flattery addressed to himself. His daughters are born.

First name Vitaly and patronymic....

Vitaly Antonovich, Vitaly Arturovich, Vitaly Valerievich, Vitaly Germanovich, Vitaly Glebovich, Vitaly Denisovich, Vitaly Igorevich, Vitaly Iosifovich, Vitaly Leonidovich, Vitaly Lvovich, Vitaly Mironovich, Vitaly Olegovich, Vitaly Ruslanovich, Vitaly Semenovich, Vitaly Filippovich, Vitaly Emmanuilovich freedom-loving and independent, selfish. A man named Vitaly is sexy, but in a relationship with a woman he is more attracted by the similarity of intellectual interests. The failures of such a Vitaly do not worry too much; on the contrary, they become an incentive for his further activities. He takes on new business with even greater tenacity and energy. Disdainful, does not change partners often. Likes to talk about sex with friends or lover. Marries only after receiving a decent education. Has a daughter. This Vitaly’s marriage may not be too happy, but he will not dare to divorce. Having fun on the side calms him down somewhat.

First name Vitaly and patronymic....

Vitaly Alanovich, Vitaly Albertovich, Vitaly Anatolyevich, Vitaly Veniaminovich, Vitaly Vladlenovich, Vitaly Dmitrievich, Vitaly Nikolaevich, Vitaly Rostislavovich, Vitaly Stanislavovich, Vitaly Stepanovich, Vitaly Feliksovich self-confident, inclined to overestimate his capabilities. He is careful with women and sees a catch in everything. A careerist by nature. A man named Vitaly perceives criticism as a personal insult. With old and devoted friends he is good-natured, but with few people he is extremely frank. Sexy, but does not allow lovers into his inner world. He is calmer when love relationship are superficial. He marries late, prefers to live with a woman in a civil marriage. Such a Vitaly’s children, as a rule, are long-awaited; most often, one girl is born, because Vitaly starts a family in old age. Does not recognize illegitimate children.

The Latin male name Vitaly can only be found in Slavic countries. The meaning of the name Vitaly reveals this person as a calm and quite self-confident nature. Everything about this person is balanced. Talya is not subject to emotional outbursts and rarely gets involved in conflicts.

The meaning of the name Vitaly for a boy gives him such qualities as gentleness of character, obedience and diligence. Talya is very attached to his mother. Moreover, this can be seen in adulthood. If Vitya has other brothers or sisters, then they get along well with each other throughout their lives.

The meaning of the name Vitaly for a child makes him a dreamer and a romantic. But Vitya tries not to show this side of his nature to anyone. He especially zealously keeps all his dreams and fantasies inside himself precisely in adolescence.

A full interpretation of the name reveals Vitya’s personality from different sides. This man is not always soft and conflict-free. A certain harshness and rudeness may appear in behavior if Talya feels the need to assert herself.


Such men are quite amorous, which means that they are capable of experiencing deep feelings and strong passion. In relationships with women, Vitya prefers to feel a certain freedom and independence. Tends to build relationships on the father-daughter principle.

Talya doesn't like it when his partner dominates. These men take leadership functions in relationships into their own hands. It is this inner strength that attracts a variety of women to him like a magnet.

A failed relationship cannot break Talya. On the contrary, they only encourage new conquests. For Tali, what plays a huge role in a woman is her slender figure and well-groomed body. In addition, such men always pay attention to their beloved’s clothes and her perfume.

Due to increased disgust, he changes sexual partners quite rarely. Throughout the novel he tries to maintain relationships at the same soul-stirring level. In bed he always thinks about the woman’s pleasure. Her emotional state is of great importance to Vitya.


Relationships with a spouse are in many ways similar to relationships with a mistress. He will take as his wife that representative of the fair sex who will become, first of all, a devoted friend. This fact means that Tal must trust his wife almost as much as he trusts his mother.

A faithful family man. Marriage is of serious importance to Vitya. He tends to value his wife’s feelings. The marriage will be happy with Antonina, Ekaterina, Tamara, Maria and Nadezhda. You should not build marital relationships with Margarita, Anastasia, Zoya and Victoria.

Business and career

Talya is a hardworking worker, which means she can be successful in almost any field. Moreover, his dedication in the workplace does not depend in any way on the type of activity. Achieving high professional success can only be prevented by a lack of assertiveness and a frequent inability to concentrate.

The efforts that Talya puts into achieving her goal are also of considerable importance. If he pursues his dream hard and works regularly, his career will be successful.

Origin of the name Vitaly

The mystery of the name allows you to learn more about the personality of its bearer. History confirms the connection of this dialect with the holy martyr who lived in 164 on the territory of Rome, whose name was Vitaly. This man, his six brothers and his mother suffered for Jesus Christ.

The origin of the name Vitaly is Latin. Etymology - "vital". This is exactly how the word “vitalis” is translated from Latin. There is no doubt where this adverb came from.

Characteristics of the name Vitaly

The pros and cons of character are very diverse. By temperament, Tal is sanguine. Has an easily excitable psyche. Often becomes gloomy, without any reason visible reasons. Strong-willed qualities quite weak.

Diligence helps Vita study well and comprehend various fairly complex sciences. But in studies, Tali’s own desire is of great importance. Only by showing a strong, unbending will will he be able to become a highly qualified specialist and receive a decent education.

In an unusual environment, he gets used to it quite quickly, which is of great importance in life. Mental abilities are quite high. You could even say that Tali has a flexible mind. Can be very stubborn, depending on surrounding circumstances. Not deprived of such a character trait as cunning. He uses cunning to achieve his goals.

The characteristics of the name Vitaly allow us to speak of this man as a real favorite of fortune. It is luck that helps Tala rise to the top. unprecedented height. Vitya successfully uses his luck in various areas of life.

Vitaly especially seriously needs to monitor the health of his kidneys, as well as other organs excretory system. A well-balanced diet and regular medical examinations are also of great importance. Only by paying close attention to her body can Talya avoid serious health problems.

Vitya's friends can always rely on him. This person is happy to help loved ones and dear people, and, regardless of the time of day. Tala enjoys spending time in cheerful companies. Among friends he maintains his independence. He defends his interests with dignity. His own rightness is of serious importance to him.

The mystery of the name

  • Sapphire stone.
  • Name days are February 7, as well as May 5 and 11.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named Aquarius and Cancer.

Famous people

  • Vitaliy Klitschko – professional heavyweight boxer, Ukrainian politician, people's deputy Ukraine of the seventh convocation, as well as a Candidate of Sciences in the field physical education and sports. Leader of the Ukrainian political party, called "IMPACT".
  • Vitaly Solomin - theater and film actor, winner of the Moscow Prize, respected National artist RSFSR, member of the Union of Theater Workers, as well as the Union of Cinematographers of Russia. He starred in films called “Sink or Lost” (2003), “Winter Cherry 3” (1993) and many others.
  • Vitaly Fetisov – director. He directed the films “I Believe in Rainbows” (1986) and “Seven Days of Hope” (1989).

Different languages

The translation of the name Vitaly from Latin is “vital.” How the adverb is translated, as well as how it is written in different languages, is given below:

  • In Chinese – Weitǎlì (Weitali)
  • In Japanese - Ikiru
  • In French – Vitali and Vitalie
  • In English - Vitaliy
  • In Ukrainian – Vitaliy

Name forms

  • Full name: Vitaly.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Vitalya, Vitalik, Vita, Vityunya, Vityusha, Vityana, Tal, Vitya, Vitakha, Vitasya, Vityukha, Vitasha and Vitulya.
  • Declension of the name - Vitaly - Vitaly - Vitaly.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Vitaly.

Version 1. What does the name Vitaly (Vitalina) mean?

Female version male name Vitaly (life).

Rare name, but, having given
his daughter, you will give her an amazing destiny. The gentleness and charm of a woman
will complement such qualities as determination and courage.

A girl with that name

Growing up, she's like
would study everyone around her and try to see among those around her the one she wanted
would be similar. Usually he does not find an ideal and withdraws into himself. At the same age
Misunderstandings begin with the parents, often with the mother.

She usually gets married early, but almost never her chosen one will be someone her own age. Her
The adult mind is impressed by education and the ability to firmly settle in life. Coming out
married, rarely found mutual language with my mother-in-law.

Typical feminine tricks
and tricks to keep a man near her are of little interest to her. Yes, they are in her arsenal,
one might say no. And no problem! They are more than compensated by practical skills
control the situation and subordinate it to your desires. However, Vitalina is easy to deceive,
in some matters she is very gullible, but God forbid she finds out about the deception. Reaction
it will be incredibly stormy, and the grief will be inconsolable.

thrifty housewife, takes care of her children and husband, but rarely takes on everything
household chores. Vitalina's husband in an apron, washing dishes - a common picture
in the house. In general, she gravitates more toward male activities, and if her husband business man,
then a good assistant is guaranteed to him. In business, she is self-confident, energetic, and decisive.
Women named Vitaly or Vitalika feel more comfortable
in men's company, in women's team play exclusively the role of a leader.

Version 2. What does the name Vitaly (Vitalina) mean?

- “life” (lat.)

A rare name, but given
his daughter, you will give her an amazing destiny. The gentleness and charm of a woman will complement
qualities such as determination and courage.

A girl with that name
- a favorite of her girlfriends and at the same time enjoys authority among the surrounding boys.
She is very independent. Knows what she wants, is proud, but pays attention to her studies
A little. In his childhood he loves to read fairy tales and adventure novels.

Teenage years
Vitalia is characterized by contemplation rather than active
working on yourself. She seems to be studying everyone around her and trying to see in those around her
the one she would like to be like. Usually he does not find an ideal and withdraws into himself.
At the same age, misunderstandings begin with parents, often with mother.

Vitalia usually gets married early, but almost never with her chosen one
does not become the same age. Her adult mind is impressed by education and ability to firmly
get settled in life.

Typical feminine tricks
and tricks to keep a man near her are of little interest to Vitaly.
Yes, one might say, they are not in her arsenal. And no problem! Their absence is more than compensated for
practical thinking, the ability to control the situation and subordinate it to your desires.
Vitalia is easy to deceive, she is very gullible in some matters,
but God forbid if she finds out about the deception. The reaction will be so violent, and grief
so inconsolable that not only the husband, but also any other person, seeing such
despair, he is simply afraid to repeat his action in the future. Yes and cheat
there is no point in her - she is able to enter any situation and understand it, suggest the unexpected
the decision is bold, even a little adventurous, but often the only correct one.

Vitalia is an economical housewife, takes care of her children and husband, however
rarely takes on all the household chores. Husband in a kitchen apron, washing
dishes, queuing for vegetables - a common picture
in Vitalia's house. In general, she gravitates more towards men's
activities, and if her husband is a business man, then he is guaranteed a good assistant in the person of his wife.
In business, she is self-confident, energetic, and decisive.

Feels more comfortable
himself in a male company, and in a female team he plays exclusively the role of a leader.
Rarely finds a common language with her mother-in-law.

- her scourge; she has a weak stomach.

proud, assiduous, will not yield the palm to anyone.

- from childhood to adulthood she is smart and reasonable, practical. Can become a lawyer, economist.
The name matches patronymics: Vladimirovna, Viktorovna, Andreevna, Mikhailovna,
Grigorievna, Gennadievna, Danovna.

- amorous, prefers the company of men.

- flighty, fickle. Can become a hairdresser, teacher, educator. The name fits
to patronymics: Vadimovna, Ignatievna, Kondratievna, Rodionovna, Yurievna, Alanovna,

Numerology of the name Vitaly (Vitalin)

Name number: 1

A few are extremely purposeful individuals who are ready to give all their strength to bring ideas to life. These creative people will never suffer from bad imagination, but leadership skills will help them reach the top in business.
A few are always in the center of attention of others; they know how to subjugate others. Sometimes aggressiveness can be excessive, but perseverance allows you to achieve your goals. These are quite contradictory personalities who may doubt themselves, but will never lose self-respect. Units are good partners if you give them due attention.

The meaning of the letters in the name Vitaly (Vitalina)

IN- sociability, optimism, love of nature and art. People with names starting with "V" choose professions related to creativity. They are excellent musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers. Despite their passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their entire lives with one person.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative people. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition and adapt well to different conditions the surrounding world. Capable of showing generosity.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

I- people who have this letter in their name know their worth. They strive to achieve love and respect from the people around them.

People with the letter "I" are good thinkers and are capable of hiding many secrets. In addition, they are excellent conversationalists and romantic people with a rich imagination.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, present critical thinking. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

Name as a phrase

  • IN- Lead
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • T- Firmly
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • L- People
  • I- (YA = A) Az
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)

Name Vitaly (Vitalina) in English (Latin)

Vitaliia Vitalina

When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Vitaly (Vitalina) in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The meaning of the name Vitaly: The boy's name means "life-giving." This affects the character and fate of Vitaly.

Origin of the name Vitaly: Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Vitalik, Vitalya, Vitya, Talik, Vitasha, Vityusha.

What does the name Vitaly mean: The name comes from the Roman family nickname Vitalis. The name Vitaly translates as “life.” Another meaning of the name Vitaly is “full vitality" We can say that fate showers the owner of this name with luck - everything always goes according to plan for Vitalik. A guy with this name is an active and energetic person. Life flows out of him.

Surname: Vitalievich, Vitalievna; decomposition Vitalich.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Vitaly celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • February 7 (January 25) - Holy Martyr Vitaly, together with his mother and six brothers, suffered for Christ in Rome in 164.
  • May 5 (April 22) - St. Vitaly the monk pleased God with his concerns about the conversion of great sinners to a righteous life; suffered a lot of ridicule and reproach; died in the 7th century. He bequeathed to us “not to condemn our neighbor, no matter how sinful he may seem to us; not to condemn before the judgment of God.”

Signs of the name Vitaly: On February 7, on the martyr Vitaly, they observe the state of the weather during the day: what the day is like from morning to noon, such will be the first half of the next winter, and from noon to evening - foreshadows the other half of winter.


  • Zodiac - Aquarius
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Color - purple
  • Auspicious tree - poplar
  • Treasured plant - violet
  • Patron - tiger
  • Talisman stone - sapphire

Characteristics of the name Vitaly

Positive features: The name Vitaly gives activity, love of life, and gentleness. Vitalik has amazingly kind humor. He loves cheerful people, but not slackers. A child with this name is attached to his mother. He is responsive to love and tenderness. This does not interfere with the manifestation of such qualities as courage, courage and responsibility. Vitalik has many friends who value him for the listed qualities.

Negative features: The name brings idealism, fantasy, and excessive gullibility. In adolescence, a child, aware of his natural gentleness, can deliberately behave rudely. You shouldn't pay attention to this. Over time, he realizes his mistakes and finds agreement with himself.

Character of the name Vitaly: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Vitaly? Whatever Vitalik wants, he will get in life, because fate is unusually favorable to him. She always throws him winning cards, and the only task is to take advantage of them. This is what he does with great success. He is cheerful, witty, kind and friendly, outwardly generous (internally he is rather tight-fisted, but he is ashamed of this trait of his and strives to get rid of it. By the way, he generally knows how to change any trait of his character, get rid of any habit - if he tries very hard, and most importantly, he really wants it). Vitaly loves to eat and drink well, have fun in company, and is a great womanizer; but, like all men whose names begin with Vik and Vit, he is powerless before the intelligent power, strong wife(especially if you are in love with her). It can turn a guy into a completely different person, or rather, aggravate all his unpleasant traits (vindictiveness, pettiness, stubbornness), so that he loses his former friends, his former popularity, and ruins his life’s work. However, we must pay tribute - he is a real “vanka-vstanka” in his ability to start everything over again and come out unscathed from all sorts of troubles. His charm and hard work are always with him, and these are his main means to achieving success in life!

Purposeful, stubborn, diligent, quickly adapts to unfamiliar surroundings, has a flexible mind. By temperament, Vitaly is sanguine, rarely gloomy, but does not have a strong will. The name has a slow reaction speed, intelligence and intuition are moderately developed. As a rule, guys are very lazy and careless, but unpretentious and not vain. A man with this name reaches a level of life that provides a tolerable existence and stops there.

A guy with this name chooses as his wife a woman who would be both his mother and his faithful friend. Love feelings and passionate experiences are relegated to the background. In marriage, Vitaly is faithful to his wife, values ​​her love, but in public does not show any signs of marital disposition towards her. The name has a developed sense of responsibility for raising children.

But if a hobby on the side turns into a strong feeling, he may leave his family, children, and attaches great importance to an established life. Reacts with great anxiety to the slightest changes in his potency. The guy succeeds in business, in the field of exact sciences, design and industrial production.

In childhood, a child with this name is an affectionate, obedient, diligent, shy boy. Vitaly feels more confident with younger children.

Vitaly and his personal life

Compatible with female names: The marriage of the name with Anfisa, Vasilina, Evgenia, Kaleria, Larisa, Marietta, Rosalia is favorable. The name Vitaly is also combined with Elvira. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Bella, Isolde, Caroline, Mavra, Stefania, Elsa.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Vitaly promise happiness in love? Vitalik was created for family life. He is Vitaly economic and loving husband, a caring father trying to be a friend to his children.

A guy with this name is successful with women, Don Juanism is in his character, but he does not consider it necessary to have any moral obligations towards his girlfriends. He doesn’t have many of them, he is picky and chooses a beautiful, stately woman. Her manners are important to him, whether she is well dressed, what perfume she wears. Vitaly is married most often once; as he gets older, he prefers the comfort of home and a calm family environment. For him, the love of his wife is of particular importance; he is jealous and attached to his children.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The guy lacks dedication and consistency. In all areas of activity, he often misses profitable opportunities, being distracted by insignificant matters.

An adult man named Vitaly is calculating, reasonable, and somewhat cunning. He has a flexible mind, he gains experience very quickly, but he works according to his mood. He has a penchant for exact sciences; he can be an engineer, designer, mathematics or physics teacher.

He is Vitaly witty, sometimes caustically ironic, dissatisfied with the people around him, aggressive, but this is a mask behind which hides a vulnerable person. He has few friends, but they are loyal. Vitaly is outwardly generous, but inwardly stingy and tries to get rid of this trait, realizing its unattractiveness. He has enough will to change any trait of his character. Fate is favorable to him, he can have everything he really wants.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Vitaly: The meaning of the name Vitaly from a medical point of view. He is likely to have weakened functions of the kidneys and other organs of the excretory system. He needs some attention Special attention nutrition.

The fate of Vitaly in history

What does the name Vitaly mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Vitaly Ilinsky (1814-1864), nicknamed Iskander Bey, was an adventurer who served in the troops of Maria Christina of Spain, then with Don Pedro of Portugal. He took part in the siege of Herat (1836), then went to Algeria and fought with Abd el-Kader in the ranks of the French. After participating in the Hungarian War of 1848-1849. Iskander Bey fled to Turkey, where he became Omer Pasha's adjutant. For distinctions in Bosnia, Montenegro, Wallachia and Crimea he received the rank of bey, then pasha; The soldiers nicknamed him "Iskander Bey". On various battlefields of Europe and Asia he received up to forty wounds.
  2. Vitaly N. Trotsky (?-1901) - adjutant general, infantry general; took part in the Crimean campaign, distinguishing himself in the battle of the Alma River. In 1860 he was enlisted in the General Staff. In 1867, Trotsky was appointed chief of staff of the troops of the Syr-Darya region, and two years later he was already assigned to fill the post of assistant commander of the region’s troops. From 1883, he was successively the chief of staff of the Caucasian Military District, the commander of the 16th Army Corps, the assistant commander of the Kiev Military District, and the Vilna, Kovno and Grodno governor-general.
  3. Vitaly Bianchi (1894-1959) - Russian writer. Born in St. Petersburg in the family of a biologist. He inherited his reverent attitude towards nature from his father, an ornithologist who worked at the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences. He himself repeatedly took part in long expeditions to the Urals and Altai. During his life he wrote more than three hundred stories, fairy tales, novellas and articles. Bianchi's fascinating books, revealing the world of nature and helping to comprehend its secrets, still enjoy deserved popularity among readers of all ages. They have been translated into many languages.
  4. Vitali Klitschko - (born 1971) Ukrainian boxer, currently a politician.
  5. Vitaly Dubinin - (born 1958) Russian musician (bass guitar), member of the group "Aria", author large quantity musical works written for this group.
  6. Vitaly Shafranov - (1929-2014) Soviet and Russian physicist, studied plasma and thermonuclear fusion.
  7. Vitaly Davydov - (born 1939) Soviet hockey player, became an Olympic champion three times as part of the USSR team.
  8. Vitaly Lazarenko - (1890-1939) Russian circus performer, worked in the genre of clownery, in 1914, for the first time in the world, he did a somersault over three elephants, and performed in front of soldiers of the Soviet army.
  9. Vitaly Goldansky - (1923-2001) Soviet scientist, physical chemist, worked in the field of nuclear issues, winner of the Lenin and State Russian Prizes.
  10. Vitaly Margulis - (1928-2011) Soviet and Russian pianist, his students became laureates many times international competitions, and many of them are winners.
  11. Vitaly Gromadsky - (born 1928) Soviet singer (bass).
  12. Vitaly Lazhentsev - (born 1940) Soviet and Russian geographer and economist, one of the important results of his scientific research was the determination of the economic role of the North for Russia.
  13. Vitaly Atyushov - (born 1979) Russian hockey player, world championship medalist.

Vitaly in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In Ukrainian it is translated as Vitaliy, in Polish: Vitalis.



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