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What are tapestries? Brief history of origin. Tapestry fabric: advantages and disadvantages, proper care and customer reviews What are tapestries

Greetings, dear reader! Today I want to talk about the tapestry. I hope the article turns out to be informative and interesting. Let's not pour water, I propose to get to the heart of the matter. Let's start with a definition. What is a tapestry? Translated from French, gobelin is a carpet-picture (trellis) woven by hand according to a picturesque sample design from wool and silk threads. In other words, a tapestry is a design on fabric. Who came up with the idea of ​​creating such drawings, how has it been implemented for a long time and, most importantly, why? Let's figure it out.

The history of the tapestry

Like any fabric, the tapestry has its origins long before my and your birth. Unfortunately, the exact time of appearance of this painting and place are still not known. But as excavations show, mummies in ancient Egyptian tombs were already dressed in elegant tapestry dresses. According to historians, the earliest tapestries appeared in Germany. It’s probably hard to believe now, but back then trellises in houses were not only decoration, but were also used as home insulation: the walls of stone houses were not so cold and retained heat in the room. The task of creating a tapestry in itself is very painstaking and expensive. Just imagine that it would take three to five months to weave one trellis. Agree, this is quite an impressive period. But as practice shows, everything that takes a long time to produce is quite expensive. Therefore, at one time, carpet paintings could only decorate the walls of royal families and their entourage (Francis I, Henry II, Henry IV, Louis VIII). Very often, castles created their own tapestry workshops. And I want to say that it was not in vain that they were created famous works art: “The Lady with the Unicorn”, “The Life and Death of Christ”, “The History of Diana”, “The History of Scipio”, “The History of Constantinople”, which are now presented in the most famous museums in Europe.

The tapestry was made mainly from wool and silk threads, but sometimes even silver and gold had to be used on special order. The design was transferred from a sample that corresponded to the size of the future carpet. It also happened that for one general design it was necessary to weave up to 12 separate carpets.

Interesting fact: many famous artists such as Raphael, Rubens, Van Dyck wrote sketches for tapestry. Peter the Great brought the tapestry to Russia. He created the first tapestry studio in Rus'. In Russia, not only silk and wool, but also flax were used as threads.

Tapestry production technology

As mentioned above, making a tapestry is a rather labor-intensive process. Of course, with the advent modern technologies Getting the finished product has become much easier. It is worth noting that since the advent of tapestry, only the designs of looms have changed, but the meaning of producing the material has not changed. Let's see how it's done. I warn you right away that the technology for producing tapestry is described superficially. You and I are not technologists, so we won’t go into the intricacies of production.

Tapestry production

Threads (warp) are pulled onto the loom, then weft threads are pulled through them - these are weft threads that intertwine with the warp threads horizontally in a checkerboard pattern. Next, a braid is woven, immediately on top of which a earnings with a height of 20 to 50 mm are woven vertically. The weft here is a pattern-forming thread, which can be linen, wool, silk, cotton, acrylic, viscose or silver thread. Next, using a specialized fork, the horizontal weft inserts are nailed to each other. After performing this operation, the warp threads on both sides (front and back) are covered with weft threads. Next, the fabric is woven according to a sample made in full size and placed under the warp threads. To get a colorful pattern, you just need to tie threads with the desired color to the warp threads. By using different thicknesses of yarn, a structured pattern can be achieved. This is how a tapestry is made.

Varieties of tapestry

Like many fabrics, tapestry has different structures:

  • single layer;
  • two-layer;
  • easy;
  • heavy;
  • medium-heavy;

Depending on the design and color solutions tapestry can be:

  • with large ornaments;
  • with a small pattern;
  • plain painted;
  • melange;
  • patterned;

According to the method of weaving the weft and warp, tapestry fabric can be:

  • one-sided;
  • two-sided.

Tapestry properties

Tapestry has many different properties. Let's look at them:

  • Density. As with any other fabric, density plays one of the most important roles in the characteristics of the fabric. After all, the strength, durability and wear resistance of the product depend on it. The area of ​​application of the fabric also depends on the density of the tapestry. For example, for bedspreads and curtains, material with a density in the range of 250-350 g/sq.m. is used, and for making clothes, 180 g/sq.m. is sufficient.
  • Wrinkleability. Due to the technology of weaving threads and high density of fabric, the tapestry holds its shape well: there are no folds.
  • Color fastness. You've probably noticed the brightness of the colors on tapestry products. This is achieved through high-quality dyed weft threads. But still, when hit directly sun rays on fabric, fading cannot be avoided over time.
  • Shrinkage. Tapestry fabric one of the few that does not shrink or deform, but only with proper care.

How to recognize tapestry fabric

I can assure you that confusing tapestry fabric with another is a rather difficult task. No fabric will be as heavy and thick (3 layers of weaving) as tapestry, and, of course, have a special patterned weave of threads. But to distinguish the fabric self made You are unlikely to succeed from machine production. And is it worth bothering too much about this, the main thing is that the product is made with high quality.

Scope of tapestry

Did you know that tapestry fabric was previously called the “mirror of civilization”? And all because the pattern on tapestry fabric often showed daily life, religious plot, significant events of a particular time, traditions of peoples, etc. Today, from tapestry fabric we can see:

  • Paintings;
  • Tablecloths;
  • Napkins;
  • Pillowcases for sofa cushions;
  • Bags, belts and gloves;
  • Shoes;
  • Bedspreads;
  • Curtains;
  • Pillows;
  • Carpets and much more.
As you can see, this list can be continued for a long time. It all depends on the design decisions, because tapestry is a fabric that inspires various creations.

Helpful advice: If you want to use a tapestry in your interior, then you should not overload it, because... a complex picture will be created for the eye. Either upholstery or curtains will be enough.

Advantages and disadvantages of tapestry fabric

As you have already noticed, tapestry fabric is quite dense, which means it is practical. It can be easily washed, vacuumed, and dry-cleaned. And that’s all, because now tapestry is made not only from natural thread as before, but also from synthetic thread. This replacement allows you to increase the service life of tapestry fabric and, of course, reduce the cost of the product. But remember, a tapestry made from 100% natural thread requires careful care. TO positive aspects tapestry fabric can also include a variety of shades and color range, beauty of patterns, visual appeal, unique texture and durability. Today, tapestry is also valued for its ability to make hard pillows and bedspreads from it, which should keep their shape.
The disadvantages of tapestry include the heaviness of some types of fabric, as well as the rigidity due to which the canvas cannot be draped.

Caring for tapestry fabric directly depends on the composition of the yarn. As mentioned above, weft fabric can be natural or synthetic. Accordingly, if the thread is natural, then it is not recommended to wash and iron the tapestry fabric, but only clean it with a brush with natural bristles. If the composition of the tapestry is synthetic, then you can safely wash, iron and dry-clean it. But frequent washing is still not recommended, because... The fabric structure will deteriorate over time.

Helpful advice:To find out the exact composition of tapestry fabric and the most comprehensive information on the care of a particular tapestry product, we advise you to follow the tag on the product itself. As a rule, manufacturers write reliable information about their products.

For centuries, tapestry was an integral part of the decoration of royal castles and imperial palaces. Why did monarchs around the world give their preference to this particular genre of applied art? Who brought the tapestry to Russia? What is the fate of this labor-intensive and elite craft today?

Tapestry (from the French gobelin) is a carpet-picture (trellis) woven by hand using a picturesque pattern (cardboard) from wool, silk (sometimes including silver and gold) threads.

The art of making tapestries (tapestry) has ancient history. Exact date and the place of origin of the tapestry are not known. But already mummies in ancient Egyptian tombs lay wrapped in colorful clothes - prototypes of a modern trellis.

The earliest European trellises are German. They were woven in monasteries or small workshops. In cold stone buildings, trellises not only decorated the rooms, but also helped to keep them warm. Middle Ages and Renaissance in Western Europe- the heyday of trellis weaving. The centers of tapestries production were Paris, Arras, and somewhat later Brussels.

Making trellises was a very expensive and painstaking task (it sometimes took several months to create one trellis), so only members of royal families (Francis I, Henry II, Henry IV, Louis VIII) and the most noble and wealthy feudal lords could afford to purchase carpet paintings , who often organized special trellis workshops at their castles. In these workshops the famous series of tapestries “The Lady with the Unicorn” (XV century), as well as “The Life and Death of Christ”, “The History of Scipio”, “The History of Constantinople”, and “The History of Diana” were created. Most of these tapestries can be seen in the exhibitions of the most famous museums Europe.

Tapestries were woven from silk, wool and even silver and gold threads according to picturesque sketches, the dimensions of which corresponded to the dimensions of the future carpet. Tapestries were ordered in series, sometimes including up to 12 or more carpets, united by a common theme.

They were highly valued throughout Europe. A series of tapestries was used to redeem a French prince from Turkish captivity. But, despite the significant cost of the tapestries, their beauty attracted more and more admirers among nobles and nobility. Tapestries became fashionable; they were used to decorate interiors and hang them on stands for spectators during knightly tournaments. Tapestries were used as decoration for churches during liturgy and served as movable walls in knightly castles. Tapestries were used to make mobile corridors on the streets during mysteries and processions. Many great artists showed interest in tapestry weaving. Sketches for their creation were written by Raphael, Rubens, Van Dyck.

Tapestries began to be called tapestries in the 17th century, when a royal weaving manufactory was created on the basis of a workshop created in the 15th century by Gobelin dyers in the outskirts of Paris.

The tapestry came to Russia in the 18th century, when Peter the Great invited tapestry weaving masters to St. Petersburg. They founded the first tapestry studio in Rus'. The Russian trellis combines European traditions and the originality of Russian art. The first masters reproduced paintings by Russian and French artists from wool, silk and linen.

The twentieth century became the era of a new heyday of this ancient looking arts and crafts. In the 40s, the French architect Jean Lursa created a tapestry manufactory, the products of which revived the glory of French tapestry and led to a real revolution in tapestries. Along with huge subject tapestries, reminiscent of ancient tapestries and intended for exhibition halls, decorative wall panels began to appear more and more often, using previously unknown technological techniques and new figurative possibilities.

Sketches for tapestries were drawn by such outstanding artists as Pablo Picasso, Beauvais Matisse, Fernand Léger, Salvador Dali, Wassily Kandinsky. Tapestry artists proved the legitimacy of tapestry going beyond the scope of applied crafts and including it in the system of modern plastic arts.

Having established itself as high art, the tapestry returned to the interior. IN last years, after the decline that began in the 90s, the interest of decorators in this noble and labor-intensive genre of applied art has increased again. It is no coincidence that this happened in the era of large-scale construction, when fresh ideas and non-standard solutions in the design of premises are as necessary as air. In the era of cold high-tech style in architecture and design, warm and noble wool paintings came, oddly enough, very opportunely.

Review compiled by: Olga Michurina

TAPESTRY TAPESTRY- an artistic decorative woven product or fabric used as a wall carpet, painting or panel, as well as for making curtains, furniture upholstery, etc. There are authentic, or hand-made, and machine-made tapestries, differing in the method of production, appearance and artistic value .
A characteristic feature of a genuine tapestry is the presence on the reverse side of knots, transitions and free ends of threads of colored wefts, which are not cut short for greater strength of the tapestries.
Such fabrics received the name “tapestry” from the French royal manufactory, established in 1662 in Paris, in the Gobelins quarter (the quarter was named after the Gobelins - craftsmen, dyers of yarn for the production of tapestries, who worked here since the 15th century). Original tapestries reproduced the most complex compositions into historical, mythological, religious and household topics, landscapes, architecture, portraits, etc. The production of authentic tapestries in France and other countries almost completely ceased at the beginning of the 20th century due to the complexity of their production and high cost. Authentic tapestries have museum value and are very rare in everyday life.
Genuine tapestry panels for walls are usually made on a thick canvas lining; in several places longitudinal strips of the same material are sewn onto it so that the fabric of the tapestry itself does not tear under its own weight. Tapestries must be systematically cleaned of dust and carefully ventilated and dried in the sun at least once a year.
Machine tapestries are patterned (see), produced on mechanical multi-shuttle looms with Jacquard machines from at least two warps and several wefts.
Machine made tapestries have the following characteristic features: the presence on the reverse side of the fabric of longitudinal stripes of colored warp threads; absence of knots, transitions and loose ends of colored weft threads on the reverse side of the fabric; repeatability of the pattern along the length of the fabric. After finishing, machine-made tapestries are cut into separate pieces or sold in the required footage for subsequent cutting - for upholstery, curtains, etc. Tapestry fabrics are the most durable and wear-resistant upholstery decorative fabrics. It is advisable to use them for upholstering heavy, large upholstered furniture (chairs, sofas, ottomans, sofas - beds and armchairs - beds).
Tapestries can be washed at home, but it is better to dry clean them. Routine cleaning of tapestries (wall panels and furniture upholstery) is done with vacuum cleaners, and drapes are also shaken out.

Concise encyclopedia household. - M.: Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. A. F. Akhabadze, A. L. Grekulova. 1976 .


See what "TAPESTRY" is in other dictionaries:

    Tapestry- hand-woven carpet painting (trellis). IN strictly speaking a product of a Parisian manufactory still operating today (established in the Faubourg Saint-Marseille in 1662 as a royal one; included a number of private tapestries, including a workshop... ... Art encyclopedia

    tapestry- tapestries, carpet Dictionary of Russian synonyms. tapestry noun, number of synonyms: 4 decorative applied arts (14) … Synonym dictionary

    TAPESTRY- TAPESTRY, hand-woven carpet painting (trellis). In the narrow sense, a product of a Parisian manufactory, founded in 1662 and named after the Gobelin dyers... Modern encyclopedia

    TAPESTRY- hand-woven carpet pattern (trellis). In the narrow sense, a product of a Parisian manufactory, founded in 1662 and named after the Gobelin dyers. Tapestries are woven from colored silk and wool threads separate parts, which then... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    TAPESTRY- TAPESTRY, tapestry, husband. (French gobelin). Carpet, ordinary wall, with woven on it artistic images. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    TAPESTRY- TAPESTRY, ah, husband. 1. Wall carpet with hand-woven images, woven painting. Antique French tapestries. The walls are covered with tapestries. 2. Thick decorative fabric with woven patterns. | adj. tapestry, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Tapestry- ■ An amazing work that took fifty years to complete. ■ Standing in front of the tapestry, exclaim: “This more beautiful than painting!” Whoever works on it does not understand what he is doing... Lexicon of common truths

    tapestry- a, m. gobelin m. 1. Decorative fabric of high artistic value, produced by hand (woven painting, drapery, furniture upholstery, etc.; product of the French royal manufactory, established in 1662 in Paris, in the Gobelins quarter... ... Historical Dictionary Gallicisms of the Russian language

    Tapestry- TAPESTRY, hand-woven carpet painting (trellis). In the narrow sense, a product of a Parisian manufactory, founded in 1662 and named after the Gobelin dyers. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Tapestry- ... Wikipedia


  • Tapestry in Ten Evenings, Irina Dvorkina. The book is intended for those who want to practically master the ancient, but timeless art of tapestry. Weaving techniques are taught through a mini-tapestry woven in ten evenings. Adviсe…

A tapestry is a fabric made by cross-weaving threads with the instant creation of a plot or ornamental composition. This is a fairly high-quality material, which, due to its two- or three-layer structure, seems somewhat heavy. A large number of multi-colored threads intertwined in a special way gives rise to amazing paintings, impressive with the finest color nuances.

The history of the appearance of this fabric goes back to the reign of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. With the development of civilization, the art of creating elegant textile designs by hand, and subsequently on looms, began to increasingly expand its horizons. The material received the name known to our contemporaries in the 17th century, when French brothers named Gobelin opened a royal manufactory for the production of decorative woven fabrics with a dense structure.

Since the emergence of tapestry art, only appearance and the design of weaving machines, but the technology for producing the material itself remained the same. In the modern process of manufacturing decorative fabric, technically more advanced equipment is used.

The jacquard weaving method is used to produce tapestries with complex multi-color patterns. The optimal color effect is achieved by weaving several warps of various shades and a standard weft, where the first type of thread performs decisive role in creating a plot composition. The use of yarn of varying thickness contributes to the structure of the pattern.

Both natural and synthetic fibers are used to make tapestry:

  • wool;
  • silk;
  • cotton;
  • acrylic
  • polyester;
  • viscose.

Tapestry properties


This is special important property tapestry largely influences the following characteristics:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • wear resistance;
  • creasing.

The density of the tapestry determines the scope of its application. So, for curtains, upholstery of upholstered furniture, and bedspreads, a material with an indicator ranging from 250 to 350 g/sq.m. is used. Low-density fabric is suitable for sewing clothes - only up to 180 g/sq.m.


The tapestry has good resistance to wrinkles. The fact that the fabric practically does not wrinkle is greatly facilitated by the properties of the fibers, the method of weaving and the density of the fabric.

Color fastness

This is a clear advantage of the tapestry. An important role in its manifestation is played by the qualities of synthetic threads dyed in different colors. However, fading of the fabric may occur when exposed to direct sunlight.

Shrinkage and stretching

With proper care, the tapestry does not deform in any way - it does not stretch or shrink.

Types of fabric

Depending on the structure, the tapestry can be:

  • single layer;
  • two-layer.

Density is determined by the weight of the fabric, depending on which it is divided into the following types:

  • light;
  • heavy;
  • medium-heavy.

According to the method of implementing design and color solutions, a tapestry can be:

  • with large ornaments;
  • with a small pattern;
  • with patterns reminiscent of embroidery;
  • melange;
  • plain painted.

The method of weaving the warp and weft influences the fact that tapestry fabric is defined as:

  • one-sided;
  • bilateral.

Application area

Thanks to its decorativeness and sophistication, as well as a host of other advantages, tapestry fabric invariably inspires designers of various directions to embody the most daring ideas. This material is used in the following areas:

  • production of armchairs, sofas and other types of upholstered furniture;
  • production of interior accessories (curtains, bedspreads, pillows, paintings, carpets, decorative panels);
  • tailoring.

Regarding the last of these uses of tapestry, the fashion industry has firmly staked out its right to use this fabric in the creation of stunning suits, dresses, bags, cosmetic bags, belts and shoes.

Pros and cons of tapestry fabric

The versatility of tapestry is due to a number of its advantages. One of the favorite materials of decorators conveniently combines the following qualities:

  • variety of shades and color fastness;
  • beauty of patterns and strength;
  • unique texture and durability;
  • visual appeal and practicality;
  • high tactile properties and functionality.

The tapestry is not without some shortcomings. These include:

  • the heaviness of certain types of fabric;
  • rigidity, due to which the material is practically impossible to drape.

In addition, it is not advisable to wash the tapestry at home, or iron it or subject it to other WTO methods. All this should not be done to prevent folds or creases from appearing on the fabric.

As mentioned above, it is better not to wash or iron the tapestry. Despite high degree practicality of the material, it still needs care. To clean it, you can use a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush. If there are stains that need to be removed urgently, you should seek the services of specialists.

If you intend to place tapestry products for long-term storage, you should choose a well-ventilated place for this. To prevent folds and creases from occurring on the material, you should wrap it with the front side, for example, on a drainage pipe of as large a diameter as possible.

If there is a cat in the house that is a big fan of sharpening its claws on a dense surface, when placing tapestry products in the interior, you need to take this fact into account.

Customer Reviews

In general, the tapestry evokes in the owners of products made from it only positive emotions. They note the special style and expressiveness of the external component of such products. The exquisite beauty of the fabric, distinguished by multiple weaves of colored threads folded into patterns, does not go unnoticed by connoisseurs of ancient art.

Despite all the advantages, customer reviews also touch on some of the tapestry’s disadvantages. Especially with regard to the rules for caring for products made from it. At the same time, thoughts immediately come to mind about the possibility of resorting to dry cleaning services.

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The chairs from the palace by master Gambs in the novel by I. Ilf and E. Petrov “12 Chairs” were upholstered with furniture tapestry. What else is the tapestry known for? The name brings to mind a picture or a carpet on the wall with incredible beautiful design. It turns out that the fabric also has the same name. Where is it used?

What it is

There may be two answers to the question of what a tapestry is. This is a decorative carpet or woven picture that decorates the interior. Also, a tapestry is such a special fabric that it cannot be confused with others due to the special type of weaving of threads. And it is used not only for making wall paintings. The scope of its use is much wider.

Tapestry fabric

For your information! Clothes made from this fabric were worn egyptian pharaohs. The ancient Greeks and Romans decorated their homes with tapestries depicting the exploits of gods and heroes. Funeral shrouds in Peru were made from tapestry. Japan and China did not stand aside; tapestries there were created from silk threads. And for products intended for emperors, gold and silver threads were used.

Creating a tapestry is a labor-intensive and painstaking process that required incredible patience from the weaver. To create a carpet measuring 1.5×1.5 m it was required whole year. Therefore, the products were one-piece, made to order and were incredibly expensive.

Tapestry (fabric) came to Europe thanks to the Crusades. Europeans liked exotic patterns, and in the 17th century. The French by the name Gobelin established the production of decorative material. Previously, carpets and woven paintings were called tapestries, but later they were given the familiar definition of tapestries.

At the beginning of the 19th century. Frenchman J. Jacquard invented a machine for the production of complex patterned fabrics. Since then, the cost of tapestry material has decreased, and it itself has become somewhat thinner. But it has also become more widely used.

Jacquard Loom

In Russia, the first trellis factory appeared in the era of innovations of Emperor Peter I. It was he who recruited the best craftsmen from France and founded a trellis manufactory, which for a long time employed exclusively French weavers.

Modern production techniques:

  • the warp threads are pulled onto the frame (they can be of any color, since they will not be visible in the final product), and the weft threads form both the fabric and the pattern;
  • cross-weaving of threads on machines;
  • machine production in compliance with the traditions of hand weaving.

The result is a complex relief pattern, called jacquard after the creator of the machine. A large number of threads forms a dense and durable woven tapestry. If you need to get a double-sided product, take two bases. The weft threads are tied together, moving according to a given pattern.

Important! The rules of the Russian language read: correct writing the word for a hand-woven carpet is "tapestry", and "gobelin" or "tapestry" are not acceptable forms. The word comes from the French surname Gobelin.

Composition of the tapestry

The composition of the fabric is selected so that the base is durable. Suitable for linen, cotton, wool. And the weft threads should be soft and elastic. This is necessary to create a unique pattern. Therefore, silk, viscose, acrylic, and polyester are used. At the same time, the threads can be different in thickness, this gives greater texture to the fabric. In total, about 10 threads are used for weaving.

Tapestry with wool threads

Material characteristics

The complex structure and large number of threads give the material the following characteristics:

  • the fabric has a three-layer structure, so it is much heavier than other types;
  • due to complex weaving and large quantity threads have a high density (up to 350 g/m²);
  • resistance to crushing due to high density;
  • color fastness due to high-quality dyeing of synthetic fabric;
  • not subject to deformation.

Types of fabric

Fabrics are distinguished according to several characteristics.

By structure:

  • single layer;
  • two-layer;
  • three-layer.

By density:

  • light;
  • medium-heavy;
  • heavy.

According to the type of drawing applied, the types of tapestry are as follows:

  • with a large pattern;
  • with small intricate patterns;
  • with patterns imitating embroidery;
  • melange (mixed color);
  • plain tapestry.

By the number of bases used:

  • unilateral;
  • double-sided

Country melange tapestry fabric

Application area

A wide range of types of tapestry fabrics allows it to be used for various purposes.

Tapestry for upholstery - of course, primarily chairs, but also sofas, armchairs, poufs.

Sofa upholstered in tapestry

Decorative pillows and pillowcases.




Curtains and curtains.


Amazingly beautiful wall panels.

Panel “Fruit nectar”

Fashion accessories - handbags, belts, cosmetic bags.

Handmade bag

Clothes - coats and jackets.

Tapestry leather jacket

Wall upholstery to create a themed interior.

Walls covered with fabric

To create a special atmosphere in the room, there are several well-known tapestry scenes:

  • eastern - warm and soft colors, images of people, animals or small ornaments;
  • country - for lovers of folk style, clay products, woven rugs;
  • Scandinavian - light pastel colors, naturalness and laconicism;
  • Provence - seascapes, flowers, houses by the sea, a lot of sun.

Note! You can embroider a tapestry picture with your own hands. The technique is simple, similar to the cross stitch method. Embroidery of paintings is done using a seam called tapestry. The front part of the stitch resembles an incomplete cross, and the back part runs diagonally. There are ready-made kits on sale that contain everything you need for embroidery.

Tapestry stitch embroidery

How to tell if it's a tapestry

Tapestry fabric differs from regular fabric (cotton, for example) in thickness and weight due to its multi-layer nature. Besides, business card fabric is a special weave of threads that cannot be confused with another.

What is care?

Tapestry is not the most capricious fabric, but it still requires special care. When caring, you must follow the manufacturer's recommendations located on the product label.

The most important thing to remember when using products made from this fabric is to avoid getting the tapestry wet and to avoid constant exposure to sunlight.

For your information! On the rough surface of the fabric, in the ridges, dust quickly accumulates. If it is not removed regularly, the product will acquire a gray tint and lose its elegant appearance.

Caring for tapestry fabric:

  • You can get rid of dust using a home vacuum cleaner or a soft clothes brush;
  • dirt can be wiped with a soft sponge moistened with water and a minimal addition of detergent. Then dry in a well-ventilated place;
  • It is not recommended to iron products, in the most critical case - from the wrong side, heat the iron to no more than 150 ° C;
  • cannot be washed in a machine. Hand wash only;
  • woven paintings should not be placed in areas exposed to direct sunlight.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the fabric are as follows:

  • wide scope of application;
  • ease of care;
  • wear resistance and strength;
  • many textures, colors, textures for any, most demanding taste;
  • special processing of products makes the material resistant to contamination;
  • pleasant to the touch.

The disadvantages include the following characteristics:

  • rigidity and heaviness of the fabric;
  • prohibition on washing and ironing products;
  • high price.

Vintage trellises


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