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What is iCloud and how to use it on iPhone, iPad and Mac. You need iCloud and what is cloud storage for. Understanding the functionality

There was a time when cloud storage was just a high-tech term used by industry insiders. Now everything is different, and each user can access such services. They are designed to make your life easier by vastly expanding your device's memory size through digital means. Where is the cloud in the iPhone and how to use it?

What is cloud storage?

The name "cloud storage" evokes associations with information floating in the air, but this is not so in practice. When you store something in the cloud, that data is on a remote server. This is contrary to saving directly to your device. These servers can then be remotely accessed by users. Typically, these servers are owned and operated by the hosting company that supports them.

So why is it called "the cloud"? The origins of this phrase can be traced back to the early days of the Internet. Back then, cloud drawings were used to depict the telephone company that provided Internet access. The term has recently been carried over into the modern era. Where in the iPhone is the cloud located and what is it for?

Why is it useful to use cloud storage?

There are several good reasons to use cloud storage. For example, Apple likes to charge extra fees for increasing storage devices. The problem is that modern devices continue to consume more and more storage space. Regardless, Apple is not going to reduce the cost of the 256GB iPhone models, so an alternative is needed.

This is cloud storage. Remote servers can store tons of photos, videos, and other data at a reasonable cost. Beyond that, you rarely have to take additional steps to access them.

Cloud storage also makes it easy to transfer data between multiple devices. Imagine a simple process of copying photos from your phone to PC without the cloud. You will have to deal with wires or the cumbersome process of sending files via email. Synchronizing your iPhone with the cloud avoids this.

However, one of the most overlooked benefits of cloud storage is the backup options it offers. Ideally, you should make a copy of every important file you have on the server. This will allow you not to worry about the risks of losing information.

However, the best reason for using cloud storage is relatively simple: it's the future. People may one day live in an era where the cloud will become the dominant storage method. So it's best to check it out now.

How difficult is it to use cloud storage?

With the right service, cloud storage is incredibly easy to use. Most modern devices give you the ability to save to the cloud immediately. From there, accessing your data is as easy as using embedded storage.

The main hurdle when working with cloud storage is data management. It is possible to enter the cloud from an iPhone, but it requires using a third-party browser. In addition, the habit of having information in several places is difficult. Fortunately, most cloud services make it easy to automatically back up your data and manage your files.

How much cloud storage do you need?

It depends a lot on your needs. If you are a business owner, you need as much as you can get, as the cloud is best for you to create copies. Based on your needs, this could mean signing up for a service that allows you to store terabytes. Since you can always enter the cloud from an iPhone, you get the ability to back up any information on a paid basis.

However, this storage space may not be necessary for everyone. If you're a mobile user who just wants to back up some of your photos and videos, consider a service that stores about half of the space available on a mobile device.

Plus, see how much space your photos and videos are taking up and get the service you practically need. Just keep in mind that your needs may grow.

What is iCloud?

iCloud Drive is Apple's solution for managing documents and files on iOS and Mac. If you have an iCloud account, you can use this storage. Subscription prices range from free to $ 19.99 per month, depending on your volume needs. First of all, you will need to complete the setup process and get started with iCloud Drive.

How to turn on iCloud Drive manually on iPhone

What is iCloud in practice and how to connect it? When you update iOS from an older version, you will need to indicate if you want to update iCloud Drive. If you answered yes, you don't need to do anything else. But if you chose no, you can turn on iCloud Drive with just a few taps by following these steps:

  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone running iOS 8 or higher.
  2. Click on iCloud.
  3. Click on iCloud Drive.
  4. Enable the option for cloud storage.

You may receive a pop-up warning if you have other iOS and OS X devices that are not currently using iCloud Drive. Remember, they all need to be updated to ensure compatibility between them. So just repeat this process on each one.

How to choose an iCloud Drive subscription plan

By default, iCloud Drive comes with 5GB of free space. This is the same amount that you previously received for backups. Where is the cloud in the iPhone? In newer versions, it is accessed through the Files application.

If you feel that this is not enough, you can sign up for more GB. Or, if you're already paying for an iCloud subscription, you can change it to suit your current needs.

This process is done like this:

  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Click on iCloud.
  3. Next, click on "Storage".
  4. Click Change Storage Plan.
  5. Choose the plan that best suits your needs.
  6. Click "Buy" in the upper right corner.
  7. Sign in to your iCloud account to complete your purchase.

That's all. Your storage will change immediately and you will see the selected subscription.

How to use iCloud Drive on your iPhone

The great thing about iCloud Drive for iOS is that it always works. You don't need to do anything or configure anything. Once you're signed in to your iCloud Drive account, any apps that support cloud storage will give you options to open and save documents.

One of the best features of iCloud Drive is how it works in conjunction with Mac and Windows. Saving any documents in the cloud makes them instantly available to any service that supports it in iOS, and vice versa. Where is the cloud in the iPhone? You can find all files, documents and folders in the iCloud Drive app.

In order to access the full version of the Aykloud website, you will need to use any browser other than Safari. There is no mobile version of this resource, but the process of working with the online repository is very simple. This way you can process data from multiple accounts at the same time.

How to Move Files in the Cloud on iPhone

iCloud Drive is now stored in the Files app for iOS 11. It opens up many options for storing and organizing files on your device. You no longer need to stick to app-based folders to organize your content — you can handle everything in Files like Dropbox or Box. How to work in it? How to find a photo in the cloud on an iPhone and copy it?

  1. Launch the "Files" application
  2. Click iCloud Manager under Locations.
  3. Click on the files you want to move.
  4. Click Move at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Click a folder to choose a destination for the files.
  6. Select "Move" in the upper right corner of the screen.

How to delete files in the cloud on iPhone?

If you find that you are running out of space or simply accumulated a lot of unnecessary information, you can easily delete unnecessary files. This is as easy as saving to the cloud on your iPhone. This is done in the following way.

  1. Launch the Files app
  2. Click Browse at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Select iCloud Manager under Locations.
  4. Click on a folder to open it.
  5. Then - "Select" in the upper right corner of the screen.
  6. Select the files you want to delete.
  7. Click "Delete" in the lower right corner.

It should be noted that there is no confirmation of the operation when deleting. Deleting files only marks them in advance. They can be restored in the Files application.

How do I enable or disable cellular data for file syncing?

If you have accumulated a large number of documents in the cloud, and you have a limited tariff for storing information, you can prevent the application from using mobile data transfer. You don't even need to follow the steps to sign in to iCloud from your iPhone. How it's done:

  1. Launch the Settings app.
  2. Click on "Data Transfer".
  3. In the Mobile Data section, scroll down until you find the Files app.
  4. Press the "On / Off" switch to disable the use of the functionality.

This will make sure that iCould Drive is not being used to store different information.

Hello! With this article, I probably should have started to keep this blog. Well, or she absolutely should have appeared much earlier. Why? Because iCloud, along with Apple ID, is the basic terms necessary for any Apple user to learn and learn. Without these two "gizmos" - just nowhere!

And if I already have you with the identifier in the IOS system, then with the "clouds" ("cloud" - this is also sometimes called iCloud) there was some omission, which today I undertake to correct. Let's start with the most important thing - we will find out what kind of service it is, what useful functionality it has and how to use all this stuff for its intended purpose.

Let's get started! :)

iCloud for iPhone - why do we need it and what kind of program is it?

Although, rather, this is not even a program, but one large service that includes several rather important functions, without which the experience of using Apple products would not be so positive. Here are the main ones:

  1. Creation of backup copies. All information stored on the device is always saved and access to it is open exclusively to you. It's incredibly convenient! You can read about how to use iCloud backups and what restrictions there are.
  2. The ability to share photos - photostream. Imagine - you took a cool photo on your iPhone and it was immediately copied to your iPad. Thanks to the photo stream, there is no need to send photos, they will automatically be distributed to all your gadgets from Apple.
  3. Find iPhone (iPad, iPod Touch). It will help if you have forgotten or lost your device. It will block, show coordinates on the map, if necessary, erase all data and send a message to the attacker. Mega-useful thing!

All these points together and answer the question - what is iCloud, and why it is needed, I tried to explain in the description of these functions. We are smoothly moving on to another, no less important issue.

Here, in fact, the answer is simple and unambiguous - all information that you send to icloud is concentrated on Apple servers. If geographically, then the main data center is located in the state of North Carolina.

For those readers who at this moment still do not fully guess what they are talking about, I will tell you a little more in detail ... Imagine that there is a huge hard drive and it is located somewhere far from you. And with the purchase of an iPhone or iPad, you are allocated a small amount of that storage space. Which is used for all iCloud services.

Importantly, all information is stored securely encrypted, only you are allowed to access it. For this, it is important not to tell anyone your own, and also to carefully store the passwords of the e-mail to which he is registered.

Knowing the answer to this question is necessary not so much for the sake of curiosity (I wonder!), But in order to free up space in the cloud storage. After all, only 5 gigabytes are given for free and it is a waste of time to fill them with all sorts of unnecessary data.

So, what exactly can be saved in icloud:

  • Backup copy. One or more, here already depends on the number of iPhones or iPads under your account.
  • Emails, drafts, email attachments of @ mail. Do you want such a box to envy yourself? everything is painted down to the smallest detail.
  • Contacts, calendars, reminders, notes, sms messages.
  • Photos and videos.
  • Documents and data (some programs and applications can store their information in the “clouds.” For what? For example: started editing a document on one device - continued on another).
  • Music purchased or downloaded from the iTunes store. Stored, but not taken into account when calculating space.

In general, almost all data from your device can be saved in iCloud!

I hope that after this article, you clearly and clearly understand what iCloud does on your iPhone and how to use it for its intended purpose. If suddenly this did not happen - welcome to the comments! We will discuss all the incomprehensible moments!

P.S. Have you learned anything new about the cloud service? Click on the social media buttons! Do you know more than what is written in the article? Like it too - tell everyone!

P.S.S. I repeat that all questions can and should be asked in the comments - I will definitely try to help and suggest the right solution!

When buying and activating any device from Apple, you need to create and bind an AppleID to the new device. The developers have come up with a special iCloud Storage that allows you to save data and distribute it to other synced computers and phones.

Cloud service

You only need your AppleID to log in. The same username / mail and password that are used when downloading or purchasing applications from the AppStore.


Icloud is a very convenient and useful thing. After all, you can transfer all important data without a special cable. What tasks does the service perform:

  • easy movement and access to files;
  • fast data exchange (mail, messages, cloud services);
  • viewing documents and notes with the ability to make adjustments;
  • search for a lost device via Find My iPhone;
  • the Photo Stream function allows you to view pictures at any time via AppleTV;
  • synchronization of applications.

If a new iPhone has appeared, then on the old one you just need to enter the login password and all the early files will be displayed immediately, and nothing will be lost.

Where to find iCloud storage

In the settings of your phone or tablet there is an iCloud item where you can enable or disable the synchronization of any data.

An internet connection is required to sync with the cloud service.

Since the MAC computer is based on Apple, it has all the built-in Icloud functions in its system, which cannot be said about a Windows PC.

In order to synchronize on Windows, you need to download a special program from the developer's website or use the official website

You can log into it from any computer and also manage your account. The following functions are available on the site for any PC:


When a new device from Apple appears, Icloud will become an indispensable synchronization service. It is worth considering in more detail all the functions of the service's capabilities.


Convenient to use in iCloud My Photo Stream... New pictures are transferred to all devices linked to the account. And sharing allows you to enter the AppleID of your friends and family so that they can view your images on their phones or tablets.

If you turn on the camera on your iPhone and take a new picture, then at the same time through Iclaud it will be downloaded to another linked device. To do this, you do not need to connect the cable to your computer and copy all the images. Because all the photos from the iPhone will appear in the Aycloud Photostream. Including those that have just been made.


Let's say you're on the phone with someone and you urgently need to record a new contact. Open the contacts application on your computer and create this contact. After a few seconds, we can watch how it appears on another connected device. After that, you can make any edits on your phone or tablet. This is how synchronization occurs. Address Book.


Similarly work Notes... If you have a brilliant idea or need to make a list of products, you just need to open the Notes tab on your computer through iCloud Storage. Write down all the sketches and the necessary points there. And from anywhere, open the note on your phone or tablet.


Documents are a very important part of a person's phone. How can Icloud make life easier in this case?

You can create a document in Pages on MAC or on the iCloud website. After that, you need to open Pages on your iPhone, and Icloud will show all these documents. The best part is that you can continue to make all our changes on your phone and then reopen them on your computer. Thus, work takes place between different devices.


In the same menu, you can enable saving backups to iPhone or iPad. Copies will be created every time the device is connected to WiFi and is on charge. This saves a lot of time.


This is how not only standard applications work, but many of those that the developers have laid the ability to save data in Icloud. You can also manage Mail, Calendar, Reminders, Keychain, and various documents.

Free space

From the moment of registration, each user receives 5 free gigabytes for storing their data, files and backups. All of your photos will be saved to iCloud storage, but their size will not count towards that 5 GB.

IMPORTANT! Aikloud can store up to 1000 photos. When this figure is reached, old photos will be deleted.

If 5 gigabytes seems a little small, then you can expand your storage for an additional fee. And a special convenient scale shows how much free space is available and how much has already been used.

Every device from Apple, by default, has a so-called iCloud storage. But not everyone knows what exactly it is for and therefore does not use it. Today we will answer sharp and not clear questions about what iCloud is and how to use it. We will understand the intricacies of cloud technology, talk about the cost of the service, note the positive and negative aspects of the product.

In simple terms, Apple's storage is a capacious cloud flash drive where you can store documents, photos, audio and video recordings. Work with them from any device, including iPhone, iPad, Windows computer and Mac OS X. For this, the service provides an automatic synchronization function, with each device separately.

Also, in the service we are considering, there is access to the official website for configuring and managing useful functions of a smartphone or tablet. Thanks to this site, you can create and edit popular office documents Pages, Numbers and Keynote. Search for your missing smartphone or tablet, download contacts to your local computer, or forward them to your relatives.

What exactly can the described functionality be used for?

More specifically, the described service can be used for such purposes as:

  1. Backups of important documents. You will never lose a written article for a presentation at an institute or a product presentation.
  2. Letters and attachments in them, in the mail from Aycloud. Be sure to start a mail, convenient and modern.
  3. Calendars, reminders, notes.
  4. Photos. It is fashionable to transfer them to all your devices and not waste time on transferring them for processing.
  5. Music purchased from iTunes. The undoubted advantage is that it is stored without taking up disk space.

In addition, thanks to the service, the well-known function “Find an iPhone” works, which comes to the rescue in case of theft or loss of a smartphone.

All information that you transmit to the system is stored on the servers of the Cupertino company. The main data center is located in North Carolina. In essence, cloud storage is a large hard drive, in which there is room for all, without exception, owners of Apple products.

Service cost

We figured out what iCloud Drive is. The second question that interests the owners of Apple devices is: "How much does this service cost?" The first thing to note about the price of Icloud Drive is that 5 GB (enough to store about 2000 images) is provided by default for each account for free, forever. You will have to pay for the rest of the "place".

At the same time, the size of the uploaded file cannot exceed the threshold of 15 GB. The fee is charged monthly and amounts to:

  • 50 GB - 59 rubles;
  • 200 GB - 149 rubles;
  • 1 TB - 599 rubles

This information is provided on the official Apple website. Thus, you can buy a cloud at an affordable price.

How to use the service on IPhone, iPad, PC and laptop?

The first thing to do in order to start using the described application is to check if the correct firmware is installed on the device. For iPhone iOS 8 and above, for Macbook, Macmini and iMac OS X Yosemite, for laptops and PCs, with an operating system not less than Windows XP. In addition, if you plan to use the site as mentioned earlier, you will need one of the following browsers:

  • Chrome;
  • Firefox;
  • Safari.

If you are lucky and you own a device with iOS or OS X, then you will not need to activate Icloud, since the developers have already done it.

Application launch process on iPhone and iPad

In order to enable Aykloud in iPhone or iPad, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the device in "iCloud Drive" through "Settings".
  2. Activate the systems by switching the toggle switch.

Application launch process on Macbook, Mac mini and iMac

In order to enable Icloud in MacBook, McMini or Aimack, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the black apple and select "System Preferences" (located in the upper left corner).
  2. Click on the "Settings" icon.
  3. Enter Apple ID (sometimes this combination is not prompted).
  4. Check the box next to the value of the same name.

The process of starting the program on the computer

In order to enable Icloud on a computer or laptop running Windows, you need to do the following:

  1. Download the app and install it. This can be done on several sites, but it is better on the official one - so the likelihood of catching a virus will be minimal
  2. Start the service and enter your Apple ID (sometimes this combination is not asked for).
  3. Check the box next to the application and click "Apply". If you are using an application in English, then this button will be named "Apply".

We go through the browser

As noted earlier, you can use Icloud through a standard browser on any type of computers and tablets - Chrome, Firefox or Safari, if you additionally use Activation of the application in this way can be divided into stages such as:

  1. Go directly to the site.
  2. Entering Apple ID (if required).
  3. Choose from three services - Pages, Numbers or Keynote.
  4. Giving consent for inclusion in the window that appears.

After the application is activated, all documents, contacts, notes, photos, audio and video recordings will be stored in the cloud and are available on any of the connected devices. They will not be difficult to manage: they will be structured by name, or the size of the occupied space on the server's hard disk.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this procedure, you should devote 15 minutes of precious time so as not to lose even more valuable shots of the life of your household, friends, or animals. Choose the option that suits you best, and follow the instructions clearly. Below I will attach a video, suddenly it will be useful to someone.!

Video instruction

If you still have questions after reading the article, take five minutes to watch the instruction video. The video explains in detail the procedure for increasing the space for your photos and video content on iCloud servers.

iCloud Drive is Apple's cloud-based platform that allows you to view, edit, sort, send and download files and documents saved or not yet added to iCloud, as well as interact with iWork office programs (Numbers, Pages, Keynote) to generate new content. Access to the platform is also available from other operating systems - iOS, MacOS and Windows. But after the obligatory preparation:

IOS use

In the case of the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, there is a lot of confusion. The function, it seems, is activated in no time (you won't even have to wander through the parameters) and synchronizes with lightning speed, but, in fact, there are much more inconveniences than advantages. But first things first.


If the developers dealt with iOS rudely and uncompromisingly, then Apple laptops and computers definitely have no problems. The function you need is available right in the Finder. Files can be dropped literally at any time, if desired, they can be deleted, moved, copied and multiplied. Convenient, isn't it?


iCloud Drive on Microsoft's operating system works with a special tool downloaded from. No settings needed. The developers offer to quickly log in using personal data from Apple ID, and then start creative or creative activities.

Once set up, the iCloud Photos tab will appear in Windows Explorer. You can upload stale images and vacation photos there. But with documents, everything is complicated - you can download some parts, but you cannot quickly get it, edit and rewrite it - there is too much hassle.

Web version

A convenient and quick way to access information stored in the cloud storage. To interact, just go, log in, and then open the iCloud Drive menu (however, even before the transition, you can use other functions of the service - look into the calendar, examine the contents of contacts, work with Office programs Pages, Numbers and Keynote, replacing Word, Excel and PowerPoint and read emails).

In the section that opens, all the necessary information about the uploaded files, images and documents will appear. All buttons for direct interaction are located at the top of the browser, the content is right in the center. At the bottom of the interface - information about available objects and a quick transition to the "basket".

How does iCloud Drive work with data?

The cloud platform can hardly be called unusually multifunctional (there is no proximity to the standard capabilities of the file manager) - it is allowed to delete, send, view various data and quickly upload any information to the cloud, if there is enough space.



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