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Children's literature for children 10 years old. How to instill in children a love of sports and a healthy lifestyle. Adventure and fantasy

Good day, dear readers! Did you know that a child’s model of the world is formed from the moment he is born until he is 12 years old? It turns out that 9 years is practically the final stage. But it’s not too late to guide your child in the right direction. I wonder how?

This is what I want to talk about today. One of our main helpers is books for children 9 years old. But how to choose and classify them correctly? Let's try not to miss the right moment and choose the right literature for our children!

From a conversation with one teacher, I learned some information regarding the culture of reading and raising children. Adults often forget that they are doing something reprehensible in the presence of a child. Has this ever happened to you? We demand from our child what we ourselves do not fulfill.

For example, almost everyone talks while eating. Well, yes, the most common situation: evening, the family got together for dinner. People share information. So why do we reprimand children if they also talk while stuffing their mouths? There should be a ban for everyone. Oh yes! Well, of course! Our information is much more important than theirs. That’s why let the kids be silent, and we will continue the conversation.

Well, this is just one example: it applies to anything. And the little ones build themselves and their views on the world by looking at you and me, at their surroundings. And they won’t take on book publishing if it’s not established in the family. Therefore, if you want to instill in your child a love of reading, start with yourself. And now we’ll find out which works will be useful at this age!


Parents of third-graders may face the problem of restlessness and inattention. Yes, this happens. A compromise must be sought everywhere. By the way, how are things going with this? Be sure to give your children the right to choose, ask what he wants to take from the bookshelf to read today. After all, what one person likes may not suit another. Incorrectly selected literature will push a child away from the world of books in general.

Of course, kids are all different. I understand. But today I will try to offer as much as possible suitable options for all. And first I will divide the books into categories. Then I will give a list of each separately. And at the end I will also recommend options for boys and girls separately! So, the classification:

  1. Fairy tales and stories.
  2. Poems.
  3. Adventure and fantasy.
  4. Cognitive.
  5. For boys.
  6. For girls.

Fairy tales and stories

During this period there will be more interesting magical stories, with humor and miracles. But teachers advise offering students works with a dose of tragedy. Those that affect interpersonal relationships. Difficult? But we need to slowly take off our rose-colored glasses. No! Let them continue to believe in miracles! But you also need to prepare for life. This is learned through books.

At this age, you need the concept that everything is given for work, and not just like that. I hope I wrote it clearly? The line is very thin and the topic is serious. But I managed to find something interesting in an online bookstore. See for yourself:

  • "Malachite Box" Bazhov P.
  • “Vitya Maleev at school and at home” Nosov N.N. A very good example about school to encourage your child to learn.
  • "Oorfene Deuce and his wooden soldiers" Volkov A.
  • "Kashtanka" Chekhov A.P.
  • "Filipok" Tolstoy L.N.
  • "Noscoeds" Schrute P. The strangest creature on the planet that eats socks! This is why they disappear so often! A funny and light work that young readers will really like.

You see, there is already something to think about in these books. It is very good if the child readily retells texts. Help him with this, talk about what he read. Explain the meaning. Yes, about retellings! A great option - poems! Let's talk about them.


And memory training, and general development, and love for nature! That's a lot of functions in one bottle, as they say! What books should I read, what should I choose so that this restless person can finally calm down and get down to business?

  • "Paper Umbrella" Boroditskaya M.
  • "The Ballad of the Little Tugboat" Brodsky I. An unusual poem, I would say, educational. The interesting thing about it is that the narration comes from the name of the tugboat!
  • "Poetry" Pushkin A.S.
  • "Poems for Children" Yesenin Sergey.

In my opinion, they are quite easy to remember and interesting. And now I’ll tell you about adventure writings.

Adventure and fantasy

How interesting it is sometimes to go into the world of fantasy! Especially if you are a child between 8 and 11 years old! Are you familiar with any works? Perhaps you remember what you read as a child? And I recommend a small list of the best publications:

  • "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" Gubarev V.
  • "Alice in Wonderland" Lewis Carroll.
  • "Walking castle" Diana Jones.
  • "Northern lights" Pullman F. This is already more complex work than the previous ones on this list. But reading is not forbidden! If a student is interested, he knows how to comprehend, why not?
  • "Endless story" Michael Ende.

How is this a proposal? There are both familiar to us and more modern publications. If a child knows how to comprehend the material he reads, then he will learn all the good things that books bring. But there are publications that use completely truthful examples to talk about what is happening around us. Guess what I mean? Certainly! Educational encyclopedias and not only encyclopedias.


Curious children will be very happy if you give them such essays as a gift. Honestly, everyone will be happy about this. Do you know why? Absolutely here unusual facts, acquaintance with the unknown world of animals and plants. Even with space!

  • "Why don't birds fall" Kolmanovsky Ilya. I decided to start the review with this fascinating book. The author simply collected all the variety of children's questions and gave answers to them in his publications. Here he talks about birds. And the story is told in a language accessible to children. Recommended reading for ages 7 to 10. Although there is a lot of interesting things for adults here too.
  • The Guinness Book of Records will be very exciting for young readers. The most Interesting Facts, collected from different areas human life! Just what you need for curious kids!
  • "Insects. School Guide" Mark Makhlin.
  • "Riddles and secrets of pets", « Dog riddles" And " Cat riddles", author Svetlana Lavrova.
  • "Big Book of Knowledge".
  • “What is good and evil?” Oscar Breniffier. I wanted to stop the list, but then I came across this encyclopedia of goodness. Unusual, because it says here in simple language how to act in this life. A distinction is made between good and bad. Get acquainted with this publication.

For girls

The fair half will be curious about stories about themselves, that is, about princesses! And the fantasy genre is also unlikely to be ignored if main character there's a girl there! Well, now the list itself:

  • "Alice's Adventures" Kir Bulychev.
  • "Blue Bead" Maria Kruger.
  • "Pippi Longstocking" Astrid Lindgren.
  • "Prostokvashino" Eduard Uspensky.

For boys

Mostly boys are lovers of adventure and all that. And I made the selection based on these interests.

  • "Far Countries" Arkady Gaidar.
  • "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" Mark Twain.
  • "Tim Thaler, or Sold Laughter" James Crews.

These are the recommendations for your children. Tell us, what works are you familiar with? How did they benefit young readers? What are they interested in at the age of 9? I look forward to your comments! And subscribe to blog updates. All the best! Bye!

    1 - About the little bus who was afraid of the dark

    Donald Bisset

    A fairy tale about how mother bus taught her little bus not to be afraid of the dark... About the little bus who was afraid of the dark read Once upon a time there was a little bus in the world. He was bright red and lived with his dad and mom in the garage. Every morning …

    2 - Three kittens

    Suteev V.G.

    A little fairy tale for the little ones about three fidgety kittens and their funny adventures. Little children love short stories with pictures, which is why Suteev’s fairy tales are so popular and loved! Three kittens read Three kittens - black, gray and...

    3 - Hedgehog in the fog

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about a Hedgehog, how he was walking at night and got lost in the fog. He fell into the river, but someone carried him to the shore. It was a magical night! Hedgehog in the fog read Thirty mosquitoes ran out into the clearing and began to play...

    4 - Apple

    Suteev V.G.

    A fairy tale about a hedgehog, a hare and a crow who could not divide the last apple among themselves. Everyone wanted to take it for themselves. But the fair bear judged their dispute, and each got a piece of the treat... Apple read It was late...

    5 - About the mouse from the book

    Gianni Rodari

    A short story about a mouse who lived in a book and decided to jump out of it into Big world. Only he did not know how to speak the language of mice, but knew only a strange book language... Read about a mouse from a book...

    6 - Black Pool

    Kozlov S.G.

    A fairy tale about a cowardly Hare who was afraid of everyone in the forest. And he was so tired of his fear that he came to the Black Pool. But he taught the Hare to live and not be afraid! Black Whirlpool read Once upon a time there was a Hare in...

    7 - About the Hedgehog and the Rabbit A piece of winter

    Stewart P. and Riddell K.

    The story is about how the Hedgehog, before hibernation, asked the Rabbit to save him a piece of winter until spring. The rabbit rolled up a large ball of snow, wrapped it in leaves and hid it in his hole. About the Hedgehog and the Rabbit A piece...

    8 - About the Hippopotamus, who was afraid of vaccinations

    Suteev V.G.

    A fairy tale about a cowardly hippopotamus who ran away from the clinic because he was afraid of vaccinations. And he fell ill with jaundice. Luckily, he was taken to the hospital and treated. And the hippopotamus became very ashamed of his behavior... About the Hippopotamus, who was afraid...

Hello! The list for children 9-10 years old is not very long, but we are just in the process, so it will be updated, check back periodically;))) And I will put the link on the blog panel so that you can quickly find it;)

1) Dinka. V. Oseeva. I adored this book as a child, but I haven’t bought it for my daughter yet, I don’t like modern editions, I’m trying to find a second-hand book ;)

2) On the island of Saltkroka. A. Lindgren.
3)Waffle heart. Tonya Glimmerdahl. Maria Parr

4) Listen to my heart. Bianca Pitzorno
5) Secret garden. F. Burnett
6) Pollyanna. Elinor Porter
7)The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain.
Here I note that the child read Tom Sawyer in one fell swoop, with Huck things go much more slowly. But he says that he also likes Huck’s adventures. By the way, I remember that it was the same for me ;) On the one hand, it would have been readable at the age of 11-12, but modern children at the age of 12 will probably no longer be interested...
8) Treasure Island. R.Stevenson
9)George and the secrets of the Universe. George and the Treasures of the Universe. George and the Big Bang. S. Hawking. L. Hawking

10) The Hobbit, or there and back. J. Tolkien. There are many publications, here are some very beautiful pictures

I have already said that it is difficult for me to evaluate books in the fantasy genre, especially to determine what age they are. But my child has already read it and liked it;))) So maybe from the age of 9 you can already read;)
11) "Tim Thaler, or Sold Laughter" by James Crews
12)My grandfather was a cherry. A. Nanetti.

13) Dunno on the Moon. N. Nosov. Yes Yes exactly. The adventures of Dunno are in the list for 5-6 year olds, Dunno in the Sunny City for 7-8, and on the Moon in this list;)

14) The Adventures of Captain Vrungel. A.Nekrasov.
15) Adventure Electronics. E. Veltistov.

16) Books by Vladislav Krapivin.
17) How the marabou sings. M.Moskvina

18) Three with a minus, or Incident at 5 A. I. Pivovarova

19) Stories and stories by Radiy Pogodin.
20) Clean Dor. And other stories by Yuri Koval.

21) Stories about war. L. Kassil, Radiy Pogodin, V. Oseeva and others.

22) Conduit and Schwambrania. Lev Kassil

23) King Matt I. Janusz Korczak.

24) Alice in Wonderland. Alice in the Wonderland. L. Carroll. I even find it difficult to choose a book for the picture. Everyone has their own Alice;))) we also have such an interesting publication;)

25) Legends and myths of Ancient Greece.

26) Adventures of a prehistoric boy. D" Ervilly

27) About Babaka Kostochkina. A. Nikolskaya.

28)Beauty 5 "B". I. Antonova

29) Time is always good. A. Zhvalevsky, E. Pasternak

30) Let's run away from here. A. Zhvalevsky, E. Pasternak

31) Knight on skates. E. Usacheva

32) Adventures of zero. Mathematical trilogy: Three days in Dwarfism. Black Mask from Al-Jebra. Nulik the sailor. V. Levshin.

33) Anya from Green Gables. Lucy Montgomery.

34) When I grow up, I will become a hockey player. M.Sanadze. To be honest, I don’t know whether it’s on this list or on. Maybe the boys' mothers can tell me where it's better;)

35) Crystal key. T. Kryukova.

36) Nina is the girl of the Sixth Moon. Mooney Witcher. I read this book myself and decided to move it here from. It's too early for first graders ;)

37) Omelette with sugar. Adventures of a family from Cherbourg. And other books in this series. J-F Arou-Vigneault.
38) Grunt virus. Turn the cat up loud. S. Makhotin

39) Land of white elephants. O. Popova, L. Nikolskaya

40) Trilogy Master of Scattered Sciences. V. Levshin.

41) Penderwicks. Penderwicks on Gardem Street. Ginny Birdsell.

42) Tales of an old house. Asya Kravchenko.
43) A series of books about Molly Moon. Molly Moon and the Magic Book of Hypnosis. Molly Moon stops time and others. Georgia Bing.

44) Three girls: the story of one apartment. Elena Vereiskaya.

45) Life and adventures of an Oddball. Vladimir Zheleznikov

46) Knights of Birch Street. Yu. Tretyakov

47) The road goes into the distance. Alexandra Brushtein.

48) Series Brutal Detective: In the Wolf's Lair, Predator's Right, Claws of Wrath. Anna Starobinets.
49) It somehow turned out stupid. Sergey Wolf
50) From the archive of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, the most confusing in the world. E.Konigsburg.

The long-awaited holidays have arrived. It seems like you can relax. But...it turns out that they also give for the summer homework. For example, summer reading lists! At first, this circumstance is upsetting. But this is only at the beginning. Because most of the recommended books are very interesting! What to read on the train? Preferably something so that you won’t even notice how time has flown by? Or on a plane? Or in the waiting room... And before going to bed, it is advisable to read at least 5 pages so as not to forget the letters over the summer! In a word, I suggest not to be upset, but to download the entire recommended list into your reader and read it slowly. There is a saying: “The eyes are afraid, but the hands do!” So it’s only at the beginning that it seems like they asked too much and it’s simply not realistic to cope with such a huge list! In fact, the main thing is to start. Meanwhile, I want to offer an approximate list “ What to read in the summer for children 10-11 years old"

  1. Alekseev S. “Historical stories”, “The story of a serf boy”, “Stories about the great Moscow battle”, “Stories about the defense of Leningrad”
  2. Anderson G.H. "Wild Swans", "Snow Queen"
  3. Bazhov P. “Malachite Box”, “Ural Tales”
  4. Bulychev K. ", other books in this series
  5. Volkov A. “The Wizard of the Emerald City”
  6. Gaidar A.P. “Blue Cup”, “Hot Stone”, “RVS”, “Timur and His Team”, “The Tale of a Military Secret”, “Chuk and Gek”
  7. Gallai "Valery Chkalov"
  8. Gubarev V. “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, “The Legend of Deep Antiquity”, “Journey to the Morning Star”, “Three on an Island”
  9. Zhitkov B. “On the Ice Floe”
  10. Ilyina E. “The Fourth Height”
  11. Kassil L. “Main Army”
  12. Kataev V. “Son of the Regiment”
  13. Koval Y. “The Adventures of Vasya Kurolesov”, “The lightest boat in the world”
  14. Korzhikov V. “Solnyshkin’s navigation”
  15. Lagerlöf S. “Nils’s Journey with the Wild Geese”
  16. Larry Y. “The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Valya”
  17. Lindgren A. “Baby and Carlson”, “Pippi Longstocking”
  18. Medvedev V. “Captain Lie Head”, “The Unknown Adventures of Barankin”
  19. Milne A. “Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything...”
  20. Nekrasov A. “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel”
  21. Olesha Yu. “Three Fat Men”
  22. Prokofieva S. “Patch and Cloud”, “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase”
  23. Rodari D. ", "Tales on the Phone"
  24. J. Rowling series of books about Harry Potter
  25. Seton-Thompson E. “Tales of Animals”
  26. Twain M. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”
  27. J. Tolkien, "The Hobbits There and Back Again"
  28. Travers P. "Mary Poppins"
  29. Uspensky E. “Down the Magic River”, “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Crocodile Gena”, “Fur Boarding School”
  30. Chaplina V. “Fomka the White Bear”
  31. Ervilly D. “The Adventures of a Prehistoric Boy”

I advise you to start a reading diary or even before you start reading. To immediately make all the necessary notes, write down your impressions and thoughts, the names of the main characters, geographical names, time of action and even favorite quotes. These notes will come in handy later during the school year. And most teachers require not just reading during the summer holidays, but reading and keeping a literary diary.

Happy summer reading!



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