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Differentiation of sounds S-C. outline of a speech therapy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic. Abstract of GCD on the sound culture of speech “Differentiation of sounds - Distinguishing sounds with c

Subject: Differentiation S-C


developing skills in differentiating sounds and letters S-C in oral and written speech.



Teach children to differentiate these sounds: distinguish between words, isolate words with a given sound from phrasal speech, name words with the sounds s and c;

Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds s-ts,


Improve phonemic processes, sound-letter analysis and synthesis skills;

Develop attention and memory.

Clarify and activate your vocabulary.


To develop the ability to hear the stressed word in a rhyme;

practice pronouncing words at different volumes and at different tempos.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment:

Psychological attitude

2.Message about the topic of the lesson.

3.Articulation gymnastics.

4.Working with sound profiles.

5. Differentiation of s-c in syllables. Development of phonemic processes.

6.Pure speech

8. Oral dictation of words.


13.Expansion of the dictionary.

15. Summary.

16. Reflection


cards for individual work “Find the sound”, cards for individual work “Characteristics of sound”, individual typesetting canvas, demonstration typesetting canvas, table “Characteristics of sound”, cards for drawing letters, individual cards with the letters “C”, “C”, individual mirrors, notebooks, pens, pencils.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment:

Psychological attitude

Invented by someone

Simple and wise

When you meet, say hello.

Good morning!

Good morning to the sun and birds.

Good morning, smiling faces!

I want to wish you all a good morning, good afternoon today, and especially for you, because you came to study, to learn a lot of new things.

do you want to learn everything? (Yes!)

So everyone can sit down

Guess the riddle:

There's a palace on a pole,

There is a singer in the palace.

And his name is... What? (Starling)

Development of temporal representations:

At what time of year does the starling arrive?

What time of year is it now?

Name the winter months in order?

What is the shortest month of winter?

What is the second month of winter?

2. Message about the topic of the lesson:

What sound does the word "starling" begin with? - WITH

What sound does it end with? – C

Today we will compare sounds[ With ] - [ ts ] and the letters that represent them.

Write down today's date and topic of the lesson:

Sounds and letters: S – C

3. Articulation gymnastics.

The starling sings beautiful spring songs and lifts people's spirits.

Want to sing like a starling?

Let's do articulation gymnastics.

Working with mirrors:

Smile - Tube.

Naughty tongue

Pancake - Needle

Brushing our teeth

4.Working with sound profiles.

Work on profile illustrations

Practicing the placement of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sounds s-ts with an individual mirror.

Sound C

the tip of the tongue rests behind the lower teeth, the teeth come closer together, take a deep breath and, exhaling the air, say: S-S-S-S….

Now bring the back of your hand to your lips and pronounce the sound S for a long time.

Do you feel what a thin cold stream of air is exhaling?

Do you hear a whistle?

That's why it's called "whistling."

The sound is simple.

Let’s also clarify the pronunciation of the sound Ts.

The sound T is formed by merging the sounds T and S.

Take a mirror (the speech therapist shows each movement of the tongue along the way) the tip of the tongue rests behind the lower front teeth and the sounds T and S are pronounced at the same time.

Inhale deeply and, as you exhale, quickly say: TS.

Bring the back of your hand to your lips and say: TS.

How do you feel? Cold air is exhaled with a jolt and does not last long.

The sound is explosive and complex.

Thus, we have clarified how the sounds S and C are pronounced.

5. Differentiation of s-c in syllables. Development of phonemic processes

The starling is called a mockingbird. He can repeat the sounds he hears.

He will hear a sound and can repeat it.

Let's try to play this game

I will name the syllables, and you try to repeat them.

(Repeat syllables with different intonations while standing)

tsa – sa

tso – with

tsu - su

tsy - sy




6.Pure speech

Now let's repeat the song:

su - su - su - I carry water from the well;

tsy - tsy - tsy - the cucumbers are ripe;

sa - sa - sa - the girl has a braid;

tso - tso - tso - Sveta has a ring.

7. Drawing the letters S-C with thread on paper.

- draw the letters:

The first option is a letter that has a long pronunciation, which letter? - WITH

The second option is a letter that we pronounce quickly, which letter? – Ts.

8. Oral dictation of words. Guys, pick up a card with the letter –S or C, if the word contains the corresponding sound. (Numbers, compass, station, steps, pump, acacia, stadium, smart girl, modest one.)

9.Working with subject pictures:

Look at the cards

Name the objects

Divide them according to the sounds in whose names you hear it.

10. Finger gymnastics “Track”

Let's imagine that our fingers - birds - ran along the path.

11. Work in notebooks “Graphic dictation”.

Starlings leave traces of their paws on the snow and ground, which consist of short and long lines,

Let's sketch this pattern.

I tell you the words, and you write down only the sounds that you hear in the words S or C, but instead of letters we will draw long and short lines.

We mark the sound C with a long line, so it is pronounced long, drawn out

The sound ts is a short line, so it is pronounced quickly and abruptly.

For example:



Words: bird, plane, egg, juice, saucer, wheel, ring.

(student works at the board)

Checking progress.

What words did you write down?


A flock of birds flies south

The sky is blue all around

To arrive sooner

We must flap our wings.

The birds began to descend

Everyone sits down in the clearing

They have a long way to go

The birds need to rest.

And it's time to hit the road again

They have a lot to fly

Here comes the south. Hooray! Hooray!

It's time for us to land.

12. Differentiation c-s in words.

The starling is a migratory bird.

What other migratory birds do you know?

(stork, swallow, nightingale, heron)

Look at these words. (ai.t, kuri.a, la.tochka, .tin, .aplya)

Name the birds by filling in the missing letter.

Tell me, which bird doesn’t fit with the others? Why? (chicken)

Repeat the names of those birds that have the sound C

Repeat the names of those birds that have sound C

Write down the names of the birds by filling in the missing letters:

Ai_t, la_dot, _tin, _apple.

13.Expansion of the dictionary.

What do you think the birds are doing?Children's answers

Birds make nests.

They lay eggs.

They hatch them.

The chicks are hatched.

14. Formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech

Working with deformed sentences.

I’ll say a sentence now, and you correct me.

Bird flying birdhouse.

-make a sentence from these words:

Bird, birdhouse, flies, out. (The bird flies from the birdhouse.)

Bird, in, flies, birdhouse. (The bird flies into the birdhouse.)

-write down the sentences from memory.

15. Summary.

What sounds did we learn to distinguish today?

Describe these sounds.

16. Reflection

- What task did you enjoy doing?

What task do you remember?

Which task did you find difficult?

Raise your hand, who thinks they succeeded?

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

GBOU Kaltasinskaya special (correctional) boarding schoolVIII kind

Summary of an open speech therapy session

Subject: Differentiation of sounds S-C

Conducted by: speech therapist teacher

Vostretsova T.G.


December 2014

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Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

The date of the:

Age group: eldest, 5-6 years old.

Form of delivery, number of students: subgroup lesson, 8 people.

Group of children according to the structure of speech impairment: OHP level III


  • for children: object pictures with the sounds [S], [C] in their names (the “Speaking Correctly” series by Kashe); trays with parts of sound houses; rings, chains, sheets of paper, pencils.
  • for a speech therapist teacher: multimedia board, presentation, laptop, N. Zaitsev’s cubes with the letters S, C.

Priority area: cognitive and speech development.

Integration of educational areas: communicative-personal, physical, artistic-aesthetic.

Goal: Differentiation of sounds [S], [C] in syllables, words and phrases. Development of grammatically correct speech.

Correctional and educational:

  1. To achieve the assimilation of auditory-pronunciation differentiation of sounds [S] - [C];
  2. Ensure the practical application of the ability to characterize sounds;
  3. Arouse the desire to exercise self-control over the sounds provided.

Correctional and developmental:

  1. Ensure the development of phonemic awareness.
  2. Promote the development of mental operations (analysis, synthesis), attention, memory.


  1. Bring to the conclusion that friendship helps to overcome difficulties.
  2. Enjoy the results of the work done with your children.
  3. Encourage children to interact with each other.

Planned results: a positive emotional attitude towards the upcoming work, activation of speech activity, search activity, activation of analytical and synthetic activity: completing the “portrait of a chicken” task.

Methods: perceptual (verbal transmission of auditory and visual perception of material, visual and practical); logical (deductive).

Techniques: creating a game situation, explanation, questions, showing methods of action.

1) Greeting each other.

All the children gathered in a circle. (Speech therapist teacher speaking)
You are friends and I am your friend! (Points to children and himself)
Let's hold hands together (Hold hands)
And let's smile at each other. (Smile at each other)
Good morning, little eyes! (Perform eye exercises: eyes up, down, right, left)
Good morning, ears! (Earlobe massage)
Good morning, hands! (Clap our hands)
Good morning, legs! (We stomp)

2). Creating a problematic situation.

Guess the riddle: “He appeared in a yellow fur coat, goodbye, two shells.” Who is this? (Chick). Why did you decide so? (Please note that children answer in complete sentences)


Picture a chicken sitting in an egg. Show how he comes out of his shell. First he stuck his head out. Then - the right wing, then the left one and squeaked loudly (breathing exercises: while exhaling, pronounce pi-pi-pi with different intonations: narrative, interrogative, exclamatory).

2. Updating knowledge

1). “Mental gymnastics” Slide 2 .

Who came out of the egg? (chicken on the slide). What should we call the chicken? ( C yp) What is the first sound in this word? What are the parts of a chicken's house called? ( WITH shells) What is the first sound in this word?

2). Leading to independent formulation of the topic of the lesson

What will you and I do in class? (children's answers)

We will compare the sounds [S], [C], so what will we talk about? (How are they similar and how are they different).

3. Children's discovery of new knowledge. Slide 3.

The chicken “Chick” lived in a shell. Let's build houses for the sound [S], [C] (Children have trays with parts of sound houses). If the children find it difficult, then I help them with questions: what kind of foundation will we build for the sound house [C]? Why? The sound [S] is a consonant. Why? Because the air stream comes out pushing. What color are the walls of the sound house [C]? Why? (it's hard). What kind of roof: with or without a bell? We build houses for the sound [Ts] in the same way.

How are the sounds similar? What is the difference? (pronunciation)

Check if you built the houses correctly?

(Children check on the slide)

1). Automation and differentiation of sounds [S, C] in syllables. Slides 4,5,6,7.

Little Chick was just born, everything was unfamiliar to him, it was interesting and he was surprised by everything. He saw (slide 4) a chicken and said: sa-sa-tsa! Egg: ts-ts-ts?; (slide 5) dog so-so-so?; flower - tsy-tsy-sy!; (slide 6) sheep - tsa-tso-su; caterpillar: sa-su-tsa? (slide 7) osu: su-tsu-su?; sun: os-os-tse!

2). Didactic game: “Complete the word with the correct syllable. Slide 8.

Help Chick remember new words by adding the syllable SA or CA.

Lee...(sa), chicken...(sa), flask...(sa), sleeves...(sa), o...(sa), caterpillars...(sa), co. ..(sa), mills...(ca).

3). Physical exercise “Chicken”

There lived a mischievous chicken, (we imitate a mischievous chicken)
I was turning my head all day.
Turned left, right,
He bent his left leg,
then he raised the right one
And he stood up on both again.
Started to flap his wings
Raise and lower.
Up, down, up, down.
Leaned left, right.
It's good in the world, really!
And then I went for a walk,
Look for a worm for yourself. (Imitate search)

4. Independent application of knowledge in practice.

1). Exercise “Make a proposal” Slides 9,10,11,12.

(Slide 9) chicken - egg, egg - chicken, (slide 10) chicken - caterpillar, caterpillar - flower, (slide 11) butterfly - flower, butterfly - chicken, (slide 12) chicken - chicken, chicken - grains.

2). “Let’s make a story” Slide 13.

Look carefully at the picture. What time of year is shown in the picture? Why do you think so? Who is drawn? What are the children doing? How many chicks does a chicken have? (we count as a chain, clearly pronouncing the endings). Do you think the chickens have just hatched or have already grown up? Why do you think so? What can we call our story?

You have rings from our chain. What needs to be done to make the chain whole and long? (make up a story, collect a chain). And in order for the story to be beautiful, you need to listen to your comrades and not forget about the sentences that we have already made.

(Children make up a story in a chain - one after another, attaching rings).

3). “Photographers” Slide 14.

Chicken Little wants you to have a photo as a keepsake of him and offers to arrange a photo shoot: take pencils, paper, look carefully at the slide and start the photo shoot.

5. Reflection.

What was new for you during the lesson? What task were you interested in doing? What game would you like to repeat?


  1. T.A. Tkachenko Physical education minutes for the development of finger motor skills in preschoolers with speech impairments. GNOMiD, M., 2004

Hello children!

We have 2 guests today. But to find out who, you need to solve riddles:

Afraid of the bright sun,

At night this bird is a predator,

The mouse can deftly find it in the grass.

We're talking about...

Right. The owl brought us a sound in its beak. Its name begins with this sound. What sound is this?

Let's remember, when we pronounce the sound "S", what do our lips do?

Where is the tip of the tongue?

What air stream?

Is your throat ringing?

So what kind of sound is it: voiced or dull?

Is there a blockage in your mouth?

So is this sound a consonant or a vowel?

Is the "S" sound soft?

Now let's guess who our second guest is:

I'm all golden

Soft and fluffy.

I'm a chicken baby

My name is...

He also brought us his favorite sound. What sound does the word "chicken" begin with?

When we pronounce the sound "Ts", what do our lips do?

Where is the tip of the tongue?

What kind of air flow?

Is your throat ringing?

So what kind of sound is it: dull or voiced?

Is there a blockage in the mouth?

So what is this sound?

Is the "Ts" sound soft?

Tell me, what is the difference between the sounds “S” and “C”?

What do these sounds have in common?

The owl and the chicken want to play with us. When I say the words, you should pick up the owl signs when you hear the sound "S" and the chicken signs when you hear the sound "C":

Sheep, wasp, light, pollen, stripe, heron, saber, wheel, ring, price, hay.

Now listen to the sentence and name all the words that you remember with the sound “S”, and then with the sound “C”:

Sonya drank a whole glass of juice.

A tit was sitting on an acacia tree.

The sun will peep into our window, and the sun will shine all day.

And now we will need to find the words that got lost:

Anyone can get lost

Even someone very important.

Adult or child

Squirrel, mouse and kitten.

So the word got lost, got scared and closed. Among other words it

For the sound "Ts" there is only one:

Juice, price, pine, plum

Flower, saber, icicle, laughter

Owl, dream, wall, king

Now we’re looking for words starting with the sound “S”:

Flowers, Light, goal, number

Dream, price, chain, heron

Chicken, cement, bitch, color

We found the words, but they were all mixed up. Let's help the owl and the chicken clean up the mess. All pictures with the sound “S” in the name will be given to the owl, and those with the sound “C” in the name will be given to the chicken.

Let's check if we have placed them correctly...

Can we restore even more order? Let's determine whether the desired sound is at the beginning, middle or end of the word...

Now let's take a rest. Stand in a row, repeat the movements after me and answer my questions with the words “Like this!”:

How are you?

Are you looking into the distance?

Are you looking forward to lunch?

Are you waving after me?

Do you sleep in the morning?

Are you naughty?

Now I will throw you a ball and name the beginning of the word, and you must finish the word with the syllable “sy” or “tsy” and throw the ball back to me:

O..(sy), hair..(sy), sheep..(tsy), rail..(sy), scissors..(tsy),

hares..(ts), but..(ts), chickens..(ts), ves..(ts), buttons..(ts), boos..(ts), young..(ts)

Let's go sit down, otherwise our birds are bored.

Look how big our owl's eyes are! How can you call it in one word?

And the chicken has a yellow breast. He...

The cow has long legs, she...

And the hare has long ears. He...

The horse has a long mane, he...

And the fox has a long tail, she...

The wolf has sharp teeth, he...

The goat has big horns, she...

Well, our lesson is over. Let's say goodbye...to whom?(shows pictures)

Let's say "Goodbye"...to whom?

Who else should we invite to our classes?

Training exercises

Exercise 1.Listen to the words. Write down the first letters of these words.

Garden, heron, juice, bough, saber, chains, lard, sleigh, whole, tiptoe, sprinkle, figure, circus, strength, compass, dry.

Task 2.Listen to the words. Write syllables with the letter s or c.

Egg, braid, sheep, scales, sheep, carry, noses, face, ends, ring, water, dew, button, beauty.

Task 3. Complete the word by inserting syllables:

A) sa. or tsa:

Li..., ov..., petit..., flask..., fox..., smoke..., golo..., buttons..., mill..., polo..., le ...,uli...;

b) with or tso;

Li,.., kohl..., yay..., about..., kohl...;

V) Sy or tsy:

ve..., finger..., cucumber..., but..., scissors..., bu..., buttons..., globe..., fight..., young..., kaktu..., mill..., deck....

Task 4.Compare pairs of words by sound and meaning. Say what sounds these pairs of words differ in. Orally make a sentence with each word.

Color - light, whole - sat down, light - little flower, settle down - aim.

Task 5.Listen to the words. Determine the presence and location of the sounds s and c. Make diagrams of words. Write the letters s, c above the corresponding syllable, under the diagram write the desired word.

Spoke, fox, tit, caterpillar, capital, page, station, proverb, craftswoman, sugar bowl, month, arctic fox, calico, father, starling, bird, demonstration.

Task 6.Copy the words by inserting the missing letters c or c.

ku...ok, ...aplya, po...adka, ...eat, radi...ka, ...branches, smoke...a, foku..., mill...a, .. .takan, ogure..., ...tuk, le...,

YAY...Oh, golo..., kuni...a, ...unduk, ...vety, kapu...ta, ...igeyka, wing...oh, aka...iya, opera...ia, ...tan...ia, me...ya..., ...wine..., chronicle...e..., li...tvenni...a , takes...I, bites...I, lowers...I, aims...I.

Exercise7. Make words from syllables. Write down the words. Divide them into syllables. Underline the letter with a blue pencil, the letter c with a black pencil.

Ni, tsa, gu, se; ni, sa, har, tsa; ni, ku, tsa, three, ses, tsa; mo, write, set, but; but, bro, no, son; qi, us, tour, i; si, tsa, li; ter, cis, on; con, tu, tion.

Task 8.Guess the riddles. Write the answers. Underline the letters c, c with different pencils.

There is a palace on the pole. Five brothers, There is a singer in the palace. Everyone has the same name. And his name is.... Equal for years,

They are different in height.

On one finger is a good, good Bucket upside down. He looks at people, Horned, and doesn’t butt heads. And to people for themselves

Doesn't tell me to look.

Guess: starling, fingers, thimble, sun.

Task 9.

Vocabulary dictations

a) based on the diagram and highlighted letters;

b) divided into syllables.

(Previously practiced words are used.)

Differentiation from - c-v training exercises

Exercise 1.For the words from the first column, select words from the second column that are suitable in meaning. Underline the letters With, with different pencils:

a) acacia, blossomed, sun, blossoms, flowers, shining, water, pecking, chicken pouring. palace, bites, marten, builds, fighter, opens, button, healing,

Task 2.Write down phrases by pronouncing the syllables. Underline the letters s, c.

a hen with chicks, an acacia tree by the porch, a flower bed, the sun behind the forest, a motley hen, fresh water, an old she-bear, a sweet candy, a dog on a chain, a familiar street, an old mill, a fresh face.

Task 3.Compose and write down sentences with the word combinations presented in the previous task.

Task 4.Complete the sentences by filling in the missing words. Write down the sentences.

Winter is over, it flies.... The chicken is calling.... Sugar is stored in.... The leaf in the book is called.... Moscow - ... our state. A baby bird is called.... A dangerous pest for gardens and vegetable gardens -.... The train approaches.... There are twelve in the year.... Today it is shining all day....

Task 8.Copy the text and proverbs, pronouncing the syllables. Underline the letters s, c.

The bushes were attacked by caterpillars. The tit ate the caterpillar. The fox is chasing a hare. My brother has a sister. A beautiful girl sits in a dungeon, and her braid is on the street. Migratory birds are the messengers of spring. Acacia is blooming outside.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.

A tit is flying above a pine tree, a fox is sitting under a pine tree.

The eagle is the king bird, but it is afraid of the falcon.

Task 6.Fill in the missing letters in the words.

This is...hell. There are many...vets in...hell. F...th and a...tras, and on...tur...ies, and cyclamens,...veta...a bright day in...hell. She...ama waters...veta. Beautiful w...hell...hell.

Fox and Hare

Did you see... and... a hare... a. I sneaked up on him. Zaya... noticed... you and your ku... you. Lee...and...and behind him. Zaya... for ku...t, and li...and...and for ku...t. Where do you go..., there and li...and...a. ...all day long I chased...and...for a loan...but I never caught it. Young... bunny...!

Think and tell me why the hare is great. Write down the answer.

The sun is above the forest. The birds have left the gardens. Caterpillars have appeared in the gardens. The lilac blossomed. A tit whistles in the bushes. The fox loves to grab a chicken in the village. The owl called to her chicks. There is a whole flower bed of daffodils in the square.

Spring has come. The sun was shining. Starlings and herons arrived from the south. Starlings took up residence in birdhouses, and herons began to build nests. Starlings and herons began to hatch their chicks.

Differentiation h - w Training exercises

Exercise 1.Name the first sound in the words teapot, hat. Describe the sounds ch, sh. Compare their by articulation.

Task 2.Tell which of these sounds are similar in articulation. h, ts, s, w, p.

Task 3.Read the syllables and sound combinations:



Training exercises

Task 1. Read the syllables and sound combinations in pairs. Tell me what sounds these pairs differ in.

cha - sha sha - cha asha - acha oshe - oche cho - sho sho-cho, osho - ocho ushe - uche chu - shu shu - chu wushu - teach oshi - ochi chi-shi, shi-chi.ushi-uchi yeshu- I'm eating.

Task 2. Listen to the syllables. Write the first letter of each syllable.

Cha, sha, chu, shu, she, che, cho, sho, shi, chi; chta. what, what. what, dick, helmet, chka, shka. what, what, what, I honor.

Task 3.Listen to sound combinations, write down only consonants.

Osha, oshi, eyes, achu, eat, eat, eat, asho, acho, ache, oche.

Task 4.Listen, repeat and write down the rows of syllables in the same. sequences.

cha-sha-cha shu-chu-shu cha-sha-cha-sha

sha - cha - sha chu - shu - chu sho - cho - cho - sho cho - sho - cho shi - chi - shi chu - shu - shu - chu sho - cho- sho chi - shi - chi sha - chi-shi - chi.

Galina Malysheva
Tasks for differentiating sounds [s] and [ts]

One day an owl and a heron argued. The heron claims that the words "owl" And "heron" start with the same sound, but the owl does not agree with her. Let's help the owl and heron figure this out.

Exercise 1. Comparative characteristics sounds(With) And (ts) .

Listen carefully and tell me which one sound begins the word"owl"?

And from what sound begins the word"heron"?

Say these sounds"With", "z". let's see how they are similar?

When we say these sounds, the lips are in a smile, the tip of the tongue is behind the lower teeth, an air stream passes through the middle of the tongue.

Now let's see what these the sounds are different. When spoken sound"With" the air stream is smooth, and when pronouncing sound"ts"- jerky, jerky.

Task 2. A game "Repeat after me"

The owl and the heron became friends, and sound"With" made friends with sound"ts". And these started sounds chain dances syllables:

tsa-sa-tsa tso-so-tso tsa-sa-tsa

sa-tsa-sa so-tso-so sy-tsy-sy

as-ats-as uc-us-uc ots-os-ots

Task 3. A game "Add syllables"

The owl and the heron brought us words with their loved ones sounds, but the words fell apart along the way. Let's help collect them and add syllables.

-tsa or sa: bolni, li, sleeves, blues, petit, polo, ko, ro, uli...;

-tsy or sy:boo…. iced, ve, petit, u, pal...;

-so or tso: kohl, kohl, li, about...

Task 4. A game "Say the word".

The owl and the heron brought you riddles, try to guess them by finishing the word.

He rushes without looking back, only his heels sparkle.

He rushes as fast as he can, his tail is shorter than his ear.

Who is this daredevil, of course? (hare).

It is needed during construction; it works well with bricks and beams.

As a connecting point, the stove maker needs it (cement).

There is always fun, laughter, and success awaits the artists.

There's a raccoon tired of doing laundry. This can only be in (circus).

Invites all the children to taste the harvest... (garden).

Two twin brothers perched on the porch.

They were forgotten, having been removed from the leg. What is this? (boots).

At night she does not sleep, she looks very vigilantly into the distance.

Like a pumpkin head. It's predatory (owl).

He greets spring with a song, there is no more wonderful song.

The best singer among birds. It's called... (starling).

Everyone calls her cunning, red-haired, predatory and greedy.

She has a beautiful tail. Her name is (fox).

The stalk is covered in leaves, like a grandmother in a scarf.

You won't eat it without crunching, because that's what it's for. (cabbage).

Task 5. A game "4 extra".

The owl and the heron invite you to listen carefully and say which word is superfluous.

*magpie, swallow, nightingale, chicken;

*saucer, towel, sugar bowl, tray;

* marten, fox, sheep, badger.

Task 6. Multiple repetition of phrases with clear pronunciation sounds: watery eyes, a song is being written down, a broken knitting needle, a narrow ring, a garden flower, a high staircase, a delicious cabbage roll, the gentle sun.

Task 7. Repeating pure phrases with clear pronunciation sounds:

SA - SA - SA - here the fox is running with - so - the fox is rolling the wheel

Su - su - su - the fox lives in a hole, in the forest sy - sy - sy - the fox has a mustache

Os - os - os - Pinocchio has a sharp nose ac - ac - ac - fresh kvass

us - us - us - kvass has a sour taste ys - ys - ys - the old man drank kumiss

is - is - is - cooked rice EU - EU - EU - pine forest

es - es - es - grumpy dog ​​so - so - so - the bus has a flat tire

Tsa-tsa-tsa - there is a sheep standing in the meadow.

Tsy-tsy-tsy - the sheep has a lot of food.

Tse - tse - the shepherd approached the sheep.

Tsu - tsu - you need to drive the sheep home.

Tso - tso - here is the master's porch

Task 8. Pronounce sentences slowly and clearly with controlled articulation.

Caterpillars feed on leaves. The sugar bowl is on the table.

Alice has long eyelashes.

The sun hid behind a lead cloud.

The fox hid under a pine tree.

Starlings peck caterpillars on an ash tree.

Sheep have short tails.

Acacia blossoms in the garden.

Senya was tending sheep.

Task 9. Repeating tongue twisters with clear pronunciation sounds.

The heron's chick clung tenaciously to the chain.

Two colorful chickens are running along the street.

Chicken and hen drink water on the street.

Shiltse, soap, crooked spindle,

Silk towel - on the porch under the door.

The horse clicked his hoof from behind,

Dust swirls under the hoof.

The young man asked the young woman for some water to drink.

From a nearby well

Water flows all day long.

Starlings and tits are cheerful birds.

There is a cart of oats, next to the cart is a sheep.

Task 10. Retelling.

"Our friends"

There are many insects in gardens and fields. Caterpillars are especially dangerous for trees. Caterpillars eat leaves. The tree dies. Insects are eaten by starlings, tits, woodpeckers, cuckoos and other birds. Tits, bullfinches and woodpeckers live with us even in winter. The guys make birdhouses for starlings. Starlings arrive in the spring, lay eggs, and hatch chicks. In the fields, starlings destroy locusts and other insects. They save crops. Take care of the birds!


In spring, starlings arrive from the south. Slava wanted them to live outside his window. He asked dad to help build a house for starlings. Soon the birdhouse was ready. Dad took a ladder, climbed a tall acacia tree and hung a birdhouse. Soon Slava saw that a family of starlings had settled there. Then they had chicks. Starlings spent days flying after caterpillars and feeding their chicks with them. Then the chicks grew up and the starlings taught them to fly.

Task 11.

Finger gymnastics "Track"

Let's imagine that our fingers - birds - ran along the path.

Task 12. Work in notebooks "Graphic dictation".

I tell you the words, and you only write them down sounds, which you hear in the words C or C, but instead of letters we will draw long and short lines.

-sound With we will mark with a long line, because it is pronounced long, drawn out

-sound ts – short line, because it is pronounced quickly, abruptly.

For example:



Words: bird, plane, egg, juice, saucer, wheel, ring.



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