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The daughter of Anastasia Volochkova gave a fiery dance and earned compliments. The daughter of Anastasia Volochkova gave a fiery dance and earned compliments “There is no time to be in search”

Arisha was born on September 23, 2005, and immediately moved from the maternity hospital to her parents’ luxurious home. The baby's room was furnished with exclusive Italian furniture, and she dressed exclusively in designer onesies. Mom Anastasia Volochkova and dad Igor Vdovin (although they say all sorts of things about dad...) tried to provide their daughter with the best conditions, as do all loving parents.
Arisha has grown up, and now, at just 6 years old, she is already a real little star. He sings in "Domisolka", performs a solo number in his mother's show, and also visits the dance studio owned by the famous parent. There is a possibility that Arisha will follow in her mother’s footsteps and become a ballerina, but she can also please us with her singing, which, according to her grandmother, the girl likes much more than dancing.

At Anastasia's last birthday

“It’s so nice to lie in her crib, a princess crib, and feel like a child,” Volochkova writes on Twitter

sixth anniversary

Ariadna has been accustomed to public attention since childhood

photo from Twitter: “Here is my real clone. The main thing is that the last name is the same”

beautiful:) and what eyes! just a little sad

She also goes in for horse riding - photo after training

and now a few...hmm...ambiguous, in my opinion, photos. Many children love playing dress up, but don't you think this is too much?

Maman teaches the important skill of tree climbing

as well as the principle “stretching feeds the ballerina”

I would like to wish Ariadne to grow up to be a beauty and take only the best from her parents!

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In an interview with the TV program, the ballerina summed up her results of the year: she told why she did not dare to marry businessman Bakhtiyar Salimov, why she put her apartment in the center of St. Petersburg up for sale and what unusual gift she would dream of receiving from her beloved man.

The first question we asked Anastasia Volochkova in the coming year was: “How is Zholtik doing?” The calendar shows the Year of the Horse. Zholtik is the ballerina's favorite horse. Volochkova loves horse riding, and this was a perfect fit for a good, positive story about thoroughbred horses who can fly without wings, love without reason and be devoted to their rider all their lives. However, the story turned out to be different. Zholtik, as it turned out, was recently sold.

I have always dreamed of having my own horse. Several years ago, Don Miguel, a friend from Chile, gave me a white horse. But, unfortunately, it was difficult to transport him to Moscow. I didn’t want to torment the animal with a long flight. Around the same time, Igor (Igor Vdovin, ex-husband of the ballerina. - Author) purchased for himself a golden-colored horse - a cross between the Akhal-Teke breed and Traken - at the Otrada club near Moscow. Zholtik is a horse of extraordinary beauty. Igor, seeing my admiration, erased his last name on the stall and wrote: “Owner - Anastasia Volochkova.” I got a horse with character, very obstinate. Of course, I became very attached to him. Recently Arisha and I came to the club and wanted to go for a ride. Bereiter Anna said that Zholtik has not been at Otrada for a long time. It turned out that he had been sold to other people and was in a stable somewhere 20 kilometers from Moscow. I was not just disappointed, but annoyed. Not so much the fact of the sale, but the fact that Igor didn’t even consider it necessary to warn me about it, didn’t give me the opportunity to come and ride Zholtik for the last time. This is not very human. Later, the ex-husband explained that Zholtik was too expensive to maintain, so he decided to sell him. Such a surprise before the New Year... But I believe that I will definitely have a white horse!

- From the outside, your relationship with Igor seemed prosperous...

Now I understand that they began to develop incorrectly from the very beginning - Igor asked to borrow an impressive amount of money. For a month. Returned it a year later. Even with bank interest. But he immediately asked for a new one, much larger. And I didn’t refuse again, because at that time he was my favorite man and by that time Arisha had already been born. Igor gave the money back again not after a couple of months, as he promised, but after a year. Again with interest. This debt story exhausted me, as did the fact that for four years we lived in an apartment donated by my former lover. It bothered me that my loved one always owed me money. I couldn’t understand why he couldn’t take money for business from partners or friends, but rather from the woman he loved. We lived as husband and wife. And by that time Igor was already the father of our daughter. I always dreamed that we and our daughter would have our own family nest. And she insisted that I should at least rent a country house, and besides, I simply needed a Russian bathhouse. To keep in shape, I have to take a steam bath and plunge into an ice bath three or four times a week. And so Igor began renting cottages all over the Moscow region - here and there. Moving was exhausting, we changed seven houses! Before the 2008 crisis, Igor again asked for a loan and convinced me to invest in a construction business in a small provincial Russian town. I gave him almost all my savings - three million dollars. Almost six years have passed since then... Yes, Igor, to the best of his ability, bears the costs of renting the house and Arisha... But I would prefer that he return my money to me. In my opinion, when starting several families at once (Igor Vdovin has three children from his previous wife. - Author), a man should weigh his capabilities, and not count on the fact that one of the wives will support the previous and the next... Sometimes I ask: “ Can you repay the debt now? I want to buy a house for Arisha and me. It’s worth exactly what I invested in your business.” In response I hear: “I have no money.”

- The year is just beginning. And perhaps in the new year you will experience exactly the changes you are waiting for!

I believe that everything will get better in my life soon. I think that for all that I have suffered and endured with dignity, something very good is in store for me. Not in material terms, but in general. Sometimes, in order to get something really important, for God to extend his divine wings to you, you need to go through a series of tests.

- Shortly before the New Year, you decided to break up with businessman Bakhtiyar Salimov, with whom you had been dating for nine months. Many thought that your couple was on the way to the altar...

Last year was truly marked by a bright, unexpected meeting with Bakhtiyar. He appeared in my life at a very, very timely time. At that moment my soul was empty. I was worried that Igor left Arisha and me so abruptly. Because a child must have both a mother and a father. And it became more and more difficult to maintain the aura of holy relationships in front of her over time. When Igor got another woman, he abruptly stopped communicating with us. I began to meet with Arisha once a month, or even less often. Of course, I was worried. And then I met Bakhtiyar... Indeed, a bright moment in my life.

“I don’t think it’s possible to live with a myth”

- With just one caveat: Bakhtiyar lives in Vladivostok, and you live in Moscow.

Our, so to speak, telephone Far Eastern romance really lasted nine months. But distance and time zones kill any relationship. Because I need a loved one nearby - I want to see his eyes, I want to share my emotions and feelings with him. I want to wake up in the arms of my loved one, and not fall asleep with a telephone receiver in my hands in order to have time to write a certain number of messages so that in the morning he will wake up and read everything.

- And now someone will think: oh, this is real romance, and not everyday life that eats up relationships.

I also missed romance. Realizing that this was alien to Bakhtiyar, I tried myself, knowing how and knowing what to do, to bring romance into his life. And sometimes in a form in which he had never known her in his life. But the relationship was also complicated by Bakhtiyar’s jealousy. He is endlessly jealous. A person, being at a distance, painted pictures in his imagination that had nothing to do with reality. Completely baseless. Every time he worked himself up, he became so offended and withdrawn into himself that he disappeared from communication, did not answer calls or SMS, and for me this was unacceptable. Of course, this touchiness was also the last straw in our relationship.

- Probably, in some ways he can be understood. Building a relationship with a famous girl is not always easy.

Agree. Bakhtiyar had a difficult time with me. I very unexpectedly appeared in his life. It burst in like a whirlwind of emotions and passions. He said: “I lived a calm life, didn’t worry, didn’t worry, didn’t experience any shocks, and then suddenly it happened... Sometimes I don’t know what to do with it.” I understand that my appearance was too bright for him, and he could not accept much. My creativity, men’s attention to me, my emotional outburst. But nevertheless, I loved this man and gave him my best. Of course, she idealized him, poeticized him, but at some point she realized that this could no longer continue. After all, if you count in general, we had exactly 4 hours a day for communication. That is, I had to stay up until three in the morning so that morning would come for him... And during the day I had things to do - rehearsals, business meetings, filming, a tour schedule. When a person leaves the connection, dwelling in far-fetched grievances, accumulating constant complaints to clarify the relationship, you need to put an end to it. At least some feelings are still alive.

- Did Bakhtiyar often fly to you in Moscow?

Lately his visits have been quite strange. Bakhtiyar's plans were constantly changing - it didn't matter whether it concerned our vacation or meeting in Moscow. Either “I’ll come tomorrow” or “I’ll come in a week.” I had to adapt, although my concert schedule does not allow this, because a team of people depends on me. I looked forward to each meeting with Bakhtiyar as a breath of fresh air, to live in this light for a month, until the next meeting. Therefore, of course, I canceled both rehearsals and work... At some point I just had enough. I waited for him to appear in Moscow and offered to meet and talk. Bakhtiyar appeared with a bouquet of white roses, as always laid out in his signature cascade. He looked into my eyes and said: “It seems to me that everything is as before. We love each other, everything is fine with us."

- Logically, a marriage proposal should have been made in this place.

You are talking about a proposal, but it cannot be called a proposal. It was a kind of ultimatum. Bakhtiyar said that we need to formalize the relationship. He accepts it this way - either a stamp in the passport, that is, a marriage, or nothing at all.

-Aren't you happy with his decision?

What could the stamp in the passport change if the relationship itself disappeared? They have become a myth. But I don’t think it’s possible to live with a myth. I am a very devoted person - both in my personal and friendly life, and in my creative life. But in order to maintain this fidelity, the object must at least be present. I honestly explained all this to Bakhtiyar, responding to his proposal to formalize the relationship.

“You need to break up gracefully”

- Did Bakhtiyar plan to start a family with you in Moscow?

He would like to move to Moscow and transfer part of his business here. Bakhtiyar said that if we get a stamp in our passport, then we may have a common house. But we'll buy it in half. This discouraged me. I did not live with a man of convenience; we did not have any financial relationship. When I thought about continuing our relationship, several things worried me.

Yes, in April I had trouble - there was a robbery at my house, the robbers stole a large sum of money. Bakhtiyar knew that it was hard for me, but he did not lend a helping hand. He helped my charity concert for children take place - I am very grateful to him for this, but I asked him never to reproach me for this in my life, because this money was spent not on a dress, but on a good deed. Yes, Bakhtiyar gave me a ring. But people have been giving me rings for 18 years of my life. And not like that...

I have achieved everything in life on my own. If I were 17 - 18 years old today and I was just starting to create my life, I could build a family with Uncle Vasya, a plumber, no matter how wealthy he is. But I have already reached a stage when the only man next to me can be someone who can turn both my life and Ariadne’s life into a fairy tale, and make sure that I don’t need anything... And I can provide housing for myself . It is the matter of time. Therefore, I answered Bakhtiyar’s proposal honestly - we cannot live together, I don’t see myself in the same house with him, in the same space. I don't see myself as this man's wife.

- Did you part as friends?

I suggested maintaining friendly relations. But that didn't suit him. He said: either love or nothing. You need to be able to break up gracefully. There may come a time when you just want to call, tell something, send a photo, ask for help. He may need either advice, or some kind of outlet... After all, he lives in Vladivostok alone. All his entertainment at home is two large shepherd dogs. He is sad there, as he told me.

- And you threw yourself into creativity headlong. We recorded new songs...

At the end of the year, a very important event happened to me. In my repertoire, in addition to dance compositions, songs in the Eurodance style also appeared. One of them - “Above the Ground” - was written just at the moment of my falling in love with Bakhtiyar. And it turned out very bright. I decided to shoot a video for this song after our breakup. In any case, for me this song is a symbol of such bright love.

- Bloggers immediately suspected you of having a close relationship with Sergei Zverev.

My meeting with Sergei Zverev turned out to be no coincidence, he became a close friend to me, a friend, a person who is there for me in everything. Seryozha, unlike most show business stars, is a man without cheap show-offs. He helped me a lot. Filming took place in Kyiv. And again, nothing happens just like that - some kind of incident is always bound to happen (laughs). In the dressing room, a mirror with burning lamps almost fell on me. If makeup artist Anzhelika had not managed to reach out her hand, I could have received a serious burn to my face.

“My daughter is already giving me adult advice”

- Arisha is eight years old now. How does she surprise you at this age?

With his humanity towards people, towards family, towards close friends. Even in small things. In January we were in Thailand together. Arisha became friends with my friend's son. She could not openly express her feelings, but every morning she put notes in his shoe. Different. For example: “I’m ready to play football, hockey, and various games with you, any boyish ones. Because it’s very interesting to play, especially in dreams.” Arisha is attentive. At the airport, she bought gifts for everyone - our hostess, her nanny, dad, me, each of her classmates. This makes me happy. I was just like her. She says to me: “Mom, you should never be sad. Because you will have the best husband in the world. He will love us both."

- Does Arisha maintain a relationship with her dad?

They rarely communicate. One can count less and less on Igor’s support. Nevertheless, they correspond and send each other SMS messages. But the more complex the situation, the closer we are. Arisha is my support. Since the robbery and robbery happened in our house, we began to sleep next to each other more often. This also brings us closer together. She is not only my daughter, she is my closest friend. Arisha is wise beyond her years. In terms of fortitude she is becoming more and more like me. And she is already so independent that she can give advice to adults herself.

- Give an example!

Certainly. Even in personal situations, when I may have disagreements with a loved one, Arisha advises: “Mom, forgive him. He will hear your prayer and return to you himself.” Or he says: “Mom, everyone loves you anyway, so you should know your worth. Only the most worthy people will always be next to you.” Speaks like an adult! And I also hear from her: “Mom, I beg you, give me a sister. I don’t want a brother, I just want a sister.” I smile: “The most important thing, Arisha, is to find a dad, but it’s not important to find a sister or brother.”

- At the end of the year, you put your apartment in St. Petersburg up for sale. Apartments with an area of ​​about 200 sq. m are located in the city center, furnished with Italian furniture, and the ceilings in the bedroom and living room are painted by masters of the Hermitage. The cost of the apartment is 130 million rubles. Have you already found a buyer for it?

There are several buyers. Now we are solving the problem with a parking space. The house is an elite one, there are only 8 apartments. I want everything to happen quickly, because Arisha and I have already looked at a country house in the Moscow region.

During these New Year's holidays, your page disappeared from Instagram. Did the hackers do it?

I was very upset, to be honest. On the eve of the old New Year, after Christmas, a week before my birthday, someone hacks my page and deprives me of the opportunity to communicate with fans. Someone, apparently, cared. And immediately after that my clones began to appear. Every day there are several people with some very nasty names - Svolochkova, Vodochkova. It became clear that this was an action organized by someone. I will say this: for me, Instagram was not a kind of platform. At the same time I had about 100 thousand subscribers. I started a new page VOLOCHKOVA_ART. I'm sure my true friends will still come back to me. And the joy is that at least on the eve of the New Year holidays I did not read all the nasty things that were poured out on me. I will take this as a new stage. It’s not for nothing that they say that the week before everyone’s birthday is very stressful. And then - a new round of life. 

Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova is raising her daughter Ariadne on her own. Yes, but she provides real love, affection and a role model for her daughter herself. She herself loves to brag about Ariadne’s skills..

Arina - the future thunderstorm of the dance floor

A video featuring Ariadne appeared on Anastasia Volochkova’s Instagram. A 12-year-old girl demonstrates her new dance to rhythmic music, which, by the way, according to the ballerina, she invented herself. It’s clear from the caption that the artist is proud of Arisha:

“My beloved Arisha ariadna_volochkova was preparing for the arrival of her friends yesterday. Incendiary. I came up with everything myself. And she created a dance group herself” (The author’s spelling and paragraphs have been preserved, editor’s note).

The editors of JoeInfoMedia also notice that Ariadne really moves quite well, which fans of the ballerina also hastened to report in the comments.

Compliments and applause for daughter Anastasia Volochkova

Despite the fact that she limited the function of commenting on the video, apparently not wanting to read the negativity towards the girl. However, the ballerina's fan club has already discussed this video. And from a positive point of view. Most people liked not only the idea of ​​Ariadne dancing, but also the way she moved. Naturally, they mentioned good genetics and predicted a great future for Volochkova’s daughter.

By the way, Ariadne also has her own account on Instagram. And quite successful. At the moment, more than 30 thousand people and communities have subscribed to the girl, and she has already managed to post 401 publications.

The ballerina did not fall in love with the fan who gave her a car. Why Nastya doesn’t reciprocate rich men’s feelings, she told in an interview with TV program magazine

Anastasia Volochkova knows how to make an impression. On talk shows she amazes with her revelations, and on vacation with pictures in skimpy swimsuits. I wanted a country house - I bought it, organized and paid for luxurious renovations. Nastya works every day: performs her show, raises her smart, excellent daughter, and helps her parents. In November, Volochkova fulfilled another wish of hers - she played the premiere of the play, where the famous actor Sergei Astakhov became her partner.

“I got the result through sweat and blood”

— Nastya, your daughter Ariadne is 11 years old. The girl is growing up on her own, you probably spoiled her?

— I can give you an example: Arisha and I have a tradition of having breakfast together at 7.30 in the morning. Of course, I’m not used to waking up so early. But Arisha prepares breakfast herself: for me she makes an omelet and boiled spinach, and for herself she cooks quail eggs and cereal. Then I walk her to the car, and she goes to school. It happens that my daughter calls the rehearsal in the evening and asks: “Mommy, what should I cook for you?” - and welcomes you home, serving dinner by candlelight. These are very touching and happy moments. Since childhood, I took my daughter to orphanages and showed how children who don’t have an extra pair of tights live, explained that they were not so lucky in life. Arisha knows that I grew up in a communal apartment; my parents had no money for entertainment or toys. Despite the fact that Arisha is surrounded by all the benefits, she grows up as a caring and modest child. He wonders if we can afford to buy a new thing or toy.

— Ariadne sings and records songs. Direct road to "".

- How to get there? This is interesting. After all, Arishka sang in the Domisolka children's musical theater from the age of three. She studied vocals professionally for seven years. Now, at the insistence of her father and of her own free will, she is passionate about tennis. A creative profession for a woman is wonderful, but I don’t tell my child. I want her to choose the path that seems interesting to her. If he decides to get an earthly profession, for God’s sake. But her ability to play tennis or perform on stage in front of an audience will not hurt her. Nowadays, not only the children of creative or famous people are engaged in a lot and are fully developed. Many parents care about the future of their heirs. Many opportunities have appeared, so you need to learn languages, dance, sing, and develop. Our children know more than we do - the Internet helps them with this.

— Now they are discussing the abolition of the Unified State Exam. Are you for or against?

— My child graduated from primary school and only went to 5th grade. But I have many friends whose children are in school, so we are discussing the topic of the Unified State Exam. This is the murder of the Russian education system. Just one example: remember what wonderful essays our graduates wrote during exams. If the Unified State Exam is removed from the school curriculum, it will benefit students.

Arisha turned 11 this fall. Photo: instagram.com

— Is your schoolgirl’s character like her mother’s or her father’s? Is Arisha demonstrating it?

“Arishka sometimes gives me advice, and I listen to them, because the truth speaks through the mouth of a baby.” For example, if I communicate with a person, and she doesn’t really like him, then my daughter directly tells me about it. I start to take a closer look and soon become convinced that I didn’t even need to get to know him. Arisha knows how to firmly put a person in his place. She has a Volochkovsky character. The Volochkovs are like that, they are used to getting their way. Imagine when I was taken to ballet school at the age of 10 - I didn’t know how to do anything! We lived very modestly. At home, dad hung a barbell on the door for me to train. I held on to this bar, and put my legs under the door or under the radiator and bent over so that I could turn out. Mom or dad supported me. To say that it hurt me is to say nothing. I trained until I cried, until I bled, but I achieved the desired result thanks to my strong-willed character. Only through sweat and blood can you get the best results in any work.

“My stretching and splits are unbeatable”

- They criticize you, and you turn up the heat or with sincere confessions. Have you already developed an immunity to gossip?

“If I react sincerely every time and pay attention to what people who don’t know me say about me, then I will have no health left.” I want to give the child and the audience only happy emotions and receive them in return. Now I’m planning a new show and will spend my energy on it. I'm like a ship that only goes forward. This is how my life works, and that’s why I achieve success. I have been doing ballet since I was 10 years old, so my stretching and splits are unrivaled. Most of those who attribute excess weight to me will not be able to repeat my splits or put on my swimsuit, because everything will fall out of it. I am sure that every reader has encountered gossip and envious people in life. My advice is to ignore them.

— Nowadays it’s fashionable to protect yourself from gossip and the evil eye. Did you go to these people for help?

“I don’t believe in mysticism, in predictions, and I’m not afraid if a black cat crosses the road.” My only salvation is faith in God, since I live outside the city, not far from the ancient Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Every time I go to Moscow, I come in to pray. The church is open from morning to evening, here you can simply stand over the icon, and no one will dominate you. Sometimes the temple is closed and I just walk around the courtyard and get peace. So no predictions or rituals are scary or interesting to me, so nothing like that happens to me.

The area of ​​Volochkova’s new house is 850 square meters. There is enough space for training here. Photo: Victoria MALEEVA

— Do you go to holy places?

— I go to monasteries, in Moscow I go to Matrona. I tour a lot, and the organizers know that they will please me if we stop at a local church. Today I was given delicious gingerbread cookies from Diveyevo and a bow from Father Seraphim. I understand that these people don’t need advertising and my thanks on Instagram, they do everything from the heart. This inspires me! People love me.

- Does depression really not happen?

— I spend 3–4 hours in the ballet hall every day. If for some reason I miss a lesson, then all my muscles groan. Exercise is the best antidepressant. For those who suffer from migraines, bad mood or just laziness, I advise you to drag yourself to the gym. Regular exercise works wonders - there will be no trace of depression. There will be positive thoughts in your head, and your body will become fit and healthy.

“There is no time to search”

- If my mind doesn’t leave me and I’m in good health, then in 20 years you’ll see me on stage. And new versions of Volochkova’s signature split will appear on Instagram.

Private bussiness

Anastasia Volochkova was born on January 20, 1976 in Leningrad. Graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet. In 1994 she became the leading ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater. In 1998 she was invited as a leading ballerina to the Bolshoi Theater. In 2003, she was fired from the troupe, the court reinstated the ballerina at work, but she began a solo career. In 2009, she was invited to Alla Pugacheva’s Christmas Meetings with the song “Ballerina,” which Igor Nikolaev wrote for her. Performs with solo projects. Honored Artist of Russia. Has an MBA degree from the Higher School of Economics.

Daughter of the famous Russian ballerina, dancer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Anastasia Volochkova.

Ariadna Volochkova practices ballet and implements himself in other creative projects, and maintains a video blog on YouTube. And at the age of 9, she showed that she could not only perform songs, but also write her own repertoire. Fans of her outrageous mother predict great success for the young lady.

Ariadna Volochkova. Biography

Ariadna Igorevna Volochkova was born on September 23, 2005 in the family of a businessman Igor Vdovin and ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, whose name even people far from classical art know. The girl’s parents, who, according to the ballerina herself, got married in 2007, nevertheless separated, but maintained friendly relations for the sake of their daughter.

Ariadna is not deprived of the attention of her mother and father, however, they have different approaches to education. The father is strict, allowing his daughter a lot, he clearly outlines the boundaries of what is permitted and believes that the concepts of “no” and “impossible” should be known to Arisha from an early age. Anastasia, on the contrary, is too kind, allowing the child almost everything. But thisdo not prevent adults from acting on one front and raising a girl in love.

At 1.5 years old, Ariadne was sent to an early development school and a song and dance ensemble. Domisolka" The parents also hired a music teacher for their daughter. Then Ariadna began studying at an English school and an Orthodox kindergarten, where, according to Anastasia, there were completely ordinary children who were not fixated on fashionable clothes and gadgets.

Igor Vdovin and his ex-wife, believe that they are obliged to take care of Ariadne’s upbringing and education, expand her horizons, but in no way determine their daughter’s future profession: the main thing is that she grows up purposeful and hardworking, knows the value of money, while remaining sensitive and kind .

Ariadna is very open in communication, she keeps an online diary, a video blog on YouTube, performs songs, dances and even participates in photo shoots. So, taking an example from Stefania Malikova and the eldest daughter of Natalia Ionova, Lydia , which appeared on the pages of glossy publications in 2015, Ariadna starred for the children's magazine “Gulliver and Ya”.



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