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Masha Rasputina's daughter was raped in a pioneer camp. Rasputina's daughters disappointed with their appearance. What is wrong with Rasputina's daughter Lydia

The singer explained why she is rarely seen on television now. In addition, Maria met with her daughter, who suffers from a mental disorder. Lydia, who recently left the hospital after another treatment.

According to Rasputina, she has not finished her career, but is preparing for the panther jump to remind herself. “I either want it or I don’t want it” - said the singer. Maria also admitted that a career is for her - this is not the most important thing in life, therefore, having met a second husband Viktor Zakharov, she refused to tour. “For me, a career is nothing. For me, family, husband, children are an ideal. Home is my castle. Once you get into a warm nest, it's hard to get out. Naturally, I have to, if I have a friend in life, then I can’t just pick up and leave. He's a man. He's not a girl you can just tell, "Sit down and stay still." I consider myself to be in second place in the family,” the artist noted.

Masha also admitted that Zakharov was able to tame her, and compared herself with the heroine of Shakespeare’s play “The Taming of the Shrew”: “The Taming of the Shrew happened. Just like Shakespeare. I'm a submissive bird. Still in a cage." And Victor himself admitted that after the wedding he told his wife that he “didn’t need a guest performer.”

Masha Rasputina with her daughter

About my first husband Vladimir Ermakov, who died on October 12 last year, Rasputin remembers with reluctance. The ex-husband brought the singer a lot of grief. It was after the divorce from Vladimir that their daughter Lydia began to have mental problems. As a result, the girl was admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

Lydia recently left the hospital, but is still undergoing treatment in a private boarding house. The girl admits that she must take medication for the rest of her life, and blames her deceased father for all this, who turned her against her mother. In addition, Lydia said that she would repent for her past actions until her death. “I would like to get well and be with my mother. At least help her with the housework. Whether her family will want to see me every day, I don’t know. I have a dream: to be with my mother in this world and in the next,” - said the singer’s eldest daughter.

Lydia also admitted that her father made her hate her mother. “The conflict occurred because of my father. I came under the influence of my father, he gave bad interviews about my mother, and I talked to him and supported him. Of course, everything cannot be attributed to my illness. I am very guilty before my mother and her family. After their divorce, my father began to have financial problems - he began to lose a lot of money in casinos, he directed journalists at me so that I would say all sorts of nasty things about my mother. The fact is that my mother immediately set strict conditions for me after the divorce from my father, that if I communicate with him, I can forget about her forever. I was stupid, I wanted to help my father», - the girl noted.

Lydia also talked about how she first ended up in a psychiatric hospital. It turned out that the father promised his daughter that he would make her a star on the level of Masha Rasputina. « I believed it with my sick brain. She screamed, yelled at night, sang. The neighbors knocked, wondering when I would shut up. As a result, I was handcuffed and taken to an insane asylum because I sang at night. Spent 10 years behind barbed wire. My father only came once every six months with apples and that was all. He brought journalists“, said the singer’s daughter.

Daughter of Masha Rasputina

Rasputina herself, talking about her relationship with her ex-husband, did not spare insulting words addressed to him. The artist noted that her daughter grew up as a normal child and had no abnormalities. However, there were such deviations in the Ermakov family, so many doctors hinted to the artist that the whole problem was in the pedigree of her ex-husband. “How can a normal person turn a child against his mother? Lida is with me now. Periodically, she needs to undergo staged treatment. Her father is to blame for this: he was the first to send her to the madhouse,” said Masha.

According to Rasputina, it was difficult for her to forgive her daughter, but her love for the child won in her. « Lida caused me great pain. Broke my heart. Everyone was at a loss as to how you could leave your mother so easily. My youngest daughter said to me: “Why, mom, she has caused so much sadness in your life. Don't talk to her! I told her: “When you become a mother, you will understand everything.” It is important to me that Lida realized that she was wrong. I don't need any more forgiveness. We have a very good relationship." - the singer summarized.

Masha Rasputina

March 11, 2018

Lida, the eldest daughter of the famous singer, disappeared shortly after the death of her father Vladimir Ermakov. Her paternal half-brother is unsuccessfully searching for the girl so that she can receive her rightful inheritance.

Masha Rasputina and her daughter Lydia / photo: EG.ru, globallook.com

As it became known, Lida, the daughter of Masha Rasputina and Vladimir Ermakov, went missing last week. The girl’s half-brother Alexei organized an active search, but it was unsuccessful. The reasons for the scandalous situation are still unclear. The recent death of Lida's father, Vladimir Ermakov, could well be one of them. Even more unclear is the fact that Lida must soon accept the rights to part of her father’s inheritance, for which Alexey is looking for her. As journalists learned, the girl is owed half of a four-room apartment that belonged to Ermakov, which is located in one of Moscow’s residential areas. In addition, the girl will receive a certain amount from her father's bank account. According to rough estimates, the total value of Lida’s inheritance will be more than 12 million rubles, and real estate located in the capital will allow the girl to register in Moscow.

Lida’s maternal relatives and Masha Rasputina herself offer slightly different information. The singer says that she is on friendly terms with her daughter, maintains communication with her and tries to help in every possible way. The star’s current husband, Viktor Zakharov, even said: “You don’t have to worry about Lida, everything is fine with her. She hasn’t gotten lost anywhere, we are in constant contact. I advise you not to believe rumors." It’s no secret that Rasputina and her daughter are often invited to various talk shows on central channels, but Maria is not inclined to accept such offers, despite the large fees offered, the portal reports

the site found out the details of the truce between singer Masha Rasputina and her sick eldest daughter Lydia.

The whole country has been watching the relationship between Masha Rasputina and her eldest daughter Lida for several years. The girl, who was treated in a psychiatric hospital for almost ten years, finally managed to find a common language with her star mother..

Over the past ten years, Lida Ermakova’s life has turned into a tragedy. After her parents' divorce, the girl remained to live with her mother. Rasputin’s daughter did not offend her: they not only lived together, but also went on vacation to resorts. Masha dreamed that her Lida, whom she had doted on since childhood, would grow up to be a worthy person: start a family, start working...

Rasputina's daughter Lydia / editorial archive

When Lida turned eighteen, the star’s current husband, Viktor Zakharov, gave her a luxurious gift: a separate apartment in a prestigious area in Moscow. However, soon the neighbors began to notice strange things about Masha Rasputina’s daughter: she sang at night and talked to herself. Soon Lida ended up in a psychiatric hospital, and her apartment was sold. Since then, the relationship with my mother has deteriorated completely.

“I did everything for her, but she chose the side of her biological father,” Maria said in the “Alone with Everyone” program. – What should I do now if she goes against me? What didn’t I do! I've been forgiving for ten years, but she's putting a knife in my back. Should I give her the opportunity to physically insert the knife? She hates me with terrible force! I can't do anything with her. The last time my husband said: “If you don’t want to work, stay here, we’ll dress you, give you shoes, just help your mother.” But no, she left. She even jumped over the fence and ran away in winter. What else can I do? My soul is empty! I have been living with this pain for many, many years. My daughter has become my enemy!

Despite the angry words, Maria admitted: deep down she hopes that Lida will someday come to her senses and return to her. And now it finally happened. A thaw in their relationship began at the beginning of this year. Lida was the first to turn to her mother, but she could not refuse.

. “She helped her with everything she could, sometimes not even mentioning that the help was coming from her. Everything Lida has now was bought for her by her mother. How could Masha have acted differently? This is her child, for whom her heart always ached.

In between treatments in a psychiatric clinic, Lida turned to God. At one time she lived in a monastery. They say that it was the priests who convinced her that she needed to be closer to her mother. Masha herself, who recently also became a believer, regularly prayed for Lida. People who know the situation from the inside are sure: it was the Lord who heard Mary’s prayers.

“Now Lida is in excellent contact with Masha,” our informants continue. – Lida finally realized that her mother never wanted to hurt her. She worried about her with all her heart. And now he hopes that everything will work out for them. They communicate, and Masha is very happy about this. She's really happy! Maria tries to help Lida find her path in life. They talk for a long time. We are confident that now everything will be fine for them.

The singer’s first husband does not communicate with her new family / editorial archive

According to the site, Lida is now going to return the home that her star parent bought for her several years ago. She has already contacted a lawyer who will help her sort out difficult housing issues. By the way, Lida’s lawyer was recommended to her by the priest to whom she went to confession.

Lida said that the apartment donated by her mother was sold by her father Vladimir Ermakov, to whom she gave power of attorney. At the same time, Ermakov registered her in his 4-room apartment, however, while she was being treated in the hospital, he discharged her. Apparently, this cannot be done without a trial.

Maria herself has not yet commented on the reconciliation with her daughter. Lately, the artist has been trying not to let strangers into her life. Meanwhile, show business was relieved by the news that Masha had established contact with her daughter.

Masha Rasputina with her husband / Mila Strizh

“Masha recently participated in my program “The Invisible Man,” Evelina Bledans told us. “Experts immediately determined that she had problems with her daughter. And although Masha herself did not go into details, I realized that this was a sore subject for her. I saw how she sincerely worries about her eldest daughter. Despite the outrageousness, Maria is a very sincere person. And I will really be sincerely glad if everything goes well with her daughter. I am absolutely sure that this will happen. And Lida will only benefit from this: nothing can replace maternal love.

/To the point
“Masha wanted to make her a star!”

In one of her few interviews, Lida admitted that she always looked like a star mother. “But the Lord did not give me such a talent,” the girl complained then. Although Lida still made attempts to conquer the stage. At one of the concerts, she even sang backing vocals with Rasputina. However, this was the end of her singing career.

Nikolay Pajitnikov

Lida Ermakova gave an interview for the first time, telling the truth about her mother

The scandal between Masha Rasputina and her ex-husband Vladimir Ermakov continues to gain momentum. When our newspaper discovered the singer’s 28-year-old daughter in a psychiatric clinic near Moscow, the pop star hastened to pick up Lida and send her to the city of Efremov (details and video). At the winery owned by Masha’s current husband, Viktor ZAKHAROV, the girl scrubbed toilets. Throughout her “exile,” her mother demanded that her daughter slander her own father. Lydia couldn’t stand it, ran away back to Moscow and came to a clinic for the mentally ill: she had no other place to live. We visited an unfortunate girl who, only for our publication, decided to tell the truth about her relationship with her mother.

The story of the eldest daughter Masha Rasputina not just scary: it defies any logical analysis. As we already wrote, the singer threw out Lydia Ermakova from his life, first by driving her out of the mansion on Rublyovka, and then by selling the apartment registered to the girl. Finding herself on the street, the artist’s daughter wandered around monasteries and ended up in a psychiatric hospital - for the last few years, specialized clinics have become her home. Her mother not only did not visit her, but also did not send her money for basic hygiene products. We, like thousands of our readers, were perplexed: what did Lida do, since the person closest to her turned away from her?

We hoped to learn the answer from the program “Let Them Talk,” dedicated to Ermakova. However, Rasputina did not explain herself: she poured out a stream of abuse against her daughter and ex-husband and gave the floor to her director Andrey Kovalev, who voiced monstrous things - Lida slept with her own father! This was “confirmed” by the artist’s current husband Victor Zakharov, who said that it seemed like he came to Ermakov, and “they were lying naked in bed.” Lydia herself was not given a word in the program: for a couple of minutes in the frame, she only whispered that “Mom is good” and “I’m sorry.” After the show, Vladimir Ermakov filed a lawsuit against Rasputin for insults: the former called him a “goat,” “a scumbag,” and a “fence dog.” He wrote the second statement - about the illegal sale of his daughter's apartment - to the prosecutor's office and gave testimony.

In the near future, Lida will have to tell the investigator of the economic crimes department how she ended up registered in the barracks. Next up is a statement against Kovalev for slander about incest. By the way, Masha hastily fired her director.

During the divorce, I gave all the money I had acquired over 18 years of star life to Masha,” says Vladimir. “I wanted these savings to buy my daughter Lida an apartment. And they kicked her out onto the street.

In the clinic

In the “red corner” of the hospital room, Lida prayed desperately. Without hearing the words, I understood what this girl could ask for. Seeing Vladimir Ermakov, with whom I came to the psychiatric clinic, Lida threw herself on his neck.

Dad, I'm so glad you came! - she cried. From further conversation, we found out that Masha Rasputina never met her daughter after she was discharged from the hospital in Sergiev Posad. The singer sent a driver who took the girl to the Tula region to a winery owned by the artist’s husband Zakharov. The program “Let Them Talk” did not help either, after which many hoped that Rasputin would come to his senses. While Masha was showing off in an expensive fur coat and telling with her pumped lips what a “complete idiot” her daughter was, Lydia was pouring wine into bottles and scrubbing toilets. - Lida, where have you been all this time? We thought that your mother took you and you were sleeping on silk sheets on Rublyovka. “I was in the city of Efremov at the factory,” the girl explained. - Uncle Nikolai took me there. Mom said: “We are giving you a chance to improve, you must start working.” I worked with pleasure. I washed the tremors - I was, however, reproached for choosing an easier job. Then I stood on the line: it’s harder, but more pleasant than toilets.

- Why did you leave the factory?

They didn’t show me the “Let Them Talk” program right away. Only a few days later I saw her in the recording. There was a lot of untruth in it, and I didn’t like it. Firstly, my father never slept with me, as Zakharov and director Andrei Kovalev stated. Secondly, it was not my father who sold the apartment, but my mother. But the last straw was when my mother demanded that I confirm that the housing scam was my father’s doing. I got tired of the lies, so I ran away. - Did you see your mother after being discharged from the clinic in Sergiev Posad?- No, and I didn’t cross the threshold of her house. But she never came to see me at the hospital, and now she’s gone... - Why does she treat you like this? What did you do to her?- I love my father and mother equally, no matter what evil they did to me. They are the ones who are fighting, and I am not participating in these showdowns. Why do they hate each other so much? What should they share? Money? Maybe mom behaves this way because I treated her like a pig when she was pregnant with Mashenka? After my parents’ divorce, I lived with my mother and her second husband Zakharov. They only said bad things about my father, but they themselves sent me away to him. Why should my mother still be offended by me? With journalists, except during the program Malakhova, I didn't communicate. Although she believes that several years ago I gave an interview to some newspaper, it was not me, but dad who told everything. (Vladimir himself says that he didn’t say anything bad about Masha. “He said only good things, and taught Lida not to be offended by her mother. She’s alone, and there won’t be another,” Ermakov explained). - On the program she called you lazy. Didn't you want to work?- I don’t know why I called you. Mom doesn’t understand that I’m a sick person and I need a different approach: I can’t do any work.

- Maybe Rasputina’s youngest daughter is jealous of you? And Masha protects her from you?

My sister once told me: “We’re so tired of you, we’d better take you to a mental hospital!” I was offended and ran away at night. I took a taxi to my father, but he did not open the door. Then to my grandfather in Siberia. But they didn’t accept me there either. I'm back. In order not to be left on the street, I asked the taxi driver to take me to Tushino. She said that there was no money, but my father would give it on the spot. Dad sent me. He said: go to your mother. So, thanks to my parents, I was beaten and raped at night. - How did the turning point in your relationship with your mother begin?- I was raped at the age of 16 in a pioneer camp in Greece. Mom didn’t help me, but said: “It’s my own fault. If you are pregnant, have an abortion, I don’t need your offspring.” - Who sold your apartment and how did you end up registered in a barracks in Sergiev Posad? Rasputina assures that everything was set up by your father. - When my mother’s second husband, Viktor Zakharov, allegedly bought me a Moscow apartment on Mosfilmovskaya, I was treated in a psychiatric hospital in Kashchenko. My mother and her brother came to see me almost every day. Nikolay Ageev. They brought food. One day, my uncle put me in a jeep, where another girl was sitting, and said: “Sign the documents for the apartment before Ermakov gets ahead.” I believed him and my mother, I thought that my father really wanted to take the apartment. She signed the documents in the places where the girl showed. I hoped that I would live with my mother, as she promised. But then she said: “You’ll either go to a boarding school or to a psychiatric hospital.” Where I am to this day. As EG wrote, the past of Masha Rasputina’s brother Nikolai Ageev is connected with crime. He served time for the murder of a minor boy. It is interesting that he is Masha’s right hand. Now the man has come into faith and speaks only about the salvation of the soul, God. It looks like he really has something to pray for.

- Lida, your school friend told me that you are thinking about a monastery...

I don't want to go to a monastery. I was there twice, I realized that it was not for me. I don't see my future in this situation. I don’t want to go to my mother: she will send me to a boarding school. We need to live on our own, but where? Dad has guests: he rents out rooms to pay for utilities. (Turning to her father, Lida suddenly asked: “Why don’t you buy me a folding bed so that I can live in the same room with you?”) As it turned out, pensioner Vladimir Ermakov barely makes ends meet to pay the utilities for a four-room apartment on on the outskirts of the capital, which, according to him, is 13 thousand rubles per month. -Have you asked your mother where you should live?“Either in the monastery, nor under it,” she told me. - Father says you need seven thousand rubles a month for potent drugs?- I'm not violent, but I need pills, otherwise I don't sleep at night. We just completed a course of injections today. They will treat you here for now, and then they may transfer you to another hospital.

As the head of the clinic’s department assured us, Ermakova will live in the hospital for now. Doctors are shocked

We, doctors, are horrified by what the parents did to the girl,” said the head of the department where Lida lies, Olga Dydyshko. - I felt sorry for her after the program on Channel One. The attending physicians know all the patients' secrets. So: it’s a lie that her father slept with her! We asked Lida.

- Will you write her out?-Only on the condition that she moves in with her father. He needs to get guardianship, which requires a conclusion about her incapacity, which we will give. In general, we need to bring up documents for the period of Lida’s illness, when her apartment was sold, and request an extract. Even if the girl was not in the hospital at the time of signing the papers, she may be declared incompetent at that time.

S. Recently, Andrei Malakhov, at the 10th anniversary of the “Let Them Talk” program, talked about his highest-rated broadcasts.

In third place is the confession of Maria Rasputina, my best friend, who outstripped all representatives of culture. She's a superstar.

There was just one thing the presenter didn’t take into account: you can’t do PR for the misfortune of your own daughter, who again ended up in a mental hospital.

Masha Rasputina is the most famous Russian pop star. In the 90s, at the peak of her fame, she performed a number of hits that were heard not only by her admirers for a long time. While fighting for her place in the sun, Rasputina went through a difficult life path, but thanks to her sociable nature, she quickly fit into the right environment.

In the 80s, her friends included such personalities as Alexandru Ucupnic, Maxim Dunaevsky, Alexander Lukyanenko, and Leonid Derbenev. Despite the significant difference in age (namely 33 years), Leonid Derbenev became a true friend for Rasputina, with whom she maintained not only working, but also warm friendly relations until his death.

Personal life of the legendary singer

In parallel with her creative development and growing popularity, Masha Rasputina built her personal life. She first married Vladimir Ermakov, from whom she gave birth to her first daughter, Lida, in 1983. When the girl was 16 years old, her parents divorced.

Rasputina's second marriage took place in 1999. Then Viktor Zakharov, a successful businessman and rich man, won her heart. In 2000, the couple had a daughter, Maria Zakharova.

Lydia Ermakova (daughter of Rasputina): something went wrong

And it would seem that everything could be wonderful - two wonderful beautiful daughters, a loving husband and a glorious career. But still, Masha Rasputina’s eldest daughter could not fit into the new family. She constantly made scandals and fell into depression, which was sometimes accompanied by aggressive states. It was at one of these moments that Rasputina sent her daughter for treatment to a psychiatric hospital.

For a long period, Masha Rasputina’s daughter was treated in the hospital. At first, the star mother occasionally took her daughter home, but this did not last long, and Lida’s stay within the walls of the hospital began to be permanent. Once it got to the point that Rasputina showed assistance in transferring her daughter to a psychoneurological boarding school - she practically did not visit her child, let alone financial support or maintenance.

Vladimir Ermakov - father

From an interview taken with the girl’s father, Vladimir Ermakov, it is known that after his divorce from Masha Rasputina, he gave all the accumulated savings over the years of marriage to his wife for the needs of his growing daughter. Which is why she bought an apartment for her daughter.

According to her father, Lida’s mental state began to fail after their divorce. Around the same time, her vocal singing teacher died - Lida was very attached to him. After all these events, she began to have her first breakdowns - prolonged depression, aggressive states, she began to modulate very strange situations in her head, which she sometimes told strangers about... According to her father, he knew about all this only by hearsay, since after the divorce Masha almost immediately got married and took Lida into a new family.

Masha Rasputina - mother

For a long time, Rasputina tried to show herself in a good light in relation to her daughter, but since she could not hide her sewing in a bag, over time, unseemly details became known. The singer refused to comment on the current situation. But one day, in the program “Let Them Talk,” dedicated to Ermakova, Rasputina spoke about her vision of the situation. She poured out a stream of dirt against her daughter, accusing her of incest. This was confirmed by Viktor Zakharov, who said that he personally saw dad and daughter lying naked in bed.

Rasputina also said that Lida constantly got into her personal life and constantly accused her of breaking off relations with her father.

Lydia Ermakova

At the time of the broadcast, Lida was working at the plant of Rasputina’s new husband. According to some information, the girl was taken from the psychiatric hospital at the insistence of close family friends. But after Ermakova watched the TV show and heard her mother’s comments, she ran away and after a while found herself back within the hospital walls.

According to the girl herself, as well as the hospital medical staff, during the entire period of Lida’s stay, Rasputina practically did not appear in the hospital. In addition, she completely refused financial assistance and custody of her daughter.

Scandal or black PR for Rasputina?

Why doesn’t Ermakova live in the apartment bought with her father’s money, and where is Masha Rasputina’s daughter now?

According to information provided in the media, in 2011, when Ermakova was undergoing yet another long-term treatment in the hospital, her uncle (Masha Rasputina’s brother) came to her and asked her to sign documents for an apartment, citing the reason that luxury housing would not go to her father. And since the girl was under the influence of psychotropic drugs, after a couple of minutes of conversation the necessary signatures were already on paper. The apartment was sold very quickly.

According to Lida, she remembers this situation very well. But he cannot adequately evaluate his actions. After a while, Masha Rasputina’s daughter filed an application with the court to consider the case of the illegal sale of the apartment, but information about the results of this case and even the progress of the process itself did not appear in the press.

Not long ago, information appeared in the media about the reconciliation of mother and daughter, but there is no verified information about the whereabouts of the girl at the moment. There are guesses that now the eldest daughter of Masha Rasputina is in a monastery, since Rasputina became a frequent guest of one of them. But no one knows whether this is really so.



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