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Dollar tree according to feng shui. Feng Shui in our home

Helping improve the situation. We offer the Top 8 plants that will return happiness and harmony to the family and revive tender feelings.

1. Spathiphyllum (“Women’s Happiness”) – one of the most famous plants that helps you find your soulmate, get pregnant, and restore mutual understanding and love to your family. It is unpretentious in care: it grows even in partial shade and blooms for a long time. Spathiphyllum needs to be sprayed every day and replanted in the spring into new soil.

2. Uzambara violet - a popular flower, it can be found in many homes. This is a symbol eternal love, the plant can restore trust in the family, eliminate quarrels and conflicts. In order for the violet to be beneficial, it is better to place it on the windowsill on the western or eastern side. It is important to remember that this flower loves a lot of light and does not tolerate watering with hard water.

3. Myrtle endowed with healing properties, translated from Greek means “balm”. It will help make the marriage successful. In a house where myrtle grows there is always peace, harmony and happiness. In some countries, it is customary to give this evergreen shrub to newlyweds as a wedding gift.

4. Orchid – an ideal plant for strong and cheerful people who know how to make important decisions and never give up. It will help you establish relationships with your loved one, achieve success and create a strong family. But it is not recommended for weak-willed people to grow it. It is better to find a place for an orchid in the living room or office.

5. Hibiscus (Chinese rose) will return passion and love to the spouses. That is why it is better to place this flower in the bedroom. Thanks to hibiscus, the feelings and relationships of husband and wife will become reverent and tender.

6. Chlorophytum It may seem like an inconspicuous plant to some, but people often call it “Family Happiness.” If the flower is lush and grows quickly, it means that happiness and harmony will soon come to the house. Spouses who dream of conceiving a child should transplant chlorophytum into a bright pot with children's drawings. And the appearance of arrows means that there will soon be a new addition to the house.

7. Pelargonium is an indispensable talisman for family life. This flower is able to cleanse the aura in the house. A plant with red inflorescences will bring prosperity, and a plant with pink inflorescences will bring love. Geranium will help improve sleep and maintain peace of mind. Pots should be placed on western and southern windows.

8. Chrysanthemum will return reverent feelings to spouses who have lived together for a long time. It preserves love and mutual understanding and prevents quarrels. But in order for the flower to reveal its magical properties, it must be carefully looked after. If a chrysanthemum blooms magnificently on an unmarried woman, the owner of the plant will soon meet her love.


  • 10 plants that attract love

- “I want to be loved and love.” You can often hear similar words from both young girls and mature women. And it’s true, it’s never too late or too early to love. But it happens that that same luck in love never finds its way to the recipient. There are several ways to strengthen feminine energy and attract simple feminine happiness.

You will need

  • - mandarin ducks
  • - pigeons
  • - spathiphyllum plant


The flower is popularly called “women’s happiness.” And for good reason. After all, the shape of its flowers is very interesting: small white inflorescences are surrounded by one large white petal. The most interesting thing is that you need to place it exactly in the room where a single girl or a couple sleeps. According to legend, this flower brings happiness to its owners in terms of love. But it also requires difficult care. The main thing is to prevent it from drying out.

The next attribute of a love relationship is mandarin ducks. This is a paired figurine, there should always be two of them. It should be placed in the southwest.


Avoid lilac color. Your room should not be in lilac tones. After all, this one color - color loneliness.

Helpful advice

For men, there is also a flower called (popularly “male happiness”) anthurium, which gives masculine strength and energy. This flower looks like spathiphyllum. You can place them side by side; white and bright scarlet flowers will go well together.

There is probably little more that a person who has love and love in his life could wish for. These gifts of fate can be attracted if you give yourself the right attitude and work on your own personality.

Before you change the reality around you and the attitude of those around you, make a change in your own character and worldview. If you want to attract love into your life, learn to give it first. You need to give this wonderful feeling to yourself.

Look at yourself with different eyes, smile at your own reflection in the mirror. Think about all the good things about you. Discard thoughts about any shortcomings. Believe me, every person has them. You must be firmly convinced that you are worthy of love, that you deserve to receive this wonderful feeling.

When you stop waiting for love, and start living in it, then your life will change. A real feeling will come, that same person will appear who will become family and friends. You just need not to look for some kind of consolation in relationships with other people, confirmation of your own need or merits, but simply accept love in a state of joyful calm.

Don't forget about self-confidence. Low self-esteem can be a serious obstacle to love and happiness. A person who does not value and love himself enough will not be able to realize his own potential. In a relationship, such an individual feels insecure, and this can overshadow even a successful union.

A person who is consumed by doubts and fears cannot enjoy the present moment. But learning to live here and now is one of the paths to happiness. Even in a sad time of life for objective reasons, you can find an island of joy and peace in your soul, but only if you live in harmony with yourself.

It is important to think positively if you want to bring happiness into your life. An optimistic person has more joyful moments during the day, if only because he notices them. Moreover, your inner mood affects how events develop around you. Don't forget that thoughts are material.

To achieve happiness, you need to achieve harmony between your soul and outside world. Listen to yourself. Find your favorite job or hobby and half the battle will be done. Don’t be afraid to change your life, because this is the only way to build it in the form you want. Awareness of the problem and working on yourself is the first step. Next, you need to take action to make your dreams come true.

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Some individuals are attracted a large number of completely different people. It's all about certain character traits that make communication with them pleasant and comfortable.

Character traits

People to whom others are drawn may have a certain set of personal qualities. For example, others are attracted to kind, sensitive, sincere people. Next to such individuals they feel calm and confident. Moreover, the selfless attitude of these individuals cannot help but be flattering.

Purposeful individuals evoke respect from others, of course, if in their desire to achieve their goal these individuals do not compromise their own principles and the interests of others. Calm, balanced individuals are liked by others because they control the manifestation of their excessive emotions, especially negative ones. Unnecessary outbursts, hysterics and scandals on the part of some individuals do not make you want to communicate with them further.

Cheerful people are liked by others for their sense of humor. With such individuals, a positive attitude appears even in a difficult situation. Good mood, smiles and joy such individuals give to their friends and acquaintances. Optimistic, friendly and open people They attract others because communication with them is very comfortable. Such individuals infect us with their faith in the best and their ability to see the good even in unpleasant moments.

Human behavior

An individual's behavior also plays a big role in how others perceive him. Of course, extroverts have a better chance of being liked by others, since they know how to approach other people and establish contact with them. Introverts are much less developed.

Individuals who are active life position, evoke more sympathy from other members of society because they have more opportunities to express positive traits of your character. “Grey mice” may have a variety of talents that delight other people, but they rarely give themselves the chance to demonstrate them in public.

Others are attracted to individuals who are interested in them. Show a lively, sincere interest in another person, and you will partially win his favor. Besides, people like good storytellers. If you know how to tell interesting stories and have a conversation in general, you have every chance of being recognized in the team.

Individual's appearance

It is worth noting the appearance of people who attract others. Individuals who are pleasant in appearance have a greater chance of gaining favor from others. People with completely unremarkable appearance, like well-written handsome men, can repel others. So remember that the rule of the golden mean applies here.

Of course, it is important to be a well-groomed, neat, tidy person in order to please others. Hairstyle, manicure, clean shoes, ironed clothes, light perfume will make you pleasant to talk to.

Tip 5: Houseplants that attract wealth into your home

Indoor plants make a home more comfortable, improve energy and create a special aura. Each gardener has his own indoor favorites: some have orchids growing on all their windowsills, others prefer violets or pelargoniums. But each plant not only decorates the room, but also brings love and good luck to the house. There are also flowers that will help their owner become more successful and richer.

If you believe in the superstition that they bring money and good luck into your home, purchase “money plants.” Along with their growth, your profit will also increase. We offer the top 5 indoor plants, which you need to have for financial well-being in the house.

1. Crassula (crassula)- the well-known money tree. This is an unpretentious plant with dense leaves that are shaped like coins. To attract money, the fat plant needs to be planted in a red pot, a few coins buried in the ground, and a red ribbon or thread tied to the trunk of the plant. Do not forget to water and feed the Crassula on time, then there will always be prosperity in the house.

2. . If you place a cactus in the bedroom, it can destroy family happiness. This is true, and if these indoor plants are placed in the hall, office or kitchen, they will become strong financial talismans. They help you gain confidence and move quickly through career ladder and earn good capital.

3. . This beautiful plant is a companion creative people. It helps you gain confidence in yourself and solve any difficult task. If fuchsia grows and blooms in your house, you can achieve success in any business, and therefore become richer.

4. Pelargonium (indoor geranium). This is one of the most useful and unpretentious indoor plants, which can also attract cash flows into the house. But for this it needs to be grown next to another bright flowering plant, for example, an azalea or an indoor rose.

5. Aucuba (golden tree). The plant will help a modest person to show his abilities, become noticeable and reach career heights. It will unite the family and protect its owner from troubles and misfortunes.

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For most people, indoor plants are common decor. They stand in pots, engage in photosynthesis, and that’s fine. Observant women who are interested in color breeding will tell you that this is not at all true.

An indoor flower can become a real family talisman and bring happiness to the house. In this article you will learn which indoor plants bring family happiness.

1. The first place in this list rightfully belongs to spathiphyllum (popularly known as “Women’s Happiness”).

This perennial plant comes from the distant forests of South America. It is not difficult to grow. The main thing: be sure to spray your Spathiphyllum every day, and in the spring, replant it in fresh soil.

How it will help us:

– unmarried people will find their soul mate;

– who is already thinking about a child will become pregnant;

– in a family where “Women’s Happiness” grows, there will always be love and mutual understanding.

2. In second place in our “rating” is a very beautiful flower with the exotic name Uzambara violet, or Saintpaulia.

Violets, as everyone knows, love careful care, they need a lot of light, and they do not tolerate hard water. Nevertheless, this capricious person is very popular among us.

Violet helps maintain peace in the family: quarrel less. In addition, this flower is a symbol of eternal love.

3. The third is also a well-known plant - Chinese rose, hibiscus.

Everyone loves her beautiful and large flowers.

Hibiscus needs warmth, because it comes from the tropics, but not more than 35 degrees.

If Hibiscus appears in your home, expect passionate love soon.

4. In fourth place among plants of happiness is hoya, or “wax ivy.”

This indoor vine has many varieties. For example, there is Hoya Kerry, which in some countries is given as a “Valentine” on February 14th. But in their homes, people most often grow beautiful hoya or fleshy hoya.

Hoya will bring you family happiness, especially if you put it in your bedroom.

5. Myrtle occupies the golden mean of our list.

This evergreen shrub bears small white flowers. In addition to beauty, it also has healing properties. The word “myrtle” itself is translated from Greek as “balm”.

It is believed that myrtle makes a marriage successful, and brings happiness and peace to an already established family.

In some countries, this plant is even considered the best gift for newlyweds.

6. Aichrizon – and sixth place. Popular nicknames are “tree of love” and “tree of happiness”.

This indoor flower, which can grow up to 30 cm in height. It has peculiar leaves, similar in shape to hearts.

Aichrizon, as the name implies, brings love and happiness to its owner.

7. The next plant for those seeking happiness is the beautiful and unpretentious calathea.

This indoor plant with beautiful patterned leaves is native to America. Many people grow Calathea for its beautiful foliage. But you and I now know that calathea helps us in our family life, because it is a symbol of domestic happiness.

8. Who's next? The well-known chlorophytum, or simply “family happiness”.

This plant is easy to care for. It grows well and blooms beautifully. Just water it more in the summer.

With chlorophytum, your family life will be happy and calm - that’s what people say.

9. The penultimate giver of happiness on our list is oxalis (Oxalis).

Oxalis juice contains oxalic acid, which is why it has this name. It can be grown both indoors and in the garden. And how many different healing properties it has!.. But that’s another topic.

If you want to find your love, then get a wood sorrel. If you want to save a family, then start one.

10. And finally, our list closes (may men forgive me!) anthurium, or “male happiness.”

This flower comes in a variety of varieties. He can't stand straight lines sun rays, requires frequent spraying and is sensitive to high humidity (especially during growth). And what is very important - it is poisonous! (Our spathiphyllum next to it is an angel.)

But it gives men masculine strength. And all together - success and happiness in love.

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To harmonize the living space, as well as to attract good luck, wealth, love and family well-being It is good to use various living and decorative mascot trees.

For example, according to Feng Shui, a dollar tree attracts wealth to the house, and a myrtle tree attracts family well-being.

If you place all the symbols correctly, your life will change significantly in a short time.

The meaning of wood in the eastern feng shui system

In the Feng Shui system, it is necessary not only to take into account the correct arrangement of furniture and the layout of rooms in a house or apartment, but also to take into account additional elements, such as landscaping or the placement of various talismans around the perimeter. Of course, all this must be done according to the rules.

Today we will focus on home landscaping. The importance of trees in Feng Shui cannot be overestimated. Having them in your home promotes growth and change, so if you feel stagnant in any area of ​​your life, consider purchasing suitable tree and change will come to you. If there are trees in the house, but there is still no comfort, then perhaps they are not positioned correctly.

In autumn, trees bear fruit, so your efforts will not be in vain. Be sure that when proper care and a harmonious combination of trees, you can get your fruits in the form of material or other benefits. Later in this article we will look at which trees can bring good luck and which wealth, and how to care for them.

Peach tree: a symbol of immortality according to Feng Shui

What can a peach tree bring to your home according to Feng Shui? According to Chinese beliefs and legends, the peach is a symbol of long life and good health, because the fruits of this particular tree are part of the elixir of immortality. Therefore, if someone gives you such a tree as a gift, then be sure that this person wishes only the best for you.

Other tree features

Besides symbolic meaning peach fruit, its other parts are also often used, like the tree itself as a whole. Let's take a closer look.

  • Wood has the ability to scare away demons and evil spirits, so it is hung in different parts home to protect him.
  • Peach flowers have a special power that helps women attract and charm men.
  • This tree is a symbol of durable and happy marriage, therefore it is often presented as a gift to newlyweds or they themselves purchase it for a new home.
  • Peach promotes the conception of children. It often happens that couples who cannot have children for a long time buy a peach. After some time, a baby comes to their house. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the tree, place photographs of children next to it, and lovingly care for it.
  • If you plant or place a peach tree in the center of your home, you will thereby attract prosperity to your home.

Feng Shui tree symbols in the interior

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase and place a whole tree (even a small one) in their home. In this case, you can buy a figurine of a peach or a painting with its image. All this will also allow you to establish a happy family life and improve your health.

Myrtle tree - family well-being

According to Feng Shui, the myrtle tree is a symbol of family well-being. In ancient times, it was presented as a gift to the bride so that the life of the newlyweds would be happy and prosperous. If the mother-in-law did this, then in this way she also gave her blessing.

It should be noted that the presence of myrtle in the family makes the relationship between spouses stronger. Love is revived (of course, considerable efforts must be made by the spouses themselves), loyalty and understanding come, relationships are harmonized.

The myrtle tree brings harmony to the house, its inhabitants become calm and peaceful. This also applies to small animals and children. For the latter, the presence of this tree in the house will reduce fears and anxieties (if they are present).

Where to put myrtle?

For the successful development of the plant, it is better to place it in a place where there are few people, for example, in the bedroom. But it is not forbidden to place it in less quiet rooms, he will probably take root there too. Moreover, if this is a room into which a lot of external energy comes, then the tree will be able to protect your home from the penetration of negative energy.

Features of care

It should also be remembered that myrtle does not like direct sunlight, but needs open fresh air. So that your tree does not wither, in summer time Water it regularly, but do not overwater it, and limit watering in winter. It should be noted that in winter the plant may shed its leaves if it is too hot, but do not worry, everything will be restored in the spring. The optimal temperature for it during this period is about eight degrees.

According to Feng Shui, the tangerine tree brings happiness (in any form) to the home, as well as good luck and prosperity. In China, there is a belief that giving tangerine fruits is a wish for happiness and prosperity to a person.

Mandarin will also help couples improve or change their personal relationships, because this tree is a love tree and personifies undying passion. If you feel that your relationship is lacking something, then be sure to buy a tree, it will help you change this energy for the better.

It is also believed that tangerine promotes good luck in wealth, since it quite quickly activates the savings that a person already has. In addition, it has the wonderful property of absorbing bad Qi, which significantly helps cleanse home energy for the better.

How to buy a tangerine so that it works correctly

You must not be in the area while purchasing a tree. bad mood. If you are acting under duress or regret the money spent, then it is better not to purchase a tangerine at all. It won't bring you good luck.

It is very good to give a tangerine tree. This is the key to long-term relationships between people (friendly or romantic, turning into marital ones).

Placing a tangerine tree in an apartment

Let's take a closer look at how your life can change if you place a tree in a certain place in your home.

  • By placing a tangerine in the eastern part of the house, you will be able to improve your health, as well as increase the likelihood of achieving everything you have planned.
  • To gain wealth, you should place a tangerine tree in the room where family members most often gather. This can be a cozy living room or a spacious hall.

Lemon tree: a symbol of knowledge and curiosity

Feng Shui lemon tree is very useful to keep in the house, especially if there are children in it. It promotes curiosity and also increases the desire for knowledge. In this regard, lemon can be placed in the children's room or where various activities take place. If your children need to increase their independence or increase their activity, then you will also need it.

In addition, the tree has powerful energy, especially during the period of flowering or fruit appearance. Lemon highlights it, protecting the home from various unfavorable factors that can enter the house. It should be noted that the larger the fruit, the better the protection.

Medicinal properties of lemon

And, of course, lemon has many healing properties. With just his presence, he helps to cure numerous ailments of those who live next to him. It has a particularly strong effect on the liver and blood, improving their condition.

Lemon will also help get rid of fear and depression, increasing a person’s vigor. This happens due to the release of essential oils into the air. At the same time, they kill harmful microbes, which improves the quality of this air.

Feng Shui coffee tree: happiness and wealth to your home

The Feng Shui coffee tree is considered mystical in Chinese legend, symbolizing health and wealth. The same applies to the fruits of this tree. They are used as talismans to attract wealth to the home.

In addition to wealth, the coffee tree protects the family in which it lives from quarrels and negative energy. In this case, it needs to be placed in the love zone, so you will help your life change for the better, your family ties will become much stronger, and stability will appear.

Coffee topiary: meaning

If it is not possible to plant coffee sprouts at home, then you can purchase the now popular coffee topiary. This symbol will be able to replace a living plant while providing the same protection.

If you want to enhance the effects of the coffee tree, then make it yourself, especially since it is very simple. Be sure to use natural coffee beans and decorate the finished product to your liking. This way you will emphasize the importance of the talisman and it will answer you in kind.

Trees made of natural stones: amethyst

A very popular Feng Shui symbol is a tree with leaves made of natural stones. The tree itself is a symbol of growth and prosperity, and if you add the symbolism of stones to it, you get a very powerful talisman.

For example, amethyst tree promotes harmonization family relations, and, of course, brings prosperity to the family. Any negative energy with the help of this stone is transformed into positive, and this is what helps calm the mind and make the right decision.

Where to place the amethyst tree

If you don’t know where the amethyst tree is placed according to Feng Shui, then you should know that one of the best options would be the southwest or northeast in the workroom. Thanks to this, your working conditions will become much calmer and your business will improve. By placing a tree in the southeast, you can attract wealth, and in the south, you will increase fame and earn a reputation.

Money trees in the house according to Feng Shui

If your finances are not going well in your life, you should purchase an effective talisman that is aimed at increasing your wealth. This could be a living Feng Shui wealth tree or an artificial talisman, which you can even make yourself.

Orange is the pure “gold” of wealth

This is actually a tree that simply attracts money to itself. The family in which he settles will be provided with a stable income and constant growth prosperity. It is no coincidence that in China there is a tradition of giving small orange seedlings.

They also have another tradition - weaving orange flowers into brides' braids, as this is a symbol of fertility and abundance. Thus, relatives bless the marriage.

According to Feng Shui, the orange tree can be purchased in the form of talismans, for example, paintings or figurines. It is better to place them in the southwest sector (love) or in the southeast sector (money).

Types of dollar trees

Today, several plants are called dollar trees, which, according to Feng Shui signs, bring this particular American currency into the house. Below we will briefly look at which ones. You can read more detailed information on our website in the corresponding article.


A popular unpretentious plant that can be found in almost every home. It is also called the dollar tree. However, for it to work correctly, you need to meet the conditions - put a coin under the pot, communicate with the plant, and also decorate its branches with dollar bills.

Crassula or Crassula vulgaris

This plant is considered a money tree, especially since its leaves are shaped very much like coins. To attract money into the pot, you also need to bury coins. You need to plant the plant yourself; it is advisable that the sprout be stolen. The greatest chance of increasing money appears when the tree blooms.

Artificial symbol

This is another variation of the dollar tree. You can make it yourself using Chinese lucky coins.

Now you know which wealth trees will bring good luck to your home, cash flow or harmony in relationships. As mentioned above, according to Feng Shui, the dollar tree is wealth in your home, activation of all opportunities in business and at work. For success in family life you will need a myrtle tree, and for good health– peach. To correct any situation, you just need to choose a harmonious plant and place it in the right place.

Feng Shui - this is not a religion. Feng Shui is the centuries-old science of harmony in the home.

Harmony in our home helps in life and attracts good luck.

Great importance play internal positive attitude and TALISMANS - helpers - activating certain zones (sectors) in our home - which are responsible for one or another area of ​​our life (health, career, love, wealth, etc.) and attract good luck in this direction.

So, let’s tune in to the positive and decide what we need for happiness, harmony and well-being.

To begin with, it makes sense to activate exactly those sectors that are responsible for what is of primary and most important importance to us today. And gradually you can activate sectors that are less important at the moment.

The main thing is don’t fuss and don’t rush things!

We decided, activated the sectors and forgot about it. Live relaxed and calm!

All zones responsible for well-being in Feng Shui are distributed according to the cardinal directions.

To determine the cardinal directions in our home, it is necessary, of course, to acquire a compass.

Stand, if possible, in the center of the apartment and put the compass on your hand, determine the cardinal directions.

Some Feng Shui experts advise standing with your back to front door.

But from experience, it is more convenient to take measurements, after all, being in the center of the apartment.

The red arrow always points to the North!

Sometimes, when you are in an apartment or house, errors may occur in determining the cardinal directions (more often this happens in panel houses due to reinforced concrete structures).

Take a test measurement while outside.

Those. a small circle in the center is the Central sector, a large circle covers the entire apartment and it, without capturing the central sector, is divided into 9 sectors of equal size. Each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​our life.

We have determined the cardinal directions, in which sector they fall, enter them there for accuracy.

It is in these parts of the apartment (house) that we will activate the sectors of luck that are necessary for us.

More detailed description See how to do this below.

CENTER apartments (houses) is always responsible for HEALTH and WELL-BEING.









Determine the most important directions for you and your loved ones living in this house and activate them using Feng Shui methods.

I will immediately note, regardless of your interests and desires, zones HEALTH(center) and ASSISTANTS(northwest) are perhaps universally important for any person.

Because Without health, neither love, nor money, nor a career will bring joy and happiness to anyone.

And the active zone of assistants is capable of moving any stagnation in the area of ​​interest to us. The phrase “I achieved everything myself” is very relative and erroneous.

People help us, chance helps us, higher power, providence, God - whatever you want to call it, but something independent of us is always capable of giving or taking away. Chance is a myth, there are no accidents, everything that happens is subject to some laws.

To make it easier to get everything you need, be sure to activate the assistant zone.

This is especially important if you have any crisis situation in your life.

You may not believe it at first, just do what Feng Shui advises - the results will not keep you waiting.

Another piece of advice that is universal for everyone without exception is that before activating one direction or another, dismantle the existing rubble in any house, especially if they are located in the area of ​​interest to you.

Rubble and dust- this is stagnant negative energy.

Clearing debris and cleaning - lead energetic forces in motion.

Go through things - things that have not been used or worn for a long time, throw them away, or better yet, give them to those in need or give them as a gift to someone. Good Feng Shui - things should serve, not lie. If a thing served you once, but is still quite suitable, let it serve other people.

By giving something away, you make room for new and more.

The same applies to money - if you don’t give, you won’t receive.

Feng Shui recommends spending the money you have with joy and never regretting your expenses. Be generous (as much as your financial capabilities allow) - give gifts, leave tips, donate to charity.

It is conventionally believed that it is necessary to give at least 10% of what we earn for these purposes, then much more will be returned to us. It's like payment to higher powers for what they received.

Just give for a good cause. Giving a drug addict his fix or simply throwing money or good things in the trash does not count.

Another important role in Feng Shui is played by our inner mood for better and more.

With the psychology of “I have enough, I am enough,” don’t count on development and growth.

After all, if you have enough and practically don’t need anything else, why give it to you. In this case, this “something” is health, money, family happiness, a large apartment, travel, etc. - they will give it to someone who doesn’t have enough, who wants this “something” more. If you need a little, then you will get a little.

Always strive for more and better, just demand more and more from life.

Tell the higher powers THANK YOU for what you have and for what they have given you or allowed you to earn, and “demand” even more.

Therefore, all affirmations for attracting positive energy in Feng Shui (affirmations are an internal mood for the best, a kind of auto-training) are written and pronounced as some kind of beneficial fact that has already been accomplished (although you are still striving for this).

If we lack health, we say “I am a healthy person, but I want and will be the healthiest,” if we want to be richer, we say to ourselves and others, “I am a rich person, but I want and will be very rich,” etc. The main thing is I WANT and I WILL!


Flowers . Flowers should grow upward; Feng Shui does not welcome downward hanging plants and vines crawling along the walls. Our life and our well-being should strive upward, and not follow a sluggish existence.

There should be no limp, unhealthy flowers in the house, especially dried flowers ( dead flowers are not very conducive to the life and development we strive for).

It is better to have artificial flowers or pictures of flowers.

Do you use plants that are popularly carriers of any positive values.

Feng Shui is not welcoming cacti in the house. It is believed that they cut off energy with their needles. Place cacti only in the place you want to isolate yourself from - maybe a negative environment outside the window, a toilet or garbage disposal in an important sector, etc.

Then the cactus can do a good job and cut off the flow of negative energy or the loss of positive energy.

Paintings, Figurines. These principles of “up and on,” “life not death,” “joy not sadness” apply to all images or symbols in our home.

Figurines or paintings of an elephant or horse, for example, should have their head and body raised, not lowered.

Images or symbols of laughing and happy people, and not vice versa.

Water. The same applies to water in the house. Water is a symbol of life and an energetically very strong element.

Therefore, elements with water in the house are very important.

The water should be clean, fresh and should also tend upward.

Therefore, a waterfall with water flowing down or its image is not very good Feng Shui, and neither is an aquarium or flowerpot with stale water.

Some Feng Shui areas require the presence of water elements.

It is better that the elements of water or their image symbolize clean water, or better yet, water in motion, or even better, water moving upward.

Fountains (or images of them), not waterfalls. Clean river, a calm sea (or an image of them), not a pond.

However, more water or objects symbolizing it does not mean better.

There should be moderation in everything.

For example, it is believed that an aquarium in the bedroom is not very good.

Because water itself is a symbol of the elements and a very energetically strong element; a large aquarium on a metaphysical level can interfere with the rest of the owners of the house.

Light . Lighting in the house should be distributed so that there are no dark areas in the house. Especially if any of the important sectors fall on them.

In Feng Shui, fluorescent light and fluorescent lamps are not welcome; such light is considered cold and dead.

Crystal chandeliers and the use of various crystals and anything that gives a reflection, a rainbow or “bunnies” on the walls are very welcome.

This play of light symbolically increases what is acquired in the house, especially wealth and prosperity.


A door is the outer face of a house or apartment.

The front door should be beautiful and solid.

From the outside, the front door must be well lit and a number must be attached to it.

Otherwise, how will luck and wealth find us?

Another important requirement is that if there is a mirror near the entrance to the house, the front door should not be reflected in it.

Otherwise, everything acquired in the house seems to leave it.

It is believed that the Fan also helps against the evil eye and negative influence other people.

This will help protect the house from the arrival bad people, and if they do appear on our doorstep, they will not be able to spoil the aura and good Feng Shui of our home.

If the front door definitely has any of the important Feng Shui sectors, this is also very bad.

This situation can be slightly corrected - hang a mirror on the outside of the door.

Thus, you will, as it were, cut off and reflect this territory.

Place the zone itself and the necessary accessories to activate it nearby.

In Feng Shui, such tricks are acceptable and even encouraged.

The main thing is that the mirror hangs so that the image of yourself is completely contained in it. tall man in the house. Otherwise, we symbolically cut off his life growth, in the sense of development.

This applies to all mirrors in the house. It's better to stretch a little than to squat a little.

In addition, hang wind chimes with hollow tubes at the entrance to your house. They will also cut off the exit of favorable energy from the house.


In order for what we demand from life and receive from it to linger and take root in our home and not slip away like sand through our fingers, it is necessary to do the following.

Every home has a garbage disposal or trash can, as well as plumbing connections.

In Feng Shui, it is believed that along with the water in the bathroom or toilet (also with the garbage), the accumulated positive energy figuratively goes away (this applies to all areas of life - money, health, etc.).

Therefore, if a bathroom or toilet clearly accounts for any of important areas- this is very bad.

Use the “mirror” technique as described in the case of the front door.

It is believed that by placing these elements in such places, everything is symbolically washed away and leaves the house along with the water.

Make sure the toilet remains closed at all times!

The red ribbon symbolically blocks the release of positive energy and acquired values ​​of various types from the house along with water and garbage.


The kitchen in the house symbolizes the hearth.

In the kitchen there is a stove - a symbol of home warmth, a dining table - a symbol of unification, a refrigerator - a symbol of the well-being and satiety of the family.

Keep the kitchen, and especially these important family symbols, clean.

According to Feng Shui, it is very good to keep a bowl of nuts, sweets or fruits (even artificial fruits work) in your home or office - this is for money and well-being.

It is good to place a vase with chocolates, oranges, or better yet lemons in the money sector. Or even better, a whole candy or fruit tree, even an artificial one. These are on sale now.

The kitchen should be well lit, as should all the most important sectors for your family.

Fridge . Periodically empty the refrigerator of stale or long-stored food.

It's very good to keep a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator, even if your family doesn't drink. Champagne in the refrigerator is a symbol that the house is always ready to celebrate another achievement or joyful event, and is also ready for the arrival of good guests.

Table . In Feng Shui, it is believed that a round table is preferable to a rectangular one.

In addition, the kitchen table must be solid and durable. Because the table is a symbol of family, well-being and unity. It is not recommended to place a table made of transparent glass in the kitchen.

It is bad if the table is pushed towards the wall and family members sit facing this wall.

This symbolically blocks the energetic growth and development of those sitting at the table. The expression “I hit a wall” is about such a case.

The same goes for our desk or our child’s desk.

You should always sit with your back to the wall and so that the front door is in our viewing area.

Plate . If space and financial capabilities allow, Feng Shui recommends installing a stove - a family hearth in the center of the kitchen, so that, like the table, all family members have free access. This will have a beneficial effect on the family atmosphere and the well-being of family members.

If there is stagnation in any of the areas of life, especially wealth and well-being, urgently “scrape” the stove. Believe me, it helps.


The bedroom is a place in our home where we should rest in order to recharge ourselves with strength and energy for future achievements.

Accordingly, everything in this room must meet this important principle.

There should be no rubble in the bedroom, no closets with big amount unused things - negative stagnant energy.

Window . Opposite the bedroom window there should not be any sharp external objects or corners - a dry tree without foliage, a spire, a high-voltage line, a sharp corner of a neighboring house, a tower crane, etc.

Also, unfavorable objects in the surroundings of our home - monuments, highways or Railway, cemetery or funeral home, water towers, garbage dumps, etc.

The same rule applies to other windows in the house or apartment.

For more information about colors and their impact on the human psyche, see the KRASSULA website in the “Color” section. From the history of color."

Large amounts of water or water elements are also not recommended for the same reason. Water carries strong energy, which does not promote relaxation.

Mirrors. In Feng Shui, a mirror is a water element and, accordingly, a carrier of strong water energy.

A large number of mirrors is not welcome in the bedroom.

Another requirement is that the bed should not be reflected in the mirror; the larger the reflection, the worse.

Bed . The bed should be comfortable, this is natural. It is recommended to sleep in a direction that is favorable for each person. It is determined by simple calculations according to Feng Shui.

The bed should have a free approach on both sides if you live as a couple and even more so if you dream and strive to find your match.

Above the bed it is recommended to place paintings or images of flowers (peonies, but not prickly roses), hearts, photos of happy couples and other symbols of a good family, loving people, love, romance, an image of a pair of swans, cranes or storks, etc.

There should not be any shelves, cabinets, beams, another tier, etc. above the bed. This “crushes” the positive energy of growth and does not contribute to relaxation. This is fraught with danger, albeit on a subconscious level.

TV, computer . Feng Shui does not recommend placing this window to the world in the bedroom. It is believed that the bedroom is needed for relaxation and charging with positive energy and uniting two loving hearts.

TV is a transmitter into our home and into our brain not only of good and positive information, but also of all the world's problems and misfortunes, sometimes horrors.

Therefore, if we cannot give up our favorite box in the bedroom, for good Feng Shui in the house and the excellent state and mood of its inhabitants, let's try to watch only kind, romantic, calming programs and films in the bedroom.

If unkind or negative information does get into our bedroom, ventilate the room for 20-30 minutes before going to bed. This will restore good Feng Shui in our bedroom and will have a beneficial effect on our health and relaxation.

Follow this principle in other rooms of the house where there is a TV.

The same applies to a computer, especially if it is connected to the Internet.

Feng Shui sectors. If the bedroom has any of the Feng Shui sectors, do not try to overload it with the necessary details to activate this zone. Do a little so that the sleeping and resting area is not too active. It should remain fairly calm, but create a start for new achievements and development.


In every sector of our home, office, etc. a certain element dominates, which is responsible for the development of this direction of our life. There is an element that helps him (nourishes him), and there are elements that harm him.

There are six of these elements, they make up the so-called Circle of Creation.

Nourishes, tree nourishes, fire + tree gives birth EARTH, earth gives birth, metal gives birth WATER.

In turn, fire damages wood; earth and water can kill (extinguish) fire, etc. This is logically understandable.

Always take into account an important factor - a tree, of course, cannot live without water, but a large amount of water can kill the tree by flooding it.

Those. Everything requires measure and balanced calculation.

Let's consider what is the symbol of this or that element. This will help activate the sector in which this element is dominant.

Each element has a specific color scheme. If the water is blue - then shades of blue, etc.

. Water is symbolized by:

Aquarium, fountain, water in a vase (decanter, bowl, etc.), images of water - sea, river, lake, waterfall, etc. Sea symbols - fish, shells, dolphins, pebbles.

Mirrors, crystal.

Colors are shades of blue.


Flowers, a living tree or its images, an artificial tree, a figurine in the form of a tree, wooden objects, twigs, twigs, bark, leaves and the like.

Colors - shades of green, shades of brown.


Fireplace, candles, matches, paintings depicting fire or the sun (sunrise), a sunflower or its image, etc.

Colors - red, yellow, gold.


Flowers in pots with soil, an image of the planet Earth, a globe, pebbles, pebbles, an image of mountains and sculptures, pyramids, products made of jade and other stones, crystals, clay figurines, pots, etc., ceramic products, dishes.

Colors - shades of brown, terracotta, gray, ocher.

Metal products - bells, horseshoes, coins, candlesticks, bowls, sculptures, figurines, etc.

Colors - metallic, silver, gold, bronze, aluminum, brass, etc. White, grey, yellow.

Create a Creation Circle somewhere in your home. It is better to do this in the zone that is most significant for your family - the wealth sector, the family sector, etc.

How to do it?

Determine a place where it is possible to place several simple objects according to the scheme described above - a table, a bookcase, a shelf, a window sill, etc.

Items must be in a certain order "WATER - WOOD - FIRE - EARTH - METAL - WATER" and close in a circle.

Now we know what these elements symbolize, so now we connect fantasy and imagination.

For example, WATER - put a vase with water or a fountain or a picture, etc., next to a TREE - a flower, a wooden object, a snag, a picture, etc., FIRE - a candle, matches, EARTH - a pebble, a clay figurine, a crystal, etc. etc., METAL - coin, bell, metal horseshoe, etc.

Our Circle of Creation created, now he will work for the well-being of our family.

To make this work more active, place this circle on a red napkin (red activates).

Now, more about the Feng Shui sectors in our home (apartment, office, etc.).

As we agreed, first of all we activate HEALTH And ASSISTANTS.

Each sector is favored, helped, damaged or weakened by a particular element.

Each sector corresponds to a certain number.

Each sector is favored by a certain form.

Each sector has “favorite and useful” and “harmful and dangerous” talismans and elements.

How to use this information?

With talismans and symbols of a particular sector, everything is clear.

Number, shape, color - all elements, their design and environment must correspond to these parameters as much as possible.

If the number of the WEALTH sector is 4 - put 4 coins or better 4 bills in it, the favorable shape is cylindrical or rectangular or wavy - use something of exactly these shapes (vase, sculpture, etc.), the favorable color is purple, lilac, green, red - use a purple fountain, a green frog or a red napkin.


Or you can simply cut out 4 rectangles from green (purple, red) paper, put them in the Wealth sector (southeast) or even glue them under the closet, behind the bed, etc., if they are in this zone.

In Feng Shui, it is not necessary to display everything; symbols work even if they are not visible to the prying eye.

HEALTH And WELL-BEING- CENTER - the central part of any house, any apartment.

Main element - Earth

Power element - Fire

Damaging element - Wood

Weakening element - Metal

Sector number - 5

Favorable colors - earth colors (description above)

Dangerous symbols - colors green, black, blue, rectangular shapes.

Talismans- a globe, a fireplace, bamboo, peaches (a symbol of health, youth, longevity), funny little things and humorous pictures, a circle of creation, a large crystal chandelier, a table with red candles, a turtle, a crane.


Power element - Earth

Damaging element - Fire

Weakening element - Water

Sector number - 6

Favorable colors - metal colors

Dangerous symbols - candles, fireplace, red and green colors, triangular shape, excess water symbols.

Talismans - a metal bell or horseshoe, pebbles, portraits of human mentors or “ powerful of the world this", the circle of creation, crystals, the god Ganesha, Hottei, Buddha, icons (for believers), images and souvenirs from distant countries, clay and metal objects, dolphins.

It is very useful to create assistants in the sector Collage(photos or magazine clippings), where images of your most cherished aspirations and dreams will be posted: a laughing healthy baby - if you want children; beautiful wedding couple - family; expensive car, beautiful house, diamonds - wealth; luxury resort - travel; photo of the leader large corporation- career, etc.

Let's say there are only six photos.

Let this collage be in a metal frame or on a gold (silver) background.

Helpers will “know” what exactly we need to help with first. Moreover, if the collage was made with diligence, imagination and with our own hands, then we really need this help.


Power element - Water

Damaging element - Metal

Weakening element - Fire

Sector number - 4

Favorable colors - lilac, violet, green, red

Favorable shapes are cylindrical or rectangular or wavy.

Dangerous symbols - fireplace, candles, a lot of metal, triangular shapes, a lot of red.

Talismans- a fountain, an aquarium with goldfish, fish in a cylindrical column, a Crassula flower (a money tree with rounded foliage), flowers with round leaves, a circle of creation, a large amethyst, Chinese coins, Chinese gods of wealth - Hottei, star elders, dogs, a turtle, a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth, a sailboat (pointing its stern towards the house).

How to activate the wealth zone? How to attract luck and money to our home?

Dismantle the rubble in the house, wash the stove and try to act and think, taking into account the previous tips on organizing the house and how you feel about yourself and your desires.

If the money sector in your apartment is in the bathroom, toilet or front door, use the tricks described above and activate the money zone in the living room.

Feng Shui works by activating both maxi space (the entire apartment or house) and mini space - a separate room.

All necessary sectors can be activated in a single room, the most frequently visited one - such as the living room.

In this area place Crassula tree or another flower with rounded foliage, the larger the better, hang Chinese coins on it, you can put it on a red napkin or four bills.

Install Fountain, better with backlight, better with the image of coins or throw money into the fountain.

You can put an aquarium with goldfish, or just a photo goldfish in frame.

Be sure to buy the figurine Three-legged toad(aka Moon Princess), sitting on coins and with a coin in her mouth. This could be a Chinese coin (with the hieroglyph facing up) or a coin from a wallet (with the coat of arms facing up).

The three-legged toad in Chinese mythology is like the sorceress Frog Princess in Russian.

Better put it on a bill from your wallet and never change it.

Another important symbol of wealth - This is who in Chinese mythology is considered the god of wealth. But he doesn't need to pray. It is believed that he comes to the house with a bag and money, brings prosperity and wealth, and takes problems with him.

It's like the Russian Father Frost - always kind, cheerful and generous.

A laughing Hottei also brings happiness.

Hottei has an assistant - the star elder Phuc. He is holding a large gold Chinese coin in his hands. There is never too much money - find a place for it too.

Place a few coins or bills in the vase, do not change them.

Draw a “hash” icon on the vase (even with nail polish) like on a mobile phone - this Chinese character means “many”. Place a vase with money on a red napkin - let the money multiply.

It will be very useful to purchase Sailboat model. Install it so that it faces toward your home from the front door or window. Be sure to put coins on it (for example, 4) or banknotes.

Don't forget about Effect " Sunny bunnies», especially in this sector.

This could be a crystal chandelier, lamp or candlestick made of crystal, crystals or with shiny stones. The main thing is that there are reflections or spectra on the wall (ceiling), etc.

I have a small mirror with the image of the hieroglyph “Earth” - this is my sign.

The mirror has grooved edges and early in the morning, at sunrise, the wall in the money sector in the living room is strewn with multi-colored bunnies - very good Feng Shui and simply beautiful.

You can put a vase with Four lemons(possibly artificial) or their photograph.

You can place here a tree made of sweets or fruits (oranges, lemons - even artificial ones).

You can create Circle of Creation, we talked about it above.

Don't forget about the good Lighting in this sector, turn on the lights here more often, even if you don’t need them.

Dust here regularly. Good to use Aroma oils.

You can sometimes (in extreme cases) light a candle here.

It is believed that a burning candle is a strong activator of energy. Use this in other areas as well, especially where the presence of fire is welcome.

In the money zone it is better to be careful with this. The symbol of the money sector is a tree; fire can kill a tree (if there is a lack of water).

If I need a lot of money, a lot, a lot The following is very useful - in the four corners of the living room or room in which the money sector falls, place four red (green, purple) envelopes. In each of them, put four banknotes of any denomination (4 dollars, 4 euros, 4 hundred rubles, 4 thousand rubles, etc.). The larger they are, the better. Don't exchange them!

If you dream of an expensive car, buy a model of your favorite car and put this toy in the money sector.

If your dream is a cottage, frame a photo of your dream house here.

Better yet, do it smarter. Create a whole Collage of those material benefits that one can only dream of. “Tear apart” several magazines. Glue the symbols of wealth onto a separate sheet or tablet. Don’t be modest, let it be the most expensive house, car, yacht, private jet, diamonds, gold jewelry, fur items, etc.

Make it against a background of the desired color or in wooden frame the desired color - use all the symbols favorable for the money sector.

It is better to place this collage in the visible area. Every time we look at it, a focus on visible benefits will be triggered in our subconscious.

Hang in the money sector Music of the wind of four hollow tubes. Set it in motion regularly, it will stir up stagnation and rush money into the house.

Over time, be sure to purchase Crystal pyramid or beautiful Crystal.

Wallet. Buy a new wallet in the color of money or the color that brings us luck (it is calculated in a simple way, more on that later).

Money can't stand it disrespectful attitude and they may not like it with us - all bills must be folded in a certain order in ascending order - facing us, not crumpled in any way.

Place Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon, a bill with three to four sevens or our individual monetary number in your wallet (I’ll tell you the calculation later).

Draw on inside or insert a “lattice” - the hieroglyph for “many”.

Put a personal trigram in your wallet (I'll tell you).

If you prefer to go without a wallet, buy a nice money clip for your money.

Place Chinese coins under your phone, fax machine, computer, etc. - assistants in generating income. Place money-multiplying talismans on your desktop.

Never feel guilty, from the fact that you strive and want to be rich. Never blame yourself for having more than someone else.

Don’t be ashamed of money, love it, praise money - “you’re my good, my sweet, go to mommy (daddy) and call your girlfriends,” etc.

If we feel embarrassed in front of others or worse than shame about the money we earn, higher powers will give less of it so that we don’t feel bad. Do we really need this?

Choose the best methods and talismans for attracting money and take action!

The main thing is, don’t twitch and fuss afterwards: “when will the money come, when will the money come?” Relax, live calmly, confidently and happily - everything will be fine!



Power element - Fire

Damaging element - Wood

Weakening element - Metal

Sector number - 2

Favorable colors - pink, red, beige, ocher, shades of brown

Favorable shapes - square, triangular

Dangerous symbols - images of lonely people, green, blue, black colors, rectangular shapes.

Talismans- two red candles, an incense burner with scented candles, crystals, pebbles, images of mountains, peonies (for young couples), fresh flowers, 2 hearts (red or pink) - objects or images, photos of happy couples, chocolate candies, circle of creation, red or yellow vases, Chinese red lanterns, wind chimes, trigram, moon fairy (toad), symbol of double luck, “mystical knot”.

In this sector, all items must be paired - a pair of pillows, two vases, two candlesticks, two mandarin ducks, a pair of cranes, a pair of swans, a pair of storks, a pair of herons, a pair of doves, two jade or crystal eggs, two hearts, etc.

To begin with, if you are a single man, bring something attractive to women into your home - a women's magazine, a houseplant, a pink comb, a frame with pebbles, or any cute trinkets that can delight and touch your potential girlfriend.

For a girl (woman) dreaming of a life partner - buy a pleasant men's eau de toilette, a men's towel, large slippers, a razor, a men's magazine, etc.

Naturally, do not use these items - let them wait for their new owner.

Think about the sleeping bed (section “Bedroom”), regardless of whether you dream of love and marriage (marriage) or have already started a family.

If you just dream of finding your soul mate, it is recommended to do the following.

Take a sheet of red paper or plain paper, but enclosed in a red envelope.

Divide it into two parts and write on the left - the positive qualities and traits that you would like to see in your future chosen one (chosen one), on the right - negative, but acceptable for you.

Moreover, write specific and clear requirements in the present tense - as if this person is already next to you.

For example, on the left - “Thank you for having my soulmate next to me - he is 30 years old, he loves and respects me very much, he takes care of me, he protects me, he cooks deliciously, he loves children, he doesn’t drink, he’s kind, he gives me a lot of gifts, he brings me 1,000,000 rubles every month, he brings me every morning flavored coffee into bed, he weighs 100 kg and is 2m tall, he is a handsome blond (brunet), he proposed to me for a wedding after a week of meeting each other, etc. - who needs what.

On the right - my chosen one smokes (if you admit this weakness), my beloved was married, he is not a very big boss, he snores, etc.

When we ourselves decide what we really want and what kind of person we dream of meeting and living with him a lot happy years(if we strive for long relationship), then it will be easier for Providence to pit us against exactly the person who is closest to us.

Roll up the red leaf detailed characteristics into a scroll and tie with a red ribbon.

Place this scroll either in the Love sector or in the Helpers sector.

Relax and forget about him. Sometimes the chosen one is nearby, sometimes so far away that a whole series of events and “incidents” must occur that will lead him to you.



Main element - Wood

Power element - Water

Damaging element - Metal

Weakening element - Fire

Sector number - 3

Favorable colors - green, brown, black, blue, red (moderate)

Favorable shapes - rectangular, cylindrical, wavy

Dangerous symbols - fireplace, candles, triangular shapes, a lot of red, a lot of metal objects.

Talismans- living plants with leaves up, a green Myrtle tree in a tub - a “family” tree, bamboo or bamboo sticks, an image of water, family photos graphies, the circle of creation, jade eggs, the goddess Fu-sin with a child and peach fruits, a moon goddess, a green dragon, a dragon with pearls, sculptures of couples and children.

First, check that all doors in the house open easily and that no debris has accumulated behind them.

If several doors meet in a small corridor, hang a wind chime (with 5 hollow tubes) there, it will extinguish negative energy.

Make sure that all family photos radiate happiness, joy and love.

Place such photographs in this sector, preferably in green frames.

Make sure that family photos are not located opposite the front door, the entrance to the bathroom or toilet (especially not in these rooms!), opposite the garbage disposal, etc.

Remember the rules for the location of the bed, cabinets, awnings, paintings and the view from the window.

Think of the kitchen as the center of the family hearth.

Remember the Love sector - our family needs love!

Below, look through the tips about the Children sector - what is a family without children!

And of course, the Health and Wealth sectors - how would our family be without it!

One of the most important guardians of our family well-being is The Dragon.

Place this indispensable protector of the family and hearth in the East - a figurine of a dragon or its image.

Flowers. Be sure to place the Family Tree here, because... sector number 3 - better place three flowers or plants.

If you know symbolic plants, purchase them or invent them.

Myrtle, myrtle tree - family tree,

Crassula - money tree,

Tangerine, orange tree, decorative pepper - this is for well-being and satiety in the family.

Maybe there is a tree of health or a tree of youth, look for it.

The main thing is that the FLOWERS should be HEALTHY and FRESH, with the leaves facing up.

Forget about cacti - only for protection (section Flowers)!

Water. Place a fountain or flowerpot with water here. This will activate the sector and will greatly help our flowers stay healthy.

Place three bamboo sticks in the ground or a glass of water or a picture of bamboo.

“Place” the Moon Goddess with money from your wallet.

Buy a figurine or sculpture (or picture) depicting a romantic couple, or better yet, a family idyll (happy mom, dad, kids, dogs, etc.), place it on a red napkin.


Main element - Fire

Power element - Wood

Damaging element - Water

Weakening element - Earth

Sector number - 9

Favorable colors - red, green

Favorable shapes - triangular, rectangular

Dangerous symbols are “water” objects and water symbols (mirrors, etc.), wavy shapes.

Talismans- a fireplace, red candles, pictures of a sunrise, plants, red triangles (preferably 9 pieces), green objects, images of blooming sunflowers or poppies, a personal list of achievements - diplomas, awards, cups, a personal wish list, a circle of creation, a crystal sconce , crystal pyramid, image of a rooster or peacock, feathers (peacock, cock, pigeon), horse with its head or body raised, etc.

This sector is important for those who are seriously thinking about success in life and recognition.

If you activate the southern sector correctly, several will be realized at once important events:

Happy “random” opportunities for growth and development

Success and recognition are easier to achieve

Easier to find mutual language with people

People will trust you more.

Clear out the rubble in this sector.

Place more fire symbols ( candles, for example, light them more often) and Red.

All available diplomas and awards We will transfer family members to this sector.

We'll post it here photo famous and famous people, whose success delights and pleases us, royalty, emperors, heads of state, etc.

How can more red!

Add gold accessories, what else but gold accompanies glory!

A very good symbol for this sector - Eagle flying over the sun. Hang it in the south of the apartment or the south wall of the living room. Your luck will fly higher than the sun!

Horse running up- place money coins on her neck or back. Make sure our horse wants to go into the house and not out of it!

Crystal pyramid- a symbol of constant upward striving and development.

Royal and imperial symbols, symbols of aristocracy - crown, throne chair, heraldry, fan (preferably gold).

At the same time it is believed that fan helps against the evil eye and the negative influence of other people.

Big talisman coin. This symbol of wealth can be placed in both the south and southeast. Because money always accompanies fame, career, and fame.

It will be very good to hang this amulet over the dining table, then the family will always have wealth and money.


Main element - Water

Power element - Metal

Damaging element - Earth

Weakening element - Wood

Sector number - 1

Favorable colors - blue, black, light blue, white

Favorable shapes - sinuous, wavy, round

Dangerous symbols - red, earth colors, square shapes

Talismans- a fountain, an aquarium, water symbols, a metal bowl of water, a metal horseshoe, a circle of creation, mirrors, Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon, wind chimes, a turtle, fish and their images.

In Feng Shui, the northern sector helps us realize our life goals and aspirations, and achieve career success.

Try to sit at work so that your back is always protected.

Calculations of these directions - see other Feng Shui tips.

Make sure that sharp corners and open shelves are not pointed at you while working.


Main element - Earth

Power element - Fire

Damaging element - Wood

Weakening element - Metal

Sector number - 8

Favorable colors - yellow, terracotta, orange, beige, sand

Favorable shapes - square, triangular

Dangerous symbols - green, black, blue colors, rectangular shapes.

Talismans- globe, books, circle of creation, crystals, pot of wealth (with gold or its imitation), wind chime, snake, crystal pearl (symbol of concentrated knowledge), crystal egg ( immortal life and update).


Main element - Metal

Power element - Earth

Damaging element - Fire

Weakening element - Water

Sector number - 7

Favorable colors - white, silver, gold, yellow

Favorable shapes - round, oval, square

Dangerous symbols - candles, fireplace, red and green colors, triangular shapes, excess water symbols

Talismans- bells, a horseshoe, metal products (vases, cups), children's photographs, an exhibition of children's drawings, a circle of creation, moving toys (mobiles), crystals, a crystal egg, a child with a peach.

Elephant(an elephant figurine or its image) is one of the favorite talismans in Feng Shui. It is believed that the elephant brings good luck to the owners of the house and ensures the fulfillment of all desires. In addition, elephants strengthen the children's sector and serve to care and support the younger generation.

You can place an image of an elephant both in the west and next to the front door. The main thing is that the elephant has its head raised and looks into the house, and not vice versa.

If you dream of a child, then do not forget the basic rule of Feng Shui - if you want to get “something”, then imagine that you already have this “something”.

Therefore, if you want a child, start buying children's things, toys, etc. (contrary to prejudices and superstitions).

You can place angels in the children's sector and place toys nearby, as if you already have children.

Feng Shui advises not to vacuum under the bed during this period, not to major repairs etc., because the birth of a new life does not like unbalanced energy.

Money trees for prosperity

Money trees - Crassula, geranium, wheat and dollar tree, prosperity bamboo, linden tree, money decor

A talisman for increasing prosperity can be a plant in a pot, a sheaf of wheat, twigs, or a drawing!
Surely everyone knows that wealth is attracted by such indoor plants as crassula and geranium (pelargonium), especially if coins are buried in the ground in which they grow.

Crassula for wealth

On the full moon, before planting the plant, sprinkle the pot with holy water. Take in right hand lighted church candle and pass it over the pot 3 times with the words:
“Mother Earth, accept my tree, give it juice, give it your strength, reveal your riches to it! Father sun, warm my tree with your rays, give it warmth, light and life, so that its leaves fill up and bring prosperity to the house! Water-water, wash my tree with your streams, give it dew, give it gold and silver drops, let silver and gold remain in my house! Brother wind, fan my tree with your living breath, drive away misfortunes and illnesses from it, bring wealth and prosperity into my home! And may my wealth increase with every new leaf, with every new twig! Let it be so. Amen!"

Pour some soil, put three 50-kopeck coins and plant a sprout. Water it with the words: “Little fat sister, grow up, be a man, give me your monetary power: for trade, for income, for a tight bag, for full bins! Just as your foliage is growing every day, my money is not transferred!”
If you purchased a fat plant growing in a pot, you will not need the first spell, but repeat the second every time you water the plant. It would be nice to place the pot on a red napkin, under which there should be three bills.

Money geranium

While watering the geranium, repeat the following words many times: “Grow, flower, grow, curl. Come, money, accumulate, multiply.” Or say three times: “You grow, and I bloom in wealth.” This is my will. Let it be so!"

wheat tree

To grow an original wheat tree that attracts the energy of wealth, you will need:
six grains of wheat, preferably durum varieties (such varieties germinate best);
a new light-colored ceramic flower pot with a capacity of a liter or more;
soil from a wheat field, vegetable garden, or large, well-kept flower bed with white flowers (avoid soil from flower beds with red, burgundy, or purple flowers);
yellow coins - 30 pieces (plus another 3-7 coins, which will be needed later for decoration);
water standing for 24 hours ( ideal option Rainwater mixed with morning dew is considered: add a few drops of dew to a glass of water - and you will get miraculous moisture; however, regular water will do just fine).

Plant each seed separately with your left hand. Planting depth is two to three centimeters. All grains should be located close to each other, almost in the same place, so that when they emerge, they merge into one massive trunk. Water the soil immediately after sowing. In the future, watering should be done every three days. While growing wheat, talk to it - this important rule. Fill your magic tree with the energy of your desires. Love it so that it feels your care and warmth.
Place the pot on a windowsill on the sunny side (can be in the living room, kitchen or bedroom). The plant must be given the opportunity to bathe in sunlight. Protect the tree from prying eyes and under no circumstances allow strangers to touch it.

When the sprouts reach a length of approximately 10-15 centimeters, place six yellow coins at the bottom of the vessel where the irrigation water settles. Let the coins remain there until the entire growing process is completed. This water is an excellent fertilizer for a growing money tree.
When the wheat gains strength and ripens, very carefully remove it from the pot along with the rhizome. Tie the stems together with yellow (golden) thread or decorative thin rope and place in a vase without water. First place a few yellow coins at the bottom of the vase (the amount must be even). The first six grains that fall from the ears of wheat can be used to grow the next money tree.

dollar tree

Powerful magical power The so-called dollar tree is used for enrichment, attracting good luck in the financial sphere and activating monetary energy. Its scientific name is Zamioculcas. This unpretentious exotic plant is sold in almost all flower shops. Unlike the wheat tree described above, it attracts only dollars to its owner. By the way, they say: the faster the tree grows, the sooner things will get better. By the way, it can reach a height of a whole meter!

It is better to choose a pot for zamioculcas that is wide and not too high, the soil is moisture-absorbing and breathable. It is not at all necessary to place the dollar tree in the southeast of the house (that is, in the Wealth sector). It will show its power in any part of the room. The plant does not like bright light, so it needs to be placed at some distance from the window, but in no case on the windowsill.
To activate the tree and charge it to work, you need to attach one dollar to the flowerpot, and it doesn’t really matter whether it is unfolded or rolled up into a tube (bow). But it is important that the pyramid depicted on the bill is visible. It is desirable that its tip is directed upward.

One cent should be placed under the pot or hidden in the ground. Such a coin will feed the flowerpot with energy, which it will give through its leaves to you and your home. This, in turn, will affect the enrichment of all residents of the house.
You need to water Zamioculcas not with plain water, but with money. It’s quite simple to prepare: put a few cents in plain water for 15-20 minutes. Water the plant immediately afterwards.

Bamboo prosperity

An excellent money tree is obtained from the “lucky bamboo” (Dracaena sanderiana). This plant attracts good luck in all areas of life, including material ones. Strengthens the movement of positive energy, harmonizes space. Place five zigzag stems in a tall vase and they will increase your financial flow many times over.

And if you attach Chinese coins on red strings or bells to the stems, there will be even more money. In addition, to enhance magical properties, the stems are tied with golden yellow ribbons. The main thing is to avoid direct sunlight on the dracaena, otherwise it will quickly turn yellow and wither. Helpful advice: change the water in the vase more often - every other day, or even every day.

linden tree
On the young moon, go to the linden tree and ask it for permission to take three branches to improve your well-being. If the wind does not rise and the leaves do not rustle, this means the tree agrees to help you. Otherwise, find another linden tree.

Pluck the branches, thank the linden tree for its help and leave some sweets (candy, cookies) on the ground as a gift. Bring the branches home and place them in water. Meditate on the linden tree in the first half of the day (before noon), whisper or mentally talk about your desire to get rich. After 10 days, the branches can be dried, stored for a year, then burned.

Money decor

In principle, you can make a money tree from almost any plant with green leaves growing in your home. There are a great many ways, the main thing is the right attitude and faith that everything will work out for you. For example, on a waxing moon, roll three real or printed banknotes into a tube and simply stick them into the ground with the plant. Another option is to cover the pot with banknotes or with their imitation. Third - throw a few coins on the ground in the pot.

If you are not a fan of indoor plants, take a photograph or image of a tree and stick or attach coins in any other way (for example, using plasticine) on its branches. Hang this picture in the left corner of the room farthest from the front door.



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