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Psychics on TNT reality or show. TV show “Battle of Psychics” - “Battle of Psychics – true or show? A friend knows the winner of one of the Battles, and this is what she says.” How much does victory cost?
I took part in the “Battle of Psychics” on TNT in the summer of 2013. He suggested that TNT film a story on the topic of “weather control”, and...received an invitation to the casting of a “battle”.

At the castingI was shown a photo of a girl about 35 years old.
- What can you say about her?
- She is no longer alive.
This is determined quite simply by energy connections.
- You're right. What happened to her? - second question.
I go through the options: illness - no; killed - no; accident - yes.
“She died in a car accident,” the clear energy is visible.
- Maybe she drowned? - Lyudmila watched my work and added an option.
“No, I didn’t drown,” I answer confidently.
“She was hit by a car,” says Lyudmila.
There were also questions like “married, not married”, “how many children”.
- We will inform you of our decision.
And so they parted. The entire test was filmed on the phone.

You passed the casting - come to the first test, a call from Lyudmila in a couple of days.

So I ended up at the “battle”. The people are abysmal. About 200 people who passed the qualifying casting by region gathered in the Losiny Ostrov park. Plus accompanying people, I think - at least 500. A beautiful warm sunny day. We hung out in the shade of the park, escaping the heat.

The strangely dressed lady with many strange attributes in the first photo is a city shaman, she made it to the top ten, and showed good results in tests, for example, she found a “bomb”.
After registration, the interviews began - the presentation itself.
“I am Alexander the Wanderer - a psychic, I use the automatic writing method for my work.”
“I am Martha, the village witch, I tell fortunes with herbs, prepare a potion, and can lead to death.”
And so for five hours, - 200 people - no way.
At the same time, the “most interesting” ones were filmed in more detail. Heated debates ensued about who is cooler, which techniques are stronger. None of the “coolest” passed the first test. These shootings were for the archive, in order to later show the finalists from the very beginning of the battle.
Next is a passage along the alley (show mass participation), this picture is shown in the first minute of the first episode. They chased us down the alley three times.
- Put away the bags. Get your act together. “You don’t look like psychics,” the director commanded.

We gathered in the foyer. Entering the hall. The same thing was done twice. Let's go. Settled down. Transplanted for the sake of beauty of the picture.

Screen test.
There is a screen on the stage. It is necessary to describe in as much detail as possible what is hidden behind an impenetrable screen. It's already about 20. Ladies in high heels are out of luck - they're on their feet all day.

There was a SHARP change in the mood of the candidates for psychics in the hall.
In the park - everyone (or almost everyone) is very cool, everyone knows, everyone can do it. Demons are driven out, damage is removed, the future is predicted, and healed. Various witchcraft (clown) attributes are shown (there was even a girl with a real python)…
In the hall in front of the “screen” there were no longer any self-confident people.
- What do you “see”, what do you “feel”? - they whisper in groups of people who came together. And in response - silence... Where has the coolness gone...

A strange guy was sitting not far away, he was dressed in such a washed-out shirt and trousers, in such worn rubber slippers on his bare feet - well, he was definitely blessed. He was brought along by very well dressed people, and they kept asking him what he saw. Neither the guy nor his companions made it to the next stage.

Half an hour was allotted to “get a feel for what’s behind the screen.” You could take turns coming close to the screen, just not touching. Any attributes could be used.
They beat tambourines, blew trumpets, burned candles, laid out cards, looked into shells, looked into balls - who knows what.

Time is up. The curtain was lowered.
They began to record on camera who saw what. They recorded it on six cameras at once at different ends of the building. After recording, we were immediately taken out onto the street.

I “looked at what was behind the screen?” using the “Creative Drawing” technique, consistently asked a question, and drew the probability of an answer to this question from 0 to 100%.
Is there a living object behind the screen? - it turned out “YES” (the line went from NO to YES).
Is there a person behind the screen? - it turned out “YES”.
Is there a man behind the screen? - it turned out “YES” (here I was mistaken - it was a woman).
He also asked about age, hair color... but that was all unimportant.

That’s what he answered to the camera when my time came, at about two in the morning. I didn't expect filming to last so long. I went to the dacha, not knowing the result.
The organizers of the show did not reveal the secret of the “screen” until the first broadcast of the battle, until September. Well done for keeping everyone in the dark.

A couple of days later a call: “You made it to the second round - tomorrow is filming.”
About 30 out of 200 were selected for the second round, those who showed results close to reality (or were especially colorful).

The “trunk” stage was filmed completely differently.
There was no more excitement. They gathered in groups near the Airport metro station. My group gathered at 23. They brought us “to the factory” and placed all ten of us in the “dressing room”. The phones were taken away. Exit to the toilet must be accompanied. The task is to calmly wait your turn.

In our group I saw the finalists: Sheps and Marilyn. I saw both Anar and Nazira. Marilyn really went to filming almost immediately. I hardly remember Nazira, she was dozing in the corner on an armchair, it was night. She chose the best decision and remained unnoticed until the start of filming. The rest failed to remain unnoticed.
Yu. Kornilova “moved” us all, in my opinion, she is definitely an artist. She was screaming (singing) something everywhere, in the park, in the hall on the screen, and here in the dressing room. There was simply no escape from her; she filled the entire space. When she left, thank God quite early, we all breathed a sigh of relief.
“Each of us has our own characteristics,” Volodya, an employee of the company, remarked philosophically, thereby stopping the jokes.

In the dressing room in front of the trunk. Neither the shamans from Tuva nor the “black witch” - the winner of the virtual battle - passed the stage.

Sheps and Anar continued to “fight” further. In one of the broadcasts, Sheps blurted out: “I would be happy to send some of here to hell.” In this “war of psychics”, Sheps won. Anar was unable to show anything interesting, and soon dropped out. After the “battle” was over, TNT showed a story where Sheps and Marilyn performed a strange ritual against the rest of the psychics in order to deprive them of their power.
“This is a battle, everyone wants to win, let them defend themselves,” Sheps answered the host’s bewildered question.

"Trunk" test.
I go into the hangar with the cars. Around five in the morning. The hangar is flooded with light. There are 30 cars, fifteen in two rows. I chose a consistent way to answer the question: “in which car is the person hidden?”
“In the row on the right - in the row on the left,” “in which five,” “in which car.”
Then I approached each car “and looked for interference in communications with Space and Earth,” making the assumption that if there was a person in the car, these interferences would be detected, and so I would “see” him.
I made a mistake! When Safronov opened the trunk and there was no one there, I was shocked. I was absolutely sure that I had found a person...
Perhaps I was confused by too much fuss. Perhaps it was necessary to look for a different approach to solving this problem...
Now I would like to solve this problem differently.
At this stage, we immediately became convinced with our own eyes whether there was a person in the trunk or not. Unfortunately, we weren't shown what car he was actually in. I think that this is the same correct approach of the show organizers.

So. Artists or non-artists?
Definitely not artists. I heard conversations in the park, in the hall, in the dressing room. Everyone told how the castings took place in the regions, how they traveled, where they stopped.
The winners of regional castings were called to a “battle” in Moscow, paid for travel, paid for hotel accommodation, issued temporary registration, and provided transfer from the hotel to the filming location. The participants lived next door to the hotel and drank tea together. This is all real.

The “screen” and “trunk” tests were organized brilliantly (I did not participate in the others). Complete secrecy, no hints, and, at the same time, absolute goodwill of the organizers, their sincere desire to “find psychics.” Their sincere joy for the result when it works out. You can't play this.

All participants are given the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities.
Some came in whole “schools”. We walked important. They handed out business cards. They told me what TV programs they appear in. However, they didn’t even get through the “screen”.

I am sure that the vast majority of participants - real people, to whom no one suggested anything, who acted with their own abilities. There were rumors about a desire to buy a place in the final for a lot of money, but again, according to rumors, this was not possible.

Are the finalists psychics or part of the project? - they ask me.
Don't know. I didn’t have a chance to observe them at work, and it’s not good to get into the energy sector without permission, for the sake of curiosity.
I didn’t have a chance to get to know the finalists better that time. Perhaps I will take part in the next season, the interest remains.
If someone can show their abilities during the tests, the organizers will only be happy.
Go for it!

TNT was not interested in the “weather” video I sent.


We need not only bread and circuses, but a little more fairy tale. And while there are still shortages of bread and we are hanging on here, there is no shortage of fairy tales. The TNT channel regularly shows a program that helps you believe in magic, miracles, God, justice and simply human happiness at the same time - “Battle of Psychics.” Let's figure out how the program works, where the miracles come from, and why the viewer is “happy to be deceived.”

“Battle of Psychics” is a TV show that, like many others, was invented by the British before the Russians. Programs of this kind are popular all over the planet. In the UK they show "Britain's Psychic Challenge", in America it is "America's Psychic Challenge", in Bulgaria - "Clairvoyants", in Azerbaijan - "Ekstra hiss". Even Mongolia has its own show - “Zon bilgiin tulaan” (Yandex.Translator calls it “an emotional battle”). So we touch the paranormal that beckons us, but through the centimeter glass of the TV - in the end, the audience is fine, and the desires are satisfied.

Grandma and miracles

Sofia is a native Muscovite, she is seventy-six years old, she worked for thirty years at a radio engineering research institute, and is now retired. Last years she was sitting with her sick sister, who had recently died. Sofia spends her leisure time like many other grandmothers - doing household chores, and sometimes doing nothing.

But she also watches TV, although not often.

“There’s not even a specific program that I follow,” says Sofia, “I watch whatever I come across. “I don’t watch “Battle of Psychics” regularly, but I still love this program.”

Sofia does not trust medicine: according to her, doctors have never been able to give her the correct diagnosis - unlike psychics.

Twenty-six years ago, Sofia first visited a psychic. Then she realized two things about the supernatural: firstly, it is interesting, and secondly, it works. Since then, Sofia has repeatedly visited psychics with her sister. They were helped to solve health problems and personal difficulties. But Sofia does not trust medicine: according to her, doctors have never been able to give her the correct diagnosis - unlike psychics.

Sofia believes in “Battle”. He says that there are real psychics there, although they are all a little dishonest: those who are decent will not seek fame - they will simply do their job.

Psychic hairdresser and esoteric perfume

Julia Wang, winner of the fifteenth season of "Battle," walks through a cemetery in an outfit that looks like a modern vampire outfit. Voiceover: “Julia Wang does not yet know that she is approaching a grave, the sign on which is covered with cloth.” Another voice says that she does not know that there is a hanged man in this grave. They greet her. She, in a voice tired of life, greets him in return. She is asked to tell everything she feels about the deceased. Like an Alien sniffing before an attack, Julia turns her head and wails: “They didn’t ask permission from the cemetery.” She squats down at the grave and lights a candle. At this moment, music plays, after which the Hound of the Baskervilles should howl. Julia, with white hair like the witcher Geralt’s, begins to mutter something and call for some mother. The psychic begins to sway and mutter more and more earnestly, the camera moves closer to her face so that you can see how difficult it is for her to do this.

Like a ghost, Julia gets up and slowly moves towards the relatives of the hanged man. She looks at them intently, without blinking. And she says, says something that makes the young brunette cry - it seems that Julia is voicing the sad truth that the brunette tried to forget. How does a psychic know details of life and death that have nothing to do with it?

Radio presenter Katya Gordon would answer that this is just a hoax.

“She was my hairdresser. Believe me, she has no abilities. Unless she was engaged in exorcising demons with perhydrol.”

“These participants in the “Battle of Psychics” are real charlatans. These are not psychics,” she told one yellow publication, which, in general, is not very decent to refer to.

Then Gordon said that she knew Julia before the Battle: “She was my hairdresser. Believe me, she has no abilities. Unless she was engaged in exorcising demons with perhydrol.”

But we will not completely trust society ladies who can deceive us for the sake of gaining fame. However, this opinion is worth keeping in mind.

Wang exposed herself as a fashion model and filmed in the series “All men are theirs...”. Her fellow psychics - Vlad Kadoni, Georgy Malinovsky and Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky - participated in “House-2”. By any means these people were looking for an opportunity to become famous. And they got it by discovering “paranormal abilities” in themselves.

After the transfer, the most talented participants conduct receptions. Marilyn Kerro's schedule busy clients three months in advance. Alexander Sheps opened a store and gives a magic seminar every two weeks. Julia Wang sells perfume on VKontakte. Psychics charge tens of thousands of rubles for a meeting. Even the usual expert on the “Battle” jury, Mikhail Vinogradov, a psychiatrist, receives 15,000 rubles for an appointment - three to five times higher than the average psychiatrists in Moscow receive.

TNT guarding the otherworldly

GITIS student Ksenia is hiding in the attic. This is not an episode of a Russian horror film, but the filming of “Battle”. The test for psychics is to find Ksenia.

Swami Dashi, who discovered his gift after several years of living in India, enters the mansion where filming is taking place. The presenter hands him Ksenia’s ring, and Swami asks for a few minutes: he needs to get ready. Suddenly, out of nowhere, bells appear in his hands - he gently strikes one against the other, and everyone listens in fascination as the otherworldly engine of Swami’s superpowers gains momentum.

The clairvoyant looks back. GITIS students and the presenter stand in front of him. Swami approaches one of the students and gently asks: “Should I tell you right away or later?” Obviously, the conversation is personal. This is what the “Battle” psychics do often. Swami says that the guy was born correctly, to which he responds with satisfaction with a frequent nod.

“Father” thought this scene was strange, so we contacted a former student, now an actor, and talked about filming.

“I want it to be true, so I believe it.”

He said that he did not know by what parameters students were selected for filming. The university management simply chose them - that’s all. There were no agreements about where to hide. The students themselves chose which room to go to, and then the psychics actually looked for them.

“The filming impressed me very much, because I encountered an extraordinary energy strong people. For example, when Dashi looked at me, I pressed straight into the floor. At the same time, I had a conversation with another psychic of the program, and he didn’t say anything sensible about me,” says the interlocutor of “Father”, who wished to remain anonymous. - Everything that was said by psychics about the guys is all true. We actually cried at some things. There was nowhere else to get the information that the psychics said. True, after filming, the guys and I discussed what information about us could be found on social networks, and one guy said that what was said about him was on Facebook. Whether truth or falsehood is shown in “Battle” is a matter of faith. I want it to be true, so I believe it.”

After this, “Father”, trying to understand how the program works, sent a request to the TNT press service. Here's what they answered:

“Participation in the program is free. our team whole year looking for psychics - and having found them, you still need to persuade them to participate in the project. You cannot buy participation or any place: we are only interested in the rating of the show, and for this we need real psychics. “Battle of Psychics” has nothing to do with the esoteric business. Moreover: we advise viewers not to go to paid appointments with psychics.

Everything that happens on the screen is true. Of course, we use editing: out of thirty hours of filming, a half-hour test is broadcast. It looks more impressive on screen due to the music and good editing. In reality, everything is much slower and more boring.

We don't have any script. This is not staged, but a real reality show. All its participants are real people with real problems, often with grief. We cannot make them cry or laugh. We do not control the actions and words of psychics, which is why we are often forced to film until late, since they need a lot of time to immerse themselves in the situation.

We never know who will win. We can only guess about this. Sometimes leaders are immediately visible, but they can change. Often the frontman's talents are so outstanding that you can predict that he will at least reach the finals. But who will win is decided by the audience through voting. We cannot falsify its results. And we have no benefit from the victory of one or another participant: we don’t care who wins, the winner is always the audience’s favorite. So, for example, in the seventh season we assumed that Ilona Novoselova would win, but Alexey Pokhabov won. In the sixteenth season, it was completely unclear whether Victoria Rydos or Marilyn Kerro would win - the gap was only a couple of percent of the audience votes.

After the show ends, our participants' only obligation is to three years not to star in other projects, because at this time there are reruns of “The Battle of Psychics.”

Bullshit and paranormal scenario

Some argue that everything is a little different from what the TNT press service says. For example, Mikhail Porechenkov, who was the host of the program for several years, said: “I worked with them for a long time. Kaldy-baldy, as they used to say in childhood. It's all lies! Yes, completely. What is there not to disclose? I'm telling the truth. Have I upset everyone?

As serious people, we can’t get enough of the bullshit. We need proof that we are being deceived. Unfortunately, they exist.

People come to the channel with their real problems. They send letters to TNT, and the channel’s editors select topics that will be of interest to the viewer.

“After receiving a letter,” explains Mikhail, “people receive an answer within two months: during this time you can learn everything about a person. Everyone has social media- this is the main source from which you can learn a lot of things. Filming begins two months after agreement on it. During this time, TNT editors travel and collect information, and then the psychics look all-knowing. They walk through the cemetery and supposedly cannot find their way, but they seem to have an insight. Guys, in fact, the editor visited this cemetery a long time ago and chose the most sinister path to the desired grave, and the psychic simply learned the way.

“What is the difference between “Dom-2” and “Battle of Psychics”? Practically nothing."

One of my friends went through the casting and fit the type. The producers offered her second place for 2,000,000 rubles. She didn’t have that kind of money, so the producers said that they could contribute money for her, and then she would work it off at receptions. That is, you earn money - and only then do you go free. There is a story about Mehdi, who tried to escape, but was stopped at Sheremetyevo by TNT employees and returned to the salon. The first place is more expensive: a few years ago it cost about 5,000,000 rubles. This is decided at the initial stage, and the psychics are led to victory.”

If the filming is about solving the problems of the heroes, says Mikhail, then the psychics are one hundred percent prepared, they should not make mistakes, because the people who leave the filming must believe in what happened.

“My friends convinced me that everything was real. I started arguing: how long did it take for you to arrive for the shoot? After two months. Do you think they couldn’t have found out everything about you during this time? - Mikhail laughs. “What is the difference between “House-2” and “Battle of Psychics”? Almost nothing. Both here and there must come people who know how to lie so that everyone believes them. You can come up with any story for yourself, the main thing is that it looks realistic. Psychics do not receive a salary for participating in battle. The main thing is fame and an audience, which in the future will be ready to pay tens of thousands of rubles for an appointment. In “House-2” there is no clear script, people have fun there, improvise - and earn money. Here are two differences from the “Battle of Psychics”. But the rest is all the same.”

Since 2007, the TNT show has broadcast the popular program “Battle of Psychics.” Almost 20 seasons of the program have passed.
Its format is a TV show developed in England, the franchise of which is broadcast in Israel, Australia, the countries of Snow and even in America.
According to the authors, participants go through a series of qualifying rounds, and the easiest one is not shown to the audience - people with declared supernatural abilities must say what geometric figure depicted on a hidden landscape sheet of paper.

Katya Gordon, Mikhail Porechenkov, Marat Basharov about the “Battle of Psychics”

Many stars played the role of skeptics on the program. Porechenkov commented on his participation in such a way that he Orthodox man, but was interested in superpowers. Basharov liked the participation, and he always says that the project is the pure truth. And here is Katya Gordon, ex-wife famous TV presenter and actor Alexander Gordon, invited anyone to prove their abilities on an independent project - then she is ready to give a million to someone who can really prove it. Katya said that she knew one of the psychics - an ordinary hairdresser.

Newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" about the project

The authors of Komsomolskaya Pravda have repeatedly exposed anyone - for example, Daria Mironova, Natalya Nosacheva, Mikhail Filonenko. After the program, people turned to them for help and paid a lot of money for the treatment, but the “healers” “did not help and even worsened the situation.”

“Komsomolskaya Pravda” also said that many participants got on the show with the help of cronyism and connections. In particular, for a lot of money, the centers of “clairvoyance”, “healing”, etc., where these “specialists” conduct their activities, send their employees to television for the sake of PR.

Recognition of participants about the “Battle of Psychics”

One popular program on the TNT channel released the story “The Magic of Money,” devoting the episode to the “Battle of Psychics.” The guest of the program said that she was dependent on the medium Daria Mironova, giving her money just like that - paying off. Psychiatrist Mikhail Vinogradov confirmed that Daria is a fraudster. However, the same psychiatrist admitted in an interview that many of the tests for the show were staged, that is, they did not exist in reality! If so, how did the participants not realize that they were false? All this was “to make the program more spectacular,” one of its authors cynically commented on this fact!

In December 2017, on Channel One, the “Male - Female” program aired a story about psychics. It was shown how they intimidate people and manipulate them. It was shown how fake calls are made by editors and channel employees, it was told how the plot of the medium’s arrival is written and what he should “see the light” (for example, “here this girl cried”, “here she was beaten and then killed” - all this information was collected program editors).

The participants who dropped out of the show honestly say: don’t believe everything that is shown on TV, just as you don’t believe that horror films are made in reality with ghosts and zombies...

What is magic?

IN modern world people are surrounded by offers to fulfill all their desires with the help of extrasensory perception, magic and various healings. Many of these people hide behind Orthodoxy, or rather, icons and prayers, which they use as conspiracies. If you see that a person is offering to fulfill your desires, heal illnesses and, especially, harm other people, know that these are servants dark forces. With the help of demons, they fulfill desires, for which the person then pays with even greater troubles.

Many of our failures are natural; they are explained, for example, by our ill health or lack of preparedness for the task. The Lord shows us what to pay attention to, maybe take a different path.

However, sometimes failures and “black streaks” in life can be the result of the influence of evil spirits through people or independently. Popularly, such a dark influence is called damage or the evil eye. Maybe they want to take revenge on you, remove you from your position, escape from your apartment through rituals from psychics, magicians and other witches and healers. It happens that people simply out of their malice, bad upbringing and dissatisfaction with life, they curse you in passing or in a quarrel, they wish you harm.

Damage or the evil eye is the influence of dark forces that comes from another person. For example, your friend, having found a psychic through an advertisement, decided to take revenge on you for something. Or a colleague wants to take your place by appealing to an “Orthodox witch.” Often people simply wish evil in front of or behind the scenes. Can it hurt you?

Yes, if you are not protected by prayer and the Sacraments of the Church: you are not baptized in Orthodoxy, you have not been married, you do not read prayers, you do not attend services in church, you do not confess or receive communion. The Monk Paisius of Athos, a saint of our time, spoke about such an impact: evil forces They do not sleep and try to cling to our sins and mistakes in order to harm us.

Signs of harm from evil people and dark forces maybe

  • a series of illnesses for you and your loved ones,
  • long-term failures at work,
  • great life difficulties.

Actually, the church’s understanding of corruption is the possession of a demon in a person. Then he ceases to belong to himself, speaks, for example, in different voices, suddenly utters swear words and acts strangely. All this could be a sign of mental illness if people possessed by a demon were not afraid, like fire, of holy water and touching icons, visiting a temple, and blessings of priests.

Don't despair. This can really harm you - the saints spoke about the real impact of demons. But evil forces always try to cling to our sins and mistakes. Therefore, attacks usually come if a person is not protected by the Sacraments of the Church and prayer: if you are not baptized in Orthodoxy, have not been married, do not read prayers, do not attend services in church, do not confess and do not receive communion.

What to do if you feel the influence of psychics?

  • Turn to God and his saints in prayer for help.
  • Visit the temple soon, talk to the priest and tell him about your feelings.
  • If you believe in the existence of God and His help, accept Holy Baptism. The priest will tell you how to live the church life.
  • Under no circumstances contact sorcerers, healers, or psychics. People who engage in spiritual help without the blessing of the Church do so through dark forces, which will then take double “payment” from you in troubles and sorrows.
  • Visit the temple, buy church candles and pray in the church before the image of the Lord, the Mother of God, the martyrs Cyprian and Justina;
  • Before or after prayer, light a candle from other candles in a candlestick, place it, cross yourself twice, bow and kiss the image of the saint on the hand or hem of the robe, cross again and bow. They usually bow from the waist.
  • You can purchase icons in the temple for home prayer, if you don’t have them, and church candles that you will light during prayer at home.
  • After any prayer they also perform sign of the cross and bow.
  • Every prayer is communication with God and His saints. Pray carefully, with faith in God’s help.
  • Perform prayer work constantly - read the morning and evening prayers, which the Church blesses to read daily and which are in every prayer book. Attend temple and pray during services. If you are not baptized, accept Holy Baptism so that the Lord will be your Patron and Helper. Get married to your spouse, especially if you want to conceive and have a child. Confess and receive communion - find out how to do this from a priest or in Orthodox literature.

Prayers against psychics

Everyone knows the prayer “Our Father”, because it was composed by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, this is a direct quote from the Gospel - a prayer to the Holy Trinity, as well as the prayer for the detention of Elder Pansophius, a prayer to the hieromartyr Cyprian. Powerful Prayer Cyprian the Hieromartyr and the Lord Jesus Christ - this is traditional readable petition about all those suffering from action evil spirits. It is better to pray to the saint in front of his image with a lit church candle.

Of course, you need to take care of yourself and try not to sin.

A prayer asking for protection from the influence of evil spirits can be read by anyone at any time of the day. This " ambulance» when there is a feeling of spoilage.

Prayers before icons are read in the “red corner”, where the home iconostasis is usually located. This is the name given to the place on the wall opposite the door or by the window where icons of the Lord are placed on a shelf. Mother of God and further, at your request, saints revered by the family, for example, the namesake patrons of the house or great saints. You can buy a shelf in an icon shop, or you can simply put icons on a bookshelf - preferably next to publications about spiritual life. In the same row as icons there should not be photographs of relatives, newspaper clippings, especially portraits of “stars”.

    • An important prayer against witchcraft and the dark energy of demons is the psalm “Living in Help” (“Living with the help of the Almighty...”). This, one might say, is first aid when you feel anxiety from witchcraft influences. Reading this prayer does not require performing any rites or rituals, as is often written about. You just need to sincere faith pray to the Lord, better in solitude and silence, in front of the icon of the Almighty Jesus Christ.
    • Pray to the holy martyrs Cyprian and Justina - great helpers against demons.

As yourself strong defender from dark forces, the Church has venerated the holy Archangel of God Michael since ancient times. If you feel in danger, if you have enemies who do not want reconciliation with you - daily prayer Archangel Michael will be helped to protect himself from the evil eye, ill-wishers and all misfortunes.

For example, a prayer that changes fate is excerpts from a long prayer to St. Nicholas, an akathist. Obviously, a pious man created this prayer in grief and a miracle happened: his life, through prayer to St. Nicholas, completely changed.

The use of candles by psychics in prayer, ritual, rite

Lighting a candle in front of icons is one of the ancient church rituals. A candle is a symbol of a soul burning with the flame of faith and love for God, a sign of prayer flaming before God. A candle can also be called a shining thread, a connection between God and man.

Many Orthodox Christians light a candle in church without thinking about its symbolism. Meanwhile, the candle itself calls us to reflect on ourselves and our soul. You need to stand before God like a candle, with a heart as bright and warm as a flame - at least striving for this.

Mechanically setting a candle, like any presence at a service only for the sake of defending the service, is simply performing a ritual. But this is impossible if you are a person who believes in the existence of God, His omnipotence, and His care for people. Therefore, the words of worship and prayer must be listened to and read, pronouncing them with attention, just as candles must be lit with a request or gratitude to God, albeit brief, at least in your own words.

Every believer who uses candles should know how to ask God when lighting a candle, what to do when lighting a candle, and whether there are any special signs associated with candles. It is especially useful to pray with a candle if you need to consecrate your apartment, get rid of damage, or cleanse negativity.

A curse or witchcraft influence will not have its power if the person to whom evil is wished is a church member, believes in God, goes to church, visits church services and partakes of the Mysteries of Christ. Knowing or supposing the existence of a curse is not a reason for despair.

Father Dionisy Svechnikov says: “Neither prayers nor candles have anything to do with healing. Healers usually do not use prayers at all, but conspiracies, which have nothing in common with the former and are the “creation” of black cult figures. And candles, as a rule, are used in magical rites, which, as you understand, also have nothing in common with God. But no one forbids praying to the Lord or saints for healing from illness by lighting candles in front of their holy images. It's even necessary. But turning to a healer who “heals” with prayers and candles is impossible. This is truly a sin."

Priests' opinions

You should not perform amateur conspiracies and rituals to clean your home on your own. Only a priest will be able to understand what is happening in the house, give the right advice and, through the holiness of the Church, drive out dark and crafty spirits from the apartment.

The advice of Archpriest Andrei Tkachev and Priest Dionisy Svechnikov, Chairman of the Catechesis Department of the Baku-Caspian Diocese, is known on the Internet. This is what Father Dionysius says: “Fortune tellers, psychics, healers, clairvoyants - all these are ministers of black cults. At the same time, it is impossible to simultaneously pray to God for help and at the same time run to healers. Turning to a clairvoyant is turning to the devil! This is a direct violation of the first commandment: “I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other gods before Me” (Ex. 20:2-3). A confession with a confessor is required, in which it is necessary to talk about visits to clairvoyants. Remember one thing: a person who lives in harmony with God and fulfills His commandments is not afraid of any damage or witchcraft. God help you!”

Fortune telling in the assessment of the Church

Believe the centuries-old experience of the Church: there is no safe fortune-telling and conspiracies, just as there is no division into “white” and “black” magicians. Both the pastors of the Church and very famous saints have written many times about the dangers of predictions: “Do not be curious about the future, but make good use of the present. If the future brings you something good, it will come, although you did not know it in advance. And if it is sorrowful, why languish in sorrow until the end? If you want to make sure of the future, fulfill what is prescribed by the Gospel Law and expect to enjoy blessings,” these are the words of St. Basil the Great, spoken back in the 4th century.

Let us also note that many types of fortune telling and conspiracies, especially on Christmas and Epiphany days, require the removal of pectoral cross. It is proposed to remove the cross to the side so as not to interfere with the upcoming “dialogue” - in fact, to renounce God in order to talk with Satan! It is necessary to constantly remember that any prediction and magical statement necessarily leaves a mark on our lives, even if we simply listen to them and consider them only a “game”.

God bless you!

In “The Battle of Psychics,” incredible things happen all the time: they either reconstruct the history of the death of this or that person, or determine damage, or find a hidden object, or even directly on camera contact dead spirits and conduct a dialogue with them. Miracles and nothing more!

Of course, everything mystical and unknown attracts the attention of viewers, and fans of this long-standing television project are looking forward to the new season, raising the show’s rating with their views to the delight of the organizers and owners of the channel. But let's try to look at this TV project through the eyes of a skeptic and understand how psychics are filmed and why.

"Battle of psychics": a true struggle or a bright show?

If you read the stories of people who tried to get on this television project and participated in it, then the general scheme for selecting participants is as follows: everyone who wants to come to the casting on a certain day, participate in several qualifying tests and, if they successfully pass them, get included in the television project among the participants. Next, all participants undergo the same tests, based on the results of which the most successful one is identified, who becomes the winner, receives recognition and a cash prize.

That is, before the viewer’s eyes there appears a struggle between different psychics, as a result of which only one receives recognition. Is all this even fair? They say that if a person has a real gift, he will not put it on public display in order to prove something to someone, as well as to enrich himself financially - and as we remember, in this program the winner receives a substantial cash prize. In addition, with such an attitude towards your gift, you can easily lose it.

Another important point: those who believe in extrasensory perception and use it are completely different people. Some find it easier to read information from objects, others see a person’s energy better, etc. Psychics cannot have all their abilities equally developed so that they can all be objectively tested using the same tests, as happens in transfer.

If you search for information about this show, you may also find the following information:

  • The most attentive people notice certain “blunders” when they say one thing, but what is filmed is not quite the same. For example, they make mistakes in years, exact dates and numbers, etc.
  • You can argue with the conditions of some tests: not all of them are as objective as possible - sometimes the chances of winning for a quick-witted, attentive and psychologically prepared person are much higher.
  • With the participation of psychics in the transmission, they pass all tests more or less successfully, but in many real situations, when they are asked to help in solving a specific situation, many are often very mistaken.
  • The very behavior of some participants and their appearance attractive to viewers. Bright appearance, unusual manner of speech, attributes - all this arouses interest and is done in order to attract attention. However, they say that a true psychic does not need all this external “tinsel”, because he does not try with all his might to prove something to someone, using all available means for this.
  • Finally, you can find recordings of interviews with people directly involved with the show. So, for example, in one of them, a girl talks about how, on the eve of the next test, the participant received a letter in the mail with detailed description what will happen and how to behave in order to successfully pass it.

Some skeptics also say that the participants in the show may not be completely mentally healthy - they actually begin to believe that they have some kind of abilities, etc., when in fact they do not.

Not everyone is ready to demonstrate their abilities on camera outside of the show. However, after the program, many such psychics gain wild popularity - people come to see them in droves. Based on all of the above, you yourself can draw a conclusion and understand whether all this is for real or just a successful commercial move to attract mass people’s attention.

“Battle of Psychics” is a television project of the TNT channel, filmed in the format of the British television show “Britain’s Psychic Challenge”. The first season was released in 2007. Numerous sources say that the show is staged in nature with a pre-written script. In February 2017, the project received an anti-award from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for popularizing pseudoscience. Attempts by individual participants to pass independent tests and receive the Harry Houdini Award ended in complete failure. The actions of some participants were considered fraudulent.

about the project

The first presenter was Mikhail Porechenkov. He spent the first seven seasons, after which he was replaced by Marat Basharov. All participants are selected. To do this, it is proposed to determine what is behind the opaque fabric or in the casket. Based on the results, no more than 40 people are selected. Those who go further must find a person hidden in one of 30 places. Only those who have completed this task can take part in the show.

A jury is necessarily formed, which decides which of the psychics will move on to the next round. The program also has co-hosts. In different seasons, the role of “skeptics” was played by criminologists, artists, psychiatrists, magicians and pop stars.

In an interview, Mikhail Vinogradov repeatedly said that patients, scammers and various shocking personalities come to take part in the tests. No one gives guarantees of their professionalism. The only exceptions are three winners in each season. According to the forensic expert, such individuals really confirm their abilities.

Truth or lie?

Each season had its stars. Famous participants earn significant sums. One hour of their work costs an average of 15-40 thousand rubles. Mikhail Porechenkov gave an interview on Nashe Radio. He said that at first it was really interesting to work, all members of the film crew believed in what was happening. Gradually, awareness of the technology of work came. There are people who give tips to psychics. This is done on the basis of contracts concluded before filming. However, there were also moments when the participants understood something.

Information about paid tips appeared back in 2009. Information from friends and relatives of the participants began to appear on various forums. They note that among them there are real psychics, and there are those who pay for the correct answers to the questions posed. The community has repeatedly voiced the opinion that the task is real, but the winners “pay for” their victory.

There are also positive reviews, but they relate to visiting individual psychics outside of the program. Indeed, many participants have become highly paid specialists, but among them there are also those who have never received compensation for their prophecies. For example, Julia Wang immediately said that she does not provide services to the public.

Stars about the “Battle of Psychics”

Singer Danko says that everything is a montage. He once had an affair with Julia Wang, the winner of season 15. He himself took part in the filming. The singer notes that Wang did not show her psychic abilities, was an ordinary glamorous party girl. Danko told how the filming takes place:

  1. Each participant is filmed for an hour.
  2. Psychic speaks various options answers.
  3. Editors select suitable ones from the footage.

Ekaterina Gordon notes that in the entire history of the project there were only 2-3 real psychics. She notes that colleagues working on the television project do not hide the fact that miracles do not happen on it, it’s all a show.

Alena Vodonaeva was “Mr. X” in one of the episodes. She says that everything is for real. She notes that after returning from filming, she started bleeding. According to Alena, the participants acted in this way with their energy.

Actress Nastasya Samburskaya also had a positive review. Participants shared details about her life that she never mentioned.

In many tests, Vera Sotnikova acts as an expert. She notes that sometimes real miracles happen on set. Sometimes psychics say things about which information was very carefully hidden. Therefore, it is very difficult not to believe what is happening.

Sergei Safronov has been conducting some tests for many years. In his opinion, most of the participants are excellent psychologists. Only once did he really feel like he was getting into his head. Sergei is convinced that TV viewers don’t care whether the show is real or staged.

Rossa Voronova said that those participants who are suitable for editors receive help. Everyone else is tested themselves. She argues that information is provided in doses to certain people. This is done so that it doesn’t turn out like this: one person comes and guesses everything.

What do the winners do after the project?

You can understand whether the program is a scam or whether help was really provided to those who applied by studying how the winners live after the show. It has already been noted that many of them decided to start a business.

Winners of the first five seasons:

  • Natalya Vorotnikova. He is engaged in healing, gives lectures and makes exclusive forecasts for a glossy magazine.
  • Zulia Radzhabova. She has written three books and constantly reminds people not to turn to scammers and swindlers working under her name for help.
  • Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa. Left extrasensory perception and took up psychology. According to some of his clients, his abilities were gone. You can buy “charged” paintings on the official website.
  • Tursnoy Zakirova. She published the book “How to Become Happier” and hosts a reception at the “Magic Power” center.
  • Lilia Khegai. He provides services to the public, but does not consider himself a psychic.

Winners from season 6 to 10

  • Alexander Litvin. He has written several books and conducts online consulting.
  • Alexey Pokhabov. Conducts seminars and personal consultations. Believes that everyone can develop their abilities.
  • Vladimir Muranov. He continues to practice healing and is the author of books and CDs with recordings for meditation.
  • Natalya Banteeva. He is the creator of "Coven" northern witches" She opened a school where students are allowed to immerse themselves in the “life of a wizard.”
  • Mohsen Norouzi. Very popular, makes predictions for famous personalities, receives clients in one of the prestigious business centers.

Winners from seasons 11 to 17:

  • Vitaly Gibert. Writes books, conducts seminars on the Black Sea coast.
  • Elena Yasevich. Offers esoteric services in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Refuses techniques associated with witchcraft.
  • Dmitry Volokhov. Popularizes neo-paganism and conducts seminars.
  • Alexander Sheps. He opened a store that sells charms, bracelets, and other talismans. Conducts trainings.
  • Julia Wang. Does not conduct receptions, does not give consultations. He is engaged in the creation of perfumes and soaps.
  • Victoria Raidos. He does not practice healing, but solves complex everyday problems.
  • Swami Dashi. Conducts trainings, published the first book. It is possible to sign up for an individual session.

In conclusion, we note: Marat Basharov himself says that everything that happens on the project is true. He says that rumors about information leaks are spread by the participants themselves who dropped out of the project.



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