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Fortune telling using the same numbers on an electronic watch, what is an online inpot service. Fortune telling by time on a clock

You've probably seen the same numbers on a clock, but have you ever thought about their meanings? Mystics believe that frequent encounters with the same numbers indicate a specific warning or a certain stage in a person’s life. What do the numbers on the clock want to tell you?

The world is filled with signs from the Universe; you just need to be able to notice and read them. There are many signs, both generally known and personal, that try to explain the reason for the appearance of paired numbers in your life.

The system that is presented to your attention is based on many years of observations. The most interesting thing is that you can convince yourself of its veracity.

What do the numbers on the clock warn us about?

Below are explanations of the various number combinations.

1. If you are going somewhere, you are thinking about something (someone), you are waiting for something, you are going to do something, and at this time by chance ( accidentally!!!) look at your watch, and there:

  • 00.00, 01.01, 02.02, 03.03, 04.04, 05.05, 06.06, 07.07, 08.08, 09.09, 10.10, 11.11, 12.12, 13.13, 14.14, 15.15, 16.16, 17.1 7, 18.18, 19.19, 20.20, 21.21, 22.22, 23.23, or
  • 12.00, 13.01, 14.02, 15.03, 16.04, 17.05, 18.06, 19.07, 20.08, 21.09, 22.10, 23.11, 00.12

This means “Everything will be fine”, “Everything will work out” - if you are going to do something, “You will have time” - if you are late for something, “Everything will work out” - if you are worried about something.

2. Also, favorable circumstances or possible changes for the better are promised by combinations of numbers:

  • 00.01, 01.02, 02.03, 03.04, 04.05, 05.06, 06.07, 07.08, 08.09, 09.10, 10.11, 11.12, 12.13, 13.14, 14.15, 15.16, 16.17, 17.18, 18.19, 19.20, 20.21, 21.22, 22.23, 23.24,
  • 12.01, 13.02, 14.03, 15.04, 16.05, 17.06, 18.07, 19.08, 20.09, 21.10, 22.11, 23.12.

If, looking at your watch, you see 00.13, this means “I’m late,” “It’s already late.” Also, these numbers on the clock can indicate any kind of danger, possible unpleasant consequences from some action, or simply the tension of the environment.

3. If you see numbers on the clock:

  • 01.00, 02.01, 03.02, 04.03, 05.04, 06.05, 07.06, 08.07, 09.08, 10.09, 11.10, 12.11, 13.12, 14.13, 15.14, 16.15, 17.16, 18.1 7, 19.18, 20.19, 21.20, 22.21, 23.22, and also
  • 13.00, 14.01, 15.02, 16.03, 17.04, 18.05, 19.06, 20.07, 21.08, 22.09, 23.10, 00.11…

This means “Early”, “It’s not worth it” or “It’s not worth it yet” - if you are going to do something, “You shouldn’t go” or “It’s not worth going yet” - if you are going somewhere, “You shouldn’t wait” or “It’s not worth waiting yet” - if you are waiting for something.

4. Combinations:

  • 01.10, 02.20, 03.30, 04.40, 05.50, 10.01, 12.21, 13.31, 14.41, 15.51, 20.02, 21.12, 23.32…

They say that - “There is a chance.” The best of all signs is when the hour, minute and second coincide. For example, 22.22.22 or 22.22.10. It means that there is a very good chance of getting something you want, of fulfilling an old dream.

What do other digital clues in the universe mean?

  • 111 - The end of something old, and the beginning of something new. "Time to start again."
  • 222 (02.22, 12.22) - “So far everything is calm”, stability (rather good than bad).
  • 333 (03.33, 13.33) - “Nothing will change”, “This will not change anything” (rather bad than good).
  • 444 (04.44, 14.44, 16.44) - " Right way" Personal growth, the opportunity to achieve what you want. Success is more about work and sports achievements. May indicate a calling in life.
  • 555 (05.55, 15.55, 17.55) - Losing, making a mistake, warning of danger.
  • 666 - The worst of signs. Alcohol should be avoided dangerous situations, and generally be careful. He often appeared in front of some kind of trouble.
  • 777 - Winning, a good combination of circumstances, an opportunity to get out of an unpleasant situation. Winning at gambling(for example on a counter slot machine, while “555” is a loss). With several possible ways out of the situation, it may indicate the most favorable one.
  • 888 - Same as “444”, but concerns the spiritual sphere. Gaining new knowledge. Spiritual growth. The beginning of a new, better stage in life, or the possibility of its beginning.
  • 999 - Alcohol and other substances should be avoided. May indicate the danger of becoming dependent on something.

The signs are well suited for diagnosis when (compilation runic staves and formulas), as well as when performing any other magical actions.

For example: 10.09 - “It’s unlikely to work, don’t start”, 10.10 - “Everything will work as it should, perhaps even better”, 10.11 - “The action can lead to bad consequences", 10.01 - "There is a chance that everything will work out." The downside is that it is impossible to carry out such a diagnosis specifically.

Is there a drawback to this system?

Signs can be controlled by some egregors² of a fairly high level, as well as unconsciously by some people with a fairly high high level inner strength. Here, as one of the greats said, the highest wisdom is to distinguish the work of God’s hands from the work of man.

You should always listen to your heart first, and only then look at the signs. Most interesting fact, when the heart and signs speak in unison, there is no longer any doubt... It is also worth remembering that a sign should be taken into account only if it is appropriate in a particular situation. There is also always the possibility of a random coincidence.

Let the signs become a reliable companion for you on your journey. Listen to your heart, read the signs and always move forward.

Fortune telling by the hour is one of the ways that help a person poznreveal the secrets of fate And Pprepare for upcoming events in their lives. Indeed, at all times, humanity has invariably been attracted to mysterious, inexplicable things. The desire to know the future forced many not only to turn to various types fortune telling, but also with the help of sorcerers, magicians or psychics who would be able to lift the curtain on the mysteries of the coming days.

A little history

In the middle of the 15th century The first indoor mechanisms appeared in the world, which were quite bulky and were driven by a load. Later, wall, fireplace, carriage and pocket examples appeared.

Having learned to measure time, people began to notice coincidences in numbers.

Thanks, this somewhat strange pattern appeared fortune telling by time, which is closely intertwined with other ancient sciences. For example, numerology, Feng Shui, have been used for more than 3 thousand years, in which each number has its own meaning.

Fortune telling rules

A lot of mystical properties have long been attributed to mechanisms that measure time, which, in turn, has given rise to a lot of methods that make it possible to find out the meaning of matching numbers.

Time reminds everyone to live in the present. This should be taken into account when performing various rituals related to time.

You should guess using the same numbers on the clock in a strictly allotted time, a certain number of times.

Often numerology by the hour gives an exceptionally correct hint, but don't expect 100% accuracy. In order to avoid mistakes during fortune telling by the clock, you should take into account a few important rules:

Basic methods of prediction

In the world there are a huge number of different options for telling fortunes based on the time accidentally seen on the clock. Some methods arose relatively recently, others have existed for several centuries.

Numbers and time itself are taken as the basis for fortune telling on the clock.

It's time– this is what has always been and will be on the planet. Ending for one, it is just beginning for another.

When at random times we notice interesting meanings on the clock, we wonder what this could mean, whether there really is hidden meaning. But for many, fortune telling by time is already a familiar ritual.

There is even a sign that promises good luck, the fulfillment of a wish to anyone who, by chance looking at the dial of a watch, sees the same time on it.

Perhaps, deep in our own subconscious, we understand that higher power They are trying to give us a hint, convey some information. You just need to correctly decipher the meaning when the numbers on the clock coincide.

Make a wish

The older the watch is, the better, if there are none, then it is allowed to use modern options mechanical type, more than 1 year old.
  1. Before starting the session, it is recommended to sit comfortably at the table, put a watch in front of you, close your eyes
  2. Mentally focus and ask a question. It must be clearly formulated in advance. The answer to the question can only be “yes” or “no”.
  3. Then open your eyes and look at the dial.

It is best to guess in complete solitude and silence, so that no one distracts you, then you can fully concentrate on the question being asked.

Now all that remains is to decipher the meaning of the time that you saw. The stopwatch hand is located between:

  • 12 - 3 – what you dreamed will definitely come true;
  • 3 - 6 – the probability of fulfillment of a desire is quite high, but additional efforts will not hurt;
  • 6 - 9 – we can only hope for luck; most likely, our plans will not come true;
  • 9 - 12 – the plan will not come true.

If all answer options have same values, for example, positive, this means that the secret will certainly come true.

Experts do not advise lending your personal chronometers to someone else for a fortune telling session.


Paying attention to the clock by chance, and repeatedly seeing the same numbers on it, a person should definitely pay attention to this factor. Experts say that at such moments, they want to tell a person about upcoming changes or a fateful intention.

It is believed that the coincidence of numbers shows the amount of time before an important event in the life of their owner.

If you notice the same numbers for several days in a row, it will probably happen very soon an important event, which will change your life, so you should be more prudent.

The meaning of identical numbers on an electronic clock - what the interpretations say

Today there are various options fortune telling on watches, including electronic ones.

This method is the simplest and also accessible to every modern person.

Sometimes people do not attach importance to the coincidence of numbers on a digital watch when they look at it. Not many people believe in prophecies and therefore try not to notice such little things as paired numbers. And this is bad, because the forces from above do not just send us signs that can warn or protect us.

Each number combination can be interpreted differently.

Everything depends on the current situation life situation and on the characteristics of the person himself.

Experts say that mirror numbers or repeating time play a special role, for example, 11.11. Therefore, if you are conducting a fortune-telling session or just saw a coincidence of numbers, then be sure to pay attention to this and find out their meaning.

Duplicate values:

  1. - suggests that it’s time for development creative potential and self-realization;
  2. - it's time to stop fighting with yourself. You just need to rest, relax and gain confidence in own strength;
  3. - the time has come to become more definite, try to carefully think through all the mistakes you have made and take measures to avoid making new ones;
  4. - work is not a wolf, you shouldn’t burden yourself like that. Try to rest more, take time for yourself, eat right;
  5. - be careful, exciting adventures await you;
  6. - don't lose your humanity. Be kind, sincere and, if possible, try to help the people around you;
  7. - mystery. It will help you get closer to the world, find harmony with nature;
  8. - symbolizes infinity. Advises you to think about the near future and evaluate the past, remember wasted time cannot be returned;
  9. - don’t be afraid of obstacles on your way, you can easily overcome them, the main thing is not to stand still.

The meaning of combinations

Mirror time, like the paired numbers on the clock, has its own special interpretation for each person individually; one should not expect a literal fulfillment of the prediction.

Perhaps, specifically in your situation, only part of the interpretation will be correct.

The same numbers on the clock mean that in different variations they will have different interpretations:

  • 00:00 - your innermost desire will come true if your thoughts were pure. Zeros mean new way which you need to start with faith in yourself in order to get what you want;
  • 01:01 – receive good news from a man;
  • 01:10 - your business will not succeed;
  • 01:11 – don’t miss the moment, you will receive an exciting offer;
  • 02:02 – expect an invitation;
  • 02:20 – think carefully before you say anything;
  • 02:22 – someone else’s secret will be revealed to you;
  • 03:03 – you will lose or gain love in a relationship;
  • 03:30 - your plans are not destined to come true soon;
  • 03:33 – an avalanche of luck will cover you;
  • 04:04 – evaluate your strengths, have patience and perseverance. When achieving a goal, you should rely only on yourself;
  • 04:40 – trouble awaits you, be careful;
  • 04:44 – try to avoid conflict with your superiors in the workplace;
  • 05:05 – be careful, envious people are nearby;
  • 05:50 – natural elements are raging, be careful;
  • 05:55 – don’t be upset, a pleasant meeting will happen soon;
  • 06:06 – expect an invitation to a gala event;
  • 07:07 – positive changes await you. You can safely begin to implement your plans, your friends will help you;
  • 08:08 – will bring profit and successful acquaintances. Try not to enter into conflict situations and make mistakes, they will not be forgotten for a long time;
  • 09:09 – watch your own finances more closely;
  • 10:01 – new acquaintance;
  • 10:10 – today you are lucky, many doors will open, and with them opportunities, but before spending money, think carefully about everything;
  • 11:11 – today they decide for you;
  • 12:21 – a new acquaintance is on the horizon;
  • 13:13 – keep your emotions under control, don’t let your opponent beat you;
  • 13:31 – wishes are destined to come true;
  • 14:14 - you are on the wings of love, which can end in marriage;
  • 14:41 – there is a chance that you will receive unpleasant news;
  • 15:15 – listen to the opinions of adults. Try to spend time with your family, your presence is very important to them;
  • 16:16 – be careful on the roads;
  • 17:17 – be careful, a person with evil intentions is very close;
  • 18:18 – look both ways before crossing the road;
  • 19:19 – triumph awaits at work;
  • 20:02 – be patient, the situation may get tense;
  • 20:20 – conflict in the family should not allow you to move away from your loved ones;
  • 21:12 – proposals for new activities and discoveries will be received;
  • 22:22 – meeting new people;
  • 23:23 – you are surrounded by treacherous people;

When interpreting the same time on chronometers, do not forget about your intuition, listen to it.

Not everyone is lucky enough to see right time. And caution has never hurt anyone in this life.

The world of symbols that surround us contains many secrets. For complete penetration and more accurate knowledge, you also need be able to feel what the combination conceals, which you constantly notice.

If the prediction did not come true, then do not be upset, it was probably a simple coincidence and nothing more.

Do not forget that only man is the creator of his own future oh oh predictionsThis cheat sheets to help you go in the right direction.

Since very ancient times, people have been peering into their future and analyzing the past, its connection with the present and with various events, in the hope of finding a pattern, a connection that will help them navigate the future and change their destiny at will. As they say: informed means armed; accordingly, a person who knows his future is ready for it, one way or another he is waiting for it, and it will not become a fatal surprise for him.

Since time immemorial, people have turned for information about themselves and the future to specialists in this field - sorcerers, magicians and astrologers, for any available information, any thread that will point to the future as a guiding star.

Sometimes we don’t need to turn to fortune tellers or we simply cannot physically get to them, but an answer to an important question is necessary! In this case, you can simply take a closer look at the little things - sneezing, dreams, or the time on the clock. Today we will talk about the last case - fortune telling by the clock. Various masters offer their business various ways fortune telling, we have collected the best of them and presented them to you.

Attention! For the most accurate result, you must strictly follow the sequence of actions, otherwise the result may be unpredictable.

Fortune telling by the clock is a great opportunity to find out about your future; it was born exactly at the same time as the first clock, but today it is a method proven over the years that deserves a lot of attention.

Fortune telling on the clock - same numbers

Fortune telling by the hour involves the interpretation of identical numbers, but some other combinations also have magical meaning. Just look at your watch and find out what the combination you see promises (of course, if this combination of numbers has a magical meaning).

Fortune telling by the clock is a simple thing and familiar to many, and most people even somehow unconsciously, intuitively make a wish if they see a beautiful number or identical numbers on the clock. For example, 20:02, or 12:21. And they do it right!

In fact, this is not a mere coincidence, this is a very subtle moment when a person can really establish a connection with higher powers for just a few moments, and a wish can come true. Especially for someone who believes in fortune telling by the clock!

Such “coincidences” should be treated more carefully than lucky combinations, because a warning may also contain a guide to action, recommendations that allow you to get out of any difficult situation. In any case, if you looked at your watch and saw a repeating even combination, you need to think about what exactly the higher powers want to warn you about, what test and what difficulties the watch is telling you.

But the meaning lies not only in the coincidence of numbers, but also in any other combination. In some cases, the meaning is one number that constantly catches your eye. If you try, you will definitely be able to remember at least one moment in your life when, looking at your watch several times in a row, you saw the same number.

For example, you saw the minute hand at the “12” mark several times a day; you may not pay any attention to this, but if you know the meanings of the numbers, then you will immediately understand that higher powers are telling you that soon you are about to meet interesting person, which can radically change your whole life.

Mirror reflections of numbers are also of particular importance, for example, if you saw the value on the clock: 10:01, then this is a clear sign, and you should not miss it, because knowing about your future, you can simplify your life and not miss your lucky chance .

This is why many esotericists take watches and fortune telling by this mechanism extremely seriously.

What time is it now? What will come true?

There is fortune telling by the time on the clock, in addition to simply making wishes at the sight of identical numbers. There are special combinations of numbers that are not only very beautiful and harmonious, but also have a special magical meaning.

This fortune telling can be done on any watch with an electronic dial - not only on a wrist watch, but even on a computer monitor. Find out what awaits you!

  • 00:00 - if you looked and saw these numbers, at exactly midnight, higher powers warn you - the day will not be the most successful for new beginnings. Do not plan any new projects or bold actions for this day; if possible, postpone it. Try to spend the day calm and quiet.
  • 3:33 – this beautiful combination of threes is very successful for the one who saw it. Threes indicate that today the things you have started will certainly end in a very successful way, or will develop correctly and successfully. Today you can start new things, make bold plans and take decisive steps. It's your day!
  • 10:01 is a combination that is hard to miss. If you see 10:01 on your watch, rest assured that today will be very successful in everything. Thus, higher powers seem to encourage you and push you to take bold actions - build your destiny, don’t be afraid of anything, you will succeed! Today luck is on your side.
  • 10:10 is another lucky morning coincidence. These numbers on the clock indicate good luck in the work and business sphere, so if you see them, be bolder and more decisive! All projects will develop perfectly, and negotiations will go in your favor.
  • 11:11 – today you will receive gifts from fate. By the way, about material gifts from loved ones too we're talking about, because today is a time when you are going to get surprises and pleasant surprises. You will be pleasantly surprised more than once!
  • 12:12 is an unusual combination and not often noticed. If you are lucky and find 12:12 on your watch dial, rejoice! Today, absolutely everything you take on will go the best way, everything will work out, no difficulties will hinder you.
  • 12:21 is also a beautiful combination of ones and twos, it’s hard to miss it, because it must mean something! Of course, like other unusual and rare combinations, 12:21 is special. This is a sign that today you will fall in love, or you will spend the whole day in romantic thoughts about someone. Perhaps today you will receive a very romantic surprise from your loved one, a date or a pleasant proposal.
  • 14:41 is a lucky combination that can have several meanings. For example, for young people and unmarried girls 14:41 means love affairs, new acquaintances, flirting and all the most pleasant things associated with the romantic sphere. For family people and adults, the numbers 14:41 promise pleasant communication, relaxation, reconciliation in the family, a harmonious and calm day, full of joy.
  • 15:15 is not the best combination of numbers. This fortune telling says that if you see 15:15 on the clock, be careful today - don’t take risks and don’t start new things. An unpleasant surprise or an unwanted meeting may happen; try to treat everything as calmly and wisely as possible.
  • 15:51 – on the contrary, a good combination. The combination 15:51 promises you a pleasant surprise and good evening. Even if this day is difficult and full of various unwanted events, stress and failures, know that by the evening everything will change for the better.
  • 20:02 is an unusual number. This is not a prediction, but advice to you, if you see 20:02 on the clock, then be more restrained this evening. The combination 20:02 consists of twos and zeros, and can promise a quarrel with a loved one or loved one. Keep your emotions under control, know how to remain silent.
  • 21:12 – tomorrow will be successful for you and will bring new joy.
  • 21:21 – warning, be careful and weigh your actions. You may have already made a mistake that you will regret - think about it.
  • 23:23 – Tomorrow awaits you great luck and joy. Go to sleep with good thoughts!

Fortune telling by hours and numbers is something that will help you navigate your reality, not forget that you need to live and act according to your conscience, and avoid mistakes.

Additional meanings

Some peoples believe that a lucky combination of numbers on a clock will only be one in which only odd numbers are present. However, people living in the East believed that they should be wary of numbers that contain the number 9, because it speaks of imminent changes in life. But no one can say for sure whether they will be positive or negative.

Also, some peoples believe that if many even numbers are repeated in a combination, this indicates that the person is in a dangerous situation.

Even numbers try to warn a person that they have ill-wishers who may cause damage in the near future. This suggests that it is worth protecting yourself from potential enemies and “laying low” for a while.

Rules for fortune telling with a clock

Any fortune-telling, on paper, with coins, on sticks, on Tarot cards, has its own rules that must be followed in order to get an accurate result. This is no exception.

Remember, the exact result can only be obtained on Tuesday and Thursday. Other days of the week are not of particular value and any coincidences of numbers that you saw not on the specified days do not have logical meaning.

Also, you should not specifically select the right time. It will just be an artificial coincidence and will have no real power.

Fortune telling by the number of clocks in the house

In addition to the common ritual that allows you to find out your future by the same numbers on a digital clock, there is also this less common fortune telling. You can find out the energy of the house and the owner by the number of hours spent in the room.

  • Some - the house is filled with love, understanding, well-being.
  • Two - the room retains positive energy, the owners are in harmony with themselves.
  • Three - the owner of the house is a very pragmatic person, a realist who loves to defend his rightness.
  • Four - there is little warmth and love in this room.
  • Five - the owner of the house loves guests, he is always friendly, happy to meet new people and make acquaintances.
  • Six - it’s hard to relax in this house, there’s a rush and bustle everywhere, the owner of the room is probably a very busy and scandalous person.
  • Seven - there is no energy of calm and well-being in the room; the owner of the house needs to establish relationships with his loved ones.
  • Eight also indicates a lack of energy of comfort and coziness. The owners of the house are concerned about small matters and devote little time to each other.
  • Nine - there is an atmosphere of calm and well-being in the room, here any guest can feel at home.

If there are more than 9 hours in the room, then to get the result you need to add the numbers, for example: 14 = 1+4 = 5.

If you decide to conduct any fortune-telling, prepare yourself for a positive result in advance. Because even if the numbers warn of something negative, it is just a guide to be more careful, but not a guarantee that something bad will happen.


Fortune telling on an electronic watch

Fortune telling today is different and there are many signs, some fortune telling came to us from ancient times, some we ourselves acquired in modern world. Clocks and time are an eternal thing that has always been, perhaps initially people did not have clocks, but this is how they determined time by the sun, but still a lot of fortune-telling and omens are associated with clocks. But since you and I live in the modern world, let’s consider fortune telling by electronic watches, which we can observe not only in the office or at home, but also in stores, at train stations, on the streets, in the subway, etc.

A lot of signs are already associated with numbers, and on electronic watches they change every now and then, and every person intuitively looks at the time and sees different numbers not by chance.

It has been proven that some higher powers are trying to convey something important to a person, to suggest or warn him using numbers. And an electronic watch is precisely that item where numbers are constantly present and they constantly carry different information.

What conclusions do you draw for yourself when you look at a digital watch several times a day and not necessarily the same ones and the numbers catch your eye all the time: 12 or 48? Most likely, you will answer this question like this: I don’t notice it at all, I don’t attach importance to it, or I don’t focus on it.

But it’s in vain that higher powers are trying to tell you something and warn you. For example, the same 12 all the time before your eyes not only tell you, but “shout” that a new interesting acquaintance awaits you, and the number 48 already foreshadows a whirlwind romance.

But according to many opinions of magicians and experts, the numbers that mirror them have magical meaning, i.e. these are, for example, 12.21 or those that repeat 13:13, which resemble an electronic clock even when recorded. Therefore, fortune telling by electronic watches makes sense to study and apply every day in order to know what awaits us in the near future.

The only thing you need to consider is just two simple rules, so that fortune telling is truthful and actually fulfilled. If you do not take them into account, then the fortune telling will not be truthful and you will soon say that fortune telling with an electronic watch is nonsense, so follow the rules and see for yourself on personal experience that fortune telling is truly truthful and really tells us the truth.

  • So, rule number one. You can resort to the help of a digital clock and its numbers only twice a week - this is Tuesday and Thursday, when the numbers are most tuned to tell the truth.
  • Rule number two. There is no need to deliberately guess the time or cheat, since it is unlikely that something will work out on purpose and the clock will tell you the truth, only accidentally seen paired or identical numbers can predict the truth for the future time.

When you see those same numbers, look at the interpretation on our website and discover the veil of the future.

But don’t forget the two cherished rules; only an intuitive look can tell you the truth and advise you on what to fear or, conversely, what good things await you.

Interpretation of the meanings of numbers, fortune telling using an electronic clock.

  • 00.00 - if your wish comes from a pure heart without evil thoughts, it will definitely come true
  • 01.01 - expect good news from a man
  • 01.10 - unfortunately, the business you started will not bring the desired result
  • 01.11 - I advise the stars not to refuse any offers today
  • 02.02 - an invitation awaits you either to the club or just to visit
  • 02.20 - a warning for you: watch what you say, don’t get irritated
  • 02.22 - a secret or secret will be revealed to you
  • 03.03 - love is rushing to you on its wings, open the doors to it
  • 03.30 - unfortunately, if Your wish associated with changes in life, it is this moment not come true
  • 03.33 - happiness and luck are on your doorstep
  • 04.04 - try to look at the current situation from the other side
  • 04.40 is not your day. Fortune is not on your side
  • 04.44 - you will get it from the authorities
  • 05.05 - enemies are planning something against you
  • 05.50 - fear water and fire
  • 05.55 - you will soon meet a smart person
  • 06.06 - wedding soon
  • 07.07 - be careful around people in military uniform
  • 08.08 - career takeoff
  • 09.09 - take care of your money and purse
  • 10.01 - you will meet a very influential man
  • 10.10 - your time comes
  • 11.11 - you will be dependent on someone or something
  • 12.12 - great success in love awaits you.
  • 12.21 - you will meet a beautiful girl
  • 13.13 - opponents be careful
  • 13.31 - finally you will get what you wanted for a long time
  • 14.14 - love rules your show
  • 14.41 - an unpleasant situation awaits you
  • 15.15 - listen to the advice of a smart person
  • 15.51 - a short but whirlwind romance awaits you
  • 16.16 - be careful on the road
  • 17.17 - be careful there may be hooligans on the street
  • 18.18 - be careful on the road
  • 19.19 - success awaits you in business
  • 20.02 - quarrel with a person you care about
  • 20.20 - there is a quarrel in your family
  • 21.12 - you will be born in your head new project or these numbers foretell the birth of a child
  • 21.21 - romance of stormy passions
  • 22.22 - new acquaintance.
  • 23.23 - you may have a dangerous relationship.
  • 23.32 - health problems may arise.

Fortune telling by wish

For this type of fortune telling, it is advisable to use a mechanical watch with a second hand. They must necessarily belong personally to the person who is going to tell fortunes. The older the watch, the better. Perfect option- This is an antique thing that is passed down in the family from generation to generation. If there are no such watches, then you can use ordinary modern chronometers, which are at least a year old.

Put your watch in front of you and clearly formulate a question that can be answered with a monosyllable “yes” or “no.” You can also imagine what you want. Open your eyes and look at the dial.

If the second hand is between 12 and 3, then this means that your plans will certainly come true. The arrow between the numbers 3 and 6 means that the probability that your wish will come true is very high, but this will require some effort. Between 6 and 9 - there is little hope for luck; most likely, the wish you make will not come true. The second hand is between 9 and 12 - the plan is not destined to come true.

It is believed that fortune telling will be correct if three identical answers are received in a row to a question, but fortune telling three times in one day is not recommended. It is better to spend three days on this fortune-telling, and it is advisable to conduct the session at approximately the same time.

Fortune telling by numbers

Magicians and fortune tellers claim that the Universe sends a signal to people using a clock. When a person accidentally looks at his watch and often sees the same numbers, he should pay close attention to this. It turns out that they want to warn him about upcoming changes in life or about the need to make an important decision, to make a choice.

It is believed that, in this way, the watch shows how many hours, days, months or even years are left until a fateful event in the life of the owner of the chronometer. If a person notices for several days in a row that he is looking at his watch at exactly noon or midnight, then this may mean some important event that is about to happen.

If the same time catches your eye, for example, 15.10, then this can serve as some kind of warning. Perhaps this is the time to be more careful or something may happen on October 15th.

  • 00.00 – any desire that is conceived with pure thoughts will certainly come true;

  • 01.01 – good news from a man (relative, acquaintance or lover);

  • 01.10 – the started enterprise will not bring the desired results, all your efforts will be in vain;

  • 01.11 – during the day you may receive an interesting offer, which you should never refuse;

  • 02.02 – wait for guests, or you yourself may be invited to a party where you will have fun;

  • 02.20 - occurrence conflict situations, you need to carefully monitor the words you say;

  • 02.22 – soon you will become the keeper of someone else’s secret;

  • 03.03 – perhaps you will soon meet great love;

  • 03.30 - all your expectations will be in vain, fate is not on your side now;

  • 03.33 – soon happiness and luck will knock on your doors;

  • 04.04 – you need to stop and think a little, analyze your mistakes and miscalculations and look at the current situation from the outside;

  • 04.40 – today is not your day;

  • 04.44 – problems with management are possible;

  • 05.05 – secret ill-wishers are conspiring against you;

  • 05.50 – stay away from water and sources of fire, there is a high probability of an accident;

  • 05.55 – coming soon to yours life path will meet a wise man, which will have big influence fate;

  • 06.06 – perhaps you will soon tie the knot;

  • 07.07 – danger may come from people in military uniform;

  • 08.08 - in the near future you will receive a promotion or an interesting offer that will bring profit;

  • 09.09 – you may become a victim of theft;

  • 10.01 – meeting an influential person who will provide you with invaluable assistance in the future;

  • 11.11 – there is a danger of becoming dependent on people or circumstances;

  • 12.12 – pleasant events on the love front;

  • 12.21 – interesting acquaintance with a charming lady;

  • 13.13 – you will face fierce competition, a fierce struggle for your interests;

  • 13.31 - a gift of fate, getting what you have dreamed of for so long;

  • 14.14 - great and mutual love will burst into your life;

  • 15.15 – you should start listening more carefully to advice;

  • 15.51 - a stormy but fleeting love affair will soon happen in your life;

  • 16.16 – you should be as careful as possible on the road, it is advisable not to drive on this day;

  • 17.17 – there is a danger of becoming a victim of street hooligans;

  • 18.18 – if you have planned any trip for the evening, then it is advisable to cancel it, as troubles may await you on the road;

  • 19.19 - soon everything you have planned will come true, success in business awaits you;

  • 20.02 – a major quarrel with friends or relatives is likely;

  • 20.20 - discord in the family;

  • 21.12 – new beginning, successful project, imminent addition to the family;

  • 21.21 – a stormy and passionate romance awaits you;

  • 22.22 - new interesting acquaintance;

  • 23.23 – relationship with a person who poses a danger to you;

  • 23.32 – pay attention to your health.

It should be added that under no circumstances should you deliberately guess the time and look at the clock. Predictions must be spontaneous; you yourself must pay attention to a certain pattern of numbers that you see on the dial.

Have you ever had this happen to you: you’re getting ready for work, you glance at your watch, and it shows you the time 08:08, and then you realize that you should have been at work 8 minutes ago, but you set yourself up to realize that good omen and today you will certainly be lucky? Fortune telling by the clock is a kind of ritual that will help you recognize the signs of fate. Find out what magical combinations of numbers exist and what they mean.

Such a simple and familiar object as a watch can predict the future.

Fortune telling by the clock: history and rules

Since ancient times, people wanted to know their fate - and turned for help to fortune tellers who predicted the future using cards, psychics and witches. But you can try to predict your future yourself, you just need to pay attention to the signs that are sent to us from above.

Clocks and time are eternity. When people did not have watches, they checked the sun using sand, and even then various signs and fortune-telling arose on the watch.

Nowadays, there is different types clocks - electronic and mechanical, wrist, wall, mantel, pocket. You can predict your future with any type of watch.
When we check the time and see the same numbers on the clock (duplicates - 10:10), or their mirror image (or “mirroring”, for example 02:20), or a number that often catches our eye - this is all for a reason, we must pay attention to pay attention to these signs of fate and decipher them correctly.

The most truthful fortune telling on the clock:if a combination of odd numbers often appears, it promises you good luck, and when even pairs are repeated, it warns of some kind of danger, difficulties, envy, ill-wishers.

But fortune telling by the hour is also a combination of numbers at certain moments. For example, you often raise your head to look at the time, but the clock constantly shows 47 minutes. Strange, isn't it? But someone wants to warn you or suggest you about something. There is even a belief that your Guardian Angel (and everyone has one) sends you messages. He is trying to help you so that your plans come true, or to solve some important problem. And, naturally, no one has seen angels in reality, so for us this is incomprehensible information that we are trying to somehow decipher.

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The mirror image is important in fortune telling by the hour, for example, 21.12 - this is a clear harbinger of your future, and knowing about this “subtle hint”, you can prepare yourself and not make a mistake.

Fortune telling by numbers on a clock has some rules, for example:

  • You cannot consciously spy on time to see a “lucky combination” - everything must be spontaneous (there is no rigged “coincidence” magical power will not be allocated);
  • It is better to decipher this fortune telling on Tuesdays and Thursdays - that is when the information carries true predictions.

Decoding combinations of numbers

The numbers on the clock not only tell you what time it is, but can also tell you what awaits you ahead.

Each digital combination on the watch can be deciphered differently, depending on the situation or the person himself.

There are no coincidences in life! Even if the clock often shows the same number, it’s not just like that!

If you often notice:

  1. The unit tells you that you need to self-actualize, develop creatively and reveal your hidden potential.
  2. You are fighting with yourself - you need to rest, think about life, feel stability and confidence.
  3. It suggests uncertainty in life; you need to think about all the mistakes you have made or may make.
  4. Work is work, and lunch is on schedule, get plenty of rest and eat right.
  5. This figure speaks of an adventurous person, be careful.
  6. You must be kind, sincere and try to help people.
  7. A mysterious number that helps to recognize the world in all its harmony.
  8. The infinity symbol invites you to think about the future - because time cannot be returned.
  9. Just forward, don’t stand still and overcome all obstacles.

Variations of numbers and their meanings

Fortune telling on a clock with the same numbers is the simplest fortune telling on a clock

We bring to your attention an interpretation of fortune telling on a clock with the same numbers:

  • 00:00 - your wish will come true, but if you made it out of pure intentions. Zeros are a new beginning Bon Voyage. You need to move forward with hope, faith in yourself and your strengths, then there will be a huge chance to get what you want.
  • 01:01 - expect good news from the man;
  • 01:10 – what you are doing, unfortunately, will not bring positive results;
  • 01:11 – an interesting offer awaits - don’t miss the moment;
  • 02:02 - you will be invited somewhere;
  • 02:20 – think before you say something;
  • 02:22 – you will hear someone’s secret;
  • 03:03 – love relationships will appear or, conversely, disappear;
  • 03:30 – what you plan to change will not happen soon;
  • 03:33 – you will be particularly lucky;
  • 04:04 – evaluate yourself from a different point of view. You must learn to be tolerant and persistent, not to give up, but to move towards your goal. You need to rely on yourself;
  • 04:40 – be vigilant, something may happen;
  • 04:44 – a conflict with superiors is possible;
  • 05:05 – pay attention, there are envious people near you;
  • 05:50 – be careful with the forces of nature;
  • 05:55 – a pleasant meeting awaits you;
  • 06:06 – you will be invited to a wedding or other pleasant celebration;
  • 07:07 – the number will bring positive changes. Together with worthy friends you can make grandiose plans;
  • 08:08 - Expect career growth. Try to avoid conflict situations at work. A mistake made under the number 8 will not be forgotten for a long time. And so, 8 - gives profit, successful acquaintances;
  • 09:09 – take care of your money;
  • 10:01 – meet someone;
  • 10:10 – you will be lucky today, many doors will be opened to you, but do not forget to spend your money wisely;
  • 11:11 – you will depend on something or someone;
  • 12:12 - lucky in love relationships. One and two - means an alliance with your like-minded person. With him you will succeed.
  • 12:21 – meet someone;
  • 13:13 – be careful, you have an enemy. Do not give in to emotions, be calm and restrained.
  • 13:31 – wish fulfillment;
  • 14:14 - love inspires you. If this is a new acquaintance, then it is promising. And existing relationships can end in strengthening marriage bonds.
  • 14:41 – possibly unpleasant news;
  • 15:15 – parents will not give bad advice. Spend time with your loved ones, they miss you;
  • 16:16 – be vigilant on the road;
  • 17:17 - carefully! Near you evil person! Although it wouldn’t hurt to make new acquaintances.
  • 18:18 – cross the road carefully, beware of the car;
  • 19:19 – success at work;
  • 20:02 - conflict situation;
  • 20:20 - family conflict. Do not push away your loved ones, because they are always ready to help you.
  • 21:12 – wait new job or other task;
  • 22:22 – a new acquaintance awaits you;
  • 23:23 dangerous people surround you;
  • 23:32 – take care of your health.

Let fortune telling by clock numbers help you read the future and improve your life, as well as life's mistakes!

When you interpret the same numbers on the clock, you should not forget about your sixth sense, listen to it more often. Not everyone is lucky enough to see lucky numbers! And caution never hurt anyone.

The world of signs is too hidden to be fully penetrated and known. You need to feel at the subconscious level what this or that combination of numbers that constantly flashes through your mind means.

In the end, even if your prediction coincides in time (hours), you should not forget that it may just be a coincidence and nothing more. And don’t forget that we are the creators of our future, and fortune telling is fate’s clues for the right step forward.

Comments from site visitors

    I began to notice that I often came across the same time by accident, so I decided to check the meaning, and it really did come true!!! I began to constantly use this fortune-telling, but changed my wrist watch And in the new watches there are no cutoffs for minutes, how can I now correctly determine the time to select the designation?

    I agree with the author of the article - there are no coincidences in life. Life always gives us signs. Only we don’t always notice them and don’t always pay attention to them. So today I read with interest an article about time signs on watches. I know that combinations of numbers carry some kind of meaning - telephone numbers, car numbers that catch your eye on the street... But I never even thought about watches before. Now I will pay attention to these points. Thank you.

    I only knew that at 22:22 and 00:00 you can make a wish. It turns out there are so many other interesting things related to watches! I caught myself thinking that now I look at my watch more often in search of new answers to my questions and solutions to problems! Thanks for the food for thought! Awesome site!

    I remember there was one time when I constantly had such coincidences in hours and minutes: 21:21, 10:10, etc. And it’s true, at that period of my life I always succeeded in everything, everything came easy. But I saw a lot of interesting things in your article - I’ll rewrite it for myself - I’ll keep an eye on what combinations of numbers I pay attention to. This is really a very simple and interesting way to find out for yourself the necessary information about your current state of affairs, or about your future. Thank you!

    I also noticed many times that at certain minutes my gaze falls on the clock. I believe in fortune telling, I think any signs are given to us for a reason, the main thing is to pay attention to it and translate it correctly. We must use them and draw conclusions. In general, everything is simple and convenient with a watch: I looked at the time and read it.

    I woke up today and looked at the clock. It was 07.07. I immediately remembered this article and quickly went to look. “07:07 – the number will bring positive changes. Together with worthy friends you can make grandiose plans.” Today is just a day off and by lunchtime my friends actually started calling me) We will definitely figure out how to spend a fun evening So it coincided for me too.

    I absolutely agree that everything in life is not accidental, all events carry with them some kind of subtext, a sign. And I always try to pay attention to this, especially when I look at my watch and see the same numbers on them, thanks for the article on time signs, I saved the link, I will now check the combinations/time that I see on the watch.

    I have a very respectful attitude towards the science of numerology, but I myself do not have enough knowledge to apply it. In general, I think that numbers in our lives have great importance- car license plate number, telephone number, date of birth, digital compatibility, Pythagorean square, time of birth, wedding date, date of death of a person... I think all this is for a reason.

    Very often I notice that I look at the clock while working and see the time there is 12.12. Here I read that “12:12 - lucky in love relationships. One and two - means an alliance with your like-minded person. With him you will succeed.” I don’t know how true this is, I have lunch at work from 12.30, and usually the day before I always look at my watch, if it’s true that I’ll be lucky in love, then great, I’ll expect love adventures.

    And every morning I open my eyes and see 7.07 on my phone. I never thought that this could mean anything. It’s just that work starts at 9 and I usually wake up like that, I read here that this is good changes and you can make big plans. And I set the alarm clock like this because I don’t like rounded numbers. It’s even somehow easier for me to get up at 7.07 than at 7.00 or 7.10 in the morning. Interesting!

    Until I read this article, I thought that only a combination of four identical numbers can make a wish, and I heard somewhere that if you see, for example, 11:11 on the clock, then you need to make a wish and wait until the time changes to 11:12, then it will definitely come true, because for about a minute you will think and, as it were, visualize your desire. Now I know more)

    Just 30 minutes ago I looked at my watch and saw 01:01 - expect good news from the man. I'd rather come here to see what this means. My husband comes home from work now and says that thanks to me, he was promoted and went to celebrate with his colleagues. He brought the long-awaited ring) and a bouquet of roses!

    I don't really believe in these predictions. It seems to me that this is just a coincidence or that after fortune telling a person is waiting for this, so everywhere he sees what he is waiting for. If I look at the clock, it’s only to find out the time. And what numbers are there, in what order, I don’t care much. I advise you not to engage in nonsense, it’s better to read books

    You can believe it, you can not - but the fact that these signs exist and can be recognized is certain. Dina, try and check it yourself. I have noticed many times that it matches. I have this page bookmarked, even my daughter asks me to read the coincidences to her. Of course, you shouldn’t take this seriously, but it exists. Read the comments, there are a lot of people who agree with me.

    my car number 12:21 – you will meet someone. last days I come across 22.22 on the clock - a new acquaintance awaits you) I am generally a sociable person and often meet new people, and my work involves communicating with clients - also constantly people... Do you mean people in general or about the opposite sex specifically?

    O. numerology. cool science, but very complicated for me, you need to know so many nuances and be able to compare them with each other... it’s much easier to save such a synchronization or print it somewhere and refer to it when you see a certain combination of numbers)

    according to Feng Shui, I know that combinations of numbers also mean a lot and great importance is attached to this... for example, my car number is 3883 and a friend who understands this “art” said that two eights in the middle are very good. what does this mean by the clock, it’s a pity you won’t know))) but I see this combination every day

    23:23 – dangerous people surround you;
    23:32 – take care of your health.
    Yesterday I saw both of these combinations, and during the break between them my eyes did not fall on another time. I can’t say that I attach importance to what I saw on the watch, but yesterday I paid attention to it and today I read an article here... now I’m afraid.

    My grandmother always told me that the numbers you see on the clock are of great importance in certain situations. Especially influential is the time that you see in the morning, just opening your eyes, and before going to bed, that is, the first and last time you saw during the day.

    I heard. that if you see a combination of repeating numbers (at least three), then you need to hold your breath until the minute moves on to the next, and all this time look closely at the numbers... I don’t know if it’s true or not, but a friend said it, who heard this from her grandmother , to whom I went to remove damage or the evil eye..

    Please tell me, what is the significance of the numbers seen in a dream? Sometimes I have a dream that I look at the clock and see, for example, 11:11 or 22:22. does it mean the same thing as what is written here? Or will the interpretation change a little? more than once I had dreams in which I looked at my watch or saw license plates with memorable numbers.

    My very superstitious grandfather always, seeing repeating or mirror numbers on a clock, always sat down in a chair, crossed his fingers, crossed his arms and legs too, and sat like that, counting to 60 (that is, a minute). I asked him why he was doing this, he said that he concentrated his thoughts on luck for one minute, that this way his wish would come true)

    I love mathematics, numerology and everything related to numbers! At work, I often buy corporate SIM cards for new employees, so choosing phone numbers is something I would do every day. I attach great importance to numbers in my life, I love mirror images of them, maybe everything started from birth? I was born on February 20.)

    I have to go to work by 10, but I like to get up early until I have breakfast, take a shower, get ready slowly, read a book - these are the obligatory rituals of my morning. In general, I changed the alarm clock from 7.00 to 7.07 - seven minutes will not solve anything and will not affect my preparations in any way, but I would like to attract positive changes into my life)

    At one time, for several days in a row, I saw 21:12, 11:11 and 10:01 on the clock. It was these three meanings that somehow coincided for me. And in fact, at that time everything turned out somehow easy, without difficulties. Thanks, really easy and quick way get for yourself an interpretation of the sign, albeit a small one.

    Until I read this article, I thought that combinations of 4 identical numbers only matter. And even then, I saw it, made a wish, and that’s it.) Now I look at my watch much more often, so that when the numbers repeat, I can visit your site and find out what it means) I’m going to meet someone soon) I hope, hints of a girl.

    Coincidences are not accidental and that is a fact. Even such little things as seeing 10:10 on the clock, for example, I perceive as some signals, signs that life gives us. Many others don’t take this seriously at all, but for me, car numbers, telephone numbers, and different accounts - everything with numbers makes sense.

    I read this article last month and began to notice that when I look at my watch, I often see the same time for several days in a row. Now I bought another electronic clock for my home (it had an arrow) so that the numbers would catch my eye more often, I go in and check the value now when I see symmetrical combinations)

    IN many other articles on this site (for example, dreams or fortune telling), the day on which it is dreamed/fortune matters. And for the clock, are all days equivalent to each other? And is it realistic, for example, on Monday (1st day of the week) on the 1st day of the 11th month to see 11:11 on the clock - does the meaning of the numbers somehow change from the additional unit?

    17:17 – be careful! There is an evil man near you! Although it wouldn’t hurt to make new acquaintances. I was riding in a minibus and spontaneously looked at the time, I didn’t really understand the meaning. There are a lot of people, all different, tired, on their way home after a hard day of work. Here whoever is kind, everyone has their own cockroaches in their heads.

    I was standing in a very long line at the store, a man came up and asked the time, how strange it was. 16:16 - be vigilant on the road;
    I ignored this sign and calmly drove along the highway home. But suddenly some smart guy in front of me suddenly braked, and the result was an accident. I didn’t know that time was warning me about something.

    When I got very sick and the doctors didn’t know what was wrong with me. I was taken to the whisperer's grandmother. She got me back on my feet in a week and warned me if I saw 00 00 on my ches. This means I need to put a mirror in front of me and read the “Our Father” so that they cannot cause damage and the evil eye. I believe in numbers and numbers.

    I know a lot of fortune-telling, but I saw you for the first time about time, and immediately looked at the time, think before you say something; Well, how late I found this time. I was sitting reading, so my husband had to come to me, I’m minding my own business here, and he should make tea! I blurted out; hire yourself a maid ras ram weak. There was a scandal.

    And I don’t have a watch at all, nor a phone at home, and if they show it, it’s not right time. I threw out all the clocks after my dad stopped all the clocks in the house, and in his arms when he died. Exact time of death. After that I’m afraid to look at my watch; passers-by or acquaintances always tell me the time. I'm very superstitious.

    I found so many interesting discoveries on your site, this is the first time I’ve seen fortune telling by the clock and information on duplicating numbers, and I’m already 45 years old. The proverb is truly true - live forever, learn forever! You never know what new a new day will bring!

    Golden words about the creators of your life. Although they say that coincidences are not accidental, if you constantly look for them and focus on this, you can ruin your life very seriously. Be careful and don't take everything to heart! Caution is needed, but don't overdo it

    And I noticed that I wake up at the same time. But it is not duplicated and there is no interpretation here. How to deal with this? Usually this is at 5.30 in the morning, although I go to work much later. What could be the reason, what should I do? Good people, please help, otherwise it’s a habit to wake up, look at the clock and know what time it will be there



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