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Games during recess for elementary students. School recess as one of the forms of replenishing the deficit of physical activity of primary school children


The school is designed to give the younger generation deep and solid knowledge of the fundamentals of science, develop the necessary skills and abilities, form a worldview, and provide comprehensive development personality. At the same time, the school must also fulfill a health-improving role, since society becomes concerned about the cost to the health of the younger generation of acquiring knowledge, since health is the main human value.

Physical activity is an integral type of human activity, absolutely necessary for maintaining and strengthening health. One of characteristic features modern lifestyle, which has a progressive trend - a reduction in volumes motor activity(hypokinesia) and muscle work (hypodynamia) in combination with neuropsychic overload.

Problems of promoting the health of the younger generation by means physical exercise have been worrying specialists for a very long time.

The results of a study of children's morbidity confirm susceptibility to chronic diseases, deterioration general condition health. And it’s not for nothing that modern pedagogy significant The place determines health-saving technologies in the classroom. The way out of this situation is to introduce various forms of bodily-motor practice in the classroom.

But there are changes that children carry out in different ways.

In order to reveal the characteristics of a child’s behavior and activity during school breaks, as well as to identify the impact of changes on performance during a lesson, observations of junior schoolchildren during breaks were carried out, the results of which were clearly recorded.

Collection and processing of the information received showed that not all children spend the same free time, but the common activity for them is play. In noisy fuss, in their games they create themselves, build their characters. The game teaches you to distinguish good from bad; in the game, children discover kindness and friendship, and develop physical abilities.

What games are children interested in? Observations show that this primarily depends on a number of factors:

  • Firstly, great importance have the psychological characteristics of children, the child is more active, more emotional, he plays more gambling. A calm child prefers games associated with mental activity;
  • secondly, gender characteristics;
  • thirdly, the choice of games is influenced by the surrounding reality.

Children constantly play “free games” - games of “someone”, “something”. The source of these games is currently television and computer. Receiving clear visual examples of actions, children imitate them and interpret them in their own way, sometimes not always positively. While observing the behavioral characteristics of younger children school age 3 groups of students were identified:

1 group: includes children who are active, emotional, who occupy most of their free time with outdoor games: spontaneous running of a competitive nature, identifying the strongest, flirting between boys and girls, resulting in “catch-up” (boys and girls; the predominant advantage is in favor of boys);

Group 2: children who prefer games medium mobility . They take things more seriously educational activities. Children of this group play games related to mental activity (boys and girls; the predominant preponderance is in favor of girls);

Group 3: children who are busy playing with low mobility . This group includes practically only girls. They spend almost the entire recess sitting at their desks and are usually very calm.

In addition, a questionnaire was conducted including the following questions:

Are you satisfied with the duration of the changes? They answered positively - 92%. There were also negative answers – 8%. For example, with the following argument: “No, because after running there is no time to catch my breath”

What do you do during recess? All 100% of the children answered - we are playing. What games do children play? The most common game was the game “Walls” - 18%. There are such answers: “I play militants”, “bear”. 70% of the guys play different games.

What would you like to do during the change? They answered “they would like to play outdoor games” - 62%, in Board games– 24%. There were other answers: for example, such as: “Sit, chat”, “Read magazines”, “Listen to music”, “Play Barbie”, “Dance”, “Lie on the couch”, “Solve crosswords, puzzles, riddles”, “Walk outside.” 14% answered this way.

Based on the results of observations and statements in the questionnaires, the following conclusions were made:

  1. Children strive for play activity. For them, play is the meaning of life; they cannot live without activity and experience a lack of it.
  2. In his free time, preference is given to playing, but children know very few games.
  3. Depending on their behavior, students are divided into groups to spend time together, division depends on psychological characteristics and gender characteristics.
  4. Our school breaks are structured monotonously. Children are often left to their own devices and do not always know how to organize their free time (49% of such children).

In this regard, conflict situations arise, which can be reduced (or eradicated) if the teacher skillfully organizes games during recess, having an arsenal of games taking into account the interests and psychological characteristics of children.

This means that we can assume that if your vacation is well and competently organized, you can:

Forecast positive effect;

Using the game, you can influence the health of students, educate, influencing their behavior.

Realizing that some factors in the educational sphere have a significant impact on the health of students, there is a need to organize the process of upbringing and education (duration of classes and breaks), in the motor mode of children (taking into account their age characteristics), since it is the teacher who is often the first to notice deviations in the health of students, it depends on the teacher how many fewer deviations the students will have. Among the main school factors that negatively affect the health of students is the lack of physical activity.

Having become acquainted with all aspects, there was a need to create a program for organizing school changes.


“Modern approaches to implementing school changes”

Target: Creating conditions conducive to preserving and strengthening the health of younger schoolchildren through the organization of school breaks.

  • prepare areas for children's active recreation;
  • create a bank of games for children with different levels mobility;
  • teach children to spend their free time in an organized manner;
  • organize cooperation between teachers and children.
Stage Deadlines The content of the work Necessary provision Expected results Methods of monitoring and recording results
I. Diagnostic September - analysis of the state of mental and physical health of students;

Analysis of the organization of physical activity at school;

Studying the implementation of changes by younger schoolchildren through:

  • observation;
  • survey
- data from medical examination of junior schoolchildren;

Data from the school psychologist on the level of anxiety, relationships in the team, maladjustment of first-graders;

- analytical report;

Identifying the problem

- comparative tables;

Written descriptions

II. Prognostic October - development of an extensive program - scientific and methodological literature - program - approval by the school council
III. Organizational October November - development of regulations on carrying out active changes;

Preparing teachers for the upcoming work;

Choosing a working method

- selection of games of different levels of mobility;

Preparing the premises;

Inventory preparation

- creation of a data bank with games;


Purchasing furniture;

Purchasing flooring

- discussion of the program during class hours;

Providing the program for parent meeting

IV. Practical November December - organizing active recreation for students during breaks;

Learning games of different mobility in separate classroom groups;

Organization of mass recreation;

Structuring and adaptation of educational material on the organization of physical activity

- games of high emotional mobility, medium and low mobility;

Regularity, systematicity;


Analytical materials

- developed methodological recommendations for implementing changes;

Involvement of teachers in health-improving work;

Awareness of personal involvement in the child’s condition during recess;

Inclusion in the student’s activities to acquire skills and experience in the formation positive attitude to organizing active recreation during breaks

- registration of the results obtained;

Report at the methodological association

V. Generalizing January - generalization and theoretical understanding of data, determination of conclusions - analytical materials - Toolkit - access to the city’s teaching community
VI. Implementation February - distribution

The developed program should help children make the right decisions regarding their health and will help:

Conduct educational work before acquiring negative habits;

Teach students to behave responsibly in relation to their health;

Eliminate health hazards.


  1. Alekseev A.A. Games during school breaks Osa: Rosstani, 1992
  2. Bezrukikh M.M., Sonkin V.A. Organization and evaluation of health-saving activities educational institutions. M., 2004
  3. Beskorovainaya L.S. etc. Teacher's handbook primary classes. Rostov-on-Don “Phoenix”, 2002
  4. Briedis A.A. Outdoor games for grades 1 – 4 Leningrad, 1961
  5. Volchok I.P. Outdoor games for junior schoolchildren Minsk, Polymya, 1988
  6. Children's outdoor games of the peoples of the USSR. A manual for kindergarten teachers Edited by Osokina T.I. M. Education, 1989
  7. Kovalko V.I. Health-saving technologies in primary school. M. “Veko”, 2004
  8. Litvinova M.F. Russian folk outdoor games M., Proveshchenie, 1986
  9. Semenova I. I’m learning to be healthy, or how to become a healthy person. M., Pedagogy, 1991
  10. Timofeeva E.A. Outdoor games with children preschool age, M., Education, 1986
  11. Shitik S.M. Outdoor games M., Phys. and sport, 1955
  12. Shmakov S.A. Games - jokes, games - minutes M., New School, 1993
  13. Shmakov S.A. From play to self-education M., New School, 1993
  14. Yakovlev V.G. Outdoor games in grades 1 - 4 Asvet, 1970
  15. Yakovlev V.G. and others. Outdoor games. M., 1977

Games during breaks with younger students.

Outdoor games must meet the following requirements:

· - all exercises in games must correspond to the physiological and psychological characteristics of children;

· - the games played should be simple in content, accessible to children and arouse their interest;

· -games should not be of an acute conflict nature or cause too much gaming excitement;

· - games should provide the opportunity for any student to enter the game and exit it at will.

It is best to use games that are familiar to children during breaks, so as not to waste time explaining new ones. But if the game is new, then it is advisable to short explanation The idea is to try the game to find out how well the students understand it. Then make amendments, and then start the game according to all the rules until the corresponding result.


The players stand in a circle, at a distance of three steps from each other. One of them becomes in the center. Each participant marks their place - a small circle around their feet on the ground.

At the command “Change!”, given by the person standing in the center, all participants change places, crossing the circle. The person standing in the center must take advantage of this dash to take someone else's empty place.

2. Passing the ball

The players are divided into two or more teams, located at a distance of several steps from each other, and stand in a column one at a time. The head players are at the same distance from the intended line drawn on the ground; each of them holds a ball in their hands. At the teacher’s command, the ball is passed from hand to hand over the heads of the players until it reaches the last player. He quickly runs forward, stands at the head of his column, and the transfer of the ball begins again. When the first player is last and receives the ball, he runs to the target line and places the ball on the ground. The one who does this before others ensures victory for his team.

Note: The ball can also be passed between the legs of the players or alternately: over the heads of the odd numbered players and between the legs of the even numbered players. You can also roll the ball between the players' legs from one end of the column to the other.

3. Change of numbers

The players stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder, and are counted in numerical order. The driver is in the center. He calls out any numbers loudly. The called numbers must quickly change places, and the driver tries to take one of the free seats. The one left without a seat becomes the driver.

4. "Wolf" and "lamb"

The players stand in a column one at a time, holding each other tightly by the waist. The first depicts a shepherd, the last a lamb, the rest - sheep. The player representing the wolf stands a few steps ahead of the “shepherd” (facing him). At the teacher’s signal, the “wolf” rushes to grab the “lamb”. The “Shepherd”, with his arms stretched out to the sides, tries not to miss him. "Sheep" run in the least dangerous direction. When the "lamb" is captured by the "wolf", the teacher assigns a new "wolf", "shepherd" and "lamb" and the game resumes.

5. Rope relay

The players are divided into two teams and stand in a column one at a time. The first and second players separate from the column and take the rope by the ends. At the teacher’s signal, they walk along the entire column, and the players jump in place, trying not to touch the rope. Then the first player stands at the end of the column, and the second and third players continue the game in the same way. The game continues until the first player is again at the head of the column. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

6. “Stop!”

On one side of the court, the players line up in one line, on the other, the driver stands with his back to the players. He covers his face with his hands and says: “Walk quickly, watch without yawning! Stop!". While the driver says these words, all players should approach him as quickly as possible. But with the command “Stop!” they must immediately stop and freeze in place. The driver quickly looks around. If he notices that one of the players did not have time to stop in time and made at least one small movement, the driver sends him back beyond the starting line. After this, the driver again takes the starting position and says the same words. This continues until one of the players manages to get closer to the driver and stain him before he has time to look back. After this, all the players run behind their line, the driver chases them and tries to tarnish someone. The stained one becomes a driver.

7. “The second one is superfluous”

The players form a circle, standing at a distance of two steps from each other. Two players are outside the circle, one of them catches the other. The runner can stand in front of any of the players, and then the one who is behind becomes the runner. You can run both inside and outside the circle. If the one catching up stains the one running away, then they change roles. If there are many players, they stand in a circle in pairs at the back of each other’s heads. In this case, the runner becomes ahead of any of the pairs, and the one who ends up third runs away (in this case, the game is called “The third one is extra”).

Option. The one who turns out to be superfluous does not run away, but becomes the one who is catching up, and the one who is catching up becomes the runner.

8. “Group, attention!”

The players stand in one line. The leader, turning to face the children, gives various drill commands, which they must execute if the leader first says the word “group” before the command. If the word is not spoken, the command cannot be executed. Whoever makes a mistake takes a step forward, but continues to play. After the second mistake, he takes another step forward, etc. The game lasts about three minutes. At the end of the game, the most attentive ones are celebrated, i.e. those who remained standing in starting position. According to the rules, those guys who did not execute the correct command in a timely manner also take a step forward. Instead of taking a step forward, the offenders can be awarded penalty points. In this case, the winners are those participants who score the fewest penalty points.

9. “Accurate calculation”

A circle with a diameter of 40-60 cm is drawn on the floor. The player stands in the circle, blindfolded. His task is to leave the circle, take eight steps and return to the circle again.

10 "Carousel"

The players stand in a circle. There is a rope on the floor, forming a ring (the ends of the rope are tied). The guys pick it up from the ground and, holding it with their right or left hand, walk in a circle saying:

Barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then around

And then around and around, all running, running, running.

Children move slowly at first, and after the word “Run” they run. At the leader’s command “Turn!” they quickly take the rope with their other hand and run in the opposite direction saying:

Hush, hush, don't rush!

Stop the carousel.

One and two, one and two,

The game is over!

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down and stops with the last words. The players put the rope on the floor and scatter around the site. At the signal, they rush to grab the rope with their hand again, and the game resumes. You can only take a seat on the carousel until the third bell. Anyone who arrives late to the carousel does not participate in the game.

Option. There may be three marks on the rope less than the total number of participants. When boarding the carousel, children must grab the tag. Anyone who does not have time to grab the mark does not participate in the game.

11. “By the bear in the forest”

All players stand freely grouped on one side of the site, on the opposite side a line is drawn - the edge of the forest. Behind the line, two or three steps from it, is the “bear’s den.” Children approach the bear’s den and begin to make movements imitating picking berries and mushrooms and at the same time they all say together:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries,

And the bear is sitting

And he growls at us.

When children say the last word“growls”, the bear jumps out of the den with a growl and tries to catch someone. He takes the caught one to the den. The game ends when three to five guys are caught.

12. “Jumping Sparrows”

A circle is drawn on the floor of the court so that all players can freely fit around its circumference. One of the players - the “cat” - is in the center of the circle. The rest of the players - “jumping sparrows” - stand behind the circle at the very line. At the leader’s signal, the jumping sparrows begin to jump out of the circle, and the cat tries to one of them at the moment when he is inside the circle. The one he caught becomes a cat, and the cat becomes a jumping sparrow, and the game continues. The one who is never caught wins.

Option. Jumping sparrows jump on only one leg.

13. "Empty Space"

All players, with the exception of the driver, stand in a circle no more than half a step from each other, with their hands behind their backs. The driver runs from the outside of the circle, touches one of the players and then continues to run around the circle in one direction or another. The player touched by the driver runs into reverse side, trying to run to his place before the driver. When they meet along the way, the players greet each other by raising their hands, crouching in front of each other, etc. The driver is the one who did not have time to take an empty seat.

14. Game “Earth, water, fire, air”

The players stand in a circle, with the leader standing in the middle. He throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of four words: earth, water, air, fire. If the driver said the word “earth,” then the person who caught the ball must quickly name some domestic or wild animal. The player responds to the word “water” with the name of a fish. The word "air" is the name of birds. When you hear the word “fire,” everyone should quickly turn around in a circle several times, waving their arms. The one who makes a mistake leaves the circle.

15. Game "Hot Ball"

The players stand in a circle, the leader stands with his back to the players outside the circle. At the leader’s signal, the players pass the ball to each other (for example, clockwise). Suddenly the presenter says: “Stop!” The one who has the ball at this moment leaves the game. Finally, only two players remain. They stand in front of each other and, at the signal, as before, begin to quickly pass the ball to each other. When the presenter says: “Stop!”, the ball will be in the hands of one of the players. In this case, it is considered that the second one has won.

The game trains attention and speed of movements.

Organizing recess in primary school

primary school teacher MSSH No. 2

When children enter school, one of the factors that impedes the normal course of adaptation to new conditions is a decrease in physical activity by almost half. The statistical component predominates in the activities of students: 80–85% of the daytime they are in a sitting position. Even younger schoolchildren spend no more than 20% of the day in outdoor games, running, walking, although they are characterized by poor tolerance to static loads: their body is more adapted to short-term dynamic loads.

As physiologists note, a paradoxical situation arises: for successful assimilation curriculum the child needs increased mental performance, and the need long time being in a static position, a decrease in motor activity, on the contrary, leads to a deterioration in the supply of oxygen to the body and brain, a slowdown in recovery processes, and a decrease in performance.

The organization of physical activity at school can be carried out in a wide variety of forms. One of the forms of organizing physical activity at school is dynamic changes, which are carried out between 2-3 lessons and between 3-4 lessons.

Dynamic changes are not intended to solve the problems of physical improvement, but are mainly of a relaxation and health-improving nature. Moving (dynamic) changes help provide children with the necessary proper development motor activity of a growing body, allow active rest after predominantly mental work in a forced position in class; ensure continued performance in subsequent lessons.

Games are a great way to distract yourself, tune in new way or just cheer yourself up. After all, as is known, with good mood It's always easy to learn.

I offer my colleagues some games that can be used when conducting dynamic pauses in primary school.

Game "Third Man"

The players stand in a circle in pairs facing the center so that one of the pair is in front and the other is behind him. One child runs away, and the other catches up. The runner stands in front of any pair, then the one standing behind becomes the “third wheel” and runs away.

Game "Bear on the Forest"

The number of players can be from 5 to 30 people. In one corner of the site a “den” is designated, where the “bear” chosen from among the players is located. The rest of the players are children. They are located on the opposite side, in the “house”. The place between the “den” and the “house” is the “pine forest”.

Children go to the “pine forest” for “mushrooms” and “berries”, gradually approaching the “den”. Imitating the picking of “berries” and “mushrooms”, they chant:

At the bear's forest

I take mushrooms and berries.

But the bear doesn't sleep,

He's looking at me!

With the last words, the guys throw grass at the “bear” and run away from him or try to hide “at home”, and the “bear” tries to catch them (stain them, that is, touch them with his hand).

Anyone caught becomes a “bear”; if the “bear” failed to catch anyone, he returns to the “den”, and the players again begin to collect “mushrooms” and “berries” in the “forest”.


    The “bear” can catch the children only after they have fully pronounced the sentence.

    The place where the “bear” can catch them must be marked with lines or objects.

Game "Geese-swans"

The number of players varies: from 10 to 40 people. On one side of the platform (hall) they designate “house”, on the other - “pasture”. They choose a “shepherd” and a “wolf”, the rest are “geese-swans”. They are located in the "house".

The “wolf” stands in the middle of the site, and the “shepherd” stands near the “geese and swans”. He says: “Geese-swans - go for a walk! No wolf in sight yet!”

All the “geese” and “swans” run across the field to the “pasture”, depicting flapping their wings with their hands - “flying”. After the words of the shepherd: “Geese-swans, go home, Gray wolf under the mountain!”, they run “home”, and the “wolf” tries to catch them, running all the way to the “house”.

Caught players are counted and released “home” or kept in the “wolf’s” lair until he is replaced. After 2 – 3 games, a new “wolf” and “shepherd” are chosen from among the “geese” caught. At the end, the best “geese” are celebrated, that is, those players who have never been caught by a “wolf”. And also the best “wolf” is the driver who managed to catch the most “geese”.


    If there are few players (8-10), you can play until all the “geese” are caught.

    The “geese” are allowed to run out and return to the “house” only after the words spoken by the “shepherd”. Anyone who breaks the rule is considered caught.

    The “wolf” can catch “geese” only after the words “under the mountain” and only up to the “home” line.

Game "Two Frosts"

The number of participants varies: from 10 to 40 people. Two “houses” are marked on opposite sides of the site (hall). From the players, two drivers are chosen - two “frosts”: “frost - red nose” and “frost - blue nose”.

Both “frosts” address the guys with the words:

We are two young brothers,

Two frosts are daring!

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!

After this, the players run to the other side of the court behind the home line. Both “frosts” catch those running across and “freeze”. Those caught freeze in the places where they were “frozen.” Then the “frosts” again turn to the players, and they, having answered, run to another “house”, opposite. On the way, they help out the “frozen”. The game is repeated several times. Then new “frosts” are selected from the uncaught players. At the end of the game, the “frost” that “frozen” the guys the most is noted.


    You can run out only after the words “and we are not afraid of frost.”

    If someone helps out the “frozen” one, but he himself is “frozen” before reaching the “house”, then the player he rescued again stands in the place where he was “frozen”.

Green, red, yellow

Children stand in a circle, the teacher with three circles (green, red, yellow) is in the middle. The teacher gives the commands: “Stop! Get ready! Let’s go!”, while simultaneously raising the corresponding circle. Students who make a mistake leave the game.

Change of numbers

Children playing stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder, and are counted in numerical order. The driver is in the center. He calls out any numbers loudly. The called numbers must quickly change places, and the driver tries to take one of the empty seats. The one left without a seat becomes the driver.

Dynamic changes are not intended to solve the problems of physical improvement, but are mainly of a relaxation and health-improving nature. Moving (dynamic) changes help provide children with the physical activity necessary for the proper development of a growing organism and allow them to actively relax after predominantly mental work in a forced position in the classroom; ensure continued performance in subsequent lessons.

Outdoor recess can be carried out on the street, in the gym, gym or children's recreation. Dynamic changes are carried out by class teachers and physical education teachers.

Burners. The players line up in two columns (in pairs, with the leader in front). Everyone says in unison:

With the last word the children standing in last couple, release their hands and run to the beginning of the columns - one on the left, the other on the right. The driver tries to catch one of them before the children have time to meet and hold hands. If the driver manages to do this, then he takes one of the children by the hand and pairs up with him.

Frost - Red nose.

On opposite sides of the site there are two houses, in one of them the players are located. The driver stands in the middle of the platform - “Frost - Red Nose.” He says:

I am Frost - Red Nose. Which of you will decide to set out on the little path? The players answer: We are not afraid of threats, And we are not afraid of frost.

After this, the children run across the playground to another house. Frost catches up with them and tries to freeze them (touch them with your hand). The frozen ones stop at the place where the Frost overtook them and stand until the end of the run. After several dashes, another driver is chosen.

Take a wider step.

On one side of the playground (hall), children line up; at the teacher’s signal, they need to run to the other side with fewer steps (the wider the step, the faster you can cover the distance).


The players scatter across the entire playground and, at the teacher’s signal, “Horses” run, raising their knees high. At the signal “Kucher” - normal walking. Walking and running alternate. The teacher can repeat the same signal in a row.

Who's smart?

On both sides of the site, bars are laid at a distance of 60-70 cm from one another. On one side of the playground, children run, jumping over bars, on the other, they jump alternately on their right and left legs. Children complete the task one at a time in a column at short intervals. As the number of benefits increases, the exercise is carried out in two columns.

Penguins. Children stand in 2-3 columns. U standing first ball (sandbag). They place it between their knees and, at the teacher’s signal, jump on two legs to the flag located at a distance of 7-8 m. Then they take the ball (bag) in their hand, run around the flag, return to their column and pass the ball to the next player. The column that completes the task faster wins.

Tightrope walker. The players stand in two columns in front of the line. The guides have a bag of sand in their hand. At the teacher’s signal, they quickly walk, holding their arms to the sides, to the finish line (distance 6 m). Having stepped over it, they run to their column, pass the bag to the next one, and stand at the end of the line. The column that completes the task faster wins.

Change the subject.

Children are divided into 2-3 teams. In front of each, at a distance of 6-8 m, in a small circle lies an object (cube, hoop). The first ones have a pin in their hand. At the teacher’s signal, the guides run to the circles, put pins in it, take a cube and pass it to the next player. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Run with the ball.

Each player has a ball. Children line up and place the ball on the ground in front of them. At the teacher’s command, they kick the ball with their feet (not too hard) and move to the other side of the court.

Pass. The players are divided into pairs and stand at a distance of 2 m from each other. One of the children has a ball; with a kick (right and left), he sends the ball right to his partner’s feet. He stops the ball with a yielding movement of his foot and sends it back with the same blow.

Ball in a circle. The players are divided into pairs and stand at a distance of 2 m from each other in a circle, with the player with the ball in the middle. One of the children has a ball; with a kick (right and left), he sends the ball directly to the leader’s feet. He stops the ball with a yielding movement of his foot and sends it back with the same blow.

Two and three. The players scatter all over the court. At the teacher’s signal “Two!” children form pairs with anyone standing next to them. At the “signal “Three!” stand in threes.

Throw and catch. The players stand in front of a stretched rope (at the height of the child’s raised hand), each holding a ball (diameter 20-25 cm). Children throw the ball over a rope, run under it and catch the ball with both hands after bouncing off the ground (floor).

Stop! Children stand in a line on one side of the playground. On the opposite side they draw the finish line, behind it the driver stands with his back to the players, he says loudly: “Walk quickly, be careful not to yawn!” Stop!” For each spoken word, the players move forward one step. At the last word, everyone stops, the driver quickly looks around. To those who did not manage to stop in time, the driver offers to take two steps back. Then the driver turns his back again and says the text again. Everyone keeps moving. The one who manages to cross the finish line before the word “Stop!” is said becomes the driver. The game repeats itself.

Through the stream. Two lilies are placed on the site at a distance of 5-7 m (these are the banks). The players line up in 4-5 lines in front of the first line, each holding two boards (made of plywood or cardboard). You need to cross the stream to the other bank, stepping only on the planks, placing them in front of you. The link that gets to the other side faster without getting its feet wet wins.

Pass the ball. The players line up in 2-3 columns. In front of each is a corridor made of ropes (width 50 cm, length 3 m). Those standing in the column first have a ball. You need to hit it on the floor (ground), move it along the corridor, go around the corridor from the outside and pass the balls to the next player.

Frogs in the swamp. The banks are outlined on both sides, and there is a swamp in the middle. There is a crane on one of the banks (beyond the line). The frogs are located on hummocks (circles at a distance of 50 cm) and they say:

With the end of the words, the frogs jump from the hummock into the swamp. The crane catches those frogs that are on the hummock. The caught frog goes to the crane's nest. After the crane catches several frogs, a new crane is chosen from those who have never been caught. The game resumes.

Right on target. A line is drawn in the middle of the site, on which 10-12 objects (cubes, pins) are placed. The players are divided into two equal teams. The first one receives small balls, goes to the starting line (at a distance of 5 m from the objects), throws at the targets. Then the second team competes. Each team throws 2-3 times. The team that shoots accurately at the target wins.

Fast and agile. The players are divided into three teams and stand in columns at the starting line, each holding a bag of sand. The first ones run to the finish line (distance 10 m), throw the ball into a hoop located 3 m from the finish line, and run back to the end of the column. The next one starts running as soon as the previous player crosses the starting line. The team that scores the most goals and completes the task faster wins.

Fox and chickens. Children pretend to be chickens. One of the players is a rooster, the other is a fox. Chickens walk around the site, looking for food. The fox watches them closely. At the teacher’s direction (unnoticed by everyone), the fox comes out and quietly creeps up to the chickens. The rooster screams loudly: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” The chickens run away and fly up to a roost (log, bench). The rooster must escape last. The fox catches those chickens that managed to quickly climb onto the perch and stay on it. After playing the game 2-3 times, other children are chosen to play the roles of the rooster and the fox.

Pass the puck. The players are distributed in pairs and stand at a distance of 2-3 m. Each player has a stick. With a slight movement, they throw the puck to each other so that it slides across the snow and lands directly on the partner’s stick.

Who's faster? 2-3 teams participate. Children line up in columns at the starting line. Objects are placed in front of each at a distance of 5 m. At the signal “March”, the first in the column use their stick to move the puck to the object, circle it around the object, also leading the puck, return and pass the stick to the next person in the column. The team that quickly completed the task wins.

Catch the ball. Children are distributed in groups of three. Two of them stand at a distance of 3 m and throw the ball to each other. The third stands between them and tries to catch the ball or touch it with his hand. If this succeeds, he changes places with the one who threw the ball.

Take a free circle. The game is played with a subgroup of 8-10 children. (If the playground allows, then all children participate, divided into teams.) Each player, except the driver, draws a circle (diameter 50 cm) at a distance of 1.5 m from one another. Standing in circles, children throw the ball to each other (the players of their team). The driver tries to catch the ball or touch it with his hand. If he succeeds, then the teacher gives a signal, all players quickly change places (run from circle to circle), the driver also tries to occupy the circle. Those who did not have time to do this become the driver. The game repeats itself.

Relay race with hoops. Children stand in 2-3 columns. In front of each column, at a distance of 6 m, is a hoop (diameter 50 cm). On the command “One, two, three - run!” the first ones run to the hoop, lift it up, climb into it, put it in place, run to their column, touch their hand to the next child in the column, and they themselves stand at the end of the line. Each subsequent player completes the same task. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

Throw it into the ring. Children stand behind the line and take turns throwing the ball (diameter 20-25 cm) into the ring (at a height of 120-130 cm). The one who scores a certain (agreed) number of points first wins.

A hare without a house. The participants of the game stand in pairs facing each other, raising their hands clasped at the top - these are the “houses” of the hares. Two drivers are selected - “hare” and “hunter”. The hare runs away from the hunter, but he can hide in a house, i.e. stand between the players. The one to whom his back is turned becomes a hare and runs away from the hunter. If the hunter hits the hare, they change roles.

Crucian carp and pike. On opposite sides of the site, mark the place of the “hole” where crucian carp hide from the pike. Pike lives in the reeds. Before the start of the game, all the crucian carp gather in one hole. At a signal, they swim out of cover and try to move to the opposite side of the river. Pike goes hunting. The caught crucian carp do not leave the game, but take each other by the hands and stand in the middle of the playing area, forming a net. There are more and more people caught, the net is getting longer. Then a basket is made from the net, and the players stand in a circle. Participants in the game must run into the basket when running. The game ends when all the crucian carp are caught.

Sparrows and cat. A large circle with a diameter of 3-4 m is drawn (or a cord is laid out). One of the children is a cat, sitting in the middle of the circle. All the rest - sparrows - stand outside the circle. At the teacher's signal, the sparrows jump into and out of the circle. The cat suddenly jumps up and tries to catch those who did not manage to jump out of the circle. The one caught leaves the game. When the cat catches 2-3 sparrows, a new cat is selected from among those not caught, and the game resumes. Those caught can not be excluded from the number of players, but remembered. The cat catches sparrows only in a circle; sparrows jump on two legs.

Working title: “Change is a game: hurray! Hooray!"

Prepared by primary school teacher G. V. Rakutko.


The school is designed to give the younger generation deep and solid knowledge of the fundamentals of science, develop the necessary skills and abilities, form a worldview, and ensure comprehensive personal development. At the same time, the school must also fulfill a health-improving role, since society becomes concerned about the cost to the health of the younger generation of acquiring knowledge, since health is the main human value.

Physical activity is an integral type of human activity, absolutely necessary for maintaining and strengthening health. One of the characteristic features of the modern lifestyle, which has a progressive tendency, is a reduction in the volume of physical activity (hypokinesia) and muscle work (hypodynamia) in combination with neuropsychic overload.

Problems of improving the health of the younger generation through physical exercise have been of concern to specialists for a very long time.

The results of a study of children's morbidity confirm their susceptibility to chronic diseases and deterioration in their general health. And it’s not for nothing that modern pedagogy gives a significant place to health-saving technologies in the classroom. The way out of this situation is to introduce various forms of bodily-motor practice in the classroom.

Due to certain reasons (lack of time, the teacher’s teaching methods are not entirely correct, the teacher does not see problems with physical health in schoolchildren, etc.), organizing physical activity is not always feasible during class time. In this connection, it may be relevant to conduct outdoor games during breaks.

In order to reveal the characteristics of a child’s behavior and activity during school breaks, as well as to identify the impact of changes on performance during the lesson, observations of junior schoolchildren during recess were carried out.

The collection and processing of the information received showed that not all children spend their free time the same way, but the common activity for them is play. In noisy fuss, in their games they create themselves, build their characters. The game teaches you to distinguish good from bad; in the game, children discover kindness and friendship, and develop physical abilities.

What games are children interested in? Our own observations show that this primarily depends on a number of factors:

    Firstly, the psychological characteristics of children are of great importance; the more active and emotional a child is, he plays more gambling games. A calm child prefers games associated with mental activity;

    secondly, gender characteristics;

    thirdly, the choice of games is influenced by the surrounding reality.

Children constantly play “free games” - games of “someone”, “something”. The source of these games is currently television and computer. Receiving clear visual examples of actions, children imitate them and interpret them in their own way, sometimes not always positively. During the observation of the behavioral characteristics of children of primary school age, 3 groups of students were identified:

1st group: includes children who are active, emotional, who occupy most of their free time with outdoor games: spontaneous running of a competitive nature, identifying the strongest, flirting between boys and girls, resulting in “catch-up” (boys and girls; the predominant advantage is in favor of boys);

Group 2: children who prefer games medium mobility . They take learning activities more seriously. Children of this group play games related to mental activity (boys and girls; the predominant preponderance is in favor of girls);

Group 3: children who are busy playing with low mobility . This group includes practically only girls. They spend almost the entire recess sitting at their desks and are usually very calm.

In this regard, conflict situations arise, which can be reduced (or eradicated) if the teacher skillfully organizes games during recess, having an arsenal of games taking into account the interests and psychological characteristics of children.

This means that we can assume that if your vacation is well and competently organized, you can:

— predict a positive effect;

— using the game, you can influence the health of students, educate, influencing their behavior.

Realizing that some factors in the educational sphere have a significant impact on the health of students, there is a need to organize the process of upbringing and education (duration of classes and breaks), in the motor mode of children (taking into account their age characteristics), since it is the teacher who is often the first to notice deviations in the health of students, it depends on the teacher how many fewer deviations the students will have. Among the main school factors that negatively affect the health of students is the lack of physical activity.

Having become acquainted with all aspects, the need arose to create a project for organizing school changes.

Target: Creating conditions conducive to preserving and strengthening the health of younger schoolchildren through the organization of school breaks.


    prepare areas for children's active recreation;

    create a bank of games for children with different levels of mobility;

    teach children to spend their free time in an organized manner;

    organize cooperation between teachers and children.


I. Organizational(October)

— development of regulations on carrying out active changes;

— preparing teachers for the upcoming work;

— choice of work methodology;

— selection of games of different levels of mobility;

— preparation of the premises;

— preparation of equipment;

— creation of a data bank with games;

— discussion of the project at classroom hours;

- presenting the project at the parent meeting;

- examination of children by a physician.

2. Implementer (november)

— learning games of different mobility in separate classroom groups;

— conducting active recreation for students during breaks (games);

- holding games regularly and systematically.

3. Final— generalization and theoretical understanding of the obtained data on the state of motor activity of schoolchildren, determination and evaluation of the results.

The completed project should help children make the right decisions regarding maintaining their health and will help:

- carry out educational work before the acquisition of negative habits begins;

— teach students responsible behavior in relation to their health;

- eliminate health hazards.

Features of the method of using outdoor games

Typical forms of physical activity at school for the purpose of improving health and preventing diseases are moving changes, which are relaxation and health-improving in nature (aimed at overcoming fatigue). At the same time, the game requires intelligence and attention from the child, teaches endurance, develops the ability to quickly navigate and find the right ones. solutions.

During the school day, it is necessary to more rationally use breaks between lessons, which are important for preventing fatigue in children. You should select the most effective methods and methodological techniques in organizing the gaming activities of students, taking into account the level of their physical fitness, the functional characteristics of the body of younger schoolchildren, and their discipline. An important condition organized motor activity is its regularity, systematicity, since only regular exercise increase the functionality of the respiratory system, increasing overall blood flow, increasing the efficiency of oxygen transport, while the work of the lungs, heart, and blood vessels is activated, ensuring the delivery of oxygen through the blood flow, that is, the body’s performance increases. To effectively organize a dynamic change, pedagogical control over its implementation and a certain emotional uplift are necessary. It is known that only if there is positive emotions the body's reactions improve: motor, visual, auditory. When developing and implementing dynamic changes, a differentiated approach to boys and girls, to children with different physical activity. Required condition is the end of games 3 minutes before the bell rings for class.

Students need teach to play: practically show them the most appropriate and economical gaming techniques, the most profitable tactical actions used in various gaming situations. During each game, students should be explained its importance for promoting health. Introducing children to new game carried out clearly, concisely, figuratively, emotionally. Algorithm The explanation of the game could be as follows:

    name of the game;

    the roles of the players and their location;

    goal of the game;

    rules of the game.

Of particular importance is the sufficient availability clear rules. They streamline the interactions of players, eliminate cases of excessive excitement, and have a beneficial effect on the manifestation of positive emotions in players.

The peculiarity of using ascetic games is that independence of action students include, in addition to performing motor actions determined by the rules of the game, also self-control, And assessment their gaming actions, since before the game the game rules were analyzed, roles were assigned. After the game ends Necessarily summing up, which includes a collective analysis of the implementation of game actions, and the student can check Not only the correctness of your choice game actions, but also control methods, and objectivity his assessments his participation in Game. When using outdoor games as a type of control, we can distinguish 10 levels of completing game tasks:

    first level - student can't do it himself perform a game action, therefore, in this case, he chooses a collective type of interaction in the game. The child’s task is to separate the correct choice of play action from the incorrect one;

    second level - student able to perform correctly motor actions provided for by the game rules, both collectively and independently;

    third level - the student is able to organize outdoor game on the instructions of the teacher;

    fourth level- student skill make independent choices game actions, but at this level the student has several options for following the rules of the game;

    fifth level - the student is able to organize outdoor play himself;

    sixth level - the student is able to come up with a similar outdoor game according to the teacher’s instructions:

    seventh level - student able to carry out a similar outdoor game on the instructions of the teacher.

Any type of mental activity is an undesirable option for change: preparing for the next lesson, reading fiction, games that require mental stress (checkers, chess, electronic games). TO the best options changes include dancing, rhythmic movements to music, and games.

Observations showed a certain pattern:

    after the first lesson, children do not need to organize a break, because at this time they have not yet had time to get tired of learning activities;

    after the second lesson, schoolchildren visit the canteen, and they use the remaining time at their own discretion;

    By the end of the third lesson, children are the most tired and they need to relieve physical fatigue and “recharge” emotionally.

When analyzing the survey, it was revealed that the vast majority of students like musical breaks and competitive games (relay races).

Having such information, we can propose organizing changes as follows:

Project progress



Day of the week






Activities during recess

Children's board games, watching cartoons

Visit to the canteen

Relay game "Vegetable Garden"

Relay game “From Spring to Summer”

Game to develop movement coordination “Quick Pass”

Outdoor game for attentiveness “Musical hoop”

Description of games

Relay game "Vegetable Garden"

Two teams of 8-10 people each participate. In front of each there is a garden, a vegetable garden (a square drawn with chalk or a large hoop). The team captains are holding baskets of vegetables and fruits (cucumber, carrots, turnips, onions, beets, apples, potatoes, etc.). The first player runs and “plants” all the vegetables in the garden, the next player collects the crops in a basket, then the process is repeated until last participant. The team that finishes “planting” and “harvesting” faster wins, i.e. relay race

Outdoor relay game “From Spring to Summer” Two teams: “Snowdrop” and “Stream”. First stage: spring has arrived, streams are flowing, the snow needs to be removed urgently. Players need to throw snowballs (made of cotton wool or ordinary small balls) into buckets located at a distance of three meters. Whose team is faster?

Second stage: the snow has been removed, the first snowdrops have appeared (paper flowers on wires are stuck into plasticine balls and glued to the floor). The player runs, picks one snowdrop, returns to his team, etc. The first team to collect the bouquet wins.

Dance game "Hat Dance"

During a slow dance, one boy wears a hat on his head. Each of the girls tries to get it and put it on their partner, because according to the terms of the game, the winner will be the couple who ends up with the hat at the end of the dance: Don’t forget, you can’t break the dance patterns or leave your partner.

Game for developing coordination of movements “Quick Pass”

Players from two teams line up in a column. The team captain stands at a distance of 2-3 m and throws the ball to the first player in the column. The player catches the ball and, throwing it back to the captain, crouches.

The captain throws the ball in the same way to all the players until the last one, who, having returned the ball, does not crouch, because the game continues in the opposite direction: first the penultimate player gets up and catches the ball, then the next to the first in the column.

The team that finishes throwing the ball faster wins.

Outdoor game for attentiveness “Musical hoop”

The players stand in a circle at some distance from each other; they must, to the music, pass the hoop to each other, and climb into it. If the music stops, the player who has the hoop at that time leaves the game. The remaining players are the winners.

Games can be changed or distributed among the above three groups.

Description of games

Flexibility game "Starfish"

Two teams or two players play. The player lies on the sand (on the carpet, on the floor) on his back, with his arms and legs outstretched. Another player places five pebbles (small balls) between the “rays” of the star, i.e. between the head and right hand, right hand and right foot, etc. The pebbles (balls) should not touch the player, whose task is to turn over without lifting his back from the sand (carpet) and without touching the pebbles (balls), so that his head is in the place of one of his legs.

You can play for a while, or you can turn this game into just a fun flounder.

Game for coordination of movements and speed “Slender and fast”

All players stand in a common circle. In this case, one half of the circle is one team, and the second half is another. The first team numbers put bags of peas on their heads and, without holding them, run around the players: one team runs around the circle clockwise, and the second - counterclockwise. Then the bag is passed to the next player, who also runs around the circle and returns to his place. If the bag falls, then until it is placed on the head, the movement cannot be continued. All players must run around the circle. The fastest team wins.

Frisbee coordination game

They play in teams (the number of participants in a team is from three to ten). Props: one flying saucer (an ordinary children's toy) and a field of arbitrary size marked for two houses. The "houses", like a football goal, have 4 posts that form a rectangle on the ground.

The team's task is to catch the plate thrown from the field by its player in someone else's house. The game begins by throwing the plate from one team to another. A participant with a plate with one foot must stand still. You can pass the plate between your team members. You can knock down a plate thrown by your opponent, in this case the plate goes to the one who knocked it down, and everything continues. If the plate falls to the ground, it goes to the opponent, who throws it from the place where it fell.

After 3 goals, the teams change houses.

Movement coordination game “Vyuna”

A circle is drawn on the ground (on asphalt). The circle is drawn into sectors: from 1 to 10, the sectors are numbered. The player stands in the center, facing the number 1. He jumps and tries to turn 360 degrees in the air to the left. The number in front of which the player lands shows the number of points he scored.

The individual championship is determined after three attempts, the points are summed up. If a player lands on the border between two sectors, then he receives fewer points.

Team balance game “Elbow Feeling”

Participants stand in a circle, with their backs to the center. Everyone grabs their elbows and begins to squat. The winner is the team that squats the most times, for example, in 30 seconds.

Outdoor game "Unusual Hunt"

An outdoor game in an assembly or sports hall with a large number of people. Give the net (volleyball net) to the “hunters”. Select "mammoth". The condition is that in a certain area, hunters, holding onto a net, catch a mammoth. You can’t grab with your hands, you can’t tear yourself away from the network..

Diagnostic tools:

    At least 70% of schoolchildren were involved in the games;

    Teachers and medical worker note an increase in physical activity in children (based on personal observations);

    Teachers note a reduction in conflict situations between children, children's organization and discipline (based on personal observations).

The teacher notes the number of participants and the manifestation of physical activity daily in an observation diary, according to which the effectiveness of the project will be assessed (Diagram 1).

Scheme 1 – Diary form




Activity level





Material and technical base:

  1. Hats or panama hats

    Volleyball net

  2. Wire

    Musical accompaniment

Project participants:

School medical worker, class teachers, parents, students in grades 1-4.

Expected result:

- Including new games during breaks and involving children in them,

Education at school will have a completely different atmosphere: children will become more organized;

Reducing conflict situations between children;

— Reducing motor passivity of children;

Improved performance in the classroom (as a consequence).

Generalization of the obtained data on the state of motor activity of schoolchildren.

Observation diary.

Number of students

Activity level


New games are included during breaks and children are involved in them;

A different atmosphere emerged in the classroom: the children became more organized and collected;

Shortened conflict situations between children;

— children’s motor passivity has decreased;

- performance in the classroom has improved



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